
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

1.02.2014 5:57:39 formal provide with opportunities предоставить возможность (We made a point of providing Theo with opportunities to meet other blind kids, so he wouldn’t feel like he was the only one.)
1.02.2014 2:10:30 gen. have a huge sense of relief почувствовать огромное облегчение (Я испытала огромное облегчение. – I had this huge sense of relief.)
7.06.2024 11:03:31 gen. get quite creative идти на всякие ухищрения (We had to get quite creative in finding ways to keep it on.)
1.02.2014 1:45:02 med.appl. bone conduction hearing aid слуховой аппарат костной проводимости
1.02.2014 1:22:26 formal express concern выразить свою озабоченность (по поводу / в связи с ...)
31.01.2014 12:55:53 gen. friends and family родные и друзья
31.01.2014 12:54:15 gen. blessed with посчастливилось
31.01.2014 12:46:37 gen. in the morning по утрам
31.01.2014 12:41:38 gen. come to understand усвоить (Together the boys have come to understand how best to communicate with one another.)
31.01.2014 12:39:44 gen. communicate with one another общаться между собой (Together the boys have come to understand how best to communicate with one another.)
31.01.2014 12:04:27 tel. message сообщение на автоответчике (An hour and half later when we arrived home, our family physician had already left a message.)
31.01.2014 11:51:46 gen. right then and there тут же
31.01.2014 11:51:46 gen. right then and there без промедления
31.01.2014 11:49:00 med. ear mould слепок ушного канала (для изготовления слухового аппарата)
31.01.2014 6:58:50 gen. break the news сообщить неприятную новость (Turns out he had been thinking the same thing but neither of us wanted to "break the news" to the other.)
31.01.2014 6:42:33 gen. keep a close eye внимательно наблюдать (Our audiologist kept a close eye on Kevin with regular assessments.)
31.01.2014 5:39:53 gen. run a successful business успешно заниматься предпринимательской деятельностью (You have to be smart to run a successful business.)
31.01.2014 3:04:24 fig. along the way за это время (The support that we have been offered along the way has helped us greatly and has made a big difference in our lives.)
31.01.2014 2:34:33 context. be still working on не даваться (вариант требует замены структуры: He is still working on some speech sounds and expanding his vocabulary. – Ему ещё не даются некоторые звуки речи.)
30.01.2014 12:48:39 gen. reassure поддержать (it was very helpful and reassuring)
30.01.2014 5:22:50 med. early intervention services услуги по лечебно-терапевтическому вмешательству в раннем детском возрасте
30.01.2014 4:57:06 med. severe hearing loss тугоухость серьёзной степени (канадский термин, не соответствует принятой в РФ, Белоруси шкале)
30.01.2014 4:55:30 med. profound hearing loss тугоухость тяжёлой степени (канадский термин, не соответствует принятой в РФ, Белоруси шкале)
26.01.2014 3:55:04 busin. have an understanding прийти к соглашению (Don't worry, we have an understanding. – Не волнуйтесь, мы же договорились.)
23.01.2014 4:18:09 gen. council chair председатель совета (Richard Walton is the current mayors' council chair.)
19.01.2014 9:10:02 formal with more accuracy повнимательнее (Okay, I will get her to do it again with more accuracy.)
18.01.2014 4:43:58 formal enlist зачислить в армию
18.01.2014 4:41:28 formal draw procedure жеребьёвка
18.01.2014 4:01:52 formal has no expiration date бессрочный (б/с – бессрочный)
13.01.2014 6:10:43 gen. sauna whisk веник (для бани)
13.01.2014 2:02:14 gen. hot word модное словечко (Turmeric is becoming a ‘hot word' in the pet food manufacturing sector, just as ‘omega' and ‘probiotic'.)
11.01.2014 11:12:31 gen. on one's side лёжа (The champagnes and sparkling wines should be moved minimally and stored on their side to prevent the cork from drying and from losing carbonation.)
7.01.2014 10:59:36 gen. anything's possible всё возможно (With education, anything's possible.)
