
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

22.01.2024 7:33:45 cliche. I thought I should я решил (do sth. – сделать что-л.: Since buses and Skytrain aren't running tomorrow morning, I thought I should create a carpool post. If you'd like to offer a ride, feel free to comment below your availability and general route so people can request. (Reddit))
22.01.2024 6:56:45 real.est. rent prices цены на арендное жильё (As a longtime landlord and property manager, it's bizarre to me that someone would forego guaranteed rental income to be an Airbnb property... especially with today's rent prices. Am I missing something here? (Twitter) -- особенно при нынешней стоимости арендного жилья • Not good news for Canadian renters as the rent prices continue to climb. (CityNews 1130))
22.01.2024 6:34:52 gen. to_higher ground повыше (Anticipating traffic chaos tomorrow with this Snowmaggedon. My spouse has moved his car to higher ground as we live at the bottom of a hill. -- переставил машину повыше (Twitter))
22.01.2024 6:28:52 gen. ride down the street проехать по улице (on (one's) bike / motorcycle / scooter, etc.: Cool! Someone just rode down the street on their snowmobile!)
22.01.2024 6:21:08 gen. contemplate раздумывать над ("Just about a foot of snow here in Maple Ridge." "I contemplated measuring how deep the snow is here in Abbotsford. Decided I really didn’t want to know." -- Я раздумывал, не замерить ли глубину снега (Twitter))
22.01.2024 6:14:35 gen. be the responsibility входить в обязанности (of sb. – чьи-л.: "Perfect illustration of how the City doesn't give a damn about the disabled. Streets are swept for cars but screw those of us unable to use our mobility devices on the sidewalks." "Wouldn’t this be the responsibility of the business to clear the snow, not the City?" "Yes, but the City's responsibility is to enforce the by-law." -- Разве уборка снега перед магазином не входит в обязанности владельца? (Twitter))
22.01.2024 6:07:59 adv. poster board рекламный щит (перед магазином, рестораном, кафе, ателье и т.п., обычно складной, в форме буквы Λ: A bit of snow on the sidewalk, but poster boards have been put out as usual, off to the side. (Twitter))
22.01.2024 5:51:57 gen. remember distinctly отчётливо помнить (What a horrible murder but Ellen Bosquet never faced justice for killing her boys, Derek & David D'Alton. In her story, the family said they found it hard to believe she did that but stated clearly that she refused to ever talk about it. I remember distinctly the story said she admitted she did something "evil". It can never be proven 100% but her own granddaughter stated the family always said to "never ask your grandmother" about it and that she did do something very evil. Sometimes we know the truth without the law having to prove it. -- Я чётко / отчётливо помню (Twitter))
22.01.2024 5:39:19 cliche. I got to see мне довелось увидеть (Went to visit Lost Lagoon to see the skaters.... But lucky me, I got to see the famous beaver!!! (Twitter))
22.01.2024 5:11:12 gen. cold hauteur холодная надменность (said with a cold hauteur – с холодной надменностью заметил)
22.01.2024 5:08:38 gen. frigid weather холода (Hats off to our team downtown. The frigid weather has not stopped our crew from getting the job done at City Bank Tower 2.)
22.01.2024 5:03:45 appr. competent administrator хозяйственник (Потому что раньше городом руководили хозяйственники, а теперь эффективные менеджеры – специалисты по освоению средств. (из рус. источника))
22.01.2024 5:03:45 appr. competent manager хозяйственник (Потому что раньше городом руководили хозяйственники, а теперь эффективные менеджеры – специалисты по освоению средств. (из рус. источника))
22.01.2024 4:51:05 gen. no issues whatsoever никаких проблем (не имеется, не наблюдается где-л.: Alex Fraser Bridge, Port Mann Bridge, Massey Tunnel -- no issues whatsoever, traffic flowing smoothly in both directions.)
22.01.2024 4:16:21 gen. it is much needed дело нужное (It is much needed, no question about it. -- Однозначно дело нужное.)
