
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

3.12.2016 1:32:03 inf. in-laws тёща с тестем
3.12.2016 1:32:03 inf. in-laws родители жены (по отношению к мужу)
3.12.2016 1:32:03 inf. in-laws родители мужа (по отношению к жене)
2.12.2016 6:55:35 gen. feature изображать (1) на монете изображено – The gold coin features the face of Emperor Nero and was likely struck in 56-57 AD. 2) Featuring common butterflies as well as exotic species, like African Yellow Killer, our World of Wings posters are sure to inspire your children in their scientific pursuits. – изображённые на плакате; 3) в кинофильме: In 2007, the Toronto International Film Festival played host to a dark comedy called The Babysitters starring John Leguizamo and Cynthia Nixon, which featured a teenage girl earning college money by turning her babysitting business into a high-school prostitution ring for married men. – комедия, в которой изображалась)
2.12.2016 6:51:28 gen. put pressure on вынуждать (Babysitting expanded in the 1930s, when the Depression put pressure on American teenage girls to earn money and mothers needed help around the house.)
2.12.2016 6:50:05 gen. child-rearing воспитание детей (One child-rearing manual in the 1920s warned American parents that instead of babysitting high-school girls would drag their children around "to hockey games, basketball practice and street-corner flirtation.")
2.12.2016 6:38:06 inf. get someone to come пригласить (I am heading to Kamloops this morning with Josh for a hockey tournament, so I cannot get someone to come look at the washer until I get back. – не могу никого пригласить разобраться со стиральной машиной, пока не вернусь)
2.12.2016 6:12:39 gen. do some cleaning прибраться (по дому: You don't need to vacuum today. I did do some cleaning last weekend and will do again this weekend.)
2.12.2016 5:57:06 inf. make it through завершить (Oh, and congrats on making it through the 1st round of the process! – поздравляю с завершением первого этапа)
2.12.2016 5:57:06 inf. make it through добраться до конца
2.12.2016 3:33:21 gen. come out течь (come out of: "I was doing laundry last night and when I went to put the clothes in the dryer I had water everywhere. It took us forever to figure out where it was coming from. It is coming out of the bottom of the washing machine." – откуда течёт вода)
2.12.2016 3:31:12 gen. come out вытекать (come out of: "I was doing laundry last night and when I went to put the clothes in the dryer I had water everywhere. It took us forever to figure out where it was coming from. It is coming out of the bottom of the washing machine." – откуда вытекает вода)
2.12.2016 3:06:42 inf. somewhere around приблизительно (It was supposed to be a maximum of somewhere around 550 characters, so you need to cut it a bit.)
2.12.2016 2:54:46 gen. I thought you might say that! я так и знал, что ты это скажешь!
2.12.2016 2:03:17 slang cool stuff ништяк
1.12.2016 9:20:02 media. ruggedly handsome отличающийся мужественной красотой
1.12.2016 9:15:04 gen. recede to memory стать воспоминаниями (Eric came to Canada. His life here proceeded and he raised a family and the decades went by. His days and work at Cambridge receded to memory. – стали далёкими воспоминаниями)
1.12.2016 9:08:21 gen. rummage around in the literature порытьcя в литературе (в специальной литературе)
1.12.2016 8:55:43 gen. on one's return to вернувшись (On his return to Canada, MacMilligan joined the aviation industry, a short five-year stint that included working on the Sparrow Missile.)
1.12.2016 8:53:58 ed. be awarded a master of XXX degree получить степень магистра (From 1992 to 1995, Frank MacMillan attended graduate school at Cambridge University. For his dissertation, he wrote several papers on aeronautical engineering. For that work, he was awarded a master of science degree.)
1.12.2016 8:47:55 ed. attend graduate school учиться в магистратуре (From 1992 to 1995, Frank MacMillan attended graduate school at Cambridge University. For his dissertation, he wrote several papers on aeronautical engineering. For that work, he was awarded a master of science degree.)
