
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

3.01.2017 5:57:08 gen. have it delivered by courier курьерской почтой
3.01.2017 5:53:36 gen. have it delivered by courier доставить курьером
3.01.2017 5:27:45 gen. out of sight не видно (The Queen has been ill and out of sight. How are the rest of the Royals coping with that?)
3.01.2017 3:59:03 jarg. sicko шизик
3.01.2017 3:58:44 jarg. sicko псих
3.01.2017 3:49:49 gen. leave for last оставить напоследок
3.01.2017 3:48:15 jarg. get clean завязать
3.01.2017 3:45:29 idiom. with two left feet неуклюжий (в танцах)
2.01.2017 23:56:29 media. encroach on посягнуть на (if NATO were to encroach on this territory.)
2.01.2017 23:52:32 media. lash out обрушиться с нападками (at – на)
2.01.2017 23:51:27 gen. without mincing words не стесняясь в выражениях
2.01.2017 23:47:38 gen. recent сделанный недавно (seen in a recent photo)
2.01.2017 23:30:17 gen. exactly as именно так, как (Green beans were cooked exactly as my father likes them.)
2.01.2017 23:29:20 gen. as if it were как будто бы это был (We opened presents as if it were my birthday – it was our first dinner party.)
2.01.2017 23:24:43 gen. follow in the footsteps of one's ancestors пойти по стопам предков
2.01.2017 23:18:02 gen. host a dinner party пригласить к обеду гостей (The last time Carol hosted a dinner party, six guests were taken to hospital with severe stomach pains after eating her Swedish meatballs. – Когда Кэрол в последний раз пригласила гостей на обед, ...)
2.01.2017 20:30:44 media. under way продолжается (The investigation is still under way (to determine the cause of the blaze/accident))
30.12.2016 22:42:31 humor. stray into случайно забрести в (Inside the pub I met a nervous elderly US couple who were visibly shaken after straying into Vancouver's Downtown East Side, which makes Belfast look like Disneyland.)
30.12.2016 22:38:52 media. show stewardship по-хозяйски относиться (show environmental stewardship – по-хозяйски, заботливо относиться к природе)
30.12.2016 22:34:18 media. stewardship хозяйский подход (show environmental stewardship – по-хозяйски, заботливо относиться к природе)
30.12.2016 22:34:18 media. stewardship хозяйское отношение
30.12.2016 22:21:42 media. financial irregularities нарушения в финансовой отчётности
30.12.2016 22:16:27 gen. Contrary to widespread belief Несмотря на широко распространённое убеждение (Contrary to widespread belief, it is possible to dine at a local restaurant for under $30.)
30.12.2016 22:04:40 media. under way не закончен (The search / investigation is still under way.)
3.06.2024 9:25:10 fig. boon выигрыш (Volkswagen diesel scandal was a boon for Toyota. – обернулся выигрышем)
30.12.2016 10:11:12 gen. Among are К относятся (Among the least affordable students pranks are putting cement in a public washing machine and forcing a dog to smoke marijuana, both of which carry fines up to $5,000.)
29.12.2016 21:53:55 gen. sign one's rights to away to отказаться от прав на ... в пользу ("You Keep the Rights: We have no interest in making you sign your rights away to us. At any time you are free to sell those rights anybody else or to keep them solely for yourself.")
29.12.2016 21:52:04 gen. keep the rights сохранить за собой права ("You Keep the Rights: We have no interest in making you sign your rights away to us. At any time you are free to sell those rights anybody else or to keep them solely for yourself.")
29.12.2016 21:46:30 gen. what's the point of + gerund? какой смысл ...? (This town is no different from anyplace else. So what's the point of leaving? – Какой смысл отсюда уезжать?)
29.12.2016 21:44:44 gen. what's the point of + gerund? какой смысл в том, что
29.12.2016 21:42:42 gen. be drunk напиться (просто was/were drunk вполне подходит: We drank rye, and within an hour we were all drunk. – опьянели / напились / были пьяны)
29.12.2016 21:22:31 sociol. come from a working-class background из рабочей семьи
29.12.2016 21:20:54 sociol. come from a working-class background пролетарского происхождения (He came from a working-class background.)
29.12.2016 21:19:10 idiom. swear like a millworker ругаться как извозчик (She had red and the prettiest legs I had ever seen, and she swore like a millworker.)