22.01.2024 2:56:20 cliche. it's freezing замёрзнуть можно (The furnace is on but it's freezing in here. -- Отопление работает, но в доме замёрзнуть можно от холода.)
21.01.2024 5:49:44 traf. snarl of traffic дорожный коллапс (Burnaby is one of the numerous municipalities digging out after a major snowfall hit Metro Vancouver on Tuesday night (Nov. 29). Last night turned into a snarl of traffic throughout the Lower Mainland, with drivers getting stuck on hills and bridges shutting down. (Burnaby Now) • Дети и взрослые радовались небывалому чуду, коммунальные службы тщетно пытались устранить дорожный коллапс, а метеорологи анализировали причины столь резкого прихода зимы. (из рус. источника))
21.01.2024 5:26:09 tax. tax slip копия платежей (за истекший налоговый год; предоставляется для налоговой декларации: T5007 Tax slips will be mailed out to all clients by the end of February 2024.)
21.01.2024 4:48:33 gen. save gas money сэкономить на бензине (Just buy the house, Ken. You’ll save gas money driving to the office.)
21.01.2024 4:42:56 fig. kiss sth. goodbye попрощаться с (с чем-л.: Now you can kiss your pay raise goodbye!)
21.01.2024 4:42:05 gen. bid farewell to попрощаться с (A prime viewing spot on Eagle Mountain becomes home to a new multi-million-dollar property. I had to bid farewell to my beloved photo location of two decades. (Twitter))
21.01.2024 3:41:26 cliche. better value выгоднее (покупать: "For produce, it's hard to beat the small places. A lot of produce isn’t perfect at Walmart or Costco. For instance the oranges at the big grocers look nice and shiny but they’re often dry and not sweet. And some of the cauliflower I saw last time had those dark black spots that you need to cut off. Nothing like that at our small local grocery store." "Better value at small places for sure. They deal with local suppliers and they can work together to make deals as supply issue arise." (Reddit))
21.01.2024 3:25:48 cliche. I'm not done я ещё не закончил
21.01.2024 3:25:48 cliche. I'm not done я ещё не всё сделал
21.01.2024 3:25:48 cliche. I'm not done я не закончил
21.01.2024 3:23:27 cliche. you're feeling okay? вы себя нормально чувствуете?
21.01.2024 3:23:27 cliche. you're feeling okay? с вами всё нормально?
21.01.2024 0:25:46 gen. share a personal experience поделиться опытом (Sherry from Texas shares a personal experience about finding lost items through asking friends and family on the other side for help. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.01.2024 11:28:22 Canada FNs коренные народности (First Nations person = представитель коренного населения / коренных народностей • When the Feds give up a parcel of land, the local FNs get first right of refusal to purchase. (vancouversun.com))
20.01.2024 11:25:58 Canada First Nations коренные народности (First Nations person = представитель коренного населения / коренных народностей )
20.01.2024 11:07:40 cliche. can't do something fast enough не успевать (Baby boomers are retiring here too. They can't build fast enough. Each month 5000 people move into the GVRD. We need some 20 highrise condo towers completed each month to meet the demand. • The problem is rampant immigration. Maybe 20 years ago, the infrastructure could handle the increase. We can’t build housing fast enough and we should be spreading the housing into other areas. Vancouver proper is full. -- не успеваем строить жильё (vancouversun.com))
20.01.2024 10:28:42 gen. I have a better proposal у меня есть предложение получше (I have a better proposal. A mental health facility and 20,000 units of supportive housing. (vancouversun.com))
20.01.2024 10:05:51 gen. bottom-line сделать вывод
20.01.2024 10:04:49 idiom. bottom line вывод (As most of these 24,000 homes will be unaffordable to residents who actually reside here, much like Oakridge and Coal Harbour, the majority of buyers will be international buyers and investors. The environmental harm to the surrounding area will be tremendous. Bottom line, this is all about greed and earning billions of dollars for a select few. (vancouversun.com) -- Вывод: ...... • Consumers are beaming over benefits as the loonie soars towards parity with the U.S. dollar but the bottom line here is it's going to slow growth in the Canadian economy.)
