
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

21.07.2016 1:58:29 busin. pose different challenges ставить перед кем-либо различные задачи (Food packaging has to be specific as fresh juices and fruits, frozen pizza or poultry each poses a very different challenge. – доставка ставит перед нами весьма различные задачи)
21.07.2016 1:56:26 busin. specific соответствующий конкретным требованиям (Food packaging has to be specific as fresh juices and fruits, frozen pizza or poultry each poses a very different challenge. – доставка ставит перед нами весьма различные задачи)
21.07.2016 1:36:20 inet. sell online продавать через интернет (одежду, аксессуары, etc.)
21.07.2016 0:34:13 soc.med. social network users пользователи социальных сетей
19.07.2016 10:48:06 formal fundamentally disagree в корне не согласен (on – по вопросу; with * I fundamentally disagree with this statement.)
13.07.2016 1:30:32 polit. current issues современные проблемы (current and emerging issues in global affairs / in the US; также в названии учебных курсов: "Современные проблемы менеджмента")
12.07.2016 22:23:03 ed. training program направление подготовки
12.07.2016 1:42:49 bot. plant species виды растений
11.07.2016 23:17:56 adv. exquisitely crafted чудной работы
11.07.2016 21:38:13 lit. pastoral на лоне природы (допустимо в определённом контексте)
11.07.2016 21:03:06 lit. original story исходный сюжет
5.07.2016 12:45:20 ed. verbal communication речевое общение
5.07.2016 10:33:47 ed. full curriculum полный курс (университета)
5.07.2016 9:58:10 ed. Vice-Principal for Academic Work and Discipline заместитель директора по учебно-воспитательной работе
29.06.2016 9:21:40 polit. run for office выдвинуть свою кандидатуру на выборный пост/должность (In the course of the last ten years I have been musing about running for office. I considered various posts – senator, lieutenant governor, mayor – and consulted political advisors.)
29.06.2016 9:07:00 gen. file a damages claim подать в суд иск о возмещении ущерба
29.06.2016 9:05:28 gen. file a damages claim подать в суд иск о возмещении убытков
29.06.2016 9:05:28 gen. file a damages claim обратиться в суд с иском о компенсации ущерба
28.06.2016 0:43:11 gen. do academic work заниматься научной работой
27.06.2016 20:30:23 trav. be out to the clubs посещать ночные клубы (We've been out to the clubs a few times. – Мы несколько раз бывали в ночных клубах.)
27.06.2016 9:59:05 inf. down the road на будущее ("I had a young family with two children, aged 6 and 9, and they bought two high-end condos, one for each child down the road," McNeil said.)
27.06.2016 9:10:40 gen. educated осведомлённый (Dr. Hogg is the most educated person on the subject.)
27.06.2016 9:08:44 inf. hang in there! держитесь!
27.06.2016 8:43:11 gen. disappear from one's sight исчезнуть из вида (We watched the object for about two minutes, then it disappeared from our sight. – исчез из вида)
27.06.2016 8:40:06 idiom. fly in the face of противоречить (принципам, идеям, позиции)
27.06.2016 8:38:08 media. high-end properties дорогая недвижимость
22.06.2016 22:25:00 formal within ... of в пределах (в пределах 3 м – No smoking within 3 meters of entrance ways, windows and intake vents as per Tobacco Control Act.)
21.06.2016 4:25:51 arts. hand colouring ручной раскраски (These published collections were greatly prized for their remarkable hand colouring.)
21.06.2016 4:18:47 lit. be greatly prized высоко цениться (for – за: These collections were greatly prized for their remarkable hand colouring.)
20.06.2016 20:54:21 law give a large financial gift подарить крупную сумму денег
20.06.2016 20:53:53 law give a large financial gift сделать подарок на крупную сумму (Your boss gives you a large financial gift. Can your spouse get their hands on it? Normally, no, but you could lose it or a chunk of it.)
18.06.2016 1:52:22 inf. take a screen grab сделать скриншот
18.06.2016 1:51:20 inf. know one's stuff быть спецом по своей части (If Steve has built this deck all by himself, he sure knows his stuff!)
