
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

10.12.2019 0:10:15 idiom. hurt the bottom line привести к убыткам
7.12.2019 4:02:02 inf. have a pretty good handle on неплохо разбираться в (You have a pretty good handle on the topic. You've read some of the books, you've watched the movies. What are your feelings about what's happening to all these hikers and hunters? – Ты неплохо разбираешься в этой теме)
6.12.2019 23:50:29 gen. come rushing out выскочить (…and they came rushing out to see what was going on)
6.12.2019 22:56:34 gen. make things neat and tidy аккуратно расставить
6.12.2019 8:45:29 inf. hobnob with проводить время в чьей-либо компании ("(...) whose Aunt Myrtle I had seen the previous night hobnobbing with the hellhound, Glossop." (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.12.2019 8:41:23 law liable for losses несущий ответственность за убытки ("Polygon could have limited its liability by forfeiting the $5 million deposit when it walked away from the deal, according to Telus's suit. Since it didn't, Telus is arguing the developer is now liable for all of the telecom company's losses from the deal, including the difference between the $175.5 million in the agreement and the price the property eventually sells for, the cost to market and resell the property and legal costs." -– несёт ответственность за убытки westerninvestor.com)
6.12.2019 8:22:20 agric. pig barn свинарник (Your hypocrisy smells worse than my neighbours' pig barn!)
6.12.2019 8:11:13 disappr. pot of poison отрава жизни (my Aunt Agatha, this old pot of poison)
6.12.2019 8:04:25 inf. buddies приятели
1.12.2019 12:05:59 gen. bargain priced дешёвый (The reality is that no government has the means to house the entire nation. If the NDP promised bargain priced rentals for $300 per month forever, then I want that too! I'll sell my place and take the government freebies! Hell yeah!)
1.12.2019 11:53:15 inf. got ... coming up намечается (Got a super busy month coming up. – У меня намечается до предела загруженный месяц / Следующий месяц буду загружен до предела)
1.12.2019 11:25:13 proverb on very rare occasions в очень редких случаях
1.12.2019 10:59:35 proverb without the slightest hesitation без малейших колебаний
30.11.2019 4:56:18 med. surgery unit хирургическое отделение (Surgery Unit – General Surgery. Provides acute care to admitted patients requiring secondary and/or tertiary surgical interventions.)
30.11.2019 1:28:03 abbr. slightly cloudy с/м (в анализе мочи, категория Прозрачность: слегка мутная)
30.11.2019 1:05:24 med. urine transparency прозрачность мочи (Urine transparency is an index of absence of infection.)
29.11.2019 21:28:35 med. concurrent diseases сопутствующие заболевания (patients with concurrent cardiovascular or respiratory diseases)
29.11.2019 9:27:11 med. women's clinic женская консультация (usually capitalized: Women's Clinic / Women's Care Clinic / Women's Health Clinic)
29.11.2019 9:27:11 med. women's care clinic женская консультация (usually capitalized: Women's Clinic / Women's Care Clinic / Women's Health Clinic)
29.11.2019 9:27:11 med. women's health clinic женская консультация (usually capitalized: Women's Clinic / Women's Care Clinic / Women's Health Clinic)
29.11.2019 7:28:51 pharm. mcg/day мкг/сут
29.11.2019 7:08:50 gen. nothing out of the ordinary без каких-либо особенностей
29.11.2019 7:04:43 med. postoperative phase послеоперационный период
29.11.2019 6:41:21 endocr. cystic fluid кистозная жидкость
29.11.2019 5:26:10 physiol. paratracheal lymph nodes лимфатические узлы в правой или левой паратрахеальной области
29.11.2019 5:17:55 anat. glandular tissue ткань железы
28.11.2019 9:54:30 med. hydrophilic patches гидрофильные участки
28.11.2019 9:44:32 med. cystoid degeneration кистовидная дегенерация
28.11.2019 9:37:11 med. isoechogenic tissue изоэхогенная ткань (образования)
28.11.2019 9:32:40 med. distinct boundaries чёткие границы (образований)
28.11.2019 9:16:30 endocr. nodule образование (в долях щитовидной железы:: "It is very common for (...) nodules to develop in the thyroid that may or may not be felt on the skin surface." radiologyinfo.org)
28.11.2019 9:11:48 anat. lobe доля щитовидной железы
24.11.2019 6:49:17 gen. give as a wedding present подарить на свадьбу (The Bentley? Oh, my dad gave it to me as a wedding present.)
