
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

18.05.2018 21:40:21 fig.of.sp. pay up оплатить счёт (They always pay cash and they never complain then it's time to pay up. – платить по счётам)
18.05.2018 21:35:23 idiom. without a care in the world беззаботно (There's no shorage of expensive restaurants, bars and cafes in these luxury neughbourhoods where these rich kids can spend their parents' money and live their lives without a care in the world. – жить без забот / беззаботно)
18.05.2018 21:29:47 modern fancy pads роскошное жильё (собират.)
18.05.2018 21:29:22 modern fancy digs роскошное жильё
18.05.2018 21:06:49 media. lead a low-key lifestyle жить скромно (Some families are really flashy and obnoxious about their wealth, they live in glitzy neighbourhoods, but there are even more of those who prefer a low-key lifestyle. – предпочитают не привлекать к себе внимания / предпочитают вести скромный образ жизни)
17.05.2018 1:17:50 gen. at the train station на вокзале (standing at the train station)
17.05.2018 1:14:25 saying. Curious Mrs Hoff had her nose ripped off Любопытной Варваре нос оторвали
16.05.2018 23:38:32 gen. pack собрать вещи в дорогу (The vehicle was packed full, with our suitcases in the back and our snowboards bagged and bungee-strapped to the roof. We were already packed and ready to go. When we returned from sightseeing at around 8:30 p.m., the car was gone. – мы уже собрали все вещи и приготовились уезжать)
14.05.2018 22:59:00 pharm. refill_one's_prescription получать лекарство по рецепту (дополнительно после первого раза – второй, третий и т.д. (согласно пометке лечащего врача): There are several ways to refill your prescription: In person. Go to the pharmacy where you originally filled your prescription and either wait for it or come back to pick it up at a later time.)
14.05.2018 7:14:12 electric. come back снова включиться (об освещении, электричестве: Just as I was reading the story of the Bloody Alley Vampire attack, all the power in the house went out. It came back on after a few minutes and I restarted my computer. I looked outside and wondered what had happened since the skies were clear. I went right back to the story and again, right in the middle of reading through a website about the vampires, the power in the house went off.)
13.05.2018 23:30:41 gen. in the Vietnam War во время вьетнамской войны ("While serving in the US Air Force, Art Bell indulged his childhood passion for radio by operating a pirate station that played anti-war music otherwise unavailable on official channels broadcast to American servicemen." C2C AM)
13.05.2018 23:11:05 formal not aware неизвестно (We are not aware of these facts. – Нам неизвестно о таких фактах.)
13.05.2018 1:20:20 gen. case on record документально подтверждённый случай (There are more than a few cases on record where people have delved deep into a book on the domain of the occult and supernatural, only to open a door to, well, something. – Имеется немало документально подтверждённых случаев, когда ...)
13.05.2018 1:19:25 gen. fact on record документально подтверждённый факт
13.05.2018 0:53:42 food.ind. render down lard вытапливать жир ("My wife and I render down our own lard and from what I have read that lard that is rendered down at home and then frozen is very healthy and good for you. Much better than oils or even butter." – Daily Mail)
13.05.2018 0:53:42 food.ind. render down lard приготовить смалец
12.05.2018 7:48:21 house. set the timer поставить таймер
12.05.2018 2:40:48 gen. make one's way up the stairs подниматься по лестнице (As I make my way up the stairs that to the attic, I realize Josh wasn't exaggerating. First I feel a cold spot, then someone invisible tries to push me down the stairs. Luckily, I kept a tight grip on the railing.)
12.05.2018 2:10:34 cliche. express_one's_satisfaction выразить удовлетворение (with – чем-либо: The coach expressed his satisfaction with the team's second consecutive win.)
12.05.2018 1:48:57 gen. learn from one's mistakes учиться на ошибках
12.05.2018 1:48:26 idiom. learn from_one's_mistakes учиться на ошибках (There's no way our team would win six years in a row if we weren't reviewing and learning from our mistakes.)
12.05.2018 1:06:22 gen. bookend замыкать с обоих концов
12.05.2018 1:06:22 gen. bookend замыкать с обеих сторон (Leaded glass doors bookend the upper cabinetry with its open shelving and plate racks.)
