
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

13.03.2024 8:25:17 gen. latest technologies новейшие технологии (using the latest technologies – с примененением новейших технологий)
13.03.2024 7:53:53 trav. sightseeing attractions достопримечательности
13.03.2024 7:53:16 formal worthy of condemnation достойный порицания
13.03.2024 7:17:00 humor. monstrosity страшилище (One region that seems to have its fair share of aquatic humanoids is the state of Ohio, as well as the Ohio River, which meanders through it and neighboring Indiana and Kentucky, itself having plenty of weirdness going on. Here we have reports of a veritable menagerie of all manner of fish-men, frog-men, and other, less identifiable aquatic humanoid monstrosities. mysteriousuniverse.org)
13.03.2024 7:10:39 gen. graphic страшный (для восприятия: graphic images • graphic descriptions of the victims)
13.03.2024 7:08:20 gen. have a real passion страстно увлекаться (for sth. – чем-л.: My youngest daughter has a real passion for Highland dancing.)
13.03.2024 7:04:23 gen. preserve oneself самосохраниться (preserve ourselves as a nation – самосохраниться как нация )
13.03.2024 6:59:32 idiom. have a lot of ground to cover обсудить много вопросов (We have a lot of ground to cover. – Нам нужно охватить большую тематику, охватить большое число тем (в беседе).)
13.03.2024 6:56:47 idiom. debate sth. till the cows come home обсуждать без конца (We can debate this till the cows come home.)
13.03.2024 6:56:32 idiom. debate sth. till the cows come home обсуждать бесконечно (We can debate this till the cows come home.)
13.03.2024 6:51:56 gen. computer hardware servicing обслуживание компьютерного оборудования
13.03.2024 6:49:24 telecom. we lost the connection обрыв связи
13.03.2024 6:47:49 gen. confused путающийся в ответах (Walton didn't turn up for six days, when he called his sister from a pay telephone in Heber just after midnight on November 11. His sister and brother described him as confused and trembling on the floor of the phone booth when they fond him. -- путался в ответах (coasttocoastam.com))
13.03.2024 5:39:39 gen. be uncooperative проявить несговорчивость (If Prince William & KP wanted us to see Kate Middleton’s face, they would have paraded her out like they did after each one of her kids' birth. The fact they refuse to means they can’t, won’t, are afraid to reveal her present physical appearance or they separated and she’s uncooperative. (Twitter))
13.03.2024 4:47:47 gen. selection of quotations подборка высказываний
13.03.2024 4:22:53 gen. in near-perfect condition в почти безупречном состоянии (Matsumura and his colleagues have been excavating the ruins at Büklükale for about 15 years. They'd found only broken clay tablets before, but this one is in near-perfect condition. (livescience.com))
13.03.2024 3:55:19 gen. palm-size умещающийся на ладони (A 3,300-year-old clay tablet from central Turkey describes a catastrophic foreign invasion of the Hittite Empire, a mysterious Bronze Age state. The palm-size tablet was found in May 2023 by Kimiyoshi Matsumura, an archaeologist at the Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology, amid the Hittite ruins at Büklükale, about 37 miles (60 kilometers) southeast of the Turkish capital Ankara. (livescience.com))
13.03.2024 3:36:54 fig. at the dawn of на заре (т.е. в начале: At the dawn of the 20th century, the British Empire was set to celebrate the coronation of King Edward VII with an event that would etch itself in history: the Delhi Durbar of 1903. Orchestrated by Lord Curzon, the viceroy of India, this grand celebration aimed to honor the new king with unmatched splendor despite his absence. thevintagenews.com)
13.03.2024 3:24:42 cliche. it goes without saying понятно, что (The subtext is as unmissable as a skyscraper: Indigenous culture and urban life—let alone urban development—don’t mix. In 2022, city councillor Colleen Hardwick said of that project, “How do you reconcile Indigenous ways of being with 18-storey high-rises?” (Hardwick, it goes without saying, is not Indigenous.) (macleans.ca))
12.03.2024 8:29:31 gen. to_varying degrees в различной степени (Descendants of the original Doukhobor settlers number approximately 30,000 across Canada, but about one third of that number remains active in the culture, maintaining their spiritual practices, Russian language and pacifism to varying degrees. thecanadianencyclopedia.ca)
