
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

22.08.2009 10:11:36 inf. meal ticket кормилец (тот, кто обеспечивает деньгами, продуктами)
22.08.2009 10:10:51 inf. meal ticket кормилица
22.08.2009 10:09:31 gen. snag one's talon зацепиться когтём (о птицах: A bald eagle spent Thursday night hanging upside down from the tip of a 25-metre-tall tree on Protection Island. The adult female had somehow snagged her back talon and could not get free.)
22.08.2009 5:58:46 police run the plates проверить номерной знак (в компьютерной базе данных патрульной машины: When the officer ran the Buick's plates, he found the vehicle had been reported stolen in Calgary.)
22.08.2009 5:21:30 gen. charismatic обаятельный
21.08.2009 5:16:36 gen. that particular именно этот (that particular order – именно этот заказ)
21.08.2009 5:16:36 gen. that particular именно тот
21.08.2009 1:06:29 gen. be a crybaby вести себя как маленький ребёнок
21.08.2009 1:05:00 gen. strongly recommend against something категорически возражать (My family physician strongly recommends against it.)
21.08.2009 0:45:44 gen. be straight честно себя вести (with someone; be straight with people / voters)
21.08.2009 0:43:07 gen. keep tabs on something следить за, быть в курсе
21.08.2009 0:42:03 account. wage level тарифный разряд
18.08.2009 20:50:47 gen. be up for sth готов заниматься (We hope to help the Salvation Army by offering our time when whatever is needed. Maybe cleaning a house or painting it, working in a soup kitchen or mowing someone's lawn – we are up for anything – even the dirty, boring jobs no one else is keen to do.)
18.08.2009 20:44:03 gen. kick oneself кусать себе локти (1) Interest rates are at an all-time low.You'll kick yourself if you don't buy now. 2) They're probably kicking themselves that they didn't agree to the offer.)
18.08.2009 20:40:19 gen. aesthetically pleasing эстетичный (Most passengers agree that the new stations are aesthetically pleasing.)
16.08.2009 4:11:38 inf. hassle-free никакой мороки (hassle-free car buying)
16.08.2009 4:11:38 inf. hassle-free без всякой мороки
16.08.2009 4:08:54 inf. hassle морока (I've stopped going to Vancouver, it's such a hassle – the prices are outrageous, the parking is ridiculous – now you have to plug the meter till 10 p.m., and the street crime is completely out of control.)
16.08.2009 3:21:57 gen. brouhaha свистопляска
16.08.2009 3:18:39 slang load of dough куча денег (If they offer you a rebate, that'll save you a load of dough.)
16.08.2009 3:10:43 gen. take the entire month off уйти в отпуск на целый месяц
16.08.2009 3:10:02 gen. as recently as yesterday только вчера (Really? I talked to him as recently as yesterday and he never mentioned that.)
16.08.2009 3:04:58 gen. plenty to talk about есть о чём поговорить (We have plenty to talk about. We have plenty to chat about.)
14.08.2009 2:41:39 gen. gunfire стрельба (Neighbours in the area of Jones Avenue and 20th Street told police they had heard gunfire before the 28-year-old was found dead on his lawn.)
14.08.2009 2:37:45 gen. female cousin двоюродная сестра
14.08.2009 2:22:41 disappr. be up to one's old shenanigans снова взяться за старое (They're up to their old shenanigans.)
14.08.2009 1:15:07 gen. how long did you have to wait? как долго вам пришлось ждать?
14.08.2009 1:14:26 gen. have something ahead of вас ждёт (someone); If you live in Prince George, you have a very nice day ahead of you, with highs up to 28C.)
14.08.2009 1:12:37 gen. that's about as much as вот всё, что (That's about as much as I saw. – Вот и всё, что я видел.)
14.08.2009 1:03:17 gen. be drenched in sweat истекать потом (I was drenched in sweat but feeling pretty good.)
14.08.2009 0:59:26 gen. look into разобраться (с чем-либо, в чём-либо: It's a pretty confusing new system, we still have to look into it. | I will look into it. – Я разберусь с этим.)
14.08.2009 0:59:26 gen. look into разбираться (с чем-либо, в чём-либо)
14.08.2009 0:58:13 gen. not to get engaged не связываться (When you get approached by a panhandler, your best bet is not to get engaged because the guy may turn out to be an aggressive one.)
