
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

20.03.2024 6:21:36 cliche. on the grounds that на том основании, что (The San Francisco Council in 2007 banned the oil-based bags on the grounds that they were eco-unfriendly.)
20.03.2024 6:19:04 affect. ewe lamb крошка ('To him, Bertram was a creature of the underworld who stole bags and umbrellas and, what made it worse, didn't even steal them well. No father likes to see his ewe lamb on chummy terms with such a one.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
20.03.2024 6:16:48 cliche. gentle soul кроткая душа
20.03.2024 6:15:42 cliche. crucial role критическое значение (play a crucial role in sth. – иметь критическое значение для чего-л.)
20.03.2024 6:14:25 gen. critical rhetoric критические заявления (Despite the critical rhetoric, Psaki didn't outline any immediate response.)
20.03.2024 6:13:37 gen. critical rhetoric критические высказывания (Despite the critical rhetoric, Psaki didn't outline any immediate response.)
20.03.2024 6:01:54 gen. work properly исправно работать (Is the device working properly? – Исправно ли работает аппарат?)
20.03.2024 6:00:43 gen. be startled испугаться (to be frightened or surprised suddenly (Merriam-Webster): Ricardo was startled and tried to swerve and ride away, but apparently his motorcycle would not obey him, instead being drawn towards the mysterious stranger. – испугался и попытался развернуться и уехать (mysteriousuniverse.org))
20.03.2024 5:58:15 gen. get spooked испугаться (о животном: A Vancouver man says he has his beloved cat back after selling his couch, not realizing that Marley was hiding inside. Matt Lumabi told CTV News that he has moved a few times recently, and Marley can get spooked when she sees boxes or furniture being moved around. -- может испугаться (castanet.net))
20.03.2024 5:53:51 gen. dutifully pay исправно выплачивать (As an insurance professional I would also like to point out that an unpermitted home or structure destroyed in a fire wouldn't be rebuilt by the insurance company. Thanks for paying your annual premiums dutifully over the years; however, there's no indemnity when there's no permit or inspections. (nsnews.com))
20.03.2024 4:51:04 gen. be critical of критически высказаться по поводу (Goreham was also critical of the push for electric vehicles, noting difficulties in charging on the road, the expensive repair cost, and the increased usage strain on the power companies. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 4:50:21 gen. be critical of критически отозваться по поводу (He was critical of modern industrial farming techniques, confiding herds and flocks to small areas, which increases pathogens and problems. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 4:46:51 law hold legally responsible привлечь к юридической ответственности (Indemnification means they wouldn't be held legally responsible.)
20.03.2024 4:44:51 law hold liable привлечь к юридической ответственности (for sth. – за что-л.: Goreham reported on lawsuits conducted in various states and cities trying to hold enterprises like oil companies liable for climate change damage. So far these lawsuits have been defeated and not proved very effective as it's difficult for the plaintiffs to show direct causation and damage. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 4:41:07 biol. thrive on успешно расти за счёт (sth. – чего-л.: He said the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide isn't a very good predictor of global temperatures, as when you look at geologic history, there have been periods in the distant past when we had much higher levels. Further, he argued that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant but rather a harmless gas that plants thrive on. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 4:34:12 gen. some have said that кое-кто говорит, что (Some have said that the huge "atmospheric river" storms that hit California this past winter were due to human-made global warming, but Goreham pointed out that the state has a history of massive floods in the past, long before greenhouse gas emissions from cars and industry were an issue. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 4:32:01 gen. realistic goal реальная цель (The idea that we can get rid of coal, oil, and natural gas and replace it with wind and solar is not a realistic goal, he maintained. Because of these goals, natural gas plants are declining in capacity, and this could lead to an over-dependence on electricity, and the larger demand will cause blackouts, he cautioned. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 4:31:51 gen. realistic goal реалистичная цель (The idea that we can get rid of coal, oil, and natural gas and replace it with wind and solar is not a realistic goal, he maintained. Because of these goals, natural gas plants are declining in capacity, and this could lead to an over-dependence on electricity, and the larger demand will cause blackouts, he cautioned. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 4:22:05 industr. on the plant floor на территории цеха (There is a policy in the plant that there are no pills or prescriptions on the plant floor. -- На нашем заводе правилами на територии цеха запрещено принимать таблетки или лекарства по рецепту.)
