
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

5.12.2017 4:18:15 formal registered дипломированный ("зарегистрированный" (напр., "землетрясение, зарегистрированное во многих городах") не всегда применимо к специалистам, напр.: a registered massage therapist – для ясности можно уточнить дополнительно "прошедший регистрацию")
4.12.2017 9:00:20 gen. fundamental understanding основополагающее понимание (your child will always have that fundamental understanding of healthy touch)
4.12.2017 8:54:08 gen. at a very young age в очень раннем возрасте
4.12.2017 8:47:25 inf. things that are fundamental основы (to something – чего-либо: teach the things that are fundamental to massage – обучить основам массажа)
4.12.2017 8:21:49 prop.&figur. re-establish the connection восстановить связь (A lot of times, new moms with postpartum depression and anxiety are not breastfeeding anymore, so they lose that tight skin-to-skin contact that has a lot of benefits. And baby massage can replace that contact with the child. So it's a great way for moms to re-establish that connection.)
4.12.2017 6:16:56 psychother. feel good about oneself быть довольным собой (Both of my pre-teen girls have good self-esteem, good body image and both feel good about themselves. – они обе довольны собой)
4.12.2017 6:14:50 psychophys. body image ощущение своего тела (Both of my pre-teen girls have good self-esteem, good body image and both feel good about themselves.)
4.12.2017 5:25:36 gen. be conveyed through передаваться через (I always encourage the moms to take a couple of minutes to calm themselves, because their state of mind is conveyed through their hands to their baby. – психическое состояние передаётся)
4.12.2017 5:05:49 pediatr. fussiness беспокойное состояние (ребёнка: reducing colic and fussiness)
4.12.2017 4:32:51 scient. development of the nervous system развитие нервной системы (А daily massage is really wonderful for the development of the nervous system.)
4.12.2017 3:42:37 pediatr. bond тесная связь (Touching not only helps stimulate the baby's neural development, it really encourages the bond between the mother and the child.)
3.12.2017 5:36:14 tech. refurbish восстановить (напр., машину после аварии:: Should they successfully extract the stolen car, one hopes that the former owner of the car will get it back, since it might be a collector's item after 27 years, provided it can be refurbished. – при условии, что её возможно восстановить)
3.12.2017 5:31:32 gen. go unseen оставаться незамеченным (Amazingly, authorities say that the car appears to have been there for quite a while, but managed to go unseen by the passing cars above due to the steep angle of the cliff. – удавалось оставаться незамеченным)
3.12.2017 5:26:53 gen. for quite a while довольно давно (Authorities say that the car appears to have been there for quite a while, but managed to go unseen by the passing cars above due to the steep angle of the cliff.)
3.12.2017 5:26:21 gen. for quite a while довольно долго (Amazingly, authorities say that the car appears to have been there for quite a while, but managed to go unseen by the passing cars above due to the steep angle of the cliff.)
3.12.2017 5:16:01 media. make a startling discovery с удивлением обнаружить (An Oregon man walking in the woods made a startling discovery when he stumbled upon a Porsche that had been reported stolen an astounding 27 years ago! – с удивлением обнаружил)
2.12.2017 5:10:18 gen. I received a phone call from мне позвонил (I recently received a phone call from my lawyer, who regretfully informed him that my wife had filed for divorce.)
28.11.2017 23:18:29 gen. that's it? это всё? (a surprised reaction)
27.11.2017 4:24:16 law enter a guilty plea признать себя виновным (в преступлении; сие действие отменяет необходимость в длительном судебном процессе)
24.11.2017 10:25:27 gen. a little out of the way немного не по пути (It's a little out of the way but I can drive you there.)
24.11.2017 10:06:03 gen. make a tremendous amount of money заработать огромные деньги (They wanted him dead because he didn't know his place. There was so much anger against him... He [JFK] came from a wealthy family, his father made a tremendous amount of money.)
