
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

13.01.2018 5:22:57 fig. high-maintenance дорого обходится (о человеке)
13.01.2018 5:21:26 fig. high-maintenance требующий слишком больших сил и затрат (о человеке: "Look, Ted is a very high-maintenance guy," says a long-time girlfriend of Fonda's from Los Angeles. "He is known for loving-the-one-you're-with syndrome, and fooling around on his wives." (Vanity Fair))
12.01.2018 7:20:24 nonstand. use profanity разругать по-матерну (А.С.Пушкин "Жизнеописание Петра Великого")
12.01.2018 7:17:44 polit. run for office баллотироваться на должность (не только государственную, но и в выборные органы самоуправления)
10.01.2018 2:12:12 idiom. all over the map сплошь и рядом
8.01.2018 5:32:54 idiom. one's absolute best выглядеть на все сто (I want to look my absolute best!)
7.01.2018 6:24:37 parapsych. influence one's mind воздействовать на сознание (Dmitry grew weary of the cat after it began displaying paranormal behavior such as allegedly appearing behind locked doors and influencing his mind. The man felt compelled to go out and buy specific foods that the cat was craving at the moment, namely sausage and fish.)
7.01.2018 6:08:26 gen. part ways with расстаться с (As one might expect, this all began to take a toll on Eric's marriage and so he decided that it was time to part ways with the new boss.)
7.01.2018 5:31:35 comp., net. log in remotely осуществить дистанционный вход (в компьютер клиента: I can log into your computer remotely and try to solve these issues.)
29.05.2024 3:02:45 gen. supernatural abilities сверхъестественные способности (The woman arrived at his home (...) and ultimately decided that she simply had to have the cat and paid an astounding $83,000 for the creature. Intending to use the animal in her psychic practice, the "witch" expressed confidence to Dmitry that the cat would easily pay for itself via its supernatural abilities. (The Daily Mail))
7.01.2018 3:22:16 transp. major routes основные маршруты
6.01.2018 8:52:27 disappr. lazy freeloader тунеядец (The senator was critized for calling native Canadians "lazy freeloaders" but she simply expressed what millions of white Canadians think.)
6.01.2018 8:44:46 gen. at the meeting на встрече (She told me this at our first meeting. – на нашей первой встрече)
6.01.2018 8:37:48 gen. off the coast of у побережья (He owns an island off the coast of South Carolina.)
6.01.2018 8:34:52 gen. sprawling раздольный
6.01.2018 6:31:00 fig. exit gracefully красиво уйти (If you do decide to leave, exit gracefully. Make sure you don't burn your bridges. – уйдите красиво)
6.01.2018 6:05:18 humor. the stuff to give the troops именно то, что нужно
6.01.2018 5:22:21 prop.&figur. venture into отважиться зайти на (As a husband, he knew he was venturing into dangerous terrain.)
6.01.2018 5:20:54 prop.&figur. venture into осмелиться зайти на
5.01.2018 6:59:41 gen. as best as possible как можно лучше (Officials are asking residents to clear their snow as best as possible.)
4.01.2018 19:55:50 intell. dead drop дубок (см. тж. goo.gl/3zwx8T)
2.01.2018 21:05:39 idiom. be in cahoots with находиться в сговоре с ("находится в сговоре с властью")
31.12.2017 23:31:33 inet. be taken to a site перейти на сайт (Once you click this link you're taken to your site, so any errors would be on your end. – переходишь на свой сайт, и любые ошибки – это уже у тебя на сайте.)
31.12.2017 8:16:44 inf. so чтобы (1) To ensure a regular supply of cat grass, grow it in two containers at the same time. Start individual pots a couple of weeks apart so the cat always has a steady supply. – чтобы у кошки всегда был 2) Keep those headlights on so the oncoming traffic can see you. – чтобы вас было видно)
31.12.2017 7:19:13 inf. it was nice мне было приятно (He said, "I read everything you write. I'm really proud of you." Well, it was nice. It was really nice and I wanted to hug the old man.)
