
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

27.03.2024 4:21:19 cliche. for a reason не зря (I mean, it is called the Last Frontier for a reason. • Get yourself an umbrella and a rain coat... the city is called Raincouver for a reason.)
27.03.2024 4:20:32 cliche. for a reason неспроста (He called you for a reason, no doubt about it. -- Он тебе позвонил неспроста, это несомненно.)
27.03.2024 4:16:35 cliche. for a reason не случайно (We're over the Alex Fraser Bridge and we're here for a reason -- we have a crash at the south end. (CityNews 1130) -- Мы здесь не случайно)
27.03.2024 2:25:33 gen. update the list обновить список (МЧС обновило список опознанных жертв теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле», в нем указаны 95 фамилий погибших. (из рус. источников))
27.03.2024 0:13:18 med. acclimatize to one's new surroundings акклиматизироваться к новым условиям (об организме: While the research is interesting, it doesn't suggest that persons with a very high blood pressure pack up and move in order to improve their health. Any short-term benefit will likely be lost once your body acclimatizes to your new surroundings. (verywellhealth.com))
26.03.2024 10:00:32 cliche. I don't mind if I do не откажусь (реакция на приглашение выпить, закурить, присоединиться к трапезе, попробовать что-либо заманчивое)
26.03.2024 9:59:40 fig.of.sp. synonymous неотделимый (with sth. – от чего-л.: Art Deco is synonymous with elegance and glamour of the 1930s steamship lines. – неотделим от)
26.03.2024 9:52:26 contempt. pathetic little non-entity жалкое ничтожество (He is a pathetic little non-entity.)
26.03.2024 9:46:16 law, contr. be in addition to and not in lieu of дополнять, а не замещать (These terms are in addition to and not in lieu of any other agreements between you and ZYX. – Настоящие условия дополняют, а не замещают ...)
26.03.2024 9:41:36 idiom. put things into layman's terms доступно объяснить (Dr. Smyth is very easy to talk to and has no problem putting things into layman's terms.)
26.03.2024 9:41:03 gen. a place that one can afford доступное по цене жильё (Karl Eaton has been working since he was 16 years old. Today he has a full-time job with Telus, making approximately $74,900 a year, but the 55-year-old single father says his take-home pay isn't enough to afford a two-bedroom apartment in Vancouver for himself and his son. "I'm gonna be homeless in probably 30 days if I don't find a place that I can afford — reasonably afford — without it taking my whole salary," he told The Early Edition host Gloria Macarenko. (cbc.ca))
26.03.2024 9:23:09 gen. in layman's terms доступно (OK, let me explain this in layman's terms.)
26.03.2024 9:22:33 gen. be a complement дополнять (*interior design*: I thought the navy blue would be a nice complement to all the greys and blues, and a nice deep colour for this room, kind of casual and elegant. – удачно дополнять)
26.03.2024 9:21:44 gen. designated person должностное лицо
26.03.2024 9:18:40 gen. work-related должностной
26.03.2024 9:07:37 gen. ponder long and hard долго и напряжённо размышлять (on sth. – o чём-л.: I pondered long and hard on this one and couldn't come to any decision.)
26.03.2024 8:37:00 econ. severely damage причинить серьёзный вред (He also cited how there has been a major exodus out of places like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco, and this, he contends, will severely damage the economy as we are "destroying the wealth-generating mechanisms" that these large cities provide. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.03.2024 8:36:13 gen. leave sb. slightly wounded причинить небольшие травмы (The scuffle left both men slightly wounded.)
26.03.2024 8:28:36 cliche. the best one I've ever seen лучше ... я не видел (That was the best one I've ever seen.)
26.03.2024 8:06:29 arts. brocaded paper золототиснёная бумага (produced using gold leaf blocking)
26.03.2024 8:03:11 journ. highlight a problem привлечь особое внимание к проблеме
26.03.2024 8:01:30 crim.law. convict of a criminal offence привлечь к уголовной ответственности
26.03.2024 7:59:53 gen. get sb. involved привлечь к участию (в какой-л. деятельности – in sth.: "I think the key to getting youth involved in church is to have a good youth pastor.")
26.03.2024 7:49:11 busin. bring in привлечь к участию (в деловом проекте: Matthews said he has been looking for ways to bring in those with not only resources but a vision to develop his properties, primarily the hotel and the marina, into "the finest waterfront property on the East Coast for travelling and living.")
