
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

24.04.2020 8:14:19 gen. hint delicately тактично намекнуть ('I suppose, when I didn't turn up at the hotel, she took it that that was my way of hinting delicately that I had changed my mind and wanted to call the thing off.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
24.04.2020 8:14:19 gen. hint delicately тактично дать понять ('I suppose, when I didn't turn up at the hotel, she took it that that was my way of hinting delicately that I had changed my mind and wanted to call the thing off.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
24.04.2020 7:32:29 subl. beg in vain напрасно упрашивать ('In vain I begged him to tell me more.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
24.04.2020 7:32:29 subl. beg in vain напрасно умолять ('In vain I begged him to tell me more.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
24.04.2020 7:27:57 formal bring to a successful conclusion успешно завершить (McComb Labs reports of the excellent work done by your team. Congratulations on bringing it to a successful conclusion.)
24.04.2020 7:21:51 gram. under circumstances при обстоятельствах (under most unusual circumstances – при крайне необычных обстоятельствах)
24.04.2020 6:36:17 idiom. keep a bold face хорохориться ('I kept a bold face before Lestrade, but, upon my soul, I believe that for once the fellow is on the right track and we are on the wrong.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
24.04.2020 6:36:17 idiom. keep a bold face храбриться ('I kept a bold face before Lestrade, but, upon my soul, I believe that for once the fellow is on the right track and we are on the wrong.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
24.04.2020 6:31:47 gen. hopes have not been fulfilled надежды не оправдались ('It was late when my friend returned, and I could see, by a glance at his haggard and anxious face, that the high hopes with which he had started had not been fulfilled.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
24.04.2020 6:31:47 gen. hopes have not been fulfilled надежды не сбылись ('It was late when my friend returned, and I could see, by a glance at his haggard and anxious face, that the high hopes with which he had started had not been fulfilled.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
24.04.2020 6:24:51 gen. gets to do whatever she wants делает всё, что хочет (As her dad's baby daughter, she gets to do whatever she wants.)
23.04.2020 1:17:46 busin. at the price set out по указанной цене (at the price or prices set out herein)
23.04.2020 0:54:42 busin. terms and conditions set out изложенные условия (контракта, договора: I do hereby agree I carried out the above services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred to herein or attached hereto.)
23.04.2020 0:53:10 busin. herein в контексте данного документа (В контексте данного документа ... означает ... – As used herein, "Talent" shall mean actors, directors, producers, writers, musical performing artists and other performers, songwriters, crew and other persons ...)
23.04.2020 0:52:19 busin. herein в данном документе (I do hereby agree I carried out the above services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred to herein or attached hereto.)
23.04.2020 0:49:14 busin. herein в данном контракте (I do hereby agree I carried out the above services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred to herein or attached hereto.)
23.04.2020 0:47:17 formal in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein согласно условиям, изложенным в данном документе (I do hereby agree I carried out the above services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred to herein or attached hereto.)
23.04.2020 0:43:20 formal carry out the services предоставить услуги (I do hereby agree I carried out the above services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred to herein or attached hereto.)
23.04.2020 0:43:20 formal carry out the services оказать услуги (I do hereby agree I carried out the above services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred to herein or attached hereto.)
21.04.2020 7:40:31 gen. typical specimen типичный образец ('She asked me what you did for a living. And when I told her you didn't do anything she said she thought as much, and that you were a typical specimen of a useless and decaying aristocracy.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
21.04.2020 6:54:53 gen. just as bad ничем не лучше (Remember last winter? It's supposed to be just as bad this time.)
21.04.2020 6:50:50 emph. since when с каких это пор (Since when have you become a baseball fan? I thought you were a hockey buff. • Since when do students get to decide how schools should be run?)
19.04.2020 7:46:48 gen. come across попасться на глаза (While looking at some old copies of Life Magazine in an antique store, I came across a very interesting article. – мне попалась на глаза)
19.04.2020 7:42:30 gen. come across показаться (Don't be afraid to come across as lacking experience. We all started out that way.)
19.04.2020 7:32:05 busin. recertify проходить сертификацию (повторную / регулярно: Are you a Certified Human Resource Professional? All CHRPs are required to recertify every three years. You should be completing your recertification log on a regular basis and recording all educational sessions you have attended.)
