
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

3.06.2015 6:30:27 TV host телеведущий
3.06.2015 6:25:51 inf. play hooky смыться с работы (Some of my co-workers like to play hooky on a sunny afternoon.)
3.06.2015 6:09:41 inf. blow on through проскочить (An amber light means slow down and stop, not speed up and blow on through! – прибавить газу и проскочить перекрёсток)
3.06.2015 6:04:10 formal take a position as занять должность (Philip returned to Regina in 2012 to take a position as Treasury Board analyst in the Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations.)
3.06.2015 5:57:50 ed. graduate with an honours degree получить диплом с отличием (Philip graduated with an honours degree in economics from the University of Manitoba.)
3.06.2015 5:55:04 gen. during the period of to в период с по (During the period of November 2011 to October 2014, Philip served as the Deputy Minister with the ministries of Development, Trade and Tourism; Forests; and Small Business, Tourism and Culture.)
3.06.2015 0:14:05 busin. work out a deal договориться (with – с: Are the Europeans going to work out a deal with Greece?)
3.06.2015 0:10:00 inf. mess someone up in втянуть (If you ever mess my brother up in any criminal rap, I'll be around to see you.)
2.06.2015 18:11:29 gen. it doesn't get any better than this Ничего лучше быть не может
30.05.2015 6:21:12 commer. provide with a wide selection of обеспечить широкий выбор (продукции: Once complete, the Westridge store location will provide local shoppers with a wide selection of natural, organic and local products.)
30.05.2015 6:16:34 amer. breads хлебобулочные изделия (The bakery will provide a variety of breads and pastries, made fresh daily.)
30.05.2015 6:12:30 construct. identify the site наметить участок (Once we identify the site and agree to terms with all partners, we announce each location on our quarterly Earnings calls.)
30.05.2015 5:36:06 media. outreach team рабочая группа (TransLink staff will have outreach teams at every station to hand-deliver the new cards to commuters.)
30.05.2015 5:31:59 media. strike the perfect balance сочетать в себе все необходимые качества (As a council member, John struck the perfect balance – he paid attention, he asked questions and listened to the answers, he didn't meddle – he didn't want to run the show.)
30.05.2015 5:11:13 gen. eat for comfort поесть, чтобы успокоиться (One night I woke up and there was a thunderstorm and lightning, and I had to eat for comfort, so I sent my husband to Mac's to get me a box of cream donuts. I had hot cocoa and five donuts and immediately felt better.)
30.05.2015 4:56:47 gen. have someone on edge приводить в нервное состояние
30.05.2015 4:56:47 media. have someone on edge вызывать невроз (22 shootings in 12 days has the community on edge.)
30.05.2015 4:13:41 gen. twist the meaning исказить значение
30.05.2015 3:57:53 idiom. red herring уловка (с целью пустить следствие по ложному следу)
29.05.2015 1:07:25 trav. getaway поездка (в отпуск за границу или на несколько дней -- в загородный домик: book your next getaway)
28.05.2015 7:37:06 formal press enquiries запросы от представителей прессы
28.05.2015 7:19:50 formal enquiry запрос на получение информации
27.05.2015 5:04:09 gen. present an ID card предъявить удостоверения (Once the new security measures are implemented, interpretation service contractors who do not present the specified ID card may be subject to metal detector screening.)
23.05.2015 9:05:12 gen. stumble accidentally случайно наткнуться (on – на: We need a warning sign on the site in case anybody stumbles on it accidentally.)
23.05.2015 9:05:12 gen. stumble on it accidentally случайно набрести (на)
20.05.2015 12:02:31 polit. special interest groups группы с особыми интересами
20.05.2015 12:01:36 polit. interest groups заинтересованные группы
20.05.2015 12:01:36 polit. interest groups группы с особыми интересами
20.05.2015 11:12:15 gen. community centre культурно-спортивный комплекс
20.05.2015 10:59:58 NGO non-profit venture некоммерческое начинание
20.05.2015 10:59:31 NGO venture начинание (a non-profit venture – некоммерческое начинание)
20.05.2015 7:15:55 ed. successfully internalize усвоить (the children have successfully internalized the concept / curriculum)
15.05.2015 1:24:26 inf. take it out on вымещать злость на (someone – ком-либо) Don't take it out on me, Frank! You've got problems, so why do I have to listen to this shit?)
