
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

30.09.2019 23:27:09 lit., f.tales have a spell cast on one быть заколдованным (Prince Ludwig has had a spell cast on him and been turned into a bear. – Принца заколдовали и превратили в медведя.)
29.09.2019 6:57:29 food.ind. soda pop / pop / soda / soft drink газированный напиток
29.09.2019 6:30:08 gen. seven-fold семикратный (a 7-fold increase in fat content)
29.09.2019 1:46:10 formal you are in danger of вам грозит (If you get a kidney stone, you are in danger of getting more later in life.)
28.09.2019 23:13:56 gen. woolly lambkin лапочка (нежное, умилительное обращение: You're my woolly lambkin!)
28.09.2019 23:13:56 gen. woolly lambkin лапулечка (нежное, умилительное обращение: You're my woolly lambkin!)
28.09.2019 8:26:47 humor. give the brusheroo дать от ворот поворот ("Don't tell me that a girl like Corky, accustomed to giving Hollywood glamour men the brusheroo, couldn't put Gussie on ice, if she wanted to." (P.G. Wodehouse))
28.09.2019 8:16:15 formal sow doubts as to whether посеять сомнения по поводу
28.09.2019 7:59:41 gen. thought to ask догадался спросить у ("I searched Marvis Bay like a bloodhound, but nobody came forward to claim the infant. (...) It wasn't till, by another inspiration, I thought to ask the sweet-stall man that I got on the track." (P.G. Wodehouse))
24.09.2019 8:56:06 brit. it's the goods это то, что нужно (It's the goods. It's bound to work.)
24.09.2019 7:42:52 gen. short-tempered person невыдержанный человек (Richard's family insist that the two had left on their trip on good terms and that he was not a violent or short tempered person at all.)
24.09.2019 6:49:56 sail. the weather was getting a bit worse погода немного испортилась / ухудшилась (At the time the weather was getting a bit worse, but it was still manageable, and Charles was a good skipper – experienced enough that there should have been no problems making their way to the island.)
24.09.2019 6:19:47 sail. make one's way пройти ([под парусом] до, к –to: Chuck Rutherford and Lana Ann Stempien's sailing adventure was to take them up the St. Claire River and into Lake Huron, after which they planned to make their way to Mackinac Island.)
21.09.2019 8:15:50 gen. be well aware that хорошо известно, что (кому-либо: I want to make it clear that the president is well aware that there are certain groups within the government and the media determined to undermine his achievements. | "She is well aware that until I have had my cup of tea in the morning, I do not receive." (P.G. Wodehouse) – Ей хорошо известно, что ...))
21.09.2019 8:08:38 gen. produce no effect не возыметь должного эффекта ("Your barging in and telling me to get up and dress, and all that rot.' 'I've barged in, as you call it, because me telegrams seemed to produce no effect." (P.G. Wodehouse))
21.09.2019 8:06:49 fig.of.sp. barge in вламываться ("Your barging in and telling me to get up and dress, and all that rot.' 'I've barged in, as you call it, because me telegrams seemed to produce no effect." (P.G. Wodehouse))
21.09.2019 8:06:49 fig.of.sp. barge in вломиться ("Your barging in and telling me to get up and dress, and all that rot.' 'I've barged in, as you call it, because me telegrams seemed to produce no effect." (P.G. Wodehouse))
21.09.2019 3:27:09 derog. greedy pig обжора ("Greedy young pigs have nothing to do with it,' I said with a touch of hauteur. 'One is not a greedy young pig because one appreciates the cooking of a genius." (P.G. Wodehouse))
21.09.2019 2:46:33 inf. I haven't the foggiest не имею ни малейшего представления
21.09.2019 2:44:38 gen. I have not the remotest notion не имею ни малейшего представления (I am afraid that I have not the remotest notion what you are talking about.)
20.09.2019 6:29:22 gen. briefly ненадолго (The school's foundation stone (...) was laid by His Royal Highness, Edward, Prince of Wales, Sept. 22, 1919, during a visit to Canada. Yes, that Edward – the one who briefly became King of England before abdicating his throne to marry American divorcee Mrs. Wallis Simpson in 1937. (Vancouver Courier))
16.09.2019 8:09:26 proverb everything in between любые ... в этих пределах (According to Maggie, you can still find relatively affordable housing if you go farther out, for instance in Emerald or Black Tusk, where you can buy a three to four-bedroom house for $1.2 to $1.5 million. However, if you want to purchase a house in Whistler or Blackcomb, you are looking at prices starting at $3 million up to $20 million, and everything in between.)
16.09.2019 7:48:49 real.est. recreational для загородного отдыха (The market has dropped a bit and my clients who mostly hail from the U.S., Singapore, Macao, Hong Kong, and other places in Asia, are taking advantage of the favourable exchange rates to purchase a recreational home in Whistler.)
14.09.2019 8:42:51 cliche. I can do without your Обойдусь без вашего (I can do without your help / advice / condolences.)
