
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

3.08.2017 9:30:20 busin. bring up to speed ознакомить с делами (on something)
3.08.2017 9:25:37 gen. in one's photo на фотографии (In my photo I am wearing a red bikini.)
3.08.2017 9:15:20 gen. in the freezing cold на морозе (A nine-year-old Winnipeg girl spent two-and-a-half hours in the freezing cold Tuesday morning, after her school bus driver skipped part of the route.)
3.08.2017 9:12:21 gen. come out [of the accident[ with only a minor injury отделаться лёгким ранением (The driver came out of the accident with only a minor neck injury, some damage to her vehicle, and a story she'll carry with her for a lifetime.)
3.08.2017 9:10:46 gen. head directly to направиться прямо в/к (The woman continued onward with her trip to pick up her husband and, after that, headed directly to the sheriff's office to report the bizarre event.)
3.08.2017 9:04:05 humor. stewed навеселе (well stewed – изрядно навеселе)
2.08.2017 8:21:11 gen. couldn't help but + infinitive / gerund не мог удержаться, чтобы не (1) They were selling these bunnies down at the corner, and I couldn't help buying one for you. I just couldn't resist. – не мог удержаться. 2) Last night I walked outside in the evening and couldn't believe what I was seeing – a gigantic double rainbow in the western sky. I couldn't help but to snap several pictures and send them to you. – Я не мог удержаться, чтобы не ... 3) I could not help smiling at the photo whenever I looked at it. – не мог удержаться от улыбки)
1.08.2017 23:45:45 gen. pick up the pace a tad чуть ускорить шаг
1.08.2017 23:44:34 gen. blow out of proportion сделать из мухи слона ("раздувать" звучит как калька, обычно говорят "сделать")
1.08.2017 23:42:23 gen. catch some sleep вздремнуть
1.08.2017 23:38:29 gen. do a crossword puzzle разгадывать кроссворд
1.08.2017 23:36:20 bank. pay down one's mortgage выплатить ипотеку
1.08.2017 23:21:16 gen. bungle the job все испортить (the other suggestion may not be acceptable)
1.08.2017 22:47:29 inf. the following week на следующей неделе (We'll have dry-wallers here from Monday to Wednesday this week – filling up our house with white chalky powder. Then all will be back to normal the following week.)
1.08.2017 22:39:39 inf. a whole bunch of stuff много всего (A whole bunch of stuff happened while you were living in Edmonton.)
1.08.2017 22:27:47 gen. look it up in an encyclopedia посмотреть в энциклопедии (He always looked up things in an encyclopedia.)
1.08.2017 22:24:14 gen. at the beginning of the street в начале улицы (It's the big brick house at the beginning of the street.)
1.08.2017 21:55:48 idiom. scare out of one's wits до смерти напугать (Kayla was scared out of her wits by that dog! – ... до смерти напугала / перепугала эта собака)
1.08.2017 21:55:05 idiom. scare the heck out of до смерти напугать (someone)
1.08.2017 21:53:58 railw. pull out of the station отойти от станции
1.08.2017 21:48:30 gen. become disillusioned with разочароваться в
1.08.2017 20:45:26 gen. suggesting that из чего можно сделать вывод / заключить, что (Later in the video, the eerie animal appears walking around a room on two feet with relative ease, suggesting that it is some kind of bipedal creature.)
1.08.2017 9:02:27 lit. what is it that has befallen you? что с вами стряслось? (What is it that has befallen you, my dear sir?)
1.08.2017 8:52:58 idiom. get to the bottom of what happened добраться до сути того, что произошло
1.08.2017 8:52:32 idiom. get to the bottom of what happened докопаться до того, что случилось (I think we have finally gotten to the bottom of what happened.)
1.08.2017 8:42:17 media. newly-hatched новоиспечённый (Lest one think this is merely a case of a newly-hatched urban legend coming to life via social media, there are at least two police reports where the mystery woman allegedly knocked on someone's front door for over an hour in the early hours of the morning begging to be let inside.)
31.07.2017 13:07:39 inf. be out to lunch ничего не соображать
31.07.2017 4:00:49 polit. tighten one's sanctions ужесточить санкции (According to some reports, the MH370 was deliberately crashed near Donetsk by US agents months later in a "false flag" operation designed to discredit Russia. The EU and US subsequently tightened their sanctions on Moscow.)
30.07.2017 21:37:04 gen. just under an hour чуть меньше часа
29.07.2017 5:10:14 gen. charitable event благотворительное мероприятие (Baroness Streitzerfeld-d'Onofrio regularly hosts charitable events at the family home to raise funds to support local charities.)
