
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

6.10.2016 10:14:27 gen. bathe in the bath купать ребёнка в ванне
6.10.2016 10:05:19 gen. right from birth с самого рождения (exploration that babies want to do right from birth)
6.10.2016 9:57:24 formal cleanliness личная чистота
6.10.2016 9:05:29 formal respect one's feedback прислушаться к мнению (кого-либо)
6.10.2016 7:32:00 formal be conscious of иметь в виду (You should really be conscious of the fact that all purchases there are non-refundable. – Вам следует иметь в виду, что ...)
6.10.2016 6:48:18 perf. fragrances ароматические добавки
6.10.2016 6:27:18 psychol. uncomfortable доставляющий неприятные ощущения
6.10.2016 6:27:18 psychol. uncomfortable вызывающий неприятное ощущение
6.10.2016 5:49:01 humor. nooks and crannies уголочки и закоулочки (After bathing the baby, it is really important to dry in all the folds and all the little areas, all the nooks and crannies.- во всех уголочках и закоулочках)
5.10.2016 8:40:18 gen. different from one's norm отличающийся от нормы (identify and address any behavior by children that's different from their norm)
5.10.2016 8:06:42 gen. in a special way каким-то особым образом (The tiles don't have to be washed in a special way, just use the same white vinegar and water solution.)
5.10.2016 7:07:31 gen. pay special attention to особо заострять внимание на
5.10.2016 7:02:05 gen. treat someone like обращаться c кем-либо как с (Forget that he's my nephew, sergeant. Just treat him like any other soldier.)
5.10.2016 5:12:25 gen. diaper change смена подгузников
5.10.2016 4:42:33 gen. vigorous со всей энергией (It doesn't have to be a vigorous cleaning, you know. A good wipe-down would be nice.)
5.10.2016 4:38:06 gen. vigorous прилагая массу сил (It doesn't have to be a vigorous cleaning, you know.)
5.10.2016 4:35:12 pediatr. diaper area участки кожи, закрытые подгузником (напр., "точечные высыпания и покраснения на участках кожи, закрытых подгузником" | Many parents like to make sure the diaper area is clean before they put the baby in the bath.)
5.10.2016 3:08:03 humor. get one's two cents in высказаться (You've got to get your two cents in, huh?)
5.10.2016 2:59:09 humor. bottom попочка (You wanna make sure he's got a clean bottom before he gets into the tub.)
5.10.2016 1:24:52 gen. that's a fine way to go это вполне приемлемо (как один из вариантов)
5.10.2016 1:11:56 gen. dry out засохнуть (The best thing to do is just let his the umbilical cord dry out on its own. The less wet it gets, the better it is, and then it'll just fall off by itself.)
4.10.2016 23:43:33 inf. jammies пижамка (о детях: I get her diaper on, and her jammies on, and get her ready for bed.; также шутливое о взрослых)
4.10.2016 23:25:49 inf. get dried off вытереться (после купания; I wrap the towel around him, get him dried off, and then I get myself dried off. – вытираю его и потом сама вытираюсь)
4.10.2016 23:25:49 inf. get dried off вытираться (после купания)
4.10.2016 7:53:17 gen. fun занятный (appropriate in some contexts)
4.10.2016 7:08:40 gen. lay something down in the bottom застелить дно (Before you bathe the baby, clean the sink, so there's no egg or old potato peelings in there. Then lay a small towel down in the bottom of the sink, just so it's a softer surface for the baby.)
4.10.2016 4:00:59 gen. fresh diaper чистый подгузник
4.10.2016 3:36:28 gen. work one's way down двигаться постепенно сверху вниз
4.10.2016 2:45:50 gen. what to do чем заняться (заголовок статьи: What to do: Fishing, swimming in the ocean or skiing in the mountains? | Every visitor to our fair city faces fundamental questions: What to do? Where to eat? Where to shop?)
3.10.2016 22:51:47 radioastron. space brethren братья по разуму
3.10.2016 22:45:11 proverb Too many cooks in the kitchen Двое нянек-дитя без носу
3.10.2016 22:43:31 fig. iconic figure легендарная личность
3.10.2016 22:41:55 fig. get past a roadblock обойти препятствие (I couldn't get past that roadblock. – не смог обойти это препятствие)
3.10.2016 22:40:29 formal outline the prospect обрисовать перспективу (the prospect outlined by the speaker – перспектива, обрисованная докладчиком)
3.10.2016 22:32:56 law is applicable to распространяется на (The new policy is applicable to all city employees.)