30.12.2013 0:44:37 gen. regain some order навести порядок (в знач. "вернуть": Kids out of control? Here's how to regain some order.)
30.12.2013 0:42:34 tech. power saving features энергосберегающие возможности
29.12.2013 11:31:27 arts. set against на фоне (A 14th c. castle with all the small craft in the foreground, set against a beautiful Dorset scene.)
29.12.2013 8:01:38 gen. last evening вчера вечером
29.12.2013 7:58:01 inf. do one's thing заниматься своим делом (L.A. is so spread out, most Canadians don't have time to socialize, everybody's busy doing their thing. You think we're getting together over a Tim Horton's coffee and maple syrup pancakes?)
29.12.2013 7:54:59 gen. get spoiled разбаловаться (We're getting spoiled here on the West Coast, look at what's going on in Ontario, -20C and no power for the fifth day in a row. – совсем разбаловались)
27.12.2013 0:53:00 gen. unload the luggage разгружать багаж
25.12.2013 10:16:59 inf. Was my face red! я чуть сквозь землю не провалился! (от стыда)
11.06.2024 10:02:54 gen. just the one for you то, что вам нужно (Looking for a laptop this holiday season? We've got just the one for you. – У нас есть то, что вам нужно.)
17.12.2013 11:19:39 hrs.brd. champagne nail polish лак для ногтей с блёстками
17.12.2013 11:08:49 gen. all that is lacking is to остаётся только (All that is lacking is to arrange a meeting between all stakeholders, lock them in a room and get everyone to sign the deal before they run out of oxygen.)
14.12.2013 10:32:18 gen. keep the infection at bay не допустить распространения инфекции
14.12.2013 10:31:20 gen. fall hard влюбиться без памяти
13.12.2013 5:40:55 gen. obtain experience накопить опыт (I have bookkeeping experience which I obtained working in an office.)
13.12.2013 5:36:52 gen. recently с недавних пор (He's been acting weird recently.)
13.12.2013 5:33:24 gen. oh, I nearly forgot to mention that чуть не забыл
13.12.2013 5:29:01 gen. be to one's house бывать дома (у кого-либо; I've been to his house a few times. – Я бывал у него дома несколько раз.)
13.12.2013 5:26:51 gen. own up to a mistake признать ошибку (If you make a mistake, own up to it, say you're sorry.)
13.12.2013 5:25:28 gen. never так и не (Flight 287 for Denver scheduled to leave at 12:03 never took off. • She said she called Harris every two to three minutes but never got him on the phone. • I said I would write to you, but as usual I never got round to it.)
13.12.2013 5:24:06 busin. can you hold, please? не вешайте трубку
13.12.2013 5:17:23 inf. cash cow источник денежных средств
13.12.2013 5:16:35 inf. inside man свой
9.12.2013 23:11:11 inf. Any chance of a ... or two? у вас не найдётся? (Hey Jim! Any chance of a spare TX165 or two?)
6.12.2013 7:30:30 busin. in-house legal counsel штатный юрист
5.12.2013 11:10:48 gen. spare one's life пощадить (I prayed to God, "Please spare her life." And He did.)
3.12.2013 5:07:02 fig. obsessed подпавший под власть
30.11.2013 8:45:46 agric. sown field засеянное поле (также newly sown field: Fred showed us a newly sown field just south of his farmhouse.)
25.11.2013 10:54:22 idiom. come to terms with something примириться (с чем-либо)
25.11.2013 10:54:22 idiom. come to terms with something смириться (с чем-либо)
23.11.2013 3:29:09 gen. unreserved без брони (before an auction)
19.11.2013 8:17:19 gen. electronic data storage device электронный носитель информации
19.11.2013 8:17:19 gen. data storage device электронный носитель информации
19.11.2013 8:06:34 formal support one's identity удостоверить личность (Adults must submit at least one (1) document to support your identity with a passport application.)
