
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

31.10.2017 2:04:13 gen. I have no patience with Меня выводят из терпения (I have no patience with women's libbers. A woman's place is in the home. If women wanted to have careers, they've always been able to." – Dame Joan Sutherland)
31.10.2017 2:01:11 gen. I have no patience with Меня выводят из себя
31.10.2017 1:58:33 gen. culinary delight деликатес ("Breakfast is an omelette with either chili peppers or cheese. Greasy and unappetizing at first, I now devour it as a culinary delight. Sometimes toast and jam accompanies it and the inevitable tea." – Natalie Veiner Freeman, "From Here to Bhutan")
31.10.2017 1:49:23 idiom. for the long haul надолго ("In the meantime, showbiz shows no sign of breaking Danes's spirit: 'I love it a lot more than I hate it. I'm in for the long haul." (People Magazine) • "We have no way of knowing the length of time Hannah's condition and journey may fill. We are in this for the long haul." What happened to Hannah Upp? How could someone go missing for weeks on end with no recollection of where they had been of what they had done during that time? mysteriousuniverse.org)
31.10.2017 1:44:46 traf. miss a curve не вписаться в поворот (John missed a curve and crashed his yellow 1963 Porsche convertible into a tree near his Whistler home.)
31.10.2017 1:41:58 fig.of.sp. read cover to cover прочесть от корки до корки (Your summer issue was a knockout. In fact, I can't remember when I last read any travel magazine cover to cover.)
31.10.2017 1:39:36 fig.of.sp. cover to cover от корки до корки (Your summer issue was a knockout. In fact, I can't remember when I last read any travel magazine cover to cover.)
31.10.2017 1:36:14 gen. have little talent for нет способностей к (He looks good in expensive suits but has little talent for business.)
31.10.2017 1:30:27 avia. low-cost carrier низкобюджетный авиаперевозчик
31.10.2017 1:28:33 avia. low-cost carrier низкобюджетная авиакомпания
29.10.2017 7:06:08 formal above-stated вышеозначенный (напр., "вышеозначенная сумма" – "debit the above-stated amount from my Credit Card Account as payment")
29.10.2017 6:58:13 formal give instructions отдать распоряжения
29.10.2017 6:56:25 gen. excitement радостное волнение
29.10.2017 6:52:28 gen. excited в радостном возбуждении (She ran home excited and happy.)
28.10.2017 4:28:38 saying. you can't get lucky every time Раз на раз не приходится
28.10.2017 4:26:46 busin. careful planning тщательное планирование (Every successful investment comes down to careful planning.)
28.10.2017 4:21:28 fig. get out of the way early пораньше рассчитаться с (I always get the holiday shopping out of the way early so I can enjoy all the fun the season has to offer.)
28.10.2017 4:19:01 fig. get out of the way рассчитаться с (I always get the holiday shopping out of the way early so I can enjoy all the fun the season has to offer.)
28.10.2017 4:13:33 gen. DIY creations поделки своими руками
28.10.2017 3:53:39 gen. unlike me в отличие от меня (Unlike me, Brian was very familiar with driving on the left side of the road. – в отличие от меня)
28.10.2017 2:41:23 gen. a year had gone by прошёл год (By that time, a year had gone by, and it was too late to file charges.)
28.10.2017 2:35:57 gen. it's nobody's business это никого не касается (I don't have to disclose how much I get paid, it's nobody's business.)
28.10.2017 2:22:27 idiom. get in the way путаться под ногами
27.10.2017 7:20:04 gen. keep water out не пропускать воду (It's sealed to keep water out.)
27.10.2017 5:25:15 formal supply false information предоставлять ложные сведения (о себе: A notice on the registrar's desk warns that it's an offence to supply false information to the government.)
27.10.2017 5:19:27 humor. old stomping grounds места боевой славы ("familiar territory": At the time of the investigation, I was working as a forklift operator in Harrow, but I had returned to my old stomping grounds in Brockton for the weekend where all of my ex-girlfriends and drinking buddies lived.)
