
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

3.06.2020 22:50:27 gen. stooge for подыгрывать (в разговоре: "I see no need to be so hostile about it," Spencer said in an executive sort of voice. (…) I didn't know whether he was trying to stooge for me or was just sore. (Raymond Chandler))
3.06.2020 21:47:35 saying. you get what you pay for сколько заплатишь, столько и получишь
1.06.2020 9:07:18 gen. in simple language простым языком (Explanations and examples are in simple everyday language – простым повседневным языком)
1.06.2020 8:55:21 gen. clear explanation чёткое объяснение (a student who is looking for a clear explanation of a difficult point of grammar)
1.06.2020 8:52:41 gen. where it is necessary там, где это необходимо
1.06.2020 7:49:40 gen. intrude one's services навязываться ("Such a remark is unworthy of you, Holmes. (...) But if you have no confidence in me I would not intrude my services." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
1.06.2020 7:49:40 gen. intrude one's services навязывать свои услуги ("Such a remark is unworthy of you, Holmes. (...) But if you have no confidence in me I would not intrude my services." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
31.05.2020 23:56:35 fig. throw on the garbage heap выбросить на помойку (As I have stated before, it is one of the pillars of modern scepticism that the Loch Ness Monster was a media created and media sustained phenomenon beginning in 1933. Before that year, there was nothing but an echoing void. This man's account suggests that theory can be thrown on the garbage heap. blogspot.com)
31.05.2020 21:49:30 gen. unmatched ни с чем не сравнится (Royale Red Verbena in a pot is unmatched!)
31.05.2020 21:48:49 gen. unbeatable ни с чем не сравнимый (When you reach the top of Tunnel Bluffs, you get an unbeatable view of Howe Sound. – ни с чем не сравнимый вид на Хау-Саунд)
31.05.2020 21:42:56 gen. steep drop отвесный обрыв (the steep drop to the ocean)
31.05.2020 9:07:19 gen. write to one's dictation писать под диктовку ("Here are paper and pen. Sit at this desk and write to my dictation." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
31.05.2020 8:42:51 gen. I can see no other way out of it я не вижу другого выхода ("I could see no other way out of it, so we did as he suggested." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
31.05.2020 8:30:44 gen. be beyond one's comprehension не поддаваться пониманию ("Everything is known, Colonel Walter," said Sherlock Holmes. "How an English gentleman could behave in such a manner is beyond my comprehension." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
31.05.2020 6:50:47 gen. refresh oneself утолить голод ("I never needed it more," said Holmes as he refreshed himself with with a glass of claret and some biscuits (...) (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
31.05.2020 6:27:14 gen. absolutely decline наотрез отказаться ("(...) it was necessary for me, as Mycroft Holmes absolutely and indignantly declined to climb the railings, to pass in and open the hall door." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
31.05.2020 6:23:35 gen. flatly refuse наотрез отказаться (Max flatly refused to do so.)
31.05.2020 5:52:29 gen. everything fits together всё становится на свои места ("We could not explain the absence of a ticket. This would explain it. Everything fits together." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
31.05.2020 5:48:25 gen. importance can hardly be exaggerated значение трудно преувеличить (The plan's importance can hardly be exaggerated.)
31.05.2020 1:06:16 inf. shady types подозрительные личности (I love Edmonds. I used to live in the High Gate area and made several friends in the area. But it's also insanely busy. There were also a lot of shady types that made walking to the High Gate shopping centre at night a little dicey. burnabynow.com)
31.05.2020 1:01:47 police.jarg. heat map карта криминогенных районов города (burnabynow.com)
31.05.2020 0:56:47 media. be the victim пострадать (of – от: Have you been the victim of debit or credit-card fraud?)
31.05.2020 0:52:54 fig. get hurt пострадать ("Absentee landlords are a scourge on Burnaby. They don't take care of their properties. They don't deal with complaints. To them, the property is a cash register and it doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process." – кто при этом может пострадать burnabynow.com)
31.05.2020 0:51:12 gen. get hurt получить травму (On the 12th of October, he got hurt at practice and couldn't play. – получил травму на тренировке)
30.05.2020 20:51:55 inf. buy groceries затариваться
30.05.2020 2:32:34 formal is comprised of включает в себя (The United Kingdom is comprised of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.)