1.12.2016 8:33:28 archit. midcentury home односемейный дом в типичном пригородном стиле постройки 1950х-1960х годов ХХ века (в США и Канаде; стиль, ныне переживающий взрыв популярности и связанный с модой на мебель, предметы домашней обстановки и в целом дизайн той эпохи)
1.12.2016 8:17:13 gen. Several months had gone by Прошло несколько месяцев (Several months had gone by, and I suggested to my wife that we sell the portrait.)
1.12.2016 8:12:15 inf. come rushing up врываться (в помещение)
1.12.2016 7:30:52 formal natural gas is being used потребление природного газа имеет место (согласно счётчику имеет место потребление природного газа – [Уведомление] Contact us immediately about your gas service. Although the meter at this address shows that natural gas is being used, we have no record of an active gas account. To ensure you continue to receive your natural gas supply, you must apply for service.)
1.12.2016 7:27:17 formal have no record данные отсутствуют (Уведомление: Contact us immediately about your gas service. Although the meter at this address shows that natural gas is being used, we have no record of an active gas account. To ensure you continue to receive your natural gas supply, you must apply for service.)
1.12.2016 7:22:46 formal gas service подача газа (частным потребителям, в жилые районы | Уведомление: Contact us immediately about your gas service. Although the meter at this address shows that natural gas is being used, we have no record of an active gas account. To ensure you continue to receive your natural gas supply, you must apply for service.)
1.12.2016 7:07:57 formal gas service поставка газа
30.11.2016 10:34:40 gen. take a boat ride кататься на катере / яхте / лодке (покататься на катере / яхте / лодке – – – "There are few places in the world where you have the choices you have in this city – golf in the morning, beach volleyball in the afternoon, then an evening bike ride on the mountain. Take a boat ride down Indian Arm or go fly fishing on a secluded mountain lake." – Luke MacKinnon)
30.11.2016 10:30:11 gen. within walking distance рукой подать
30.11.2016 10:22:01 formal obey the rules of the road соблюдать правила дорожного движения (Cyclists should obey the rules of the road. My office overlooks a busy intersection downtown and I see violations such as riding on the sidewalk, no helmet, running red lights and riding against the traffic direction committed every few minutes. I do not believe that cyclists should be above the law.)
30.11.2016 10:18:49 formal public resources государственные средства (using public resources – за счёт государства | Cyclists are receiving more and more public resources. As a commuter who has to drive a car, I think they should pay an annual licence fee to help cover the cost of the bike lanes, in the same way that car owners' licences contribute to the construction and maintenance of roads.)
30.11.2016 10:09:46 gen. culturally diverse разноликий в культурном отношении (If you can't find likable people in a city as culturally diverse as New York City, then you are not on the right planet.)
30.11.2016 10:03:00 gen. what the argument boils down to суть аргумента (And this is what the argument boils down to: It's the suspicion that not being on Facebook, which has become so normal among young adults, is a sign that you're abnormal and dysfunctional, or even dangerous." (The Province))
30.11.2016 10:00:15 gen. drug deal покупка и продажа наркотиков (A dark pathway in East Vancouver where human remains were found is often the site of drug deals and a place for homeless people to sleep, according to nearby residents. – ...место, где покупали и продавали наркотики)
30.11.2016 9:42:43 gen. hotel guest постоялец гостиницы ("The pathway where the body was discovered opens up to the back of a Travelodge and its parking lot but hotel guests who spoke to The Province Sunday said they had not heard or seen anything suspicious.")
29.11.2016 2:29:40 gen. several years passed прошло несколько лет (Several years passed before he saw his daughter again.)
29.11.2016 2:26:44 gen. make someone out to be выставить кого-либо в качестве (After Phil's article, Clinton's press-secretary called the managing editor and tried to make Phil out to be some deadbeat hired gun.)
