
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

3.02.2024 7:53:27 gen. render unrecognizable сделать неузнаваемым (Shortly before the B.C. legislature passed Bill 41 in November 2019, the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia sponsored an Aboriginal Law Conference featuring several Indigenous proponents of the bill. They promised that the new law would render the province unrecognizable. It will “set up a whole new norm,“ “give teeth to (UNDRIP),” and move the province away, if “not fully,” from the Westminster model of governance. (nationalpost.com))
3.02.2024 7:18:05 gen. make joint decisions совместно принимать решения (with a legal entity, etc.: These agreements will empower B.C.’s hundreds of First Nations to make joint decisions with the minister responsible for the Land Act, the main law under which the provincial government grants leases, licences, permits and rights-of-way over Crown land. (nationalpost.com))
3.02.2024 7:12:42 gen. have around-the-clock security охраняться круглосуточно (In a curious caper that recently unfolded in Canada, a group of determined thieves managed to make off with a massive taxidermied polar bear that weighs a whopping 500 pounds. The resort usually has around-the-clock security, but guards had been sent home on the night of the caper due to a severe cold snap. -- охраняется круглосуточно (coasttocoastam.com))
3.02.2024 7:08:46 gen. severe cold snap сильное похолодание (In a curious caper that recently unfolded in Canada, a group of determined thieves managed to make off with a massive taxidermied polar bear that weighs a whopping 500 pounds. The resort usually has around-the-clock security, but guards had been sent home on the night of the caper due to a severe cold snap. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.02.2024 7:08:46 gen. severe cold snap сильные холода (In a curious caper that recently unfolded in Canada, a group of determined thieves managed to make off with a massive taxidermied polar bear that weighs a whopping 500 pounds. The resort usually has around-the-clock security, but guards had been sent home on the night of the caper due to a severe cold snap. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.02.2024 7:08:46 gen. severe cold snap лютые морозы (In a curious caper that recently unfolded in Canada, a group of determined thieves managed to make off with a massive taxidermied polar bear that weighs a whopping 500 pounds. The resort usually has around-the-clock security, but guards had been sent home on the night of the caper due to a severe cold snap. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.02.2024 7:08:46 gen. severe cold snap свирепые холода (In a curious caper that recently unfolded in Canada, a group of determined thieves managed to make off with a massive taxidermied polar bear that weighs a whopping 500 pounds. The resort usually has around-the-clock security, but guards had been sent home on the night of the caper due to a severe cold snap. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.02.2024 7:03:11 gen. stand feet, metres tall в высоту (In a curious caper that recently unfolded in Canada, a group of determined thieves managed to make off with a massive taxidermied polar bear that weighs a whopping 500 pounds. Staff at the Lionsheart Wholeness Centre in the province of Alberta were understandably stunned when they discovered that the bear, which stands approximately 10 to 12 feet tall, suddenly vanished. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.02.2024 6:23:54 idiom. bring to one's knees поставить на колени (We live in strange times. A new generation of political leaders seems determined to cripple their own societies. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, of course, comes to mind. But in Canada, he is not alone. In British Columbia, NDP Premier David Eby is preparing to bring his province to its knees. The B.C. government plans to share management of Crown land with First Nations. (nationalpost.com))
3.02.2024 5:43:59 gen. back up засориться (On Feb. 8, Granger's tenant told him the toilets in the home were backing up. Granger hired a plumber who came the same day and inspected the sewer line. – туалеты забились / засорились (nsnews.com))
3.02.2024 5:43:17 gen. back up доказать (phrasal verb: The area I was in – chairs in section ‘C' – also wasn't socially distanced. They were side by side, as close as you could possibly get. The bathroom was also probably a COVID/bacteria hot zone. And yes, I have photos to back all of this up. (burnabynow.com))
3.02.2024 5:29:09 gen. back up отступить назад (to move backward, or to drive a vehicle backward (Cambridge Dictionary & Thesaurus): My son was coming out of his garage this morning, and rounded the corner to the sidewalk to his front door, and boom... a bear... he talked softly, backed up, and went back in the garage. -- отступил назад и вернулся в гараж (Twitter))
3.02.2024 5:09:56 gen. book an appointment for sb. записать кого-л. на приём (в учреждение, к врачу и т.п.)