20.03.2024 4:21:15 industr. on the plant floor в цехе (Варианты "в цехе" и "в цеху" равноправны, если слово "цех" употребляется в значении 'отдел промышленного предприятия'. В значении 'средневековая организация ремесленников' правильно только: "в цехе". (gramota.tv): There is a policy in the plant that there are no pills or prescriptions on the plant floor. -- На нашем заводе правилами в цехе запрещено принимать таблетки или лекарства по рецепту.)
20.03.2024 4:18:20 industr. on the plant floor в цеху (Варианты "в цехе" и "в цеху" равноправны, если слово "цех" употребляется в значении 'отдел промышленного предприятия'. В значении 'средневековая организация ремесленников' правильно только: "в цехе". (gramota.tv): There is a policy in the plant that there are no pills or prescriptions on the plant floor. -- На нашем заводе правилами в цеху запрещено принимать таблетки или лекарства по рецепту.)
20.03.2024 4:13:07 offic. correct актуальный (All information stated in the brochure is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice. All prices may vary depending on product specifications. • "Сведения, отражённые в настоящей справке, являются актуальными на момент её выдачи.")
20.03.2024 4:12:18 gen. correct исправленный (the correct file)
20.03.2024 4:11:57 gen. correct без ошибок (Please ignore that email and I'll send the correct file shortly.)
19.03.2024 9:56:25 gen. sacrifice quality в ущерб качеству (Lots of cool new features, great sleek design – and it doesn't sacrifice quality. – и это не в ущерб качеству)
19.03.2024 9:51:30 sarcast. toldja so я же говорил (Coun. Brooks has made it clear that town hall’s bloody-nosed retreat is just tactical, and the hated highway will go ahead in some form through the historic neighbourhood. Toldja so.)
19.03.2024 9:20:50 gen. ward off the evil eye оберегать от дурного глаза (об амулете)
19.03.2024 9:11:20 humor. lower the stuff by the pailful лакать вёдрами (алкоголь: "Old Worplesdon has gone to earth in the bar and is lowering the stuff by the pailful." (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.03.2024 9:10:53 humor. lower the stuff by the pailful глушить вёдрами (алкоголь: "Old Worplesdon has gone to earth in the bar and is lowering the stuff by the pailful." (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.03.2024 9:07:34 gen. I'm amazed диву даюсь (I'm amazed no one has thought of that before.)
19.03.2024 9:06:47 gen. across диаметром (... typically 5 to 10 mm across • Flowers are numerous on many short branches near the top of the main stem; flower heads 3-5 mm across)
19.03.2024 9:05:55 disappr. ugly incident дикий случай
19.03.2024 9:05:18 HR Branch Director директор филиала (Branch Director – Specific Responsibilities – The major responsibilities of the Branch Director are: .........)
19.03.2024 9:04:26 ed., subj. final project дипломная работа (Art Deco statues were the subject of Arthur's final project at the Academy. – тема дипломной работы)
19.03.2024 8:34:39 police heavily intoxicated в состоянии сильного алкогольного опьянения (Vancouver police say they have arrested a heavily intoxicated man who caused a scare as he walked through a pedestrian zone with a samurai sword and a starter pistol.)
19.03.2024 8:18:36 TV rig up монтировать оборудование (для телевещания, при прямом включении: All the outlets rigging up as quick as possible. twitter.com)
19.03.2024 7:58:12 brit. news presenter диктор программы новостей
19.03.2024 7:46:07 gen. around the world всемирный (the success of our products around the world – всемирный успех нашей продукции)
19.03.2024 7:42:00 cliche. the next best thing to всего в одном шаге от (This ice-cream is the next best thing to actually skiing down an icy slope in the Rockies!)
19.03.2024 7:39:16 gen. wonder all along всё время думать (*is used in various progressive forms*: I've been wondering all along who it was he reminded me of. Now I've got it. – Я всё время думал, кого он мне напоминает. Теперь я понял.)
