
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

29.05.2024 9:41:02 gen. local community местное сообщество
29.05.2024 9:39:22 disappr. parochial mentality местечковость
29.05.2024 9:36:49 gen. twinkle поблёскивать (о звёздах: "All was still. The stars twinkled above. We were alone with Nature." (P.G. Wodehouse))
29.05.2024 9:36:49 gen. twinkle мерцать (о звёздах: "All was still. The stars twinkled above. We were alone with Nature." (P.G. Wodehouse))
29.05.2024 9:35:17 idiom. on a fool's errand по бессмысленному делу
29.05.2024 9:34:09 idiom. on a fool's errand ради пустой затеи (" 'Sorry to bring you out on such a fool's errand, Watson,' he said at last." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
29.05.2024 9:34:34 idiom. on a fool's errand впустую (" 'Sorry to bring you out on such a fool's errand, Watson,' he said at last." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
29.05.2024 9:31:42 formal further to the article from в продолжение статьи от (Further to the article from last week regarding a potential redesign for Lonsdale Avenue, I would like to share a few thoughts.)
29.05.2024 9:21:46 media. Pulitzer Prize-winning лауреат Пулитцеровской премии (напр., reporter: In the first half, Pulitzer Prize-winning former reporter for the Boston Globe, Fred Kaplan, discussed how our lives and the nation's infrastructure are dependent on digital technology, which is leaving American security vulnerable to malicious hackers that can conceivably wreak destruction from their keyboards. (coasttocoastam.com))
29.05.2024 9:03:29 gen. rail tracks рельсы (cargo containers sitting idle on rail tracks -- грузовые контейнеры стоят на рельсах)
29.05.2024 8:58:58 gen. scheme преступный план (The U.S. Department of Justice in Washington State says two men are facing human smuggling charges for their alleged role in a scheme to get people across the Canada-U.S. border in B.C. on freight trains. (vancouversun.com))
29.05.2024 6:03:38 gen. food vendor ларёк с горячей едой (обычно для туристов или отдыхающих: a public space with a licensed food vendor, bike wash-and-repair facility, and spectacular views)
29.05.2024 5:41:58 real.est. tax deferment отсрочка налога на недвижимость (обычно до вхождения в права наследников объекта недвижимости: Sullivan said ... they have already seen a spike in tax deferment in the past five years, from $800 million to $1.6 billion in value. “That means the government owns $1.6 billion of homeowners’ equity in British Columbia because they can’t afford to pay the taxes,” Sullivan added. (globalnews.ca))
29.05.2024 5:22:48 gen. frustrated огорчён (by sth. – чем-л.: McCulloch said he’s very frustrated by the situation. “It’s not right the government takes away from my life’s earnings,” he said. (globalnews.ca))
29.05.2024 4:52:02 fig. jurisdictional seams щели между различными юрисдикциями (правоохранительными органами, ведомствами, штатами: The cases he's investigated are primarily unsolved murders of sex trafficking victims committed by long-haul truckers, with around 450 active suspects, though some are believed to have multiple victims. A small minority of long-haul truckers exploit jurisdictional seams to traffic and kill sex workers, often with decades-long delays in identifying victims and catching killers, Figliuzzi reported. He further explained how the perpetrator will grab a victim at one location, often at or near a truck stop, related to some kind of sex for money transaction. Then, they'll rape and/or murder the victim in a second jurisdiction, and dispose of the body in a third location. -- пользуется / использует в своих интересах щели между различными юрисдикциями (coasttocoastam.com))
29.05.2024 4:11:59 trucks long-haul trucker шофёр-дальнобойщик (In the first half, he discussed the FBI Highway Serial Killings Initiative and their hunt for individuals who have accounted for an astonishing 850 murders across the nation. The cases he's investigated are primarily unsolved murders of sex trafficking victims committed by long-haul truckers, with around 450 active suspects, though some are believed to have multiple victims. (coasttocoastam.com))
29.05.2024 4:02:56 gen. counterintelligence отдел контрразведки (Frank Figliuzzi was the assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, where he served 25 years as a special agent. (coasttocoastam.com))
29.05.2024 3:57:30 gen. become a huge nuisance доставлять массу неудобств (in the present perfect tense: The town of Snettisham is reportedly at the center of the strange invasion by the birds which are believed to number around a hundred. Irritated individuals living in the village say that the chickens have become a huge nuisance due to their penchant for pecking away at the grass in the yards outside homes as well as making a considerable amount of noise. (coasttocoastam.com))
29.05.2024 3:03:50 gen. follow along with sth. for reference сверяться с (I’ve arranged the request in chronological order, so you can follow along with the English version for reference.)