20.01.2024 9:59:34 gen. it isn't going to make any difference это ничего не изменит (You can protest all you want but it isn't going to make any difference. The stewards of the land are developing this project so anything you say will be considered ray cist. (vancouversun.com))
20.01.2024 9:55:35 gen. talk sense вразумить (to sb.: It’s useless to try to talk sense to this guy. -- Бесполезно пытаться его вразумить.)
20.01.2024 9:53:58 cliche. it's useless бесполезно пытаться (+ infinitive: It’s useless to try to talk sense to this guy. -- Бесполезно пытаться его вразумить.)
20.01.2024 9:53:42 cliche. it is never any use trying бесполезно пытаться (+ infinitive: I gave it up. It is never any use trying to reason with Jeeves on these occasions. "Pig-headed" is the word that springs to the lips. One sighs and passes on. (P. G. Wodehouse))
20.01.2024 9:53:24 cliche. it's no good trying бесполезно пытаться (+ infinitive: "You aren't suggesting that you think this scheme I have been sketching out is Jeeves's?" "Of course it is. It's no good trying to kid me, Bertie. You wouldn't have thought of a wheeze like that in a million years." (P.G. Wodehouse) – Бесполезно пытаться меня обмануть)
20.01.2024 9:30:17 gen. where in all of that does it say that? где здесь написано, что? ("We work to ensure that we are reflective of all Canadians through an increasingly diverse workforce and that we are inclusive of Indigenous people, minority community members, immigrants, persons with disabilities and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community." Where in all of that does it say that Europeans are excluded from employment, or that non-whites will be given preferential treatment?)
20.01.2024 9:18:00 gen. turn away отказать (в просьбе, сдаче жилья и пр.: “There may be a situation where a parent with a young daughter wants to rent out a room in their home and she must share the bathroom and kitchen with the tenant. The parent may only want to rent or share this space with a female for reasons of privacy or safety,” the ministry explained. In this scenario, the landlord would be allowed to turn away male occupants without risking a human rights complaint. (dailyhive.com))
20.01.2024 9:14:58 real.est. rent out a room сдать комнату (в доме или квартире: “There may be a situation where a parent with a young daughter wants to rent out a room in their home and she must share the bathroom and kitchen with the tenant. The parent may only want to rent or share this space with a female for reasons of privacy or safety,” the ministry explained. In this scenario, the landlord would be allowed to turn away male occupants without risking a human rights complaint. (dailyhive.com))
20.01.2024 9:14:58 real.est. rent out a room сдавать комнату (в доме или квартире: “There may be a situation where a parent with a young daughter wants to rent out a room in their home and she must share the bathroom and kitchen with the tenant. The parent may only want to rent or share this space with a female for reasons of privacy or safety,” the ministry explained. In this scenario, the landlord would be allowed to turn away male occupants without risking a human rights complaint. (dailyhive.com))
20.01.2024 9:10:42 real.est. rent a space снять в аренду помещение (“The prohibition on discrimination does not apply where the renter would be sharing sleeping, bathroom, or cooking facilities with the person looking to rent the space,” the ministry added. (dailyhive.com))
20.01.2024 8:58:17 gen. rental unit арендная квартира
20.01.2024 8:57:00 gen. apartment арендная квартира (He is renting an apartment just off Main, on East 16th.)
