
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

12.02.2024 2:37:33 cliche. not up for discussion! никаких возражений! (English Bay Bakery Chocolate Chunk Cookie. The best packaged cookie in Canada! Not up for discussion! (Twitter))
12.02.2024 2:31:48 cliche. didn't think very hard, did you? долго думал? (сарказм; о неумном поступке: Didn't think very hard, did you?)
12.02.2024 2:26:35 cliche. sure enough само собой ('Did Helen come too?' 'Sure enough, she was there.')
12.02.2024 2:26:15 cliche. sure enough и действительно (When I left the house earlier and got to West Broadway it was both sunny & raining and I thought this is rainbow weather. Sure enough -- then it appeared! (Twitter))
12.02.2024 2:26:15 cliche. sure enough и в самом деле (When I left the house earlier and got to West Broadway it was both sunny & raining and I thought this is rainbow weather. Sure enough -- then it appeared! (Twitter))
11.02.2024 12:31:36 cliche. this is a reminder that напоминаем вам, что (This is a reminder that Clarissa McKay is due for a dental check-up and cleaning on or after Thursday August 18, 2016.)
11.02.2024 12:24:34 gen. fill with people наполняться народом (The square in front of the Art Gallery is quickly filling with people.)
11.02.2024 12:04:26 inf. pickup artist мастер знакомиться с женщинами (Jamie's a pickup artist, he can approach any woman, you should ask him to give you some tips.)
11.02.2024 11:46:44 trav. booking забронированное место (Do you have a booking for today?)
11.02.2024 8:19:14 gen. emit a glow излучать сияние (The bewildered officers stopped their patrol car and went to investigate, finding a large mass of what appeared to be a purple jelly-like substance about 6 feet across and 1 foot thick, which pulsated, quivered, vibrated, and glistened under their flashlights. Strangely enough, the thing was reported as emitting some sort of faint dancing glow when the flashlights were turned off, as if it were bioluminescent. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:19:14 gen. emit a glow испускать сияние (The bewildered officers stopped their patrol car and went to investigate, finding a large mass of what appeared to be a purple jelly-like substance about 6 feet across and 1 foot thick, which pulsated, quivered, vibrated, and glistened under their flashlights. Strangely enough, the thing was reported as emitting some sort of faint dancing glow when the flashlights were turned off, as if it were bioluminescent. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:13:56 gen. right up to the present вплоть до настоящего времени (In order to be safe, the tunnels were mostly sealed off from the outside world, but there are enough ways to get in for adventurous curiosity seekers, and there have supposedly been sightings of the Third Eye Man right up to the present. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers полный бред (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers полная дичь (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers полная околесица (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers полный вздор (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers бредятина (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers чушь собачья (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers бред собачий (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers настоящая галиматья (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 8:03:41 inf. completely bonkers бред сивой кобылы (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 7:53:28 cliche. it appeared as if казалось, что (After this harrowing encounter, they went back the following day to get their things from the house, only to find the ranch owner and numerous police and “military looking” people all over the area. On top of this, it appeared as if the entire first floor of the home had been completely wrecked by something. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 7:50:45 gen. get one's things забрать свои вещи (from – откуда-л.: After this harrowing encounter, they went back the following day to get their things from the house, only to find the ranch owner and numerous police and “military looking” people all over the area. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 7:42:18 cliche. contentious issue острая тема (There should definitely be public consultation on this. Mr. Sager and Council, please don't alienate your constituents. This is a very contentious issue and should NOT be passed without proper public input. (nsnews.com))