3.10.2016 22:22:25 law in police custody задержан (LEGAL DEFINITION: Arrest is a short term event to be followed by Custody if approved of by a legal judicial authority. e.g.: "The man who opened fire at the hospital is now in police custody.")
2.10.2016 4:54:01 gen. Be careful, keep your head down Осторожно, пригнись (Be careful, keep your head down. These spiders are everywhere!)
1.10.2016 6:29:39 busin. dispense aid распределять финансовую помощь (This is a Department of Labor program that dispenses aid to US workers who have lost their jobs as a direct result of increased imports from Mexico or Canada.)
1.10.2016 6:22:06 busin. list compiled by the company management список, составленный руководством компании (The names of the workers were taken from a list compiled by the company management.)
1.10.2016 6:14:03 gen. struck отчеканенный (отчеканена – The gold coin features the face of Emperor Nero and was likely struck in 56-57 AD.)
21.09.2016 0:45:28 media. soar xxx high взметнуться на высоту (Because the building soars 45 storeys high, over half of all suites have some sort of ocean views.)
21.09.2016 0:40:48 media. tranquil pocket тихий уголок (a tranquil pocket, away from the energy and the ambient noise of Yaletown)
21.09.2016 0:40:48 media. quiet spot тихий уголок
21.09.2016 0:33:34 media. local topics местная тематика (Fresh, local topics that keep you in the know)
21.09.2016 0:30:59 gen. awe восхищение ("His genius for telling stories dispels the suspicion of the class, and by the end of the fall term the muffled witticisms in the back row have given way to awe." – Lewis H. Lapham – уступили место восхищению)
21.09.2016 0:27:50 gen. genius гениальная способность (for something: "His genius for telling stories dispels the suspicion of the class, and by the end of the fall term the muffled witticisms in the back row have given way to awe." – Lewis H. Lapham)
20.09.2016 3:42:45 busin. elaborate подробно остановиться (на-on)
20.09.2016 3:39:35 busin. payments that have been made осуществлённые платежи (The assignment can be terminated by either party at any time in which case final payment is based on the per diem rate, less any periodic payments that have been made.")
20.09.2016 3:29:06 busin. further expense дальнейшие расходы (As indicated previously, there is an allowance for an additional 2 (two) days before incurring further expense.)
29.05.2024 10:40:58 busin. balance остающаяся сумма (при расчёте с подрядчиком: Normally a payment of one third is made on commencement, an equal installment after 20 days, and the balance on arriving at 45 days.)
20.09.2016 3:25:14 busin. equal installment равнозначная сумма (Normally a payment of one third is made on commencement, an equal installment after 20 days, and the balance on arriving at 45 days.)
19.09.2016 8:26:45 gen. laugh at посмеяться над (I never said anything to my husband as he would have only laughed at me.)
19.09.2016 8:24:39 brit. bit early рановато (Bit early in the season for the ducks.)
16.09.2016 9:28:21 gen. burst into a hearty laugh расхохотаться от всей души (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
16.09.2016 9:25:01 gen. some little distance behind на небольшом расстоянии (держаться)
16.09.2016 9:19:41 idiom. look hard пристально смотреть ("Don't frighten him by looking at him too hard." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
16.09.2016 9:17:50 idiom. allay the suspicions отвести от себя подозрения (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
16.09.2016 9:17:02 idiom. blundering fool безмозглый дурак (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
16.09.2016 9:16:11 idiom. flush up with pleasure покраснеть от удовольствия (после комплимента – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
16.09.2016 9:14:51 idiom. overdo one's part перестараться (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
16.09.2016 9:13:44 idiom. put someone upon a wrong track навести кого-либо на ложный след
16.09.2016 8:11:39 gen. film a video снять видео (A family vacationing in Arizona filmed a mesmerizing video in which a pair of horses appear to be floating on a river, however the wondrous sight is merely a fantastic optical illusion. coasttocoastam.com)
16.09.2016 8:10:52 gen. film a video снять видеоролик (The video was filmed by my daughter on her iPad.)
12.09.2016 21:47:02 law incidental act побочное действие (The authority herein shall include such incidental acts as are reasonably required to carry out and perform the specific authorities granted herein.)
10.09.2016 7:15:00 media. privately rejoice втайне радоваться (In 2012, when the news broke that Richter was under investigation by a federal grand jury, there were many who privately rejoiced: it seemed about time for him to be brought to justice.)
10.09.2016 7:12:41 media. when the news broke that когда стало известно о том, что (In 2012, when the news broke that Richter was under investigation by a federal grand jury ...)
10.09.2016 7:00:34 formal above указанный выше (Please use the above address. – Пользуйтесь указанным выше адресом.)