12.03.2024 7:02:30 fig. catapult to global fame прославить на весь мир (внезапно: For him, like many across the country, the story is personal. The first film he went to see with his now-wife was Robin Hood Prince of Thieves – its scene of Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman at Hadrian's Wall catapulted the tree to global fame. bbc.com)
12.03.2024 7:01:57 fig. catapult to global fame принести мировую известность (внезапно: For him, like many across the country, the story is personal. The first film he went to see with his now-wife was Robin Hood Prince of Thieves – its scene of Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman at Hadrian's Wall catapulted the tree to global fame. bbc.com)
12.03.2024 6:55:00 gen. small tree деревце (Орфографический словарь, Большой толковый словарь, а также словарь "Русское словесное ударение" утверждают, что оба варианта правильны: как дЕревце , так и деревцО. bbc.com)
12.03.2024 6:46:31 gen. leave sb. utterly baffled вызвать полнейшее недоумение у кого-л. (Over the weekend, a mysterious 10-foot-tall steel monolith, resembling a giant Toblerone, has popped up on Hay Bluff near Hay-on-Wye, Powys, leaving locals and walkers utterly baffled. (Wales Updates, (Twitter))
12.03.2024 6:36:40 gen. fragmented memories обрывочные воспоминания (She said her memories of the event were more fragmented than normal. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 6:33:13 ufol. inter-dimensional из другого измерения (a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong contactee of inter-dimensional extraterrestrial beings (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 6:33:13 ufol. inter-dimensional из других измерений (a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong contactee of inter-dimensional extraterrestrial beings (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 6:09:26 gen. conception of представление о (чём-л, ком-л. -- предлог!: And how do we explain things like Roswell, which happened in the 1940s, was forgotten until the 1980s, and when it regained popularity came to include reports of aliens that looked more like the post-80s conception of an alien than the popular conception of the incident's own era? (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 6:06:28 journ. subject for an article тема для статьи (Dr. Jacques Vallee collects several of these stories in his excellent book, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union, a Cosmic Samidzat. In his other books Vallee lays out some compelling conjecture on why this just might be, detailing how the phenomenon appears to want to be seen by those who witness it and how it conforms to our expectations based on the technology and popular opinion of the era. It's why the "eccentric inventors" of the airship flap era was replaced by "advanced beings from another planet" in the space age. But that's a subject for another article. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 6:02:09 social. Soviet Bloc nations страны соцлагеря (While the Close Encounter/Communion/X-Files type entities were now the default alien image in most of North America, Europe and Asia, folks in South America continued to report a wide variety of types and shapes, echoing the robots, hairy dwarves and other assorted entities that characterized the early years of the UFO phenomena. Meanwhile in the former U.S.S.R and Soviet Bloc nations, where the people were more insulated from the influence of western pop culture, the things seen emerging from UFOs were almost the complete opposite, with pin-headed giants replacing the large headed dwarves of the NATO nations and their trading partners. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 5:57:33 gen. solid полностью (о цвете, составе материала и т.п.: Short guys. Large heads. Big eyes, that are often solid black. Reduced or non-existent nose, lips and ears. Grey skin. This is the common conception of an alien around most of the world. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 5:57:33 gen. solid целиком (о цвете, составе материала и т.п.: Short guys. Large heads. Big eyes, that are often solid black. Reduced or non-existent nose, lips and ears. Grey skin. This is the common conception of an alien around most of the world. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 5:52:34 formal file a complaint пожаловаться (She's threatening to file a complaint. I think you should talk to her. • If you believe you were treated unfairly by the RCMP, file a complaint.)
