
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

4.03.2024 10:01:42 gen. gape разинуть рот (‘It's worth close on three thousand quid, and,' said Captain Biggar, throwing out the observation almost casually, ‘you're going to pinch it, Patch Rowcester.' Bill gaped. ‘Pinch it?' ‘This very night.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
4.03.2024 10:00:01 cliche. stir up controversy разжигать полемику
4.03.2024 9:59:36 polit. fuel tension разжигать напряжённость (The NATO military industrial complex also obviously has a plain motive for fueling tension with Russia.)
4.03.2024 9:53:17 disappr. stir up разжечь (The left-wing council is trying to stir up a lot of political fuss.)
4.03.2024 9:49:51 poetic musings раздумья (Keats’ musings on three aspects of autumn)
4.03.2024 9:32:35 univer. work on one's PhD in писать диссертацию (I am working on my PhD in Scottish literature. – пишу диссертацию)
4.03.2024 9:25:18 gen. get it wrong ошибиться (How could the municipality have got it so wrong in the planning of these high-traffic areas? There are so many missed opportunities. – Как муниципальные власти могли так ошибиться ...?)
4.03.2024 9:22:24 gen. get it wrong ошибаться (Sorry, I got it wrong. – Простите, я ошибался / я ошибся.)
4.03.2024 9:21:25 gen. dial the wrong number ошибиться номером (Sorry, I dialled the wrong number. – Извините, ошибся номером.)
4.03.2024 9:05:27 TV the latest самые последние новости (Our reporter Brian O'Neill brings you the latest on the townhouse explosion on Cumberland at 16th.)
4.03.2024 9:04:05 gen. latest updates самые свежие новости (на какую-л. одну тему)
4.03.2024 9:03:23 gen. breaking news самые последние новости (Vancouver and Calgary's Number One Station For Breaking News)
4.03.2024 9:03:23 gen. breaking news самые свежие новости (Vancouver and Calgary's Number One Station For Breaking News)
4.03.2024 8:54:33 gen. not that many years ago не так уж давно (It wasn't that many years ago. -- Это было не так уж давно.)
4.03.2024 8:44:17 formal impair негативно отразиться (Many prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs can impair your ability to safely operate a vehicle.)
4.03.2024 8:40:12 cliche. resonate with находить отклик у (The new diet by Opra Winfrey is resonating with customers.)
4.03.2024 8:39:36 inf. be stuck находиться в безвыходном положении ("Unless you are absolutely stuck, without any options whatsoever, we don't recommend using an emergency cat litter. Cats do not like drastic change and may resist using whatever method you provide." – находитесь в совершенно безвыходном положении и не осталось каких-то других вариантов (litter-boxes.com))
4.03.2024 8:21:52 gen. artistic movement направление в искусстве (причём речь может идти также о музыке (pop rock, etc.))
4.03.2024 8:21:26 gen. art movement направление в искусстве (Numerous art movements have been strongly influenced by the ancient Greek culture.)
4.03.2024 8:19:55 gen. head home направиться домой (The victim left the Broadway SkyTrain station at about 1 a.m. and went to get a slice of pizza before heading home.)
4.03.2024 8:17:19 cliche. multimillion-dollar многомиллионный (dailywritingtips.com)
4.03.2024 8:16:25 gen. multiple times a day многократно в течение дня (You already take this pill when you feel pain. So why not do it multiple times a day to prevent pain?)
4.03.2024 8:15:48 gen. be a heavy smoker много курить (He is a heavy smoker. – Он много курит.)
4.03.2024 8:12:40 cliche. lasting legacy многолетнее наследие (left a great and lasting legacy)
4.03.2024 7:58:50 context. lasting на долгое время (turning ordinary things into lasting delights)
4.03.2024 7:58:08 med. lasting имеющий продолжительный эффект
4.03.2024 7:54:53 gen. come far многого добиться (Ricky has come far considering his background and family history. – многого добился)
4.03.2024 7:05:33 inf. slam dunk гарантированный результат (Is catching a crime on your cellphone camera a slam-dunk in court? Apparently not.)
4.03.2024 7:05:11 inf. slam dunk гарантированный успех (Is catching a crime on your cellphone camera a slam-dunk in court? Apparently not.)
