
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

22.07.2009 23:38:15 gen. get to the bottom of something докопаться до сути
22.07.2009 23:37:44 gen. get to the bottom of something докопаться до истины
22.07.2009 23:36:35 inf. sci-fi fan любитель научной фантастики
22.07.2009 23:32:32 inf. bratty непослушный (a bratty kid – непослушный ребёнок)
22.07.2009 8:02:15 Canada pinch the dough closed залеплять вареники
22.07.2009 8:01:33 Canada seal the perogies залеплять вареники (When making perogies, pinch the outer edge of the perogy with wet fingers; some people dip their fingers in egg white before pinching the dough closed. Or press the outer edge with a fork to seal the perogy.)
22.07.2009 7:59:44 gen. get the smell out of something избавиться от запаха (I spilled diesel on a pair of jeans. How can I get this smell out of them?)
22.07.2009 7:57:12 gen. miss one's target of не выполнить поставленную цель (Current widespread obesity means the U.S. government will miss its target of cutting the overall obesity rate in half by next year, the report says.)
22.07.2009 7:56:09 gen. miss one's target of не справиться с поставленной целью (Current widespread obesity means the U.S. government will miss its target of cutting the overall obesity rate in half by next year, the report says.)
22.07.2009 7:47:57 gen. add to one's waistline раздаться в талии (add significantly to one's waistline – сильно раздаться в талии)
22.07.2009 7:47:07 gen. save someone grief уберечь от огорчений (Anything we can do to educate our young people on proper eating habits can save them so much grief later in life.)
22.07.2009 2:28:49 inf. cheap eats дешёвые закуски (People will have to get used to a little visual chaos created by hundreds of ecclectic food carts that will line many of the downtown streets, but will appreciate the cheap eats that come with it.)
22.07.2009 2:25:18 gen. be a laggard in something отставать (At the moment, our province is a laggard in harnessing the wind.)
22.07.2009 2:14:06 gen. scuttle an opportunity прозевать возможность (They have scuttled a golden opportunity to market their product.)
22.07.2009 2:13:10 gen. scuttle a golden opportunity упустить уникальную возможность (They have scuttled a golden opportunity to market their product.)
21.07.2009 23:32:14 gen. major question основной вопрос (It's one of the major questions facing our provincial government.)
21.07.2009 23:29:13 gen. it's not exactly the не назовёшь (Его не назовешь ... – It's not exactly the Colossus of Rhodes. But in the next few days, a massive new fixture will begin rising on the city skyline – a 65-metre-high wind turbine that will spin its three massive 37-metre-long blades atop Grouse Mountain.)
21.07.2009 23:27:46 gen. it's not exactly the нельзя назвать (It's not exactly the Colossus of Rhodes. But in the next few days, a massive new fixture will begin rising on the city skyline – a 65-metre-high wind turbine that will spin its three massive 37-metre-long blades atop Grouse Mountain.)
21.07.2009 23:24:37 gen. instantly disappear мгновенно исчезать (I was fascinated by how an animal so large could instantly disappear into the woods.)
21.07.2009 23:23:20 gen. for a moment на мгновение (For a moment I'd forgotten how cold and uncomfortable I was.)
21.07.2009 23:21:11 gen. halfway up / down the hill на полпути вверх / вниз по склону
21.07.2009 23:20:02 gen. by the riverbank на берегу реки (My 6-year-old son spotted an osprey sitting by the riverbank.)
21.07.2009 23:18:37 gen. mere metres / inches from someone, something всего в нескольких (I was mesmerized by icy creeks gushing through culverts and spellbound by eagles soaring mere metres from me.)
21.07.2009 23:16:53 gen. pass through the Panama Canal пройти через Панамский канал
21.07.2009 23:15:31 gen. look toward / towards посмотреть в чью-либо сторону (someone); My bike brakes squeaked as I slowed, and hearing the sound, the bear looked toward me, sniffed the air and disappeared into the woods.)
21.07.2009 23:13:26 gen. change into dry clothes переодеться в сухую одежду
21.07.2009 23:09:01 gen. be the most rewarding part принести наибольшее удовлетворение (Going on the great journey alone was non-negotiable; in fact, proving he could be self-reliant was the most rewarding part.)
21.07.2009 23:07:44 gen. paint job окраска (The sailboat's canary paint job inspired the Mighty Chicken's moniker.)
21.07.2009 23:06:55 gen. a paint job окраска автомобиля
21.07.2009 23:05:55 gen. in the span of just всего за несколько (The fire grew from just 15 hectares to more than 350 hectares in the span of just a few hours on Saturday.)