26.03.2024 6:47:14 fig.of.sp. extra special необыкновенный (I was photographing my son and daughter, while waiting for a table at Kobe Steak House in Brandon, Florida, and some sort of energy near his head was captured by my iPhone. I had taken six other similar shots of him and his sister, and none of them showed anything like this. Both children are very smart for their ages, and could this be proof that there is something extra special about him? This is the first time anything like this has been captured in a photograph of the kids. – доказательство, что в нём есть что-то необыкновенное coasttocoastam.com)
26.03.2024 6:03:51 relig. descend over сойти на (о духе: He claimed that a Delaware chief had Washington in his musket sites when Washington was an officer in the British Colonial Militia during the French and Indian War, but didn’t pull the trigger because he saw a “great spirit” descend over the future president. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.03.2024 6:00:22 gen. fringe выходящий за установленные рамки (Mainstream journalists often won't cover anything outside "the Overton Window" – a term for anything considered too fringe for serious coverage. -- термин для тем, выходящих за установленные рамки (coasttocoastam.com))
26.03.2024 5:56:41 gen. coverage внимание (уделяемое теме прессой / СМИ: How sad that the death of a homeless person in a tent fire on Wednesday gets less coverage than an electrical fire at Costco on Thursday. -- Как печально, что СМИ уделяют больше внимания пожару в "Костко" в четверг вследствие замыкания электропроводки, чем смерти бездомного при пожаре палатки в среду. (richmond-news.com) • Mainstream journalists often won't cover anything outside "the Overton Window" – a term for anything considered too fringe for serious coverage. -- темы, выходящие за установленные рамки, чтобы уделять им серьёзное внимание (coasttocoastam.com))
26.03.2024 5:44:38 gen. materialize out of nowhere материализоваться из ниоткуда ("I am not suggesting that Bigfoot is a passenger, for example, in a spacecraft from another planet," he continued. "Because, as strange as it sounds... we're dealing with something that has a physical and a non-physical component to it. For lack of a better term right now, I'll call it interdimensional." This assertion is backed up by reports that include Bigfoot creatures simply appearing in a roadway. Not moving into the road, but literally materializing out of nowhere. (coasttocoastam.com) • Ещё секунду назад его здесь не было, и казалось, что он просто материализовался из ниоткуда. • Огромный кот материализовался из ниоткуда, появившись около дерева. (из рус. источников))
26.03.2024 5:37:12 cliche. for lack of a better word за неимением лучшего слова (This goofiness, for lack of a better word, can have serious ramifications for your daughter.)
26.03.2024 5:36:41 cliche. for lack of a better term за неимением лучшего слова (Gordon explained that, for lack of a better term, he would classify at least some of the cryptids reported to him as interdimensional. (coasttocoastam.com) • Я всё ещё любила его или, во всяком случае, хранила чувство к нему, которое за неимением лучшего слова называла любовью. (из рус. источников))
26.03.2024 5:25:46 inet. before the age of the internet до появления интернета (With his decades long research into UFOs, Bigfoot, and other unknowns, Stan Gordon has heard more about strangeness in his home state of Pennsylvania than probably any other researcher in the state. Before the age of the internet, Gordon set up a hotline in 1969 to collect these types of reports. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.03.2024 4:11:34 insur. cause extensive damage причинить значительный ущерб (A suspected drunk driver caused extensive damage when she drove her SUV into an office building in North Vancouver, Tuesday afternoon. The driver subsequently panicked, reversed at high speed, hit a parked car and flipped her own vehicle on its side, said Const. Mansoor Sahak, North Vancouver RCMP spokesperson. (nsnews.com))
26.03.2024 4:11:08 gen. cause considerable damage причинить значительный ущерб (And, as one might imagine, farmers throughout the area are equally worried about what happened on the Edwards farm as they fear that the perpetrator could be some kind of invasive species that might cause considerable damage to the country's banana crops. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.03.2024 4:02:44 inf. cause a ruckus поднять шум (also "raise a ruckus": When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means — loud and maybe a little rowdy.: An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.03.2024 3:57:55 gen. cause a commotion поднять шум (The odd incident occurred early Wednesday morning in the community of Lawrence Tavern when farmer Mavis Edwards was roused from her sleep by the sound of her dogs causing a commotion outside of her home. (coasttocoastam.com))
26.03.2024 3:36:56 gen. you would hardly notice the difference разница почти не будет заметна (We could make it 18x28" for about $150 less and you would hardly notice the 2" difference off the sides.)