14.08.2009 0:55:45 gen. get into a fight ввязаться в драку
14.08.2009 0:54:28 gen. get engaged in ввязаться в
14.08.2009 0:53:59 gen. I doubt it Сомневаюсь (Is that going to happen? I doubt it.)
13.08.2009 23:12:07 bank. lesser amount меньшая сумма (Advise the cardholder to re-enter the transaction using a lesser amount.)
13.08.2009 23:08:57 gen. at this point сейчас
13.08.2009 23:03:22 gen. diseased tree больное дерево
13.08.2009 23:01:48 gen. be sick to one's stomach тошнить (также переносно, в качестве критики: I was stunned by what they did. I was absolutely sick to my stomach.)
13.08.2009 23:01:48 gen. be sick to one's stomach рвать
13.08.2009 22:55:34 gen. lunge at броситься на (The pit bull suddenly lunged at my chihuahua.)
13.08.2009 22:53:41 gen. go into hiding прятаться (The owner of a mastiff who viciously attacked a three-year-old boy has gone into hiding to prevent her giant pet from being seized by the authorities.)
13.08.2009 22:51:31 gen. go on holidays уйти в отпуск
13.08.2009 22:51:31 gen. take a vacation уйти в отпуск
13.08.2009 22:35:09 inf. complete joke полная дурость (It's a complete joke!)
13.08.2009 22:32:22 busin. competitive disadvantage невыгодное положение по отношению к конкурентам (If we did that, we would be at a huge competitive disadvantage. – это поставило бы нас в крайне невыгодное положение по отношению к нашим конкурентам.)
13.08.2009 6:40:57 gen. make a recommendation вынести рекомендацию (обычно во мн. ч.: make recommendations – вынести рекомендации)
13.08.2009 6:38:00 inf. conk out отрубиться (от усталости: After the 8-hour hike, Buster crawled over to his mat and conked out.)
13.08.2009 6:32:21 gen. wind down заканчиваться (The summer is winding down and parents are thinking back-to-school sales.)
13.08.2009 6:32:21 gen. wind down подходить к концу
13.08.2009 6:32:21 gen. wind down замедлять ход
13.08.2009 6:32:21 gen. wind down сбавлять обороты
13.08.2009 5:58:56 gen. be involved with участвовать (The spectator was hit by an escort motorcycle involved with the race.)
13.08.2009 5:43:58 ed. enrol записаться на курсы (She enrolled in the Early Childhood Care and Education program at Capilano College.)
13.08.2009 5:38:13 cook. layered square слоёное пирожное (The Nanaimo bar, a source of endless recipe swaps, the famous layered square named for the B.C. city, is loved the world over.)
13.08.2009 5:25:21 econ. green shoots признаки восстановления экономики (в период спада)
13.08.2009 4:06:30 gen. make something up выдумать (The 22-year-old Abbotsford woman who called 9-1-1 claiming a stranger forced his way into her apartment, attacked her, then sexually assaulted her admitted she had made the whole thing up.)
11.08.2009 22:54:45 gen. you can можно (You can buy it online or you can get it at your local drugstore.)
11.08.2009 22:46:51 gen. handle this выйти из этой ситуации (I don't want to criticize your mother-in-law but a better way of handling this would have been discussing it with you before telling everyone else.)
11.08.2009 22:41:16 gen. feel uncomfortable чувствовать себя неудобно
11.08.2009 22:41:16 gen. feel uncomfortable чувствовать себя не в своей тарелке
11.08.2009 22:25:51 idiom. be absolutely over the moon на седьмом небе от радости (I am absolutely over the moon.)
11.08.2009 22:23:27 gen. haven't seen something in a long time давно не видели (We haven't seen rain like this in a long time – four months, actually.)
11.08.2009 11:30:23 gen. put on some weight набирать вес
11.08.2009 11:30:23 gen. pile on pounds набирать вес
11.08.2009 11:22:37 gen. take care! будь здоров! (при прощании)
11.08.2009 2:43:41 gen. make of расценивать (Как вы расцениваете это решение? – What do you make of this decision by the premier?)
11.08.2009 2:35:06 fig. pick up the tab платить по счетам (Who is going to pick up the tab after the Olympics?)
10.08.2009 22:55:52 gen. be prepared to have something приготовиться к тому, что (Be prepared to have her angry with you for quite some time.)