10.09.2016 6:56:54 gen. the mail takes почта идёт (The mail from Nunavut to Nome often takes two weeks.)
10.09.2016 6:54:49 coll. news media пресса (He was instructed not to talk to the news media.)
10.09.2016 6:48:17 gen. there is no cause for rejoicing радоваться нечему (There is no cause here for rejoicing.)
10.09.2016 6:40:58 gen. bolt on удрать от ("My fare. He bolted on me." "What?!" "He dumped out of the car. He didn't pay!" – "Мой пассажир удрал от меня. Выскочил из машины, не заплатив.")
10.09.2016 6:15:57 gen. blankly непонимающе (She looked at me blankly, as if the logic escaped her.)
10.09.2016 6:14:38 gen. that's always the way вот так всегда ("Stay for a while, son." "Eventually I'll have to go." "That's always the way.")
10.09.2016 6:13:42 gen. Stay for a while Побудь со мной ("Stay for a while, son." "Eventually I'll have to go." "That's always the way.")
10.09.2016 6:11:11 gen. the craze has died down ажиотаж спал (I got these Star Wars diapers for just $5.99 a pack, they were on sale. I guess the craze has died down.)
10.09.2016 6:08:37 gen. boorish behaviour хамское поведение
10.09.2016 6:08:37 gen. boorish behaviour хамство
10.09.2016 5:58:00 formal in the immediate vicinity of в непосредственной близости от
10.09.2016 5:56:15 gen. maintain a certain version придерживаться версии (Many of Brehmer's critics maintain the same version of events. – придерживаются той же версии событий)
10.09.2016 5:47:56 fin. get paid in advance получить аванс (Можно получить аванс? – Can I get paid in advance?)
10.09.2016 5:46:17 inf. brush up on освежить свои знания (just to set things straight, this means "to refresh one's memory, renew one's skill", e.g.: "Want to brush up on a foreign language? With these materials, it's easy to maintain and sharpen your foreign-language skills.")
10.09.2016 5:40:26 gen. in the queue в очереди (There is 1 person ahead of you in the queue. We thank you for your patience.)
9.09.2016 2:57:46 gen. cooking contest кулинарный конкурс
9.09.2016 2:55:27 idiom. cliched joke избитая шутка
9.09.2016 2:46:42 idiom. bring an end to ... once and for all раз и навсегда покончить с (Our new in-flight menu should bring an end to those cliched airline food jokes once and for all. – позволит раз и навсегда покончить с)
9.09.2016 2:45:31 idiom. bring an end to покончить с (Our new in-flight menu should bring an end to those cliched airline food jokes once and for all. – позволит раз и навсегда покончить с)
9.09.2016 2:15:53 media. sober-minded people здравомыслящие люди ("I think all sober-minded people who really are involved in politics understand that the idea of a Russian threat to, for example, the Baltics is complete madness." bloomberg.com)
8.09.2016 8:19:34 inf. be in jail сидеть (отбывать срок в тюрьме: What was he in jail for? – За что он сидел?)
8.09.2016 8:13:16 gen. at the emergency room в "скорой помощи"
8.09.2016 8:12:25 gen. treat someone as if someone were a criminal обращаться как с преступником (When I call our municipal recycling line, the operator, her name's Marla, treats me as if I were a criminal. – обращается со мной, как с преступником)
8.09.2016 7:01:28 inf. gauge the speed оценить скорость (Children are simply too young to be able to properly gauge the speed of the cars coming down that stretch of road.)
8.09.2016 6:54:40 idiom. this is not sitting well with это не устраивает (This is not sitting well with some local parents, who would like to see these temporary changes made permanent.)
7.09.2016 21:38:34 gen. fill in holes заполнить отверстия (What soil is best for filling in holes in our lawn caused by our dog?)
7.09.2016 0:39:04 gen. pick up the tab заплатить за ужин (в ресторане)
7.09.2016 0:35:00 polit. run for выставить свою кандидатуру на пост (председателя и пр.)
6.09.2016 22:28:19 gen. bring in занести (в дом: It's not cold hardy, so we are going to bring it in soon. – скоро занесём в дом)
6.09.2016 22:00:02 formal at someone's request по просьбе (At the district's request, Metro has agreed to leave traffic controls the way they are for now.)
4.09.2016 22:40:33 busin. maximise довести до максимума
4.09.2016 22:40:33 busin. maximise максимально использовать
4.09.2016 8:02:05 emph. todie for цены нет (Their cherry pies are to die for, and their gelato is heaven!)

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