11.02.2024 7:42:18 cliche. contentious issue острый вопрос (There should definitely be public consultation on this. Mr. Sager and Council, please don't alienate your constituents. This is a very contentious issue and should NOT be passed without proper public input. (nsnews.com))
11.02.2024 7:36:43 gen. not well-suited плохо приспособленный (for – для: While I understand why dog owners want to have access to the seawall, I agree that the seawall is not well-suited for dog walking. It's narrow and congested and packed on busy days. -- набережная плохо приспособлена для выгула собак (nsnews.com))
11.02.2024 7:34:18 gen. not well-suited плохо подходящий (for – для: While I understand why dog owners want to have access to the seawall, I agree that the seawall is not well-suited for dog walking. It's narrow and congested and packed on busy days. -- набережная плохо подходит для выгула собак (nsnews.com))
11.02.2024 7:22:28 gen. walk one's dog выгуливать собаку (Again and again, I see irresponsible, or just plain dumb, dog owners not respecting others. I’ve walked my dog along the Seawall for years without an issue, not stopping now. (nsnews.com))
11.02.2024 7:14:28 cliche. it sure felt that way мне так показалось (говоря о сложившемся впечатлении: I had a very negative incident once on the Spirit Trail, with an off-leash dog and its owner. The dog acted very aggressively toward me, and I was terrified as I thought it would bite me. The owner was unconcerned and dismissed my fear, saying the dog doesn't bite. But it sure felt that way. (nsnews.com))
11.02.2024 7:08:12 gen. we will remember this мы это припомним (угроза: I cannot believe our council is considering this! What is wrong with them????? The Seawall is a safe haven from dogs. Two dogs on a leash get into a fight with an innocent senior caught in the middle. I have been attacked by a dog before and I know a lot of people who are also scared of dogs. Many small children are terrified too. Runners often get chased by dogs who sometimes nip them. Please keep the Seawall a safe place for runners, seniors, and children to be free. I can see that happening. Next election we, all voters, will remember this. (nsnews.com))
11.02.2024 7:00:27 idiom. throw one's mind back припомнить ("Now, Watson, make an effort, throw your mind back."(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Ну-ка, Ватсон, постарайтесь припомнить.)
11.02.2024 6:57:27 inf. get sb. good цапнуть (о животном: He tries to be tough and will grab and try to bite. It's worked for him before. He got me good once when he first came in my house and didn't know better. – сильно меня цапнул)
11.02.2024 6:55:36 inf. what is wrong with him? у него всё в порядке с головой? (I cannot believe Mayor Williams is considering this!! What is wrong with him?????)
11.02.2024 6:52:19 inf. jab укольчик (On any given day more humans attack one another than dogs. Besides, you have more pressing problems at our city parks...discarded drug paraphernalia including syringes. So why pick on dogs? One accidental jab off a syringe and you will suffer life-altering diseases. (nsnews.com))
11.02.2024 6:35:12 gen. risk ridicule не побояться насмешек (There are several reports of odd flying humanoids reported from Albert Rosales from his files. One of these supposedly happened in January of 1976, when police officers Arturo Padilla, and Herman Galivan, who risked ridicule to report that a huge flying creature had “buzzed” their patrol car. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 6:14:17 gen. come in from приехать из (в город, где находится говорящий: I’m looking to add my brother to my lease agreement which I’ve been in for 13 months, so it is now considered month to month after the one year has expired. He would be coming in from Ontario. -- Он приедет из Онтарио. (Reddit))
11.02.2024 6:02:58 gen. catch up on sleep отоспаться (For now we just want to rest and catch up on sleep after the hike.)
