
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

28.02.2024 7:37:30 real.est. return on equity прибыль с погашенной доли ипотеки (при сдаче жилья внаём: I have a lot of equity built up in the property, the mortgage is coming up for renewal, but given this lack of interest the return on equity is pretty much nil at this point.)
28.02.2024 7:28:51 gen. enjoy получать радость (от чего-либо: Having a bath with your baby is really quite fun, it's a great way to really enjoy the interaction, so it's really an enjoyable experience. -- прекрасный способ получать радость от общения)
28.02.2024 6:45:04 gen. be the only reminder of that единственное, что напоминает об этом (A handful of Edwardian era apartment buildings are the only reminders of that period.)
28.02.2024 6:38:36 affect. dear душенька ("And she isn't ghastly. She's a dear. She won't be any trouble." (P.G. Wodehouse) – она такая душенька)
28.02.2024 6:33:49 real.est. rent out a unit сдавать квартиру (in a building: Has anyone had issues with renting their unit out? I have a furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom in New West, utilities and the internet included, that I have rented out for 8 years with never a shortage of mid-term renters. Now it's crickets! (FB))
28.02.2024 4:38:56 crim.law. use pepper spray распылить перцовый баллончик (В Севастополе в начале февраля малолетние дети распылили перцовый баллончик в глаза 10-летнему мальчику. Происшествие, о котором в жутких подробностях сообщали в соцсетях горожане, случилось в районе ул. Генерала Хрюкина рядом с продуктовым магазином «ПУД». (sevastopol.su))
28.02.2024 4:38:38 crim.law. use pepper spray брызнуть в лицо из газового баллончика (Мужчина зашел в один из столичных интим-магазинов и брызнул в лицо продавщице из газового баллончика.)
28.02.2024 3:55:51 law fraudulently мошенническим путём (напр., о присвоении денежных средств: B.C.’s Supreme Court has ordered the estate of a dead woman to pay UBC $594,680 as a result of her fraud and wage theft. ...The audit’s conclusion was that Moscipan had engaged in various fraudulent actions, including stealing money from a dormant bank account to which she had exclusive access. It also found she was receiving 180 per cent of a full-time salary and had been giving herself raises for years by forging supervisors’ signatures. ...“As a result of Ms. Moscipan’s wage theft, Ms. Moscipan (and consequently the estate after her death) was enriched by the amount of $594,680.26,” Taylor said “It would therefore be unjust for the estate to retain property derived from funds that were fraudulently obtained by Ms. Moscipan.” (burnabynow.com))
28.02.2024 3:51:42 gen. became suspicious возникло подозрение (about sth. -- по поводу чего-л.: "...But at the Dec. 20 meeting at BMO's Burrard Street location in downtown Vancouver, an employee questioned the identification he and his granddaughter presented. "She said the numbers didn't match up what she had on her computer," Johnson said from his home in Bella Bella, a Heiltsuk community located on B.C's Central Coast. (...) He said the employee became suspicious and went upstairs with their cards." (CBC) • B.C.’s Supreme Court has ordered the estate of a dead woman to pay UBC $594,680 as a result of her fraud and wage theft. ...The judge said that, in 2011 a new UBC Department of Obstetrics head, Dr. Geoffrey Cundiff, became suspicious about some of her behaviour and requested an audit of her activities during the period of her dual employment. The audit’s conclusion was that Moscipan had engaged in various fraudulent actions, including stealing money from a dormant bank account to which she had exclusive access. It also found she was receiving 180 per cent of a full-time salary and had been giving herself raises for years by forging supervisors’ signatures. (burnabynow.com))
28.02.2024 3:39:48 gen. executor of one's estate душеприказчик посмертного имущества (B.C.’s Supreme Court has ordered the estate of a dead woman to pay UBC $594,680 as a result of her fraud and wage theft. She died in 2012 with her husband being the executor of her estate. (burnabynow.com))
28.02.2024 3:07:47 gen. put away one's clothes прятать одежду (до нового сезона: Don’t put away your winter clothes just yet! We’re getting a heavy helping of snow across Metro Vancouver. -- Не прячьте пока зимнюю одежду.)