29.05.2024 2:58:39 gen. super quick сверхбыстрый (A super quick knife with a retractable blade for precise cuts.)
29.05.2024 2:45:06 inet. sell online сбыть через интернет-магазин (Заслуженная артистка РФ и двое фигурантов пытались сбыть вещества через интернет-магазин. (из рус. источников))
28.05.2024 10:01:19 bank. at the scheduled time в назначенный срок (Your installments were not paid at the scheduled time. )
28.05.2024 10:00:01 crim.law. at the time of the crime в момент совершения преступления
28.05.2024 9:28:24 inet. high-speed Internet access высокоскоростной доступ в Интернет
28.05.2024 9:23:07 gen. proficiency in languages высокий уровень владения языками
28.05.2024 9:14:02 commer. artisan мастер высокого класса (a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves *making things by hand*: "street markets where local artisans display handwoven textiles, painted ceramics, and leather goods" (Oxford Dictionary): artisan bread – хлеб, выпеченный пекарями высшего класса • elegant designs created by Tiffany and his artisans)
28.05.2024 8:05:33 inf. sneaky обманным путём (использовать что-л.: Menadione was listed as Vitamin K3, sneaky! Don't trust that brand. )
28.05.2024 8:02:37 law, contr. video-sharing используемый для распространения видеоматериалов (... the internet video-sharing website known as "YouTube")
28.05.2024 8:01:03 cliche. put to the best use использовать наилучшим образом (It wasn't just a matter of getting more resources, it was a matter of putting those resources to the best use.)
28.05.2024 7:57:28 law, contr. inappropriate use использование не по назначению (... protect information from inappropriate or unauthorized use and disclosure)
28.05.2024 7:56:13 law, contr. unauthorized use использование без соответствующего допуска (... protect information from inappropriate or unauthorized use and disclosure)
28.05.2024 7:55:26 gen. fulfill one's duties исполнять свои обязанности
28.05.2024 7:52:39 gen. reach исполниться (о возрасте: ... until the child reaches their 19th birthday -- пока ребёнку на исполнится 19 лет)
28.05.2024 7:51:10 law, contr. carry out one's obligations исполнить свои обязательства (... carry out their obligations under this Agreement)
28.05.2024 7:48:53 law, contr. carry out one's obligations исполнить обязательства (... carry out their obligations under this Agreement)
28.05.2024 7:47:12 law, contr. perform the obligations исполнить обязательства (оговоренные: "... is required to perform the obligations under the contract" – исполнить обязательства по контракту )
28.05.2024 7:44:53 gen. accomplish what one set out to do исполнить задуманное (The architects’ plans called for a tallest, grandest, most impressive high rise office tower in the city. I’d say they accomplished what they set out to do. The splendor, craftsmanship and elaborate details are amazing.)
28.05.2024 7:43:30 cliche. grant a wish исполнить желание (The strange posting reportedly appeared on the Russian equivalent of Craigslist late last month and showcased a Scottish Fold, dubbed Visik. In the listing, the seller asserts that the cat can grant wishes and names the selling price at a whopping 10 million rubles, which translates to roughly $127,000. – исполнять желания (coasttocoastam.com) )
28.05.2024 7:38:02 cliche. it's been ... since прошло ... с тех пор, как (модель прошествия времени: It's been two months since 9-year-old Alice Cheng was found dead in Central Park.)
28.05.2024 7:38:02 cliche. it's been ... since исполнилось .. с тех пор, как (модель прошествия времени: It's been two months since 9-year-old Alice Cheng was found dead in Central Park.)
28.05.2024 7:31:40 law, contr. performance of the agreement исполнение условий договора (... I hereby guarantee the compliance with, and performance of, this Agreement)
28.05.2024 7:30:38 lab.law. performance of one's duties исполнение своих обязанностей
28.05.2024 7:29:44 law, contr. instruction execution исполнение распоряжений (Исполнение Оператором Сервиса распоряжений Пользователя о совершении Платежа ....)