12.03.2024 5:16:27 cinema suspense напряжение (психологическое, у зрителей: The next big influence on the idea of the alien came with the debut of the 1977 Steven Spielberg blockbuster, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". After building an entire film's worth of suspense, the aliens needed to be something spectacular when they finally appeared, and Spielberg didn't disappoint. -- постепенно нагнетая / создавая психологическое напряжение в течение всего фильма (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 5:08:17 formal honour относиться с почтением
12.03.2024 5:00:59 gen. feel about относиться к (Are you okay with Sheila coming to stay with us? How do you feel about that? – Ты не возражаешь, если Шила поживёт у нас? Как ты к этому относишься? • How do you feel about that proposal? – Как вы относитесь к этому предложению? • How would you feel about the media that hides the truth from the public? • Regardless of how you feel about the Walton story, it was widely circulated and is considered one of the "classic" stories in the field of UFOlogy. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 4:56:37 gen. confused неспособный ясно мыслить (Walton didn't turn up for six days, when he called his sister from a pay telephone in Heber just after midnight on November 11. His sister and brother described him as confused and trembling on the floor of the phone booth when they fond him. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 4:50:37 inf. zap шарахнуть (по цели, из орудия; прекрасный стилистический аналог: As they left the woods that evening the group saw what they described as a UFO. As they watched Walton inexplicably leapt from the moving vehicle and moved toward the craft. According to his cohorts the craft "zapped" Walton with a beam of light as he approached it. (coasttocoastam.com)))
12.03.2024 4:47:03 ufol. zap выстрелить (и успешно поразить цель: In November 5, 1975 Travis Walton was working with a crew of other young men thinning timber near Turkey Springs, Arizona on a contract from the U.S. Forest Service. As they left the woods that evening the group saw what they described as a UFO. As they watched Walton inexplicably leapt from the moving vehicle and moved toward the craft. According to his cohorts the craft "zapped" Walton with a beam of light as he approached it. Panicking, the driver of the vehicle took off, leaving Walton behind. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 4:43:00 ufol. UFO craft инопланетный корабль (Beings with some of the features that would be associated with the "grey alien" – as we will call them – stretch back to the 1960s. But the presumed occupants of UFO craft remained a rather diverse lot up through the 1970s and 80s. -- экипажи инопланетных кораблей (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 4:40:02 ufol. UFOnaut НЛОнавт (But while the little green man dominated cartoon and television depictions of aliens, what those who encountered UFOnauts saw was much different. Beings with some of the features that would be associated with the "grey alien" – as we will call them – stretch back to the 1960s. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 4:36:57 gen. short stature низенький рост (In the 1940s and 1950s, and on up through the 60s, the stereotypical alien, at least in the United States, was the "little green man from Mars," typified by his short stature, green skin, and antennae. Think the Great Gazoo from the Flintstones cartoon. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 4:00:23 cliche. it wasn't always this way так было не всегда (It wasn’t always this way.)
12.03.2024 3:59:41 cliche. that wasn't always the case так было не всегда (This is the common conception of an alien around most of the world. Or at least, it has been for the last 40 years. But that wasn't always the case. -- Но так было не всегда. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.03.2024 3:49:43 gen. receive a decent salary получать достойную зарплату (Let us give our educators dignity to begin with. That means our teachers should receive a decent salary.)
12.03.2024 3:35:31 gen. in an elaborate way изощрённым способом (Парикмахер решила наказать пожилую клиентку изощрённым способом за то, что та не смогла заплатить за услугу. Она заставила пенсионерку убираться в салоне, а действо снимала на камеру. Отвратительная история произошла в Пермском крае. В Сеть попало видео, на котором пожилая женщина покорно подметает пол, с трудом удерживая в руках совок и швабру. Процесс на камеру телефона снимает парикмахер, при этом она кричит, чтобы та поторапливалась. Обращалась работница салона к бабушке на «ты», её короткие и агрессивные фразы были наполнены обсценной лексикой. Поводом для нападок стало то, что старушка забыла деньги дома и не смогла оплатить стрижку. (из рус. источников))
12.03.2024 2:32:01 gen. elaborate method изощрённый приём (You use elaborate to describe something that is very complex because it has a lot of different parts. Elaborate plans, systems, and procedures are complicated because they have been planned in very great detail, sometimes too much detail. (collinsdictionary.com))
12.03.2024 2:10:38 gen. public property народное достояние (Живем в каком-то жутком мире, где все продаётся. Разбазаривают с молотка народное достояние. Первой продали совесть, а дальше легче пошло. (из рус. источников))
11.03.2024 8:42:35 gen. streak наклонность (He has a mean streak. • This kindly streak really impressed me.)
11.03.2024 8:39:38 gen. build big muscles накачать мускулатуру (Some people work on building big muscles 💪. I just happen to find them sometimes at the beach. (Twitter))
11.03.2024 8:34:32 idiom. came out of the blue стало полной неожиданностью (The decision to cancel the contract came out of the blue.)
11.03.2024 8:33:57 fig. steely glitter стальной блеск ("There came into her eyes, softening their steely glitter for a moment, that strange light which is seen only in the eyes of confirmed public speakers who are asked to say a few words." (P.G. Wodehouse))
11.03.2024 8:33:00 gen. it's becoming apparent that становится очевидным, что
11.03.2024 8:31:35 bank. mortgage rates ставки по ипотеке
11.03.2024 7:58:52 gen. colloquial language бытовой язык (Говоря сегодняшним бытовым языком, ... (из рус. источника))
11.03.2024 6:40:18 formal commitment to приверженность идее (a commitment to the training of nationals – приверженность идее профессионального обучения местных граждан)
11.03.2024 6:39:05 gen. arrive on time прибыть по расписанию (The harbour ferry arrives pretty much on time, no worries.)