4.03.2024 6:47:35 gen. bad manners дурной тон ("Many Hong Kong fortunes are hard to explain, and it is considered bad manners to ask questions about their origins." (The Economist) – считается дурным тоном • I make these objections with some reservation. I work at a school of architecture, and complaining about something "new," "interesting," creative" and "unprecedented" may not sit well with my colleagues and our students, who largely favour these qualities. But in my opinion, disruptive architecture likely to ruin the future potential of the broader site, with no compensatory value other than to celebrate its own overweening dominance, is simply bad manners. (thetyee.ca))
4.03.2024 6:43:54 gen. wrong ошибаешься (I know what you're thinking: "Ah, it's just another diet." Wrong.)
4.03.2024 6:43:19 gen. wrong не так, как нужно (What we worried about the most was that we were doing something wrong. – Больше всего мы беспокоились о том, что делаем что-то не так, как нужно.)
4.03.2024 6:42:52 disappr. wrong дурно обойтись (с кем-л.: "One day of quiet meditation, at the outside, should be enough to convince him that he wronged the girl." (P.G. Wodehouse))
4.03.2024 6:38:36 inf. it's not a big deal в этом нет ничего особенного (To be honest, if you're a local it's not a big deal. Just a typical winter in Sierra Nevada.)
4.03.2024 6:37:31 inf. it's not a big deal ничего страшного (It's not a big deal, we can reschedule your appointment.)
4.03.2024 5:12:33 brit. have rows ссориться (My parents often have rows, but my dad does most of the shouting. (Cambridge Dictionary))
4.03.2024 5:12:33 brit. have rows скандалить (My parents often have rows, but my dad does most of the shouting. (Cambridge Dictionary))
4.03.2024 5:10:47 brit. row скандал политический (/raʊ/: What was a political row over government policy on Europe is fast becoming a diplomatic row between France and Britain. (Cambridge Dictionary) • A huge row erupted after a suspected Chinese spy balloon was spotted flying over the US. Secretary of State Antony Blinken cancelled a trip to China and slammed the country's "irresponsible act". (mirror.co.uk) --разразился огромный скандал)
4.03.2024 5:05:36 gen. just over a year чуть больше года (The discovery comes just over a year after a high altitude balloon crossed the U.S., pictured here over Billings, Mont., Feb. 1, 2023 ( Image: AP) (mirror.co.uk) • We lived in St. Petersburg just over a year until my husband got transferred to Armenia.)
4.03.2024 5:01:32 commun. in real time в режиме реального времени (the actual time during which something takes place (Merriam-Webster): We chatted online in real time. • Корректировка идет в режиме реального времени между беспилотчиком и артиллеристом у орудия. • When the Pentagon looked at the balloon, they said it had "intelligence collection capabilities," in a briefing in June. But, US officials couldn't say if it was able to send information back to China in real-time. (mirror.co.uk))
4.03.2024 4:58:50 intell. widespread разветвлённый (While it's not known where this latest balloon came from, reports suggest that law enforcement think it could belong to a foreign country. After last year's spy balloon incident, security officials found out that Beijing had a widespread surveillance network. -- разветвлённая система слежки (mirror.co.uk))
4.03.2024 4:57:28 intell. surveillance network система слежки (While it's not known where this latest balloon came from, reports suggest that law enforcement think it could belong to a foreign country. After last year's spy balloon incident, security officials found out that Beijing had a widespread surveillance network. -- разветвлённая система слежки (mirror.co.uk))
4.03.2024 4:53:25 coll. federal officials федеральные власти (Fishermen off the coast of Alaska were left scratching their heads when they pulled what they believe could be a high-altitude 'spy balloon' from the water. The crew are expected to reach land this weekend and hand over the mysterious object to federal officials. (mirror.co.uk))
4.03.2024 4:04:45 fig. vibe дух (царящий в коллективе: The new musicians that were part of The Raiders were green, had no studio experience, and did not have the band's vibe yet, Lindsay disclosed. -- не впитали дух / настрой / атмосферу группы coasttocoastam.com)
4.03.2024 2:44:49 gen. commotion галдёж (неясного происхождения: I heard a commotion at the door on Thanksgiving day, 2011. When I opened it, I was greeted by this wild turkey (and his friend in the background)! Minutes later, he turned and walked away, but not before I grabbed the camera and snapped these photos. Apparently, he was none too interested in staying for dinner. Who could blame him? -- Sid Marcovitch, Santa Rosa, CA -- услышал шум / галдёж за дверью coasttocoastam.com)
4.03.2024 0:11:52 geogr. urban в черте города (Sediment Contamination Problems in False Creek, an Urban Marine Inlet -- в морском заливе в черте города)
4.03.2024 0:07:18 gen. urban выражающий городскую моду (отражающий тенденции городской моды, прежде всего молодёжной)
3.03.2024 9:11:26 cliche. be deeply sorry глубоко раскаиваться (I am deeply sorry for my selfish and irresponsible behaviour. – Я глубоко раскаиваюсь ...)