12.05.2018 1:03:26 gen. take a swim at the beach купаться на пляже (Uncle Roger takes a daily swim at Sunset Beach. – каждый день ходит купаться на пляж)
12.05.2018 0:53:19 construct. barn door широкая дверь на роликах (устанавливается на входе в дом или между сообщающимися комнатами дома (напр., закрывает нестандартный дверной проём))
12.05.2018 0:47:54 busin. in the final phase of на заключительном этапе (The floors were replaced in the final phase of the renovation.)
11.05.2018 8:21:22 brit. stock up on provisions запастись провизией
11.05.2018 8:16:22 gen. gruelling journey изнурительное путешествие (To the convics who endured the gruelling 8-month journey from Britain, it was the bottom of the earth. – выдержали изнурительное путешествие)
11.05.2018 0:14:49 ed. School of Art художественное училище (Studying at the Surrey School of Art, Morris specialized in photography.)
10.05.2018 23:19:55 electric. sneak away without being noticed незаметно уйти (He was trying to sneak away without being noticed.)
10.05.2018 23:18:49 electric. strike the tree ударить в дерево (о молнии: "In 1924 Walter set off to fish along the shore of a local river. Little did he know, he was resting under the wrong tree at the wrong time. Without warning, a lightning bolt struck the tree Walter was under and surged through him, which resulted in the entire right side of his body being paralyzed." (The Vintage News))
10.05.2018 23:07:33 inf. big fellow здоровенный лось
9.05.2018 20:33:03 disappr. incompetent бездарный ("not possessing the necessary ability, skill, etc to do or carry out a task; incapable"; "not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully; lacking the skills or knowledge to do a job or perform an action correctly or to a satisfactory standard" – скорее применимо к управленцам, рядовым сотрудникам компании и т.п., но не в смысле таланта (музыкант и пр.))
6.05.2018 3:49:26 adv. transform into превратить в (Meet Eloise and Jacques Deray, a couple who took a dilapidated 1920s house and transformed it into a stylish and contemporary family home.)
7.06.2024 10:50:52 gen. winter doldrums зимняя хандра (It's a great way to help you shake off those winter doldrums.)
6.05.2018 1:01:30 gen. it's really none of your business это вас не касается
6.05.2018 1:01:30 gen. it's really none of your business это не ваше дело
5.05.2018 4:15:45 idiom. get it over with, once and for all покончить с *чем-либо* раз и навсегда (Let’s get it over with, once and for all. – Давайте покончим с этим раз и навсегда.)
4.05.2018 6:06:24 gen. out-of-hand неуправляемый (What's frightening is that population growth is completely out of hand in the region. – рост (прирост) численности населения в регионе совершенно не поддаётся контролю / управлению | налицо совершенно не управляемый рост (приток) численности народонаселения)
3.05.2018 3:50:44 gen. ask for a ride попросить подкинуть (на машине)
3.05.2018 3:50:34 gen. ask for a ride попросить подвезти
2.05.2018 6:46:35 formal manyfold многократно (The state's highway expenses have increased manyfold in the past decade. – мнократно возросли dictionary.com)
1.05.2018 23:16:35 formal find guilty of an administrative offence признать виновным в административном правонарушении (Being found guilty of an administrative offence will not result in a criminal record, however a finding of guilty can still have a substantial impact on your life.)
1.05.2018 0:22:29 formal recognized worldwide as признанный во всём мире в качестве (As a homegrown Calgarian and a software engineer, I am so proud of living and working in a city that is recognized worldwide as a first-rate global tech hub.)
1.05.2018 0:10:54 formal coarse language нецензурная лексика (Warning: The following video contains coarse language.)
26.04.2018 23:52:32 gen. with no exceptions без исключений (What a great cooking show. I watch it every day with no exceptions.)
26.04.2018 23:28:44 formal not by choice but necessity вынужденно (I’m an British expatriate living in Magadan, not by choice but necessity. – не по доброй воле, но вынужденно)
26.04.2018 23:20:34 formal cases before the courts нерешённые судебные дела (Commenting is allowed on the majority of content on our site, including news and opinion, with the exception of reports on cases before the courts.)
