
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

17.05.2019 9:35:33 fig. bulldoze действовать нахрапом (Brown's lawyer has accused the district of trying to bulldoze her client. "Frankly, my client feels that he is being beaten up upon by a large powerful bully," wrote Brown's lawyer Julie McIver in a letter to the district, included in an affidavit.)
15.05.2019 3:16:48 gen. much disappointed весьма разочарован
15.05.2019 2:12:55 idiom. fully prepared во всеоружии
14.05.2019 1:41:43 gen. organic produce экологически чистые сельскохозяйственные продукты
14.05.2019 1:31:41 waste.man. industrial solid waste recycling/management переработка твёрдых промышленных отходов
14.05.2019 0:38:31 gen. knock out a fire потушить пожар (Firefighters have blocked off Oak at Marine as they're trying to knock out a fire at a small park.)
13.05.2019 23:29:32 gen. food manufacturing пищевая промышленность
11.05.2019 6:37:16 gen. in the event на тот случай, если (Crews are hoping the whales will be able to swim out on their own, but some refloatation equipment has been brought in in the event the whales are stuck.)
8.05.2019 2:32:08 gen. at short notice в короткие сроки ("возможно изготовление оборудования в короткие сроки")
7.05.2019 23:12:16 patents. own the rights to a patent являться правообладателем патента (We are attending a seminar on owning and transferring the rights to a patent.)
7.05.2019 8:56:12 formal production operations промышленная эксплуатация
7.05.2019 8:55:56 O&G, oilfield. production operations процесс добычи
7.05.2019 6:33:08 formal overall в итоге
6.05.2019 0:54:23 O&G intensification of oil production интенсификация добычи нефти
6.05.2019 0:48:42 formal development of efficient techniques разработка эффективных методов (for – чего-либо)
6.05.2019 0:24:33 O&G oil recovery factor КИН (nih.gov)
4.05.2019 3:53:17 gen. weekend getaway загородный дом (в русском контексте, для разъяснения иностранцам, возможно использовать даже в значении "дача, дачка", т.к. туда приезжают на выходные))
4.05.2019 3:51:16 gen. weekend getaway загородный домик (в русском контексте, для разъяснения иностранцам, возможно использовать даже в значении "дача, дачка", т.к. туда приезжают на выходные)
4.05.2019 3:47:43 gen. avoid the inquiries избежать расспросов (I managed to avoid the inquiries that would have ruined our plans.)
4.05.2019 3:08:39 gen. as a sign of it в знак этого ("...the breach is quite healed, and that we are to dine at Merripit House next Friday as a sign of it." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
4.05.2019 3:01:13 gen. I was at a loss what to say я не нашёлся, что сказать / что ответить
4.05.2019 2:33:02 idiom. stand out from the rest выделяться на фоне остальных (There's a lot of shops in Greenwood Plaza, so we wanted something that stands out from the rest.)
1.05.2019 13:55:39 gen. topple повалить
28.04.2019 3:05:10 fig. take a better look приглядеться (повнимательнее)
24.04.2019 3:07:05 sarcast. cap off увенчать (Nothing caps off a walk on a beautiful Sunday morning in Stanley Park like a couple sitting next to you and sparking up a Gatorade meth bong.)
24.04.2019 2:08:35 gen. make a most careful examination of внимательнейшим образом осмотреть (The inspector made a most careful examination of the crime scene.)
24.04.2019 2:05:02 gen. make a careful examination of тщательно осмотреть
24.04.2019 1:57:37 real.est. furnished lodgings меблированные комнаты
23.04.2019 9:42:18 formal set forth изложенный (The terms and conditions set forth above …)
23.04.2019 7:26:23 transp. pay one's fare заплатить за проезд (в такси или в общественном транспорте)
23.04.2019 6:56:40 transp. pay one's fare рассчитаться с водителем
23.04.2019 6:44:29 gen. begin to run short заканчиваться ("At last the little money which I had saved began to run short, and I was at my wits' end as to what I should do.")
17.04.2019 7:19:44 gen. moonlight night лунная ночь ("It was a beautiful moonlight night, and the lawn in front of the house was silvered over and almost as bright as day." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
17.04.2019 6:58:09 gen. I can't imagine Ума не приложу
14.04.2019 0:28:18 soc.med. send a DM написать в личку (Send me a DM to connect!)
12.04.2019 3:36:33 gen. huffed обиженный ('"Oh, just as you like," said she a little huffed.' – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
10.04.2019 21:08:00 gen. wedding proposal предложение руки и сердца
6.04.2019 0:03:03 context. in one's own right признанный (Agnieszka Holland's version, a superbly crafted family film, remains a classic in its own right.)