18.06.2016 1:49:22 commer. got one's hair cut постричься
18.06.2016 1:49:01 hairdr. get one's hair cut постричься (1) Kenny got his hair cut at the corner barbershop. – постригся 2) I'm looking for a good place to get my hair cut. – где можно постричься)
18.06.2016 1:47:32 commer. milk crate ящик из-под молока
18.06.2016 1:47:32 commer. milk crate ящик для молочной тары
17.06.2016 20:47:16 gen. Phase 2 вторая очередь
17.06.2016 0:20:26 idiom. out of the loop не в курсе (Here, I got you this new gadget because you can't afford to be out of the loop. | What's wrong with the new model? I'm admittedly out of the loop. – Признаюсь, что я не в курсе.)
12.06.2016 20:56:19 gen. roll in накатывать (на берег: "There were low, swift-moving clouds, and from as far out as he could see, green waves were rolling in and spilling on top of each other." William Maxwell, "Grape Bay")
12.06.2016 20:28:48 fig.of.sp. become restless не находить себе места
11.06.2016 23:20:16 gen. close tightly плотно закрыть (Close the container tightly and store in a cool, dry place.)
6.06.2016 23:00:40 inet. click on the link щёлкнуть по ссылке
3.06.2016 20:28:25 formal accounting unit отдел бухгалтерского учёта (e.g.: Corporate Accounting Unit)
3.06.2016 5:29:36 formal signing officer должностное лицо с правом подписи
30.05.2016 16:55:42 gen. no matter what что бы ни (no matter what happens – что бы ни случилось • no matter what they say – что бы они ни говорили)
26.05.2016 8:54:21 derog. rigged trial судилище
22.05.2016 4:53:12 media. fraught with endless shadings отличающийся множеством смысловых оттенков ("The Japanese language is highly nuanced and fraught with endless, diplomatic shadings of politeness and intent." (The New Yorker, Aug 16, 1999))
22.05.2016 4:35:24 trav. light a campfire развести костёр
22.05.2016 4:35:24 trav. light a campfire разжечь костёр
22.05.2016 4:33:05 gen. unit номер в гостинице (A recently opened adjunct to the M-G-M Grand, called the Mansion, was built in the style of a Tuscan villa at a cost of roughly six million dollars per unit.)
22.05.2016 4:29:11 inf. total write-off восстановлению не подлежит (Two homes damaged by fire in Surrey overnight, one being a total write-off.)
22.05.2016 4:23:40 gen. search for разыскивать
22.05.2016 4:11:00 idiom. rub some people the wrong way не всем прийтись по вкусу (The government is aware that the new legislation may rub some people the wrong way.)
22.05.2016 4:08:24 gen. in the late nineteen-thirties в конце 1930-х годов
22.05.2016 4:06:05 formal involving с участием (a shooting involving police that killed two people in Surrey | involving foreign officials – с участием иностранных должностных лиц | Many abductees have witnessed a hybridization program involving the aliens, and "if we are able to hybridize with them, it indicates we are the same species," he commented. coasttocoastam.com)
21.05.2016 5:57:59 gen. calf cramp судорога икроножных мышц
17.05.2016 20:43:07 inf. remove red tape разбюрократить (Removing unnecessary red tape has had positive impacts for our citizens, businesses and employees.)
14.05.2016 0:23:34 gen. experience полученный опыт
14.05.2016 0:06:02 gen. really matter иметь большое значение ("The kinds of inputs that children get really matter. It changes brain anatomy, brain physiology, brain chemistry, and gene expression." (Dr. Helen Neville))
13.05.2016 23:31:23 gen. be absolutely dependent on полностью зависеть от
13.05.2016 23:22:17 scient. brain system мозговая система
13.05.2016 4:42:21 psychiat. predisposition to addiction предрасположенность к наркозависимости
13.05.2016 4:18:38 psychiat. behaviors модели поведения
13.05.2016 3:21:29 psychiat. binge eating объедание (Binge eating is a pattern of disordered eating which consists of episodes of uncontrollable eating. It is sometimes a symptom of binge eating disorder or compulsive overeating disorder. During such binges, a person rapidly consumes an excessive amount of food.)
