
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

14.11.2017 6:34:19 gen. fit the space поместиться
14.11.2017 6:34:19 gen. fit the space вместиться
14.11.2017 6:04:20 formal British national подданный Великобритании (an Irish / British / French national – подданный Ирландии / Великобритании / Франции: Hello, My name is Roger Nimby. I am a 27-year-old Irish national, a trained engineer, looking for an construction company to work for.)
14.11.2017 5:59:32 formal variety of experience разнообразный опыт (I am a CWTA qualified cook with a variety of experience.)
13.11.2017 6:15:56 gen. naturally observant наблюдательный от природы
13.11.2017 6:07:06 brit. how very impertinent! какое нахальство!
13.11.2017 6:05:13 gen. in these parts в этих краях
13.11.2017 6:03:06 gen. what can you not understand? что вам непонятно?
13.11.2017 6:00:07 lit. manifest an interest in проявить интерес к ("As to Miss Violet Hunter, my friend Holmes, rather to my disappointment, manifested no further interest in her when once she had ceased to be the centre of one of his problems (...)." [Sir Arthur Conan Doyle] – не проявлял к ней в дальнейшем никакого интереса)
13.11.2017 5:38:33 gen. sparsely inhabited малообитаемый
13.11.2017 5:38:33 gen. sparsely inhabited малозаселённый
13.11.2017 5:37:40 gen. sparsely inhabited редкозаселенный
13.11.2017 5:33:39 gen. confer a great favour оказать большую услугу ("My dear Watson, you would confer a great favour upon me by coming." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – Вы окажете мне большую услугу, если придёте.)
13.11.2017 5:21:00 gen. absolutely beautiful великолепный (Absolutely beautiful design! I bought two pairs – one for myself and one for my sister.)
13.11.2017 5:17:56 gen. provide a unique opportunity предоставить уникальную возможность (This 80-acre private community of country-style homes provides a unique opportunity to live by the lake full-time or to escape the city for some rest and relaxation when needed.)
13.11.2017 2:01:49 ed. record keeping учёт успеваемости (учащихся)
12.11.2017 9:34:35 inf. make a decent buck хорошо заработать (doing something)
12.11.2017 9:16:41 inf. trade something for something пойти на что-либо ради чего-либо (Not that we live in the Okanagan but we did trade a longer commute for a quiet location. We live in Princess Cove which is a little gem or secret not many folks know about. – мы пошли на то, чтобы долго добираться до работы ради того, чтобы жить в тихом месте)
12.11.2017 9:03:56 lit. crisply отчётливо ("Our footfalls rang out crisply and loudly as we swung through the doctors' quarter, Wimpole Street, Harley Street, and so through Wigmore Street into Oxford Street." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – раздавались/разносились отчётливо и громко)
12.11.2017 8:58:05 gen. at the right time очень кстати (You have just come at the right time. – Вы пришли очень кстати.)
12.11.2017 7:41:01 gen. bonny thing красивая вещица ("When the commissionaire had gone, Holmes took up the stone and held it against the light. 'It's a bonny thing,' said he. 'Just see how it glints and sparkles.' " – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 7:36:23 gen. rush into ворваться в ("Sherlock Holmes had opened his mouth to reply, when the door flew open, and Peterson, the commissionaire, rushed into the apartment with flushed cheeks and the face of a man who is dazed with astonishment." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 7:32:11 gen. in such a state в таком состоянии ("(...) when your wife allows you to go out in such a state, I shall fear that you also have been unfortunate enough to lose your wife's affection." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 7:29:10 gen. direct one's attention to обратить чьё-либо внимание на (smth., smb., что-л., кого́-л.: I examined the room and directed the constable's attention to the window curtain.)
12.11.2017 7:26:32 gen. clap the hat upon one's head нахлобучить шляпу на голову ("For answer Sherlock Holmes clapped the hat upon his head." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – Вместо ответа Ш.Х. нахлобучил шляпу себе на голову.)