28.05.2024 7:28:08 formal embrace a doctrine исповедовать доктрину
28.05.2024 7:27:17 formal embrace a cause исповедовать идею
28.05.2024 7:25:53 formal uphold values исповедовать ценности (certain values – некие ценности: "Abused as children by a male cousin who lived in their Williams Lake home, the Pooni sisters spent decades keeping their secret to themselves for fear of blame and punishment. Raised in a traditional Punjabi family that upheld conservative values of female subservience, the sisters learned that silent obedience was expected." (montecristomagazine.com))
28.05.2024 7:20:08 busin. overseeing контролирующий
28.05.2024 6:46:01 disappr. mistreat дурно обращаться с (treat a person or animal badly, cruelly, or unfairly: "he denied mistreating his workers" (Oxford Dictionary): I got tired of Paperblanks mistreating me so I quit.)
28.05.2024 1:56:13 fire. routine exercise плановые учения (I can confirm that this is a routine exercise to test the marine evacuation system and not an evacuation of the vessel. This is required to be done regularly. (Reddit))
27.05.2024 10:46:09 gen. do a few errands съездить по делам (заехать в несколько мест: Kevin, I need to do a few errands this afternoon. Can you give me a ride?)
27.05.2024 9:56:24 inf. make a pass at sb.'s girl приставать к чьей-л. девушке ("Phillips made a pass at Hench's girl. That was day before yesterday, out in the hall. Hench was in the room and he saw it, but Phillips got into his apartment and shut the door before Hench could get out. But Hench was sore. He socked the girl in the eye. But that didn't satisfy him." (Raymond Chandler) )
27.05.2024 9:52:05 law, contr. date of receipt дата приёма (из контракта: "Датой приёма Претензии Клиента Банком считается фактическая дата регистрации входящего обращения Клиента." • "The effective date can be up to 5 business days prior to the date of receipt or up to 90 days after the date of receipt." http://form.sunbiz.org/pdf/cr2e047.pdf)
27.05.2024 9:13:31 bible.term. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image Не сотвори себе кумира и никакого изображения, не поклоняйся им и не служи им (2-ая Заповедь)
27.05.2024 9:12:24 bible.term. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image не поклоняйся им и не служи им (2-ая Заповедь)
27.05.2024 9:10:35 bible.term. Thou shalt have no other gods before me Я есть Господь Бог твой, да не будет у тебя других богов пред лицом Моим (1-ая Заповедь)
27.05.2024 9:02:18 fig.of.sp. have a ripple effect разлететься, вызвав отголоски (Talty also noted that the events in Waco have had a ripple effect on American media and politics. Wary of government overreach, a number of militia groups have sprung up in the years following Waco in response to the siege. (coasttocoastam.com))
27.05.2024 9:02:18 fig.of.sp. have a ripple effect прокатиться, оставив след (Talty also noted that the events in Waco have had a ripple effect on American media and politics. Wary of government overreach, a number of militia groups have sprung up in the years following Waco in response to the siege. (coasttocoastam.com))
27.05.2024 9:02:18 fig.of.sp. have a ripple effect разойтись, как круги на воде (Talty also noted that the events in Waco have had a ripple effect on American media and politics. Wary of government overreach, a number of militia groups have sprung up in the years following Waco in response to the siege. (coasttocoastam.com))
27.05.2024 8:53:28 cliche. for a brief span of time в течение короткого времени (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 7:41:34 fant./sci-fi. human colony колония людей (на других планетах: The stranger was totally human in appearance and wore a one-piece gray diver’s suit. Atienza told Donis that he came from a planet called “Urin”, whose original inhabitants were short, large headed humanoids. However there existed on “Urin” a human colony, which lived under huge glass domes, since the atmosphere of “Urin” was toxic to humans. He further explained that life under these conditions had caused a massive sterilization among the human colony, which had more female members than males. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 7:07:29 gen. isolated location уединённое место (In November of that year, businessman Francisco Donis was driving near Castillo De Alarcon, Cuenca, Spain on his way to Malaga when he received a telepathic message instructing him to go to a certain isolated location. He felt overwhelmingly compelled to go there, and when he reached the designated spot he was surprised to see a disc-shaped object hovering above 3 meters from the road next to the road. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 6:53:46 gen. wooded hill поросший деревьями холм