26.04.2018 8:43:22 formal facts stated in факты, изложенные в (I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.)
26.04.2018 8:27:12 inf. shove оттолкнуть ("(...) that was when the boy, quick as a whip, snagged my jacket with his hand, and at the same time smiled. I tell you, I will never forget that smile. His teeth, they were like they were made out of metal, gleaming, and that was what I think snapped me out of it, those teeth. The weight that had been holding me down was lifted and I shoved that sucker as hard as I could." mysteriousuniverse.org)
26.04.2018 4:23:26 gen. every weekday morning каждое утро по будним дням (every weekday morning at 5.42 a.m.)
26.04.2018 3:00:56 tech. not properly secured не закреплённый (The claimant stepped onto a board linking two docks at the Hawk Harbour Yacht Club. The board, which was not properly secured, collapsed and the claimant fell into the water, injuring her back)
26.04.2018 1:18:58 formal healthcare providers медработники
25.04.2018 5:35:08 disappr. self-entitled эгоистичный (You would fit perfectly among the self-entitled, snotty, hedonistic plebes that make up this town's population.)
25.04.2018 4:55:23 inet. what People Say About Us Отзывы клиентов (заголовок раздела на сайте)
24.04.2018 8:31:20 media. keep pace with the demands of business не отставать от потребностей бизнеса (Companies are changing their employment practices to keep pace with the demands of the 21st-century business.)
24.04.2018 7:15:57 formal Certificate of Appreciation почётная грамота (... For that, I was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts – меня наградили почётной грамотой)
24.04.2018 7:06:06 formal fund the construction of финансировать строительство (Through municipal fees and contributions, the industry funds the construction of social housing, schools, daycare centres, public art, museums and community centres.)
22.04.2018 2:59:22 inf. snotty высокомерный и грубый (Similar to the word snobby meaning conceited. However someone who is snotty is also very crude and rude. urbandictionary.com)
22.04.2018 2:59:13 inf. snotty с гонором
21.04.2018 7:47:22 cook. slathered in sour cream в сметане (a plate full of tender Ukrainian perogies, best enjoyed slathered in sour cream, with mushroom sauce on the side)
21.04.2018 7:28:52 gen. haul off насильно тащить
21.04.2018 7:15:30 gen. temporarily на какое-то время (The rail strike has been temporarily averted. – ... удалось на какое-то время избежать)
20.04.2018 3:36:05 busin. make connections налаживать связи (You should use these skills to make connections, meet new people and build your personal network.)
20.04.2018 2:14:07 inf. a couple of years года два
20.04.2018 1:13:04 a stone's throw from a stone's throw away from
20.04.2018 1:13:04 a stone's throw away from a stone's throw from
20.04.2018 1:13:04 a stone's throw away from a stone's throw away
20.04.2018 1:11:02 idiom. a stone's throw from рукой подать (located a stone's throw from Mulberry School)
20.04.2018 1:11:02 idiom. a stone's throw from в двух шагах от (located a stone's throw from Cypress Drive)
18.04.2018 3:33:10 inf. blow an opportunity упустить возможность (It's not every day you get an offer like that. Don't blow this opportunity!)
18.04.2018 3:31:49 inf. blown opportunity упущенная возможность (I’m disgusted and angered at the council for this blown opportunity.)
18.04.2018 3:17:44 ed. in session на занятиях (Not all Greenville high school students will be out of class on April 20. Cardinal, Graham, and Mountainside secondaries will still be in session that day.)
17.04.2018 23:13:55 disappr. have to do with касаться (What does it have to do with ...? – Как это касается ...?)
17.04.2018 23:12:08 disappr. occur прийти в голову (Вам не приходило/пришло в голову, что ...? – Did it occur to you that ...?)
17.04.2018 5:47:36 inf. dupe провести (We've been duped again by our beloved city councillors who voted themselves a 25 per cent pay increase. They even added a nice gift for leaving office equal to a pension allowance. All this just before an election where most of these politicians will seek re-election. – Нас снова провели ...)