3.03.2024 8:31:59 bank. deposited вносимый (the maximum amount of funds deposited by the client)
3.03.2024 7:55:16 cliche. capture the essence уловить суть (of sth.)
3.03.2024 7:43:55 idiom. as hard as a brick хоть об дорогу бей (Baguettes they sell are as hard as a brick. The crust is awfully hard that you can barely chew it!)
3.03.2024 7:37:45 law.enf. canine поисковая собака (используемая для поисково-спасательных работ; термин также широко применяется в полицейской терминологии: Investigator David Paulides has focused his attention for the last ten years on the compelling evidence that there is an unusual set of circumstances for many of the missing that vanish in the wilderness. He detailed a 1999 case when two experienced and well-equipped mountain climbers, Chris Hartonas and Raymond Vakili, disappeared near Camp Muir on Mount Rainier. Helicopters and canines were used in the initial 10-day search, but nothing was found. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 7:26:54 gen. go a different way направиться в другую сторону (a "point of separation" where the person is out of sight or goes a different way (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 7:26:54 gen. go a different way пойти в другую сторону (a "point of separation" where the person is out of sight or goes a different way (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 7:14:58 int.rel. set out a plan разработать план (The two prime ministers issued a joint statement saying their agreement will further deepen their countries’ political, economic and strategic ties by setting out plans to collaborate over the next three to five years in priority areas. -- разработать планы по сотрудничеству (montreal.citynews.ca))
3.03.2024 6:30:26 gen. conduct an experiment провести эксперимент (with sth.: Strange CCTV footage captured at the Jolly Sailor pub in Fawley near Southampton shows pints of beer mysteriously sliding off the bar twice in the same day, leaving patrons and manager Emily Waters baffled. Despite attempts to debunk the phenomenon by checking for wet surfaces or unevenness, the bar was dry and level. Waters conducted an experiment with soda water, but the glasses remained unmoved, leading her to conclude something paranormal may be at play. The pub has a history of unexplained occurrences, including falling objects and inexplicable voices. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 6:19:00 gen. allure притягательность (The allure of the Mongolian death worm has not only captivated scientists but has also inspired adventurers and thrill-seekers. The prospect of discovering something unknown, of being the first to provide undeniable proof of the death worm’s existence, is a powerful motivator. (thevintagenews.com) • The Shaker Cigar Bar was built atop an old cemetery, and its origins trace back to its construction in 1894 as the Schlitz brewery building. During Prohibition, it served as a speakeasy operated by the Capone brothers, adding to its mysterious and haunted allure. Within the building is a seemingly bottomless cistern in the basement that has been associated with "bad spirits," Leslie revealed. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 6:16:10 media. hit hard обрушиться (в сочетании с get: о напоре стихии или в переносном смысле, напр., об экономике: Westwood Plateau in Coquitlam getting hit hard now -- heavy snow falling all over. (Twitter) • Kamloops is getting hit hard with a snowstorm that may be coming our way. Be safe, Kelowna. Remember to plan ahead and drive safely.)