29.11.2016 2:23:18 slang I don't take too much crap from anybody я никому не позволяю на себя наезжать
29.11.2016 2:11:19 gen. was clearly a message явно дали понять (For Falcone, the break-in was clearly a message, he knew the Mob was following his every step. Nothing was taken, but the clue was unmistakable: a pile of burned matches on his pillow.)
29.11.2016 2:05:10 gen. be better suited to лучше подходить для ("Sure, the providers of entertainment should act responsibly, but it's not our job to to preach to the masses or set moral standards. Parents and churches are better suited to that task." – Joseph Pierson, Producer-Director, Cypress films Inc., NYC)
29.11.2016 2:01:37 gen. is better suited to лучше подходит к (к какой-либо цели)
29.11.2016 2:00:31 gen. diverse subject matter разнообразная тематика (Your choice of such diverse subject matter epitomizes a great travel magazine. Bravo!)
29.11.2016 1:58:41 gen. seize an opportunity ухватиться за возможность
29.11.2016 1:55:51 busin. do consulting work заниматься консалтингом (He does consulting work for oil and gas producers.)
29.11.2016 1:54:18 cinema set in действие происходит в
28.11.2016 21:59:34 media. unruly дебошир (passenger on a flight, patron in a bar, etc.)
28.11.2016 21:57:15 media. settle amicably уладить миром (претензии: "Певец Филипп Киркоров согласился уладить миром претензии лидера французской музыкальной группы Space Дидье Маруани, обвинившего российского исполнителя в плагиате")
28.11.2016 21:47:31 gen. hit and run сбить человека и скрыться с места (ДТП: One officer was struck by a hit-and-run driver in the Bronx and was taken to a hospital in critical condition, police said. – сбил и скрылся с места ДТП)
26.11.2016 10:38:41 busin. deliver the project on time сдать объект в срок (delivered the project on time and within budget)
26.11.2016 4:13:37 busin. sign an agreement заключить договор
25.11.2016 7:19:44 formal affirm one's obligations подтверждать свои обязательства (The Parties affirm their obligations as members of the International Labour Organization (hereinafter referred to as the "ILO").)
25.11.2016 7:15:56 formal shall take effect after the Parties have signed it вступает в силу с момента подписания Сторонами
25.11.2016 5:50:24 formal rephrase as follows изложить в новой редакции
25.11.2016 3:47:41 formal Certificate of Completion and Acceptance акт сдачи-приёмки (не путать с Certificate of Delivery and Acceptance / Delivery and Acceptance Certificate!)
25.11.2016 3:25:36 formal breakdown condition аварийное состояние (A breakdown condition is an unforeseeable failure or malfunction of the equipment. Notify the APD of any occurrence as soon as reasonably possible.)
25.11.2016 2:40:41 formal stipulated in предусмотренный (stipulated in the Articles of Association – предусмотренный Уставом)
25.11.2016 2:39:23 law stipulated in the Articles of Association предусмотренный уставом
25.11.2016 2:32:13 gen. subsoil use legislation законодательство по недропользованию
25.11.2016 2:13:41 gen. apply ultrasound применять ультразвук (When ultrasound is applied over irregular surfaces, .....)
25.11.2016 2:08:31 gen. apply ultrasound treatment применять ультразвуковую обработку
25.11.2016 2:07:03 gen. apply ultrasound treatment обрабатывать ультразвуком
25.11.2016 2:05:58 gen. subject to ultrasound treatment подвергнуть ультразвуковой обработке
25.11.2016 1:16:47 busin. draft a plan составлять план
25.11.2016 0:58:52 busin. achieve certain performance targets достигнуть показателей
24.11.2016 23:11:13 gen. cause controversy вызвать много споров (caused a lot of controversy – вызвал много споров)
24.11.2016 8:47:55 busin. jointly agreed upon согласованный
24.11.2016 8:42:39 busin. liable to несущий ответственность перед (responsible by law; legally answerable)
24.11.2016 8:36:12 busin. outsource передавать выполнение части услуг третьим лицам
24.11.2016 8:27:21 formal provision of the service предоставление услуги (transfer personal information to a third party for the provision of the service)
24.11.2016 5:11:51 formal under the following circumstances при наличии следующих обстоятельств
24.11.2016 5:04:33 formal business operations оперативно-хозяйственная деятельность
24.11.2016 4:55:21 formal commence --- Sorry, neither "kick start' nor 'embark on" are stylistically appropriate here приступить к выполнению
24.11.2016 4:53:31 formal commence приступить к выполнению (работ -– Sorry, neither "kick start' nor 'embark on" are stylistically appropriate here)
24.11.2016 4:49:55 formal being guided by руководствуясь
24.11.2016 4:44:27 law, contr. have the obligation to быть обязанным (the Contractor has the obligation to: (1) ensure that ...)