3.02.2024 3:11:26 gen. check out обратить внимание (на: He also touched on his appreciation for modern Japanese girl groups and urged people to check them out. -- обратить на них внимание (coasttocoastam.com))
2.02.2024 10:26:23 gen. brief проинструктировать (on sth. – по поводу чего-л.: He will be briefing management on the collective agreement obligations tomorrow at 10am. • Transport Canada. If you’re an owner and operator of a small commercial vessel, you are legally required to brief your passengers on how to react in an emergency before you head out on the water. (Twitter))
2.02.2024 10:21:14 HR be on the hunt for искать (не в буквальном смысле, т.е. приглашаем; напр., о вакансиях: We are on the hunt for several highly motivated full-time, post-secondary students to educate about the Port of Vancouver as part of the community relations team. If this role is for you, learn more and apply online before January 31. -- Мы ищем ... (Twitter))
2.02.2024 9:52:06 gen. it sure makes you think поневоле задумаешься (Over 160,000 trees are being cut down in Stanley Park due to a looper moth infestation. Some of these trees are hundreds of years old... The Park has been full of life and healthy for decades before we were born. How and where did these moths start from? It sure makes you think… (Twitter))
2.02.2024 9:16:55 gen. price oneself way out заломить слишком высокую цену (“How is this happening? Where’s the sense in all this? I just don’t understand. The landlords are pricing themselves way out where people are not going to be able to rent these places. So, eventually, these landlords are going to lose out.” (vancouver.citynews.ca))
2.02.2024 9:09:52 gen. what is the solution? как найти выход из сложившейся ситуации? ("So what is the solution?" "I'm not sure what the solution is.")
2.02.2024 8:56:36 gen. put a lot of money away in savings откладывать много денег (ради какой-л. цели: “We should have been fine, putting a lot of money away in savings, saving up to buy a house, but unfortunately, it just seemed like every time we started to just about get ahead and say, ‘Hey, we can save an additional $300 or $400 this month,’ something would happen. Groceries went up.” -- Продукты подорожали. (vancouver.citynews.ca))
2.02.2024 8:36:35 fig. pack up собирать чемоданы (A couple in Vancouver say they’re packing up and moving out of the city because it’s unaffordable to live there any longer. Sarah Stevenson, 61, says she and her husband make good money — about a couple hundred thousand dollars a year — but adds it’s no longer viable for them as they, like so many people, struggle with the ongoing cost of living crisis. (vancouver.citynews.ca))
2.02.2024 8:28:21 gen. at a reasonable price по приемлемым ценам (great food at a reasonable price • That demand has been exacerbated ever since 2015, when newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau began to crank up targets for new permanent and non-permanent residents to rates far more intense than any other Western country. Last year, Canada’s population grew by a record 1.25 million people because of it. Meanwhile, a huge cohort of people in Canada who seek a place to live at a reasonable price, including many newcomers, continue to suffer. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 8:01:38 fig. at a frantic rate лихорадочными темпами (Unfortunately, many politicians and the development industry obfuscate the issue by putting virtually all the blame for lofty prices on a lack of supply, plus mortgage rates and bureaucratic red tape. But a host of housing analysts, such as Steve Saretsky, John Pasalis, Ron Butler, Stephen Punwasi, Ben Rabidoux, Patrick Condon, Mike Moffat and others, counter that Canadian developers, especially in Metro Vancouver, have been building new housing at a frantic rate — yet still cannot come close to keeping up with demand. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:58:06 gen. development industry строительная индустрия (Unfortunately, many politicians and the development industry obfuscate the issue by putting virtually all the blame for lofty prices on a lack of supply, plus mortgage rates and bureaucratic red tape. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:58:06 gen. development industry строительная отрасль (Unfortunately, many politicians and the development industry obfuscate the issue by putting virtually all the blame for lofty prices on a lack of supply, plus mortgage rates and bureaucratic red tape. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:52:22 gen. record-breaking numbers рекордное число (The National Bank of Canada’s chief economist, Stefane Marion, is also among the many voices lamenting how years of welcoming record-breaking numbers of new residents is strongly contributing to inflation, especially of shelter costs and rents. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:52:22 gen. record-breaking numbers рекордное количество (The National Bank of Canada’s chief economist, Stefane Marion, is also among the many voices lamenting how years of welcoming record-breaking numbers of new residents is strongly contributing to inflation, especially of shelter costs and rents. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:50:36 gen. accuse of being racist обвинить в расизме (Even the stodgy Bank of Canada, which is hard to accuse of being racist, in January acknowledged that the country’s rapid population growth, 98 per cent of which comes from international migration, has led to higher costs for housing. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:48:37 demogr. population growth рост народонаселения (And now the Bank of Canada and countless others are recognizing that overall Canadian prices and rents are exaggerated compared to other well-off countries — largely because of Canada’s unprecedented population growth, almost all of which comes from international migration. (vancouversun.com) • Even the stodgy Bank of Canada, which is hard to accuse of being racist, in January acknowledged that the country’s rapid population growth, 98 per cent of which comes from international migration, has led to higher costs for housing. (vancouversun.com) • Рост народонаселения и планетарные экономические тенденции. • Стремительный рост народонаселения называется демографическим взрывом. (из рус. источников))
2.02.2024 7:43:45 fig. hit one's pinnacle достичь своего пика (He also spoke about the band's embrace of progressive rock which hit its pinnacle with their album The Grand Illusion. Young estimated sales for The Grand Illusion at 7 million units. (coasttocoastam.com))
2.02.2024 7:43:07 gen. peak достичь своего пика (The amount of real estate investment from China into Australia peaked in 2015-16. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:40:56 gen. take the unprecedented move пойти на беспрецедентную меру (of + gerund: When Metro Vancouver’s price ratio peaked in 2016 in comparison to the rest of Canada, creating an extraordinary bubble, two things happened: The B.C. government took the then-unprecedented move of imposing a tax on foreign buying, which settled at 20 per cent. At the same time, there was a drop-off in capital flight from China, which began after President Xi made it harder for the country’s citizens to get their money out and urged elite Communist party members to bring their assets back home. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:36:03 stat. in comparison to the rest of the country по сравнению с остальной частью страны (Metro Vancouver’s price ratio peaked in 2016 in comparison to the rest of the country, creating an extraordinary bubble. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:31:27 real.est. volume of real-estate investment объём инвестиций в недвижимость (We can understand how that surge of Chinese capital impacted Metro Vancouver by looking at what happened in Australia, which is more transparent than Ottawa about reporting on the source of incoming foreign capital. In just three years there was a 600-per-cent jump in the volume of Chinese real-estate investment in Australia — leaping from $5.9 billion a year in 2013 to $31.9 billion in 2016, before declining. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:28:37 real.est. surge of capital приток капитала (There were many reasons an estimated $1 trillion US left China so rapidly, headed especially for real estate in Canada, Australia, the U.S. and Great Britain. We can understand how that surge of Chinese capital impacted Metro Vancouver by looking at what happened in Australia, which is more transparent than Ottawa about reporting on the source of incoming foreign capital. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:26:30 real.est. overseas haven оффшорное убежище для недвижимости (At the time, China’s wealthy elite were dealing with a stock-market collapse and crackdowns on alleged corrupt officials by President Xi Jinping. Communist China’s rich wanted an overseas haven for their assets. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:26:30 real.est. overseas haven оффшорная гавань для недвижимости (At the time, China’s wealthy elite were dealing with a stock-market collapse and crackdowns on alleged corrupt officials by President Xi Jinping. Communist China’s rich wanted an overseas haven for their assets. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 7:22:29 fig. prices soared цены взлетели (Gordon and Williams found in 2016 that Vancouver-area values suddenly jumped to 3.1 times higher than other major Canadian cities. That occurred at the same time money started pouring out of China. Metro Vancouver’s prices soared at the same time hundreds of billions of dollars were being moved out of China. They tempered when the foreign-buyers tax was put in place. There were many reasons an estimated $1 trillion US left China so rapidly, headed especially for real estate in Canada, Australia, the U.S. and Great Britain. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 6:58:35 demogr. gateway city врата в страну (города, где обычно оседают иммигранты; расположены у ключевых портов и аэропортов: города, где обычно оседают иммигранты; расположены у ключевых портов и аэропортов: As the mayor of Vernon has witnessed, while new permanent and temporary migrants to Canada concentrate on gateway cities like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, contributing to higher residential land costs, many big-city Canadians are saying goodbye to family members and friends. They’re migrating to smaller, less congested places where the cost of housing is more affordable. (vancouversun.com) • Metro Vancouver suffers a double whammy in regard to outrageous house prices. It's a gateway city for foreign capital. And it's located in a country that compounds unaffordability. (vancouversun.com))