3.03.2024 6:01:16 gen. reflective surface зеркальная поверхность (Writer Mark Leslie shared his research into haunted places, including his most recent work investigating paranormal stories from drinking establishments. He delved into specific haunted locations, sharing intriguing tales gathered from the Winking Judge in Hamilton, Ontario, and the Shaker Cigar Bar in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Winking Judge has garnered a reputation for being haunted, with numerous reported sightings of the judge himself. Described as wearing a dark suit and a top hat, the judge is often seen in reflective surfaces and occasionally appears outside the window of the men's room on the second floor. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 5:54:57 cliche. writing career писательская деятельность (Writer Mark Leslie shared his research into haunted places. He discussed various theories about hauntings, including spirits seeking resolution for unresolved issues or impressions left behind in places. Leslie reflected on his own fear of the dark and fascination with the unknown, which has driven his writing career. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 5:52:16 fig. multifaceted perspective многогранное видение (on sth. – чего-л., какой-л. темы: Writer Mark Leslie shared his research into haunted places. Leslie outlined his multifaceted perspective on the paranormal, drawing from personal experiences, historical research, and anecdotes. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 5:46:06 fig. perspective угол зрения (with a fresh perspective – под свежим углом зрения)
3.03.2024 5:32:21 gen. haunted place дом с привидениями (Writer Mark Leslie shared his research into haunted places, including his most recent work investigating paranormal stories from drinking establishments. (coasttocoastam.com))
3.03.2024 3:21:58 inf. big fella здоровенный лоб (Не люблю уличных попрошаек и, как правило, им не подаю. Однако из каждого правила есть исключения – и однажды принципами я поступился. И не потому, что на бутылку просил здоровенный лоб, ненавязчиво поигрывавший ножичком. (из рус. источника))
3.03.2024 3:21:58 inf. big beefy guy здоровенный лоб (Не люблю уличных попрошаек и, как правило, им не подаю. Однако из каждого правила есть исключения – и однажды принципами я поступился. И не потому, что на бутылку просил здоровенный лоб, ненавязчиво поигрывавший ножичком. (из рус. источника))
3.03.2024 3:16:15 gen. panhandler уличный попрошайка (I left Vancouver in 2007, this is the kind of crimes that were happening regularly: home break-ins, car break-ins/theft, violent panhandlers, broken glass by every car parked on a block. Now we have it here too. (Twitter) • Не люблю уличных попрошаек и, как правило, им не подаю. (из рус. источника))
3.03.2024 1:16:11 danc. do some fancy footwork выписывать кренделя (в танце; танцуя, выделывать замысловатые фигуры; выражение встречалось у Вудхауса; skillful movement of one's feet, especially in dancing or sport: they performed foxtrots with fancy footwork and great panache [Оксфордский словарь] kartaslov.ru)
2.03.2024 9:18:42 cliche. you made my day хорошее настроение на весь день (The expression "you made my day" is typically used to express gratitude or appreciation for something someone has done. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when someone does something kind for you, when someone makes you laugh, or when someone simply makes you feel good.)
2.03.2024 9:16:32 gen. caption competition что бы это значило? (в контексте поиска смешной подписи к фотографии: You should run a caption competition with this one.)
2.03.2024 6:29:50 gen. hectic day суматошный день (Sorry I couldn't call you sooner. Hectic day, had to drive to Abbotsford for some replacement parts, then do some work for a customer in Richmond.)
2.03.2024 2:47:45 gen. make appointment changes записаться на другое время (к врачу, адвокату, на приём в учреждение и т.д.: Call the clinic to make appointment changes.)
2.03.2024 2:14:53 pediatr. consonant-vowel combinations слоги (By six months, most babies will babble different consonant-vowel combinations (ba-ba; da-da). )
1.03.2024 8:37:31 polit. firmly committed to тесно связанный с (о политическом влиянии: The Greens asked David Eby to add vacancy control to his new housing legislation; he refused. Eby refusing to add rent control to the housing affordability arsenal proves that the BC NDP are firmly committed to developers and investors rather than the general public. (Twitter))
1.03.2024 8:28:26 gen. set up an appointment записать кого-л. на приём (The clinic will contact you directly to set up the appointment.)
1.03.2024 5:53:53 gen. make a profit on the sale выгодно продать (of sth. – что-л.: “Government is going to make a profit on the sale of their building on the North Shore,” said Richard McCandless, a retired senior B.C. government bureaucrat who analyzes the performance of Crown utilities. (castanet.net))
1.03.2024 5:45:48 cliche. gain an in-depth understanding досконально уяснить себе (of sth. – что-л.: “We've found multiple properties that can provide features important to our employees and company,” Harper said in a prepared statement. “We continue working with our broker to gain an in-depth understanding of what these properties can offer.” (castanet.net))
1.03.2024 5:45:26 cliche. gain an in-depth understanding тщательно разобраться (of sth. – в чём-л.: “We've found multiple properties that can provide features important to our employees and company,” Harper said in a prepared statement. “We continue working with our broker to gain an in-depth understanding of what these properties can offer.” (castanet.net))
1.03.2024 5:45:26 cliche. gain an in-depth understanding досконально разобраться (of sth. – в чём-л.: “We've found multiple properties that can provide features important to our employees and company,” Harper said in a prepared statement. “We continue working with our broker to gain an in-depth understanding of what these properties can offer.” (castanet.net))
1.03.2024 5:45:26 cliche. gain an in-depth understanding глубоко разобраться (of sth. – в чём-л.: “We've found multiple properties that can provide features important to our employees and company,” Harper said in a prepared statement. “We continue working with our broker to gain an in-depth understanding of what these properties can offer.” (castanet.net))
1.03.2024 5:45:26 cliche. gain an in-depth understanding внимательным образом разобраться (of sth. – в чём-л.: “We've found multiple properties that can provide features important to our employees and company,” Harper said in a prepared statement. “We continue working with our broker to gain an in-depth understanding of what these properties can offer.” (castanet.net))
1.03.2024 2:55:09 gen. infant ребёнок грудного возраста
1.03.2024 2:35:57 Canada BC Early Hearing Program Программа по распознаванию дефектов слуха в раннем детстве в Британской Колумбии (BCEHP)
1.03.2024 0:15:45 cliche. wonderful news замечательная новость (Wonderful news today! Husband got hired and starts his new job on the 18th! (Twitter) • Such wonderful news! (Twitter) • Wonderful news to wake up to. (Twitter) • Друзья, замечательная новость!)