24.11.2016 2:33:26 corp.gov. dedicated subsidiary целевое дочернее общество
24.11.2016 0:38:37 formal as assigned by the client по заданию заказчика (jobs)
24.11.2016 0:30:46 formal jointly called совместно именуемые (large cities and their hinterlands, jointly called metropolitan regions, ...)
23.11.2016 8:38:26 lit. underworld тёмный мир ("эти три человека принадлежат к высшему разряду тёмного мира" – А. С. Грин)
23.11.2016 7:18:28 gen. physical method физический метод (through physical methods – физическими методами)
21.11.2016 9:23:10 gen. on a grandiose scale грандиозного масштаба (An iconic beautiful actress, she's become a legend on a grandiose scale in death probably more than in life.)
21.11.2016 6:53:41 gen. in near-mint condition в почти идеальном состоянии (The 1893 pants are in near-mint condition. | Телефон в почти идеальном состоянии. Замшевые босоножки в почти идеальном состоянии.)
21.11.2016 6:42:17 gen. at my end у меня (в знач. "на моей стороне": Technical problems at my end, not your fault. – Это у меня проблемы технического характера, вы не при чём.)
21.11.2016 6:11:17 lit. troubling удручающий
21.11.2016 6:09:51 formal seek assistance обращаться за помощью (We are seeking the public's assistance for any information about this disturbing incident.)
18.11.2016 6:25:33 hist. gentry открытая землевладельческая аристократия (потомки богатых английских крестьян, которым было разрешено покупать титулы после Столетней войны)
14.11.2016 8:04:18 transp. passenger drop-off высадка пассажиров (на остановке)
14.11.2016 8:03:39 transp. passenger pickup посадка пассажиров (на остановке)
8.11.2016 7:24:29 hist. decree that издать указ
8.11.2016 1:58:00 gen. granted access допущен (к – to)
7.11.2016 23:54:46 int.transport. certificate validity period срок действия сертификата
7.11.2016 21:30:42 econ. product manufacturer изготовитель продукции (How do you find a manufacturer to make your product? It can be quite a challenge to find a manufacturer – one you like working with and whose factory produces a quality product at a fair price.)
7.11.2016 21:17:46 dat.proc. tracking number учётный номер (бланка)
6.11.2016 9:15:37 contempt. PR crap пиар (I personally find this response to be lacking any respect and, honestly, full of PR crap.)
6.11.2016 4:11:41 busin. pull to the side отвести в сторонку (He pulled the cabbie to the side and said, "Here, this is for you and don't tell anyone.")
6.11.2016 3:35:40 busin. allocate the right amount выделить нужную сумму
6.11.2016 1:42:52 idiom. got the short straw не повезло (You got to work on Halloween? Oh no! You got the short straw, Kevin!)
6.11.2016 1:29:32 idiom. go off the rails слететь с катушек (to start behaving strangely or in a way that is not acceptable to society: "She went off the rails in her early teens after she moved in with her 25-year-old boyfriend and started smoking pot, soon she living on the streets and got involved in sex trade.")
6.11.2016 1:24:44 idiom. almost went off the rails чуть не сорвалось (The deal almost went off the rails. – Сделка чуть не сорвалась.)

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