31.12.2017 7:14:42 idiom. be in the picture участвовать в делах (be in the picture означает *understand, be informed about or be involved in a particular situation or activity*, e.g.: Tanuzzi was always very careful not to get involved in legal cases in Chicago where he didn't have a licence to practice law. That's why Goldman was in the picture. He was the lawyer.)
31.12.2017 6:57:10 ed. attend law / medical school учиться на юридическом / медицинском факультете
31.12.2017 4:54:07 gen. have a perfect language безупречно выражаться (His language was perfect. You never heard any profanity out of him.)
30.12.2017 22:36:27 gen. slam one's fist ударить кулаком (When Puzzi heard that, he slammed his fist down on the table. – ударил кулаком по столу)
29.12.2017 8:05:41 gen. what are the odds of ...? какова вероятность ...? (What are the odds of that happening?)
29.12.2017 8:02:43 meteorol. pockets of heavy rain местами сильный дождь
29.12.2017 7:46:38 psychol. emotional upheaval смятение чувств
28.12.2017 8:29:12 inf. jump in on a conversation присоединиться к беседе
28.12.2017 8:25:03 idiom. get in on the conversation принять участие в разговоре
28.12.2017 8:25:02 idiom. get in on the conversation присоединиться к беседе
28.12.2017 8:23:42 idiom. top the list выйти на первое место (Texting and driving tops the list of the most common causes of traffic accidents.)
28.12.2017 8:17:24 fig.of.sp. not blessed with не повезло с (Those not blessed with big square footage can appreciate this smart urban design.)
28.12.2017 6:45:43 psychol. unconscious desire неосознанное желание
28.12.2017 6:39:48 gen. undertake взяться за (A new kitchen design or renovation is one of the most challenging tasks a homeowner can undertake. • Centuries-old Welsh folklore, tells of the Bwbach, an approximately three foot tall, hair-covered humanoid perceived by the folk of that era as a brownie or nymph. Supposedly, like so many of similar ilk, they would undertake chores and little jobs around the homes of humans, providing they were the recipients of two things: respect and nourishment, the latter usually in the form of oats, milk and cream. – готовы взяться за монотонную или небольшую работу по дому mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.12.2017 6:36:10 humor. toting с чем-либо в руках (The park is filled with students with lunchboxes and office workers toting lattes.)
10.06.2024 11:09:25 gen. is well worth сто́ит (This Greek tavern is well worth a visit. – стоит посетить)
28.12.2017 5:56:14 inf. foodie любитель вкусно поесть
28.12.2017 5:00:26 real.est. land title свидетельство о праве собственности на землю
28.12.2017 4:56:31 idiom. be imagining things чудиться (You're not imagining things. The empty lot on the southeast corner of Clark and East 2nd has been sold for $8.5 million. – Вам это не чудится.)
28.12.2017 4:26:59 media. settle out of court уладить миром (The suit was settled out of court.)
28.12.2017 4:26:40 media. settle out of court урегулировать без судебного разбирательства (The suit was settled out of court.)
28.12.2017 4:20:46 fig.of.sp. and what have you всё, что хотите (Moe Wasserman and his buddies had parties once a month, and they had all the girls there, and the booze and what have you, and their favourite judges, and the chief of police and lawyers and politicians, they would all be at these parties. In those days, everybody made money in Las Vegas and nobody went to jail.)
28.12.2017 4:05:53 gen. get involved with сойтись с (I think what he could not do was get involved again with someone like his ex-wife.)
27.12.2017 20:32:22 gen. lack of alternatives безальтернативность (cjonline.com)
27.12.2017 8:01:52 gen. Whackin' good! Обалденно! (т.е. очень вкусно)
27.12.2017 8:01:52 gen. Whackin' delicious! Обалденно!
27.12.2017 7:48:59 law regain title восстановить права (на владение активами/имуществом: The marriage of Borelli's widow was a scheme through which the true investors in Palmari Bank could regain title to their holdings without disclosure in public records.)