10.08.2009 22:53:26 gen. tough decision трудное решение (This has been a tough decision for me, as you can imagine. • She was enthusiastic about Generation X individuals becoming leaders, such as Elon Musk, Ron DeSantis, and Satya Nadella (Microsoft's CEO), and characterized them as people who can make tough decisions and get things done. -- принимать трудные решения и решать поставленные задачи coasttocoastam.com)
10.08.2009 22:44:54 gen. document a sighting зафиксировать наблюдение
10.08.2009 22:37:59 gen. record a sighting зафиксировать наблюдение (Since 1978, about 1,000 sightings of Ogopogo have been recorded in Okanagan Lake. Every year, at least five people come forward to say they have seen the creature.)
10.08.2009 22:26:31 gen. a day later на следующий день (talking about actions in the past)
10.08.2009 22:25:48 gen. a day later через день (On June 15, a Kelowna resident found a 1.2-metre-long carcass while kayaking in the lake. A day later, he sent the author a photo of the carcass.)
10.08.2009 22:18:15 inf. fuss сыр-бор (all the fuss over sth. – весь сыр-бор из-за чего-либо | Three armed suspects had fled in a stolen car, the cops set up six road blocks between Deep Cove and Long Bay. This is what all that fuss was about on the highway this morning. – Вот из-за чего был весь сыр-бор)
10.08.2009 22:12:55 gen. museum interpreter экскурсовод (в музее)
10.08.2009 3:26:21 gen. brutally beat зверски избить (Two men have been arrested after a convenience store clerk was brutally beaten in the 700-block of West 6th Avenue at 5:30 a.m. Sunday morning. – был зверски избит)
10.08.2009 3:20:48 gen. go through one's belongings рыться в чьих-то вещах (A 32-year-old man sitting on a park bench at Lost Lagoon Saturday around 8:30 p.m. was robbed at gunpoint. The suspect ran off and the victim followed until he found the man on Robson Street, going through his belongings.)
10.08.2009 3:08:58 gen. flaunt выставить на обозрение (According to ForbesTraveler.com, Vancouver's Kitsilano Beach "is where sexy locals and Hollywood interlopers relish the opportunity to peel down to their swimsuits and flaunt what they've got among the sand, beachwood and mountain vistas.")
10.08.2009 2:57:02 gen. one of these days как-нибудь (expressing a vague intention: Continental Airlines was the sole U.S. carrier mentioned among the best in terms of airline food. Hmmm... I'm going to have to try Continental one of these days.)
10.08.2009 2:02:17 gen. youth leader вожатый (in the summer camp)
10.08.2009 1:43:29 inf. tons of money уйма денег
10.08.2009 1:43:29 gen. oodles of cash уйма денег
9.08.2009 10:41:32 humor. he looks pretty good, considering для своих лет он прекрасно сохранился (He's 92? Really? He looks pretty good, considering.)
9.08.2009 10:35:02 gen. in the next while в ближайшие дни
9.08.2009 10:34:04 gen. put something into the public domain сделать достоянием общественности
9.08.2009 2:40:03 gen. root through a dumpster рыться в мусорном контейнере (looking for cans and other recyclables)
9.08.2009 2:40:03 gen. root through a dumpster копаться в мусорном контейнере
9.08.2009 2:38:18 gen. construction debris строительный мусор
8.08.2009 22:14:21 gen. I do apologize Прошу прощения (I do apologize for the mix-up.)
8.08.2009 22:11:40 gen. have a dry cough подкашливать
8.08.2009 22:10:46 gen. first off первым делом (First off, visit our website to find a location near you.)
8.08.2009 1:20:59 gen. cash a cheque получать наличные деньги по чеку (Frank told me he had a problem cashing the 004218 cheque because it wasn't signed.)
8.08.2009 1:14:07 gen. go up возрасти (The prices have gone up so much we can't afford it.)
7.08.2009 23:58:12 gen. bike rider велосипедист (The city seems bent on making driving as difficult as possible for vehicle users to appease the oh-so-politically sexy bike lobby. And I am a bike rider.)
7.08.2009 23:53:54 gen. designated отведённый (для определённой цели: a designated sidewalk / road)
7.08.2009 23:51:42 gen. it's not all as easy as it sounds не всё так просто
7.08.2009 22:33:05 gen. under our laws по нашим законам
7.08.2009 22:25:33 gen. every busybody in town каждый, кому не лень

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