12.11.2017 7:23:50 gen. toss aside отшвырнуть
12.11.2017 7:21:21 gen. at the appearance of при появлении (кого-либо)
12.11.2017 7:19:17 gen. of the very best quality наилучшего качества ("It is a hat of the very best quality." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 7:18:20 gen. of the very best quality самого лучшего качества ("It is a hat of the very best quality." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 7:14:29 gen. his wife ceased to love him разлюбила жена ("... his wife ceased to love him." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 7:01:53 gen. a sharp frost had set in стоял крепкий мороз ("I seated myself in his armchair and warmed my hands before his crackling fire, for a sharp frost had set in, and the windows were thick with the ice crystals." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 6:58:19 gen. window thick with the ice crystals окно, густо покрытое ледяными / морозными узорами ("I seated myself in his armchair and warmed my hands before his crackling fire, for a sharp frost had set in, and the windows were thick with the ice crystals." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 6:55:59 gen. ice crystals on the window морозные узоры на оконном стекле ("I seated myself in his armchair and warmed my hands before his crackling fire, for a sharp frost had set in, and the windows were thick with the ice crystals." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.11.2017 6:44:08 idiom. grasp at any straw хвататься за любую соломинку (Скептики хватаются за любую соломинку ради того, чтобы ... – Naysayers will grasp at any straw to pretend that UFOs don't exist.)
12.11.2017 6:43:03 idiom. grasp at any straw хвататься за любую возможность (Скептики хватаются за любую возможность ради того, чтобы ... – Naysayers will grasp at any straw to pretend that UFOs don't exist.)
12.11.2017 6:29:56 transp. run along the route ходить по маршруту (There were buses running along that route every half hour, and now they only run once every hour on weekdays.)
11.11.2017 8:55:37 gen. needs translating нужно перевести (So everything that needs translating is listed in column F.)
11.11.2017 8:50:46 gen. Good catch! Молодец, что заметил! (опечатку, неточность и т.п.: "Good catch, thank you!")
11.11.2017 8:47:48 gen. give a great deal of thought тщательно взвесить (We’ve given this a great deal of thought.)
11.11.2017 8:32:50 gen. it is what it is какой есть, такой есть
11.11.2017 8:31:43 formal has no prior criminal record ранее несудим
11.11.2017 8:22:56 disappr. youths молодчики
10.11.2017 22:15:38 idiom. and ... into the bargain а заодно и (I think after what happened on campus they should ban all booze except beer and all hard drugs, and pot into the bargain.)
10.11.2017 22:12:03 idiom. into the bargain заодно (in excess of what has been stipulated; besides bargain: We are going to visit my parents in Brookemere, do some shopping on High Street, and have dinner at Brookemere Manor into the bargain. What do you say?)
10.11.2017 22:12:03 idiom. in the bargain заодно (AmE)
10.11.2017 5:15:31 adv. while quantities last количество товара и т.п. ограничено
10.11.2017 4:34:09 ed. long-term planning долговременное планирование
10.11.2017 3:39:23 adv. introduce впервые продемонстрировать
10.11.2017 3:07:38 commer. holiday assortment праздничный набор (everyday selections and special holiday assortments)
10.11.2017 3:03:23 commer. tabletop display настольный стенд
10.11.2017 2:51:45 commer. latest releases новинки (e.g., books, periodic journals, movies on DVD, etc.)
10.11.2017 1:58:10 commer. add on as desired по желанию добавлять (We recommend beginning with the Basic Package and adding on individual channels as desired.)
10.11.2017 1:53:38 commer. any ... you would like по своему выбору (Please be sure to order the bag as well as any shoes and boots you would like.)
10.11.2017 0:57:50 commer. POS tools торговый инструментарий
9.11.2017 8:59:04 neol. officiate a wedding ceremony проводить торжественную гражданскую церемонию заключения брака (Напр., реальный человек, который этим занимается: lauragiddey.co.nz)
9.11.2017 8:57:42 neol. wedding celebrant организатор и ведущая торжественных гражданских церемоний заключения брака (Напр., реальный человек, который этим занимается: lauragiddey.co.nz)
9.11.2017 8:42:47 lit. historical fiction исторический роман (как литературный жанр: I’m writing historical fiction and every scene requires a lot of research.)