21.07.2009 23:02:58 gen. suit someone just fine вполне устраивать ("Michelle knew I would do it one day. And she didn't want to come," he says. And that suited him just fine.)
21.07.2009 22:55:42 gen. I want it out of the way он мне мешает (Franco, Luigi and Co. wanted this guy out of the way. – Он им мешал.)
20.07.2009 22:12:28 gen. put the matter to rest поставить точку (Let's finally put this matter to rest.)
20.07.2009 22:11:01 gen. not to take "no" for an answer не отставать (- досаждать просьбами: I'm not the kind of gal to take "no" for an answer. Jim wasn't taking "no" for an answer.)
20.07.2009 22:06:30 inf. pretty good неплохо
20.07.2009 22:02:43 gen. where do you stand on this? в чём заключается ваша позиция по данному вопросу?
20.07.2009 21:35:07 gen. in everyday living в быту
20.07.2009 21:33:57 gen. living быт
20.07.2009 21:23:05 gen. with a capital "..." с большой буквы (A luxurious 1850 sq.ft. suite with 2 south-facing bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, Italian porcelain floor tiles, sub-zero stainless fridge, 70 ft. swimming pool, whirlpool, sauna, steam room, gym, private room for spa treatments, and 24/7 concierge service – that's cosmopolitan living on a grand scale, that's Living with a capital "l".)
20.07.2009 21:21:46 gen. it struck me as very odd мне это показалось очень странным
20.07.2009 10:10:15 gen. let oneself go дать себе волю (- esp. about someone gaining weight and losing sight of life goals)
20.07.2009 10:08:03 gen. let oneself go распуститься (- esp. about someone gaining weight and losing sight of life goals)
20.07.2009 10:06:37 gen. may as well + verb заодно (Carl, if you are driving to the store, you may as well pick up some milk and a box of cereal.)
20.07.2009 10:05:05 gen. that's the main thing это главное (We've got to secure funding, that's the main thing at this point.)
20.07.2009 10:01:58 gen. I'll get right on it я немедленно этим займусь
20.07.2009 10:00:44 bank. disputed card payment опротестованный платёж (- credit card processing)
20.07.2009 9:59:56 bank. disputed card transaction опротестованная операция (- credit card processing)
20.07.2009 9:58:24 gen. inquiry рассмотрение дела в суде
20.07.2009 9:53:03 inf. okay нормально ("How are you doing?" "Okay. I'm doing okay." — "Как дела?" – "Нормально".)
20.07.2009 9:51:39 gen. a goal-oriented person целеустремлённый человек
20.07.2009 9:50:31 gen. housing stock жилфонд
20.07.2009 9:46:48 dril. drill-hole cores керн скважин
20.07.2009 9:44:47 gen. give something a great deal of thought хорошо обдумать (We've given this a great deal of thought. – Мы хорошо это обдумали.)
20.07.2009 9:42:15 inf. Well, that's one heck of a story Ничего себе история
20.07.2009 9:41:21 gen. just as a matter of form только для проформы
20.07.2009 9:40:32 gen. fuss over something возня из-за чего-либо
20.07.2009 9:35:29 gen. for all his / her / its при всём своём (often as a criticism: For all its gorgeous architecture, it is hard to see why why Riga should be pricier than Saltzburg or Zurich. (The Economist))
20.07.2009 9:33:05 gen. struggle to make ends meet пытаться свести концы с концами (They are struggling to make ends meet.)
20.07.2009 9:30:09 gen. for no reason at all без всякой причины
20.07.2009 8:59:52 gen. as of March/June/Sept 1st с первого числа
20.07.2009 8:58:44 gen. dip into one's savings залезть в сбережения
20.07.2009 8:58:14 gen. as of this month начиная с этого месяца (As of this month we no longer accept plastic bottles and containers, now you have to take them to the recycling depot.)
20.07.2009 8:55:50 gen. as of next Monday со следующего понедельника (= starting from today)
20.07.2009 8:55:50 gen. as of next Monday начиная с понедельника
20.07.2009 8:54:06 formal as of today с сегодняшнего дня (= starting from today: "Caramel already has a home as of today. Thank you for your interest!")
