
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

23.02.2018 4:06:26 agric. hulled sunflower seeds лущёные семена подсолнечника
19.02.2018 6:51:00 gen. best known for получивший известность в первую очередь благодаря (Takashi Murakami, the "Warhol of Japan", is best known for his pop-art explosions of fantastic shapes and bright colours.)
19.02.2018 6:36:41 fin. pay down one's debt выплатить долг (By turning your home into a rental property, you can generate regular rental income while continuing to pay down your debt and earn equity in your home.)
19.02.2018 6:35:28 fin. pay down the debt выплатить долг
19.02.2018 6:29:30 formal meet the obligations of выполнять обязательства по (Aside from having a good credit history, you must have enough non-rental income to meet the obligations of the mortgage.)
19.02.2018 6:23:08 formal there is/are ... to consider следует принять во внимание / в расчёт (Whether you intend to generate regular rental income or invest in a longer-term real estate opportunity, there are many things to consider when purchasing an investment property.)
19.02.2018 6:22:03 formal there is/are ... to consider следует учитывать (Whether you intend to generate regular rental income or invest in a longer-term real estate opportunity, there are many things to consider when purchasing an investment property.)
19.02.2018 6:14:41 gen. lack of supply нехватка (discussing the lack of supply of affordable housing in the region)
19.02.2018 6:09:55 formal engagement with вовлечённость в (the artist's concern and engagement with issues affecting today's society)
19.02.2018 6:09:55 formal engagement with сопричастность к (the author's engagement with issues affecting today's society)
18.02.2018 7:08:14 fig. there's an air of чувствуется атмосфера ("There's an air of quiet efficiency at Preston register office and a sense of understated caring." (The Guardian))
18.02.2018 6:31:29 hotels ring room service заказать в номер еду, напитки и пр (Please ring room service and order six vanilla ice creams and a chocolate cake.)
18.02.2018 6:23:45 idiom. my lips are sealed мои уста на замке
18.02.2018 6:23:45 idiom. my lips are sealed мой рот на замке
16.02.2018 9:55:23 idiom. get into the habit войти в привычку (у нас вошло в привычку ужинать вместе --- "It wasn't long before Jill, Charlie and I got into the habit of dining together every night at our hotel. (...) By then I knew that Charles [Bronson] was a man capable of taking violent dislike to people." – Michael Winner)
16.02.2018 9:40:30 gen. some months later спустя несколько месяцев ("Some months later, I was filling up my car with petrol in West London when a man got out of the car behind me and came over." – Michael Winner)
16.02.2018 9:33:43 gen. one last time в последний раз ("Within weeks, she was bombarding me with phone calls, begging me to meet her. I agreed only once. We lay on Hampstead Heath together, and I fondled her bosoms one last time." – Michael Winner)
16.02.2018 9:33:43 book. fondle a woman's bosoms ласкать грудь ("Within weeks, she was bombarding me with phone calls, begging me to meet her. I agreed only once. We lay on Hampstead Heath together, and I fondled her bosoms one last time." – Michael Winner)
16.02.2018 9:28:46 gen. total failure круглый неудачник (His greatest success with women was when he was poncing round London as a total failure, when he had neither money nor prospects.)
16.02.2018 6:09:23 formal fulfil one's obligations исполнить свои обязательства
16.02.2018 6:09:23 formal fulfil one's obligations выполнить свои обязательства (The federal government must fulfil its skilled immigrant obligations. We desperately need people to come and live here who have skills of certain types. What we don't need is a lot of millionaires to move here to support local Ferrari and Maserati dealerships – which we now have.)
16.02.2018 2:51:18 gen. cramped living space теснота
16.02.2018 2:48:40 gen. bear a faint resemblance to слегка напоминать ("With a shock of grey hair and moustache, he bears a faint resemblance to Josef Stalin, the Soviet-era dictator." (FT))
16.02.2018 2:46:51 real.est. weed-infested заросший сорняками (The property was a weed-infested lot, not Botanical Gardens.)