20.01.2024 8:53:42 gen. rental unit съёмная квартира (By removing the extra 2%, renters living in a $1,320-per-month apartment, which is the cost of the average two-bedroom rental unit in B.C., will save up to $317 next year, and people living in an average two-bedroom apartment in Vancouver will save about $420. (nsnews.com/))
20.01.2024 8:46:58 gen. this could be to everybody's advantage от этого выиграли бы все (Could the additional docking slips possibly handle the "Hullo" ferries ? This would make transfer from one mode of transit to another much easier than the 800 meter trek from Waterfront Station to Harbour Air. This could be to everybody's advantage. (dailyhive.com))
20.01.2024 8:33:33 HR competition for jobs конкуренция за рабочие места (It's full here. Rent is rising. High car insurance costs. Housing crisis and a severe lack of affordable housing. There's too much competition for jobs and companies are just taking resumes and not calling. (Twitter) • Самый высокий уровень конкуренции за рабочие места за последние годы был зафиксирован в сентябре 2022 года — порядка 9 резюме на одну вакансию. (из рус. источника))
20.01.2024 8:27:13 traf. slippery driving conditions гололедица (There's slippery driving conditions around the region, please use caution. • Данное явление связано с тем что, после дождя резко опустилась температура и образовался слой льда на дорогах. Это и есть гололедица. Синонимом является выражение: "скользкая дорога". (из рус. источника))
20.01.2024 8:07:38 cliche. tough on crime использующий жёсткие методы борьбы с преступностью (Are more cops and a tough-on-crime approach the answer to safety concerns in Vancouver? A UBC law professor is pushing back against the rhetoric that getting tough on crime with more police is the answer. (dailyhive.com))
20.01.2024 8:01:19 cliche. lax on crime использующий мягкие методы борьбы с преступностью (So, we should be lax on crime? It seems that is what has gotten us here in the first place. (Twitter))
20.01.2024 7:36:01 gen. have plenty of warning быть извещённым заблаговременно (You had plenty of warning. There's absolutely no excuse for any of you to be unprepared. -- Вас известили заблаговременно.)
20.01.2024 7:35:24 gen. have plenty of warning быть предупреждённым заранее (You had plenty of warning. There's absolutely no excuse for any of you to be unprepared. -- Вас предупредили заранее.)
20.01.2024 6:37:56 cliche. important milestone важный этап (Wednesday’s council meeting represents “a very important milestone,” said Molly Matthews, Greenville’s director of planning.)
20.01.2024 6:30:02 idiom. put the brakes on остановить (to slow down or stop an activity (Cambridge Dictionary): A neighbourhood group opposing the proposed high-density development is calling for city hall to put the brakes on the planning process for a year, to wait for those technical studies. (vancouversun.com))
20.01.2024 6:30:02 idiom. put the brakes on приостановить (to slow down or stop an activity (Cambridge Dictionary): A neighbourhood group opposing the proposed high-density development is calling for city hall to put the brakes on the planning process for a year, to wait for those technical studies. (vancouversun.com))
20.01.2024 6:18:07 gen. years-long process многолетний процесс (Next week marks the latest step in the years-long planning process for the 13,000-home Jericho Lands development, with city staff seeking council approval for the next phases of planning and technical studies. (vancouversun.com))
20.01.2024 6:15:23 cliche. take a favourable view одобрительно отнестись (of sth. – к чему-л.: A proposal to build a dense neighbourhood on Greenville’s west side faces opposition from residents of the surrounding area, but new polling suggests residents citywide take a more favourable view.)
20.01.2024 6:15:23 cliche. take a favourable view с одобрением относиться (of sth. – к чему-л.: A proposal to build a dense neighbourhood on Greenville’s west side faces opposition from residents of the surrounding area, but new polling suggests residents citywide take a more favourable view.)