27.10.2017 5:12:21 gen. nothing concrete ничего конкретного (Regarding the new deposits, there were a few anomalies recorded, but nothing concrete at all.)
26.10.2017 21:58:59 fig.of.sp. all around you повсюду (Flu germs are all around you.)
26.10.2017 21:21:25 fig.of.sp. won't get in the way не помешает (Morning cloud and patches of fog won't get in the way of brilliant sunshine this afternoon. – не помешают)
26.10.2017 8:46:24 gen. just got только что получил (Hello Nick. I just got Lauren’s text saying you have hurt your back. Is it serious? Are you okay?)
26.10.2017 8:45:03 gen. just got something now только сейчас получил (т.е. с задержкой: Sorry I didn't reply last night, I just got this email now.)
26.10.2017 3:23:18 gen. it's always the same story каждый раз одно и то же ("It's always the same story: every time you sit down to your laptop to try and actually get some work done, your cat promptly plops down on your keyboard." (The Modern Cat Magazine))
25.10.2017 23:03:00 inf. not a problem ничего страшного (реакция на извинения)
25.10.2017 2:06:42 Canada Whistler Уислер ("Уис-т-лер" – неправильное, но уже укоренившееся произношение названия этого муниципалитета)
24.10.2017 13:24:21 gen. on edge на нервах (A town in England is on edge after numerous residents reported unnerving visits to their home by a mysterious woman begging to be let inside the house during the late night hours, similar to stories of the infamous Black Eyed Children.)
24.10.2017 0:58:02 gen. all but certain почти уверен (I am all but certain this is the house. I was here once many years ago. – Я почти уверен, что это тот дом.)
24.10.2017 0:57:26 gen. all but certain почти наверняка
24.10.2017 0:43:04 gen. then-noted известный в то время (The property at 737 Elizabeth Drive was first built in 1910 by then-noted London architectural firm Maclure and Fox.)
24.10.2017 0:37:53 formal under the policy согласно установленным правилам (Under the city’s policy to protect heritage homes, a home could be demolished if over 60 per cent of it is damaged by fire. If the damage is to less than 60 per cent of the home then the policy states that it should be retained.)
23.10.2017 23:56:28 real.est. available to rent for сдаётся за (A rental listing for the home was found online through a property management company. The home was listed as available to rent for $12,000 a month.)
23.10.2017 23:24:24 real.est. rental listing объявление о сдаче в аренду (A rental listing for the home was found online through a property management company. The home was listed as available to rent for $12,000 a month.)
23.10.2017 23:22:24 real.est. was assessed at a value of оценочная стоимость составила (In 2013, the home was sold after being listed for $13.7 million. Last year, the home was assessed at a value of $14 million and earlier this year, it was again listed for sale. – выставлен на продажу)
22.10.2017 3:23:53 formal suggest some other times предложить другое время (I can be available to meet you on Wednesday, February 11th at 11 a.m. Will that time work for you? If not, can you suggest some other times you are available on Wednesday?)
22.10.2017 3:02:05 gen. fill out the forms заполнять анкеты (I am filling out the forms, learning the process and dealing with the courthouse myself.)
22.10.2017 2:18:10 gen. the same things то же самое (I have gone through this with other clinics who have suggested the same things to me.)
22.10.2017 2:18:10 gen. the same thing то же самое
21.10.2017 8:57:48 gen. clear some things up прояснить кое-что (Many of the brochures have been translated by a variety of individuals so we’re just working on clearing some things up. – стараемся кое-что прояснить)
21.10.2017 5:09:02 gen. on one's own сам ("Are you acting through a divorce lawyer?" "I am doing it on my own." – Я сам этим занимаюсь. • Did you do this on your own? Good job! – Ты сам это сделал? Вот молодец!)
20.10.2017 21:01:10 inf. work off сбросить (лишний вес физическими нагрузками) I am going to go for a very long walk – in the rain, mind you – to work off those cookies. I need to get back in shape.)