14.02.2018 6:19:57 gen. make a very compelling argument привести очень убедительный аргумент
12.02.2018 4:55:38 jarg. it's not going to work не прокатит
11.02.2018 4:35:46 zool. punt ударить хвостом (о морском млекопитающем; In this incredible – and somewhat disturbing – video shot off Vancouver Island, transient orca "T69C" can be seen punting a harbour seal roughly 80 feet into the air. – ударом хвоста выбрасывает тюленя из воды на высоту 80 футов)
9.02.2018 23:35:44 gen. counter возразить (Given the area's recurring traffic jams, adding density to Applewood is akin to inviting guests to a house without chairs, according to Coun. Jim Manson. "Once we've started to address our transportation issues – at least have a plan – that's when we would turn our minds to bringing more people into the community in this location," he said. The best transportation plan is a good land use plan, countered Coun. Todd Shank, adding there is a strong indication a new express bus will be routed through Applewood.)
9.02.2018 9:03:42 sec.sys. plant a bug установить подслушивающее устройство (для прослушки: "Bill Roemer, assigned to organized-crime investigations in Chicago, planted the first bug in F.B.I. history – in Celano's Custom Tailors, at 620 Michigan Avenue, the downtown headquarters of the Chicago Mob." (Vanity Fair))
9.02.2018 8:55:21 idiom. at pains всеми силами стремиться (It's hard to live in a fishbowl, so they're now at pains to protect their privacy. – изо всех сил стремятся)
9.02.2018 7:52:57 prop.&figur. sneak up незаметно подкрадываться (к – on: Time always seems to sneak up on us, doesn't it?)
9.02.2018 7:47:18 inf. never mind! не обращай внимания
9.02.2018 7:34:35 relig. kneel опуститься на колени (Let us kneel before the Lord.)
8.02.2018 23:38:19 vet.med. dry kibble сухой корм (для кошек и собак)
11.06.2024 9:56:55 vet.med. dry kibble сушка (сухие корма для животных: Cats eating canned diets have fewer problems with FLUTD than those eating primarily dry commercial kibble diets.)
8.02.2018 22:20:06 bank. online banking transfer банковский электронный платёж
8.02.2018 22:17:22 bank. online banking transfer электронный платёж
8.02.2018 9:48:48 humor. badass безобразник (Love my cat, Boris! He is such a badass!)
8.02.2018 4:50:17 gen. heat food in the microwave разогревать еду в микроволновке (Heat canned or moistened dry food in the microwave to a warm temperature. This will increase the aroma of the food. • Is it good to heat food in microwave? – Food cooked in a microwave oven is as safe, and has the same nutrient value, as food cooked in a conventional oven.)
5.02.2018 23:47:01 ed. lack of self-discipline недисциплинированность (girightshotline.org)
5.02.2018 22:49:28 ed. Transcript of Consolidated Academic Record академическая справка
1.02.2018 6:20:17 gen. autobody repair shop автомастерская
31.01.2018 8:06:04 cook. easily spoiled items скоропортящиеся продукты (Buy your non-perishables ahead of time and the most easily spoiled items, like bread and fish, last.)
30.01.2018 8:53:15 gen. do the bulk of взять на себя основную долю (забот, работы)
30.01.2018 0:44:37 idiom. double as также выполнять роль (чего-либо)
30.01.2018 0:31:08 idiom. split hairs проявлять педантизм (Not to split hairs, this gift is from the Hassan family and is not a corporate gift from Hassan Construction. There's no connection between the donation and future development proposals in the district.)
29.01.2018 7:26:16 gen. bring one's hand up поднять руку (чью-либо: And you bring her hands up. And then, you come forward just a little bit, and back. Hey, baby! Good job! – поднимаем ручки)
29.01.2018 5:09:56 gen. get tight напрячься (Now, you're getting really tight – relax! Take a nice deep breath!)
29.01.2018 4:16:12 gen. eat too much переесть (If you've eaten too much, it might help if you're rubbing your tummy.)
