
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

10.05.2020 2:51:26 gen. put money away for retirement копить на старость (John and Alix bought the property for $870,000 in 2003, then sold for $3.75 million last month – $750,000 over the list price and $1.28 million over the assessed value. They are putting money away for retirement and moving to Deep Cove, where they bought a house after being outbid on three other properties.)
10.05.2020 2:47:23 gen. put money away for retirement откладывать деньги на старость (John and Alix bought the property for $870,000 in 2003, then sold for $3.75 million last month – $750,000 over the list price and $1.28 million over the assessed value. They are putting money away for retirement and moving to Deep Cove, where they bought a house after being outbid on three other properties.)
10.05.2020 2:36:59 bank. make out the cheque выписать чек (Was the cheque made out to you or Ron? = На кого был выписан чек – на тебя или на Рона?)
10.05.2020 2:32:06 real.est. list one's home выставить дом на продажу
10.05.2020 2:31:30 real.est. put one's home up for sale выставить дом на продажу
10.05.2020 2:31:03 real.est. put one's house on the market выставить дом на продажу
9.05.2020 9:05:46 obs. do a mischief причинить зло (кому-либо: 'If their intentions are evil they might do you a mischief, and we should be powerless to prevent it.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Если у них имеются дурные намерения, они могут причинить вам зло)
9.05.2020 9:03:18 gen. evil intentions дурные намерения ('If their intentions are evil they might do you a mischief, and we should be powerless to prevent it.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Если у них имеются дурные намерения)
9.05.2020 8:48:34 gen. that settles it Вопросов больше нет (Ah, that settles it. – Ясно, вопросов больше нет.)
9.05.2020 8:48:11 gen. that settles it Вопросов больше не имею (Ah, that settles it.)
9.05.2020 8:42:37 formal be most suggestive говорить о многом ('Now, this is a most suggestive fact.' 'What does it suggest?' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – "Этот факт говорит о многом." – "О чём же он говорит?")
8.05.2020 8:04:19 gen. put off отпугивать (That kind of leftist talk is really putting a lot of voters off.)
8.05.2020 3:40:49 inf. slutty шлюшистый (шлюшистый вид)
7.05.2020 10:20:44 idiom. at cross-purposes недоразумение (применяется по контексту: "Excuse me, Dr. Armstrong, I think we are a little at cross-purposes," said my friend, with dignity. • A flush of vexation passed over her expressive face. "We have been talking at cross purposes," said she. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
7.05.2020 10:17:00 idiom. at cross-purposes о разных вещах (говорить: "Excuse me, Dr. Armstrong, I think we are a little at cross-purposes," said my friend, with dignity. • A flush of vexation passed over her expressive face. "We have been talking at cross purposes," said she. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
7.05.2020 9:46:40 bank. deposit into an account положить на счёт (сумму в банке: These temporary supplements are paid and deposited into the same account as your federal income supplement payments.)
7.05.2020 9:43:05 canad. income assistance пособие для малообеспеченных граждан
7.05.2020 9:40:52 gen. be in receipt of a supplement получать доплату (к пенсии, о малообеспеченных: As part of its COVID-19 Action Plan, the government has put in place temporary emergency measures. These include a new temporary crisis emergency supplement to low-income seniors who are currently in receipt of the Senior's Supplement.)
7.05.2020 8:55:31 busin. be in receipt of получить (This is to confirm that we are in receipt of the report. – мы получили ваш отчёт)
7.05.2020 8:50:21 gen. put in place ввести (1) The community-based program was put in place in 2007. – была введена • 2) As part of its $5-billion COVID-19 Action Plan, the B.C. government has put in place temporary emergency measures. – временно ввело чрезвычайные меры)
7.05.2020 8:26:41 gen. cunning rascal прохвост ("Oh, the cunning rascal! This is how he gave me the slip the other night." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Ах, прохвост! Так вот каким образом он ускользнул от меня)
7.05.2020 8:26:28 gen. cunning rascal прощелыга ("Oh, the cunning rascal! This is how he gave me the slip the other night." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Ах, прощелыга! Так вот каким образом он ускользнул от меня)
7.05.2020 8:25:57 gen. cunning rascal пройдоха ("Oh, the cunning rascal! This is how he gave me the slip the other night." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Ах, пройдоха! Так вот каким образом он ускользнул от меня)
7.05.2020 8:24:36 gen. cunning rascal прохиндей ("Oh, the cunning rascal! This is how he gave me the slip the other night." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Ах, прохиндей! Так вот каким образом он ускользнул от меня)
7.05.2020 3:23:21 gen. come forward объявиться ("(...) there was enough in the papers to make the owner come forward, if it had been stolen. And the owner never did." (R. Chandler))
7.05.2020 0:02:04 med. ill effect отрицательные последствия (Mild alcohol intake resumed after 6 months with no ill effect. – без отрицательных последствий)
6.05.2020 9:32:10 lit. scintillating блистающий умом ("Excellent, Watson! You are scintillating this evening!" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.05.2020 9:17:47 inf. we are done нам крышка ('No, Mr. Holmes, we are done unless you can help me to find Godfrey Staunton.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.05.2020 8:28:04 formal I am aware of that мне об этом известно
5.05.2020 2:39:37 formal it would appear that по-видимому (Although it's impossible to say what the large creature in the water may have been, based on the tourist's account, it would appear that it was a living creature and not a log as it looked around when a speedboat passed nearby.)