26.03.2024 3:31:44 inf. finances are a little tight с финансами немного туговато (I am not sure if you already discussed this with Lizzie, but if finances are a little tight, we could give you a $150 discount. • Захотели купить дачу, но с финансами немного туговато, пока я в декрете. Говорю, давай подождем чуть-чуть, хотя бы пока я пойду на работу. (из рус. источников))
26.03.2024 3:26:54 gen. get a visual sense зрительно представить (of sth. – что-л.: This design still leaves quite a lot of free space at the top. Here is a starting point to give you a visual sense of where we’re at. -- чтобы вы могли зрительно представить)
26.03.2024 3:22:26 cliche. quite a lot of довольно много (This design still leaves quite a lot of free space at the top.)
26.03.2024 3:20:11 idiom. nicer on the eye лучше смотрится (I put some artwork at the top rather than at the bottom -- the spacing is nicer on the eye.)
26.03.2024 3:14:09 cliche. based on the information на основе информации (from sb. – полученной от кого-л.: I have prepared a report based on the information from my colleague, Phil.)
25.03.2024 8:27:05 gen. be proactive действовать на упреждение (I think I may just be proactive here and send each file twice.)
25.03.2024 8:25:28 gen. long-standing feud давняя вражда (a long-standing feud between the two clans)
25.03.2024 7:41:27 gen. so much worse гораздо хуже (It could have been so much worse. -- Всё могло закончиться гораздо хуже.)
25.03.2024 7:40:42 journ. biggest story главная новость (The biggest story of 2009 was Climategate, according to our reader survey.)
25.03.2024 7:25:11 gen. sort things out выяснять отношения (We're not fighting, we're sorting things out.)
25.03.2024 7:25:00 gen. have arguments выяснять отношения (All parents have arguments once in a while. – Все родители время от времени выясняют между собой отношения.)
25.03.2024 7:23:04 gen. thank someone tremendously выразить глубокую благодарность (I just wanted to call and thank you tremendously for coming and doing an absolutley amazing job on my patio, I am so impressed and so thankful!)
25.03.2024 7:15:53 gen. paid for выплачен (Is your home paid for? • Their house is not paid for.)
25.03.2024 7:03:50 econ. compete on a global scale выйти на мировой рынок (That would allow small and medium-sized companies to compete on a global scale.)
25.03.2024 6:46:05 gen. stash away in a Swiss bank хранить в швейцарском банке (His wealth had been stashed away in Swiss banks. – спрятано / хранится)
25.03.2024 6:42:26 formal resides хранится (The full manuscript resides in the Harold Hoffmann Library at our university.)
25.03.2024 6:39:23 inf. crunch away хрумкать (She seemed to get over it pretty fast, and was crunching away on larger bits of kibble inside a week.)
25.03.2024 6:38:49 inf. chomp away хрумкать (Only a few days after the extractions she was happy chomping away at dry food.)
25.03.2024 4:52:33 welln. practise tai chi заниматься тай-цзы (китайской гимнастикой: "Beautiful tree-lines streets are lined with tiny homes in bright colours, rumpled gardens blaze with colour, elderly women practise tai chi in schoolyards..." (Chuck Davis))
25.03.2024 3:55:48 gen. do laundry заниматься стиркой (Spent the morning cleaning out the basement while Scott did laundry. Then he pulled me out into the sunshine for some fresh air.)
24.03.2024 23:56:58 gen. stick one's head out of высунуть голову из (It is also possible to reach the cave by a longer track, but the beach route is more enjoyable. The chances are that a seal will stick his head out of the water and gaze at you, as fascinated by your presence as you are by his. -- Вполне вероятно, что из воды высунется голова тюленя (AA Discovering Britain))
24.03.2024 23:51:58 cliche. it's a good thing that хорошо, что (I noticed that some St. Louis fans were booing the Canadian anthem. It's a good thing that we won't have to go back there after Tuesday's game.• Perhaps it was a good thing he went away. He would never have agreed with this.)
24.03.2024 9:16:34 Canada garage sale гаражка ("Гаражка" прочно вошла в речь русскоязычных канадцев наряду с такими заимствованиями, как "бэйсмент", молл", "моргидж" и "гарбидж".: We bought a lamp, two chairs and a couch at a garage sale. – купили на "гаражке")
24.03.2024 9:07:13 gen. just outside of the town сразу за городом (Just outside of the town of Beechworth are abandoned gold mines.)
