
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

23.04.2017 0:28:57 mil. launch the airstrike нанести удар с воздуха (о ВВС)
23.04.2017 0:28:57 mil. launch the airstrike нанести авиаудар
21.04.2017 7:28:15 gen. not happy with недовольный
21.04.2017 7:25:36 gen. fray перепалка (stay out of the fray – не встревать в перепалку: The Green candidate largely stayed out of the fray between the Liberal and the NDP candidates.)
20.04.2017 18:06:19 gen. truth be told по правде говоря
20.04.2017 4:24:38 formal make a very careful examination of тщательнейшим образом осмотреть
20.04.2017 4:24:38 formal make a very careful examination of очень внимательно осмотреть
20.04.2017 4:15:36 publ.util. register for an account открыть счёт (в электрической или газовой компании как частный потребитель)
20.04.2017 4:13:10 energ.syst. disconnect the service прекратить поставку электроэнергии (We'll keep your electrical service connected until May 6, 2016. If we don't hear from you by that date, we'll disconnect the service.)
20.04.2017 4:12:00 energ.syst. keep one's electrical service connected продолжать поставку электроэнергии (We'll keep your electrical service connected until May 6, 2016. If we don't hear from you by that date, we'll disconnect the service. – поставка электроэнергии будет продолжена)
20.04.2017 4:01:36 inet. set up an account online открыть счёт онлайн/через интернет (You can set up an account easily online at xyzelectrical.com/moving.)
20.04.2017 3:55:33 formal disconnection of electrical service отключение потребления электрической энергии
20.04.2017 3:54:53 formal disconnection of electrical service отключение электроэнергии (We wanted to alert you that there's currently no XYZ Electrical Corp. account registered at this address. You'll need to register for a XYZ Electrical Corp. account to prevent a disconnection of electrical service.)
20.04.2017 3:52:10 formal registered at this address зарегистрированный по этому адресу (We wanted to alert you that there's currently no XYZ Electrical Corp. account registered at this address. You'll need to register for a XYZ Electrical Corp. account to prevent a disconnection of electrical service.)
20.04.2017 3:44:31 electric. LED bulb светодиодная лампа (We retrofitted all 250 pot lights with LED bulbs. – оснастили светодиодными лампами)
20.04.2017 3:33:00 context. retrofit with оснастить (что-либо старое/морально устаревшее современными компонентами: We retrofitted all 250 pot lights with LED bulbs.)
20.04.2017 3:27:16 formal set a budget составить бюджет (The first thing you need to do is to set a budget.)
20.04.2017 3:22:46 formal unaware of неизвестно о (We are unaware of the incident. – Нам неизвестно об этом инциденте.)
20.04.2017 2:48:11 gen. hiding spot тайник (checked his hiding spot and saw that his coin collection had gone nissing)
19.04.2017 8:32:59 relig. Our Lady Богоматерь (Our Lady of Sorrows (Parish/School), Our Lady of Fatima (Parish/School), etc.)
19.04.2017 7:43:56 arts. on display представлен (Japanese book design elements of the era are on display here, seen in these sumptuous floral motifs.)
19.04.2017 7:18:14 gen. ladies девушки (обращаясь к молодым женщинам: Thanks ladies, that was awesome! ( – подслушано в ресторане, когда довольный посетитель благодарил трёх девушек – официантку, кассиршу и повариху за обед))
19.04.2017 5:56:23 arts. crafted искусной работы
19.04.2017 5:55:40 arts. crafted мастерски воплощённый
19.04.2017 4:38:33 arts. to great effect как нельзя лучше (Persian influence is seen to great effect here, in this 16th-century design. – заметно как нельзя лучше)
18.04.2017 7:41:02 gen. at one's usual time в обычное время (They can come at their usual time.)
18.04.2017 7:07:15 media. staunch critic записной критикан
17.04.2017 21:29:22 plumb. line тросик (put his line down the drain)
17.04.2017 8:14:26 gen. provide with an opportunity предоставлять возможность (A 15th floor terrace provides all residents with an opportunity to enjoy the views and grow vegetables in the community gardening plots.)
17.04.2017 8:08:37 gen. slated for demolition предназначенный к сносу
17.04.2017 8:05:40 gen. gardening plots садово-огородные участки
17.04.2017 8:01:04 real.est. full occupancy полностью заселённый (о многоквартирном комплексе: The project now has full occupancy.)
17.04.2017 7:48:02 gen. to your right справа (There's a small open library to your right as you ascend the main staircase from the entry. I will wait for you there.)
17.04.2017 7:46:05 gen. at the back of the room в задней части комнаты
17.04.2017 6:35:25 fig. got the urge так и подмывает
17.04.2017 6:33:53 gen. cheat on your wife/husband развлечься на стороне
14.04.2017 21:37:55 inf. I'm in no rush мне не к спеху
14.04.2017 21:34:29 inf. give someone a break дать передышку
14.04.2017 21:31:08 gen. have a good sense of чётко представлять себе (having a very good sense of where you stand financially – очень чётко представлять себе ...)