29.12.2016 10:02:31 tech. run normally работать в нормальном режиме
29.12.2016 9:58:22 idiom. drop a bombshell ошарашить
29.12.2016 9:57:48 idiom. drop a bomb ошарашить
29.12.2016 9:07:35 lit. food and wine кушанье и вино
29.12.2016 9:04:43 rude that's a load of bullshit! чушь собачья!
29.12.2016 9:04:43 rude that's a bunch of bullshit! чушь собачья!
29.12.2016 9:03:12 gen. bad rap дурная репутация (- unjustified criticism: "Jelly doughnuts have been getting sort of a bad rap lately.")
29.12.2016 8:39:10 market. deliver great service отлично обслуживать
29.12.2016 8:32:01 hockey. blast разгромить (In Montreal, Canada blasted Finland 5:0.)
28.12.2016 8:15:31 inf. no-brainer большого ума не требуется
28.12.2016 8:04:41 gen. all too frequently слишком часто (as a criticism)
28.12.2016 8:00:19 gen. schedule vacation time запланировать отпуск
28.12.2016 7:39:45 gen. at all the right times когда нужно (He laughs at my jokes and makes fun of me at all the right times. – именно тогода, когда нужно)
28.12.2016 5:51:20 gen. run across an error натолкнуться на ошибку (I would have him take note if he runs across any kind of an error.)
28.12.2016 5:29:03 idiom. throw a curve ball выкинуть фортель (to surprise someone with something that is difficult or unpleasant to deal with: "Mother Nature threw us a curve ball last night with record-breaking amounts of rain, which resulted in massive flooding throughout the region.")
28.12.2016 4:59:10 gen. concerned замешанный (in – в чём-либо, e.g.: "(...) I should say that they were in some way concerned in the murder and had fled from justice." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – были замешаны в убийстве)
28.12.2016 4:27:25 idiom. get at the truth докопаться до истины ("I desire you to spare no expense and no pains to get at the truth." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.12.2016 4:23:55 gen. woman's writing женский почерк ("It is a woman's writing, done with a sharp-pointed pen (...)." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.12.2016 4:17:17 idiom. think nothing of it не придать значения (I thought nothing of it at the time. – тогда / в тот момент я не придал этому значения)
28.12.2016 4:09:17 gen. bustle топот ("There was a bustle outside, and Mrs. Hudson opened the door to usher in two robust and official-looking individuals, one of whom was well known to us as Inspector Gregson of Scotland Yard (...)." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Снаружи послышался топот ...)
27.12.2016 21:23:57 gen. truly capable of на самом деле способен (Winning gold made him realize what he's truly capable of. – понял, на что он на самом деле способен)
27.12.2016 6:11:51 inf. a bunch of times по нескольку раз (повторяются по нескольку раз – Many of the common names will be repeated a bunch of times (Black, Smith, Clark, etc.) but others are a little more obscure and may take a bit more research.)
27.12.2016 4:51:13 inf. much-hyped разрекламированный (latest leaked photos of the much-hyped tablet that will be unveiled in September)
27.12.2016 4:26:06 gen. become widespread получить широкое распространение (Some psychologists point out that the possible link between not having a Facebook account and being a potential mass murderer does not apply to older people who were already productive adults before social media became widespread.)
27.12.2016 4:22:01 neol. online footprint онлайновый отпечаток (Holmes, who is accused of killing 12 people and an unborn child and wounding 58 others at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and Breivik, who murdered 77 people with a car bomb and mass shooting, did not use Facebook and had small online footprints.)
27.12.2016 4:06:06 formal in one's due sequence последовательно ("Please arrange your thoughts and let me know, in their due sequence, exactly what those events are which have sent you out unbrushed and unkempt, with dress boots and waistcoast buttoned awry, in search of advice and assistance." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
27.12.2016 3:53:36 gen. arrange one's thoughts собраться с мыслями
27.12.2016 3:38:48 lit. drawn осунувшийся (о лице; "His face was drawn and haggard." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -)
27.12.2016 3:21:45 brit. this is getting past a joke! это уже несмешно! ("Man, this is getting past a joke!" cried MacDonald, rising angrily from his chair." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
27.12.2016 3:01:03 formal Given the circumstances Учитывая данные обстоятельства
27.12.2016 3:00:09 formal Given the circumstances с учётом обстоятельств
27.12.2016 2:59:16 formal Given the situation в сложившейся ситуации
27.12.2016 2:09:29 idiom. hue and cry переполох ("That's what puzzles me, Mr. Holmes," said White Mason. "If the fellow did not want the hue and cry raised over him, one would imagine that he would have returned and remained at hotel as an inoffensive tourist." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – чтобы из-за него поднялся переполох)
26.12.2016 23:48:26 inf. have fixed кастрировать (I will call my friend and together she and I will get 12 to 14 traps and get reservations for them at our Sunday clinic and pay myself to have them fixed.)