2.02.2024 6:56:03 real.est. place on the market выставить на продажу (земельный участок: The site’s value is currently assessed at $98 million and is home to a seven-storey building constructed in 1980, according to BC Assessment. The site will be placed on the market after Feb. 24. (biv.com))
2.02.2024 6:53:28 gen. for the purpose of purchasing с целью покупки (напр., земельного участка под застройку: Harlow Holdings Ltd. is listed as the registered owner of the land with Haro-Thurlow Street Project Limited Partnership (HTLP) the beneficial owner, formed in 2018 for the purpose of purchasing the property located on Haro and Thurlow streets. (biv.com))
2.02.2024 6:46:46 fig. blip кратковременная аномалия (a temporary change that does not have any special meaning (Cambridge Dictionary): Last month's rise in inflation was described by the chancellor as only a blip. (Cambridge Dictionary) • Vancouver real estate projects in receivership: ‘A blip’ or a beginning? “Given where we are in an interest rate environment that we haven't seen in 20 years, is it a blip or view into the future?” said Yan, who serves as the director of Simon Fraser University's City Program. (biv.com))
2.02.2024 6:37:35 idiom. canary in the coal mine предвестник грядущих неприятностей, проблем (Notable projects looking down the barrel of receivership are not new to Vancouver’s development industry – but recent activity may well be a canary in the coal mine, according to researcher Andy Yan. (biv.com))
2.02.2024 3:58:21 comp., net. outage сбой в работе интернета (Is The Service Down? Realtime status of outages and problems. • Early this morning, a widespread Rogers outage began in Canada and is impacting wireless, cable and internet customers. • Масштабный сбой в работе интернета: что делать, если он повторится. (из рус. источников))
2.02.2024 3:54:10 comp., net. network outage сбой в работе интернета (Service interruptions and network outages – Internet, TV & home phone (rogers.com) • Масштабный сбой в работе интернета: что делать, если он повторится. Интернет-омбудсмен назвал предполагаемых виновных в IT-коллапсе. (из рус. источников) -- Major network outage)
2.02.2024 3:51:25 comp., net. internet outage сбой в работе интернета (The Internet Outages Map is an at-a-glance visualization of global Internet health over the last 24 hours, showing the frequency of Internet outages and service. • Масштабный сбой в работе интернета: что делать, если он повторится. (из рус. источников))
2.02.2024 2:42:23 cliche. not go far enough не достигать своей цели (The policy, as it is right now, does not go far enough. Stronger monitoring is needed to keep children from accessing drugs prescribed to adults. (Twitter))
1.02.2024 10:06:08 gen. follow the instructions выполнять инструкции (This accident shows that you have to follow the instructions, you have to take things seriously. • Please follow the instructions below.)
1.02.2024 7:33:47 cliche. and while one is at it и заодно (John, pick up some milk at Safeway after work, okay? And while you're at it, don't forget hamburger buns. -- И заодно не забудь купить булочки для г. • Vancouver, where 180 Communists on six-figure salaries can hold an entire city's transit system hostage because they want more money. Mr. Mayor, Mr. Premier, and anyone else whose job it is, legislate these Marxists back to work, and throw in a pay cut while you're at it! -- и заодно сократите им зарплату! (Twitter))
1.02.2024 5:36:30 gen. make it back to выбраться (Eventually the moose made it back to solid ground after ninety minutes of soaking and struggling in the freezing cold water. -- выбрался)
1.02.2024 5:11:36 formal make a selection выбрать (Make a selection from the following options: ... -- Выберите один вариант из нескольких предложенных: ...)
1.02.2024 5:08:19 fig. representation иллюстрация (After the execution the rain stopped and the sun reappeared almost as a kind of a representation that life is going on despite human misery and brutality. – словно иллюстрация того, что ...)
1.02.2024 5:03:38 gen. an odd number нечётное число (of)
1.02.2024 5:02:14 cliche. ... isn't the point дело не в ("Don't you trust me?" "Trust isn't the point, people can have infections without realising it.")
1.02.2024 5:00:37 gen. easy task несложная задача (Once I knew her postal code, finding out her home address was an easy task. – узнать её домашний адрес было несложно.)
1.02.2024 4:59:58 gen. easy task несложно (It was an easy task. – Это было несложно.)