27.05.2024 6:50:22 trav. ruined castle развалины замка (That same month, in March of that year, an unnamed witness was taking a walk next to a deserted, ruined castle at San Vicente De Sonsierra, La Rioja, Spain on a very quiet night ... (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 6:46:13 ufol. bright light ярко светящийся объект (That same spring, a woman in Monte Ulia, near San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain, saw a bright light descend towards a peach tree in her yard. When the light touched down it disgorged two very tall men, wearing white diving suits and what appeared to be ‘wings’ on their backs. They apparently spoke to the witness in Spanish, saying they were looking “for passage.” The woman lost consciousness and the next morning when she examined the area she found it to be scorched, the tree burnt to a crisp. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 6:28:15 school head count перекличка в школе (To their estimation the whole incident lasted not more than 30 seconds. They ran down to the school to report what they saw, and a group of the other children were very excited when they saw the witnesses. To their surprise their excitement was due to the fact that both had been missing for over 2 hours and had missed lunch and the head count. Fortunately for them the Franciscan monk in charge of the school was very sympathetic and offered to call the local US air base (Torrejon) to ask about the phenomenon. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 6:22:07 logist. cargo logjam контейнерный затор (Контейнерные порты в Азии, Европе и Северной Америке вводят ограничения, чтобы справиться с заторами. (telsglobal.ru) • Минтранс покончит с заторами грузов в порта РФ (из рус. источников) • Vancouver was not alone in suffering from port congestion. The contagion was raging up and down North America’s West Coast. For example, at the height of the pandemic economy’s supply chain dysfunction, cargo logjams at the Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex were forcing up to 90 container ships per day to wait for berth space. (biv.com))
27.05.2024 6:22:07 logist. cargo logjam затор (Контейнерные порты в Азии, Европе и Северной Америке вводят ограничения, чтобы справиться с заторами. (telsglobal.ru) • Минтранс покончит с заторами грузов в порта РФ (из рус. источников) • Vancouver was not alone in suffering from port congestion. The contagion was raging up and down North America’s West Coast. For example, at the height of the pandemic economy’s supply chain dysfunction, cargo logjams at the Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex were forcing up to 90 container ships per day to wait for berth space. (biv.com))
27.05.2024 6:22:07 logist. cargo logjam задержка грузов (Контейнерные порты в Азии, Европе и Северной Америке вводят ограничения, чтобы справиться с заторами. (telsglobal.ru) • Минтранс покончит с заторами грузов в порта РФ (из рус. источников) • Vancouver was not alone in suffering from port congestion. The contagion was raging up and down North America’s West Coast. For example, at the height of the pandemic economy’s supply chain dysfunction, cargo logjams at the Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex were forcing up to 90 container ships per day to wait for berth space. (biv.com))
27.05.2024 6:22:07 logist. cargo logjam затор грузов (Контейнерные порты в Азии, Европе и Северной Америке вводят ограничения, чтобы справиться с заторами. (telsglobal.ru) • Минтранс покончит с заторами грузов в порта РФ (из рус. источников) • Vancouver was not alone in suffering from port congestion. The contagion was raging up and down North America’s West Coast. For example, at the height of the pandemic economy’s supply chain dysfunction, cargo logjams at the Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex were forcing up to 90 container ships per day to wait for berth space. (biv.com))
27.05.2024 5:22:48 logist. loading and unloading cargo погрузка и выгрузка грузов (Last summer, the Port of Vancouver was struggling to reduce delays in loading and unloading cargo and long wait times for ships to get berth time. (biv.com))
27.05.2024 5:11:16 logist. rail dwell time время простоя железнодорожных грузов (до перегрузки с судов на ж/д транспорт: Rail dwell times is a measurement of how long a ship’s containers take to be offloaded at the dock and loaded onto rail cars.)
27.05.2024 4:57:56 logist. wait to be loaded ждать погрузки (Each of the marine terminal operators has its own chassis but containers seem to leave on competitors’ chassis as well as their own. In Canada such chassis are stored off-site and drivers arrive with an empty chassis and wait to be loaded. (Transport Canada))
27.05.2024 4:53:43 port.facil. wait for loading ждать погрузки (о судне: ships at anchor waiting for loading)
27.05.2024 4:33:51 gen. go about one's chores заниматься делами (по дому: As she went about her chores, her attention was suddenly captured by a black SUV parked across the road.)
