
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

12.04.2018 22:03:12 gen. on-going issues текущие дела (If you are trying to keep track of on-going issues that have not been resolved, attach a sticky note to the paperwork to remind you of the current status.)
12.04.2018 22:00:28 gen. keep track of it all уследить за всем
12.04.2018 21:33:43 subl. is destined to be суждено стать (Upon completion at the end of 2019, this highrise is destined to be a striking example of modernism reborn.)
12.04.2018 0:39:23 inf. you got that right! это точно!
12.04.2018 0:02:24 media. intriguing захватывающий (Listen to this intriguing show, in which investigator David Paulides discussed disturbing cases and the unusual patterns surrounding disappearances of hundreds of hikers in American and Canadian national parks. – захватывающая передача)
11.04.2018 23:29:32 law child molestation совершение развратных действий (по отношению к несовершенолетнему лицу)
10.04.2018 0:46:14 gen. uncover proof of найти доказательства (I've been searching for proof that Kate Middleton is Jewish as my maiden name is Goldsmith and my grandmother's family was English, but Jewish genealogists in the UK as well as the biographers that I have read, have not uncovered any proof of Kate's Jewish heritage.)
10.04.2018 0:43:31 real.est. higher in cost выше по цене (The new market rental units are notably higher in cost and would likely not be affordable to seniors on GIS, people on long term disability, single parents, or those in minimum wage jobs.)
9.04.2018 22:51:18 gen. small amount of money небольшая сумма ("If you can paint well yourself, rather than paying a professional, then go for it. Painting's a good way to bring impact on a small amount of money." (Jamie Banfield) – за небольшую сумму)
9.04.2018 22:43:44 gen. look closer присмотреться повнимательнее (At first glance all you see is monotonous lunar surface, but look closer at the massive rock on the right-hand side of the image – it appears to have a black square door in it.)
9.04.2018 22:05:44 gen. with little advance warning без времени на подготовку
9.04.2018 22:05:06 gen. at short notice без времени на подготовку
8.04.2018 0:14:00 idiom. buzzing with activity работа кипит (The warehouse is buzzing with activity, with hundreds of workers moving around.)
7.04.2018 3:04:14 poetic beacon of culture светоч культуры
6.04.2018 22:57:21 idiom. in matters great and small в большом и в малом
6.04.2018 3:07:36 fig. sunny жизнерадостный (Brown has illustrated over fifty children’s books, and his sunny art has been published in magazines and used for greeting cards all over the globe.)
6.04.2018 1:44:38 fig. instincts интуиция (His instincts for finding the right customers led him to create the largest auto parts business in North America.)
6.04.2018 0:20:44 gen. achieve one's goal достичь своей цели (Our new Luxury Midsize SUV will help you achieve your goals in style! – достичь своих целей)
6.04.2018 0:12:55 formal give an opportunity предоставить возможность (giving you a rare opportunity to visit the secluded islands)
6.04.2018 0:11:06 gen. give an opportunity предоставлять возможность (giving you a rare opportunity to visit the secluded islands)
5.04.2018 7:30:44 prop.&figur. debut выход в свет
5.04.2018 5:54:52 commer. launch выпускать новую продукцию
5.04.2018 5:54:27 commer. launch выпустить новую продукцию
5.04.2018 5:47:24 market. expanded selection расширенный ассортимент
5.04.2018 5:45:05 polygr. interior оформление страниц (напр., ежедневника – содержание (названия месяцев, дней недели, праздничных дат) и т.д.)