16.04.2020 4:10:03 inf. good looks привлекательность (I put up with the blonde bimbo for ten years. Then I realised I wasn't getting much out of her and she was costing me a lot of money. So I dropped her for a more down-to-earth low-maintenance sporty blonde and haven't looked back since. She still has good looks but doesn't take an hour to get ready. – она также привлекательна)
16.04.2020 4:03:18 sarcast. with a generous dollop of щедро приправленный (a memoir recounting her years of sexual exploits, with a generous dollop of celebrity name-droping)
16.04.2020 4:01:43 gen. giving щедрый (Emily was a tremendously giving person, she would help anybody and everybody she could help.)
16.04.2020 4:01:07 inf. antics похождения (Prince Harry's recent Las Vegas antics raise a valid point – what if he is suddenly moved to the front of the line in the event of Prince William and his wife not being able to leave an heir to the throne – is this the future king the British public really wants to see?)
29.05.2024 4:36:49 sarcast. exploits похождения (a memoir recounting her years of sexual exploits, with a generous dollop of celebrity name-dropping)
16.04.2020 3:41:05 gen. valid point сильный аргумент (In his article about Stalin, Prof. Lefevre makes many valid points in his favour. – приводит немало сильных аргументов в его пользу)
16.04.2020 3:33:49 low not give a damn плевать хотеть (He doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. – Плевать он хотел на всех остальных.)
16.04.2020 3:06:11 idiom. rub the wrong way задеть за живое (Ron's rude remark rubbed Rick the wrong way.)
16.04.2020 3:04:33 idiom. rub the wrong way вывести из себя ('to do or say things that annoy someone' (Macmillan): "Don't talk to him about his ex. He can be quite mean if you rub him the wrong way.")
16.04.2020 3:02:40 gen. not bode well не предвещать ничего хорошего (I knew from experience that this kind of attitude by a client did not bode well for my making the much needed sale.)
16.04.2020 2:36:02 media. under rather mysterious circumstances при весьма загадочных обстоятельствах (One of our colleagues got tipped off that the wife of billionaire Jimmy Patterson had gone missing under some rather mysterious circumstances. Stay tuned for more on this developing story. – при весьма таинственных / загадочных обстоятельствах)
16.04.2020 2:23:09 Canada sign a child up for skating lessons записать ребёнка на фигурное катание
16.04.2020 1:40:01 gen. for later на потом (Uncle Harry likes to put jellybeans in his pants pockets "for later".)
16.04.2020 1:13:20 gen. feel overwhelmed быть не в состоянии справиться (с навалившимися делами или стрессом)
16.04.2020 0:54:06 radio play передавать (музыку по радио: Jack 96.3. Playing what we want, when we want it, 24/7.)
15.04.2020 10:11:09 gen. would do well не помешает ('(…) after we had agreed that his Uncle Joseph was a cockeyed fathead who would do well to consult some good oculist.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – которому не помешает проверить зрение у хорошего окулиста)
15.04.2020 10:07:14 idiom. as if a great weight has been rolled off the soul как камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.04.2020 10:06:23 idiom. as if a great weight has been rolled off the soul как будто камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.04.2020 10:05:36 idiom. as if a great weight has been rolled off the soul будто камень с души свалился ('It was as if a great weight had been rolled off the soul.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.04.2020 8:54:24 fig.of.sp. stand dumb with astonishment застыть в изумлении ("I stood dumb with astonishment, watching him from the darkness." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – застыл в изумлении)
15.04.2020 8:49:21 gen. foolishly по глупости ("One day last week – on Thursday night, to be more exact – I found that I could not sleep, having foolishly taken a cup of strong café noir after my dinner." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
15.04.2020 8:49:21 gen. foolishly по неосторожности ("One day last week – on Thursday night, to be more exact – I found that I could not sleep, having foolishly taken a cup of strong café noir after my dinner." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
15.04.2020 7:22:44 zool. bellow зареветь ('We were so cowed by the sight that I think we should have given the job up if it had not been for Prendergast. He bellowed like a bull and rushed for the door with all that were left alive at this heels.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – заревел как бык)
15.04.2020 7:10:34 gen. say glibly находчиво ответить ("Who are these gentlemen whom you have brought with you?" "One is Mr. Harris, of Bermondsey, and the other is Mr. Price, of this town," said our clerk glibly. "They are friends of mine and gentlemen of experience (…)" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – нашёлся • находчиво ответил • не моргнув глазом ответил)
15.04.2020 7:10:34 gen. say glibly не моргнув глазом ответить ("Who are these gentlemen whom you have brought with you?" "One is Mr. Harris, of Bermondsey, and the other is Mr. Price, of this town," said our clerk glibly. "They are friends of mine and gentlemen of experience (…)" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – нашёлся / находчиво ответил / не моргнув глазом ответил)
15.04.2020 7:04:56 gen. that is suggestive это о многом говорит
15.04.2020 7:00:05 gen. glib развязный (This is a serious issue, I don't want to sound glib about it.)