25.12.2017 9:17:19 formal achieve an objective достигнуть цели (The objective of the legislation has been achieved. – цель достигнута)
25.12.2017 9:13:57 prop.&figur. reach the goal достичь цели
25.12.2017 8:44:39 idiom. bring on board привлечь к участию (в деловом проекте)
25.12.2017 8:28:36 busin. disclose the terms разгласить условия (Representing the buyers, local developer Warren Kennington would not disclose the terms of the sale but confirmed the May 5, 2017 sale of the hotel to Cheng Bao Liu Investments LLC. The Washington Secretary of State does not list governing persons for the corporation.)
25.12.2017 8:23:15 busin. bring the total ... to получиться в итоге (All instances of the new figures have been updated as originally requested. The other fixes have also been made, bringing the total time to 5 hours. – в итоге получилось пять часов (времени, затраченного на работу))
22.12.2017 4:21:33 med. stiff в напряжённом состоянии (о части тела)
10.06.2024 1:39:36 cliche. good time удачное время ("Is now a good time for a massage?" Not if they are fussy or over-stimulated. • Is now a good time to invest?)
22.12.2017 1:02:53 inf. an hour or two часок-другой
21.12.2017 23:35:06 gen. as many times as you like сколько угодно раз (And you can repeat this as many times as you like.)
21.12.2017 22:06:38 gen. this way вот так (With the older baby, you might consider having them relax this way, on their tummy.)
21.12.2017 22:06:38 gen. this way таким образом (With the older baby, you might consider having them relax this way, on their tummy.)
21.12.2017 21:59:27 anat. upper legs бёдра
21.12.2017 8:50:30 gen. at a rhythmical pace ритмично (We're moving at a nice, slow, rhythmical pace. – Движемся плавно, не спеша, ритмично.)
21.12.2017 8:42:47 gen. wringing скручивание (приём массажа, также называется the wringing action)
21.12.2017 8:34:04 anat. pad surface of one's fingertips подушечки пальцев (with the pad surface of our fingertips – подушечками на кончиках пальцев)
21.12.2017 8:26:17 anat. palmar surface of one's fingers ладонная поверхность пальцев кисти (With the palmar surface of our fingers, ...)
21.12.2017 8:21:49 anat. top of the hand тыльная сторона руки (противоположная ладони)
21.12.2017 8:09:31 fig. gauge оценивать реакцию (на некое воздействие: Dosage should be adjusted on an individual basis. For some patients, this can be a very pleasurable feeling. Others may be a little bit overstimulated. You just have to gauge your patients, always looking to see how he or she is responding to this drug.)
21.12.2017 5:58:44 jarg. pippo пьяный (Here's a pretty good list. Use it wisely: besotted, blasted [slang], blind, blitzed [slang], blotto [slang], bombed, boozy, canned [slang], cockeyed, crocked, drunken, fried, gassed, hammered [slang], high, impaired, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, juiced [slang], lit, lit up, loaded [slang], looped, oiled [slang], pickled, pie-eyed, plastered, potted [slang], ripped [slang], sloshed [slang], smashed [slang], sottish, soused, sozzled, squiffed (or squiffy), stewed, stiff, stinking [slang], stoned, tanked [slang], tiddly [chiefly British], tight, tipsy, wasted [slang], wet, wiped out [slang] merriam-webster.com)
21.12.2017 5:53:28 jarg. hammered набуханный (обкуренный, уколотый и набуханный)
20.12.2017 8:56:59 anat. open hand разжатая ладонь (т.е. разжатые пальцы)
20.12.2017 8:36:11 gen. in the armpit под мышкой
20.12.2017 6:22:43 energ.ind. water wheel paddle лопасть водяного колеса
20.12.2017 4:10:13 gen. and now to finish off и в завершение (And now to finish off, what we'll do is add 1 1/2 oz of white rum and 1 oz of lime juice.)