11.02.2024 5:58:07 gen. sawed отпиленный (I don't know if this means anything or not but where I was sitting I saw a large, probably Moose leg bone laying on the ground about 5 feet from my ATV. It wasn't cut or sawed, it had been broken or snapped. It looked to be about at least a year old. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 5:55:52 gen. I don't know if this means anything or not but не знаю, имеет ли это какое-то значение, но (Another thing...I don't know if this means anything or not but where I was sitting I saw a large, probably Moose leg bone laying on the ground about 5 feet from my ATV. It wasn't cut or sawed, it had been broken or snapped. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 5:49:29 gen. a half hour prior на полчаса раньше (After a while it started to dawn on me that I may have just seen a Bigfoot and I started to get just a little scared. I normally leave the bush after dark when hunting but this night I left about a half hour prior to make sure I had lots of time. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 5:43:58 gen. it started to dawn on me that до меня начало доходить, что (That was no Moose. It was definitely not a Wolf or a Bear. It was like nothing I had ever seen in 35 years of hunting. What it looked like to me was a Gorilla or very close to one, but it walked upright, not on all fours. I stood there motionless for almost an hour and a half waiting to see if it would show itself again. After a while it started to dawn on me that I may have just seen a Bigfoot and I started to get just a little scared. I normally leave the bush after dark when hunting but this night I left about a half hour prior to make sure I had lots of time. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 5:40:08 gen. walk upright ходить на двух ногах (That was no Moose. It was definitely not a Wolf or a Bear. It was like nothing I had ever seen in 35 years of hunting. What it looked like to me was a Gorilla or very close to one, but it walked upright, not on all fours. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 5:29:39 gen. build фигура (т.е. телосложение: His arms seemed too long for a man but he was extremely muscular, like a body builder with the typical 'V' shape build. There was definitely no fat on him at all. I could see the different muscle groups on his upper body and arms bulging out and could see that it had a washboard stomach.(mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 5:26:16 gen. it looked like мне показалось, что (It looked like it was wearing a jacket and the front of his jacket was open half way and I could see a different color of lining showing around the neck area. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 5:24:12 gen. looked to me as if мне показалось, что (+ simple past: He grabbed a tree and swung himself around and ducked or dove down behind some thick brush. The total time of this took 3 to 5 seconds and he disappeared. He looked to me as if he was dressed all in black with a black toque or a balaclava on his head. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 4:07:01 cliche. a short walk away в двух шагах (Nice building, quiet neighbourhood. Two coffee shops within five minutes walk. Skytrain is a short walk away.)
11.02.2024 4:03:40 cliche. within walking distance в двух шагах ("I have lived in downtown New Westminster for a year. There are tons of cute antique shops and a coffee shop on every corner. There is pretty much anything you need within walking distance: you can stay green and take a stroll to get last-minute items for dinner." (The Province))
11.02.2024 3:58:21 gen. keep one's eyes on не сводить глаз с (While I was having my smoke I started hearing the distinctive sounds of footsteps coming from the gulley (snapping branches and leaves crunching). I kept my eyes on the gully while I reached for my rifle. I thought the Bull was coming back. -- я не сводил глаз с оврага (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 3:55:45 gen. gaze fixedly at не сводить глаз с ("But why Turkish?" asked Mr. Sherlock Holmes, gazing fixedly at my boots. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – не сводя глаз с моих башмаков)
11.02.2024 3:54:42 gen. eyes continually fixed upon не сводить глаз с ('Holmes said little more, but the picture of the old roysterer seemed to have a fascination for him, and his eyes were continually fixed upon it during supper.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
11.02.2024 3:54:10 gen. not take one's eyes off of не сводить глаз с (Amazed by what she was witnessing, the driver did not take her eyes off of the Bigfoot in the mirror, which led to her smashing into a deer that had run into the road trying to escape from the hairy creature.)
11.02.2024 3:44:32 gen. distinctive sound отчётливый звук (While I was having my smoke I started hearing the distinctive sounds of footsteps coming from the gulley (snapping branches and leaves crunching). I kept my eyes on the gulley while I reached for my rifle. I thought the Bull was coming back. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 3:18:55 gen. up until that point до этого (The incident, which occurred when 21-year-old Coby Todd left work at a supermarket outside Dallas, Texas recently, saw the shopping cart – which had been sitting stationary in the parking lot up until that point – suddenly turn around all on its own and careen straight into his car just as he was getting in. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
11.02.2024 3:17:35 gen. prior to this до этого (At about 5:25pm I got off the ATV to stretch my legs and have a smoke. I put my gun on the front bag of the ATV to make sure I had it within reach and stood in front of the ATV facing the gully which was to my rear prior to this. -- лицом в сторону оврага, до этого я сидел спиной к нему (mysteriousuniverse.org))