5.04.2018 5:33:14 commer. stationery set набор для письма (блокнот/писчая бумага, ручка/карандаш, пенал для ручки/карандаша)
5.04.2018 4:11:20 gen. pencil case пенал для карандашей
5.04.2018 3:23:11 media. innovate подойти по-новому к
5.04.2018 3:22:54 media. innovate разработать новый метод
5.04.2018 3:00:51 neol. bullet journal пунктовый ежедневник
5.04.2018 2:43:16 neol. Bullet Journalling system пунктовая система ведения ежедневника (Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journalling system – пунктовая система ведения ежедневника, изобретённая Райдером Кэрроллом)
4.04.2018 10:01:07 gen. be worth ... times as much окупиться в ... раз/раза (In 20 years, your investment will be worth four times as much. – окупится в четыре раза)
4.04.2018 9:40:59 jarg. cocky bugger нахал
3.04.2018 2:45:28 idiom. hem and haw жевать сопли
31.03.2018 3:23:17 idiom. come into the picture не обошлось без (Terrified residents of a quiet rural town in Oregon began to report hearing an unearthly loud shrieking noise piercing out from the surrounding countryside at night that no one could explain. The nerve-wracking sound was described variously as being a shrill squeal, a mechanical scream, metal scraping against metal, an off-kilter siren, or a banshee-like moan. Yes, of course, aliens come into the picture. Other wild theories included that the sound was made by UFOs or that it was the wailing of a ghost or some strange creature like a Sasquatch, or even the portentous trumpeting of angels from Heaven.)
31.03.2018 2:57:04 humor. fatty толстячок
31.03.2018 2:51:59 formal it would appear that Представляется вероятным, что (Although it's impossible to say what the large creature in the water may have been, based on the tourist's account, it would appear that it was a living creature and not a log as it looked around when a speedboat passed nearby.)
31.03.2018 2:22:14 tax. tax profits облагать доходы налогом на прибыль (To really make an impact, those who invest in housing just to flip it should have their profits taxed as business income.)
31.03.2018 2:01:52 gen. akin to схожий с (In the video, a dog lurking on a dimly lit road is being taken aback by something approaching it from off-screen. When the oddity comes into view, it appears to be a human-sized creature walking on all fours in a manner akin to a crab. coasttocoastam.com)
4.06.2024 11:04:44 gen. sits расположен (о здании, достопримечательности: In March 2018, while visiting Loch Ness, the famed home of the legendary cryptid, Dakota Frandsen, a tourist from Idaho, caught sight of a strange shape lurking in the waters near the iconic Urquhart Castle which sits on the shore of the loch.)
30.03.2018 6:26:58 fin. cashless funds transfer безналичный расчёт
30.03.2018 5:20:03 gen. just moments ago буквально только что (Guess what: Jerry was named the new vice-president just moment ago. So you were wrong.)
30.03.2018 5:20:03 gen. just moments ago только что (Guess what: Jerry was named the new vice-president just moment ago. So you were wrong.)
30.03.2018 5:17:03 gen. less costly дешевле (We are going to remodel and redecorate to avoid full-on renovations. It's less costly and more convenient. – дешевле и удобнее)
29.03.2018 9:09:55 tax. return декларация о доходах
29.03.2018 9:03:31 fig.of.sp. out of touch with оторвавшийся от (интересов, насущных потребностей и т.д.: Some of the MPs are completely out of touch with their constituents. – совершенно оторовались от избирателей / никакого понятия не имеют о потребностях избирателей)
29.03.2018 8:44:38 disappr. take no notice of невзирая на (Now you have bike riders in Spider-Man suits who ride like mad men and take no notice of pedestrians, common rules of decency or traffic rules like stop signs. – невзирая на пешеходов, элементарные нормы поведения или правила дорожного движения)
29.03.2018 6:58:18 gen. draw people привлекать людей (a caring, fun-filled space that draws ordinary people)
29.03.2018 6:16:57 idiom. out of touch with не в курсе (The comment that Toronto has lost its soul from a non-resident troubles me. It appears Romalis is out of touch with the community I live in. – не в курсе того, что происходит)
28.03.2018 5:54:47 derog. Big deal! Эка важность! (А.Н. Островский)
25.03.2018 3:59:29 gen. cross out the word зачеркнуть слово ("She put up a poster in her classroom, stating, "This is a homophobia free zone." Within a day, someone had crossed out the word "phobia" with a black marker. It happened again on a second day, and a third. That's when she stood up and asked the students to join her in creating Seycove's first gay-straight alliance. Five students volunteered. From there the group has grown." North Shore News)
24.03.2018 7:58:01 gen. the same as всё равно, что (People don't realize that the interest paid monthly to the bank on a $400,000 condo is the same as a month's rent on that same condo.)