15.04.2020 6:55:35 idiom. fall flat не произвести должного впечатления (The joke fell rather flat on her. – не произвела на неё должного впечатления)
15.04.2020 2:04:43 cook. light up the barbie разжечь барбекюшницу
15.04.2020 2:04:43 cook. light up the barbie разжечь мангал
14.04.2020 2:22:40 idiom. in the swim в курсе всего (в определённой сфере бизнеса: He knew I was in the swim so he wanted to me to pick up a good candidate.)
13.04.2020 23:47:31 law.enf. issue a ticket выписать протокол (о нарушении)
13.04.2020 23:47:31 law.enf. give a ticket выписать протокол (о нарушении)
13.04.2020 23:47:31 law.enf. serve with a ticket выписать протокол (о нарушении)
13.04.2020 23:47:31 law.enf. write a ticket выписать протокол (о нарушении)
13.04.2020 8:40:11 gen. good fortune is coming your way вас ждёт удача (The Japanese people believe that if a black cat crosses your path, good fortune is coming your way.)
13.04.2020 8:34:48 obs. my dear young lady милая барышня (only as a form of address: " 'Ah!' said he, 'you must not think me rude if I passed you without a word, my dear young lady. I was preoccupied with business matters." • " 'My dear young lady! my dear young lady!' – you cannot think how caressing and soothing his manner was – 'and what has frightened you, my dear young lady?' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.04.2020 8:29:41 formal go further into the matter более тщательно разобраться в этом вопросе
13.04.2020 8:27:52 gen. as large as a размером с ('It was a giant dog, as large as a calf (...)' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.04.2020 8:25:25 gen. about the size of размером с (The astromoner estimates whatever entered the Earth's atmosphere was about the size of a grapefruit.)
13.04.2020 8:23:20 gen. take no notice игнорировать (намеренно: 'Surely it would be better to take no notice.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Лучше проигнорировать • не обращать внимания.)
12.04.2020 1:57:56 cook. made with приготовленный из (offering deliciously fresh meals made with the best local ingredients)
12.04.2020 1:54:40 energ.ind. thermal plant ТЭЦ
12.04.2020 1:54:40 energ.ind. thermal generating plant ТЭЦ
12.04.2020 1:50:13 med. underlying health conditions сопутствующие болезни (The patients who passed in the last 24 hours all had underlying health conditions.)
12.04.2020 1:18:54 humor. pupper щеночек (Look at that pupper across the street!)
12.04.2020 1:18:54 humor. pupper щенок (Look at that pupper across the street!)
12.04.2020 1:16:04 fig. run amok осатанеть (не обязательно по поводу ярости; может характеризовать рост активности преступных элементов в конкретном городском районе, см. свежий пример из Твиттера: Stop Downtown Eastside ‘over-policing' during the pandemic, VPD [is] urged. -- Over policing? They are running amok in downtown at the mininum. Today alone our office was broken into and 2 of our guys got their trucks broken into. Yesterday I saw them smash the rear window of a Bentley at Waterfront Station.)
12.04.2020 0:57:25 gen. run amok носиться сломя голову (running amock like a raging hippopotamus)
11.04.2020 22:08:08 gen. count down the days считать дни (Counting down the days until our gardens are in full bloom!)
11.04.2020 22:07:30 gen. count down the days until считать дни до (In fact, the term is now used to refer to any type of calendar that is used to count down the days until Christmas arrives.)
