
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

10.01.2019 10:35:03 inf. for the first little while на первых порах (Babies don't need soap, they need to be bathed with usually just warm water for the first little while.)
10.01.2019 10:34:34 gen. at some point на каком-то этапе
10.01.2019 10:29:07 gen. at some point в течение дня (в контексте; когда точное время неизвестно: Buster will be picked up in the morning for a hike and dropped off back home at some point.)
9.01.2019 10:11:31 gen. I can't help myself Ничего не могу с собой поделать
29.05.2024 10:35:49 gen. is still good остаётся в силе (My offer of help is still good.)
9.01.2019 9:36:45 amer. be sore сердиться (Don't be sore at me. – Не сердись на меня.)
9.01.2019 8:42:46 idiom. this is where I say goodbye Пора прощаться
8.01.2019 8:47:20 gen. come and visit приезжать в гости (I have four grandkids who come and visit me here. – приезжают ко мне в гости)
8.01.2019 4:52:42 idiom. was over in no time очень быстро закончилось (Nice, smooth work. It was all over in no time. – Всё очень быстро закончилось.)
8.01.2019 4:48:08 idiom. go a long way off уехать подальше
8.01.2019 1:14:48 crim.law. abate / abandon the case закрыть дело (The Kelowna man accused of a hit-and-run on a cyclist has died. Harry McClusky, 59, was due in court on Jan. 3 to hear the judge's ruling following his trial for failing to stop at the scene of an accident involving bodily harm. The hit-and-run occurred on April 21 last year. Police discovered McClusky's body in his home on Dec. 25. Police say the death is not considered suspicious. When an accused dies before the conclusion of a trial, typically the Crown "abates" or abandons the case.)
5.01.2019 2:54:20 gen. prolific writing писательская плодовитость
4.01.2019 9:58:08 folk. faerie lore фольклор царства фей (a world-recognized expert on faeries and faerie lore)
4.01.2019 9:54:53 gen. world-recognized expert признанный во всём мире эксперт (on = в области: a world-recognized expert on faeries and faerie lore)
4.01.2019 9:11:33 arts. body of creative work творчество (leaving behind an unparalleled body of creative work)
4.01.2019 7:28:51 knit.goods piece of velvet отрез бархата (Отрез = кусок ткани, отрезанный для шитья чего-либо)
4.01.2019 5:43:51 arts. shadowed отмеченный тенями (a shadowed design)
4.01.2019 5:36:48 fig. haunting music запоминающаяся музыка (*** вообще-то haunting применяется в значении "надолго запоминающийся", "неотвязный", "не дающий покоя")
4.01.2019 5:07:54 media. artwork изобразительное творчество
4.01.2019 4:38:06 gen. place on top of класть поверх
4.01.2019 4:34:08 gen. roll into thin sheets раскатать на тонкие листы
1.01.2019 0:23:02 book. a sight to behold есть на что посмотреть ("The Mandarin Duck, as it's known, has been causing a stir in the media lately, and among birdwatchers, since it is not native to North America. (...) Some also refer to it as the "world's most beautiful duck." (...) So bird lovers, take note, this rare duck is a sight to behold–but be respectful if you're checking him out." (Burnaby Now))
28.12.2018 7:56:37 med. hereditary condition наследственное заболевание (people who have this hereditary condition or congenital condition)
21.12.2018 7:45:04 ling. problem points трудности (грамматики, пунктуации и пр.)
21.12.2018 5:24:29 station. letter writing написание писем
21.12.2018 5:20:56 station. desk accessories настольные принадлежности для письма
21.12.2018 5:16:54 archit. home décor оформление интерьера
21.12.2018 4:36:59 hobby guided journal дневник с наводящими вопросами (carolcassara.com)
17.12.2018 10:28:12 gen. be involved with принимать участие
14.12.2018 23:54:49 film.light. stand the light допустить отключение маячного огня (in lighthouse keeping) серьёзнейшее нарушение эксплуатации маяка)
14.12.2018 4:37:55 med. normal test results нормальные результаты анализов (Patients will not be contacted for normal test results. – в случае нормальных результатов анализов)
11.12.2018 9:16:22 jarg. Spill Выкладывай
11.12.2018 9:09:35 gen. relay by radio передать по рации ("I called the sheriff's substation that seemed to be the nearest. Didn't matter, they'd relay it by radio in any case." (Raymond Chandler))
10.12.2018 4:39:29 gen. double or triple that в два-три раза больше (1,500 people? Oh, no. There's probably double or triple that.)