19.03.2024 6:38:59 gov. sign знак с предостережением об опасности (People walking across frozen Lost Lagoon today. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I don’t know if they were tourists and didn’t know that there’s water underneath, but the city didn’t put any signs up. -- городские власти не установили никаких знаков с предостережением об опасности (Twitter))
19.03.2024 6:37:11 gov. sign предупреждающий знак (People walking across frozen Lost Lagoon today. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I don’t know if they were tourists and didn’t know that there’s water underneath, but the city didn’t put any signs up. -- городские власти не установили никаких предупреждающих знаков (Twitter))
19.03.2024 5:29:07 gen. gather some samples собрать образцы (Batini ventured out to investigate. He came across a wood outside the city that was covered in the white fluff. He gathered several samples by rolling them up on a matchstick, and took them to the Institute of Chemical Analysis at the University of Florence. When he got there he found that others had done the same. -- собрал несколько образцов (bbc.com) • Марсоход собрал несколько образцов пород, которые НАСА планирует отправить на Землю для дальнейшего анализа в одной из будущих миссий. (hightech.fm))
19.03.2024 5:28:28 fig.of.sp. relish the chance рад возможности (+ infinitive -- сделать что-л.: Another man who relishes the chance to speak about that day is Roberto Pinotti, the president of Italy's National UFO Centre. "The players and the public were stunned seeing these objects above the stadium," Pinotti says. (bbc.com))
19.03.2024 5:22:23 cliche. tally with сочетаться с (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com))
19.03.2024 5:22:23 cliche. tally with согласовываться с (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com))
19.03.2024 5:22:23 cliche. tally with соответствовать (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com))
19.03.2024 5:22:23 cliche. tally with соотноситься (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com))
19.03.2024 5:22:23 cliche. tally with ладиться с (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com))
19.03.2024 4:50:34 poetic crisp air ядреный воздух (Crisp air is cold, dry, and fresh: (Cambridge Dictionary): My favourite kind of fall day. Crisp air. Colourful leaves. Snowcapped mountains. Clear skies. (Twitter) • Славная осень! Здоровый, ядреный Воздух усталые силы бодрит ... (Н. А. Некрасов, «Славная осень»))
19.03.2024 4:46:56 gen. crisp autumn day ясный, прохладный осенний день (Crisp weather is cold, dry, and bright (Cambridge Dictionary): "To Autumn" was born after Keats had found himself especially inspired by a crisp autumn day. • It was 27 October 1954, a typically crisp autumn day in Tuscany. The mighty Fiorentina club was playing against its local rival Pistoiese. (bbc.com))
19.03.2024 4:22:02 gen. crisp weather ясная прохладная погода (Crisp weather is cold, dry, and bright (Cambridge Dictionary) | (точный аналог из ecosystema.ru и travelask.ru): a wonderful crisp spring morning (Cambridge Dictionary))
19.03.2024 4:19:10 poetic crisp air свежий холодный воздух (Crisp air is cold, dry, and fresh (Cambridge Dictionary) : My favourite kind of fall day. Crisp air. Colourful leaves. Snowcapped mountains. Clear skies. (Twitter) • I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air. (Cambridge Dictionary))
19.03.2024 4:18:59 poetic crisp air бодрящий воздух (Crisp air is cold, dry, and fresh (Cambridge Dictionary) : My favourite kind of fall day. Crisp air. Colourful leaves. Snowcapped mountains. Clear skies. (Twitter) • I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air. (Cambridge Dictionary))
19.03.2024 4:12:58 gen. crisp weather прохладная, сухая, ясная погода (Crisp weather is cold, dry, and bright (Cambridge Dictionary) | (точный аналог из ecosystema.ru и travelask.ru): a wonderful crisp spring morning (Cambridge Dictionary))
18.03.2024 9:43:26 cliche. make it straight into the top войти в число самых (с сущ. во мн.ч.: There have been a number of similar reports across the country, added the paranormal expert. But this case made it straight into his top six scariest road ghost encounters he's ever come across. mirror.co.uk)
18.03.2024 9:40:43 law, contr. to_the extent necessary в объёме, необходимом ("в объёме, необходимом для исполнения условий Договора")
18.03.2024 9:28:54 cliche. inspire awe внушать благоговение (The covers of the Gospels were designed to inspire awe in early Christian onlookers.)
18.03.2024 9:27:46 arts. inner essence внутренняя сущность (... capture the inner essence of the visual form)
18.03.2024 9:26:11 notar. under a notarial procedure в нотариальном порядке
18.03.2024 9:23:20 idiom. look closely внимательнее приглядеться (at sth. – к чему-л.: If you look closely, you can see a Sasquatch hiding in the bushes.)