5.05.2020 2:16:05 formal pursue cost recovery for damages требовать возмещения причиненных убытков ("The BC Wildfire Service and RCMP investigations did not uncover sufficient evidence to identify the person whose actions started the Elephant Hill wildfire. Therefore, it was not possible to lay charges or pursue cost recovery for damages caused by this fire," says a BC Wildfire Service release. The fire started on July 6, 2017, about 2.5 kilometres southeast of Ashcroft. It eventually burned 191,865 hectares in the south-central Interior region. citynews1130.com)
5.05.2020 2:16:05 formal pursue cost recovery for damages предъявить требования о возмещении ущерба ("The BC Wildfire Service and RCMP investigations did not uncover sufficient evidence to identify the person whose actions started the Elephant Hill wildfire. Therefore, it was not possible to lay charges or pursue cost recovery for damages caused by this fire," says a BC Wildfire Service release. The fire started on July 6, 2017, about 2.5 kilometres southeast of Ashcroft. It eventually burned 191,865 hectares in the south-central Interior region. citynews1130.com)
5.05.2020 2:07:50 gen. likely скорее всего (You can send the draft to me today but I likely won't be able to make changes until tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday. – скорее всего, не смогу внести изменения раньше, чем)
3.05.2020 3:59:15 gen. I just about died from embarrassment я чуть не умерла со стыда
3.05.2020 3:54:19 gen. check-up медосмотр (I went to my family physician for a regular check-up.-- обычный медосмотр)
2.05.2020 8:58:53 gen. there is no use denying бесполезно отрицать ("Well, Mr. Holmes, there is no use denying that there is something on my mind." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
2.05.2020 8:58:53 gen. there is no use denying нет смысла отрицать ("Well, Mr. Holmes, there is no use denying that there is something on my mind." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
2.05.2020 8:52:30 gen. choking fragrance удушливый запах (flowers, plants: 'The thick, warm air of the conservatory and rich, choking fragrance of exotic plants took us by the throat.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – густой, удушливый запах экзотических растений)
2.05.2020 8:46:01 gen. head to bed ложиться спать (Sorry, can't be done. We're heading to bed pretty soon. – Мы уже скоро ложимся спать.)
2.05.2020 8:41:49 gen. clap sb. on the shoulder хлопнуть по плечу ('Holmes had looked annoyed, but his brow cleared, and he clapped me on the shoulder.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
2.05.2020 8:41:49 gen. clap sb. on the shoulder похлопать по плечу ('Holmes had looked annoyed, but his brow cleared, and he clapped me on the shoulder.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
2.05.2020 8:35:22 gen. settle the matter quietly and discreetly уладить дело без лишнего шума ('Above all things, I desire to settle the matter quietly and discreetly.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
2.05.2020 8:25:52 book. relate поведать ('(...), and it was during this time that the small but instructive adventure which I am about to relate befell us.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – о котором я собираюсь поведать)
2.05.2020 8:09:06 gen. look in of an evening заглянуть вечерком (upon someone – к кому-либо: 'It was no very unusual thing for Mr. Lestrade, of Scotland Yard, to look in upon us of an evening, and his visits were welcome to Sherlock Holmes, for they enabled him to keep in touch with all that was going on at the police headquarters.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
1.05.2020 22:49:30 law, court place in the dock отправить на скамью подсудимых ('You hope to place me in the dock. I tell you that I will never stand in the dock.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
1.05.2020 22:41:45 gen. lacks отсутствует (If your balcony lacks a railing and a floor, it's doesn't necessarily mean you're in Italy – it's probably just a window.)