20.01.2024 5:55:05 cliche. be a little short on немного не хватать (о количестве: All you need to become a Snow Angel is a shovel and good health. The city currently has around 400 volunteers. “We’re a little short on volunteers in the Champlain and Marpole areas, but we can use volunteers across the city,” Lawrence said. (CityNews 1130))
20.01.2024 5:12:49 gen. pledge sobriety заречься больше не прикасаться к спиртному (Months before his disappearance and death, Poe actually pledged sobriety and joined the Sons of Temperance, adding confusion to his actual cause of death. -- зарёкся больше не пить (thevintagenews.com))
20.01.2024 5:12:06 gen. pledge sobriety дать обет трезвости (Months before his disappearance and death, Poe actually pledged sobriety and joined the Sons of Temperance, adding confusion to his actual cause of death. (thevintagenews.com))
20.01.2024 5:04:53 gen. go on a drinking binge пуститься в пьяный загул (One theory suggests that fame had gone to his head and he become a worthless vagabond who disappeared on a drinking binge. (thevintagenews.com))
20.01.2024 4:10:06 gen. only after только после того, как (Born a free man in New York in 1807, he worked as a professional violinist. During a gig, Northup was captured and sold into slavery – this would become the basis of his memoir. Only after his family provided proof of his freedom was he legally freed. (thevintagenews.com))
20.01.2024 4:07:22 gen. not until только после того, как ("Can I try it?" "Not until you've finished your dinner.")
20.01.2024 3:54:32 gen. uncharacteristic of нехарактерный для (O’Faodhagain dismissed this possibility and declared that "the wake is uncharacteristic of known creatures that inhabit Loch Ness." (coasttocoastam.com))
20.01.2024 3:52:24 gen. wake след на поверхности воды (O’Faodhagain dismissed this possibility and declared that "the wake is uncharacteristic of known creatures that inhabit Loch Ness." (coasttocoastam.com))
20.01.2024 3:32:41 cliche. should that be the case если дело обстоит именно таким образом (Conceding that he is stumped as to where the creature might be when it is not out looking for food, O’Faodhagain posited that perhaps it "rests on ledges down in the depths of Loch Ness." Should that be the case, he mused, this would "explain why folk do not see her too often during the day, when all tourist cruisers and pleasure crafts are out and about, creating noise and disturbance." (coasttocoastam.com))
20.01.2024 3:31:47 cliche. should that be the case если это действительно так (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.01.2024 3:31:08 cliche. should that be the case если это в самом деле так (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.01.2024 3:28:57 cliche. at a bare minimum в минимальном количестве (The motion of the suspected creature is of particular interest to O’Faodhagain, who argues that it could be a clue as to how the 'monster' goes about its day. Noting that he has previously observed a strikingly similar anomaly moving in the opposite direction shortly before dusk, leading him to conclude that "we have discovered for the very first time that Nessie forages one way in the morning while light is at a bare minimum, and travels back when the light of the evening is diminishing." -- при минимальном освещении (coasttocoastam.com))
20.01.2024 3:24:13 cliche. of a special sort особого рода (This district was known as the 'Garden of the North' long before tourist phraseology was invented. It attracted tourists of a special sort -- Highland raiders who helped themselves to the farm produce and fat cattle. Today the district is famous for prime Scotch beef. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
20.01.2024 3:18:08 gen. greatest contribution величайший вклад (to sth. – во что-л.: England's greatest contribution to the art of gardening was the 18th-century movement back to nature. The formal geometric patterns of the Renaissance, which had reached their zenith in the work of André Le Nôtre at Versailles for Louis XIV, now seemed unattractive to British gardeners. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
20.01.2024 2:50:42 gen. be of particular interest to sb. представлять особый интерес для кого-л. (The video is of particular interest to the National Crime Agency whose officers believe that it could be a clue as to how the traffickers go about their day. -- представляет особый интерес для сотрудников НАБП)
20.01.2024 2:25:45 gen. in a northern direction в направлении севера (As seen in the video above, shortly before dawn that day, the peaceful waters of Loch Ness were suddenly pierced by a ten-foot-long anomaly that surfaced and then moved in a northern direction. (coasttocoastam.com))
19.01.2024 10:09:57 gen. marital issues несчастливый брак (Some theories suggest that there was some foul play at hand or that she had committed suicide, both resulting from her marital issues. However, neither of these can be confirmed as her body has never been found. (allthatsinteresting.com))
19.01.2024 10:04:58 cliche. be an immediate success мгновенно завоевать успех (Once a child prodigy, Barbara Newhall Follet wrote her debut novel at the age of 12 in 1927. The House Without Windows was an immediate success, and she was heavily praised in newspapers. (thevintagenews.com) • Наша книга мгновенно завоевала успех и разошлась тиражом больше, чем любая другая моя книга. (из рус. источника))