29.02.2024 9:39:32 cliche. let alone не говоря о том, чтобы (+ gerund: I hear so many families and friends talking about going to BC for the May long weekend or just for camping or for vacation. It's a pandemic. You shouldn't be leaving your immediate area, let alone going to another province. (Reddit) • “I was surprised because I’ve never seen an octopus in the wild before to begin with, let alone in a battle with a sea lion,” she says. Between the two, Bryant believes the sea lion won the fight. timescolonist.com)
29.02.2024 9:32:35 inf. weirdly странное дело (разг. вводное выражение: Weirdly, cars are more prone to obeying a crosswalk if the pedestrian is holding up their cellphone (like they're taking a video). It's as if the drivers had control all along and the "I didn't notice" defense is total BS. (Twitter))
29.02.2024 9:19:55 gen. with ease and confidence легко и уверенно
29.02.2024 9:18:59 disappr. carefree attitude легкомысленное отношение (adopted a carefree attitude)
29.02.2024 9:18:12 idiom. make light of легкомысленно отзываться о
29.02.2024 8:24:01 med. hearing clinic клиника диагностики слуха
29.02.2024 8:20:51 med. hearing clinic центр диагностики слуха
29.02.2024 6:05:30 cultur. milestones памятные даты (Every year there are countless cultural milestones worth celebrating.)
29.02.2024 5:24:08 gen. lightly-clothed легко одетый (A video of a lightly-clothed yogi meditating in the middle of a snowstorm in the Himalayas has gone viral online sparking a heated debate about its authenticity. odditycentral.com)
28.02.2024 9:15:07 welln. wellness здоровый образ жизни (The media, particularly in commercials, does not represent the healthy side of aging but pushes the idea that there are fixes like Botox and pharmaceuticals, he pointed out, rather than emphasizing wellness. (coasttocoastam.com) -- вместо того, чтобы делать упор на здоровый образ жизни • Wellness can be complicated. With so many nutrition sources and supplements on the market it is hard to make the right choice.)
28.02.2024 9:11:32 jarg. blow someone's cover рассекретить
28.02.2024 9:11:02 gen. put sth. into the public domain рассекретить
28.02.2024 9:10:09 gen. guide to one's seats рассаживать по местам (guide arrivals to their seats – рассаживать прибыващих по своим местам)
28.02.2024 8:08:18 gen. give information сообщить информацию (In his memoir "Moon Man" Bart Sibrel reveals, for the very first time, the official CIA code name for the real Apollo project, the military base where the first staged "moon landing" was filmed, and the names of fifteen United States government scientists and officials who were in attendance for the first moon landing falsification, some of whom are still alive today. This information was given to Sibrel by the Chief of Security of this secretive military base, who confessed his regrettable participation in this despicable government fraud on his deathbed. -- Эту информацию сообщил sibrel.com)
28.02.2024 8:03:25 cliche. in one's mind по мнению кого-л. (Sibrel grew up as the biggest fan of the purported "moon landings", yet gradually began to recognize their unfortunate falsification, largely because of his professional familiarity with their studio lighting. In Sibrel's mind, as well as many others, the claim that NASA walked on the moon on the very first attempt with 1960's technology, which only had one-millionth the computing power of a cell phone, when today with five decades of better technology NASA can only send astronauts one-thousandth the distance to the moon, simply defies logic. sibrel.com)
28.02.2024 8:02:10 cliche. in one's view по мнению кого-л. (For its part, major media outlets like the New York Times have engaged in the "prebunking" of this report; in Zabel's view, this is evidence of a prejudice against the paranormal by mainstream journalists. (coasttocoastam.com))
28.02.2024 7:44:22 TV television news reporter телерепортёр (Sibrel has owned five video production companies, been employed by two of the three major networks, worked as a television news reporter, and produced videos shown on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, TLC, USA, and BET. sibrel.com)

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