29.01.2018 3:20:06 pediatr. muscular development развитие мышечной системы (у детей)
29.01.2018 3:19:32 pediatr. muscular development развитие мышц (у детей)
29.01.2018 3:19:18 pediatr. muscular development мышечное развитие
29.01.2018 1:38:01 media. happy hormones "гормоны счастья" (Each time you touch your baby, you're stimulating their neural development, you're increasing blood flow, your baby's releasing happy hormones.)
29.01.2018 1:33:22 neurosurg. neuromuscular development развитие нейромышечной системы
29.01.2018 1:23:51 pediatr. promote прививать любовь к (helps promote healthy lifestyle from a young age)
27.01.2018 0:15:26 pediatr. help to be more receptive to повысить восприимчивость к (Setting up a nice little rhythm of bath, massage and bed, especially in the evening, can really help the baby to be a little more receptive to the massage.)
27.01.2018 0:04:51 pediatr. bonding process процесс сближения (форм.) обычно между новорожденным ребёнком и матерью/отцом, между приёмными детьми и родителями, между родными братьями в детстве и т.п.)
26.01.2018 23:51:56 pediatr. make vocalizations издавать звуки (о грудном младенце)
26.01.2018 22:43:31 gen. in a seated position в сидячем положении
26.01.2018 22:16:04 anat. musculus erector spinae мышца, выпрямляющая позвоночник
26.01.2018 8:10:52 humor. little bottom попка (у ребёнка)
26.01.2018 8:09:14 humor. little bottom попочка (у ребёнка)
29.05.2024 2:59:32 gen. down from the top сверху вниз (о направлении движения, обработки поверхности и т.п.)
26.01.2018 6:26:48 humor. wiggle болтать (это выглядит так: напр., берут ребёнка за ручку и болтают / трясут слегка в воздухе)
26.01.2018 6:20:19 gen. give a little shake встряхнуть (And then the witch doctor just grasped her at the wrists, and he just gave a little shake. And she suddenly opened her mouth, and a huge black spider crawled out and fell to the ground.)
26.01.2018 5:51:49 gen. fairly similar нет особых отличий (между двумя предметами)
26.01.2018 5:05:10 gen. all of those things всё это (These strokes help move food through the digestive track, which reduces gas, diarrhea, constipation, all of those things.)
26.01.2018 5:00:25 gen. all of these things всё это (All of these things help to stimulate baby's digestion.)
26.01.2018 4:16:06 anat. vein valves клапаны вен
26.01.2018 3:14:06 milk. milk a cow подоить корову
26.01.2018 3:14:06 milk. milk a cow доить корову
26.01.2018 3:10:29 gen. cup обхватить ладонью (напр., при массаже ног)
26.01.2018 2:57:03 gen. L area межпальцевый промежуток (в массаже; между большим и указательным пальцами)
26.01.2018 1:56:41 biochem. absorb впитываться (I like rice bran oil because it absorbs well and it's very stable, so it doesn't go rancid. – хорошо впитывается)
25.01.2018 8:41:22 disappr. it is pretty rich for Чья бы корова мычала, а твоя бы молчала (Насмешливое выражение: "It is pretty rich for some councillors to say we need more affordable rental housing when they in fact voted against a proposed rental building just two blocks down the street.")
25.01.2018 8:10:40 proverb you can't put toothpaste back in the tube Слово-- не воробей, вылетит-- не поймаешь (не идеальный аналог, но отражает ту же мысль)
25.01.2018 7:54:47 fig. one is in the clear кому-либо ничего не грозит (If you're still receiving door-to-door delivery, you're in the clear. But if your address has been converted to a community mail box, you're not going to see your door-to-door delivery restored under the Trudeau Liberals. • “It would have been easier for them to get you in here,” I said. “Believe me, if they were looking to kill you, you’d be dead by now. You’re in the clear, Hubble.”)