19.01.2024 9:23:07 gen. crime writer автор детективных романов (English crime writer Agatha Christie (left) and her daughter, Rosalind, (right), are featured in a newspaper article reporting the mysterious disappearance of the novelist, circa 1926. (thevintagenews.com))
19.01.2024 9:20:49 gen. using a fake name под вымышленным именем (Her vehicle was found by police abandoned and with no clues as to her whereabouts. Eleven days had passed and many had become involved in trying to find her, but she was eventually spotted in a health spa using a fake name. When she was picked up by her husband, she had little to no recollection of what had happened during her disappearance. (thevintagenews.com))
19.01.2024 9:18:51 gen. mystery writer автор детективных романов (One of the most famous mystery writers in history, Agatha Christie, vanished in 1926. After a heated argument with her husband, Christie got into her car and drove off into the night. (thevintagenews.com))
19.01.2024 9:12:26 gen. influence воздействовать на (Supposedly, the direction an energy vortex spins can influence human behavior. -- способно воздействовать на поведение человека (allthatsinteresting.com))
19.01.2024 9:10:04 gen. speculate высказать предположение (The pilot reported that they initially believed the craft to be military, before realizing that the objects were keeping pace with the plane and moving about it in erratic motions while emitting bursts of light. These claims were reportedly later verified by civilian and military radar, leading some to speculate that the thousands of strange disappearances that have occurred in the Alaska Triangle could be attributed to extraterrestrials. (allthatsinteresting.com))
19.01.2024 8:57:50 gen. more commonly known as более известный под названием (The report claimed that Japan Air Lines Flight 1628 had encountered three unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), more commonly known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The pilot reported that they initially believed the craft to be military, before realizing that the objects were keeping pace with the plane and moving about it in erratic motions while emitting bursts of light. (allthatsinteresting.com))
19.01.2024 8:48:50 inf. from there после этого (The phenomenon first came to public attention in October 1972, when a small passenger plane suddenly disappeared en route from Anchorage to Juneau. Neither its passengers nor its wreckage were ever found, despite multiple search efforts spanning 325,000 square miles. It only got worse from there. More planes have crashed in the Alaska Triangle, hikers have disappeared, and locals and tourists alike vanish as if into thin air. History reports that since the 1972 crash, more than 20,000 people have gone missing in the Alaska Triangle — a rate that more than doubles the national average — leading many to speculate whether these disappearances are natural or supernatural. (allthatsinteresting.com))
19.01.2024 7:53:20 gen. much further to the north гораздо севернее (The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is a region in the North Atlantic infamous for a number of mysterious disappearances over the years, fueling urban legends and conspiracy theories alike. But much further to the north is another equally strange and mysterious “triangle” of land known as the Alaska Triangle. (allthatsinteresting.com))
19.01.2024 7:50:06 cliche. some say поговаривают, что (More than 20,000 people have vanished in the stretch of forest between Utqiagvik, Anchorage, and Juneau known as the Alaska Triangle — and some say paranormal forces may be to blame. (allthatsinteresting.com))
19.01.2024 6:55:59 idiom. add another layer прибавлять ((загадочности, сложности и т.п.) to sth.: The terrain is treacherous, the weather unpredictable, and the wildlife formidable. Others point to the presence of large bodies of water, where swift rivers and glacial crevasses can prove fatal. Then there are the legends of creatures and spirits from indigenous folklore, which add another layer to the mystery. (thevintagenews.com))
19.01.2024 6:47:13 avia. aircraft carrying passengers самолёт, на борту которого находились (The area is also known for aircraft disappearances, with one of the most famous cases being the vanishing of a USAF C-54 military aircraft in 1950 carrying 44 passengers, which disappeared without a trace. (thevintagenews.com) • Пассажирский самолет Boeing 737, на борту которого находились 132 человека, потерпел крушение в горной местности на юге Китая. (tass.ru))
19.01.2024 6:41:08 gen. strive to make sense of пытаться понять (What makes the Alaska Triangle particularly compelling is the sheer volume of vanishings that have occurred within its boundaries. Since 1988, it is estimated that more than 20,000 people have vanished without a trace, leaving behind nothing but questions. This has given rise to numerous theories and speculations as people strive to make sense of the inexplicable. (thevintagenews.com))
19.01.2024 6:36:09 trav. nature's beauty красо́ты природы (The vast wilderness of Alaska is both majestic and menacing, a place where nature’s beauty is matched only by its potential danger. (thevintagenews.com))
19.01.2024 6:34:18 trav. nature's beauty красота природы (The vast wilderness of Alaska is both majestic and menacing, a place where nature’s beauty is matched only by its potential danger. (thevintagenews.com))
19.01.2024 6:26:55 gen. be very much in favour of голосовать обеими руками (They were very much in favour of it. -- Они обеими руками были за (это предложение).)