13.09.2019 8:25:52 inf. A fat chance! Дудки!
13.09.2019 8:25:52 inf. A fat chance! как бы не так!
13.09.2019 6:35:43 brit. poor chap бедняга
13.09.2019 2:45:10 inf. like crazy зверски
13.09.2019 2:44:45 inf. like nobody's business зверски ('I seem', he said, his lips contorted by a spasm of pain, 'to have come out in a pair of shoes about eleven sizes too small, and they're nipping me like nobody's business.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
13.09.2019 2:23:35 gen. looking pretty pleased with himself | herself с самодовольным видом (He was looking pretty dashed pleased with himself.)
13.09.2019 2:20:26 gen. act from the best motives действовать, исходя из лучших побуждений (He maintains that he acted from the best motives.)
13.09.2019 2:12:50 gen. do the horrid deed совершить ужасный поступок ("To this, Boko had rather cleverly replied by saying that it was far more likely to have been young Edwin who had done the horrid deed. There comes a moment, he had pointed out, in the life of every Boy Scout when he suddenly feels fed up with doing acts of kindness and allows his human side to get uppermost." (P.G. Wodehouse))
12.09.2019 21:49:14 inf. cause a ruckus буянить (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2019 21:46:06 inf. raise a ruckus буянить (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2019 21:45:28 inf. raise a ruckus бузить (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2019 21:45:28 inf. raise a ruckus устроить галдёж (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2019 21:45:28 inf. raise a ruckus галдеть (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2019 21:43:50 inf. cause a ruckus галдеть (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2019 21:43:34 inf. cause a ruckus устроить галдёж (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2019 21:43:12 inf. cause a ruckus бузить (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2019 21:42:55 inf. cause a ruckus шуметь (An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus.)
10.09.2019 7:09:36 cliche. discuss the matter обсудить вопрос (We need to discuss the matter with your coach. – Нужно обсудить этот вопрос с твоим тренером.)
10.09.2019 6:47:45 gen. nearby areas соседние районы (в городе: There may not be many condos in this stretch of the city, but there are plenty in nearby areas like Oakwood, Westridge and a little farther east in Marpole.)
10.09.2019 6:37:17 emph. A pretty state of things! Хорошенькие дела! (возмущённо)
10.09.2019 6:36:52 emph. Here's a nice state of things! Хорошенькие дела! (возмущённо)
10.09.2019 6:34:43 emph. A pretty state of things! Хорошенькое дело! (возмущённо)
10.09.2019 6:34:04 emph. Here's a nice state of things! Хорошенькое дело! (возмущённо)
8.09.2019 8:50:07 gen. do a bit of fish-ing / garden-ing немного по-рыбачить / по-работать в саду (I just wanted to do a bit of fishing.)
8.09.2019 8:43:13 brit. Rubbish! Чушь!
8.09.2019 8:43:13 brit. Rubbish! Глупости!
8.09.2019 8:39:45 cliche. perfect idiot круглый идиот (I think he's a perfect idiot.)
7.09.2019 0:32:40 cliche. Sooner him than me Скорее он, чем я ("Evelyn and Jerry got engaged. I just congratulated him." "Sooner him than me.")
7.09.2019 0:29:25 cliche. where on earth did you spring from? Откуда ты взялся?
7.09.2019 0:15:38 gen. move out of the way убрать с дороги ("The truck's here. They want to unload the pallets." "That's all right. We've moved everything out of the way, we were already expecting.")
6.09.2019 21:27:14 inf. screwup бардак (= a situation or state of affairs that is confused or full of difficulties)
6.09.2019 5:08:41 gen. kindly act доброе дело ("an agreeable feeling of duty done and a kindly act accomplished" (P.G. Wodehouse))
4.09.2019 4:01:45 mus. perform выступить с концертом (The classical vocalist is coming to perform in Greenwood next month.)
4.09.2019 2:33:51 formal provided при условии, что (In Canada, you can turn right at a red traffic light provided you come to a complete stop first and there is no oncoming traffic.)
4.09.2019 2:09:56 cliche. what you say / you're saying may very well be true but Так-то оно так, но
3.09.2019 8:45:39 jarg. buff накачанный (Many of us want to get a buff athlete's body, but few can. )
3.09.2019 7:53:49 idiom. bring home the bacon увенчаться успехом
3.09.2019 7:53:49 idiom. bring home the bacon принести свои плоды
1.09.2019 20:52:22 idiom. paint oneself into a corner загнать себя в глупое положение
31.08.2019 8:52:18 inf. thoroughly plastered вдрызг пьяный ("No girl likes to feel that a chap has got to be thoroughly plastered before he can ask her to marry him. It wounds the pride." (P.G. Wodehouse))
31.08.2019 8:49:33 gen. stinking drunk вдрызг пьяный
31.08.2019 8:45:03 gen. any sort любой ("Give me a drink, Bertie." "What sort?" "Any sort, so long as it's strong." (P.G. Wodehouse))
31.08.2019 7:46:54 gen. get entangled with запутаться в ("He mentioned, I remember, the case of a friend of his whose machine got entangled with a goat chain and who was dragged several miles (…) so that he was never the same man again." (P.G. Wodehouse))
30.08.2019 21:12:26 med. likely to cause injury травмоопасный
30.08.2019 1:58:02 gen. see to it that позаботиться о том, чтобы ('So, what I mean to say, although the providence which watches over good men saw to it that I was enabled to complete the homeward journey unscathed except in the billowy portions, removing from my path all goats, elephants and owls that looked like my Aunt Agatha, it was frowning and jaundiced Bertram who finally came to anchor at the Brinkley Court front door." (P.G. Wodehouse) – позаботилось о том, чтобы я смог ...)