24.11.2017 10:00:42 obs. bawdy house зазорный дом (А.С. Пушкин)
22.11.2017 21:59:20 gen. people I personally know мои личные знакомые
22.11.2017 0:49:22 gen. come one's way встретиться (кому-либо на жизненном пути: I hope that a good man will come my way eventually. – ...в конце концов мне встретится хороший человек.)
21.11.2017 9:19:18 formal apprise of поставить в известность о (I've attached a hosting transfer agreement indicating that we've apprised you of vulnerabilities within the site.)
21.11.2017 9:19:18 formal apprise of уведомить о (I've attached a hosting transfer agreement indicating that we've apprised you of vulnerabilities within the site.)
21.11.2017 9:09:14 inet. sign up for an account создать учётную запись (т.е. зарегистрироваться как пользователь на сайте: Please sign up for the FoozieSchmoozie account as soon as possible.)
21.11.2017 9:00:47 gen. be vastly different в огромной степени отличаться
21.11.2017 8:57:46 hack. explore vulnerabilities находить уязвимые / незащищённые / слабые места (в защите сетей / сайтов: They explore vulnerabilities in random sites in the hope that you'll hire them to fix them. – Хакеры находят уязвимые места в защите сетей ...)
21.11.2017 8:49:47 fig. dig into залезть в (Unfortunately I cannot provide an estimate on fixing without digging into the code, but it would likely be a minimum of $5,000 and a few weeks of effort.)
21.11.2017 8:38:00 formal provide an estimate оценить стоимость (выполнения работы / услуги: Unfortunately I cannot provide an estimate on fixing without digging into the code, but it would likely be a minimum of $5,000 and a few weeks of effort.)
21.11.2017 8:36:20 formal a minimum of как минимум (Unfortunately I cannot provide an estimate on fixing without digging into the code, but it would likely be a minimum of $5,000 and a few weeks of effort.)
21.11.2017 8:32:32 inet. sign up for a hosting account with XYZ создать новый хостинг-аккаунт
21.11.2017 6:35:45 inet. be temporarily disrupted испытывать временные перебои (Note that your e-mail may temporarily be disrupted while we complete setup of the domain.)
21.11.2017 6:26:38 dat.proc. edit to match приводить в соответствие (Please edit to match English and cut down to a maximum of 700 characters including spaces.)
20.11.2017 23:14:11 gen. chores повседневные домашние дела
20.11.2017 9:04:22 trav. foreign countries иностранные государства (International holidays are official holidays in foreign countries. – в иностранных государствах)
20.11.2017 8:58:09 law, ADR at the back of в конце (книги, журнала, блокнота: International holidays usually go at the back of the dayplanner.)
20.11.2017 8:54:23 law, ADR at the front of в начале (книги, журнала, блокнота: National holidays come at the front of the dayplanner and are market-specific.)
20.11.2017 8:51:45 law, ADR market-specific отражающий условия местного рынка (Survey data is market-specific.)
20.11.2017 8:51:45 law, ADR market-specific отражающий реалии конкретного рынка
20.11.2017 8:38:34 inf. wind up settling on в конечном итоге выбрать / остановиться на (We had about twenty baby names to choose from. We did wind up settling on "Draculette Frankenstein Hopkins." Cute, huh? – В конечном итоге мы остановились на ...)
20.11.2017 8:19:24 inf. leftover stuff недоделки
20.11.2017 8:00:57 road.wrk. get around объехать
20.11.2017 7:56:12 fig. get around избежать (чего-либо: If you have a VCR, this unit can send a digital signal to both your TV and VCR, but since it's a single tuner, you can't record a show and watch a different one at the same time, because you have only one digital tuner. To get around that, I used a splitter ("Y") coming out of the wall's antenna cable.)
20.11.2017 5:53:53 gen. a great way отличный способ (Did you know that social networking is a great way to buy or sell a business? Just create a post about the type of business you want and send it to your connections.)
20.11.2017 1:04:58 garden. berry-producing shrubs ягодные кустарники (For thrushes native berry-producing shrubs will be a welcome, natural food source.)