29.07.2017 5:10:14 gen. charitable event благотворительный вечер
29.07.2017 5:10:14 gen. charitable event благотворительный концерт
29.07.2017 5:07:14 gen. host a ball устраивать бал (host a charity ball)
29.07.2017 5:02:39 construct. establish a budget определить бюджет (After establishing a budget, clients are moved into the design stage.)
29.07.2017 5:00:03 construct. calculate the price рассчитать цену
29.07.2017 4:58:00 construct. know ahead of time знать заранее
29.07.2017 4:58:00 construct. know ahead of time узнать заранее
29.07.2017 4:56:33 construct. quote low давать заниженную оценку (Anybody who has renovated understands the challenges of the traditional cost-plus contracting method. What happens is contractors quote low to get the business but later tend to build in extra cost overages as the project gets underway.)
29.07.2017 3:56:32 gen. top award главный приз (Bombus also received the National Kitchen and Bath's top awards this year for Best Large Kitchen, Best Wine Cellar and Best Powder Room.)
29.07.2017 3:56:32 gen. top award главная награда
29.07.2017 3:52:01 formal sexual involvement половая связь (with – c: "An Erie man faces charges today for his alleged sexual involvement with a minor. According to the criminal complaint, the victim told officials the 43-year-old man assaulted him from when he was 8 until he was 15 years old.")
29.07.2017 3:51:22 formal sexual involvement половые отношения (A Hamilton man faces charges today for his alleged sexual involvement with a minor. According to the criminal complaint, the victim told officials the 42-year-old man assaulted him from when he was 7 until he was 15 years old.)
29.07.2017 3:48:30 formal involvement связь (with: Her involvement with a 16-year-old student led to an internal investigation and her teacher license suspension. | An Erie man faces charges today for his alleged sexual involvement with a minor. According to the criminal complaint, the victim told officials the 43-year-old man assaulted him from when he was 8 until he was 15 years old.)
29.07.2017 3:41:28 ed. apply for post-secondary education подать документы в вуз
29.07.2017 3:41:28 ed. apply for post-secondary education подать документы в высшее учебное заведение
29.07.2017 3:38:06 gen. pose a serious health risk представлять собой серьёзную опасность для здоровья (These materials may pose serious health risks to homeowners.)
29.07.2017 3:14:23 idiom. keep a straight face удержаться от улыбки (The toast Nick proposed was very funny. Roger and I couldn't keep a straight face. – не смогли удержаться от улыбки)
29.07.2017 3:13:09 idiom. couldn't keep a straight face не смог удержаться от улыбки (The toast Eric proposed was very funny. David and I couldn't keep a straight face. – не могли удержаться от улыбки)
29.07.2017 3:10:01 busin. in accordance with one's contract согласно контракту (All contractors were fully paid in accordance with their contracts. – согласно контрактам)
29.07.2017 3:08:43 busin. in accordance with one's contract в соответствии с контрактом (All contractors were fully paid in accordance with their contracts. – в соответствии с их контрактами)
28.07.2017 7:34:40 idiom. take its toll не может не сказаться ("Jaycee was in good health, but living in a backyard for the past 18 years does take its toll," El Dorado County Undersheriff Fred Kollar said. – не могло не сказаться на ней)
28.07.2017 7:01:00 gen. abbreviated as one letter сокращённый до одной буквы (We have room for a few characters if they’re not typically abbreviated as one letter.)
28.07.2017 6:25:03 gen. fill out paperwork заполнять анкеты/бумаги/формы (формальность)
28.07.2017 6:20:34 gen. put the information in one's computer заложить информацию в компьютер (The officers put the information in their computers and realized the theft had just been reported in the last two hours.)
27.07.2017 14:41:05 busin. there is no guarantee that не факт, что
25.07.2017 9:20:19 mil. draft office призывной участок (Garvey entered the Army in November, 1965. The afternoon he walked into the draft office some weeks earlier he was a student at Pennsylvania Military College.)
25.07.2017 0:52:06 gen. full range of tools полный набор инструментов (holds the full range of tools)
25.07.2017 0:21:14 gen. contest-winning победивший в каком-либо конкурсе
24.07.2017 0:01:23 formal in a vertical arrangement вертикально (напр., расставить предметы)
23.07.2017 23:55:47 formal confirm one's appointment подтвердить визит (к врачу, нотариусу – стандартная процедура; Click here to confirm your appointment.)
23.07.2017 23:48:38 inf. veggie garden огород (She has a big veggie garden with endless rows of potatoes and carrots, cabbages and cauliflowers.)
23.07.2017 23:46:23 nautic. moored stern on пришвартованный кормой к причалу (was moored stern on, Med style)
23.07.2017 23:08:26 idiom. for the foreseeable future в ближайшей обозримой перспективе (We have no plans to sell our house in/for the foreseeable future.)