1.05.2020 22:08:03 meteorol. scattered showers кратковременные дожди (Scattered showers popping up all around the region, may linger for the next couple of hours, before we get to your drier and brighter Friday forecast. – местами пройдут кратковременные дожди)
1.05.2020 9:13:08 sex queer квир (собирательный термин для любой негетеросексуальной ориентации: Queer is an umbrella term for any non heterosexual orientation that includes things like gay, lesbian, demisexual, asexual, etc. It has also become a more popularly used shorthand for any member who belongs to that community of people. https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/4/18651161/tinder-sexual-orientation-identify-product-profile)
1.05.2020 3:08:14 gen. small rock камешек ("Hill says it was during a solo trip to Australia's spiritual heartland last June "while walking around the base of Uluru, I saw this rock and just had to have it" ... I thought I'd take a small rock as memorabilia, you know, to put on the mantlepiece back at home". Hill admits that although he'd heard of the curse prior to his visit, he "thought it was a load of baloney, so decided to take the rock anyway". Источник: "Canberra man falls victim to the Uluru curse", The Canberra Times)
1.05.2020 1:41:42 brit. abysmal ass круглый осёл (You really are an abysmal ass!)
1.05.2020 1:35:52 fig.of.sp. the world's premier louse непревзойдённый мерзавец
30.04.2020 8:44:36 jarg. chump балда (Can't you grasp it, chump? – Неужели до тебя не доходит, балда?)
30.04.2020 8:26:17 gen. rough-looking грубого вида ("several rough-looking men called and inquired for Captain Basil" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – несколько мужчин грубого вида приходили и спрашивали капитана Бэзила)
30.04.2020 8:20:37 gen. put one's foot over the threshold переступить порог ("And if you ever put your foot over that threshold again (…), I'll throw you to the mastiff." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • "(…) some of the illustrious clients who crossed our humble threshold in Baker Street" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
30.04.2020 8:09:04 gen. little wood лесок (The body was discovered in a little wood called the Green Acre.)
30.04.2020 8:02:09 gen. lifting of restrictions отмена ограничений ("some of the things that may change long after a lifting of restrictions that we have been living with" – A Minute With Bill Good, News 1130 citynews1130.com)
30.04.2020 7:55:10 gen. lift the restrictions отменить ограничения
30.04.2020 5:12:57 gen. congested residential area жилой район с плотной застройкой
30.04.2020 3:51:46 inf. make tweaks подправить ("The company behind the massive new grain terminal on the North Vancouver waterfront says it will continue making tweaks to its aircraft warning beacons after the first few days of operations left residents in the nearby Calverhall neighbourhood feeling a bit blinded by the light. (...) Neighbours who spoke to the North Shore News described a sleepless night of "horrendous light pollution" and like being "inside Studio 54." " nsnews.com)
30.04.2020 3:50:05 inf. tweak отрегулировать (слегка: It just needs some tweaking, that's all.)
30.04.2020 3:49:38 tech. make adjustments отрегулировать (If you need to turn the temperature up in this room, let me know and we can make any adjustments.)
30.04.2020 3:48:39 inf. make tweaks отрегулировать ("The company behind the massive new grain terminal on the North Vancouver waterfront says it will continue making tweaks to its aircraft warning beacons after the first few days of operations left residents in the nearby Calverhall neighbourhood feeling a bit blinded by the light. (...) Neighbours who spoke to the North Shore News described a sleepless night of "horrendous light pollution" and like being "inside Studio 54."" nsnews.com)
30.04.2020 3:48:27 inf. make tweaks внести поправки (в проект: "The company behind the massive new grain terminal on the North Vancouver waterfront says it will continue making tweaks to its aircraft warning beacons after the first few days of operations left residents in the nearby Calverhall neighbourhood feeling a bit blinded by the light. (...) Neighbours who spoke to the North Shore News described a sleepless night of "horrendous light pollution" and like being "inside Studio 54." " nsnews.com)
30.04.2020 3:40:36 inf. tweak поправочка (Sorry! One last version with a few tweaks.)
30.04.2020 3:39:34 inf. tweaks доработки (make a few tweaks after the launch)
29.04.2020 8:53:54 gen. you can't help it ничего не поделаешь ("You can't help it, my dear Watson. You must play your cards as best you can when such a stake is on the table." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
29.04.2020 8:43:23 fig. speechless потерявшийся дар речи ('Stanley Hopkins was speechless with amazement.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – потерял дар речи/лишился дара речи от изумления)
29.04.2020 8:43:23 fig. speechless лишившийся дара речи ('Stanley Hopkins was speechless with amazement.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – потерял дар речи/лишился дара речи от изумления)
29.04.2020 8:26:32 gen. essential workers работники жизненно важных сфер услуг (widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic: medical workers, sanitation workers, food growers and processors, etc.)
29.04.2020 2:18:26 drug.name effects can be felt within 1 hour начинает действовать через час (после введения в организм:: This medication is used to lower blood pressure. Its effects can be felt within 1 hour.)