23.11.2019 1:29:07 gen. routine будни (т.е. привычная работа: адвокатские будни – barrister's routine)
23.11.2019 1:26:30 gen. routine повседневная работа
20.11.2019 23:07:03 formal be entitled to быть наделённым (… is a Canadian citizen and, as such, is entitled to all the rights and privileges … – наделён всеми правами и привилегиями ...)
20.11.2019 8:11:14 Canada Certificate of Canadian Citizenship свидетельство о гражданстве Канады
20.11.2019 6:15:10 formal during the term of this contract/agreement за период действия настоящего контракта/договора
17.11.2019 9:27:57 idiom. twenty-minute egg чёрствый человек
17.11.2019 9:27:57 idiom. twenty-minute egg бездушный человек
17.11.2019 9:27:57 idiom. twenty-minute egg непробиваемый человек
17.11.2019 7:06:02 idiom. not in a million years ни за какие коврижки ("Bertie would never dream of doing such a thing, would you, Bertie?' 'Not in a million years.' (P. G. Wodehouse))
13.11.2019 9:22:47 publ.transp. run рейс автобуса (The transit authority says it will continue to provide alerts, but that it is difficult to know which runs are cancelled as a result of job action.)
13.11.2019 4:47:05 inf. run something by спросить чьего-либо совета по поводу (I would like to hear your opinion on this. Have you got a few minutes, so I can run some ideas by you?)
12.11.2019 6:36:28 gen. upon graduation from high school после окончания школы
12.11.2019 1:28:14 gen. pigeon coop голубятня (cbc.ca)
10.11.2019 6:54:07 gen. cleverly находчиво ("Don't you like this hat?' 'No, sir.' 'Well, I do," I replied rather cleverly, and went out with it tilted just that merest shade over the left eye which makes all the difference. (P.G. Wodehouse) – находчиво ответил / остроумно ответил)
10.11.2019 6:54:07 gen. cleverly остроумно ("Don't you like this hat?' 'No, sir.' 'Well, I do," I replied rather cleverly, and went out with it tilted just that merest shade over the left eye which makes all the difference. (P.G. Wodehouse) – находчиво ответил / остроумно ответил)
10.11.2019 6:49:53 gen. clever остроумный (a clever technical solution)
10.11.2019 6:46:55 gen. be up and about встать (в знач. "уже не лежать в постели": 'So you're up and about, are you?' she boomed. 'I thought you'd be in bed, snoring your head off.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Ты уже встал?)
10.11.2019 6:41:16 formal principally в первую очередь (The contamination was due principally to the presence of asbestos)
10.11.2019 6:08:28 humor. tackle приняться за ("after sailing through a couple of sausages like a tiger of the jungles tucking into its luncheon coolie I was now (...) about to tackle the toast and marmalade (…)" (P.G. Wodehouse))
10.11.2019 6:03:47 idiom. try that one on for size вот и разберись (Jennifer told me she had gone to Crofton Manor in the 1990s. I asked Fiona about that and she denies having seen her there at the time. Try that one on for size! – Вот и понимай как знаешь. / Вот и разберись.)
10.11.2019 5:55:48 jarg. put sb. in the clear снимать подозрения с (кого-либо; "The butler has been with us for years." "You think that puts him in the clear?" "Certainly.")