14.11.2013 10:17:32 gen. on random basis без постоянного графика
31.10.2013 7:20:34 lab.law. Director of Human Resources начальник отдела кадров
30.10.2013 2:38:09 lab.law. pay rate тарификационный разряд
29.10.2013 9:09:41 lab.law. laid off due to downsizing уволен по сокращению штатов
29.10.2013 7:17:58 gen. preschool-age child ребёнок дошкольного возраста (medicalnewstoday.com)
26.10.2013 0:38:58 lab.law. letter of employment confirmation справка с места работы
26.10.2013 0:38:58 lab.law. employment confirmation letter справка с места работы
25.10.2013 11:00:00 inf. gives me the runs у меня понос от (A lot of Japanese people are lactose intolerant, like my wife. She can drink milk when it is mixed with coffee, but regular cold milk gives her the runs. – от обычого холодного молока у неё понос)
21.10.2013 23:30:21 inf. bad-ass cop вредный полицейский
21.10.2013 23:28:49 gen. raise a topic поднять тему
21.10.2013 23:26:48 idiom. all over the map всевозможные
12.10.2013 5:50:12 gen. celebrate a holiday отмечать праздник (Are you celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend? 67% of viewers say "yes", 33% say 'no'.)
11.10.2013 6:43:27 gen. apartment tower многоэтажное жилое здание
11.10.2013 1:27:52 gen. coming up next следующий на очереди
11.10.2013 0:37:43 formal be associated являться частью (I do not wish to be associated with your company any longer.)
9.10.2013 8:33:18 adv. most listened to самый популярный (Canada's most listened to traffic and weather station)
9.10.2013 2:08:36 idiom. I wouldn't approach him within a cannon shot range я к нему на пушечный выстрел не подойду
9.10.2013 2:08:36 idiom. I wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole я к нему на пушечный выстрел не подойду
6.10.2013 10:08:32 cards Pay attention не отвлекайся
6.10.2013 10:06:46 idiom. in a heartbeat не задумываясь (If I could help you, I would do it in a heartbeat, but I don't know how to help you. • It's a nice area. I lived on Jervis near Davie for a few years. Everything you need is close by, lots of great shops and places to eat. Would move back in a heartbeat if I hadn't taken up the whole suburban family house crap, lol. – Я бы не задумываясь • без колебаний вернулся туда, если бы не ...)
3.10.2013 5:10:39 gen. suggest выражать (These mass-produced Hawaiian shirts incorporating images from the islands' lush natural world suggested a postwar optimism and modernity.)
3.10.2013 5:03:24 gen. quintessential в своей сущности
3.10.2013 4:58:44 fig. today's современный (Our series is inspired by today's Hawaiian prints, exuberant and joyful.)
3.10.2013 3:44:59 textile fabric design рисунок для ткани
3.10.2013 1:58:43 adv. go upscale завоевать популярность (Hawaiian shirts went upscale in the 1940s.)
2.10.2013 23:47:45 adv. hot trends лучшие новинки
1.10.2013 3:29:47 trucks a tractor without a trailer тягач без трейлера
1.10.2013 2:51:41 gen. have a pretty decent knowledge of неплохо знать / разбираться (I have a pretty decent knowledge of the court system.)
1.10.2013 2:51:03 gen. have a pretty good knowledge of неплохо знать / разбираться (I have a pretty good knowledge of this subject.)
24.09.2013 9:21:22 gen. walk ходить пешком (I love walking early in the morning, walking wakes me up.)
24.09.2013 9:19:49 soviet. see the world as "us" vs. "them" делить мир на своих и чужих
23.09.2013 8:04:01 manag. look out for each other заботиться друг о друге (We provide opportunities for personal and professional development. And we are committed to protecting our people by looking out for each other.)
21.09.2013 9:42:29 polit. partisan vote голосование на основании партийной принадлежности (In a partisan vote of 230-189, the Republican-controlled House passed a bill to kill "Obamacare" and sent the measure to the Senate where Democrats hold a majority.)
21.09.2013 9:07:14 construct. early completion досрочный ввод в эксплуатацию (the ingenuity and determination that was shown in the seven-month early completion of the $253 million Carolina Bays Parkway in Myrtle Beach – с семимесячным опережением плана)

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