5.04.2019 23:42:48 el. inside scoop информация от "своих людей" (обязательно the ~)
5.04.2019 23:42:38 el. inside scoop информация из внутренних источников (обязательно the ~)
5.04.2019 8:41:56 el. power supply unit блок подачи питания
5.04.2019 5:38:42 O&G initial reservoir pressure Рпл нач – начальное пластовое давление
5.04.2019 5:38:05 O&G current reservoir pressure Рпл тек – текущее пластовое давление
5.04.2019 5:09:10 O&G correlation coefficient коэффициент корелляционной связи
3.04.2019 16:07:18 inf. life is about living нужно брать от жизни всё
30.03.2019 2:20:15 gen. paint job покраска (процесс: First exterior paint job of the season is underway!)
29.03.2019 8:03:15 gen. it can be used можно пользоваться (If you could let Kate know the kitchen faucet is leaking when the spout is sitting in its holder. We have it pulled out and it can be used this way. – им можно так пользоваться)
29.03.2019 6:57:04 gen. burst out into a roar of laughter расхохотаться от всей души ("Sherlock Holmes and I surveyed this curt announcement and the rueful face behind it, until the comical side of the affair so completely over-topped every other consideration that we both burst out into a roar of laughter." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
27.03.2019 22:29:55 gen. drop some strong hints прозрачно намекнуть (Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan would not confirm it was Australian officials who tipped off their Canadian counterparts, but he did drop some strong hints on CBC Radio on Tuesday morning.)
27.03.2019 22:29:55 gen. on ... matters в вопросах (on intelligence matters, on public safety matters)
27.03.2019 22:29:55 gen. release from one's position as освободить от должности (Yesterday Doug Harris was released from his position as TZVA Director, due to reasons not disclosed. – был освобождён от своей должности)
27.03.2019 22:29:55 gen. set guarantees предусматривать гарантии
27.03.2019 9:08:35 gen. tally up one's points подсчитать баллы / очки (Tally up your points!)
27.03.2019 8:38:22 poetic beautiful creature прекрасное создание
27.03.2019 8:31:38 gen. with the air of a man who с видом человека ("with the air of a man who was thoroughly at home" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
27.03.2019 8:29:09 gen. at eight o'clock precisely ровно в восемь часов
27.03.2019 6:53:21 gen. I think that I had better go я думаю, что мне лучше уйти
26.03.2019 6:52:08 gen. bookings заявки / запись на услуги (Pet owners looking for a local dogwalker to play with your pup during your work day? I’m currently taking bookings for petsitting, housesitting, and dogwalking services! – принимаю заявки на услуги / открыта запись на услуги)
26.03.2019 6:45:00 gen. in the front window на витрине
26.03.2019 6:43:20 gen. get it all mixed up всё перепутать (People leave me so much stuff to keep an eye on I get it all mixed up.)
26.03.2019 6:34:24 slang stink никуда не годиться (Boy, this service stinks! – Ну и обслуживание здесь – никуда не годится!)
26.03.2019 2:41:19 formal on two different occasions дважды (The legendary Loch Ness Monster is making waves once again after the beloved cryptid was spotted on two different occasions over the course of just five days.)
23.03.2019 4:04:49 tax. entitlement сумма (льгот; The income shown on the T5007 is not subject to taxation, but is used to calculate your entitlement to federal tax and provincial tax credits. *** ПРАВО высчитать / подсчитать нельзя, следовательно, entitlement также применяется в значении "сумма")
23.03.2019 4:03:11 tax. entitlement to benefits сумма льгот (The income shown on the T5007 is not subject to taxation, but is used to calculate your entitlement to federal tax and provincial tax credits. *** ПРАВО высчитать / подсчитать нельзя, следовательно, entitlement также применяется в значении "сумма")
23.03.2019 3:55:48 formal through the program по программе (Canada Revenue Agency requires that the Province of Alberta provide a T5009 tax slip to all persons who received an annual Transit Pass through the Alberta Transit Pass program for students.)
23.03.2019 3:51:24 idiom. keep one's momentum going не сбавлять темпа
23.03.2019 3:25:23 obs. bank pen перьевая ручка
23.03.2019 3:16:32 gen. I've had / seen worse Бывало и хуже
23.03.2019 3:16:32 gen. I've had / seen worse Бывало и похуже
23.03.2019 3:09:42 gen. be captured by the Germans попасть в плен к немцам (He was captured by the Germans.)
21.03.2019 9:14:09 gen. provide for the needs обеспечивать потребности (Numerous corner stores spread throughout the neighbourhood provide for the day-to-day needs of residents. = обеспечивают насущные потребности)
21.03.2019 8:19:53 idiom. hit the spot попасть в точку (You've really hit the spot – vanilla ice-cream is exactly what I was dreaming about!)