28.02.2024 3:03:22 gen. communicate to донести до (сознания, аудитории)
28.02.2024 2:58:28 obs. hall дом помещика (Hall: Hagley Hall, a Palladian building in a splendid landscaped park, was built between 1754 and 1760 by Lord Lyttelton. • Just north-west of the village is Harvington Hall, a manor house with a moat and secret passages. • Holkham Hall, a huge, dun-coloured early 18th-century Palladian hall, the home of the Earl of Leicester. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
28.02.2024 2:57:43 obs. hall барский дом (Hall: Hagley Hall, a Palladian building in a splendid landscaped park, was built between 1754 and 1760 by Lord Lyttelton. • Just north-west of the village is Harvington Hall, a manor house with a moat and secret passages. • Holkham Hall, a huge, dun-coloured early 18th-century Palladian hall, the home of the Earl of Leicester. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
28.02.2024 2:19:27 helic. spin облёт (на вертолёте, вокруг чего-л.: Another spin around the beautiful snowy mountains.)
28.02.2024 2:16:01 gen. I am embarrassed for you мне стыдно за вас ("The RCMP talked with crown prosecutors but did not issue search warrants, or make any attempt to interview Justin Trudeau about the SNC Lavalin scandal" -- I am embarrassed for you./J'ai honte pour vous, Mike Duheme, RCMP Commissioner, commissaire de la GRC. (Twitter))
28.02.2024 1:13:08 fig. character настроение (The new café perfectly fits with the laid-back character of the seaside neighbourhood. -- Новое кафе прекрасно вписывается в неторопливое настроение, отличающее этот приморский квартал.)
27.02.2024 11:52:31 law incurred нанесённый (The damage incurred by Wilson was estimated to be £250,000.)
27.02.2024 11:47:52 gen. we get frustrated нам обидно ("We're hard workers," says McDonnell. "Alex is a plumber doing manual labour all day here on the North Shore. I work full-time at my family's contracting fi rm. We make good money, and we save. But we haven't reached the point of being able to put a down payment on the type of starter home we want. And every time we pay rent, we get frustrated that we're making money but doing nothing to help build our future." – нам становится обидно (nsnews.com))
27.02.2024 11:43:28 idiom. would go a long way на многое способен (She's a little girl who would go a long way for a thousand bucks. (Raymond Chandler) – Это такая девочка, которая на многое способна ради тысячи баксов.)
27.02.2024 11:37:35 arts. sensibility способность ощущать дух (критик о художнике: the artist's retro sensibilities and diverse inspirations)
27.02.2024 11:36:34 arts. sensibility способность тонко чувствовать (критик о художнике: the artist's retro sensibilities and diverse inspirations)
27.02.2024 9:10:30 polit. chase from office изгнать с должности (в правительстве: But austerity is coming very soon and people will be shocked at the cuts in service. This will be a lesson and illustrate why Trudeau's own father was chased from office. He's doing exactly what his old man did....spending money like a drunk until he hits a brick wall. (nsnews.com))
27.02.2024 9:08:09 gen. out of meanness из вредности (She won't tell where Mary works – out of meanness, as usual.)
27.02.2024 8:52:27 shipb. shallow draught небольшая осадка (A typical Viking longship of c. AD 900, excavated in 1880 and now in an Oslo museum. It is over 76 ft long, yet its draught is only 3 ft, and its bottom planks are less than an inch thick. The Vikings' ships, superbly functional in design, were the key to their triumphs. Their draught was shallow and they could land on any beach. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
27.02.2024 8:30:46 gen. longship ладья (термин вполне применим и в контексте судостроения Древней Руси: A typical Viking longship of c. AD 900, excavated in 1880 and now in an Oslo museum.)
27.02.2024 8:28:45 archaeol. Viking longship ладья викингов (A typical Viking longship of c. AD 900, excavated in 1880 and now in an Oslo museum. • Драккар — узкая парусно-гребная ладья викингов, с высоко поднятыми носом и кормой. Отсюда другое название подобного судна — «длинный корабль» (Langskip) (ru.wikipedia.org))
27.02.2024 4:04:59 gen. inner turmoil душевные муки (While there are some treatments for narcissism, he said there is no cure for a sociopath. "They don't have a core, so they don't have anything to reach," and they don't experience any inner turmoil when they do something wrong, Rosenberg noted. (coasttocoastam.com))
27.02.2024 4:03:52 gen. inner turmoil душевная тревога (While there are some treatments for narcissism, he said there is no cure for a sociopath. "They don't have a core, so they don't have anything to reach," and they don't experience any inner turmoil when they do something wrong, Rosenberg noted. -- не испытывают душевной тревоги, когда поступают дурно (coasttocoastam.com))
27.02.2024 4:00:21 med. well-hydrated имеющий достаточное содержание жидкости в организме (Fluids are very important for you as they will decrease the urine saturation and keep you well-hydrated. When you are well hydrated, you will have fewer stone-forming salts lingering around.)
