
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

23.03.2024 10:18:39 arts. little-known о котором почти не сохранилось сведений (a cover designed by Le Pupon, a legendary but little-known 15th-century bookbinder)
23.03.2024 9:43:06 sarcast. if I might ask? можно узнать? (No ticket and no cash to pay for a ticket. Where are you going, son, if I might ask?)
23.03.2024 9:03:56 inf. out на воле ("You're glad to be out, aren't you?" (Straight Time, 1978))
23.03.2024 9:01:30 inf. out на свободе ("You're glad to be out, aren't you?" (Straight Time, 1978))
23.03.2024 8:58:10 gen. snow in завалить снегом (My daughter called me from Dallas – everybody's snowed in down there. – всех завалило снегом)
23.03.2024 8:56:52 gen. I forget the name of it забыл, как называется (It is a small hotel on Sunset Boulevard. I forget the name of it.)
23.03.2024 8:55:39 gen. abandoned mine заброшенный рудник (Just outside of the town of Beechworth are abandoned gold mines.)
23.03.2024 8:31:08 adv. ultimate высшая ступень (the ultimate – высшая ступень в развитии (чего-л.))
23.03.2024 8:29:47 adv. ultimate высшее достижение (the ~)
23.03.2024 8:28:27 adv. ultimate высшая степень (the ~: The ultimate in car driving. • Shufa, as calligraphy is called in classic Mandarin, represents the ultimate expression of the Chinese language.)
23.03.2024 8:23:22 idiom. white smile белозубая улыбка (You could get a movie star white smile in 10 minutes if you try this new swab!)
23.03.2024 6:17:01 gen. coming year наступивший год (the ~: McCants also touched on the numbers associated with world leaders and politicians, including Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Vladimir Putin, and what that predicted for them in the coming year before taking calls and giving readings based on the numbers associated with birthdates. (coasttocoastam.com))
23.03.2024 6:17:01 gen. coming year наступающий год (the ~: McCants also touched on the numbers associated with world leaders and politicians, including Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Vladimir Putin, and what that predicted for them in the coming year before taking calls and giving readings based on the numbers associated with birthdates. (coasttocoastam.com))
23.03.2024 6:14:03 gen. related связанный с этим ("Whole of Hastings between Rosser and Madison is shut down at the moment. Tent set up in front of Rocky’s Meats. Traffic is being diverted to Albert or Pender." "There was apparently a man attacking people with a large knife or two at the Esso closer to Boundary and Hastings 20 min ago. Could be related." "Not related. That was at 6:30 am and he is in custody. Couldn't be less related." -- «Может быть, как-то с этим связано.» «Никак не связано.» (reddit.com))
23.03.2024 6:12:08 law, contr. related thereto связанные с этим (the content on this website, and all design, text, graphics, content, video, and/or audio related thereto)
23.03.2024 6:10:34 gen. associated with that связанный с этим (The therapy is extremely effective but according to the expert, there are dangers of addiction associated with that.)
23.03.2024 6:07:21 gen. though однако (added at the end of a phrase: If there was a flaw, so to speak, in the pure joy of being engaged to Florence, it was the fact that she rather took after her father, and one was never certain when she might erupt. She had a wonderful profile, though. – Однако у неё был замечательный профиль. (P.G. Wodehouse) • According to McCants, this will change the energy of your home without having to change your physical address. Be careful what you change it to, though. -- Однако будьте осторожны ... (coasttocoastam.com))
23.03.2024 4:55:04 sail. sailing champion чемпион по яхтенному спорту (An eight-year-old boy has become Australia's newest -- and youngest -- sailing champion. His achievement has even attracted attention from our greatest ever yachtsman. (7 News Australia) • У берегов Чили четвёртые сутки ведутся поиски чемпиона России по яхтенному спорту Виталия Елагина. 19 марта он сообщил о проблемах с управлением, после чего его яхта пропала с радаров. (газета.ру) youtube.com)
23.03.2024 4:46:01 gen. rough weather conditions штормовые условия (The ship had been at anchor due to rough weather conditions with waves as high as 8 meters.)