24.03.2024 9:07:03 gen. just outside of the city сразу за городом
24.03.2024 8:38:20 gen. I'll be glad to с радостью ("Get out! Get out of this house at once!" "I'll be glad to." (Raymond Chandler))
24.03.2024 8:35:02 gen. be back shortly скоро вернуться (After receiving that phone call she rushed out, telling her husband she'd be back shortly. -- сказав мужу, что скоро вернётся)
24.03.2024 7:46:01 gen. fully comply with the requirements полностью отвечать требованиям (This product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.)
24.03.2024 7:45:31 gen. completely make a fool of oneself полностью опозориться (She completely made a fool of herself. – Она полностью опозорилась.)
24.03.2024 7:44:47 gen. give sb. a full checkup полностью осмотреть (пациента: His family doctor gave him a full checkup and didn't find anything.)
24.03.2024 7:43:15 gen. give a whole new look полностью изменить внешность (Give your home a whole new look with our nano-paint!)
24.03.2024 7:43:15 gen. give a whole new look полностью изменить внешний вид (Give your home a whole new look with our nano-paint!)
24.03.2024 7:33:40 gen. render invisible сделать невидимым (to sb. – для кого-л.: His special powers render him invisible to adults but not to babies and house pets who become frightened.)
24.03.2024 7:30:26 gen. do a facelift сделать косметический ремонт (You know, the kitchen could use a facelift.)
24.03.2024 7:23:58 welln. self-awareness познание самого себя (There are various levels of consciousness, and we become more sentient as we learn about ourselves through creativity and self-awareness, he indicated. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.03.2024 7:22:41 gen. introduce sb. to one's friends познакомить со своими друзьями (If you are a boy, your sister can introduce you to her friends – or she won't. • “It was really good fun.” She made a great friend in Judith Gantley, who managed the library at the time. “She introduced me to a lot of her friends.” irishtimes.com)
24.03.2024 6:37:03 cliche. reason for concern повод для беспокойства (If a child isn't talking very much at all at 22-23 months old, then that's reason for concern and he should be taken for evaluation.)
24.03.2024 6:36:33 cliche. upon returning to по возвращению в (Upon returning to the United States, Ken entered the world of talk radio with an overnight program on a newly opened station in Reno.)
24.03.2024 6:25:37 cliche. didn't see that coming! не ожидал! (Great scenic view of Lost Lagoon and the sunset reflection too. Didn't see that coming! Nice! (Twitter))
24.03.2024 6:25:37 cliche. didn't see that coming! не ожидал такого! (Great scenic view of Lost Lagoon and the sunset reflection too. Didn't see that coming! Nice! (Twitter))
24.03.2024 6:25:37 cliche. didn't see that coming! такого я не ожидал! (Great scenic view of Lost Lagoon and the sunset reflection too. Didn't see that coming! Nice! (Twitter))
24.03.2024 6:18:50 idiom. make a difference изменить (To have some effect on something; to cause a change (The Free Dictionary): Why even bother? It's not going to make a difference. – Это ничего не изменит. • "... the avalanche carried Michalowski past the treeline, over the cliff, and down between 400 and 600 feet of “very steep terrain,” according to NSR team leader Mike Danks. (...) Searchers found Michalowski after several hours spent digging through avalanche debris. “Sometimes these things just happen,” Danks said. “Even if he had his avalanche safety equipment with him, it would not have made a difference.” "(nsnews.com) – это бы ничего не изменило)
24.03.2024 6:11:27 inet. check back soon! возвращайтесь на эту страничку узнать новости!
24.03.2024 6:10:26 construct. redevelop возвести на месте (чего-л.) (redevelop: erect new buildings in an urban area, typically after demolishing the existing buildings (Oxford Dictionary): Somewhat notable is that the site is currently occupied by a four-storey, 37-unit strata condominium building, as it’s rare for condo buildings to be redeveloped. According to BC Assessment, however, the building was originally constructed in 1976, meaning it may be nearing the end of its life cycle. (storeys.com) • In 2017, the company announced plans to redevelop the site and build all new silos and elevators for exporting grain. The City of Greenville granted a building permits for the site in February 2018.)
24.03.2024 5:28:16 fig. snowball разрастаться (It's amazing how this new digital currency has snowballed, so many businesses now accept it. • The starting point was the CIA-backed coup-d'etat in Kiev in 2014. Russian-speaking Eastern & Central Ukraine & Crimea rebelled, Kiev responded with the first airstrikes on civilian targets in Donbass, and everything just snowballed from there. -- и всё покатилось / стало разрастаться (Twitter))
24.03.2024 4:25:46 horticult. be at full bloom полностью зацвести (о плодовых или декоративных деревьях: Cherry Blossom Update. Stanley Park Rose Garden is not at full bloom yet. Driving in you will see a few sections that have around 70% flowers. The main section of the garden seen in the video is not there yet. Next weekend should be a sunny Saturday and the time to go.(Twitter) -- ещё не полностью зацвёл)
24.03.2024 4:21:13 law.enf. launch a criminal charge возбудить уголовное дело (against sb. – в отношении кого-л.: Baltimore's top prosecutor has launched criminal charges against the six police officers involved in the death of a black man.)