9.12.2018 6:38:13 gen. go through учиться
7.12.2018 10:57:23 saying. the slower you go, the farther you get тише едешь – дальше будешь
5.12.2018 14:54:50 gen. go with придерживаться (чему-либо: Please just ignore the earlier file Robyn sent you and go with the original instructions. – ...придерживайтесь первоначальных инструкций.)
5.12.2018 10:49:21 gen. go with следовать
4.12.2018 16:56:07 gen. smack one's lips причмокивать (губами: When you're on a commuter train and you're chewing gum, please don't smack your lips – it's disgusting, nobody around you wants to hear it.)
2.12.2018 0:47:38 gen. dual-volume book двухтомник (the author of a dual-volume book "Missing 411")
27.11.2018 1:59:44 gen. cut some wood рубить дрова (We had a case here in West Virginia, two boys were helping their dad, he was cutting some wood, and he says, "Hey, go down get a bucket of water", so they went down, and one of the boys spilled some water coming back, so he went back to the creek, got a bucket of water and disappeared, and the creek was within 70 yards from the house, so he ended up getting found on the fifth day way in the middle of nowhere, and he later said, "I was walking back to the creek, I got my bucket of water, I turned around and I didn't know where I was. I didn't recognize the country, I didn't see you guys, I yelled – nothing. I was trying to figure out where I was. How I got here – I don't even know!")
19.11.2018 16:42:07 inf. you had it coming сам виноват
18.11.2018 5:16:05 gen. neighbouring suite у соседей
17.11.2018 22:47:42 gen. take a little walk пройтись немного (He told his wife, hey, I'm just gonna take a little walk in the valley, I'll be back in a couple of hours. He vanished. Huge search, nobody's ever found him. – немного пройдусь по парку)
17.11.2018 22:45:49 gen. take a little walk немного прогуляться (He told his parents, hey, I'm just gonna take a little walk in the park across the road, I'll be back in about an hour. – ...немного прогуляюсь в парке)
16.11.2018 3:02:38 gen. mistake принять за другого
15.11.2018 10:03:56 law validate удостоверять законность (Штамп МИДа Канады: The Department Does Not Validate the Content of the Underlying Document.)
12.11.2018 17:19:39 gen. smash out выбить (стёкла и т.п.)
12.11.2018 17:19:07 gen. smash out the windows выбить стёкла
10.11.2018 0:58:03 formal executive in charge of ответственный за (executive in charge of production)
9.11.2018 21:49:09 fin. money raised from средства, вырученные от продажи (The proposal would be to sell off or lease the remaining land into three subdivided residential lots. Money raised from the new lots would go towards the purchase of 1544 and 1548 Beach Ave. That land would be renamed Brackenridge Park and kept as open greenspace on the waterfront.)
8.11.2018 10:25:48 media. land grab захват территорий
7.11.2018 5:18:13 med. bookings запись на приём (к врачу: Visit kingsmedicalclinic.com for bookings, confirmations, cancellations, important information and a list of FAQ's. – чтобы записаться на приём)
6.11.2018 8:27:07 gen. snap резко ответить
6.11.2018 8:27:07 gen. snap резко сказать
6.11.2018 8:24:19 gen. as of now с этой минуты (" 'Your licence is dead,' French said. 'As of now. That problem won't bother you any more.' "- Raymond Chandler)
6.11.2018 8:16:54 formal on both occasions в обоих случаях ("Apart from occasional trips to the airport I seldom use taxi service on the North Shore. On two occasions this year, however, I experienced very poor service from two companies that operate in our community. On both occasions I called for a cab to take my wife and I from Dundarave to Folkestone Way and ended up waiting for over an hour on both occasions." (NS News))
6.11.2018 3:18:29 formal personal information информация персонального характера
31.10.2018 3:47:22 tech. operational dynamics динамика работы
30.10.2018 21:07:30 tech. carry out a test / tests провести испытания (on a machine / a component – машины / детали)
30.10.2018 21:06:19 fin. turn a profit заработать прибыль
22.10.2018 9:15:03 law hold title to real property владеть недвижимостью (What does it mean to hold title to real property? – Holding title is a way of legally saying you own something.)