20.12.2017 3:42:40 gen. scooping зачёрпывающий
20.12.2017 2:53:08 gen. roll раскатывать пальцами
20.12.2017 1:50:05 gen. conform to охватывать контур (при движении вдоль объекта)
6.06.2024 7:00:19 gen. premise идея, лежащая в основе (некоей практики: The premise of this East Indian massage technique is that we're releasing stored energy and tension. • What should really worry people is the premise that the government can put you in a position where they randomly force you to prove your innocence. All of this should be declared unconstitutional because it violates the fundamental rule of our legal system which is the burden of proof. If the government is going to accuse you of doing something wrong, they have the burden of proof to prove you did it, you don't have the burden of proof to prove you didn't. (vancouversun.com))
20.12.2017 1:03:57 gen. there are many health benefits полезен для здоровья во многих отношениях
19.12.2017 7:17:00 gen. be nice хорошо относиться (to – к кому-либо: He was always nice to me. – Он всегда ко мне хорошо относился.)
19.12.2017 7:14:09 gen. be well aware that хорошо известно, что (кому-либо: I want to make it clear that the president is well aware that there are certain groups within the government and the media determined to undermine his achievements.)
19.12.2017 7:06:22 idiom. fast woman женщина лёгкого поведения ("By '61 the Strip has grown into the dreamed-of mecca of wordly delights, fast money and fast women, so alluringly revealed to the masses the previous year in the classic Rat Pack movie 'Ocean's Eleven'." – Nick Tosches, Vanity Fair)
19.12.2017 2:19:07 org.crime. connection man связной (the Mob's connection man)
19.12.2017 2:17:19 ironic. fold лоно (It was Sam "Gold Tooth" Saltzman who brought young Moe Sussman into the fold of the Mob. – привёл в лоно)
19.12.2017 2:10:54 media. Mob figure гангстер (He was a very likable guy. He certainly did not seem like a Mob figure.)
19.12.2017 2:04:36 law in the matter of a stolen по делу об угоне (In the court reoprt, Siegel is listed as the defense counsel at the bench trial of a pair of young hoods charged in the matter of a stolen SUV.)
19.12.2017 1:27:39 busin. collect a fee отчислять себе гонорар (According to an F.B.I. source, Korshak arranged the hundreds of millions lent by the Teamster pension fund to Las Vegas casinos and other Mob enterprises and collected a generous fee for every deal made. – получал изрядные гонорары)
19.12.2017 1:27:39 busin. collect a fee получать гонорар
19.12.2017 1:17:15 gen. sell one's interests продать свою долю (в предприятии: Kerkorian sold his Vegas interests to the Hilton organizations, whose executive vice-president of the casino-hotel division had ties to Moe Dalitz of the Cleveland Syndicate and Meyer Lansky of the New York Mob.)
19.12.2017 1:10:37 media. criminal lord главарь преступной группировки (Moe Dalitz representing the Cleveland Syndicate met in Chicago with two of that town's criminal lords, Tony Accardo and Sam Giancana.)
19.12.2017 1:04:41 busin. bound by contract обязан по контракту ("Neither Francis Coppola, the film's director, nor its star, Marlon Brando, could envision the picture without Al Pacino as Michael Corleone. But Pacino was bound by contract to do another movie at MGM, whose top brass refused to release him." (Vanity Fair))
19.12.2017 0:46:44 cinema as Michael Corleone в роли Майкла Корлеоне ("Neither Francis Coppola, the film's director, nor its star, Marlon Brando, could envision the picture without Al Pacino as Michael Corleone." (Vanity Fair) – не могли представить себе картину без Ала Пачино в роли Майкла Корлеоне)
19.12.2017 0:39:36 gen. leave out of не впутывать (You leave my wife out of this! – Не впутывай в эти дела мою жену!)
18.12.2017 6:38:53 inf. get one's hair done сделать себе причёску (Oh, you've got your hair done! Nice!)
18.12.2017 6:36:36 hist. man of the cloth духовная особа (Since the late 17th century, the meaning had been restricted to the clerical profession, a minister or clergyman who wore professional garb.)
18.12.2017 6:34:03 hist. capture взятие в полон (напр., вражеских военачальников (А.С. Пушкин))
18.12.2017 6:31:42 gen. become better acquainted лучше познакомиться (with – c)
18.12.2017 6:24:39 gen. it's started to rain Пошёл дождь (It's gloomy and grey and it's started to rain.)

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