27.05.2024 3:58:46 cliche. within a short span of time в течение короткого времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 3:58:46 cliche. within a short span of time за короткий период времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 3:58:46 cliche. within a short span of time за короткий промежуток времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
27.05.2024 3:50:43 police targeted attack преднамеренное нападение (Based on his conversations with witnesses, Little said the attacker appeared to be in "distress" and began assaulting a motorcyclist. "When the motorcyclist retreated from the attacker, a quick-thinking individual opened his car door, allowing the motorcyclist to take refuge while the attacker continued banging on the vehicle," Little recounted. While the RCMP has not confirmed whether the attack was targeted, witnesses believe it appeared to be random. (cbc.ca))
27.05.2024 3:22:12 relig. ward off прогнать (Sinclair described a mystical encounter with Archangel Michael during his spiritual journey. Through meditation, he experienced a dark entity that was warded off by a powerful angelic figure wielding a sword, whom he later identified as Archangel Michael. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.05.2024 8:40:03 idiom. pull the strings заправлять (чем-л. предосудительным: So basically the people who built this province will get to have no heritage and if so-called indigenous peoples ask for Heritage designations to be removed it'll just be done. This is racism. It's not Equity it's not Justice it's pure and simple ethnic racism and for some reason a lot of rich white people enjoy destroying their own Heritage because they feel that some other group is more deserving. You find that it's almost always rich white people who are pulling the strings here. -- этим заправляют (vancouversun.com))
26.05.2024 7:02:10 busin. co-manage осуществлять совместное управление (объектом: Seven historic cottages built a century ago in what is now təmtəmíxʷtən/Belcarra Regional Park will be demolished as part of a plan to provide more public access and recognize the history of the site. In March, the Metro Vancouver parks committee voted to support a plan that involves tearing down the former vacation cottages, which until a few months before had been protected as a Port Moody heritage site. But that changed last year when the city removed the cottages’ heritage designation at the request of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, which has been involved in co-managing the regional park since 2020. (vancouversun.com))
27.05.2024 9:24:11 publ.transp. deliver a sailing выполнить рейс (о катерном и паромном сообщении: “We are very pleased” with the latest passenger numbers, Hullo Ferries chief executive Alastair Caddick said Friday. Caddick said Hullo has delivered more than 95 per cent of all scheduled sailings since August, including all of its sailings in April. (timescolonist.com) • Паромы и большие десантные корабли за неделю перевезли через Керченский пролив 3,4 тысячи авто. За сутки паромы и БДК выполнили 17 рейсов. (crimea.kp.ru) • Грузовой паром на линии Балтийск (Калининградская область) – Засниц (Германия) для доставки грузов в обход Польши будет выполнять два рейса туда и обратно в неделю. (morvesti.ru))
26.05.2024 6:39:58 busin. look forward to рассчитывать на (Hullo Ferries is aiming to double its ridership in its first full summer season as it celebrates reaching the 250,000-passenger mark in its first nine months. “We are very pleased” with the latest passenger numbers, Hullo Ferries chief executive Alastair Caddick said Friday. “It certainly lines up with where we are hoping to go. We are doing well and looking forward to doing even better.” -- Дела у нас идут хорошо, и мы рассчитываем на то, что добьёмся ещё лучших показателей. (timescolonist.com))
26.05.2024 6:05:53 meteorol. increasingly challenging weather conditions ухудшение погодных условий (Shortly after they were dispatched Friday night, the Cormorant and Hercules returned to base "due to increasingly challenging weather conditions," the JRCC said, adding that, on Saturday, the RCMP informed it that its resources were no longer needed. -- в связи с ухудшающимися погодными условиями (bc.ctvnews.ca))
26.05.2024 6:02:39 geogr. roughly 10 kilometers southwest of примерно в 10 км на юго-запад от (Asked about its response, the JRCC told CTV News it was informed of "an overdue private aircraft" shortly before 6:30 p.m. The search was focused on "Mount Ellesmere and its surrounding area," аccording to the JRCC. Mount Ellesmere is located on the west side of Howe Sound, roughly 10 kilometers southwest of downtown Squamish. (bc.ctvnews.ca))