20.07.2009 8:48:49 gen. account information, name and address of bank платёжные реквизиты
20.07.2009 8:46:53 gen. case manager заведующий личным делом (- a social worker who handles personal files of welfare recipients and recipients of other social programs)
20.07.2009 8:42:47 gen. do something on a case by case basis по каждому отдельному случаю
20.07.2009 8:41:02 bank. card-issuing bank банк-эмитент
20.07.2009 7:52:36 gen. I'm with you 100 per cent on that я с вами согласен на сто процентов
20.07.2009 7:51:08 gen. Excuse me, I'll be with you in just a moment Прошу прощения, я оставлю вас на минутку (taking a moment to take care of some unfinished business)
20.07.2009 7:49:03 amer. gassed up заправленный (топливом: My truck is gassed up and ready to go.)
19.07.2009 23:01:37 gen. wash something by hand мыть руками (мыть посуду руками – wash the plates by hand)
19.07.2009 22:59:41 gen. onsite на территории (onsite laundry facilities (in an apartment complex, normally in the basement))
19.07.2009 22:56:47 fig. by default изначально (As a California teenager, she's pretty much spoiled by default.)
19.07.2009 22:53:30 gen. downright un- совершенно не (Reading Aristotle in the laundromat? That's downright un-American.)
19.07.2009 22:49:24 gen. get better acquainted лучше познакомиться
19.07.2009 22:48:18 gen. Looking at the big picture если взглянуть масштабно (Looking at the big picture, secure lasting marriages are good for the economy.)
19.07.2009 22:46:20 gen. on the other side of the coin с другой стороны (- balancing arguments)
19.07.2009 22:43:18 gen. I'm off to / I'm going to я пошёл (informing of a future action 1) I'm off to vote. 2) I'm going to the corner store.)
19.07.2009 22:30:18 gen. men's clothing мужская одежда (high-end men's clothing retailers along Georgia and Robson)
19.07.2009 22:14:19 gen. it's not clear yet ещё неясно (It's not clear yet if the union can squeeze more money out of the management.)
19.07.2009 21:23:34 gen. on the backs of за счёт (usually in a criticism: The government should stop slashing and cutting on the backs of patients.)
19.07.2009 20:54:57 gen. doze off прикорнуть (-отключиться ненадолго)
19.07.2009 20:51:26 gen. with dinner за обедом (о вине: a glass of wine with dinner)
19.07.2009 20:50:05 gen. relieve the boredom побороть скуку (Books always help me to relieve the boredom of night travel.)
19.07.2009 20:46:42 gen. a little more than ... into one's job проработав чуть (Проработав чуть больше года на должности ... – A little more than a year into his job as operations manager, Mike was promoted to the position of assistant general manager.)
19.07.2009 20:38:06 busin. agree in principle to something согласиться в принципе (They have agreed in principle to a deal with a German buyer.)
19.07.2009 20:26:23 inf. that's a totally different ball game это совершенно другое дело
19.07.2009 20:23:52 disappr. power tripping желание показать свою власть (It was clearly a case of power tripping on the part of this border officer.)
19.07.2009 20:16:23 gen. belying its name вопреки своему названию (Belying its name, James Park is neither leafy, not green. It is a gritty Georgetown suburb.)
19.07.2009 20:14:00 gen. in the amount of на сумму в (The South Surrey Multicultural Society will receive a grant in the amount of $1,500.)
19.07.2009 20:09:04 gen. suffer bad burns получить сильные ожоги (The victim suffered bad burns.)
19.07.2009 20:06:48 gen. bad burn сильный ожог (The victim suffered bad burns. – получил сильные ожоги)
19.07.2009 20:03:05 gen. crime rate / rates преступность (Many immigrants are settling in James Park and Stephensville where rents are cheaper and crime rates higher.)
19.07.2009 19:59:29 gen. according to the most recent official figures по последним официальным данным
19.07.2009 10:56:40 gen. be just going to как раз собираться (Exactly. I was just going to bring that up. – Вот именно. Я как раз собирался об этом упомянуть.)
19.07.2009 10:50:20 gen. like no other ни на что не похожий (a shopping experience like no other)
19.07.2009 10:44:14 gen. know one's way around something уметь обращаться (Luis knows his way around a pineapple – he skillfully breaks off the prickly crown, then deftly skins it using a machete.)
19.07.2009 10:01:30 polite thoughtfulness забота (проявленная к человеку: Thank you again for your time and thoughtfulness. – Ещё раз благодарю вас за ваше время и проявленную заботу. • Unfortunately, in my state of gratitude and relief, I did not ask the woman's name but want to thank her for her thoughtfulness and kindness. – поблагодарить её за заботу и доброту nsnews.com)

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