25.01.2018 7:54:47 fig. one is in the clear кому-либо ничего не угрожает (If you're still receiving door-to-door delivery, you're in the clear. But if your address has been converted to a community mail box, you're not going to see your door-to-door delivery restored under the Trudeau Liberals. • “It would have been easier for them to get you in here,” I said. “Believe me, if they were looking to kill you, you’d be dead by now. You’re in the clear, Hubble.”)
25.01.2018 7:45:02 gen. eye-catching good looks привлекательная внешность
25.01.2018 7:29:19 idiom. take for a ride одурачить (It's one of those classic stories out of Italy: take the tourists for a ride when you see them. A restaurant in Venice charged four Japanese tourists $1300 for their order of pasta while their wives were charged $500 for their dish of pasta at another eatery.)
24.01.2018 5:18:32 formal granting удовлетворение просьбы (As such, allowing the existing vehicular access to the subject site from the street to remain would be consistent with the surrounding development pattern. In view of the above this Department does not object to the granting of this variance.)
23.01.2018 4:58:53 commer. releases наименования (продукции)
22.01.2018 5:06:47 gen. meet the deadline уложиться в отведённый срок
19.01.2018 22:14:58 media. diverse economy разнообразная экономика (Canada has a diverse economy. [NB sing.])
19.01.2018 8:42:25 gen. usable можно пользоваться (The switch still works and is usable. | Is the upstairs toilet usable?)
19.01.2018 8:08:14 empl. apply for a job opening подать заявление о приёме на работу (Dear Sir / Madam, I hope you don't mind me contacting you in the prospect of applying for a job opening, if there is one available.)
17.01.2018 6:45:15 idiom. stretch one's budget укрепить бюджет (Adding highly nutritious pumpkin seeds to your backyard buffet can be a great treat for birds like chickadees, jays and juncos and an economical way to stretch your fall bird feeding budget.)
16.01.2018 7:18:11 hairdr. get one's hair done сделать причёску (говорится от лица посетительницы ("сделать себе причёску"): What's a good place to get hair done?)
16.01.2018 7:12:01 hairdr. give someone a haircut постричь
16.01.2018 6:46:18 gen. how annoying! Эка досада! (Эка досада! Никак не найду его.)
14.01.2018 9:08:49 formal grant clemency помиловать (She was granted clemency by President Obama after serving six years. – помиловал)
14.01.2018 5:16:57 inf. boy toy шустрик
13.01.2018 7:58:28 trav. tastefully appointed room со вкусом обставленная комната ("Opening the doors of the Presidential Suite at the Waldorf Towers, Fonda immediately starts apologizing for the palatial accommodations. 'They were booked solid, so they put us here,' she says, adding with a vague gesture in the direction of several large rooms tastefully appointed with antiques (...)" (Vanity Fair))
13.01.2018 7:21:36 gen. palatial accommodations роскошные апартаменты (в гостинице)
13.01.2018 7:07:58 idiom. in-your-face вызывающий (о поведении; this behaviour is not necessarily aggressive: "used to describe something done in a forceful way that intends to shock people" (Cambridge English Dictionary, since 1982): Jane Fonda's actions were *not aggressive* but were intended to shock the public and attract its attention to various causes she championed: "I've been so in-your-face for so long (...) and I've been stumbling along trying to find myself." (Vanity Fair))
13.01.2018 7:07:38 idiom. in-your-face подчёркнуто вызывающий
13.01.2018 6:56:04 idiom. out of sync with the times не в ногу со временем ("After almost four decades spent riding the crest of the Zeitgeist, she seems curiously out of sync with the times." (Vanity Fair) – шагает не в ногу со временем)
13.01.2018 6:45:30 amer. you can say that again! это точно!
13.01.2018 6:39:41 idiom. learn from_one's_mistakes учиться на своих ошибках ("If you are willing to step up to what you are responsible for, and learn from your mistakes, you can change right up until the end," she [Fonda] says, dedicated as always to the idea of self-improvement." (Vanity Fair))
13.01.2018 6:32:26 meteorol. sleety showers мокрый снег с дождём

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