11.03.2024 6:37:31 gen. not feel well приболеть (usually in a progressive tense: Timmy's not feeling well and he's so cranky – I can't even take his temperature! – приболел)
11.03.2024 6:36:09 gen. approximate number приблизительное количество (Calculate the approximate number of ... – Подсчитайте приблизительное количество ...)
11.03.2024 6:33:26 gen. a closer scrutiny revealed при ближайшем рассмотрении оказалось ("I had had the idea at first glance that there were about twenty of the beastly things, but a closer scrutiny revealed only three." (P.G. Wodehouse))
11.03.2024 6:24:20 ed. teach with the programme преподавать по программе (I have been teaching Russian via Skype with the programme 'Russian with Mishka'.)
11.03.2024 6:20:32 fig. wind down постепенно замедляться
11.03.2024 6:18:43 idiom. one step at a time постепенно
11.03.2024 6:10:00 formal gain unauthorized access получить несанкционированный доступ (DDT Inc. sent a letter to about 50,000 customers explaining that an employee had gained unauthorized access to their data in January.)
11.03.2024 5:59:47 cliche. commands a large part of представленный в большой степени (кем-л.: The media and entertainment industry commands a large part of our roster of clients. – в большой степени представлены среди наших клиентов)
11.03.2024 5:54:43 gen. command a large part занимать большую часть (The media and entertainment industry commands a large part of our roster of clients. -- занимают большую часть в списке наших клиентов)
11.03.2024 5:51:28 gen. hold a valuable place занимать важное место (We believe that a prayer holds a valuable place in our daily lives and connects our innermost thoughts to the outside world.)
11.03.2024 5:51:15 cliche. be a major figure занимать важное место (John Keats, one of the best-known English Romantic poets, was a major figure on the English literary scene.)
11.03.2024 5:49:11 idiom. top-of-mind на первом месте (for sb. – для кого-л.: Your safety is top-of-mind for us. – Ваша безопасность находится для нас на первом месте.)
11.03.2024 5:47:40 idiom. top-of-mind занимает по важности первое место
11.03.2024 5:47:24 idiom. top-of-mind на первом месте по значению (Housing affordability is top-of-mind for many working young people.)
11.03.2024 5:44:49 police assault напасть на (Police responded to a disturbing incident involving a pregnant woman. The woman, a business owner, had asked the male suspect to "move from in front of her store." The suspect responded by throwing rocks at her abdomen. The woman is eight months pregnant. "The suspect was found nearby and arrested and taken to jail, where he assaulted a VPD sergeant by coughing on him," says police. • Look, she assaulted him. She spat on him. He defended himself. He was justified 100%. • Then he stood up near the rear door of the bus where he struck two women, aged 71 and 82, in the face and mouth. After getting off the bus, Barry tried to re-enter via the front door, where he assaulted the driver. But the bus driver was able to get Barry off the bus and close the door. (nsnews.com))
11.03.2024 5:00:29 polit. clout вес (*informal* influence or power, especially in politics or business (Oxford Dictionary): "I knew he carried a lot of clout" (Oxford Dictionary))
11.03.2024 4:57:23 polit. clout влияние (*informal* influence or power, especially in politics or business (Oxford Dictionary) : "I knew he carried a lot of clout" (Oxford Dictionary))
11.03.2024 4:53:42 polit. powerful interests invested in влиятельные лица, заинтересованные в (Stone delved into what he believes are deeper motivations behind JFK's assassination, suggesting a connection to geopolitical tensions, particularly with Cuba and the Soviet Union. Stone argued that Kennedy's push for peace and departure from Cold War ideologies might have threatened powerful interests invested in perpetuating conflict. (coasttocoastam.com))
11.03.2024 4:53:22 polit. powerful interests invested in влиятельные круги, заинтересованные в (Stone delved into what he believes are deeper motivations behind JFK's assassination, suggesting a connection to geopolitical tensions, particularly with Cuba and the Soviet Union. Stone argued that Kennedy's push for peace and departure from Cold War ideologies might have threatened powerful interests invested in perpetuating conflict. (coasttocoastam.com))
11.03.2024 4:04:50 law, contr. terms of use условия использования сайта (Terms of Use -- Условия использования сайта)
11.03.2024 4:03:42 law, contr. service use conditions условия использования услуг
11.03.2024 4:02:54 law, contr. signature terms условия подписания договора (пункт договора: Signature Terms – Условия подписания договора)
11.03.2024 4:01:41 law, contr. Provision of the Services Условия предоставления услуг
11.03.2024 3:58:35 gov. interpreting services услуги устного переводчика
11.03.2024 3:57:26 gen. chuckle to oneself усмехнуться ("Holmes chuckled to himself." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) -- Холмс усмехнулся)
11.03.2024 3:56:55 gen. subdue усмирить (Authorities in a Tacoma suburb had a rather bizarre encounter last weekend when they subdued a man armed with an AK-47 and a handgun who was preparing to go to war with 'lizard people' who had kidnapped President Trump's family.)
