
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

2.10.2017 21:36:31 gen. become anxious нервничать (After the accident, Mark becomes anxious when under stress, which further impairs his ability to function well at work.)
2.10.2017 8:55:25 idiom. crazy busy на ушах стоять (толкование: "прикладывать максимальные усилия; делать всё, даже невозможное": We are crazy busy right now. – Мы тут на ушах стоим.)
2.10.2017 7:51:36 ed. in one's classes на уроках (у кого-либо; У меня на уроках учащиеся ... – In my classes, students are directly taking part in an interactive learning atmosphere and are involved in cooperative, collective as well as autonomous activities.)
2.10.2017 7:43:36 ed. English language teacher учитель английского языка (I am a CELTA qualified native English speaker from Canada and highly experienced English language teacher.)
2.10.2017 7:43:36 ed. English language teacher преподаватель английского языка
2.10.2017 6:54:52 formal parenthood родительские обязанности (***увы, parenthood не означает "родительские чувства" и тем более "воспитание и забота о ребёнке" *** – речь идёт об обязанностях родителей перед детьми и обществом: "the state of being a parent and the responsibilities involved", напр.: "tips on how to prepare for parenthood")
1.10.2017 8:29:08 gen. what kind of a stupid person would ...? какой дурак ...? (What kind of a stupid person would put sugar in a salt shaker?)
1.10.2017 7:50:52 gen. pay a surprise visit неожиданно заявиться в гости (The parole officer pays a surprise visit to Max’s room, finding a book of matches that Max’s friend Willy (played by Gary Busey) recently used to cook heroin.)
1.10.2017 7:18:24 comp. on-screen на экране монитора (view the information on-screen)
30.09.2017 0:23:13 disappr. self-promotion самопиар
30.09.2017 0:22:56 disappr. self-promotion самопродвижение
29.09.2017 7:57:43 gen. home-made произведённый кустарным способом
29.09.2017 7:24:34 inf. disappr. fancy-pants модный (If you are not looking for something fancy pants, I think Romano's Pizza will be fine for a quick meal.)
29.09.2017 7:07:01 gen. easily adapt to легко приспосабливаться к (Having grown up in both Tokyo and Paris as well as living and working in a wide variety of different countries and cultures the past few years, have given me a broader cultural understanding and ability to easily adapt to new contexts.)
29.09.2017 7:03:29 gen. adapt to приспосабливаться к (Having grown up in both New York City and Paris as well as living and working in a wide variety of different countries and cultures the past few years, have given me a broader cultural understanding and ability to easily adapt to new contexts.)
29.09.2017 7:03:29 gen. adapt to подстраиваться под
29.09.2017 5:49:10 gen. lasting fullness сытнее чувствовать себя (Cottage cheese makes another ideal choice for a nighttime snack because it’s high in protein and low in carbs – perfect for lasting fullness.)
29.09.2017 1:43:28 ed. engineering degree высшее инженерное образование
29.09.2017 0:56:25 gen. as you walk по дороге (As you walk, be sure to stop and visit the Labyrinth, a large circle of stones, a favourite meditation spot for the locals. – По дороге обязательно посетите...)
27.09.2017 21:07:45 gen. punch in the head бить по голове (руками)
27.09.2017 7:45:19 rel., cath. Beloved brother Возлюбленный брат (Querido hermano: ... – обращение богословов и епископов к Папе Франциску в Correctio Filialis de Haeresibus Propagatis от July 16th, 2017)
27.09.2017 4:09:14 emph. die for цены нет
27.09.2017 4:01:14 idiom. know as much about something as the pig knows about oranges разбираться как свинья в апельсинах (постарался сохранить точность и сочность сравнения)
26.09.2017 6:03:08 arts. artwork творчество (изобразительное: We are proud to celebrate this charming artwork by young Canadian artist Ben Hill.)
26.09.2017 5:44:45 inf. I can't tell you off the top of my head я сейчас точно не скажу (I can't tell you off the top of my head that they do or don't sell it but they were selling it a couple years ago.)
26.09.2017 4:11:53 disappr. self-promotion самораскручивание (She's known for her shameless self-promotion.)
26.09.2017 2:06:32 lab.law. language exam экзамен на знание языка (With her rusty "get-by" French, she couldn't pass the professional language exams and was fired. – не смогла сдать экзамены на знание языка)
26.09.2017 2:00:04 soviet. outlaw underground press самиздат (the outlaw underground press (from an article in a Canadian magazine))
25.09.2017 22:27:12 gen. quip отпустить шутку (With the addition of a TV, a cozy sofa, and a wine cooler, the old bomb shelter under the garden house became a stylish den for Malcolm. "It's his cave," Donna quips.)