1.02.2024 4:56:59 gen. unaltered не претерпевший изменений (A rare, unaltered period piece, from the tall neon sign to the immaculate lawns, this 'motor court' offers 65 units in 19 detached cottages spread over 3½ acres. (Harold Kalman) )
1.02.2024 4:55:41 adv. constantly refine непрестанно совершенствовать (We are constantly refining our methods.)
1.02.2024 4:52:26 gen. must-have непременный (a must-have item in your collection -- непременный атрибут коллекции)
31.01.2024 9:58:27 fig. call for требоваться (This is the kind of situation that calls for nice tact. – ситуация, в которой требуется • Large open spaces with high ceilings call for using large, dramatic lighting fixtures. – требуются большие люстры • It's a part that calls for personality and the most precise timing. – роль, в которой требуется передать характер (P.G. Wodehouse) • A new year calls for a new level of efficiency. – В наступившем году требуется выйти на новый уровень эффективности.)
31.01.2024 9:51:08 gen. it has been well said that не зря говорится, что (It has been well said of the mountains by those who know them best that they don't forgive carelessness.)
31.01.2024 9:49:53 gen. slim chance незначительная вероятность (While lead researcher Barry Brook proposed that the chances of this being the case were around less than 10 percent, he noted that "it is not extraordinarily improbable as some previous work has suggested." That slim chance is undoubtedly more than enough for thylacine enthusiasts to maintain hope that the creature may be found again someday. (coasttocoastam.com))
31.01.2024 9:44:09 appr. unbelievable невероятно вкусный (We only use the finest ingredients in our cooking. Right now the tomatoes are unbelievable and corn is amazing.)
31.01.2024 9:43:11 gen. present incorrect interpretation неверно истолковать (present incorrect interpretation of unfamiliar terms)
31.01.2024 9:39:29 gen. keep your mouth shut не болтай лишнего
31.01.2024 9:37:12 gen. not going smoothly не без приключений (Интеграция общефедеральных операторов мобильной связи и банков в пространство Севастополя и Республики Крым проходит не без приключений. -- is not going smoothly)
31.01.2024 9:36:31 cliche. I'm no judge не берусь судить (The soup tasted funny, as though there was too much lime or lemon juice. But I'm no judge.)
31.01.2024 8:58:34 idiom. have a lick of the spoon нагреть руки (That's a commission of about $60 million of taxpayers' money. Few people here believe that Singh would get to keep such a large pot of honey all to himself, others must have had a lick of the spoon, his former boss and his buddies in the provincial government, for example.)
31.01.2024 8:57:40 cook. heat the oven to 350°F нагреть духовку до 350°F
31.01.2024 8:47:32 law.enf. it's not clear if ... will come of this неясно, приведёт ли это к (It's not clear if anything criminal will come of this. -- Hеясно, приведёт ли это к возбуждению уголовного дела.)
31.01.2024 7:59:14 formal display an active attitude проявить активность (at work)
31.01.2024 7:58:18 idiom. put out a feeler прощупать (I hesitated to ask him directly. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. So I put out a feeler.)
31.01.2024 7:39:29 formal deduct and withhold производить удержания и вычеты (ABC Inc. may deduct and withhold from amounts due to you ...: ABC Inc. may deduct and withhold from amounts due to you ...)
31.01.2024 7:38:53 police search one's room производить обыск в комнате
31.01.2024 7:38:20 police search one's house производить обыск в доме (The officers searched the suspect's home and found a large cache of weapons.)
31.01.2024 5:56:49 cliche. make best efforts приложить максимум усилий
31.01.2024 5:52:48 police use violence применить физическую расправу (threatened to use violence – угрожали применить физическую расправу)
31.01.2024 5:49:51 gen. air out the house проветрить дом (air out the house after carbon monoxide was detected)
31.01.2024 5:44:31 gen. peek through пробиться сквозь тучи (The sun has peeked through and revealed fresh snow on the North Shore mountains. -- Солнце пробилось сквозь тучи)
31.01.2024 5:43:07 fig. get through to sb. пробиться к (кому-л.) (Once I had a show on CKFW and interviewed a bevy of famous music acts, including The Eagles, Janet Jackson and Duran Duran. Now you can't get through to these people! -- Теперь к ним не пробиться! (coasttocoastam.com))
31.01.2024 5:41:21 gen. have one's own way to make in the world пробиваться в жизни самому-самой ("... with the brisk manner of a woman who has had her own way to make in the world" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – которой пришлось самой пробиваться в жизни )
31.01.2024 5:38:27 gen. punch out some holes пробивать отверстия (A needle or an awl will work just as well as a screwpunch to punch out some holes.)
