
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

10.01.2010 4:00:34 gen. make up a lie измыслить ложь
10.01.2010 3:59:16 idiom. stick one's nose where one doesn't belong лезть своим носом куда не следует
10.01.2010 3:58:46 gen. stick one's nose where one doesn't belong совать нос куда не следует (She likes to stick her nose where she doesn't belong.)
10.01.2010 3:52:53 gen. great gift отличный подарок (Fluorescent light bulbs make a great gift. – это отличный подарок)
10.01.2010 3:47:30 gen. have a smattering of знать по верхам (She had a smattering of French but it didn't stop her from marrying a Rouen lawyer.)
10.01.2010 3:41:32 gen. receive the sacraments причаститься
10.01.2010 3:41:32 gen. receive the sacraments причащаться
10.01.2010 3:39:48 gen. according to the Julian calendar по юлианскому календарю
10.01.2010 3:39:48 gen. according to the Julian calendar по юлианскому стилю
10.01.2010 3:37:22 gen. abide by the Gregorian calendar придерживаться григорианского календаря
9.01.2010 9:46:57 slang snifter рюмочка (Why don't we go down to the Blue Mermaid for a snifter? – А неплохо было бы нам пропустить по рюмашке в "Голубой русалке"?)
9.01.2010 9:46:57 slang snifter рюмашка
9.01.2010 9:41:49 gen. nothing of that nature ничего подобного
9.01.2010 9:36:33 gen. something always goes wrong вечно происходит что-то не то
9.01.2010 9:33:09 gen. rank high up among стоять в числе первых
9.01.2010 9:27:46 gen. without any middleman без посредников
9.01.2010 9:26:09 gen. suffer much немало пострадать ("I had suffered much at his hands since first our paths had crossed." (P.G.Wodehouse))
9.01.2010 9:24:28 gen. do a decent thing поступить порядочно (I think the decent thing to do would be to call her and apologize.)
9.01.2010 9:24:01 gen. frozen to the spot застыв на месте (He just stood there frozen to the spot.)
9.01.2010 9:21:28 inf. fork over выкладывать (fork over thousands of dollars for this priviledge)
9.01.2010 9:20:19 inf. fork over выложить (Under the new law, drivers would have to fork over $2,000 if they are caught drunk behind the wheel.)
9.01.2010 9:15:44 gen. shake off a reputation избавиться от дурной репутации (Once you acquire that kind of reputation, it can be very difficult to shake it off.)
9.01.2010 9:13:12 gen. that would seem to be the case По-видимому, так и есть
9.01.2010 9:12:38 gen. Very few people seem to care это почти никого не волнует
9.01.2010 9:08:57 gen. peeved уязвлённый
9.01.2010 9:05:54 gen. evade the issue уклониться от ответа ("Womanlike, she evaded the issue." (P.G.Wodehouse))
9.01.2010 9:05:54 gen. evade the issue обойти тему
9.01.2010 9:02:27 gen. on vacation в отпуске
9.01.2010 9:00:13 gen. dumb thing глупость (That was a really dumb thing to say. I was so embarrassed...)
9.01.2010 8:59:03 gen. dumb things глупости (Why do smart people do dumb things?)
9.01.2010 8:54:07 gen. not affect one way or the other никак не повлиять (That doesn't really affect the drug trade one way or the other.)
9.01.2010 8:54:07 gen. not affect one way or the other никак не отразиться (The recession didn't really affect this sector one way or the other.)
9.01.2010 8:49:47 gen. one way or the other каким-то образом (One way or the other, I'm going to find out her number.)
9.01.2010 8:49:47 gen. one way or the other так или иначе
9.01.2010 7:46:14 gen. get a little chuckle немного посмеяться над (чем-либо; The joke got a little chuckle but he didn't get fired. – над анекдотом немного посмеялись)
9.01.2010 7:42:40 gen. make a decent living нормально зарабатывать
9.01.2010 7:42:40 gen. make a decent living неплохо жить
9.01.2010 7:31:30 gen. live in the moment жить одной минутой ("It seems to me the easiest way to get through life is just accept it and live in the moment." Willie Nelson)
9.01.2010 7:27:17 gen. Canada's канадский (Canada's health care system)
9.01.2010 7:26:07 gen. entirely cosmetic только для вида (measures: It's entirely cosmetic, nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction.)