26.12.2016 23:40:27 inf. slightly larger чуть побольше
26.12.2016 23:40:27 inf. slightly larger чуть крупнее (I saw a white Siamese kitten with a horrible eye infection…so I am going there this am to try and save it from that place..and then another slightly larger one with same eye but less severe.)
26.12.2016 23:31:36 gen. home next door соседний дом (in the home next door to my friend)
25.12.2016 10:05:25 gen. less than two weeks from now осталось меньше двух недель до (before something happens: On December 5th, less than two weeks from now, the Certification Committee meets at Riddell Chambers.)
25.12.2016 9:34:49 ed. teach someone a lesson провести урок (She paid me for the lessons which I taught in the month of December 2016.)
25.12.2016 9:26:12 formal give a lesson провести урок (I gave Max a two-hour English lesson.)
25.12.2016 9:24:34 formal I confirm that Подтверждаю, что (I confirm that on Wednesday, December 21, 2015, I met Mr. Davies near his home and he looked very agitated.)
25.12.2016 6:09:42 gen. ice maiden недотрога ("Is Gilberte a flirt, or an ice maiden, or a worthy object of reverence? She is all three, depending on who you are, and what you want." – The New Yorker Magazine, 2000)
25.12.2016 6:06:41 gen. feel jealous завидовать (I've driven down this highway hundreds of times but each time I see sunrise on icy mountain peaks, I cannot help feeling jealous of the novice. – не могу не завидовать тому, кто проезжает здесь в первый раз)
25.12.2016 5:47:47 formal sharp rise in the number of резкий рост числа (There has been a sharp rise in the number of accidents on this stretch of Hwy 17 after the road improvements were completed.)
25.12.2016 5:45:25 gen. proven method проверенный способ (a proven cessation method)
24.12.2016 9:41:40 idiom. completely out of the blue как гром с ясного неба (The letter arrived, completely out of the blue, during a breakfast on the lawn with my wife and children.)
24.12.2016 9:37:04 media. thought-provoking article острая статья
24.12.2016 9:34:31 inf. mean.1 give me a break! может, хватит?
24.12.2016 9:33:46 gen. wires are down обрыв провода
24.12.2016 9:32:41 gen. in full panic mode в панике
24.12.2016 9:27:03 cook. hand-held pies пирожки (sweet and savoury)
24.12.2016 9:24:47 gen. privately owned принадлежащий частному лицу / частным лицам
24.12.2016 9:15:36 media. denote the opposite говорить об обратном (It is ironic that they purport to have a solid moral compass when their actions denote the opposite. – их действия говорят об обратном)
24.12.2016 9:11:35 inf. the thing нечто модное
24.12.2016 9:11:35 inf. the thing в моде
24.12.2016 9:10:49 inf. the thing модный сейчас (White truffle oil is used way too much. It's very potent and most chefs end up overdoing it because it's "the thing" right now. – Rob Feenie)
24.12.2016 9:08:05 gen. no fewer than не менее (with countables: "hours and hours of bonus material, including no fewer than ten vintage documentaries" | "I counted no fewer than 11 news stories about that.")
24.12.2016 9:05:56 gen. what's it tonight? что будем пить? (вопрос бармена)
24.12.2016 0:43:18 gen. greatest of all самый большой (For us, the smile on their faces is the greatest gift of all. – самый большой подарок / самая большая награда)
24.12.2016 0:40:51 gen. killed during a shootout убит в перестрелке (The suspect was killed during a shootout with police in Milan.)
21.12.2016 6:51:45 scient. ethnogeography этногеография ("the study of the geographical distribution of races or peoples and their relation to the environments in which they live" – Merriam-Webster)
21.12.2016 2:22:51 formal charged under the Schedule of Rates/Rate Schedule взыскано по тарифу
21.12.2016 1:38:23 gen. some time later через какое-то время
21.12.2016 1:18:16 gen. file divorce papers подать на развод
21.12.2016 1:16:14 gen. waive one's ... rights to one's advantage отказаться от прав на ... в пользу кого-либо
21.12.2016 0:56:49 gen. request a divorce попросить о разводе (In 1988, Dan Williams requested a divorce from his wife, Elizabeth.)

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