10.11.2019 3:05:07 gen. kitchen sponge кухонная губка
9.11.2019 23:44:44 idiom. work counter to идти вразрез с ("I get that a lot of people are gleeful over this project because of a raft of frustrations many have with current city-planning practices that seem to work counter to a lot of goals related to living more sustainably or building more efficiently." – Frances Bula)
9.11.2019 21:39:10 idiom. play fast and loose with бесцеремонно обращаться с (A lot of people are frustrated with how these big companies are playing fast and loose with their personal information.)
5.11.2019 1:38:46 bank. wire transfer of foreign currency валютный перевод
4.11.2019 9:56:05 gen. you know as well as I do that вам известно не хуже меня, что ('Don't stand there saying "Sir?" You know as well as I do that a situation has arisen which calls for the immediate coming of all good men to the aid of the party.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Вам известно не хуже меня, что ...)
4.11.2019 9:50:51 gen. find the way найти выход (из затруднительного положения:: I eyed him reverently. 'Jeeves,' I said, 'as always, you have found the way.' (P.G. Wodehouse) • She sat up. I could see the light of hope dawning in her eyes. ‘You really think he will find the way?' ‘I am convinced of it. He always finds the way.'(P.G. Wodehouse))
4.11.2019 9:18:29 gen. financially established материально обеспеченный (о мужчине)
27.10.2019 9:22:48 idiom. the scales have fallen from one's eyes открылись глаза ("The fever has passed, the scales have fallen from my eyes, and we're just good friends." (P.G. Wodehouse) – "Лихорадка прошла, у меня открылись глаза (на неё), и теперь мы просто хорошие друзья.")
27.10.2019 9:16:29 gen. okay сносный ("How was the show?' 'Oh, it was okay. The band not too bad either.")
27.10.2019 9:12:37 proverb get a good laugh от души посмеяться (out of something: She told me the whole story describing in detail what a silly ass you were. I got a good laugh out of that.)
25.10.2019 8:25:36 emph. A pretty state of affairs! Хорошенькое дело! (возмущённо)
25.10.2019 7:39:40 gen. what's taking you so long? что ты так долго копаешься?
19.10.2019 23:53:09 jarg. scam разводняк
19.10.2019 23:36:17 real.est. vacant building пустующее здание (In late 2016, a vacant building, which used to house a McDonald's restaurant at the corner of East Hastings and Penticton, was demolished, leaving another empty lot.)
19.10.2019 20:59:33 media. soar резко возрасти (rise very quickly to a high level, increase rapidly above the usual level: Sales of luxury watches are soaring.)
19.10.2019 7:57:27 gen. reserve a table in NN's name заказать столик на имя НН
17.10.2019 0:14:07 formal I appreciate that благодарю вас
16.10.2019 22:27:26 inf. be in a mess попасть в переплёт (We're in a mess. – Мы попали в переплёт.)
15.10.2019 22:41:49 bank. amount of debt сумма задолженности
10.06.2024 11:06:39 ed. cost of post-secondary education стоимость высшего образования (Have you thought about the cost of post-secondary education for your child?)
12.10.2019 0:02:11 gen. facial features черты лица (Nori, an adorable Aussiepoo mix from Seattle has become an internet sensation thanks to his expressive eyes and cute smile, which many have described as eerily human-like. When they see Nori's almond-shaped eyes and pink lips that curl into an almost human smile, most people can't help but do a double-take. His owners, Kevin Hurless and Tiffany Ngo, say that, over the years they have gotten used to people's reactions when they notice Nori's human-like facial features, but the attention has become overwhelming since photos of their pooch went viral on social media, about a week ago." odditycentral.com)
11.10.2019 23:15:41 gen. deal with this situation разобраться с этой ситуацией (Metal debris and flat tires – there are multiple vehicles with flat tires on Hwy 99 We have police on scene dealing with this situation. – полиция разбирается на месте с этой ситуацией)
10.10.2019 9:02:26 trav. check in at the hotel зарегистрироваться в отеле/гостинице (We arrived in Paris and checked in at the hotel.)