22.03.2024 9:34:55 gen. poke out of торчать из (какой-л. среды, поверхности: A woman is lucky to be alive after being caught in an avalanche on the North Shore and being completely buried upside down for up to 20 minutes. The woman was snowshoeing with a companion in the Mount Seymour backcountry when the avalanche struck and buried both of them. Rescuers say the man was able to dig himself out before calling 911, then finding his companion’s snowshoe poking out of the snow. (vancouversun.com))
22.03.2024 7:09:29 humor. T-shirt weather можно раздеваться (о наступившей раньше времени тёплой погоде)
22.03.2024 7:09:29 humor. T-shirt weather тепло, как летом (о наступившей раньше времени тёплой погоде)
22.03.2024 5:13:11 cliche. spring is approaching скоро весна (Spring is approaching and we are extending our service to the Maritime Museum until 6:00pm effective March 1st. (Twitter))
22.03.2024 5:11:47 cliche. daily occurrence дня не проходит, чтобы (что-л. не произошло: Letters: Bad driving a daily occurrence in Richmond: I can travel anywhere in Richmond on a daily basis, and see cars performing unsafe acts of disregard to themselves and others. (richmond-news.com))
22.03.2024 5:08:18 horticult. crisp texture плотная мякоть (плодово-ягодной культуры: Eterna was already known for its large fruit, crisp texture, and long shelf-life, but this new world record solidified its reputation as the blueberry Goliath. (odditycentral.com) • Форма ягод – классическая, так же как цвет, но структура особенная. Мякоть в меру плотная, подходит для приготовления детского питания. • Ягоды плотные, тёмно-синие с налётом. (ferma.expert))
22.03.2024 4:52:12 gen. crisp твёрдый и хрустящий (a crisp apple • a crisp texture)
22.03.2024 4:48:56 gen. of a similar size аналогичного размера (Australian fresh produce company Costa Group recently set a new Guinness Record for the world’s heaviest blueberry, with a 20.4-gram fruit roughly the size of a golf ball. “Eterna as a variety has a really great flavor and consistently large fruit,” Costa Group’s Brad Hocking, one of the growers, said. “When we picked this one, there were probably around 20 other berries of a similar size. “This really is a delightful piece of fruit. While the fruit is large, there’s absolutely no compromise on quality or flavor as would be expected when developing a premium variety blueberry.” (odditycentral.com))
22.03.2024 4:46:03 gen. without compromising on flavour без ущерба для вкуса (Australian fresh produce company Costa Group recently set a new Guinness Record for the world’s heaviest blueberry, with a 20.4-gram fruit roughly the size of a golf ball. Picked on November 13, 2023, at Costa’s berry farm in Corindi, New South Wales, the record-breaking blueberry was from the Eterna variety, which is known for yielding consistently large fruit without compromising on flavour. (odditycentral.com) • Жарить без масла в традиционном понимании этого процесса без ущерба для вкуса не получится. (из рус. источников))
22.03.2024 4:41:04 gen. roughly the size of a размером примерно с (At a press conference detailing the incident, White House spokesperson John F. Kirby indicated that the UFO was "roughly the size of a small car" and ABC News later reported that the object was "cylindrical and silver-ish gray." -- размером примерно с небольшой автомобиль (coasttocoastam.com) • Australian fresh produce company Costa Group recently set a new Guinness Record for the world’s heaviest blueberry, with a 20.4-gram fruit roughly the size of a golf ball. odditycentral.com)
22.03.2024 2:56:55 cliche. lots of time уйма времени
22.03.2024 2:56:55 cliche. plenty of time уйма времени
22.03.2024 1:56:19 gen. crisp apple хрустящее яблоко (Crisp fruit or vegetables are fresh and firm (Cambridge Dictionary) : Why are some apples mealy while others are crisp? (nytimes.com))
22.03.2024 1:49:05 golf. green ровный участок, покрытый травой (на поле для игры в гольф: A green is an area of smooth grass surrounding a hole on a golf course. (Cambridge Dictionary) -- в отличие от более сложных участков: Out on the green, golfers might experience the spirit of a little boy. In life, he was known to chase golf balls and sell them back to the pro shop, but was hit by a car in the process. (wpdh.com))
22.03.2024 1:32:46 gov. senior преклонного возраста (senior citizens -- граждане преклонного возраста)