11.04.2020 10:36:10 cloth. shorts широкие мужские трусы
11.04.2020 10:36:10 cloth. shorts обрезанные джинсы
11.04.2020 9:02:06 gen. hard to come by трудно получить (This data is very hard to come by. – очень трудно получить)
11.04.2020 9:01:36 gen. hard to come by трудно найти (Hotel rooms are hard to come by in this season.)
11.04.2020 0:37:41 journ. do a story подготовить репортаж (Here's a hopeful story I did yesterday about the Vancouver company doing cutting-edge drug development into a treatment for COVID19. (Twitter))
11.04.2020 0:35:52 journ. do a story сделать материал (Помню, сделал материал с одним замечательным комбайнёром …)
9.04.2020 8:43:20 gen. that really depends По-разному (On what days do you get it delivered? – That really depends.)
9.04.2020 8:20:25 auto. get the vehicle repaired отдать машину в ремонт (Consumers have the right to review these rankings and make informed choices about where to get their vehicles repaired. – куда отдать в ремонт свой автомобиль)
9.04.2020 6:54:49 busin. family-owned restaurant семейный ресторан (Roma is a family-owned restaurant serving modern Italian cuisine.)
9.04.2020 3:24:50 verbat. skills training program программа профессионального обучения (The Employment Services and Supports program delivers skills training programs to prepare citizens and permanent residents for entry, or return to, sustainable employment)
9.04.2020 2:36:03 formal without just cause без уважительной причины (You may not be entitled for benefits if you voluntarily left your job without just cause or if you were dismissed for misconduct.)
9.04.2020 2:33:45 formal without just cause без уважительных причин (You may not be entitled for benefits if you voluntarily left your job without just cause or if you were dismissed for misconduct.)
8.04.2020 22:54:15 formal keep the operations up and running работать без перебоев (We are doing our best to keep our operations up and running during these difficult times. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.)
8.04.2020 8:56:44 gen. I don't want to have any part of it не хочу иметь с этим ничего общего (I thought my parents and their friends were very greedy, and I didn't want to have any part of it. – не хотел иметь с ними ничего общего)
8.04.2020 8:53:07 fig. cause pain причинить боль (также inflict pain: I want you to suffer for the pain you've caused. • "Of her former husband she speaks with astonishing charity, considering the pain he inflicted." (Vanity Fair))
7.04.2020 10:01:14 idiom. give in like a lamb безропотно уступить
7.04.2020 7:49:51 disappr. profit off of наживаться на (When people read 50 years from now about the great COVID-19 panic of 2020 (hopefully that's the only year involved), my hope is that it will be about how people pulled together to get through this crisis. My hope is that a few sleazy people who have been profiting off of the crisis are mere footnotes in a time of triumph over adversity. burnabynow.com)
7.04.2020 7:31:28 gen. sleazy people мерзавцы (When people read 50 years from now about the great COVID-19 panic of 2020 (hopefully that's the only year involved), my hope is that it will be about how people pulled together to get through this crisis. My hope is that a few sleazy people who have been profiting off of the crisis are mere footnotes in a time of triumph over adversity. burnabynow.com)
7.04.2020 7:29:39 gen. pull together сплотиться (When people read 50 years from now about the great COVID-19 panic of 2020 (hopefully that's the only year involved), my hope is that it will be about how people pulled together to get through this crisis. burnabynow.com)
6.04.2020 10:34:48 brit. in a pretty bad way не позавидуешь ('He was what Americans call a hard-boiled egg. If Bicky's people hadn't left him anything and he depended on what he could prise out of the old duke, he was in a pretty bad way.' – ему не позавидуешь (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.04.2020 10:13:09 brit. pick up an acquaintance with завязать знакомство с ('I went in the shape of a loafer to Sir George's house, managed to pick up an acquaintance with his valet (…)' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.04.2020 10:09:16 brit. provided for обеспеченный (средствами к существованию: 'Do not worry about my future, for that is provided for.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.04.2020 10:07:40 formal provide for предусматриваться (statutes, which provide for prosecution of ... – законодательство, по которому предусматривается ответственность за...)
6.04.2020 10:04:34 gen. sit by the fire сидеть у камина ("I've wasted time enough," said Lestrade, rising. "I believe in hard work and not in sitting by the fire spinning fine theories." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))

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