18.03.2024 9:19:17 HR detail-oriented внимательно относящийся к деталям
18.03.2024 9:18:10 gen. make a careful examination внимательно осмотреть (of sth. – что-л.)
18.03.2024 9:17:05 idiom. take a close look at внимательно изучить
18.03.2024 9:16:53 idiom. have a close look at внимательно изучить
18.03.2024 8:48:29 tax. government-related взимаемый государством (... taxes and other government-related fees, charges or other levies)
18.03.2024 8:47:21 brit. a charge will be made взимается плата (предупреждение: A small charge will be made for these services. -- За эти услуги взимается небольшая плата.)
18.03.2024 8:43:17 idiom. put sth. into perspective взглянуть шире на что-л.
18.03.2024 8:34:58 cliche. wish I'd known жаль, что я не знал ("Wish I'd known as I have never seen it." "I can recommend the NASA Spot The Station app. You won’t miss any visible passes." (Twitter))
18.03.2024 4:40:19 gen. innate skill врождённая способность (in sth. – к чему-л.: Growing up in a Civil War hospital turned home, she found herself drawn to artifacts and possessed a unique ability to sense the histories and energies surrounding them. This innate skill in psychometry led her to develop a deep understanding of human behavior and perspective. (coasttocoastam.com))
18.03.2024 4:38:05 gen. flair врождённая способность (have a flair for languages – обладать врождённой способностью к языкам)
18.03.2024 3:22:27 gen. stumble upon набрести на (Day recounted an intriguing historical account from the 1909 Phoenix Gazette which reported on the discoveries made by an explorer named G. Kincaid, who claimed to have stumbled upon a cave filled with mummies and artifacts while traversing the Colorado River. Drawing parallels with similar findings in Baja, Mexico, and Nevada, Day presented evidence supporting the authenticity of Kincaid's account. -- набрёл на пещеру (coasttocoastam.com))
18.03.2024 3:11:14 gen. stories of ... have been reported доходят сведения о (Stories of a mysterious network of vast caverns, brimming with weapons, statues, seeds, and other ancient Egyptian treasures, have been reported at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. (coasttocoastam.com))
18.03.2024 3:08:38 gen. change one's perspective on sth. изменить чьи-л. взгляды на что-л. (During surgery, Mortimer had a near-death experience in which he described seeing a tunnel and a light and feeling immense peace and happiness. He shared details of his NDE on a podcast, expressing how the profound event changed his perspective on death. (coasttocoastam.com))
17.03.2024 9:20:07 gen. get one's haircut стричься (Growing up in the ‘80s, the Lochwood neighbourhood was everything. I got my haircut at Mike's barbershop. I got my tonsils checked at good ol' Doc Bumbleby's office. I visited my grandpa who worked at the liquor store at Harris and Wilberts. – ходил стричься к Майку в его парикмахерскую)
17.03.2024 9:18:26 gen. discreet стремящийся не привлекать к себе внимания (Millionaires like to be discreet. -- Миллионеры стремятся не привлекать к себе излишнего внимания. • Most wealthy people try to be discreet with their money.)
17.03.2024 9:10:11 inf. make good работать исправно (The road surface all the way through New Jersey was brutal with potholes, but the suspension was making good.)
17.03.2024 8:59:09 bank. conduct payments совершать платежи (Payments are conducted through a consumer's existing online banking account.)
17.03.2024 8:55:44 n.amer. the_city городские власти (We asked the city about the new plan to tackle gun violence.)
17.03.2024 8:43:49 idiom. over one's head тёмный лес (This is so over my head! – Это для меня тёмный лес. • This is way over my head. Can you explain it more simply?)
17.03.2024 8:41:50 fig. affection теплота (It's important for babies to feel loved, they need touch, they need affection.)
17.03.2024 8:41:09 sarcast. warm lot "тёплая компания" ("The landlord further informed me that there are usually week-end visitors – 'a warm lot, sir' – at the Hall, and especially one gentleman with a red moustache (...)" – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
17.03.2024 8:40:18 inf. should be ok now? теперь нормально? (спрашивая одобрения после изменения, поправки: Should be ok now?)