11.03.2024 3:55:59 fig. rein in усмирить (the attempts to rein in the two rogue nations – Iran and North Korea )
11.03.2024 3:53:37 gen. make it in time успеть (somewhere/to a place or for an event – куда-либо/на запланированное мероприятие: He wanted to be here, he just couldn't make it back in time. • With the weather so bad, I'm not sure I can make it there in time, but I have to try. • We can probably make it in time for dinner. • Fortunately, we made it to the terminal in time for the last sailing at 10:15. • I think I can make it in time for dinner service.)
11.03.2024 3:50:27 gen. make it to ... in time for sth. успеть вовремя (Will we make it to English Bay in time for the fireworks?)
11.03.2024 3:09:49 cliche. at closer inspection при ближайшем рассмотрении (Later in the day, major news agencies The Associated Press and Reuters retracted the photo issued by Kensington Palace, claiming the image was "manipulated." In a statement to NBC News, the AP said: "The Associated Press initially published the photo, which was issued by Kensington Palace. The AP later retracted the image because at closer inspection, it appears that the source had manipulated the image in a way that did not meet AP’s photo standards. The photo shows an inconsistency in the alignment of Princess Charlotte’s left hand." today.com)
11.03.2024 2:44:44 gen. grades успеваемость (Her grades went downhill, then she dropped out of school. – успеваемость понизилась)
11.03.2024 2:42:59 construct. upgrades усовершенствования (Upgrades coming to Still Creek Station! ✓Two new escalators ✓Automatic ticket vending machines ✓Passenger Information Displays ✓CCTV cameras • The future of space exploration demands major spacesuit upgrades unexplained-mysteries.com)
11.03.2024 2:25:08 HR career repercussions препятствия для продвижения по службе (вследствие чего-л.: Heseltine also addressed the reluctance of pilots and ground crew to report UAP sightings due to fear of ridicule or career repercussions, which points to the need for confidentiality in reporting mechanisms. (coasttocoastam.com))
11.03.2024 2:18:00 gen. strengthen one's immune system укреплять иммунитет (a new quantum field technology called PureWave, which helps bee colonies thrive and grow by strengthening their immune systems with specifically tuned frequencies (coasttocoastam.com))
10.03.2024 9:55:45 inf. a fair bit частенько ("Saw a bunch of Bushtits feeding on trees today in False Creek. They seem to travel in packs of a dozen or so. They feast and move on. I never seem to see them just hanging out. I don't see them that often." "I live close to the Fraser River and I see them a fair bit! I have even spotted a few of their nests! Soooo cute!" (Twitter))
10.03.2024 9:52:21 gen. swoop налетать стайкой (о птицах: "Saw a bunch of Bushtits feeding on trees today. They feast and move on. I never seem to see them just hanging out. I don't see them that often." "They seem to travel in packs of a dozen or so. I love when they swoop into my yard and feast on the suet!" (Twitter))
10.03.2024 7:51:47 O&G oil production intensification интенсификация добычи нефти
10.03.2024 7:43:01 sport. be out выбыть (***Поразительно, до какой степени некоторые пользователи любят выдавать чужие примеры за свои. Этому примеру много лет.***: According to his coach, Massey is out for at least six months as a result of a knee injury. – выбыл из-за травмы колена )
10.03.2024 7:36:09 commer. limited availability в ограниченном количестве (Please note that we have limited availability of RDT123-45 ... -- RDT123-45 имеются в ограниченном количестве.)
10.03.2024 7:34:41 formal chaired by во главе (the panel chaired by AA – комиссия во главе с АА)
10.03.2024 7:32:40 inf. all-round во всех отношениях (He was an all-round nice guy. -- Он был хорошим парнем во всех отношениях.)
10.03.2024 7:31:49 humor. in all one's ... glory во всей красе (An iconic black-and-white photograph of Salvador Dalí, in all his mustachioed glory, is reproduced on the front cover.)
10.03.2024 7:31:03 real.est. pay the rent on time вовремя платить за квартиру (Why do we always get tenants who can't remember to pay the rent on time?)

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