22.03.2024 1:30:59 idiom. Good Samaritans неравнодушные граждане ("Задержали злоумышленника неравнодушные граждане, и удерживали его до приезда милиционеров." (из рус. источников))
21.03.2024 9:03:39 inf. pretty busy полно дел (Sagamore Hotel Hauntings. The ghosts of the Sagamore are pretty busy. One couple, who were among the very first guests, has been seen descending from the second floor to hotel’s fine dining establishment, the Trillium, looking for a bite to eat. A smoke-scented spirit named Walter often appears in the restaurant’s service elevator. Another apparition of a tall woman dressed in a white evening dress has visited Sagamore eatery Mr. Brown’s. There, she spoke to a cook. Out on the green, golfers might experience the spirit of a little boy. In life, he was known to chase golf balls and sell them back to the pro shop, but was hit by a car in the process. (wpdh.com))
21.03.2024 9:03:39 inf. pretty busy работы хватает (Sagamore Hotel Hauntings. The ghosts of the Sagamore are pretty busy. One couple, who were among the very first guests, has been seen descending from the second floor to hotel’s fine dining establishment, the Trillium, looking for a bite to eat. A smoke-scented spirit named Walter often appears in the restaurant’s service elevator. Another apparition of a tall woman dressed in a white evening dress has visited Sagamore eatery Mr. Brown’s. There, she spoke to a cook. Out on the green, golfers might experience the spirit of a little boy. In life, he was known to chase golf balls and sell them back to the pro shop, but was hit by a car in the process. (wpdh.com))
21.03.2024 8:55:45 meteorol. powerful thunderstorm сильная гроза (A Ghost Ship Sails The Hudson River Since the days of old New Amsterdam, local people in the Hudson Valley have been reporting a mysterious ship with no known flags that sails down the river, bringing violent storms in its wake. The ship often moves against the tide, and nearly always appears to be without a crew. Then, within a few hours of its passing, powerful thunderstorms rock the area. The ship's origins are unclear. Some believe it to be a remnant of the Half-Moon, the ship that Henry Hudson himself piloted on his journey up the river. (wpdh.com))
21.03.2024 8:52:53 gen. peer from behind a tree выглядывать из-за дерева (In one encounter, the blob creature watched two young children playing in the lake, until they noticed it peering from behind a tree, and they ran away in fear. In a second encounter, a lone hiker saw it floating down the hill towards him, and also ran in fear. He came back later armed and with a friend in tow, but numbers and weapons served them naught – both men saw the creature moving through the branches of the trees above them and again fled in terror. (wpdh.com))
21.03.2024 8:48:15 idiom. put to rest окончательно решить вопрос (также lay to rest (Англо-русский фразеологический словарь под ред. А.В. Кунина, М., "Русский язык", 1984 г.) : The possibility of a monster in Lake George hasn't been put to rest completely. (wpdh.com) )
21.03.2024 8:48:15 idiom. put to rest окончательно закрыть вопрос (также lay to rest (Англо-русский фразеологический словарь под ред. А.В. Кунина, М., "Русский язык", 1984 г.) : The possibility of a monster in Lake George hasn't been put to rest completely. (wpdh.com) )
21.03.2024 8:48:15 idiom. put to rest окончательно поставить крест на (также lay to rest (Англо-русский фразеологический словарь под ред. А.В. Кунина, М., "Русский язык", 1984 г.) : The possibility of a monster in Lake George hasn't been put to rest completely. (wpdh.com) )
21.03.2024 8:32:36 gen. weirdness странные происшествия (Moving into 1965 we have a year filled to the brim with all manner of UFO and alien weirdness from all over the world. • Montauk is a long-time center of weirdness. (wpdh.com) mysteriousuniverse.org)
21.03.2024 8:30:31 gen. footprint cast гипсовый слепок отпечатка ноги
21.03.2024 8:25:34 idiom. it was the talk of the town об этом говорили все в городе (It was the talk of the town in February of 2022. )
21.03.2024 8:22:13 affect. cute and cuddly хорошенький (напр., щеночек, детёныш: I wonder if Baby Bigfoots are cute and cuddly?)
21.03.2024 8:22:13 affect. cute and cuddly миленький (напр., щеночек, детёныш: I wonder if Baby Bigfoots are cute and cuddly?)