14.04.2017 21:31:08 gen. have a good sense of отдавать себе отчёт в том
14.04.2017 21:27:54 tax. filing подача налоговой декларации (If this is your first filing, you might want to consult a professional.)
14.04.2017 21:25:47 gen. for lack of a better word условно говоря
14.04.2017 21:24:00 cinema film-making кинопроизводство (специфика кинотворчества и кинопроизводства (из статьи кинокритика))
13.04.2017 22:52:42 formal employ best practices использовать наиболее передовую технологию (напр., при проектировании предприятия: The North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant design will employ best practices for wastewater treatment and resource recovery.)
13.04.2017 22:46:02 formal large industrial facility крупное промышленное предприятие (As a result of the hours invested by members of the community, the plant will be designed with the community in mind, and not simply as a large industrial facility being parachuted into the district.)
13.04.2017 22:41:34 formal be integral сыграть ключевую роль (to – в: Building an industrial facility of this type is a challenge, and we have consulted with neighbouring residents and businesses for years regarding the project. A citizen advisory committee has been integral to the decision-making, providing input on odour control, the visual aesthetics of the building, potential truck traffic, noise, the resiliency to sea-level rise and the costs to taxpayers.)
13.04.2017 22:40:21 formal be integral to сыграть ключевую роль в (Building an industrial facility of this type is a challenge, and we have consulted with neighbouring residents and businesses for years regarding the project. A citizen advisory committee has been integral to the decision-making, providing input on odour control, the visual aesthetics of the building, potential truck traffic, noise, the resiliency to sea-level rise and the costs to taxpayers.)
13.04.2017 22:35:19 formal be a challenge представлять собой сложную задачу (Building an industrial facility of this type is a challenge, and we have consulted with neighbouring residents and businesses for years regarding the project. – представляет собой сложную задачу)
13.04.2017 22:27:03 gen. expand capacity повысить пропускную способность (While the plant's capacity expanded several times over the years, it is one of only two primary wastewater treatment plants left in the entire region.)
13.04.2017 22:22:09 fig.of.sp. host to где находится (is host to ...)
13.04.2017 22:21:39 fig.of.sp. host to на котором находится/размещается (The existing wastewater plant under the Lions Gate Bridge is built on Squamish First Nations land, likely the most valuable real estate on the planet, that is host to a wastewater treatment plant which has been releasing effluent into the tidal stream since 1961.)
13.04.2017 22:15:52 gen. push for требовать (In response to broad community concerns about area water quality, Mayors Harrison, Fox and Jones met with the government officials to push for replacement of the wastewater plant which releases effluent into the ocean. – чтобы потребовать...)
13.04.2017 22:08:40 mil. simultaneously одномоментно (не сможет одномоментно отразить такой массированный удар)
13.04.2017 9:24:04 idiom. loosen one's grip дать послабление
13.04.2017 9:22:32 inf. break послабление (Don't expect any breaks from Randy, he's tough and wants all the guys to sweat. – не жди послаблений)
13.04.2017 0:10:36 adv. make something sparkle придать блеск (коллеги, только не lustre – please! e.g.: "The new dishwasher's advanced precision wash system efficiently uses less water, less detergent and less energy to make your dishes sparkle.")
12.04.2017 23:57:42 adv. marvel of technology чудо технологии (With 52 patents pending, the new Frigidaire Bellissimo dishwasher is a marvel of world-class technology and the latest innovations.)
12.04.2017 23:51:00 gen. stay with жить у кого-либо в доме (Mike is moving to Whitehorse. His girlfriend's parents are up there so he has someone to stay with.)
12.04.2017 1:41:00 fig. echo аукнуться
12.04.2017 1:17:22 gen. bring out emotions вызывать эмоции (The news brought out lots of emotions in the room. Most people were stunned, some were crying.)
12.04.2017 1:14:14 gen. contend with выдерживать (The crew had to contend with wind gusts of up to 102 km/h.)
12.04.2017 1:12:18 gen. contend with выдержать (Sometimes people just can't move out and the hardest thing for most homeowners to contend with is drywall dust, and it can get quite stressful for everyone during that time, so we closed off a room, finished it and moved to the next room.)
11.04.2017 20:48:43 formal lies beyond the scope of не относится к компетенции (This subject lies beyond the scope of the government.)
11.04.2017 20:35:51 media. take urgent steps принять срочные меры (Britain must take urgent steps to protect its natural capital – such as forests, peatlands and coastal areas.)