29.04.2020 2:16:38 drug.name effects can be felt within 1 hour действие начинается через час (после введения в организм: This medication is used to lower blood pressure. Its effects can be felt within 1 hour.)
28.04.2020 8:22:10 gen. through one's influence по протекции ('(…) you may have heard that through my uncle's influence I obtained a good appointment at the Foreign Office' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • '(…) and through the influence of my uncle, Lord Holdhurst, I rose rapidly to a responsible position' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.04.2020 7:58:02 gen. using connections по протекции (He got his job through his connections. – получил место по протекции)
28.04.2020 7:46:49 gen. intimate acquaintance тесное знакомство ('During my long and intimate acquaintance with Mr. Sherlock Holmes I had never heard him refer to his relations, and hardly ever to his own early life.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.04.2020 0:29:12 lit. gray-headed седовласый ('the old, gray-headed country doctor' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.04.2020 0:18:02 lit. white-haired седовласый (an old, white-haired man)
28.04.2020 0:16:26 met.sci. melted lead расплавленный свинец (The abductors first threatened to pour gasoline and then melted lead into her vagina.)
28.04.2020 0:15:04 gen. tell everything in order рассказать всё по порядку (I will tell you everything in order, gentlemen.)
27.04.2020 10:03:40 relig. breaking of the fast разговение (celebrate the breaking of the fast)
27.04.2020 10:02:32 brit. village lad деревенский парень
27.04.2020 9:36:02 police strike попасть (о пуле: One bullet struck him in the arm, the other in his liver. – пуля попала)
26.04.2020 21:49:58 formal commend to one's attention обращать внимание (кого-либо; на что-либо: "I commend that fact very carefully to your attention," said Holmes to his professional colleague. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Обращаю ваше внимание на этот факт)
25.04.2020 9:16:48 ed. turn in one's paper сдавать контрольную работу или тест (на проверку)
25.04.2020 8:58:45 formal Presuming that если исходить из того, что (Presuming that our theory is correct, ... • Presuming that the oil prices remain the same until the end of the year, it is likely the board will postpone the decision.)
25.04.2020 8:50:04 gen. it is out of the question это исключено
25.04.2020 8:47:49 fig. cross-examine допрашивать (добиваясь правды, с нажимом)
25.04.2020 8:47:49 fig. cross-examine допытываться (добиваясь правды, с нажимом)
25.04.2020 8:45:56 law, court cross-examine допросить (подозреваемого либо свидетеля, выступающего в суде в интересах другой стороны)
25.04.2020 8:40:47 book. hitherto до этого момента ('Hitherto I had been acting, and action had numbed thought.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
25.04.2020 8:40:47 book. hitherto до сей поры ('Hitherto I had been acting, and action had numbed thought.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
25.04.2020 8:33:27 inf. the whole deal всё, что надо, на месте (She's gorgeous – tall, slender, beautiful smile, long legs, the whole deal.)
25.04.2020 8:31:07 rude that's none of your stinkin' business! не твоё собачье дело! (That's none of your stinkin' business! Stay out of my life!)
25.04.2020 4:36:57 gen. be held accountable нести ответственность (71 per cent of those polled believe that parents should be held accountable when their kids are convicted of a violent crime.)
25.04.2020 1:49:24 busin. be transferred to someone's ownership перейти в собственность (private sewers and drains transferred to water company ownership)
25.04.2020 0:23:34 busin. Project Implementation Schedule календарный план
25.04.2020 0:10:05 law pursuant to при условии (If you are under the legal age limit for entering into a binding legal agreement ("Minor User"), then your use of the Service is only permitted pursuant to your parent or legal guardian agreeing to these Terms of Use.)
24.04.2020 23:46:40 law the subject matter предмет договора (предмет настоящего Договора – the subject matter hereof)
24.04.2020 8:48:32 idiom. mince words деликатничать (выбирая слова: Sure, the Obama campaign and political commentators talk about John McCain's misrepresentations, gaffes, moments where he "misspeaks." But when was the last time you actually heard someone say a candidate was a liar when he or she deserved it because they really were lying? If the shoe fits, I say it's fair game. Why mince words and try to be polite, when the future of the country is at stake?)
24.04.2020 8:45:13 idiom. mince words деликатно выражаться (Our mayor is feisty and outspoken, he'll tell you what he thinks, and he rarely minces words. – не любит деликатничать)
24.04.2020 8:22:29 idiom. I could have sunk through the floor я чуть сквозь землю не провалился (от стыда: 'And when he stood on one leg and pointed right at where I was sitting and shouted "This means you!" I could have sunk through the floor.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Я от стыда чуть сквозь землю не провалилась)

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