21.03.2024 8:14:28 idiom. get one's hands on разыскать ("Doug Pridgen made a video of a concert near an apple orchard. Upon review it seems to be two creatures, and the small one is swinging in the tree." Sounds creepy, right? Another Baby Bigfoot Sighting in 1997: On May 23rd of 1997, video footage allegedly captured evidence of a Baby Bigfoot (Babyfoot?). We need to get our hands on that video. (wpdh.com) )
21.03.2024 8:00:15 port.facil. dock a boat пришвартовать катер (к причалу: The report goes on to state: "Fishermen docking the boat around 9:20 pm hear a large boulder thrown into the water. Manlike creature with red eyes seen as they flashed lights on it." (wpdh.com) -- Во время швартовки катера рыбаки ... )
21.03.2024 7:51:30 gen. volley back and forth перекликаться друг с другом (на расстоянии: There were several sightings and experiences from Watching House on Tuthill Road in Blooming Grove including Bigfoot screams volleying back and forth. (wpdh.com))
21.03.2024 7:49:18 cliche. which makes us wonder if что наводит на мысль (Another account from 1976 in Blooming Grove on Farmingdale Road is on the map, which makes us wonder if that's a hotspot for BF. (wpdh.com))
21.03.2024 7:46:35 gen. abandoned house заброшенный дом (In 1976 a man recounts an experience where he and 4 other children saw what they say was a "gorilla" watching them through a window of an abandoned house on Farmingdale Road in Blooming Grove. (wpdh.com))
21.03.2024 7:36:04 gen. poke out of высунуться из (Over the years there have been multiple sightings of "Kipsy", a monster that is believed to call the Hudson River home. In July, the creature was supposedly spotted near the Poughkeepsie Pirate Canoe Club. Photos taken of Kispy were enlarged to reveal what appeared to be a small piece of driftwood that gave the illusion of a head poking out of the water. (wpdh.com))
21.03.2024 7:02:30 gen. curled up свернувшийся в калачик (Bigfoot Cuddled Up in Valatie, 1978. This description of events is pretty detailed and very strange. Martha Hallenbeck saw a big black furry creature on her lawn curled up. Later large prints were seen in the snow. (wpdh.com) • Свернувшийся в калачик, Он просит горячий утюг. Погладьте его, иначе Как бросится наутёк! (stihi.ru))
21.03.2024 6:39:56 gen. of no danger не опасен (to sb. – для кого-л.: "If you're out boating somewhere like McGee Creek Reservoir you may notice these strange jelly-like balls hanging from submerged tree limbs," local wildlife officials wrote on Facebook. "These are Bryozoans, and they'll likely show up in large numbers this summer. Don't be alarmed, these microorganisms are native and are of no danger to you or wildlife." "In fact, they are an indicator of good environmental quality and clear water!" unexplained-mysteries.com)
21.03.2024 6:34:18 journ. more on that in a moment подробнее об этом чуть позже (часто употребляемая фраза в репортажах: This evening, we will have a change of the seasons: The occurrence of the vernal equinox, marking the official start of spring. In fact, it will be a rather auspicious occurrence. The earliest that the equinox has occurred nationwide in 128 years. More on that in a moment. (space.com))
21.03.2024 6:16:47 fig. become infused наполниться (with sth. – чем-л.: President of Genesis Apologetics, Dan Biddle, Ph.D., is the executive producer of a new film about Noah's Ark and the biblical flood. In the first half, he shared his view about what happened during this worldwide cataclysmic flood (...) and his biblical interpretation. The flood was God's plan to reset humanity, which had become infused with an evil nature, he explained. -- заново воссоздать человечество, которое наполнилось греховной природой (coasttocoastam.com))
21.03.2024 6:10:13 fig. infuse наполнить (to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality (Cambridge Dictionary) | fill; pervade (Oxford Dictionary): The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism. (Cambridge Dictionary) -- наполнил мир оптимизмом • Her work is infused with an anger born of pain and oppression. (Oxford Dictionary) -- Её работы наполнены ...)