15.05.2015 1:18:47 rude that's bullshit! Чушь!
14.05.2015 3:18:19 gen. cut short прервать (McMahon, who was in Kamloops on business, cut his trip short and returned home. – прервал поездку)
14.05.2015 0:28:11 media. sandwiched between зажатый между (The city's urban-design panel has rejected the proposal for a 45-storey tower sandwiched between two historic buildings on the waterfront.)
14.05.2015 0:10:07 idiom. turn heads обращать на себя внимание ("BMW has smashed that plain Jane stereotype with the release of its latest flagship car, the i8, a plug-in hybrid that turns heads with tis supercar sexiness and sips fuel with its patented eDrive powertrain system." (Andrew McCredie, Westcoast Homes & Design))
11.05.2015 6:34:15 ed. full interaction полноценное общение (with)
10.05.2015 3:03:46 idiom. love with all one's heart and soul души не чаять
5.05.2015 23:20:09 inet. contact directly напрямую связаться с (Click here to contact us directly for help finding a dealer.)
1.05.2015 23:40:58 gen. protect its own защищать своих (об организации: After the killing, the RCMP circled the wagon to protect its own. – заняли круговую оборону, чтобы защитить своих)
28.04.2015 11:32:41 bank. balance остаток по счёту (составляет ...)
28.04.2015 10:22:40 formal Marriage Verification Certificate справка о заключении брака
28.04.2015 7:06:05 inf. eye-catching глаз не оторвёшь
28.04.2015 5:56:44 gen. pencil holder стаканчик для карандашей (и ручек, и кисточек)
27.04.2015 11:45:38 inf. do some asking around поспрашивать (Excellent question. I’ll do some asking around and let you know.)
27.04.2015 11:27:24 gen. originally published впервые опубликованный (a short story originally published in Strand Magazine in 1904 – рассказ, впервые опубликованный в журнале "Стрэнд" в 1904 г.)
27.04.2015 8:33:47 arts. consummate artistry непревзойдённое мастерство
25.04.2015 23:44:55 gen. slightly dated немного устаревший
25.04.2015 22:32:27 polit. connect with the public найти общий язык с рядовыми гражданами ("[Hague] has made the cardinal English error of rising too far too fast. And he hasn't connected with the public as someone they can relate to or even like." (Andrew Sullivan. The NY Times Magazine))
25.04.2015 22:11:37 gen. stellar resume безупречный послужной список ("His résumé is stellar, his private life impeccably restrained (...)" (Andrew Sullivan, The NY Times Magazine))
25.04.2015 7:34:33 gen. hop the fenced perimeter перелезть через ограждение
25.04.2015 7:31:27 context. stray over the fence забредать за ограждение (There are signs up there, but unfortunately people do stray over the fence. • It is said that Cook would shoot the fowls of Mitchell's when they strayed over the fence and he would toss them back into Mitchell's field. burnabynow.com)
25.04.2015 7:28:50 gen. hazard нечто представляющее опасность ("The north side of the mountain is quite a hazard. There's lots of steep drop-offs, and some of them are in the region of 200 to 300 feet," Lt. Jeff Lyle told the NOW." (Burnaby Now newspaper))
24.04.2015 9:59:34 gen. in a similar situation в подобной ситуации (You might find yourself in a similar situation right now. – оказаться в подобном положении / в подобной ситуации)
24.04.2015 2:42:35 busin. ship осуществлять доставку
24.04.2015 2:22:30 busin. make an update дополнять (We are making a couple of updates to the list that will require your input.)
22.04.2015 2:02:27 int.rel. mutually beneficial relationship взаимовыгодность
18.04.2015 8:02:16 formal military officer военный (I am the spouse of a military officer.)
10.06.2024 10:42:09 gen. migraine remedy средство от мигрени (She’s always looking for new migraine remedies.)