9.11.2017 8:14:26 pomp. instill a sense of confidence придать уверенности (Every product is equally fashionable and functional, instilling a sense of confidence and creative inspiration with every use.)
9.11.2017 8:13:00 gen. instill придавать (Every product is equally fashionable and functional, instilling a sense of confidence and creative inspiration with every use.)
9.11.2017 6:53:37 gen. casual широкого назначения
9.11.2017 5:04:28 media. trip around the globe кругосветное путешествие
8.11.2017 8:33:37 prof.jarg. shoot a commercial снимать рекламу (для телевидения: Jervis is closed between West Georgia and Melville, they're shooting a commercial until 2.)
8.11.2017 8:30:44 prof.jarg. shoot a commercial сниматься в рекламе (для телевидения: Jessie is shooting a commercial this weekend and he has a wardrobe fitting downtown at 10:30 tomorrow morning.)
8.11.2017 8:23:27 gen. order a surprise сделать сюрприз (оплатив подарок с доставкой: I have ordered a surprise for Rick for his birthday and do not want him to see the bill that is coming in the mail.)
8.11.2017 8:19:49 inf. will be home before me придёт домой раньше меня (Randy will be home before me tomorrow. – Рэнди завтра придёт домой раньше меня.)
8.11.2017 8:14:20 busin. preliminary version предварительный вариант (документа: Attached is a preliminary version of the contract.)
8.11.2017 1:03:16 busin. identifiable brand узнаваемый бренд (We are interested in acquiring a business in the gourmet, natural or organic space within CAN/USA, with revenue above $2.5MM & existing employees that would stay under new ownership. Ideally you have an identifiable brand and/or unique IP which hasn't been fully capitalized that would benefit from a well-exp team.)
8.11.2017 1:01:00 busin. identifiable узнаваемый (I am interested in acquiring a business in the gourmet, natural or organic space within CAN/USA, with revenue above $2.5MM & existing employees that would stay under new ownership. Ideally you have an identifiable brand and/or unique IP which hasn't been fully capitalized that would benefit from a well-exp team. – узнаваемый бренд)
8.11.2017 0:57:40 busin. acquire a business приобрести бизнес (I am interested in acquiring a business in the gourmet, natural or organic space within CAN/USA.)
7.11.2017 9:27:53 gen. tidy the house прибраться в доме (We have tidied the house as much as possible from the reno’s this weekend.)
7.11.2017 9:26:17 gen. are you currently hiring ...? К вам можно устроиться на работу на должность ...? (Are you currently hiring sales staff?)
7.11.2017 9:21:06 gen. open a bit чуть приоткрытый (All the trim and doors were painted this weekend. The bedroom doors and closets are all open a bit so it can fully dry properly.)
7.11.2017 9:18:42 busin. introduce oneself briefly кратко представиться (Please introduce yourself briefly.)
7.11.2017 8:37:06 busin. quick response быстрый ответ (на деловое предложение: "My client is looking to acquire companies in the food processing and/or food distribution space. Would consider Joint ventures. Please provide a 1-2 page overview of the company for a quick response.")
7.11.2017 8:34:03 fin. acquire a company приобрести компанию (My client is looking to acquire companies in the food processing and/or food distribution space. Would consider Joint ventures.)
7.11.2017 8:30:33 fin. provide a loan предоставить кредит (Предоставляются кредиты для малого бизнеса – Looking to provide small business loans, invoice factoring, revenue based loans, asset based lending, etc. If you or someone you may know is looking for capital, please inquire. No startups. Please have at least 4 months bank statements and any equipment or assets you may have.)
6.11.2017 8:22:58 pomp. foster social change способствовать общественным / социальным преобразованиям (I aim to create works that have a deep, painful emotional impact on both the viewer and myself as the artist. I believe that this can foster social change by encouraging introspection and dialogue.)