23.07.2017 23:08:26 idiom. in the foreseeable future в ближайшей обозримой перспективе
23.07.2017 8:34:49 inf. this is it, gang вот и всё, ребята (печально)
23.07.2017 8:34:49 inf. this is it, gang Ну вот и всё, ребята
23.07.2017 8:25:05 soc.med. chatter обсуждение (The layoffs at BBC are generating a great deal of chatter over social media. – бурно обсуждаются)
23.07.2017 8:05:51 corp.gov. do some downsizing сокращать персонал (PWN Media has just done some downsizing, letting go of sportscasters Scott Richards and Peter Schmidt from its Calgary office.)
21.07.2017 3:09:38 obs. befall стрястись
18.07.2017 5:29:43 formal attestation from the bank справка из банка (Please fill out the Direct Deposit Request Form attached and provide a cheque from your bank account with "VOID" written on it or an attestation from the bank.)
17.07.2017 23:31:56 gen. irreplaceable невосполнимый (These were real collectibles that are irreplaceable, my friend.)
17.07.2017 20:02:27 gen. deadly hit and run смертельный наезд на пешехода
17.07.2017 6:24:51 gen. disappear without a trace бесследно исчезнуть (Gordon Thomas was two when his mother disappeared without a trace.)
17.07.2017 1:06:52 inf. kick it up a notch переплюнуть всех ("Longtime Vancouver matchmaker Susan Seminew said women are naturally more picky than men, but "Vancouver women have kicked it up a notch." She's seen women who obsess over a partner's looks, height and income. Some have illusions of nabbing a tall, dark Prince Charming, and have unrealistic expectations." (The Province))
16.07.2017 8:31:27 rude hardon стояк
15.07.2017 4:01:39 emph. fat-cat salaries раздутые зарплаты (pay for all those fat-cat salaries for its executives)
15.07.2017 3:05:34 idiom. pull out all the stops не пожалеть сил (= use all the resources or force at one's disposal: The police pulled out all the stops to find the thief.)
14.07.2017 5:58:34 jarg. groovy music балдёжная музыка
14.07.2017 5:52:53 construct. highrise apartment building многоэтажный жилой дом
14.07.2017 5:44:24 media. voice one's concerns высказать свою озабоченность (The residents came to the public meeting to voice their concerns about the proposed development next door.)
14.07.2017 5:41:01 polit. use one's leverage использовать своё влияние (It is essential that China use its leverage as Pyongyang's premier partner.)
13.07.2017 23:40:44 commer. past its best before date с просроченным сроком годности
13.07.2017 23:34:45 polit. be sworn into office быть приведённым к присяге перед вступлением в должность (He was assassinated just days before being sworn into office.)
13.07.2017 22:14:03 law recant отказаться от данных ранее показаний / сделанного ранее признания
13.07.2017 2:02:31 philos. indisputable truth неоспоримая истина (those philosopers who knew this to be an indisputable truth)
13.07.2017 2:00:31 formal get permission получить разрешение (He got permission to enter the building. УВАЖАЕМЫЕ КОЛЛЕГИ – PLEASE... только не win approval, be licensed, take out a licence, gain admittance/obtain admittance или obtain warrant и тому подобное -– не нужно так усложнять простое выражение)
13.07.2017 1:21:56 empl. odd jobs работа от случая к случаю
13.07.2017 1:21:14 idiom. come out on top завоевать первое место
13.07.2017 1:13:58 gen. attend the event присутствовать на церемонии (KISS frontman Gene Simmons and his family attended the event.)
13.07.2017 1:12:12 gen. gas cooktop газовая плита
13.07.2017 1:11:05 gen. family business семейное дело (Marlene continues the family business as AgroPura's president and CEO. – продолжает семейное дело в качестве ...)
13.07.2017 1:03:23 gen. gesture to жестом указать (на что-либо; Gesturing to the mid-century bungalow in the shade of chestnut trees, she mentions it was a wedding gift from her parents.)
13.07.2017 0:09:55 gen. make a charitable donation пожертвовать деньги на благотворительные цели
13.07.2017 0:09:55 gen. make a charitable donation сделать пожертвование на благотворительные цели
13.07.2017 0:09:55 gen. make a charitable donation сделать пожертвование в благотворительный фонд
13.07.2017 0:09:55 gen. make a charitable donation перечислить средства на благотворительность
11.07.2017 3:11:16 gen. get the word out разрекламировать (новый товар или новые услуги: But how are we going to get the word out?)
9.07.2017 22:58:29 gen. turn the alarm on включить сигнализацию
9.07.2017 22:54:19 gen. be back to normal вернуться в нормальное русло (Due to ongoing renovations, all employees will need to use the side entrance for the next two weeks. Things will be back to normal for July 14th.)
9.07.2017 8:37:47 fire. source of combustion источник возгорания (identify the source of combustion – определить источник возгорания)

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