
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

18.12.2017 6:36:36 hist. man of the cloth духовная особа (Since the late 17th century, the meaning had been restricted to the clerical profession, a minister or clergyman who wore professional garb.)
18.12.2017 6:34:03 hist. capture взятие в полон (напр., вражеских военачальников (А.С. Пушкин))
18.12.2017 6:31:42 gen. become better acquainted лучше познакомиться (with – c)
18.12.2017 6:24:39 gen. it's started to rain Пошёл дождь (It's gloomy and grey and it's started to rain.)
18.12.2017 6:19:29 obs. illegitimate child зазорный младенец ("Повелел в то же время во всех городах учредить богадельни для приёма зазорных младенцев(...)" – А.С. Пушкин, Жизнеописание Петра Великого)
18.12.2017 5:30:29 gen. Isn't she a beauty! вот это красавица! (She's a Bugatti 39 – born in 1925 – which makes her pretty much 90 years old. Isn't she a beauty!)
18.12.2017 5:21:22 inf. whizz промчаться (The cars whizz up from the port, past where we are sitting and on down to the hair-pin bends at the Casino. )
17.12.2017 9:46:14 inf. organise one's time распоряжаться своим временем (I need to organise my time better in order to work on my book.)
17.12.2017 9:33:27 gen. detain someone from their work отвлекать от работы (I have already taken up too much of your valuable time. I won't detain you from your work any longer.)
17.12.2017 9:06:03 gen. hobble into приковылять (Unfortunately, unless someone actually hobbles into a police station looking to reclaim their lost foot, it would seem that the origin of all these severed feet appearing on our beaches will likely remain a macabre mystery.)
17.12.2017 7:44:35 gen. queue up выстроиться в очередь (After 10, young women from Eastern Europe queue up near posh restaurants on Via Donizetti, hoping someone will pay them for the night.)
16.12.2017 5:13:01 gen. get a little distracted немного отвлекаться
16.12.2017 5:13:01 gen. get a little distracted немного отвлечься
16.12.2017 5:07:19 gen. be involved with children/babies заниматься детьми (посвящать время: We love it when dads are involved with their babies.)
16.12.2017 5:00:49 gen. hitch a ride прокатиться (A bear managed to hitch a ride in the back of a Russian taxi cab.)
16.12.2017 4:11:46 media. incredibly трудно в это поверить, но (Incredibly, this is the thirteenth dismembered foot to be found along the shore of British Columbia since the summer of 2007. An additional five severed feet have also been found on the coast of Washington State, bringing the grisly total to an eyebrow-raising eighteen.)
15.12.2017 6:13:03 product. new mode of operations вывод на режим
14.12.2017 0:17:59 gen. at дома у кого-либо (at Stanlеy's = at the home of Stanley – у Стэнли (дома))
14.12.2017 0:12:32 formal get into specifics конкретизировать (1) The RCMP spokesperson said they had recovered dangerous goods but did not get into specifics. – не стал конкретизировать; 2) I will not get into specifics, let's just say that I think that we, as a company, are underselling ourselves. – не буду конкретизировать)
14.12.2017 0:02:41 gen. get into specifics уточнить (The RCMP spokesperson said they had recovered dangerous goods but did not get into specifics. – не уточнил, какие именно)
14.12.2017 0:01:15 gen. get into specifics уточнять (The RCMP spokesperson said they had recovered dangerous goods but did not get into specifics. – не уточнил)
13.12.2017 23:50:59 gen. veiled references завуалированные намёки (Tanuzzi was smart enough to know that sooner or later Vittorio's Ristorante was going to be identified as the Mafia's headquarters, so he didn't want to be seen there. There were, however, veiled references to him, as well as equally cryptic telephone messages left at his law office by callers from Vittorio's.)
13.12.2017 23:44:53 gen. be made up predominantly of состоять большей частью / в основном из (In those days, the F.B.I. was made up predominantly of lawyers. – большей частью состояло из)
13.12.2017 1:05:41 cinema cast in the title role выбрать на заглавную роль (The film's director, Kevin Williamson, ended up casting Michelle in the title role, though her only acting experience had been in a drama club in Winnipeg.)
13.12.2017 0:53:28 rude ugly-ass уродливый (Simpson claimed he had never owned "those ugly-ass shoes".)
13.12.2017 0:51:10 polit. deliver a stern warning жёстко предупредить (Trudeau delivered a stern warning to the Chinese leader about the dangers of protectionism.)
13.12.2017 0:48:18 gen. end the affair порвать с ("Fonda reportedly demanded that he end the affair, and he refused." (Vanity Fair))
13.12.2017 0:47:46 gen. end the affair прекратить отношения ("Fonda reportedly demanded that he end the affair, and he refused." (Vanity Fair))
13.12.2017 0:32:14 idiom. look the other way закрывать глаза на (For years, Fonda had looked the other way during Hayden's frequent dalliances.)