26.05.2024 5:46:02 inf. weird stuff странные вещи (происходят, творятся: The first caller to mention Fermilab, Sean, noted that after an experiment in particle collision “two or three years ago” that he said, “detected a brand new form of matter,” which was then, “swept under the rug,” he began noticing strange occurrences around his home. The second caller to discuss the Fermilab installation, Chris from Milwaukee, said he was calling, “just to back up Sean, and say there’s been some weird stuff going on in the sort of general tri-state area” which he attributes to the activity there. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.05.2024 5:46:02 inf. weird stuff странные дела (происходят, творятся: The first caller to mention Fermilab, Sean, noted that after an experiment in particle collision “two or three years ago” that he said, “detected a brand new form of matter,” which was then, “swept under the rug,” he began noticing strange occurrences around his home. The second caller to discuss the Fermilab installation, Chris from Milwaukee, said he was calling, “just to back up Sean, and say there’s been some weird stuff going on in the sort of general tri-state area” which he attributes to the activity there. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.05.2024 5:38:30 gen. under suspicious circumstances при вызывающих подозрение обстоятельствах (While Prince was looking for some diagnoses to explain these behaviors – such as schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, or something like a chemical imbalance – other members of his team, according to Felber, were more open to more esoteric explanations. Those explanations began to gain plausibility for some of the team, Felber explained, when they considered the fact that Fowler had lost two young siblings under tragic and suspicious circumstances. (coasttocoastam.com) • За последний год при вызывающих подозрение обстоятельствах погибло по меньшей мере пять человек. (из рус. источников))
26.05.2024 5:32:59 cliche. be outside one's area of expertise выходить за пределы компетенции (кого-л.: The Fowler case came to light after American psychiatrist Dr. Morton Prince, who Felber described as “the father of abnormal psychology” was contacted by general physician Jackson Putnam, who wrote to Prince that if he were living in a different time he would attribute the case to demonic possession, while acknowledging that it was outside his area of expertise. The symptoms, which Prince and his team would eventually observe themselves, included changes in her looks, voice, and temperament. “The symptoms were incredible,” Felber noted. “Her face would remold into a different face. Her voice would change into this terrifying voice… in different languages.” (coasttocoastam.com) • Её необычная заявка вне прейскурантного характера выходит за пределы компетенции всех уровней администрации фирмы. (из рус. источников))
26.05.2024 3:52:33 gen. aspiring novelist начинающий писатель (... while still a student and aspiring novelist (coasttocoastam.com))
26.05.2024 4:29:54 cliche. that's for the best это к лучшему (Perhaps that's for the best. -- Может быть, это и к лучшему.)
25.05.2024 10:24:22 idiom. move beneath the radar выпадать из поля зрения (of sb. – кого-л.: In the next instalment of the "Nessie on Land" series, I would like to examine a not so well known story. In the course of emails between like-minded Nessie people, I was reminded of this land sighting from 1934 which, like most such cases today, tends to move beneath the radar of modern Internet surfers. (lochnessmystery.blogspot.com))
25.05.2024 9:35:36 gen. bolt towards броситься к (в сторону чего-л., кого-л.: If a deer hears the approaching noise of a car, where would it rather be? The restricted shoreline with a daunting and vast body of water before it or the more familiar surroundings of the trees and hills where it spends most of its life? It makes less sense to me that a deer would bolt towards the loch on a car approaching rather than stay in the hillside where it has more options for escape routes. (lochnessmystery.blogspot.com))
25.05.2024 9:19:26 law, court character assassination of a witness подрыв репутации свидетеля (Wilson indulges in his usual character assassination of witnesses by branding James Logan as a liar and publicity seeker.)
25.05.2024 9:19:26 law, court character assassination of a witness очернительство свидетеля (Wilson indulges in his usual character assassination of witnesses by branding James Logan as a liar and publicity seeker.)
25.05.2024 9:04:15 gen. accurate representation точное отображение (The Gould sketch appears to be the most accurate representation of what Mr. and Mrs. Spicer saw on that day.)
25.05.2024 8:57:12 cliche. just sayin' это я так, к слову (выражение завершает предположение или изложение фактов, избегая конкретных выводов)
25.05.2024 8:47:18 gen. jerks рывки (The creature was of a loathsome-looking greyish colour, "like a dirty elephant or a rhinoceros." It had a very long and thin neck, which undulated up and down, and was contorted into a series of half-hoops. The body was much thicker, and moved across the road, as already stated, in a series of jerks. -- перемещалось через дорогу рывками (lochnessmystery.blogspot.com))

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