19.01.2024 6:24:18 gen. rugged terrain труднопроходимая местность (The terrain here is surprisingly rugged – steep hills, stoney creeks, lots of boulders, so it might take days to find this hiker. (straight.com) • The terrain is extremely rugged, with sheer cliffs, treacherous boulder fields, steep ravines, and dense underbrush, which has allowed these monumental trees to remain hidden for so long. (straight.com))
19.01.2024 6:23:29 gen. rugged terrain горно-лесная местность (также "горно-лесистая": Among the many mysteries that shroud the state’s rugged terrain, one phenomenon has continued to intrigue and baffle both locals and outsiders alike: the Alaska Triangle. Stretching from the northern city of Barrow through Anchorage and to the southeastern region of Juneau, this area has been the site of an alarming number of unexplained disappearances. (thevintagenews.com) • The rugged terrain and mystic landscapes of Wales holds an air of mystery that goes far beyond its natural beauty. (higgypop.com) • "Указанный участок расположен в горно-лесистой местности, что осложняет тушение пожара из-за ограниченного и невозможного подъезда техники." • «Спасателями обследовано около 20 километров горно-лесной местности. Было принято решение приостановить поиски до наступления светлого времени суток», — уточнили в службе. (sevastopol.su))
19.01.2024 5:39:35 auto. in reverse на задней передаче (Reaching a fatal speed in a parkade is really surprising and concerning. Could this have possibly been due to thinking one was in reverse but actually being in drive? Or a suicide attempt? I’m not sure what to make of this. (Reddit))
19.01.2024 5:20:01 scient. benefits благотворные последствия (применения чего-л.)
19.01.2024 4:02:53 humor. outrageous! безобразие! (So Sunrise Pizza isn’t in Sunrise? Outrageous!! • "Metro Vancouver bus union warns of service shutdown without a deal with the employer." "Outrageous! Do you know how many Vancouverites rely on those buses as a safe place to OD?" (Twitter))
19.01.2024 3:51:05 biol. defense response защитная реакция (A group of Japanese scientists has successfully filmed plants communicating and warning others about potential dangers in real-time, making a breakthrough in an observation first documented in the early 1980s. What they observed: Published in the journal Nature Communications in October 2023, the research team, led by molecular biologist Masatsugu Toyota from Japan's Saitama University, successfully captured undamaged plants sending defense responses to nearby plants after sensing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are produced by other plants in response to mechanical damages or insect attacks. -- передавали сигналы защитной реакции в направлении соседних растений yahoo.com)
19.01.2024 3:39:14 gen. marvel изумлённо произнести (In the video, one of the observers can be heard marveling in Spanish "I don't know what it is but it looks like something very big, it looked like it had scales, I went to see up to three flippers out... it's scary." -- один из рыбаков изумлённо произносит (coasttocoastam.com))

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