13.12.2017 0:27:10 idiom. rake in the cash грести деньги лопатой (Migrant workers were exploited while the management raked in the cash.)
13.12.2017 0:25:26 idiom. rake in the cash наживаться
13.12.2017 0:20:56 law, ADR take orders принимать заказы (We are now taking orders for custom birthday cakes.)
12.12.2017 4:16:00 gen. go with the occasion соответствовать случаю (Women here are either overdressed or underdressed or their clothes just don't seem to go with the occasion. – не соответствует случаю)
12.12.2017 4:08:32 gen. full of nonsense вздорный
12.12.2017 4:07:17 obs. scurrilous lie поклёп ("That's a scurrilous lie!" the Duke shrieked.)
12.12.2017 4:04:44 fig.of.sp. take the trouble принимать на себя труд ("На себя только принимал он труд жевать и проглатывать." – Н.В. Гоголь)
12.12.2017 3:59:38 gen. get back on the phone снова позвонить (When I got this letter, I got back on the phone with my accountant.)
12.12.2017 3:48:51 prof.jarg. right on target всё в норме (No worries. We're right on target.)
11.12.2017 11:47:21 ed. so that is our class for today Наше сегодняшнее занятие закончено
11.12.2017 11:24:36 idiom. at the bottom of the hour время через полчаса после каждого часа (т.к. зрительно минутная стрелка находится внизу циферблата wiktionary.org)
11.12.2017 10:49:23 inf. play with it поэкспериментировать (So it doesn't matter when. I encourage you to play with it.)
11.12.2017 10:24:30 gen. a full half an hour целых полчаса
11.12.2017 10:20:32 gen. in between между началом и концом (When you start your workout the same way and you end the same way, it doesn't always matter what you do in between.)
11.12.2017 10:20:32 gen. in between между этими двумя точками
11.12.2017 6:41:46 gen. the exact same way совершенно одинаково
11.12.2017 6:24:42 ed. work one's way through college оплатить обучение в колледже, совмещая работу с учёбой (правильно work ONE'S way through college)
11.12.2017 6:22:34 ed. work one's way through school оплатить обучение в вузе, совмещая работу с учёбой (правильно work ONE'S way through school)
11.12.2017 6:17:26 gen. work way through преодолеть (правильно work ONE'S way through something: "Don't worry about it. You can work your way through it." – Ты сможешь это преодолеть.)
11.12.2017 5:06:33 inf. work really hard очень стараться (Their kids work really hard at making their parents feel good. – очень стараются, чтобы порадовать родителей)
11.12.2017 5:04:20 gen. work really hard выполнять тяжёлую работу (The temporalis muscle is one of the muscles that are working really hard when you are eating.)
11.12.2017 0:11:56 gen. We're going to get started Приступаем
10.12.2017 9:24:23 gen. little song песенка (And let's sing a little song here. – А теперь споём песенку.)
10.12.2017 9:22:26 med. on either side of the spine с обеих сторон позвоночника
10.12.2017 5:42:48 gen. recoil сжиматься (после растяжения (напр., эластичная лента))
10.12.2017 5:42:02 gen. recoil сжаться (после растяжения)
10.12.2017 5:31:41 inf. a couple of times один-два раза
9.12.2017 10:26:15 gen. as many as you want сколько угодно (сколько угодно раз – as many times as you want)
9.12.2017 9:55:02 gen. change from one day to the next меняться день ото дня (That may change from one day to the next. – Причём день ото дня картина может меняться.)
9.12.2017 7:25:06 fig. perk up встряхнуть (Feeling down? This mixture will perk you up. – вас взбодрит)
9.12.2017 7:24:20 fig. shake it up встряхнуть (Now you'll probably notice that we're not doing the exercises in the same order today. And that's okay. We can shake it up throughout the workout. That can be really helpful.)
9.12.2017 7:22:35 fig. shake it up взбодрить (Now you'll probably notice that we're not doing the exercises in the same order today. And that's okay. We can shake it up throughout the workout. That can be really helpful.)
9.12.2017 6:54:37 gen. Nice! вот как славно!
9.12.2017 6:54:37 gen. Nice! вот как хорошо!
9.12.2017 5:12:37 gen. a little bit of чуть-чуть (We're finally seeing a little bit of blue sky opening up in the south.)
9.12.2017 5:05:57 gen. hang on tight крепко держаться (напр., за руку)
9.12.2017 4:06:01 anat. bottom of the foot ступня
9.12.2017 3:02:07 post expedited parcel посылка с экспресс-доставкой
9.12.2017 1:33:00 gen. switch hands сменить руку (уставшую – при работе, переноске: You might want to switch hands so that your opposite hand is holding it.)