31.01.2024 5:37:47 weap. penetrate a bulletproof vest пробивать бронежилет (Is it true that Teflon bullets penetrate bulletproof vests?)
31.01.2024 5:36:54 fig. trial run проба сил (Several callers shared the opinion that the balloon could be a trial run for a future incident led by China. (coasttocoastam.com))
31.01.2024 5:01:03 gen. at one's departure при отъезде
31.01.2024 4:39:47 gen. clue примета (подталкивающая к определённым выводам: There were clues from the start as to the personality of my guests. (dailymail.co.uk))
31.01.2024 4:26:51 gen. timeline on when sth. will be finished срок окончания работ (Our transportation team has advised that the project team are currently coordinating with BC Hydro to complete the required electrical work that will activate the bike push-buttons, but don't yet have an exact timeline on when this will be finished. (Twitter) -- точные сроки окончания работ пока неизвестны)
31.01.2024 4:17:45 gen. pass along переслать (о запросе, жалобе, эл. письме: Hi there, thanks for reaching out! We've passed along your street sweeping request to our engineering team for follow-up. -- мы переслали)
31.01.2024 3:30:15 disappr. crime-ridden криминальный (The ONLY war in which Britons should ever fight is one against an actual invasion of our country, and I can assure you that the Russians have ZERO intention of invading this bankrupt, crime-ridden, LGBTQ-obsessed, multicult shit-hole. (Twitter))
31.01.2024 2:53:01 gen. extremely rare редчайший (Jan. 29 (UPI) -- A Florida reptile park announced its extremely rare white alligator baby has a new name: Mystic. The leucistic alligator was born in December at Gatorland Orlando, and the park said in a Facebook post at the time that the reptile's arrival was "beyond rare." upi.com)
31.01.2024 2:52:02 gen. most sought-after редчайший (The original coloured copperplate map is one of the most sought-after maps from the Golden Age of cartography. – является одной из редчайших карт)
31.01.2024 1:45:22 trav. tourism турпоток (Tourism has massively increased in recent decades. Aviation has opened up travel from domestic to international. (ourworldindata.org) • Во время СВО турпоток по понятным причинам, уменьшился. (из рус. источников))
30.01.2024 8:26:09 gen. mental well-being психическое благополучие (Cycling has many benefits, such as: *Health: cycling improves one’s physical and mental well-being.)
30.01.2024 8:24:22 gen. mental well-being душевное равновесие (Cycling has many benefits, such as: *Health: cycling improves one’s physical and mental well-being.)
30.01.2024 7:30:05 esot. reverse bad luck отделаться от невезения (Bad luck really can be reversed by touching wood ritual, say scientists. Bad luck really can be reversed by rituals such as touching wood and throwing salt, a study has suggested. (telegraph.co.uk))
30.01.2024 7:25:38 esot. undo a jinx снять с себя невезение (Researchers from University of Chicago found that actions which exert force away from the body are effective in ridding oneself of a jinx. "Our findings suggest that not all actions to undo a jinx are equally effective," said study author Jane Risen. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 7:25:38 esot. undo a jinx отделаться от невезения (Researchers from University of Chicago found that actions which exert force away from the body are effective in ridding oneself of a jinx. "Our findings suggest that not all actions to undo a jinx are equally effective," said study author Jane Risen. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 7:25:38 esot. undo a jinx "отделать" нанесённое зло (Researchers from University of Chicago found that actions which exert force away from the body are effective in ridding oneself of a jinx. "Our findings suggest that not all actions to undo a jinx are equally effective," said study author Jane Risen. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 7:25:38 esot. undo a jinx "отделать" порчу (Researchers from University of Chicago found that actions which exert force away from the body are effective in ridding oneself of a jinx. "Our findings suggest that not all actions to undo a jinx are equally effective," said study author Jane Risen. (coasttocoastam.com))
30.01.2024 7:14:39 garden. varieties сорта (Kent is the main centre for English cherries. More important varieties include Napoleon, Early Rivers and Noir de Guben. -- основные сорта (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) • About 1700 acres of orchards in Kent are occupied by plum trees, with Victoria, Czar and Marjorie's Seedling the main varieties. -- основные сорта (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))

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