21.10.2018 6:03:19 disappr. get mixed up with впутаться в ("I just moved out of there. I don't want to get mixed up with that sort of thing." Raymond Chandler)
21.10.2018 6:02:55 disappr. get mixed up with впутываться в ("I just moved out of there. I don't want to get mixed up with that sort of thing." Raymond Chandler)
20.10.2018 4:29:50 idiom. small change сущая мелочь (" 'You ain't got anything on me,' Brody said. 'Just a couple of murders. Small change in your circle.' " – Raymond Chandler)
20.10.2018 3:33:13 gen. well taken care of в хорошем состоянии ("The place seems well taken care of. Nothing broken." Raymond Chandler)
20.10.2018 3:27:24 idiom. make it brief вкратце сообщить (I told him about the accident, making it brief.)
20.10.2018 3:26:16 idiom. make it brief в двух словах рассказать (I told him about the accident, making it brief.)
18.10.2018 16:06:13 gen. performing well academically хорошая успеваемость в школе
18.10.2018 6:32:19 gen. and rightly so и совершенно оправданно (He was critical and rightly so.)
17.10.2018 14:13:39 gen. appeal to привлекать (When the movie was released, it was scorned by critics. However, the sentimental nature appealed to female viewers who made it a commercial success.)
14.10.2018 23:02:15 gen. then again хотя, с другой стороны
13.10.2018 6:57:10 gen. pick a spot выбрать место (для встречи: He went to pay some money to some people at a spot they picked. He never came home, his body was never found.)
9.10.2018 7:17:15 gen. have a short nap вздремнуть (" 'Seems like a nice place,' I said. 'Nice people, nice atmosphere. I guess I'll have me a short nap again.' 'Better be just that,' he snarled." (Raymond Chandler))
10.06.2024 10:46:40 gen. need in a hurry срочно понадобиться (Take two grand – better make it three. We may need cash in a hurry.)
8.10.2018 6:17:43 inf. young kid парнишка
8.10.2018 6:17:32 inf. young kid паренёк
8.10.2018 6:17:32 inf. young kid молодой парнишка
8.10.2018 6:03:02 gen. go along вместе (пойти, поехать: Want to go along? – Хочешь вместе со мной?)
8.10.2018 5:54:43 inf. Snap it up Пошевеливайся
7.10.2018 7:05:33 mus. composing music сочинение музыки
6.10.2018 8:48:25 fig. regal величавый
6.10.2018 3:57:31 journ. eerily не может не тревожить ("Nineteen Eighty-Four" continues to be widely read and appears especially – and eerily – relevant today. – "1984" по-прежнему пользуется интересом у читателей и не теряет своей актуальности, особенно в наши дни, что не может не тревожить.)
6.10.2018 3:53:11 gen. appears relevant остаётся актуальной ("Nineteen Eighty-Four" continues to be widely read and appears especially relevant today. – остаётся актуальной, особенно в наши дни)
6.10.2018 3:51:30 gen. appears relevant не теряет своей актуальности ("Nineteen Eighty-Four" continues to be widely read and appears especially relevant today.)
6.10.2018 3:22:13 gen. opposition неприятие (opposition to totalitarianism – неприятие тоталитаризма • The House Speaker said her Congressional delegation "reiterated America’s support for the people of Ukraine and opposition to Putin’s aggression.")
6.10.2018 2:42:18 arts. digital art художественное цифровое изображение
6.10.2018 2:42:18 arts. digital art цифровая изобразительная работа
6.10.2018 2:42:18 arts. digital art цифровая иллюстрация
6.10.2018 2:41:42 arts. digital artwork художественное цифровое изображение
6.10.2018 2:41:42 arts. digital artwork цифровая изобразительная работа
6.10.2018 2:41:42 arts. digital artwork цифровая иллюстрация
6.10.2018 2:16:21 lit. vibrantly detailed наполненный яркими подробностями
5.10.2018 5:47:37 gen. thematically по тематике (мы сгруппировали нашу продукцию по тематике – we have grouped our products thematically)
5.10.2018 5:24:42 gen. travel around the globe совершить кругосветное путешествие (For our spring handbag collection we’ve travelled around the globe, from the small workshops of Chennai, India to the glitzy streets of Milan and Tokyo.)
4.10.2018 10:00:29 inf. Get on with it, whatever it is Выкладывай, что там у тебя
30.09.2018 10:15:39 intell. asset доверительный контакт (в разведке)
24.09.2018 8:25:26 gen. sleep out in the open спать под открытым небом
24.09.2018 8:23:35 gen. clamp one's teeth tight стиснуть зубы
24.09.2018 8:19:23 gen. talk //to someone// on the phone поговорить с кем-либо по телефону

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