9.12.2017 1:17:25 psychol. feel engaged ощущать свою причастность (it helps them feel more included and engaged – это позволяет им ощущать своё участие, свою причастность)
9.12.2017 1:15:45 psychol. engaged причастный
9.12.2017 0:48:31 inf. have a little bit of a break прерваться на минутку
9.12.2017 0:48:31 inf. have a little bit of a break сделать небольшой перерыв
8.12.2017 22:37:53 inf. in the first little bit поначалу
8.12.2017 22:17:33 inf. a lot of the time часто
8.12.2017 22:17:17 inf. a lot of the time нередко
8.12.2017 22:17:02 inf. a lot of the time частенько
8.12.2017 22:11:13 anat. middle toe средний палец на ноге
8.12.2017 21:24:06 gen. not aware не в курсе (He said that because he's simply not aware. – он просто не в курсе)
8.12.2017 2:57:49 gen. have/has had enough невмоготу терпеть (If the baby starts to get fussy, he might just have had enough. – возможно, ему уже стало невмоготу терпеть)
8.12.2017 2:37:00 gen. curl in сжимать (The cat is curling its paws in and out. – Кошка сжимает и разжимает лапки. | The baby's toes will either curl in or they'll curl out. – Младенец сжимает и разжимает пальчики на ножках.)
8.12.2017 2:30:52 gen. curl out разжимать (The cat is curling its paws in and out. – Кошка сжимает и разжимает лапки. | The baby's toes will either curl in or they'll curl out. – Младенец сжимает и разжимает пальчики на ножках.)
8.12.2017 2:15:49 anat. bottom of the foot подошва (нижняя часть стопы)
8.12.2017 2:11:11 anat. bridge of the foot подъём стопы
7.12.2017 16:16:33 gen. anyway и так (He knows it anyway, so it's not like he's going to be terribly surprised. – и так это знает.)
7.12.2017 8:14:21 formal have communication общаться (At this point their team does not want to have that communication.)
7.12.2017 8:03:25 gen. a number of times по многу раз (And they'll do that a number of times.)
7.12.2017 0:06:25 med. arch one's back выгибать спину (If she's in pain, she might be arching her back, calling out, or turning her body away from you.)
6.12.2017 10:56:50 inf. get fussy капризничать (о грудном младенце: Babies can get fussy sometimes, as we know. Sometimes it's because they are hungry, sometimes they need their diaper changed. You want to make sure that you check in with those two things if your little one is starting to get fussy.)
6.12.2017 10:41:51 gen. call out подать голосовой сигнал
6.12.2017 10:21:17 gen. massage session сеанс массажа
6.12.2017 10:19:08 gen. firm pressure плотное нажатие (при массаже)
6.12.2017 10:01:25 inf. be fussy капризничать (о грудном младенце: "A calm, happy baby is a baby who is making eye contact, who's smiling, who is happy, engaging, not crying, not fussy, all of those sorts of things." (Amie McColl) – который не капризничает)
6.12.2017 9:59:20 inf. fussy копошащийся (беспокойный: "A calm, happy baby is a baby who is making eye contact, who's smiling, who is happy, engaging, not crying, not fussy, all of those sorts of things." (Amie McColl) – который не копошится / не капризничает)
6.12.2017 8:58:56 gen. roll around поворачиваться (на бок: The floor is always great, a baby can roll around on the floor, they can move, they can do whatever they want to do.)
6.12.2017 8:29:01 gen. feel frustrated расстроиться (If you're feeling frustrated or too tired or too anxious, the baby's really going to pick up on that. – Если вы расстроены, устали или нервничаете, ребёнок это чувствует.)
6.12.2017 5:55:09 gen. just ... away осталось всего (talking about time left: 1) [We are] just an hour away from the puck drop. – До начала матча остаётся всего один час. 2) With spring just two days away, are you planning on doing any spring cleaning? – До прихода весны остаётся всего двое суток ...)
5.12.2017 22:43:22 emph. real disaster форменная катастрофа (His last speech was a real disaster.)
5.12.2017 11:41:38 gen. key things основные моменты (Before you get started, there's three key things that I want you to remember when you are starting to work as a police detective...)
5.12.2017 11:34:46 inf. all of those sorts of things и так далее ("A calm, happy baby is a baby who is making eye contact, who's smiling, who is happy, engaging, not crying, not fussy, all of those sorts of things." (Amie McColl))
5.12.2017 11:30:36 inf. engaging идёт на контакт ("A calm, happy baby is a baby who is making eye contact, who's smiling, who is happy, engaging, not crying, not fussy, all of those sorts of things." (Amie McColl) – который идёт на контакт)

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