20.11.2017 1:03:48 garden. berry-producing shrubs ягодные кусты (For thrushes native berry-producing shrubs will be a welcome, natural food source.)
19.11.2017 9:20:59 polygr. originally released in впервые изданный в
19.11.2017 9:10:25 formal Towrap up our celebrations в завершение празднования (To wrap up our 50th anniversary celebrations we are inviting everyone here to join us for the concert that will take place on the Southern Lawn.)
19.11.2017 9:01:07 formal wrap up our celebrations в завершение празднования (To wrap up our 50th anniversary celebrations we are inviting everyone here to join us for the concert that will take place on the Southern Lawn.)
19.11.2017 8:36:50 coll. artists деятели культуры / искусства
19.11.2017 8:35:18 lit. written works сочинения (the Brontёs’ collective imagination and written works)
19.11.2017 8:26:08 busin. focus on обращать особое внимание на
19.11.2017 8:21:13 cultur. cultural milestones памятные даты в истории культуры
19.11.2017 8:13:03 fig. countless великое множество
19.11.2017 8:13:03 fig. countless несчётное количество
19.11.2017 8:13:03 fig. countless несметное количество
19.11.2017 6:31:34 adv. desk essentials принадлежности для письма (блокноты, ручки, пеналы для хранения ручек/карандашей и пр. канцтовары)
19.11.2017 6:27:48 gen. it only makes sense that Естественно, что (And so it only makes sense that – Поэтому естественно, что ...)
19.11.2017 6:18:01 adv. highest-quality самого высокого качества (We have always sought to offer the highest-quality and most unique prouducts on the market.)
19.11.2017 6:18:01 adv. highest-quality высшего качества
19.11.2017 6:09:11 commer. stationery products канцелярские принадлежности
19.11.2017 5:37:22 commer. small items мелкие предметы
19.11.2017 5:16:05 gen. fine мастерски исполненный
19.11.2017 4:41:27 gen. revered занимающий почётное место (Today, his legacy is one of the most revered in Russian literature. – В наши дни его творческое наследие занимает почётное место в русской литературе.)
19.11.2017 4:20:01 lit. successful literary career успех на литературном поприще (They seemed poised for successful literary careers, but within months they all died of various causes.)
18.11.2017 23:11:08 gen. have on hand иметь при себе (Please contact us today to set up your new UnitedGas account. Have your identification on hand and call us toll-free at ....)
18.11.2017 23:09:18 gen. have on hand иметь под рукой (**Дорогие коллеги – не at hand и не to hand. Вот пример: "Do you have an empty milk carton at home? You can turn it into a bird feeder with a few other materials that you probably already have on hand." – имеются под рукой | у вас есть под рукой)
18.11.2017 8:49:45 fig. masterful сильный до духу (masterful bronze and marble figures)
18.11.2017 8:44:46 gen. skillful мастерски выполненный
18.11.2017 8:04:28 busin. keep intact оставить без изменений (напр., исходный текст: "We'd like to keep the first paragraph intact but you can delete whatever you need to from the second paragraph.")
18.11.2017 2:23:28 fig.of.sp. lose one's appeal потерять свою привлекательность (Japanese food has never lost its appeal for those who prefer a healthier, seafood-based diet. – никогда не теряла своей привлекательности)
17.11.2017 4:19:35 gen. makes me uneasy мне не по себе от ("Well, yes, of course the pay is good – too good. That is what makes me uneasy. Why should they give you £120 a year, when they could have their pick for £40?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – От этого-то мне и не по себе ...)
17.11.2017 4:06:41 idiom. does not hold water не выдерживает никакой критики (1) This argument just does not hold water. 2) It is a theory that has been argued about for ages, and connections between between Finnish and Japanese have been investigated for ages. None of them hold water. There is no connection between Finnish and Japanese, at least none that we can ever determine using scientific methods.)