25.09.2017 22:25:01 gen. quip пошутить (To quip means to say something that is intended to be amusing or clever. (Collins) – не обязательно обидно или язвительно)
25.09.2017 22:13:47 gen. on-the-job на рабочем месте (пьянство на рабочем месте – on-the-job boozing)
25.09.2017 22:12:41 gen. on-the-job boozing пьянство на рабочем месте
25.09.2017 22:06:58 saying. small but mighty мал, да силён
25.09.2017 6:41:50 fig.of.sp. develop exponentially бурно развиваться (Over the first year of life, the ability of babies to understand and use their parents' language develops exponentially. – переживает бурный рост / бурно развивается)
25.09.2017 6:40:40 fig.of.sp. exponentially бурно (Over the first year of life, the ability of babies to understand and use their parents' language develops exponentially. – переживает бурный рост / бурно развивается)
25.09.2017 0:00:25 gen. hold no grudge не держать зла (Today, Jim realizes that he could have saved Karen's life if he had gone to police sooner. But her father holds no grudge. – не держит зла)
25.09.2017 0:00:25 gen. hold no grudges не держать зла
24.09.2017 8:02:48 inf. zoom by проноситься мимо (If the pedestrians need to get on a bus they will have to cross the bike lane with bicyclists zooming by, which is extremely dangerous for everyone involved. – мимо проносятся велосипедисты)
24.09.2017 8:02:48 inf. zoom by мотаться (по прямой линии, туда-сюда)
24.09.2017 8:02:48 inf. zoom by носиться (по прямой линии, туда-сюда)
23.09.2017 23:30:58 formal plan presented представленный план (If you look at the plans presented, going north from the street curb there is a buffer that will vary in width between the road and the proposed path, a pedestrian/cyclist path 5 metres in width and then a green area with trees that will vary in width depending on the availability of space.)
23.09.2017 23:01:42 formal be one's top priority стоять на первом месте (Protecting users' information is our top priority. – стоит для нас на первом месте)
22.09.2017 7:16:04 fig. in homage to отдавая дань (The idea was to create a sophisticated industrial chic in homage to the neighbourhood's history.)
22.09.2017 7:09:57 formal provide with an opportunity предоставить возможность
22.09.2017 7:07:21 formal be one's priority стоять на первом месте (Food safety is our priority. – стоит для нас на первом месте | Different people have different priorities.)
20.09.2017 4:57:03 busin. indicate relevant items by check mark отметить галочкой нужные пункты
19.09.2017 15:51:27 gen. get moving двигаться
7.06.2024 10:58:17 law property-related claims имущественные претензии (напр.: "В дальнейшем материальных и иных имущественных претензий иметь не буду." – I hereby waive any future financial or any other property-related claims.)
19.09.2017 3:27:21 gen. waive a claim не иметь претензий (напр.: "В дальнейшем материальных и иных имущественных претензий иметь не буду.")
19.09.2017 3:21:44 law financial claims after a divorce материальные претензии после развода (Can an applicant make a financial claim many years after a divorce? Yes. The case of Ms Wyatt is an excellent example. She did not pursue her claim against Mr. Vince until 2011, some 27 years after separating and 19 years after divorce had been granted. Therefore, gentlemen, even a modest change in your financial circumstances since divorce could result in an expensive claim from a former spouse no matter how long ago you were divorced from her.)
19.09.2017 3:14:24 formal during the course of one's marriage за время брака ("If your premarital property increases in value during the course of your marriage, this creates something of a gray area." info.legalzoom.com)
19.09.2017 3:11:59 formal during the course of one's marriage во время брака
19.09.2017 2:56:21 formal I hereby give my consent даю согласие (e.g.: "I hereby give my consent FOR my child, Alex Dawson, Grade 3, to participate in all curriculum activities, all athletic activities, and all educational excursions.")
19.09.2017 2:41:08 gen. it's been two weeks since прошло две недели
19.09.2017 1:09:47 formal conform to the intentions соответствовать намерениям
18.09.2017 9:19:18 disappr. not do a great job плохо справляться (They're not doing a great job of that. – они плохо справляются с этой задачей)
18.09.2017 9:19:07 disappr. not do a great job плохо справиться (They didn't do a great job of that. – они плохо справились с этой задачей)
18.09.2017 4:32:05 psychol. sink oneself into depression впасть в депрессию (Some patients turn the rage inward, sinking themselves into depression.)
18.09.2017 4:29:02 gen. express one's outrage выразить возмущение
18.09.2017 4:23:28 fig. strained atmosphere напряжённая обстановка (At home, the atmosphere is strained and uncomfortable.)
18.09.2017 4:16:15 law apply for legal aid обратиться с заявлением о предоставлении бесплатных юридических услуг
18.09.2017 4:07:33 gen. take time off work отпроситься с работы (Don't you take any more time off work, Carol. It's time Greg started growing up and taking responsibility.)
18.09.2017 3:38:15 gen. is no different than не отличается от (Prejudice "for" is no different than prejudice "against".)
18.09.2017 3:21:38 gen. wasn't supposed to не должен был (Some personal data that wasn't supposed to be released online, has been.)