9.01.2010 7:17:50 inf. get fired up разволноваться (What got you so fired up? – Отчего ты так разволновалась?)
9.01.2010 7:17:50 inf. get fired up распсиховаться (What got you so fired up? I wouldn't get so fired up over it.)
9.01.2010 6:28:51 gen. let in on a secret открыть секрет (I'm going to let you in on a little secret. If you tell them that you're a local, they'll give you a nice discount. – открою тебе небольшой секрет)
9.01.2010 6:12:16 inf. a whole bunch of money целая куча денег
9.01.2010 5:54:25 gen. maim покалечить (His 16-year-old son was maimed for life by a drunk driver. – на всю жизнь покалечил)
9.01.2010 5:52:20 gen. fly летать на самолёте (My sister hates flying.)
9.01.2010 5:49:03 gen. be set on настаивать (на; Why is the Liberal government so set on building this prison in the midst of a residential neighbourhood? Perhaps because it's an NDP riding?)
9.01.2010 5:38:17 gen. for no obvious reason непонятно почему
9.01.2010 5:29:34 gen. purpose-built построенный для этой цели (The skating oval was purpose-built at taxpayers' expense. – специально построен для этой цели)
9.01.2010 5:26:02 gen. shut down отменить (The council has voted to shut down street parties and similar events.)
9.01.2010 5:23:46 gen. tell only half the story утаивать факты (She's telling only half the story, in my opinion.)
9.01.2010 5:16:06 gen. show a lack of judgment действовать необдуманно
9.01.2010 5:16:06 gen. show a lack of judgment поступить необдуманно
9.01.2010 5:14:46 gen. lack of judgment необдуманное решение
9.01.2010 5:14:46 gen. lack of judgment необдуманные действия (lack of judgment on the part of someone – необдуманные действия со стороны кого-либо; I realize it was a lack of judgment on my part.)
9.01.2010 5:10:40 gen. it's not just the Дело не только в (It's not just the noise that's a problem for the tired residents, it's the garbage beachgoers tend to leave behind.)
9.01.2010 5:04:39 gen. boost one's rating поднять рейтинг (They just do it in order to boost their rating.)
9.01.2010 4:56:44 gen. affect profoundly оказать сильное воздействие (These trends are affecting small and medium-sized businesses very profoundly.)
9.01.2010 4:22:51 gen. have one's priorities wrong не тем заниматься (They have their priorities wrong, they should be spending that money on something else. – совсем не тем занимаются)
9.01.2010 4:21:23 gen. have one's priorities mixed up не тем заниматься (I think they've got their priorities mixed up. – не тем занимаются)
9.01.2010 4:19:28 affect. cuddlebug лапа (Both kittens are wonderful cuddle bugs and are super playful. They are always together. – такая лапа)
9.01.2010 3:01:49 gen. in rare circumstances при редких обстоятельствах
9.01.2010 2:02:43 law grant an absolute discharge освободить от ответственности (He received an absolute discharge after pleading guilty. – был освобождён от ответственности)
9.01.2010 2:02:05 law give an absolute discharge освободить от ответственности (An absolute discharge may be imposed where punishment is considered inappropriate. The offender is found guilty but no further action is considered necessary.)
9.01.2010 1:35:49 idiom. put one's finger on припомнить (I know her name, I just can't put my finger on it.)
8.01.2010 11:26:04 inf. weirdo ненормальный тип
8.01.2010 11:20:55 gen. fix one's tie поправить галстук (His wife stopped to fix his tie for him.)
8.01.2010 11:04:30 gen. cut back on the length сократить срок (cut back on the length of the vacation – сократить срок отпуска)
8.01.2010 11:00:24 gen. make twice the money зарабатывать в два раза больше (After completing this program, he now makes twice the money he did before.)
8.01.2010 10:56:35 gen. Surely you knew Ну вы же знали (Surely you knew what was going to happen.)