11.02.2024 3:09:43 gen. gold-coated позолоченный (A new analysis of ancient treasures uncovered in Spain has revealed some of the artifacts were made with 'alien metals' 3,000 years ago. A gold-coated cap and bracelet contained the extraterrestrial material from a meteor that crashed into Earth one million years ago, according to the team's estimates. dailymail.co.uk)
11.02.2024 2:52:03 gen. offer a detailed explanation of подробно разъяснить (что-л.: Fiorentino offered a detailed explanation of his own understanding of Unified Field Theory, suggesting that electromagnetism and gravity are aspects of a single fundamental field. (coasttocoastam.com))
10.02.2024 10:27:49 gen. swerve to the side of the road съехать на обочину (I am a police officer. I was traveling northbound on FM 1008 and there was an 18-wheel truck in front of me at the time and we were traveling at approx. 55 mph. I observed a large creature in an upright position run out of the tree line on the east side of the highway. It ran in front of the big truck in front of me. The truck braked and swerved to the east side of the road and the creature was unharmed and cleared the road and ran into the tree line on the west side of FM 1008. From what I could see this creature appeared to be as tall as the cab of the 18-wheeler, maybe 8 feet and was very bulky and covered in hair. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- притормозил и съехал на обочину)
10.02.2024 9:54:07 gen. categorically rule out the possibility of наотрез исключить возможность (чего-л.: The witness was certain that the figure was a biped and moved extremely fast, perhaps 30 to 35 miles per hour. Because of the figure's speed, overall size and height, and the fact that the subject nearly collided with the 18-wheeler, the witness categorically ruled out the possibility of a hoax. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 9:54:07 gen. categorically rule out the possibility of категорически исключить возможность (чего-л.: The witness was certain that the figure was a biped and moved extremely fast, perhaps 30 to 35 miles per hour. Because of the figure's speed, overall size and height, and the fact that the subject nearly collided with the 18-wheeler, the witness categorically ruled out the possibility of a hoax. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 9:50:20 gen. use sth. as a gauge замерить высоту с помощью чего-л. (The witness was impressed by the height of the figure. Using the cab of the 18-wheeler as a gauge, the witness estimated the subject's height to be possibly as much as eight feet. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 9:50:20 gen. use sth. as a gauge определить высоту с помощью чего-л. (The witness was impressed by the height of the figure. Using the cab of the 18-wheeler as a gauge, the witness estimated the subject's height to be possibly as much as eight feet. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 9:42:30 gen. if I had not seen first hand если бы я своими глазами не увидел (There are other police and fire services members in the Kenefick area that have seen this creature, and I have personally heard numerous stories of sightings. If I had not seen first hand, I would not have believed it myself. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- Если бы я своими глазами не увидел, то в жизни не поверил бы.)
10.02.2024 9:38:19 cliche. as tall as ростом с (From what I could see this creature appeared to be as tall as the cab of the 18-wheeler, maybe 8 feet and was very bulky and covered in hair. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 9:19:58 humor. take the cake заслужить первый приз (Looks like someone's trying to parallel park with their eyes closed... That woman shouldn’t have a license. She shouldn't be anywhere near a motor vehicle... As bad as literally everything that happened, it was her attempt to lift or push the truck back with bare hands that really did it for me... I've seen some isht on this corner, but this takes the cake... (Reddit) -- но эта автоледи заслужила первый приз)
10.02.2024 8:09:15 gen. formidable массивный (a narrow passage ending in a formidable gate – массивные ворота)
10.02.2024 8:07:28 gen. big rig truck фура (an 18-wheel truck: He was traveling at night north of Kenefick, and right behind a big rig truck when a fleeting movement from the side of the road caught his attention. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 7:58:54 gen. take long strides широко шагать (The creature was reported by the officers as being at least 8 feet in height, very wide, and taking long strides out to the street, where it passed under a streetlight, and they could see that it was covered in dark brown hair. They apparently got a very good look at it in the light, after which it bolted towards a wooded marshy area near a canal and vanished. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 7:52:18 inf. go absolutely nuts совершенно обезуметь (The officers arrived at the scene and questioned the female homeowner, and then did a perimeter sweep of the area, even calling in a K-9 unit. As soon as the dog arrived, it apparently went absolutely nuts, very agitated and seemingly scared of something and cowering. The officers circled around the darkened house with guns drawn, now convinced that there was a trespasser lurking about the property, but what they saw was beyond anything either one of them had expected. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 7:52:18 inf. go absolutely nuts быть в совершенно невменяемом состоянии (The officers arrived at the scene and questioned the female homeowner, and then did a perimeter sweep of the area, even calling in a K-9 unit. As soon as the dog arrived, it apparently went absolutely nuts, very agitated and seemingly scared of something and cowering. The officers circled around the darkened house with guns drawn, now convinced that there was a trespasser lurking about the property, but what they saw was beyond anything either one of them had expected. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 7:52:18 inf. go absolutely nuts буквально сдуреть (The officers arrived at the scene and questioned the female homeowner, and then did a perimeter sweep of the area, even calling in a K-9 unit. As soon as the dog arrived, it apparently went absolutely nuts, very agitated and seemingly scared of something and cowering. The officers circled around the darkened house with guns drawn, now convinced that there was a trespasser lurking about the property, but what they saw was beyond anything either one of them had expected. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 7:39:09 gen. keep to oneself помалкивать ('Between you and me, Silver Lightning doesn't have a chance tomorrow.' 'Thanks. I'll keep it to myself.' -- Буду помалкивать об этом • Gordon allegedly got out of the car to try and pursue the creature as the other officer sat frozen and terrified in the car, but the beast was already long gone. The two would keep their experience to themselves for years, only going public with it in 2003, after which Gordon was interviewed about it extensively in news stories and TV programs. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 7:35:38 gen. slouch heavily сильно сутулиться (The creature was described as being a little different from a typical Bigfoot, in that it was long, lanky, and had narrow shoulders rather than bulging with muscles, and further details were that it slouched heavily, that had extremely long, thin gangly arms, and that it was remarkably fast and agile, beyond any human. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 6:32:34 gen. fit snug плотно охватывать (The brace should fit snug but comfortable ensuring not to restrict circulation.)
10.02.2024 6:32:34 gen. fit snug плотно облегать (The brace should fit snug but comfortable ensuring not to restrict circulation.)
10.02.2024 6:25:22 idiom. make a lot of waves наделать много шума (A very well-known Bigfoot report by a police officer that made a lot of waves in its time occurred in August of 1976, in the rural area of Whitehall, New York. On this day, officer Bryan Gosselin was driving on the outskirts of town along a lonely stretch called Abair Road when he saw a massive hairy man-like creature with red eyes lumber out of the woods about 30 feet in front of him. Gosselin would describe it as standing 7 or 8 feet tall and weighing at least 400 pounds, and he was so alarmed by what he was seeing that he reportedly got out of his patrol car to train his spotlight and firearm on it, yet found himself unable to shoot. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 6:12:05 gen. flee running in different directions разбежаться в разные стороны (He approached the site in his patrol car and turned on his car’s spotlight, only to see that instead of children the ones there were really several strange creatures described by him as 3 to 3ft tall, big headed and grayish in color. The small beings fled running in different directions and the policeman called by radio asking for back up, repeating the 1050 code (officer needs assistance). When help arrived, the creatures had disappeared. An extensive search was carried out, but to no avail. (mysteriousuniverse.org) )
10.02.2024 6:06:33 idiom. hot-button issue острая тема (Josh Hilton, one of the organizers who often speaks of hot-button issues, has been banned from this year's parade.)
10.02.2024 5:43:54 formal carry out a search осуществлять поиски (He approached the site in his patrol car and turned on his car’s spotlight, only to see that instead of children the ones there were really several strange creatures described by him as 3 to 3ft tall, big headed and grayish in color. The small beings fled running in different directions and the policeman called by radio asking for back up, repeating the 1050 code (officer needs assistance). When help arrived, the creatures had disappeared. An extensive search was carried out, but to no avail. -- Были осуществлены масштабные поиски, но они ни к чему не привели. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • С 30 января по 6 февраля осуществлялись поиски местного жителя, попавшего под лавину в урочище Собачье в Усть-Коксинском районе. (04.mchs.gov.ru))
10.02.2024 5:29:35 gen. hunting trip охота (In his memoirs Roosevelt writes about how he and a friend were on a hunting trip in the State of Washington and their Native Indian guide urged them to avoid a particular area due to danger of being attacked by a Bigfoot. -- поехали на охоту / поехали поохотиться • In 1976 there is a report from El Pedroso, Sevilla, Spain, in which three local police officers and a professor had gone out on a hunting trip when they rounded a curve in the road and saw a huge figure standing there, measuring around 2 meters (6.5 feet) tall, which also happened to be hovering in the air just above the ground. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 5:23:48 gen. tape player катушечный магнитофон (This room contained chairs, a control panel and a viewing screen. The engine had a crystalline rotor linked to two columns. The leader demonstrated a device like a tape player which seemed to transfer data to the witness’s mind even while he conversed with his host. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 5:03:21 gen. in a circular motion по окружности (говоря о движении; для описания расположения чего-л. применяется выражение around the circumference: some sort of football-shaped glowing craft of some sort, with red-lighted portholes around the circumference: She was moving her finger in a circular motion, first slowly, then faster and faster.)