20.10.2017 8:16:05 gen. everyone has done it все этим грешат (And yes, everyone has done it at one point or another. But I bet you’d stop doing it the moment you nearly hit someone because you weren’t paying attention to the road.)
20.10.2017 8:09:53 gen. for quite some time now уже давно (Cell phone use while driving has been a serious issue for quite some time now, but never got addressed by government until recently. – уже давно превратилось в серьёзную проблему, но до последнего времени правительство этим не занималось)
20.10.2017 2:16:06 formal run for president баллотироваться на президентских выборах
19.10.2017 6:48:38 formal make a refugee claim просить политического убежища
19.10.2017 5:13:55 proverb when you swim with the sharks, it's easy to wind up as prey если ты плаваешь с акулами, легко стать их жертвой
19.10.2017 4:58:24 gen. high-paying денежный (= выгодный: When a Beverly Hills rich boy is arrested for brutally beating a homeless woman, Mike, a criminal defence attorney down on his luck, has his first high-paying client in years.)
19.10.2017 4:39:57 idiom. throw in one's path подкидывать (Mike's a criminal defence attorney. He takes whatever cases the system throws n his path.)
19.10.2017 3:44:23 formal claim refugee status просить политического убежища (Why has he been allowed to stay in Canada? – He is trying to claim refugee status.)
19.10.2017 1:47:10 jap. phonetic script фонетический алфавит (Hiragana is the phonetic script used in the Japanese language.)
18.10.2017 23:48:35 formal relation вид родства ("укажите вид родства по отношению к лицу, обратившемуся за выдачей справки")
18.10.2017 23:11:04 formal Letter of Confirmation Re: Place of Residence and Family Composition справка о месте жительства и составе семьи
18.10.2017 23:00:29 gen. public utility provider коммунальное предприятие (In modern Russian/CIS context it may acceptable to use this term when referring to municipal structures (e.g., "городское коммунальное унитарное предприятие"). See the general definition: "A public utility (usually just a "utility") is a business or an organization that furnishes an everyday necessity to the public at large. Public utilities provide water, electricity, natural gas, telephone and broadband internet service (both fixed-line and mobile), and other essentials. Utilities may be publicly or privately owned, but most are operated as private businesses." PLEASE NOTE THIS EXAMPLE: "Your Local Multi-Utility Provider: Utilities Kingston is unique in Ontario, combining water, wastewater, gas and electrical services and a broadband fibre optics provider in one company under the leadership of a single CEO." utilitieskingston.com)
18.10.2017 7:02:16 contempt. namby pamby баба (Cambridge Dictionary definition: "lacking energy, strength, or courage; feeble or effeminate in behavior or expression" – "баба, слабак, неженка")
16.10.2017 21:51:13 abbr. CM КР (крылатая ракета)
16.10.2017 8:59:44 gen. Turn it down a bit Приглушите звук
15.10.2017 7:25:20 inf. cheap ass жлоб (Dude walks away with 300,000 in cash and asks for the cabbies contact info. Really! Why not just reach in the bag and hand him a stack? The cabbie is right there. He could have lost it all. Cheap ass!)
15.10.2017 5:59:21 gen. and hence а, следовательно, и (I forgot how difficult my wife could be and hence the divorce.)
15.10.2017 5:56:59 gen. I am in a terrible mood у меня ужасное настроение
14.10.2017 7:04:14 polit. election meddling вмешательство в выборы (investigation into Russia's election meddling)
12.10.2017 6:33:11 fig. by a smidgen of a second на долю секунды ("In 1975, Prof. Allie of the University of Maryland synchronized two atomic clocks. One stayed on Earth while the other was loaded aboard an airplane. The times were checked at the end of the experiment, and the mobile clock revealed time aboard the airplane traveled slower by a smidgen of a second than it did for the clock on the ground." A Case for Time Travelers, Jason Offutt)
12.10.2017 6:00:09 cinema smash hit лидер кинопроката (smash hit comedies – комедии, ставшие лидерами проката)
12.10.2017 6:00:09 cinema smash hit лидер проката
12.10.2017 5:34:43 inf. have a big hand сыграть важную роль (He was an important part of that process. He had a big hand in that.)