18.09.2017 1:11:50 soviet. House of Civic Ceremonies Дом гражданских обрядов
17.09.2017 23:39:52 busin. consider different options рассматривать различные варианты
17.09.2017 23:37:38 busin. consider one's options обдумывать варианты (перед принятием решения)
17.09.2017 23:37:38 busin. consider one's options рассматривать варианты (перед принятием решения)
17.09.2017 8:45:54 inf. get the munchies проголодаться (When I get the munchies and I want something real quick, I go to Guiseppe's Pizzeria.)
16.09.2017 8:47:16 gen. crossed himself перекрестился ("They kept watch in the dark outside his room after he had gone to bed. Between one and two o'clock Ward screamed. They sprang from their chairs and rushed into his room. The priest crossed himself and uttered a prayer. Ward was unconscious." – Nick Redfern)
16.09.2017 8:39:40 gen. sprinkle holy water on окропить святой водой ("Father David then sprinkled holy water on the floor of Ward's bedroom. Sure enough, the monster never returned." – Nick Redfern)
16.09.2017 8:36:48 gen. come out of one's state of unconsciousness прийти в сознание ("When Ward came out of his state of unconsciousness, he managed to ask: "You believe me now, don't you?" Ward's friend replied: "(...). Father David would not have been so startled and have prayed like he did unless something very terrible was in the room." – Nick Redfern)
16.09.2017 8:28:52 gen. what are we to make of this ...? как понимать это ...? (So, what are we to make of this particular story?)
16.09.2017 8:20:14 gen. have a serious effect on серьёзно отразиться на (He was affected by that sting or bite which had such a serious effect on his health causing night-time states of fever. – что серьёзно отразилось на состоянии его здоровья)
16.09.2017 3:40:20 formal be well-informed about хорошо ориентироваться в
15.09.2017 8:55:56 geol. mineral ore deposits рудные полезные ископаемые
15.09.2017 6:07:25 busin. pass information along to передать информацию (We have passed your information along to our marketing team. If they have any questions or would like additional information, they will be in touch.)
15.09.2017 4:25:30 busin. contact with questions обращаться с вопросами (Please feel free to contact us anytime with questions.)
15.09.2017 4:02:03 idiom. map out ahead of time распланировать заранее
15.09.2017 4:02:03 idiom. map out ahead of time планировать заранее
15.09.2017 3:56:47 idiom. map out ahead of time заранее распланировать
14.09.2017 7:11:38 media. establish утвердиться (Pupkinson's musical talent and his dazzling performance style established him as one of the world's first musical superstars. – Благодаря ... утвердился в качестве ...)
12.09.2017 9:10:48 inf. zombify прозомбировать ("How easy is it to zombify an entire nation? The recent developments in Ukraine demonstrate that the entire population of a European nation can become zombified in a matter of months if not weeks by the state-controlled media." (The Independent))
10.09.2017 3:23:47 gen. a growing realization всё сильнее осознавать (There seemed to be a growing realization on my part that my family situation was not normal and things were getting worse. – Я всё сильнее осознавал, что ...)
10.09.2017 2:44:37 gen. head to university поступать в университет (The course will also be beneficial heading to university. – Этот курс поможет при поступлении в университет.)
9.09.2017 22:30:03 gen. recycling fee утилизационный сбор
9.09.2017 22:30:03 gen. recycling fee утильсбор
8.09.2017 6:12:29 gen. All you have to do is Нужно всего лишь (If you see an accident on the road, all you have to do is call 911.)
8.09.2017 6:12:01 gen. All it takes is Нужно всего лишь (All is takes is a call to the manager and you will be fired. Keep that in mind, will you?)
8.09.2017 5:24:41 gen. head home уезжать домой (I’ll be heading home to Ontario for a week, so will be quite jealous of the warm winter everyone will be enjoying back here. – Я уезжаю домой на неделю ...)
7.09.2017 0:12:09 ling. pick up on улавливать (It’s so nice that we are able to offer our content in so many languages. I’m even picking up on what some of the Chinese characters represent! – Я уже улавливаю, что обозначают некоторые иероглифы.)
6.09.2017 10:11:17 inf. is that too much to ask? Делов-то! (you say this when you are frustrated:" Come on! Is that too much to ask?")
6.09.2017 8:44:44 gen. throw something in the garbage выбросить в мусор
6.09.2017 8:41:49 gen. ring in the New Year встречать Новый год
6.09.2017 7:35:58 gen. Complaints get you nowhere Жаловаться бесполезно (Complaints get you nowhere with this organization. They have an excuse for everything.)
5.09.2017 22:20:01 energ.syst. portable backup generator передвижной генератор
5.09.2017 21:06:46 gen. romantic любовный (PLEASE NOTE: the primary meaning of "romantic" is "amorous", while "idyllic, fairy-tale" is its secondary meaning: 1. conducive to or characterized by the expression of love ("a romantic candlelit dinner"); synonyms: loving, amorous, passionate, tender, affectionate; lovey-dovey; 2. of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized view of reality ("a romantic attitude toward the past"); synonyms: idyllic, picturesque, fairy-tale.)
5.09.2017 21:04:55 gen. romantic амурный
5.09.2017 21:04:55 gen. romantic сердечный

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