13.05.2016 3:19:35 psychiat. addictive shopping неконтролируемая трата денег в магазинах (также используется калька "компульсивный шоппинг")
13.05.2016 3:12:25 gen. drug use потребление наркотиков
13.05.2016 2:36:31 med. addiction наркозависимость (You don't treat an alcoholic by giving them alcohol, and you sure as hell can't cure an addiction by giving them drugs.)
12.05.2016 8:40:59 slang be in on the game "раскусить" (понять, в чём дело: I think they know that we're in on the game but they can't do anything about it.)
12.05.2016 0:33:07 gen. stressed out раздражённый (вследствие нагрузки/стресса)
11.05.2016 6:09:00 idiom. come from the right place "то, что надо" (You can see when it's coming from the right place.)
11.05.2016 5:51:35 gen. do things on one's own справиться самостоятельно (You need to give him self-confidence that he can do things on his own and he can succeed.)
11.05.2016 5:50:49 gen. do things on one's own справиться своими силами (You need to give him self-confidence that he can do things on his own and he can succeed.)
11.05.2016 1:06:18 gen. in the open sea в открытом море
10.05.2016 7:33:49 gen. on a day-to-day basis изо дня в день (things that happen on a day-to-day basis)
10.05.2016 7:32:05 gen. routine привычный, установившийся порядок
10.05.2016 5:45:15 gen. regardless of what comes невзирая на то, что может произойти
10.05.2016 5:32:17 formal at that point на этой стадии (You have been served with the eviction notice. At that point it is important for renters to know about their rights and how to protect themselves.)
10.05.2016 5:26:31 formal sustain подвергнуться воздействию (by chance or circumstance sustained a major stressor)
10.05.2016 3:16:37 gen. works really well эффективный (Some techniques to do this work really well. – очень эффективны)
10.05.2016 1:29:36 coll. adversity неблагоприятные факторы
9.05.2016 8:12:08 scient. communicate to донести до сознания (кого-либо)
9.05.2016 2:22:44 gen. for a little while на какое-то время (These cues tell you to slow down or stop what you're doing for a little while.)
9.05.2016 2:18:27 pediatr. recognize cues распознавать сигналы
9.05.2016 2:04:55 fig. get on track наладить взаимопонимание
8.05.2016 23:54:17 gen. communicate наладить общение (You're trying to communicate with your partner and it can get off if she is too slow to respond.)
8.05.2016 9:41:27 school.sl. work really hard много заниматься (I was working really hard and then I ended up being valedictorian.)
8.05.2016 2:13:11 inf. not very common не очень типично (My daughter has her dad, which is not very common in teenagers nowadays. I think that's awesome.)
8.05.2016 1:17:44 gen. throughout one's life на протяжении всей жизни
8.05.2016 1:15:40 psychother. loving relationship отношения, построенные на любви (Early loving relationship with your child teaches them how to make and maintain loving relationships throughout their life)
8.05.2016 0:52:49 Canada Aboriginal people/peoples аборигенное население
8.05.2016 0:51:50 gen. aboriginals аборигенное население
7.05.2016 9:34:20 gen. go back to school снова пойти учиться (It was really hard to push myself to go back to school after I had my first baby.)
7.05.2016 9:30:10 gen. I am pregnant у меня будет ребёнок
7.05.2016 8:45:42 idiom. at low tide в отлив
7.05.2016 8:43:37 idiom. fundamentally change в корне изменить ("We know that adversity can fundamentally change the development of the child's biology, the circuitry in the brain, can change even the immune system (...)." Dr. Thomas Boyce)
7.05.2016 8:41:33 gen. fundamentally different в корне различные
7.05.2016 8:05:36 gen. have a better chance for вероятность чего-либо выше ("Children who experience early loving relationships have a better chance for lifelong health and happiness." Dr. Evan Adams)
6.05.2016 23:10:09 pediatr. toddler stage of development период развития ребёнка от года до трёх лет (wikipedia.org)
6.05.2016 22:58:31 gen. newborn period послеродовой период (We can see this prenatally, during the newborn period and all through infancy.)

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