18.04.2015 7:04:40 inf. Tell him I said hi Передавай ему привет
18.04.2015 1:53:03 formal baseless accusations беспочвенные обвинения
15.04.2015 0:54:57 inf. I never heard a peep from anyone никто и не заикнулся (Really? I never heard a peep from anyone about it.)
15.04.2015 0:52:22 inf. I never heard a peep from anyone никто и не мяукнул (Really? I never heard a peep from anyone about it.)
15.04.2015 0:50:48 contempt. recycle снова пустить в ход
15.04.2015 0:50:48 contempt. recycle снова пустить в оборот
14.04.2015 22:42:28 gen. call on someone for a translation обратиться за переводом к (Your French and Italian are superb! And good to know I can call on you for any Latin translations, too!)
14.04.2015 8:26:55 idiom. fly under the radar остаться незамеченным
14.04.2015 7:15:29 busin. printed в печатном виде (printed instructions – инструкции в печатном виде: Would not having printed instructions put you off buying a kit?)
11.04.2015 0:30:22 inf. storage crunch нехватка места для хранения (чего-либо)
11.04.2015 0:21:26 gen. ripped-open разорванный (a ripped-open padded envelope)
11.04.2015 0:19:25 inf. bust open взломать (The communal mailbox had been busted open and emptied, with dozens of letters and countless flyers strewn about.)
7.04.2015 6:05:31 ling. oral activity речевая деятельность
7.04.2015 5:46:32 ling. evaluative statements оценочные высказывания
4.04.2015 8:27:19 ling. evaluativity оценочность (Evaluativity is a rough measure of a speaker’s implied feelings or judgments toward some topic of conversation.)
4.04.2015 7:38:50 formal specific traits особенности
4.04.2015 7:37:20 ling. bureaucratic language канцеляризм
4.04.2015 3:41:49 trav. travel itineraries туристические маршруты
4.04.2015 3:36:43 HR put a great deal of effort приложить много усилий (into)
4.04.2015 2:22:40 HR recommend ... be considered for further employment opportunities рекомендовать для дальнейшей работы (Upon completion of the employee’s contract of employment, I recommend the employee be considered for further employment opportunities within the industry.)
4.04.2015 2:11:27 HR provide conflict resolution бесконфликтно решать вопросы (for issues)
1.04.2015 10:22:07 meteorol. gale force wind шквалистый ветер
31.03.2015 10:52:36 typogr. single signature одинарный печатный лист
31.03.2015 6:57:06 law Notice of Family Claim повестка в отношении иска по вопросу семейного права (вручается ответчику)
30.03.2015 9:36:28 gen. criticize harshly жёстко раскритиковать
27.03.2015 7:35:19 gen. blank side чистая сторона (листа; Place the printed pages back in your printer tray so that the even pages will print on the blank side.)
27.03.2015 4:59:18 gen. printer tray лоток для бумаги
27.03.2015 4:52:13 gen. formatted отформатирован (The booklet has been created in landscape orientation and formatted for double-sided printing.)
27.03.2015 3:32:17 inet. downloads материалы для загрузки
26.03.2015 4:44:58 busin. follow-up последующая работа (после завершения основной фазы)
25.03.2015 6:14:24 media. vandalize разгромить (напр., "разгромлен импровизированный мемориал на месте убийства" кого-либо)
24.03.2015 9:01:47 ed. oral communication речевое общение
24.03.2015 4:34:19 formal Interpretation and Translation Studies переводоведение (hawaii.edu)
19.03.2015 5:42:03 formal retailer розничное торговое предприятие
19.03.2015 5:40:39 formal retailers розничные торговые предприятия
19.03.2015 5:36:56 inet. General Inquiries Запросы общего характера
18.03.2015 7:49:16 ed. first aid training course курс первичной медицинской помощи
18.03.2015 7:37:11 ed. Phthisiological Nursing сестринское дело во фтизиатрии
18.03.2015 7:33:14 ed. Psychiatric Nursing сестринское дело в психиатрии
18.03.2015 7:27:55 ed. Therapeutic Nursing сестринское дело в терапии

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