6.11.2017 8:22:58 pomp. foster social change способствовать социальным сдвигам
6.11.2017 8:22:58 pomp. foster social change способствовать социальным изменениям
6.11.2017 8:16:25 formal be central занимать центральное место (1) These values are central to what we do in our work. 2) Central to my practice is raw emotion: I aim to create works that have a deep, painful emotional impact on both the viewer and myself as the artist.)
6.11.2017 5:03:00 gen. offshore accounts оффшоры (The leaked documents show how the wealthy hide their money in offshore accounts. – прячут деньги в оффшорах)
5.11.2017 3:27:17 inf. give someone a heads-up предупредить (I just wanted to give you a heads-up. I am dog sitting my parents' pitbull and my sister's mastiff for 7 days. I hope they are not going to make too much noise. – хотел тебя предупредить. • I wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be sending you the revised form for your approval. • If I see your parents' car pull in, I'll give you a heads-up.)
4.11.2017 9:21:55 gen. whims прихоти (I do most of my downloading on the huge gigabit corporate pipe I have at work that isn’t subject to the whims of the local ISP’s.)
4.11.2017 9:12:28 inf. get dinged понести убытки (обычно говоря о высоких тарифах, установленных банками, энергокомпаниями и пр.: Will I get dinged? Wow, I didn't get dinged!)
4.11.2017 9:08:04 inf. get dinged остаться внакладе (обычно говоря об установленных тарифах: I am a heavy downloader of TV shows and movies so I will likely get dinged by this hike. – меня это повышение тарифов больно ударит по карману)
4.11.2017 8:49:33 gen. Sorry for the trouble! Извините за беспокойство! (что зря побеспокоили)
4.11.2017 8:36:05 gen. address the problems заняться решением проблем (The city is in such poor shape, if you drive around, you can see it – the roads, the bridges, the drug problem ... Diane Warren and her council need to address a lot of problems, but I think some on council are actually part of the problem. – заняться решением множества проблем)
4.11.2017 8:23:29 real.est. illegal suite нелицензированная съёмная квартира (Wait until Surrey changes its garbage collection to every two weeks. The illegal suites will be dumping out their garbage everywhere.)
4.11.2017 8:20:43 inf. daily fix ежедневная доза (наркотиков: "We have a rental house along 152nd between 92nd & 94th, the occupants troll the neighbourhood for easy marks to pay for their daily fix.")
4.11.2017 8:09:38 real.est. claim the grant обратиться за субсидией (Our next-door neighbour is a guy who's moved to Texas, but is renting out the top floor & basement to separate people. No legalized suite here, and I am sure he is claiming the home owners grant as well.)
2.11.2017 7:07:50 gen. plant the body подбросить труп (He was killed somewhere else and then the body was planted in the river.)
2.11.2017 6:57:47 gen. about this насчёт этого (I will get back to you tomorrow about this.)
2.11.2017 6:44:57 fin. at low cost по низкой цене (at an extremely low cost – по крайне низкой цене / за крайне низкую цену: We are working with a group of merchant bankers and securities attorneys out of NYC who have a number of public vehicles they are willing to provide for solid projects at an extremely low cost ($40k-$50k) plus an equity stake in the pubco.)
1.11.2017 7:30:35 med. requisition направление на анализы (в лабораторию, выдаётся семейным или лечащим врачом: A completed requisition from your physician or nurse practitioner is required for all exams.)
31.10.2017 23:17:02 commer. individual sale розница (в розницу не поступают – not for individual sale)
31.10.2017 5:36:59 fig.of.sp. get to see firsthand повидать (Working in and around New Orleans, I got to see a lot of the destruction firsthand. – повидал немало разрушений)
31.10.2017 5:34:03 fig.of.sp. get to see firsthand своими глазами увидеть (Working in and around New Orleans, I got to see a lot of the destruction firsthand. – своими глазами увидел)
31.10.2017 2:50:14 ed. be behind one's grade level отставать от одноклассников (An initial assessment showed that Luke was 10 months behind his grade level.)
31.10.2017 2:48:11 gen. take every precaution possible принять все меры предосторожности
31.10.2017 2:41:00 quot.aph. he that тот, кто ("He that lives upon hope will die fasting." – Benjamin Franklin)

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