10.02.2024 4:55:12 fig.of.sp. pour out of хлынуть из (A small door suddenly opened noiselessly on the underside of the sphere, he said, and a short ladder, four to six feet long, dropped down. White light poured out of the opening, but neither man could see anything in the interior. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 3:56:49 gen. at around 4 a.m. около четырёх часов утра (At around 4 a.m., two police officers by the names of C. Hutchins & A. Huskey, were driving down a murky, rural section of Gaffney known as the West Buford Street Extension... (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 3:16:27 gen. law enforcement community сотрудники правоохранительных органов (Here we will look at some reports of high strangeness that have allegedly been made by various individuals within the law enforcement community, and which show us that this profession can be far weirder and more frightening than one might guess. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 3:12:42 gen. keep safe оберегать (from – от: The job of police officer is mostly a noble profession to be sure. They are here to serve and protect, to deal with the dangers that lurk in the shadows and beyond the corner, and to keep us safe from the often violent world we live in. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
10.02.2024 2:26:25 cliche. keep them coming побольше бы таких ("A 25-storey Main Street mass timber rental housing tower has been approved by Vancouver City Council." "Nice! Keep them coming!" (dailyhive.com))
10.02.2024 2:15:55 gen. rental units съёмные квартиры (собирательно: The Residential Tenancy Act does not have any provisions related to listing rental units, as the screening process occurs before the landlord-tenant relationship is established. • ABC councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung added, “I think this is a good switch of tenure for hundreds of new rental units coming to the market in a city that has historically had a low vacancy rate of less than 1%, and the level of affordability is truly noteworthy.” (dailyhive.com))
9.02.2024 9:58:19 gen. handy glossary удобный словарик (a handy glossary of some important bookbinding terms – удобный словарик основных переплётных терминов)
9.02.2024 9:55:16 gen. refrain удержаться (I wanted to say something bitter at this but I refrained. – Я хотел сказать что-нибудь злое, но удержался / сдержался.)
9.02.2024 9:43:00 gen. lined увешанный (The walls are lined with family photographs and images from his travels. – Стены увешаны ...)
9.02.2024 9:40:33 inf. party phase увеселительный этап (своей жизни: It must have been 6 or 7 years ago. I was 14, and starting my party phase pretty early on. Glad that's over now. I was a pretty intoxicated young girl (not the safest choice) catching the Expo line out of downtown. – рано вступила в увеселительный этап свой жизни (Reddit))
9.02.2024 9:36:19 gen. take out убрать из текста упоминание (чего-либо: If we take out "New Brunswick" and "Quebec" altogether and just say "He travelled extensively around Eastern Canada,…", would that be accurate? – Если мы вообще уберём из текста упоминание ...)
9.02.2024 9:24:55 polit. committed royalist убеждённый монархист
9.02.2024 9:23:23 gen. cause убеждения
9.02.2024 9:21:38 gen. bolt убежать от хозяина (о собаке: Jardine added he was once in a similar situation when a dog he was looking after – also a golden retriever – bolted and got struck on a cliff ledge on the Howe Sound Crest Trail. (nsnews.com))
9.02.2024 9:19:34 gen. check sth. to make sure everything's right убедиться, что всё в порядке (I check the file one hundred thousand times to make sure everything's right.)
9.02.2024 9:01:48 hotels lodge приют для туристов
9.02.2024 8:54:21 idiom. right on the money точно попасть (be ~)
9.02.2024 8:53:30 idiom. right on the money точно угадать (be ~: He predicted the price would drop by this fall and he was right on the money. – он точно угадал.)
9.02.2024 8:53:02 idiom. right on the money точно подметить (be ~: You're right on the money.)

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