8.01.2010 10:54:45 gen. I'm so sorry to interrupt you but Прошу прощения, что приходится вас перебивать
8.01.2010 10:51:15 gen. it's not the same совсем не то, что (Mmmm... Not bad, but it's not the same without the sauce. – это уже не то, что под соусом)
8.01.2010 10:36:12 gen. boil it down to a few words выразить в двух словах
8.01.2010 10:36:12 gen. boil it down to a few words выразить в нескольких словах
8.01.2010 9:59:35 gen. prepare a nice dinner приготовить вкусный ужин
8.01.2010 9:58:47 gen. that's what так и (That's what I said. – Я так и сказал.)
8.01.2010 9:57:42 gen. be in an accident попасть в аварию (в прошедшем времени – как констатция факта: She was in an accident when she was 16 – ...попала в аварию)
26.05.2024 8:34:47 gen. for free даром (The colonist NIMBY immigrants of old were provided a plot of land in the middle of nowhere, they then had to build their own home, dig a well, build barns, obtain horses and farm tools and figure out how to farm the land. Survive or die. They didn’t expect a waterfront condo for free. Immigrants are welcome but don’t expect a home for free. (vancouversun.com))
8.01.2010 9:53:27 gen. not just yet пока не (It's not going to rain just yet. – Пока дождя не будет.)
8.01.2010 9:51:43 gen. from referrals по рекомендации (Nearly a third of our business comes from referrals.)
8.01.2010 9:42:25 gen. by referral по рекомендации (These services are available only by referral. – только по рекомендации)
8.01.2010 9:38:53 gen. get back to связаться попозже (I'll get back to you on that. – Я с вами свяжусь попозже по этому вопросу.)
8.01.2010 9:38:12 gen. get back перезвонить (to someone: I'll get back to you in five minutes. • I'll get back to you on that. – Я вам перезвоню по этому вопросу.)
8.01.2010 9:22:32 gen. fall for a scam попасться на удочку аферистов (Police are warning Vancouver and Surrey residents about the "pregnant woman in a cab" scam that's hit both cities over the past few days where a man claims to have locked his keys in his car while what looks like a pregnant woman is sitting in a cab. The man says he needs to get his pregnant wife to the hospital right away but doesn't have the cash for a taxi trip.)
7.01.2010 23:56:55 gen. Thanks very much for explaining all this to me Большое спасибо, что объяснили
7.01.2010 23:46:38 gen. in a meeting на совещании (He's in a meeting with a client.)
7.01.2010 23:45:41 gen. Shouldn't ...? Разве ... не ... ? (usually critical: Shouldn't it be their job to know? Shouldn't he be at work at this time? Shouldn't you be at school, kid? Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?)
7.01.2010 23:36:38 slang good-lookin' chick девочка что надо
7.01.2010 23:33:12 gen. in the same way that подобно тому как ("In the same way that skateboard style has influenced clothing and graphics, the new parks have begun to grab the attention of designers in other fields." (Time, Aug 7, 2006))
7.01.2010 11:11:41 gen. proceed to the main topic перейти к главной теме
7.01.2010 11:10:46 gen. I didn't much like мне не очень понравилось (I didn't much like the sound of that.)
7.01.2010 10:54:35 gen. fall short of the hype не оправдать рекламной шумихи (Some experts belive that the 3D channel will fall short of the hype.)
7.01.2010 10:41:27 gen. lead to believe уверить (When we purchased a residence in a new development on Madison Avenue we were led to believe that the neighbouring industrial site was to be turned into a school and a park. – Нас уверили, что ...)
7.01.2010 10:12:07 inf. make someone's day сделать приятное ("Hey, Sarah, you look great! You look ten years younger this morning." "Thanks, Jim! You've just made my day!")
7.01.2010 10:12:07 gen. make someone's day доставить радость ("Hey, Sarah, you look great! You look ten years younger this morning." "Thanks, Jim! You've just made my day!" – Мне очень приятно. • "I think your art project is awesome, Griffin!" "You really like it? You've made my day." – Я очень рад.)
7.01.2010 10:01:13 gen. older woman пожилая женщина (We saw a car approaching with an older woman behind the wheel.)
7.01.2010 10:00:15 gen. older person пожилой человек
7.01.2010 9:59:40 gen. older пожилой
7.01.2010 9:55:44 gen. wonderful person замечательный человек
7.01.2010 9:53:59 gen. heartwarming задушевный (It was a truly heartwarming thing for him to do, we were very touched..)

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