24.03.2018 3:40:56 scottish burn речка
23.03.2018 2:46:32 gen. pay off in a big way окупиться сторицей (It's a relatively small risk that can pay off in a big way.)
23.03.2018 2:44:40 real.est. outdoor space придомовая территория
23.03.2018 2:23:33 sarcast. let them на здоровье (If they want to build houses that take up the whole lot, let them.)
23.03.2018 1:30:08 gen. affordably по средствам (As a young couple, we saw it as a really viable option to live affordably. – жить по средствам)
23.03.2018 1:27:31 gen. affordably по доступной цене
23.03.2018 1:27:31 gen. affordably по сходной цене
23.03.2018 1:27:31 gen. affordably недорого
23.03.2018 0:54:21 inf. draw привлекательная возможность ("As base prices begin at $40,500 for a standard 20-foot home, they are a big draw for those looking for a smaller financial burden." (WestCoast Homes & Design) – предоставляют собой весьма привлекательную возможность)
22.03.2018 23:28:24 inf. people in the military военнослужащие ("Most people who own tiny homes live in them full-time, though some use them to travel. One popular market is people in the military who don't want to live on the base." (WestCoast Homes & Design))
15.03.2018 23:44:31 gen. take part in ... for the first time впервые принимать участие (Several of the speakers are taking part in the conference for the first time.)
15.03.2018 20:50:52 fig. dimwit дубовая башка (А.Н. Островский)
15.03.2018 20:46:29 fig. solid bond прочные связи (между государствами, компаниями и т.п.)
15.03.2018 7:19:03 formal conducting a business осуществление предпринимательской деятельности (He will get fined for having no business license, for tax evasion, for conducting a business in a residential-only neighbourhood, and for not paying taxes on a vacant property.)
15.03.2018 7:18:20 formal conducting a business осуществление коммерческой деятельности (He will get fined for having no business license, for tax evasion, for conducting a business in a residential-only neighbourhood, and for not paying taxes on a vacant property.)
15.03.2018 7:15:41 formal conduct a business осуществлять коммерческую деятельность (He will get fined for having no business license, for tax evasion, for conducting a business in a residential-only neighbourhood, and for not paying taxes on a vacant property.)
15.03.2018 7:15:32 formal conduct a business осуществлять предпринимательскую деятельность (He will get fined for having no business license, for tax evasion, for conducting a business in a residential-only neighbourhood, and for not paying taxes on a vacant property.)
15.03.2018 7:01:37 idiom. bail out of trouble выручать из беды (I would hope that they are not just bailing this kid out of trouble and she carries on. She needs to be held accountable. She should be looking for a job and each $ she is paid goes directly back to her parents until the $20,0000 is paid off.)
12.03.2018 7:55:50 gen. pick up off the floor пособирать с пола (вещи, игрушки: If you want your room cleaned, then you need to have everything picked up off the floor.)
10.03.2018 5:50:10 gen. on one's own behalf от своего собственного имени
10.03.2018 4:05:30 fig. trigger послужить толчком (What triggered this decision?)
10.03.2018 3:18:38 gen. reduce the risk снизить риск (Owning a cat could reduce your risk of a heart attack by almost 30%. Cats are literally good for your heart!)