17.11.2017 3:10:49 gen. the wrong way не так, как надо (The programming code is old and was trying to treat the client IDs the wrong way given differences in how the programming language has evolved over the past few years.)
17.11.2017 3:08:36 gen. fit very well прийтись впору (This blue dress would fit you very well. – придётся вам как раз впору / будет как раз по размеру)
17.11.2017 0:10:48 inf. way crazy чокнуться можно (I'm into it! Tell u more when I get home and yes definitely! Started a new job and way crazy! – ...Пошла на новую работу – там можно чокнуться!)
16.11.2017 23:01:10 law, ADR Looking to purchase Куплю (в объявлениях: Looking to purchase gold and silver bars. Please contact me with photos and details of what you have.)
16.11.2017 7:46:44 gen. appropriate people люди, которые по должности занимаются (чем-либо; So sorry Jane, I e-mailed it on to the appropriate people and didn’t hear any feedback. – переслала соответствующим людям, которые по должности этим занимаются)
16.11.2017 7:38:39 ed. academic pedigree академический послужной список (You’ll be pleased to hear that I’m a New York-educated merit scholar with the academic pedigree you seek!)
16.11.2017 7:35:16 progr. put the link сделать ссылку (And thanks for underlining the "here" word so we know where to put the link!)
16.11.2017 6:22:35 gen. get too hot слишком сильно нагреваться (Please have Mike come at 8am so he can finish before noon. The house gets too hot later in the day for him to be painting.)
16.11.2017 6:19:39 gen. regular time обычное время (совершения чего-либо: Please have Stacy come at her regular time of 10am. 11am no longer works for us. – Пусть Стейси приходит в своё обычное время, в 10 ч. 11 ч. нас больше не устраивает.)
16.11.2017 6:00:58 gen. put in jail посадить в тюрьму (Can't make it up. A cop pulled over a driver today on West Braodway at Cambie. This guy had an iPad and a cell phone attached with a piece of string to his steering wheel, he was wearing headphones and listening to music while driving his Lexus, the headphones were plugged into the phone, and he didn't even have his driver's licence! I think they should put him in jail.)
15.11.2017 6:45:37 humor. you must have read my mind! Ты-телепат! (I have been thinking of u! U must’ve read my mind! So much to tell u but on a bus right now! Give me a shout later today!)
15.11.2017 5:51:18 gen. get some rest отдохнуть (Thanks Mark. Go get some rest. – Ступай отдохни.)
15.11.2017 5:21:34 idiom. back to square one вернуться на исходную позицию
15.11.2017 3:48:10 gen. severely hurt тяжело ранен (The male victim was severely hurt.)
15.11.2017 3:11:01 gen. get lazy неохота (Мне было неохота ... – I confess that I was getting lazy as the evening wore on, and I thought it might just be easier to have you bring them all to the office again than for me to try and figure out what was what in each file. Does that make sense to you?)
15.11.2017 3:09:08 gen. get lazy разлениться
15.11.2017 3:02:19 offic. fill in column X заполнить колонку X (fill in column G on the spreadsheet)
14.11.2017 14:32:17 idiom. as much as при всём при том, что
14.11.2017 14:32:17 idiom. as much as и пусть
14.11.2017 8:31:48 gen. it doesn't matter at all это совершенно неважно
14.11.2017 6:34:19 gen. fit the space уместиться (A lot of the descriptions in the catalogue are too long and will need to be shortened to fit the space.)
14.11.2017 6:34:19 gen. fit the space поместиться
14.11.2017 6:34:19 gen. fit the space вместиться
14.11.2017 6:04:20 formal British national подданный Великобритании (an Irish / British / French national – подданный Ирландии / Великобритании / Франции: Hello, My name is Roger Nimby. I am a 27-year-old Irish national, a trained engineer, looking for an construction company to work for.)
14.11.2017 5:59:32 formal variety of experience разнообразный опыт (I am a CWTA qualified cook with a variety of experience.)

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