29.08.2019 21:52:26 publ.util. sit across from располагаться напротив (о здании: The latest rezoning application that has been filed is for 2935 St. George Street, which sits across from Mount Saint Joseph Hospital. – расположен напротив)
29.08.2019 7:57:11 cliche. approach from another angle подойти с другой стороны (I think we should approach the matter from another angle. – нам нужно подойти к этому вопросу с другой стороны)
29.08.2019 7:35:59 excl. woohoo! ура! (Woohoo! First coho and steelhead spotted above the Hawa'xwa River rockslide after almost 3 years!)
29.08.2019 4:56:53 logist. untampered с неповреждённой пломбой грузоотправителя (о грузовом контейнере: Security Seals are used to ensure your freight arrives untampered.)
29.08.2019 3:56:39 transp. commercial vehicle грузовой автомобиль (The Traffic Unit is out checking commercial vehicles today and have already taken 2 trucks off the road with fully comprimised tires that need replacing before they can go back on the road.)
29.08.2019 3:46:35 gen. schedule an appointment записаться на приём (with / at)
27.08.2019 7:57:52 poetic scorned оскорблённый (Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.)
27.08.2019 7:50:29 brit. blighter охламон
27.08.2019 7:50:29 brit. blighter обормот
25.08.2019 22:17:42 inf. throw a barbecue пригласить на шашлыки
25.08.2019 1:59:00 gen. grubby little fellow грязнуля (about a child)
25.08.2019 1:55:47 formal domestic staff прислуга (в большом доме)
25.08.2019 1:42:55 idiom. let one's attention wander отвлечься (Don't let your attention wander when the headmaster is speaking, my lad. – Не отвлекайся ...)
25.08.2019 1:38:09 humor. in the full soup and fish разодетый в пух и прах
20.08.2019 9:03:40 gen. in a husky voice охрипшим голосом
20.08.2019 8:54:48 gen. that's no good не годится (неодобрение по поводу плана и т.п.)
20.08.2019 8:09:53 gen. snip чикнуть (отрезать ножом или скальпелем: Yeah, it's a pretty big one. I guess I'll just snip it.)
20.08.2019 7:52:17 fig. deeply attached глубоко привязанный (к – to: We all knew how deeply attached he was to his wife of thirty years.)
20.08.2019 0:41:35 gen. woven shopping basket плетёная корзина для покупок (handcrafted woven shopping baskets – плетёные корзинки для покупок ручной работы)
20.08.2019 0:40:04 gen. woven bag плетёная сумка (handcrafted woven leather handbags – плетёные женские кожаные сумочки ручной работы)
20.08.2019 0:38:40 gen. woven handbag плетёная женская сумочка (handcrafted woven leather handbags – плетёные женские кожаные сумочки ручной работы)
19.08.2019 22:46:56 crim.law. domestic на бытовой почве
16.08.2019 9:32:11 derog. greedy hog обжора
16.08.2019 5:46:55 gen. Territorial Administration Office территориальное управление
16.08.2019 5:44:33 gen. Administration Office управление (как структура, не здание и не процесс)
13.08.2019 9:30:02 brit. old thing старина ("It can't be done, old thing. Sorry, but it's out of the question." (P.G. Wodehouse))
13.08.2019 9:25:07 brit. ghastly thing гадость (нечто отвратительное на вид: Take this away, I can't look at the ghastly thing!)
13.08.2019 1:42:10 gen. two weeks of vacation двухнедельный отпуск (After two weeks of vacation I'm back on the beat.)
10.08.2019 3:39:44 cliche. it was no good arguing Возражать было бесполезно ("It was no good arguing, of course. Aunt Agatha always makes me feel as if I had gelatine where my spine ought to be." (P.G. Wodehouse))
10.08.2019 3:28:05 gen. brand new новенький (Brand new shirt! – Новенькая рубашечка! (обращаясь к ребёнку))
10.08.2019 3:21:53 fig. percolate бурлить ("In that boom year of 1939 in Los Angeles, the movie industry was in high gear, and the town percolated with nightlife and high living in a string of fancy supper clubs." (Vanity Fair) – в городе бурлила ночная жизнь)

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