10.10.2019 9:02:26 trav. check in at the hotel заселиться в гостиницу (We arrived in Paris and checked in at the hotel.)
10.10.2019 8:39:45 fig. bask in one's status наслаждаться своим положением (At 35, he was right at the top, basking in his new status.)
10.10.2019 8:34:29 proverb picked on the wrong person не на того напали (If you think you can intimidate and threaten me, you have picked on the wrong person.)
10.10.2019 8:30:52 amer. hardball жёсткая тактика (DJR Resources sued Jeff Leigh for breach of contract. They tried to take his medical benefits from him. It was a display of corporate hardball which did not scare Leigh.)
10.10.2019 8:23:21 gen. not that ... anyway хотя всё равно не (Nobody's going to tell me what I should or shouldn't do – not that I'd listen, anyway. – хотя я всё равно не послушаюсь)
8.10.2019 8:08:59 gen. hearty trencherman завзятый чревоугодник ("a hearty trencherman, and particularly fond of his five o'clock couple of cups and bite of muffin" (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.10.2019 7:57:28 gen. have a grudge затаить зло (against someone – на кого-либо: ‘I am convinced that my boat was set adrift by the boy Thomas, my hostess's son.' ‘Oh, I say, no! Why?' ‘He had a grudge against me. And it is the sort of thing only a boy, or one who is practically an imbecile, would have thought of doing.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.10.2019 7:45:22 idiom. offer the heart and hand предложить руку и сердце ("When I thought how near I had come to offering the heart and hand to a girl capable of double-crossing a strong man's honest love like that, I shivered." (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.10.2019 7:41:24 euph. crisp word крепкое словечко ("I would have put in a crisp word of two here, but he carried on without giving me the opp." (P.G. Wodehouse) – пару крепких словечек)
8.10.2019 7:39:40 euph. crisp word крепкое словцо ("I would have put in a crisp word of two here, but he carried on without giving me the opp." (P.G. Wodehouse))
7.10.2019 8:42:41 cliche. Why, this alters everything это всё меняет
7.10.2019 8:27:11 idiom. stuff oneself to the eyebrows уписывать за обе щеки ("The child stuffed himself to the eyebrows and got more and more amiable (…)" (P.G. Wodehouse))
7.10.2019 6:11:51 gen. go in at a front door зайти с парадного входа | через парадное/парадный вход
5.10.2019 4:18:59 gen. like a master мастерски ("It was a masterpiece of villainy, and he carried it out like a master." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
5.10.2019 4:18:14 gen. in a masterly way мастерски (Thank you for touching up that piece of mine in such a masterly way. You have strengthened the weak spots, for which I cannot thank you enough.)
5.10.2019 3:42:22 idiom. come uppermost возобладать ("(...) was also a fathead, and now, when he had victory in his grasp, the fatheaded streak in him came uppermost." (P.G. Wodehouse))
5.10.2019 3:36:06 gen. give sb. a great deal of pleasure доставлять массу удовольствия (Digging up antiques at flea markets gives me a great deal of pleasure. – доставляет мне массу удовольствия)
3.10.2019 3:16:37 formal ward подопечный (о несовершеннолетнем/-ней, находящемся/-щейся в юридической зависимости от опекуна)
3.10.2019 3:11:19 cliche. get it behind the ear получить оплеуху
2.10.2019 23:04:42 cliche. special significance особая значимость
30.09.2019 23:41:18 cliche. apply some common sense проявлять здравый смысл (while in contrast you apply a bit of common sense and come up with something reasonable – проявить немного здравого смысла)
30.09.2019 23:41:18 cliche. apply a bit of common sense проявлять здравый смысл (while in contrast you apply a bit of common sense and come up with something reasonable – проявить немного здравого смысла)
30.09.2019 23:28:42 folk. markedly increase заметно возрасти (Fructose consumption has markedly increased over the past decades. – заметно возросло)

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