10.03.2018 3:01:12 gen. pass through проезжать (через местность, город и т.п.: In 1910, Dr. J. E. Kelly, a good friend of Dr. Bates from his New York days, happened to be passing through Grand Forks, then a town of 12,000 people. mentalfloss.com)
8.03.2018 10:20:18 inf. make feel good порадовать (Their kids work really hard at making their parents feel good. – порадовать родителей)
8.03.2018 9:06:45 law launch a criminal charge against возбудить уголовное дело в отношении (Baltimore's top prosecutor has launched criminal charges against the six police officers involved in the death of a black man.)
5.03.2018 16:29:30 gen. bring someone closer together сблизить (кого-либо)
5.03.2018 6:32:23 adv. on the go постоянно находящийся в движении
3.03.2018 21:25:07 med. get a blood sample взять кровь на анализ
3.03.2018 21:18:20 med. administer the shot сделать укол (напр., инсулина)
2.03.2018 9:24:46 inf. be around заехать (к кому-либо в гости: Alright, I'll be around when I get a chance. • My dad will be around on Saturday to pick up the rent.)
2.03.2018 3:43:14 inf. off work не работаю/-ешь/-ет
2.03.2018 3:42:21 inf. off work не работает (I just wanted to let you know that Derek is off work tomorrow, so tell your parents that he could drive them to the airport.)
2.03.2018 3:21:57 gen. move in with переехать жить к (кому-либо: I moved in with my boyfriend after dating for four whole years. • One of my nephews has moved in with us.)
1.03.2018 4:05:04 formal less often the case всё реже ("Public engagement was once a civil process that allowed diverse stakeholders to meet and work rationally through common concerns to craft shared solutions. Today, this is less often the case." Anne McMullin – это происходит всё реже)
1.03.2018 4:01:54 formal as ... grow / continue to grow по мере роста (As our cities and communities continue to grow in both size and complexity, how can various levels of government engage local residents in planning future neighbourhoods?)
1.03.2018 3:35:19 inf. *to get things started для разгона
1.03.2018 3:14:24 gen. there is a solution выход есть (Noisy, obnoxious neighbours with a barking dog can be a problem. But there is a solution. – Но есть выход.)
1.03.2018 1:00:25 gen. get checked out пройти медосмотр (by a team of doctors)
28.02.2018 10:14:29 lit. timeless elegance изящество, неподвластное времени
28.02.2018 10:06:53 gen. feel at a loss теряться (о человеке: Just don't interrupt him, that always makes him feel at a loss. – Он от этого всегда теряется.)
27.02.2018 6:06:27 adv. radio spot рекламное объявление для радио (разг.)
27.02.2018 5:37:04 gen. set up a meeting назначить встречу (с – with: "Harold then tries to get even with the IRA and sets up a meeting with the IRA's London leadership." – "The Long Good Friday", Wikipedia – назначает встречу с лондонскими руководителями ИРА)
27.02.2018 5:17:14 inf. euph. help oneself to прихватить (A man named Colin delivers money in a suitcase to an unknown destination in Belfast, helping himself to some of the cash in the process. Once the money is delivered, the recipients realize they've been ripped off but are suddenly attacked and killed.)
27.02.2018 5:14:01 media. confront требовать объяснений ("After some further detective work, Harold confronts Jeff who confesses he sent Harold's long term friend Colin on a job to Belfast to deliver money raised by Irish Navvies to the IRA." – "The Long Good Friday", Wikipedia)
26.02.2018 21:35:17 TV news anchor телеведущий
26.02.2018 21:34:52 TV news anchor телеведущая
25.02.2018 5:13:00 formal onsite caretaker управляющий домом ("This extremely well-run concrete building has an onsite caretaker and a healthy contingency fund.")
24.02.2018 22:40:38 formal allow for предусматривать возможность (предусмотрена возможность – allowing for | The houses in the plan range from approximately 3,000 to 3,500 square feet. Nine of the houses would also be built to allow for secondary suites in the basement. – чтобы предусмотреть возможность для размещения)

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