21.03.2024 5:57:50 journ. hefty fine солидный штраф ("... The man, driving an Acura, found himself in the sights of Greenwood RCMP doing laser speed enforcement near the Ellis Avenue exit on the evening of March 9, where his vehicle was clocked doing 174 km/h in an 80 km/h zone. The driver was handed a hefty fine of $483 and had his car impounded for a week." "Hefty fine??? We are not selling Glad garbage bags here. The car should be forfeitured and either destroyed or auctioned. Until fines start at $1,000 and go upwards nothing will change. Driving at that speed is just as serious as firing a gun. You will kill someone eventually, even if it is yourself.")
21.03.2024 5:47:23 bible.term. Great Flood Великий потоп (также Всемирный потоп: The story of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood is one of the most famous from the Bible, and now an acclaimed underwater archaeologist thinks he has found proof that the biblical flood was actually based on real events. (abcnews.go.com) • Потоп же длился 40 дней и 40 ночей, его назвали Великим Потопом. (pravmir.ru) • Пото́п всеми́рный – потоп планетарного масштаба, произошедший по волеизъявлению Бога в качестве наказания людей за богоотступничество и крайнюю развращенность. (azbyka.ru))
20.03.2024 10:32:45 poetic inspiring вызывающий вдохновение (a rich and inspiring heritage)
20.03.2024 10:30:52 gen. make sick to one's stomach вызывать глубокое отвращение (Things that he did made me absolutely sick to my stomach.)
20.03.2024 10:24:40 gen. drive the need вызывать необходимость (Our city is growing and that drives the need for new services. How would you prioritize investments in new infrastructure and facilities? • Причины, вызывающие необходимость государственного регулирования (из рус. источников))
20.03.2024 10:11:24 formal disturbing вызывающий опасения (That is a very disturbing trend. -- Эта тенденция вызывает / должна вызывать серьёзные опасения.)
20.03.2024 10:07:04 gen. skew results исказить результаты (... other means designed to imitate a legitimate End User or otherwise skew results)
20.03.2024 10:05:23 law, court court challenge иск (We are launching this court challenge against a law that blatantly violates our right to freedom of expression.)
20.03.2024 10:04:33 idiom. luck of the Irish ирландское везение ("Eoin O'Faodhagain of Ireland made news last month when he was one of two people to report seeing Nessie over the span of just five days. (...) "To see Nessie once is unbelievable but twice in a month is fantastic," he marveled, "it's the luck of the Irish, I suppose." To that end, O'Faodhagain just might be the most prolific Nessie spotter in history." (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 10:01:57 idiom. and plain и просто (highlighting all that's new, informative and plain fascinating in and around the home)
20.03.2024 9:51:59 cliche. and then и притом (“If you come from Toronto, Vancouver or a larger urban area, you just turn the taps on and they work. You don’t really have to think very hard about where your water is coming from,” she said. Not so on the Gulf Islands. “I’m not always sure how much homework people do before they think about moving into a rural area – and then a rural area on an island,” Ms. Patrick said. (theglobeandmail.com))
20.03.2024 9:51:59 cliche. and then и кроме того (“If you come from Toronto, Vancouver or a larger urban area, you just turn the taps on and they work. You don’t really have to think very hard about where your water is coming from,” she said. Not so on the Gulf Islands. “I’m not always sure how much homework people do before they think about moving into a rural area – and then a rural area on an island,” Ms. Patrick said. (theglobeandmail.com))
20.03.2024 9:50:31 cliche. and ... at that и притом ("I could hardly believe that it was really morning. But it was, and a dashed good morning, at that." (P.G.Wodehouse))
20.03.2024 9:46:32 derog. cronies приятели (marked with *often derogatory* in the Oxford Dictionary)
20.03.2024 9:42:01 idiom. with that in mind при этом
20.03.2024 9:42:01 idiom. with this in mind при этом
20.03.2024 9:38:36 gen. flood with water затопить водой (Back in 1795, teenagers happened upon mysterious circular depressions on the small island off of Nova Scotia, leading to odd discoveries, rumors of pirate treasures and a curse. The "Money Pit" was excavated down to 90 feet, when they hit a section with stone that had carvings of letters and figures. When they pulled out the stone, Sullivan recounted, the pit flooded with water. -- яму затопило водой / яма наполнилась водой coasttocoastam.com)
20.03.2024 8:55:48 gen. drive oneself to financial ruin разориться (In the second half, Randall Sullivan, contributing editor to Rolling Stone for over twenty years, talked about the fascinating history of Oak Island and the intrepid treasure hunters who've driven themselves to financial ruin, psychotic breakdowns, and even death in pursuit of answers. (coasttocoastam.com))
20.03.2024 8:47:17 gen. conclusions of a report выводы, содержащиеся в отчёте (Recently, the Morning Herald published the conclusions of a report on the growth of drug trade in the downtown core.)