11.04.2017 19:33:06 gen. put up with потерпеть (I'm afraid you would have to put up with that for the time being. – Боюсь, что тебе пока что придётся потерпеть.)
10.04.2017 19:06:15 gen. campaign slogan предвыборный лозунг (In 2016 an election slate in Green Bay ran for office with one of its campaign slogans being "Protecting the Ocean from Raw Sewage: a New Wastewater Plant for the District" – not exactly the kind of campaign language one quickly forgets.)
10.04.2017 19:03:57 gen. election slate кандидаты, объединённые общей платформой (обычно члены одной партии: In 2016 an election slate in Green Bay ran for office with one of its campaign slogans being "Protecting the Ocean from Raw Sewage: a New Wastewater Plant for the District" – not exactly the kind of campaign language one quickly forgets.)
10.04.2017 9:06:48 gen. start out fantastic начинаться великолепно (The day started out fantastic but later something went horribly wrong. – День начался прекрасно, но потом ...)
9.04.2017 22:22:12 gen. spoken-word artist чтец-декламатор
9.04.2017 8:18:05 archaeol. in situ непотревоженный
8.04.2017 1:06:22 gen. So, to sum things up Итак, подводя итоги
8.04.2017 0:21:28 gen. sweepingly общо
7.04.2017 22:16:45 gen. jet black густой чёрный цвет (густого чёрного цвета – Trim was black, with white paws, chin and chest. Flinders described him as "one of the finest animals I ever saw … a clear jet black, with the exception of his four feet, which seemed to have been dipped in snow and his under lip, which rivaled them in whiteness. He had also a white star on his breast.")
7.04.2017 20:44:49 gen. slur оскорбительное выражение (e.g.: an anti-gay slur – выражение, оскорбительное для гомосексуалистов)
7.04.2017 20:35:43 gen. dread с ужасом ждать (напр.: She says she dreads turning 50, but she's already 52! – Она с ужасом ждёт того дня, когда ей исполнится 50 лет, но ей уже 52!)
7.04.2017 20:33:42 media. anti-gay slur выражение, оскорбительное для гомосексуалистов
7.04.2017 20:00:17 media. tearjerker слёзовыжимательный (слезовыжимательные обороты)
7.04.2017 19:57:58 formal under/on false pretenses по надуманному поводу
7.04.2017 7:16:22 trav. resort city курортный город
6.04.2017 23:06:06 transp. line ветка (метро)
6.04.2017 6:00:56 survey. forested area залесённый участок
5.04.2017 5:50:03 media. people-oriented привлекательный для отдыха (The city is developing an old industrial site into a people-oriented public plaza, complete with a new hotel, restaurants, a covered skating rink, a ferris wheel and possibly even a carousel, drawing inspiration from European cities like those in France.)
5.04.2017 4:58:59 pomp. honour the heroes чествовать героев
3.04.2017 20:49:11 gen. make oneself comfortable устроиться поудобнее
3.04.2017 9:41:11 gen. show around показывать достопримечательности (гостю города)
3.04.2017 9:40:34 gen. show around показывать дом (гостю)
2.04.2017 2:15:52 formal attend school учиться в вузе
1.04.2017 9:45:53 busin. within one's company внутрефирменный (внутрефирменные кредиты и займы)
1.04.2017 9:45:53 busin. internal внутрефирменный
1.04.2017 8:03:49 disappr. insincere лукавый
1.04.2017 1:30:57 gen. contract договор на выполнение работ (достаточно просто contract (без work ~), но при необходимости значение расширяется, e.g.: The following is a free sample *contract* for removal-jobs by tree services. | This sample *contract* pertains to proposed work to be done on a patio of the residential property at 345 Bee Lane.)
1.04.2017 1:12:55 gen. adding funds пополнение счёта (to an account – как процесс; в отчётности – funds added)
31.03.2017 9:03:53 media. facing перед ... стоят задачи (The power generation industry is facing more change, at a faster pace, than ever before.)
30.03.2017 2:30:24 tax. not eligible for tax credit purposes не принимаемый для целей налогообложения (исходная российская формулировка "расходы, не принимаемые для целей налогообложения" – дословный перевод не годится, поскольку с расходов налоги не платят)
30.03.2017 2:29:03 tax. expenses not eligible for tax credit purposes расходы, не принимаемые для целей налогообложения (исходная российская формулировка – дословный перевод не годится, поскольку с расходов налоги не платят)
29.03.2017 23:59:28 commer. table talker тейбл-токер
29.03.2017 7:58:11 construct. additions дополнительные элементы
29.03.2017 7:52:07 construct. top tier верхний ярус (some stored underneath the top tier)
29.03.2017 7:30:32 commer. swap out сменить (в смысле "сменный элемент": Every base also comes with a standard header that can be swapped out.)
29.03.2017 6:32:22 polygr. foiling тиснение фольгой

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