21.03.2019 8:19:26 inf. hit the spot это то, что надо! (Mmmm... This cup of java really hit the spot!)
20.03.2019 22:38:35 journ. at a press conference на пресс-конференции (At a press conference held when the Russian research vessel docked in North Vancouver Monday, scientists and researchers shared what they found.)
17.03.2019 9:08:37 ed. Student Services Отдел студенческих услуг (в вузах, включает в себя ряд подразделений, напр., приёма вступительных документов и зачисления студентов, консультации и др.)
17.03.2019 7:16:49 ed. field of study направление учёбы (Заполненная графа в разрешении на учёбу в Канаде (студенческая виза): ***Institution Name/N'om de l'institution: DESIGNATED LEARNING INST-BC***Field of Study/Domaine d'etudes: BUSINESS/COMMERCE)
17.03.2019 6:26:26 abbr. IRCC Министерство по делам иммиграции, беженцев и гражданства Канады (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
17.03.2019 6:23:44 gen. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Министерство по делам иммиграции, беженцев и гражданства Канады (IRCC)
17.03.2019 0:45:15 formal related относящийся к делу (Related Events – Относящиеся к делу события; Related Persons – Относящиеся к делу лица; Related date/time – Относящиеся к делу дата/время)
6.03.2019 0:34:00 meteorol. precipitation in the form of rain or showers / rain or sleet / snow осадки в виде дождя / мокрого снега / снега
3.03.2019 0:58:09 humor. in the wee hours спозаранку
3.03.2019 0:55:06 met.health. psychiatric unit психиатрическое отделение (a 10-bed psychiatric unit)
2.03.2019 4:31:00 gen. grow more narrow сужаться (The list of suspects is growing more narrow. – Список подозреваемых сужается.)
1.03.2019 4:15:25 gen. out-of-touch оторванный от реальной жизни / от действительности (We have the most arrogant, out-of-touch premier in the history of this province.)
28.02.2019 8:24:02 inf. let it ride не отреагировать (на фразу, комментарий)
28.02.2019 8:13:44 gen. in one's home у себя дома (The victim was found beaten to death in her home.)
28.02.2019 7:08:50 health. healed up зажило (It's all healed up. – Всё зажило. (о ране))
21.02.2019 3:53:26 telecom. perform a service maintenance проводить профилактические работы (Smartt will be performing a service maintenance to re-configure network resources on an Edge Service Gateway (ESG) and Distributed Logical Router (DLR). This is part of our ongoing efforts to make our network and platform more reliable, scalable, and secure. We do not expect any service interruption during this maintenance window.)
21.02.2019 3:50:42 telecom. service maintenance профилактические работы (ABC will be performing a service maintenance to re-configure network resources on an Edge Service Gateway (ESG) and Distributed Logical Router (DLR). This is part of our ongoing efforts to make our network and platform more reliable, scalable, and secure. We do not expect any service interruption during this maintenance window.)
15.02.2019 3:32:50 gen. damage to is estimated at ущерб оценивается в ("West Vancouver police are warning drivers to make sure they have winter tires if they're heading up the mountain, after two accidents on the road to Cypress on Tuesday. In the first accident around 4:30 p.m., a 36-year-old Vancouver woman heading north on Cypress Bowl Road in a 1999 Nissan Pathfinder lost control in slippery road conditions and collided with a southbound 2015 Subaru SVX driven by a 23-year-old Vancouver man. The Subaru came to rest on its side in the ditch and the driver was taken to hospital for assessment of a minor leg injury. Damage to the vehicles was estimated at $20,000 for the Subaru and $10,000 for the Nissan." (NS News))
10.02.2019 1:21:31 offic. in accordance with the laws in force в соответствии с действующим законодательством (This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the Province of Ontario.)
9.02.2019 4:32:49 gen. call for звать (When the officer arrived in the parking lot, he could hear the man calling for his dog.)
2.02.2019 20:05:30 gen. over in у вас (location: Hi Alan. Hope everything is well over in Surrey. – Надеюсь, у вас там в Суррее всё хорошо.)
1.02.2019 21:40:12 modern geared towards разработанный с учётом (geared toward everyday life)
30.01.2019 9:38:02 gen. under another name под чужим именем
26.01.2019 13:51:22 gen. at last наконец-то (At last someone has cracked the mystery of why effeminate men get more girlfriends. economist.com)
26.01.2019 9:03:10 inf. in a spot like that в такой ситуации (How did you end up in a spot like that?)
23.01.2019 1:03:21 gen. have a stretch потягиваться (Sleepy cat having a stretch.)
19.01.2019 2:18:53 gen. people in the back те, кто сидит сзади / в конце зала (For the people in the back, it says … – Для тех, кто сидит сзади, здесь написано ...)
18.01.2019 14:16:23 media. get one's hands on получить

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