27.02.2024 3:58:50 ornit. flight pen вольер для птиц (в неволе: Authorities in England find themselves with a strange mystery on their hands after a beloved owl was seemingly stolen from its enclosure over the weekend. The very weird case came to light on Sunday when conservationists who oversee the sizeable Wimbledon and Putney Commons park in London announced that the bird, dubbed Merlin, had gone missing from its flight pen. (coasttocoastam.com))
27.02.2024 3:54:13 gen. overly steep слишком крепко заваривать (чай: Stick with 1 – 2 cups per day and don’t overly steep. The more you steep, the higher the oxalate.)
27.02.2024 3:50:02 gen. overly steeped tea слишком крепко заваренный чай
27.02.2024 3:33:58 formal nefarious individual злоумышленник (The group concluded that a nefarious individual must have somehow stolen the bird from his home and, as such, indicated that they have alerted police to the suspected heist. -- некий злоумышленник (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 10:48:53 gen. out of sheer curiosity из любопытства (Akers actually stood beside President Johnson, who was there for the first day of filming out of sheer curiosity. Johnson personally gave Akers a list of 15 VIP visitors who were allowed to enter the huge airplane hangar where the artificial moon set was constructed and observe this arrogant government deception that remains concealed up until now. sibrel.com)
26.02.2024 10:43:20 sarcast. imagine привидеться (Then Fox News contacted me, then Glenn Beck, though the latter two tried to reassure their audiences that the Chief of Security of Cannon Air Force Base, who eye-witnessed the first “moon landing” being filmed there in 1968 inside of a converted airplane hanger with a replica of the moon’s surface, must have imagined it and needs glasses. -- ему это, должно быть, привиделось sibrel.com)
26.02.2024 10:37:12 gen. Russian-to-English translation перевод с русского на английский (The link to the Russian-to-English translation of this breaking news story was quickly nullified hours after posting, “Google Translate” then refused to translate a copy of the article from Russian to English, and the original Russian link now even threatens the user with “You are trying to access a URL that is a suspected child sexual abuse or exploitation material site and will give us access to your data.” Wow! Who would dare click on such a link? sibrel.com)
26.02.2024 10:07:01 gen. prompt with what to say подсказывать, что нужно говорить (In this never-before-seen or -heard footage, not only is the radio conversation between the astronauts and Houston controller audible, there is a secondary private conversation taking place between the crew and a third confidential party prompting the astronauts with what to say, when to speak, and how to effectively manipulate the camera to achieve the desired misleading effect. (A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon, YouTube) youtube.com)
26.02.2024 8:24:18 quot.aph. when pride comes, then comes disgrace придёт гордость, придёт и посрамление (Proverbs 11:2 -- Книга Притчей Соломоновых, гл. 11, ст. 2 (другой вариант: гордыня): "Придёт гордость, придёт и посрамление; но со смиренными – мудрость.")
26.02.2024 8:14:08 quot.aph. there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed нет ничего сокровенного, что не открылось бы (Matthew 10:26 -- Евангелие от Матфея, гл. 10, ст. 26: "Нет ничего сокровенного, что не открылось бы, и тайного, что не было бы узнано.")