20.03.2024 8:43:26 idiom. get up to speed вывести на требуемый уровень (The new manager is trying to get the company up to speed.)
20.03.2024 8:31:45 gen. do not be alarmed не пугайтесь (The one stood by the craft and the other came within about five feet of Cox, saying ‘Do not be alarmed. We have spoken to earth people before. We come from what you folks call Mars.’ Cox said he thought it was a joke someone was pulling on him and tried to laugh it off, but the men appeared dead serious, and he didn’t know what to make of it. The men said they were interested in fertilizers and soils and asked why Cox was spreading manure. mysteriousuniverse.org)
20.03.2024 8:07:08 inf. easy choice выбранный без колебаний (an ~)
20.03.2024 8:06:28 cliche. get exhausted выбиться из сил (Anybody can get exhausted, anybody can get frustrated by hearing this kind of music all day long. Therefore I'm asking for two months of probation for my client.)
20.03.2024 8:05:29 gen. be savvy in one's choices выбирать с умом (Consumers are still planning to travel this summer but they are savvier in their choices and taking advantage of bargains more than ever before, according to a new poll.)
20.03.2024 8:02:02 commer. browse выбирать, просматривая по порядку (through a selection of products: browse through our collection)
20.03.2024 8:00:27 archit. driveway въездная дорожка (к дому, с улицы)
20.03.2024 7:59:21 gen. jokingly call в шутку называть (People jokingly call Vision Vancouver Division Vancouver for their divisive ideological policies. (из прессы))
20.03.2024 7:58:40 textile plaid в шотландскую клетку (a plaid dress • a plaid ascot)
20.03.2024 7:58:13 gen. sewn-in вшитый (sewn-in coloured ribbon – вшитая цветная ленточка)
20.03.2024 7:57:10 cliche. in foreign lands в чужих краях (The trouble these days, Spaxman said, is a lot of real-estate developers want their buildings, especially their high-rise condominium towers, to stand out mainly so they can better market them, particularly to wealthy people in foreign lands. (vancouversun.com))
20.03.2024 7:53:51 gen. in honour of the centennial of the founding в честь столетия основания (A 30-metre-high Kwakiutl totem-pole was raised in front of the new Maritime Museum in 1958 in honour of the centennial of the founding of the colony of British Columbia.)
20.03.2024 7:50:34 cliche. what is the point of a ...? в чём смысл ...? (What is the point of an election here in Canada if the losers can gang up and toss out the winner? I don't think this is what democracy is about.)
20.03.2024 7:38:56 gen. overcome an issue успешно справиться с задачей (Our company has overcome this issue by offering an optional side air discharge chute.)
20.03.2024 7:37:36 media. embrace the change успешно справляться (с трудностями в новых обстоятельствах: As a new dad, David has embraced the change so beautifully. I'm so proud of him.)
20.03.2024 7:07:43 notar. registration of title to real property регистрация права собственности на недвижимое имущество
20.03.2024 7:04:48 gen. happen routinely регулярно происходить (That happens routinely. – Это происходит регулярно.)
20.03.2024 7:04:04 ed. itinerant регулярно посещающий (itinerant teachers – преподаватели, работающие с детьми-инвалидами в разных школах)
20.03.2024 7:03:15 inf. toddler ребёнок (от года до трёх: A toddler is a child approximately 12 to 36 months old, though definitions vary. wikipedia.org)
20.03.2024 6:28:49 gov. record регистрационная запись (о факте рождения и пр.)
20.03.2024 6:27:46 gov. birth clerk регистратор рождений
20.03.2024 6:26:13 anat. border of the hand ребро ладони (Pull that border of the hand down, just like that. It's a very simple stroke.)
20.03.2024 6:22:05 cliche. on the grounds на том основании, что ("that" missing [informal]: The federal government has denied an Alberta drug trafficker's bid for transfer from a U.S. jail to a Canadian jail on the grounds he may one day commit another crime.)

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