12.10.2017 5:28:34 formal be instrumental in сыграть важную роль в
12.10.2017 0:01:56 slang patootie попочка (buttocks; bottom)
12.10.2017 0:01:33 slang patootie попка (buttocks; bottom)
11.10.2017 23:19:35 media. public figures общественные деятели
11.10.2017 4:51:36 idiom. not out of the woods yet рано радоваться
11.10.2017 3:19:18 gen. discerning знающий толк (в; As a discerning traveller who enjoys the finer things in life, you are already familiar with many of our luxury hotels around the globe.)
11.10.2017 2:57:00 idiom. hit in one's pocketbook бить по карману (т.е. штрафовать)
9.10.2017 0:26:07 gen. make no secret of не скрывать того, что (" 'The secretary of defense is the most important man after the president,' Deutch had been telling his friends for years, and he made no secret of the fact that he hoped to succeed Perry." Thomas Powers, NYT Magazine)
9.10.2017 0:15:47 gen. in meticulous detail подробнейшим образом (described in meticulous detail – подробнейшим образом описал)
6.06.2024 2:36:39 hotels hotel room гостиничный номер (... a truly bizarre story involving a man who refused to leave his Montana hotel room that was infested with enormous rats which he considered to be his "brothers." (coasttocoastam.com))
8.10.2017 22:35:34 gen. drinking problem склонность к выпивке
8.10.2017 22:25:06 gen. self-serving подчинённый своим собственным интересам
4.10.2017 22:09:05 gen. legalize вводить в правовой режим (*возможный вариант перевода*)
4.10.2017 9:17:20 contempt. muddled mess мешанина (Even the likes of Tom Hanks and Jay Leno can’t save this muddled mess.)
4.10.2017 7:26:45 gen. oddly enough по странному стечению обстоятельств
4.10.2017 6:47:09 fig. keep a close eye on внимательно наблюдать за (Our audiologist kept a close eye on Kevin with regular assessments.)
4.10.2017 6:46:21 fig. keep a close eye on пристально следить за (напр., "за качеством поставляемой продукции")
4.10.2017 6:44:08 fig. keep a close eye пристально следить (напр., "за качеством поставляемой продукции")
3.10.2017 3:25:21 bank. open a safety deposit box открыть депозитную ячейку (Flavio told me he wants to open a safety deposit box and bank account in the Bahamas so those guys can't get a hold of it.)
3.10.2017 2:44:06 formal transfer of an initial payment передача аванса
3.10.2017 2:42:20 formal initial payment аванс (в некоторых случаях)
3.10.2017 2:38:50 formal make a down payment внести задаток (Cambridge Dictionary: "an amount of money that you pay at the time that you buy something but is only a part of the total cost of that thing. You usually pay the rest of the cost over a period of time: I made/put a down payment on a new smart TV.")
3.10.2017 2:10:51 formal Inspection Office of the Federal Tax Service ИФНС
3.10.2017 2:09:34 formal Inspection Office of the Federal Tax Service инспекция Федеральной налоговой службы
3.10.2017 2:01:26 gen. Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs УМВД (напр., Управление Министерства внутренних дел (УМВД) России по Хабаровскому краю – Khabarovsk Krai Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)
3.10.2017 1:58:32 telecom. subscriber services department абонентный отдел
3.10.2017 1:49:32 formal housing and utilities agency жилищно-коммунальный орган (вариант для РФ – только при условии, что под "коммунальным" подразумеваются "коммунальные услуги")
3.10.2017 1:15:57 formal registered as residing at the following address зарегистрированный по месту жительства по адресу (вариант "registered and residing at" не всегда подходит, т.к. несмотря на официальную регистрацию в РФ, некоторые граждане физически проживают за границей, что очевидно, напр., для органов (МИД и др.), рассматривающих их документы)

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