26.02.2024 7:52:25 gen. high-profile известный (A high-profile person or event is known about by a lot of people and receives a lot of attention from television, newspapers, etc. (Cambridge Learner's Dictionary): a high-profile person -- известная личность • He mentioned the involvement of high-profile individuals, including President Johnson, Neil Armstrong, and others, in the alleged deception. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:51:23 fig. high-profile громкий (a high-profile murder case – громкое дело об убийстве • It was a high-profile case involving well-known public servants and their mobster friends. -- громкое дело • high-profile campaign -- громкая кампания)
26.02.2024 7:48:40 gen. expose the fraud разоблачить обман (He reported on the deathbed confession of Cyrus Eugene Akers, who claimed to be head of security at Cannon Air Force Base where the first lunar landing was supposedly faked. Sibrel described how Akers confessed to his son about murdering a coworker who threatened to expose the fraud. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:48:40 gen. expose the fraud разоблачить подлог (He reported on the deathbed confession of Cyrus Eugene Akers, who claimed to be head of security at Cannon Air Force Base where the first lunar landing was supposedly faked. Sibrel described how Akers confessed to his son about murdering a coworker who threatened to expose the fraud. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:37:27 gen. knowledge обладание информацией (Sibrel presented various pieces of evidence to support his claims, such as discrepancies in shadows in moon landing footage and the testimony of experts. He dismissed counterarguments about the possibility of moon landing authenticity, citing examples like China and Russia's alleged knowledge of the fraud and the destruction of technology and evidence by NASA. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:35:33 gen. knowledge информированность (Sibrel presented various pieces of evidence to support his claims, such as discrepancies in shadows in moon landing footage and the testimony of experts. He dismissed counterarguments about the possibility of moon landing authenticity, citing examples like China and Russia's alleged knowledge of the fraud and the destruction of technology and evidence by NASA. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:35:33 gen. knowledge обладание сведениями (Sibrel presented various pieces of evidence to support his claims, such as discrepancies in shadows in moon landing footage and the testimony of experts. He dismissed counterarguments about the possibility of moon landing authenticity, citing examples like China and Russia's alleged knowledge of the fraud and the destruction of technology and evidence by NASA. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:08:38 gen. pieces of evidence доказательства (Sibrel presented various pieces of evidence to support his claims, such as discrepancies in shadows in moon landing footage and the testimony of experts. He also discussed the discovery of unedited footage showing the astronauts faking being halfway to the moon, which he sees as conclusive proof of the hoax. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:08:38 gen. pieces of evidence факты (Sibrel presented various pieces of evidence to support his claims, such as discrepancies in shadows in moon landing footage and the testimony of experts. He also discussed the discovery of unedited footage showing the astronauts faking being halfway to the moon, which he sees as conclusive proof of the hoax. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:05:44 gen. recount instances where привести примеры того, как (Sibrel suggested that exposing the moon landings as fraudulent would shatter this trust in government and scientific institutions. He recounted instances where individuals, including media figures like Glenn Beck, vehemently defended the moon landings despite evidence suggesting otherwise. -- привёл примеры того, как (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 7:01:49 gen. expose as fraudulent разоблачить (Sibrel expressed his deep skepticism and conviction that the Apollo moon landings were staged. He argued that the anger and resistance people display when confronted with this idea stems from a reverence for science and the Apollo missions being treated as a sort of "god" figure. Sibrel suggested that exposing the moon landings as fraudulent would shatter this trust in government and scientific institutions. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 6:33:22 disappr. stage устроить постановку (т.е. мистификацию, для введение людей в заблуждение: Sibrel joined guest host Richard Syrett to reveal why he thinks the Apollo moon landings were hoaxed and how government agencies have tried to stop the truth from getting out. Sibrel expressed his deep skepticism and conviction that the Apollo moon landings were staged. He mentioned the involvement of high-profile individuals, including President Johnson, Neil Armstrong, and others, in the alleged deception. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 6:26:42 disappr. hoax устроить мистификацию (Sibrel joined guest host Richard Syrett (Twitter) to reveal why he thinks the Apollo moon landings were hoaxed and how government agencies have tried to stop the truth from getting out. He mentioned the involvement of high-profile individuals, including President Johnson, Neil Armstrong, and others, in the alleged deception. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 6:21:59 disappr. hoax спектакль для одурачивания публики (т.е. мистификация, постановка: Sibrel joined guest host Richard Syrett to reveal why he thinks the Apollo moon landings were hoaxed and how government agencies have tried to stop the truth from getting out. Sibrel also discussed the discovery of unedited footage showing the astronauts faking being halfway to the moon, which he sees as conclusive proof of the hoax. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 6:15:52 gen. harrowing кошмарный (Bart Sibrel’s "Moon Man" is a revealing memoir recalling his harrowing journey investigating what really happened during America’s famous Apollo missions. It features hair-raising and life-threatening encounters with government agencies. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.02.2024 5:11:36 welln. hairdressing industry сфера красоты (***не путать с beauty industry! The beauty industry encompasses cosmetics, perfume, skincare and haircare products.***: Hairdressing Industry means the performing and/or carrying out, in any Hairdressing Salon, of shaving, haircutting, hairdressing, hair trimming, facial waxing, hair curling or waving, beard trimming, face or head massaging, shampooing, wig-making, hair working, hair dyeing, manicuring, eye-brow waxing or lash tinting, or any process or treatment of the hair, head or face carried on, using or engaged in Hairdressing Salon, and includes the sharpening or setting of razors in a Hairdressing Salon. (lawinsider.com) • В Севастополе сфера красоты развита достаточно хорошо. Огромный спектр услуг можно получить в любое время, по любой цене и даже практически в любом месте – от премиального салона красоты в центре города до частного кабинета или выезда на дом к мастеру. (sevastopol.su))
26.02.2024 4:38:20 gen. layer of snow слой снега (Fresh snow will stay on top of problematic layers of snow underneath.)