24.03.2024 4:20:20 law.enf. launch a criminal investigation возбудить уголовное дело (в отношении/по факту чего-л. – into sth.)
24.03.2024 4:19:10 law.enf. open a criminal investigation возбудить уголовное дело (into sth. – в отношении чего-л.: Last week, the DOJ opened a criminal investigation into the door plug blowout on the Boeing 737 Max 9 plane, a person familiar with the matter confirmed to NBC News. (nbcnews.com))
24.03.2024 4:14:27 cliche. cause for celebration повод для празднования (As one might imagine, the return of the pilfered piece has been cause for celebration in the neighborhood. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.03.2024 4:14:27 cliche. cause for celebration повод для торжества (As one might imagine, the return of the pilfered piece has been cause for celebration in the neighborhood. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.03.2024 4:10:32 idiom. sticky-fingered ne'er-do-well воришка (Authorities in Germany are investigating a strange case wherein a sticky-fingered ne'er-do-well stole 80 goldfish from a man's backyard pond and then mysteriously returned the pilfered creatures a few days later. (coasttocoastam.com) • A nearly 25-year-old mystery surrounding a golden weathervane stolen from a French town has been resolved after the pilfered piece was returned by the remorseful thief behind the misguided caper. The weird case reportedly began back in April of 1999 when a sticky-fingered ne'er-do-well made off with the metallic depiction of a cockerel that had sat atop a cross in the small community of Bessan. (coasttocoastam.com) • A Sasquatch statue stolen from a front yard in Tennessee is back home where it belongs thanks to a dedicated individual who located and recovered the pilfered piece by way of a rather daring rescue. In late February, some sticky-fingered ne'er-do-wells made off with the 250-pound faux Bigfoot that had sat outside Jennifer Jordan's Memphis residence for the last seven years. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.03.2024 4:06:37 parapsych. psychokinetically психокинетически (In the second half of the show callers on open lines discussed their own experiences with communication beyond the grave – including a caller who learned on his first date with his future wife they had been lovers in a past life who died when their UFO was struck by a meteor – conspiracies related to Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy Brothers, dream interpretation, Masonic symbolism, and even a blackberry yogurt that psychokinetically moved off the shelf toward a searching shopper. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.03.2024 4:03:25 traf. heavy volume большой поток транспорта
24.03.2024 4:03:25 traf. a lot of volume большой поток транспорта
24.03.2024 4:02:16 traf. heavy traffic большой поток транспорта (There are no incidents on the bridge. There was a Lions Game and there is a comedy festival in Stanley Park. We think these have contributed to heavier than usual traffic. (Twitter) -- они могли привести к большему чем обычно потоку транспорта • большой встречный поток • большой поток попутного и встречного транспорта)
24.03.2024 3:57:54 gen. congratulate on one's anniversary поздравить с юбилеем (During the same session he received a message from his son congratulating his parents on their anniversary (coasttocoastam.com))
24.03.2024 3:52:58 gen. conduct a scientific experiment провести научный эксперимент (He shared detailed accounts of scientific experiments conducted to obtain evidence for the continuity of consciousness that point to the survival of consciousness after bodily death. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.03.2024 3:42:45 gen. by other means другим способом (сделать что-л.: I don't doubt there's some corruption, it's a port, certain criminal elements will want access, sure. But I think it's less of a thing these days, it's not hard to smuggle drugs into the city by other means nowadays. (Reddit))
24.03.2024 3:17:07 gen. reasonably сравнительно (reasonably well • reasonably fit • reasonably quickly • While natural gas can be considered a reasonably clean fuel, its possible ban may have more to do with utility companies having shortages of it in comparison to coal, he suggested. (coasttocoastam.com))
24.03.2024 3:12:44 cliche. wishing you a speedy recovery скорейшего выздоровления
24.03.2024 3:12:44 cliche. we wish you a speedy recovery скорейшего выздоровления
24.03.2024 3:12:44 cliche. speedy recovery скорейшего выздоровления

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