17.03.2024 8:38:42 gen. janitorial staff технический персонал (в школе, больнице: The entire time I was there, not once was anything cleaned – not by janitorial staff or by nursing staff. burnabynow.com)
17.03.2024 8:36:04 industr. mass production techniques технология массового производства (the modern mass production techniques we have developed to uphold these standards)
17.03.2024 8:28:54 inf. tech-savvy технарь (Технари, изучайте, комментируйте. • Я не технарь, я гуманитарий. (из рус. источников))
17.03.2024 8:27:18 inf. tech-savvy техноэрудит (Whether new to Canada or just not tech-savvy, chances are you know someone who could use a bit of help to spot frauds and scams. (Twitter))
17.03.2024 8:26:53 inf. tech-savvy технологически подкованный (Whether new to Canada or just not tech-savvy, chances are you know someone who could use a bit of help to spot frauds and scams. (Twitter))
17.03.2024 8:26:10 inf. tech-savvy разбирающийся в технических вопросах (Whether new to Canada or just not tech-savvy, chances are you know someone who could use a bit of help to spot frauds and scams. (Twitter))
17.03.2024 7:52:04 gen. you can see that видно, как (In the first two minutes of the video, you can see that the officer is slowly approaching the gunman.)
17.03.2024 7:41:20 cliche. top expert виднейший специалист (one of the top experts – один из виднейших специалистов в этой области)
17.03.2024 7:37:57 video. doorbell camera footage видеозапись с видеокамеры дверного звонка (напр., представленная в качестве вещественного доказательства в суде: Darby said the part of the tree left in the ground was later cut, which is the reason for the clean cut. “Even if this is the case, it does not explain how the tree would have fallen without a strong wind, which I find from the doorbell camera footage was absent,” Stewart said. “I find the evidence is most consistent with Mr. Darby having cut down the tree and miscalculating the direction of the fall,” Stewart ruled. (burnabynow.com))
17.03.2024 7:32:13 inf. stumped озадаченный (be stumped by: be too hard for sb.; baffle (Oxford Dictionary): Staff from Just Clear, a waste firm, were clearing out a house in London when they discovered these incredible artefacts hidden beneath a stack of boxes. Mr O'Shea says that the team tried to search online for more information but were stumped until he reached out to a computer expert. (dailymail.co.uk))
17.03.2024 6:38:52 subl. human drive стремление человека (the human drive to create and communicate • the human drive to ornament in order to delight the eye and the spirit)
17.03.2024 5:42:46 gen. outlaw человек, не подчиняющийся общепринятым нормам
17.03.2024 5:42:07 gen. outlaw бунтарь (против устоев общества: Despite the club's controversial reputation and conflicts with law enforcement, Christie emphasized his perspective as a motorcycle enthusiast and outlaw rather than the public perception of the group as a criminal biker gang. -- сделал ударение на том, что он выступает с точки зрения энтузиаста мотоспорта и бунтаря (coasttocoastam.com))
17.03.2024 5:40:06 fig. emphasize делать упор (на что-л.: The media, particularly in commercials, does not represent the healthy side of aging but pushes the idea that there are fixes like Botox and pharmaceuticals, he pointed out, rather than emphasizing wellness. -- вместо того, чтобы делать упор на здоровый образ жизни (coasttocoastam.com))
17.03.2024 5:39:13 fig. emphasize сделать ударение на (Despite the club's controversial reputation and conflicts with law enforcement, Christie emphasized his perspective as a motorcycle enthusiast and outlaw rather than the public perception of the group as a criminal biker gang. -- сделал ударение на том, что он выступает с точки зрения энтузиаста мотоспорта и бунтаря (coasttocoastam.com))
17.03.2024 5:26:46 gen. leaves are budding распускаются почки (на деревьях: Out for a walk on the bright and crowded seawall, where leaves are budding and the sun warms my face. (Twitter))
17.03.2024 5:25:34 cliche. share one's perspectives поделиться своими взглядами (George Christie, former president of the Ventura charter of the Hells Angels, joined guest host Connie Willis for the entire 4-hour program to discuss his life in the world's most infamous motorcycle club, his time in solitary confinement, and how he uses his past experiences to help others. Christie reported on his involvement with the History Channel's "Outlaw Chronicles," revealing the show provided a platform for him to share his perspectives. (coasttocoastam.com))

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