26.02.2024 3:55:04 gen. not appropriate непригодный (This technique is not appropriate in certain situations.)
26.02.2024 1:11:02 jewl. goldsmithing изготовление ювелирных изделий из золота (representing evidence of the Bronze Age goldsmithing skills of the people of the Iberian Peninsula (unexplained-mysteries.com))
25.02.2024 12:47:22 inf. way up high высоко-высоко
25.02.2024 6:27:57 formal socio-economic walks of life социально-экономические слои (Children from all socio-economic walks of life benefit from early education. – дети из всех социально-экономических слоёв общества)
25.02.2024 6:26:29 gen. make efficient use of рационально использовать (The display makes efficient use of retail space. • The purpose of the program is to make efficient use of land, increase the capacity of housing and promote walkable neighbourhoods.)
25.02.2024 6:25:22 obs. militia fighter ратник ополчения (из архивной справки, Российская империя: "Мещанин (ФИО) являлся к исполнению воинской повинности при призыве 1882 г. и, по вынутому им № ... жеребья зачислен в ратники ополчения.")
25.02.2024 5:26:09 confect. chocolate covered raisins изюм в шоколаде (milk chocolate covered raisins)
25.02.2024 5:24:20 tech. find the means изыскивать средства (не финансовые, а технологию: Once we have perfected the original version, we then find the means to produce it in much larger quantities.)
25.02.2024 5:21:35 market. ethically sourced изысканный с использованием этических методов (All aspects of our production are ethically sourced.)
25.02.2024 5:13:21 gen. bear a striking resemblance отличаться удивительным сходством (to sb. – на кого-л.: A cairn near Ceannacroc Bridge marks the place where, in 1746, Roderick Mackenzie, one of Bonnie Prince Charlie's bodyguards, was killed by English troops. Mackenzie bore a striking resemblance to the prince, and said as he was dying, 'You have murdered your prince'. The soldiers, in their eagerness to get the £30,000 ransom for the prince, believed him, and the search was abandoned until the mistake was discovered. By this time, the prince had made good his escape. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) -- Маккензи внешностью был удивительно похож на принца)
25.02.2024 4:07:37 inf. beastly пренеприятный ((British) very unpleasant (Oxford Dictionary))
25.02.2024 3:54:16 gen. bear a striking resemblance быть удивительно похожим (to sb. – на кого-л.: A cairn near Ceannacroc Bridge marks the place where, in 1746, Roderick Mackenzie, one of Bonnie Prince Charlie's bodyguards, was killed by English troops. Mackenzie bore a striking resemblance to the prince, and said as he was dying, 'You have murdered your prince'. The soldiers, in their eagerness to get the £30,000 ransom for the prince, believed him, and the search was abandoned until the mistake was discovered. By this time, the prince had made good his escape. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) -- Маккензи был удивительно похож на принца)
25.02.2024 3:53:54 gen. bear a striking resemblance быть поразительно похожим (to sb. – на кого-л.: A cairn near Ceannacroc Bridge marks the place where, in 1746, Roderick Mackenzie, one of Bonnie Prince Charlie's bodyguards, was killed by English troops. Mackenzie bore a striking resemblance to the prince, and said as he was dying, 'You have murdered your prince'. The soldiers, in their eagerness to get the £30,000 ransom for the prince, believed him, and the search was abandoned until the mistake was discovered. By this time, the prince had made good his escape. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) -- Маккензи был поразительно похож на принца)
25.02.2024 3:01:19 gen. speculate about the possibility предположить возможность (of – чего-л.: A caller named David reminisced about his father's service with the Airborne Rangers alongside Fred Rogers and Bob Ross. He shared a strange experience he had in Idaho Falls around 2008, when all radio stations were playing music from the 1920s or 1930s instead of their usual programming. David recalled hearing news broadcasts mentioning an atmospheric event and wondered if anyone else experienced it. Richard speculated about the possibility of a time slip or time dilation as a cause for the strange radio phenomenon David experienced. (coasttocoastam.com))
25.02.2024 2:53:01 cliche. reach one's full potential реализовать свои возможности в полной мере (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com))
25.02.2024 2:53:01 cliche. reach one's full potential в полной мере раскрыть свои способности (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com))