17.04.2018 0:36:45 gen. worse off в худшем положении ("We could find ourselves facing a whole new generation of poor pensioners who, on average, are even worse off than the average poor pensioner today. Because far more of them were unable to get on the housing ladder, they will be paying rent long past the point when their parents had paid off their mortgages." David Willetts, author of "The Pinch: How the Baby Boomers Took Their Children's Future – and Why They Should Give it Back")
16.04.2018 21:23:43 nautic. rocky outcrop скалистый мыс (небольшой, прикрывающий бухту или пляж)
16.04.2018 8:12:24 real.est. redesign заново оформить (When we were asked to redesign the interior of the historic Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, we faced a number of challenges. – заново оформить интерьеры)
15.04.2018 7:14:13 traf. rollover accident ДТП с "перевёртышем"
15.04.2018 6:08:43 gen. comprise состоять из (The Riverwalk development comprises 245 one-, two- and three-bedroom homes randing from 620 to 1,850 sq.ft in two concrete mid-rise buildings.)
15.04.2018 6:04:38 build.mat. light-coloured brick светлый кирпич (в качестве фасадной облицовки)
15.04.2018 5:59:42 econ. artisanal enterprise кустарное предприятие (Many of these artisanal enterprises, like cobbler Adam Flynn's handmade Adam's Shoes, are housed in historic old buildings.)
15.04.2018 5:20:13 real.est. vibrant neighbourhood оживлённый городской район (The once-downtrodden Riverdale is now a vibrant neighbourhood of boutiques, art galleries and restaurants.)
14.04.2018 7:28:24 gen. renovate сделать ремонт (в доме: I sold the house in 2012 when I had planned to make a move to Manitoba. Before the sale, the new owners sent me a letter saying they intended to renovate and raise their two young daughters there.)
14.04.2018 7:24:10 gen. make a move переехать (to – в: I sold the house in 2012 when I had planned to make a move to Manitoba.)
14.04.2018 7:19:51 pomp. much-loved любимый (remnants of the much-loved family home in which I lived for 25 years and raised two children)
13.04.2018 23:38:14 inf. be around просуществовать (If your house has stood for nearly 90 years and lived through five earthquakes, it's likely to be around a few years more. – он просуществует ещё несколько лет)
13.04.2018 23:30:59 real.est. cheap, no-frills housing дешёвое, без излишеств жильё (The house was cheap, no-frills housing for the working class.)
13.04.2018 23:16:48 real.est. inferior wood древесина низкого качества (These old-timers are being replaced by homes built with inferior wood that will likely last only 20 to 30 years.)
13.04.2018 23:11:40 real.est. falling-down shack старая халупа
13.04.2018 22:53:37 psychol. feeling gutted опустошённый ("Like many others who love character homes, I have a sentimental attachment to these often quirky but beautiful abodes. New houses can't replicate the soul of these homes. Seeing it gone forever just left me feeling gutted." (Kim Pemberton, The Vancouver Sun))
13.04.2018 22:26:24 inf. cinch the deal сыграть определяющую роль при заключении сделки (The house had a lovely view and a large fenced backyard, but the cast-iron tub was what cinched the deal for me.)
13.04.2018 22:21:27 inf. cinch one's decision сыграть определяющую роль (при принятии решения: His advice cinched our decision to sell the condo.)
13.04.2018 22:20:58 inf. cinch one's decision определить решение (His advice cinched our decision to sell the condo.)
13.04.2018 22:14:57 formal issue a demolition permit выдать разрешение на снос дома (Last year, the city issued 984 demolition permits for single-family homes.)
13.04.2018 9:35:55 inf. whatever the case как бы там ни было (как вводная фраза)
13.04.2018 0:52:54 idiom. throw a roadblock противодействовать
12.04.2018 22:20:13 gen. gain world-wide renown получить всемирное признание (This 20-year-old man is gaining world-wide renown as a gifted psychic and an unconventional healer.)
12.04.2018 22:17:06 real.est. post a notice вывесить объявление (A recently posted notice read as follows: "Would the person or thing who is removing the toilet paper from the common area washrooms without deposit please cease immediately and return the toilet paper, preferably unused.")

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