25.02.2024 2:53:01 cliche. reach one's full potential раскрыть свои возможности в полной мере (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com))
25.02.2024 2:53:01 cliche. reach one's full potential в полной мере реализовать свои возможности (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com))
25.02.2024 2:53:01 cliche. reach one's full potential реализовать свой потенциал в полной мере (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com))
25.02.2024 2:28:19 canad. Old Age Security социальная пенсия (OAS)
24.02.2024 7:01:18 traf. volume количество (машин на определённом участке автострады; терпин применяется также для пешеходов и велосипедистов: There's a lot of volume between Gagliardi and the Second Narrows, mostly around merge points. • It is really crazy here especially considering the volume of pedestrians and cyclists on Cornwall, West 4th and West Broadway. Just wait until the summer. Been in Kits 4 years now and still stunned by it. (Reddit))
24.02.2024 6:49:16 gen. I have always wondered меня всегда интересовало (I have always wondered why such a large swath of public beach is closed off to the actual public. This is a relatively recent thing. Growing up here, in the 1970s/80s, the public could use the whole beach. (Reddit))
24.02.2024 6:35:56 publ.transp. block the way загораживать проход (в салоне автобуса: Take off your backpacks on packed transit. And move so you’re not blocking the way. (Twitter))
24.02.2024 6:14:59 gen. die in a car accident погибнуть в автокатастрофе (She detailed a case of when a 20-year-old girl died in a car accident and she had read for her family. Then, around Christmas time two years ago, the spirit girl visited her and kept showing her "dipping chocolate." Dennis reached out to the girl's mother and found out that it had just been the anniversary of the daughter's death and the family had commemorated it over chocolate fondue. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.02.2024 5:59:35 esot. reading сеанс общения с духами (проводимый для их родственников: One of her goals is to help grieving people by connecting them with their loved ones through readings, and assuring them that the departed are OK. • She also talked about some cases where she worked with families as a psychic detective to find missing people, and gave readings to callers in the last hour. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.02.2024 5:45:26 relig. afterlife realm загробный мир (Our loved ones still live on in the afterlife after they have left their physical body, she explained, and when they die, it is the right time for their soul, even if it's not an optimal time for those still alive, such as when a young person dies. In her encounters, she generally finds spirits to be in a positive frame of mind, as that is part of the nature of the afterlife realm. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.02.2024 5:45:26 relig. afterlife realm загробная жизнь (Our loved ones still live on in the afterlife after they have left their physical body, she explained, and when they die, it is the right time for their soul, even if it's not an optimal time for those still alive, such as when a young person dies. In her encounters, she generally finds spirits to be in a positive frame of mind, as that is part of the nature of the afterlife realm. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.02.2024 5:37:37 for.pol. displace вытеснить кого-л. с места (China is a worrisome threat, Weichert commented, as not only do they plan to conquer their region but they seek to displace the US as the world's dominant power, and they have the money to do so whereas Russia does not. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.02.2024 5:33:27 gen. look for weaknesses to exploit выискивать слабые места у (The talked-about Russian space technology may be the equivalent of an EMP weapon, Weichert cautioned, which possibly could be used to take down US power grids. The rivals of the US, including Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea, may be planning a "cyber 9-11 attack" during 2024 while America is in its election cycle. They are currently probing our networks looking for weaknesses to exploit in preparation for a larger attack, he stated. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.02.2024 5:31:43 energ.distr. take down the power grid вывести из строя энергосистему (The talked-about Russian space technology may be the equivalent of an EMP weapon, Weichert cautioned, which possibly could be used to take down US power grids. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.02.2024 5:29:12 polit. get to the negotiating table заманить за стол переговоров (Russia may be thinking they can expedite the war with Ukraine using this weaponry by knocking out America and NATO's satellites, Weichert suggested. They might focus on taking out the Starlink satellite capability that Ukraine's military relies on. Another scenario could be that Russia is trying to bluff that they have this system as a tactic to get the US and NATO to the negotiating table to end the Ukraine conflict, he added. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.02.2024 5:27:11 mil. knock out satellites выбить спутники (The State Department recently issued a warning that Russia was planning to develop a nuclear space weapon that could be used to destroy satellites. Russia may be thinking they can expedite the war with Ukraine using this weaponry by knocking out America and NATO's satellites, Weichert suggested. (coasttocoastam.com) • Военный эксперт Алексей Леонков заявил о попытках Starlink Илона Маска выбить в космосе спутники связи России. (news.rambler.ru))
24.02.2024 4:34:14 archit. can house up to вместимостью до (The Commonwealth Stadium in McCauley, Alberta, famous for hosting Eskimo events, can house up to 60,081 people. It was purposefully designed for the 1978 Commonwealth Games. (austadiums.com) • Большой концертный зал вместимостью до 800 человек; фойе большого концертного зала вместимостью до 170 человек. (из рус. источников))
24.02.2024 4:33:55 archit. capable of holding up to вместимостью до (Among Canada's biggest multipurpose arenas, there is one that stands out – BC Place, situated in Vancouver, British Columbia. This venue is home to Vancouver Whitecaps FC and BC Lions. Moreover, this field is capable of holding up to 54,500 people, which is why it was the venue where the 2010 Winter Olympics and the Paralympics Games of 2010 were organised. (austadiums.com) • Большой концертный зал вместимостью до 800 человек; фойе большого концертного зала вместимостью до 170 человек. (из рус. источников))
24.02.2024 4:21:30 gen. prominent example яркий представитель (The Palace of Westminster is one of the most prominent examples of neo-Gothic architecture. • Окружной Дом офицеров в Екатеринбурге был построен в 1941 году. Здание – яркий представитель советской неоклассики. (из рус. источников))
24.02.2024 3:56:25 cliche. the name stuck название прижилось (In 1910 when the Vancouver real-estate firm of Ross and Shaw tried to sell their new subdivision on the mountain they printed ads in the Vancouver Daily Province which announced: "Adjoining this desirable property is the beautiful Quinte Lake, where it is proposed to erect a tourist hotel." Apparently local residents thought the name was hilarious and much too grandiose a description for a beaver pond. Instead, Lochdale residents joked that "...you had to squint to see it" and the name Squint Lake stuck. Residents enjoyed swimming in the pond and in the winter people came from miles around to skate. (Waterways of Burnaby))
24.02.2024 3:43:41 gen. in the wilds of в дебрях (In the late 19th century, sportsmen from Vancouver and New Westminster used Guichon Creek, named after the Guichon family, pioneer residents of Delta who owned some of the land in Burnaby near the present-day site of BCIT where this creek flowed, as a waterway for hunting expeditions in the wilds of Burnaby. (Waterways of Burnaby))
24.02.2024 3:36:42 gen. be a continuous struggle трудно даваться (School was a continuous struggle. – Учёба в школе трудно ему давалась. / Учение давалось ему с трудом.)
24.02.2024 3:27:46 gen. be in flower цвести (о кустах, не о цветении водорослей на поверхности воды и т.п.: Dulwich Park is best visited in early summer when the azaleas and rhododendrons are in flower. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
24.02.2024 3:22:00 gen. have plans планировать (The City of Burnaby has plans to move away from 4949 Canada Way near Deer Lake to Metrotown. The existing building at 4949 Canada Way was built in 1955, and the city says it “lacks sustainability and inclusivity provisions.” (burnabynow.com))
23.02.2024 9:53:04 comp. hit the button нажать на клавишу (You take a screen shot by hitting the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard.)
23.02.2024 7:05:54 idiom. the rough and tumble of life жизненные трудности
23.02.2024 7:00:55 idiom. got cold feet душа ушла в пятки

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