30.05.2020 0:46:28 gen. a bit tipsy слегка подвыпивший ("He was described by Pender as being a bit tipsy and there was a taxi strike going on at the time, so he was forced to walk, but his home was not far and it wasn't really a big deal at the time." mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.05.2020 10:44:30 gen. do the round of the house обходить весь дом (checking if the windows are fastened: "He did the round of the house every night, for he was nervous of fire." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.05.2020 10:44:30 gen. do the round of the house обходить все комнаты в доме (checking if the windows are fastened: "He did the round of the house every night, for he was nervous of fire." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.05.2020 10:33:44 gram. could not possibly have + past participle никак не мог (The second witness is telling the truth. She couldn't possibly have seen the assailant's face. • "He could not possibly have been drowned in the moat, which was at no place more than three feet deep." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.05.2020 9:21:15 idiom. keep the old ways up сохранять старинные традиции ("He ordered the drawbridge to be pulled up every night because it was the ancient custom of the old house, and he liked to keep the old ways up." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.05.2020 9:21:15 idiom. keep the old ways up сохранять старинные обычаи ("He ordered the drawbridge to be pulled up every night because it was the ancient custom of the old house, and he liked to keep the old ways up." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.05.2020 9:17:00 gen. uphold сохранять (This traditional art has been practiced in China for centuries, and artists like Cheng continue to uphold this rich heritage.)
28.05.2020 9:13:30 gen. the window was lighted up в окне горел свет (The windows were lighted up. – В окнах горел свет.)
28.05.2020 9:11:47 gen. in one's new surroundings в новой обстановке (Perhaps you will feel a new person in your new surroundings. I do hope you will.)
28.05.2020 9:09:11 formal have a direct and vital bearing upon иметь прямое и непосредственное отношение к ("All that I am saying has a very direct and vital bearing upon what you have called the Birlstone Mystery. In fact, it may in a sense be called the very centre of it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.05.2020 8:50:31 lit. blazing ярко пылающий ("It was the end of November, and Holmes and I sat, upon a raw and foggy night, on either side of a blazing fire in our sitting-room in Baker Street." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – у ярко пылающего камина)
27.05.2020 1:16:16 formal unrelated не связанные между собой (Three stabbings in 24 hours. Vancouver Police say they responded to three unrelated stabbing incidents over a 24-hour period in the Downtown Eastside that sent three victims to hospital. castanet.net)
27.05.2020 1:13:58 formal unrelated не находящийся в родстве
24.05.2020 8:27:47 design. jazz things up оживить (One way to jazz things up in your bedroom is to add colourful fabrics or hang a bright painting on the wall.)
21.05.2020 8:51:43 humor. with one's ears flapping развесив уши (i.e., intently, eagerly: слушал, развесив уши – was listening with his ears flapping)
21.05.2020 8:37:52 cliche. I've got it! Придумал! (используется не только для выражения понимании, но часто для ввода найденного решения или новой идеи: "Great Scott! I've got it!")
21.05.2020 8:34:45 gen. I think I've got it! Придумал! (Listen, I think I've got it – you'll leave the bag in an elevator and someone will call the security.)
21.05.2020 8:31:01 media. on a national basis в масштабах всей страны (implement this program on a national basis)
21.05.2020 3:57:57 humor. keep an eye on сторожить (The cops are keeping an eye on the furry intruder in case it tries to make a run for it.)
19.05.2020 10:54:22 humor. completely sozzled пьяный в стельку
19.05.2020 10:54:22 humor. under the surface пьяный в стельку
19.05.2020 10:51:13 idiom. call it a day закончить работу на сегодня (The meaning of the phrase is to quit work and go home; to say that a day's work has been completed. "I'm tired. Let's call it a day.": "Zealous though they are in their self-chosen task of supplying the populace with clothing, there comes a moment when these merchants call it a day and put up the shutters." (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.05.2020 10:51:13 idiom. call it a day покончить с делами на сегодня (The meaning of the phrase is to quit work and go home; to say that a day's work has been completed. "I'm tired. Let's call it a day.": "Zealous though they are in their self-chosen task of supplying the populace with clothing, there comes a moment when these merchants call it a day and put up the shutters." (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.05.2020 10:36:14 gen. chunky mass of paper кипа бумаг ("Florence had talked in an airy sort of way about destroying the manuscript; but when one came down to it, how the deuce can a chap destroy a great chunky mass of paper in somebody else's house in the middle of summer? I couldn't ask to have a fire in my bedroom, with the thermometer in the eighties." (P.G. Wodehouse) – огромную кипу бумаг)
19.05.2020 1:05:22 gen. be quiet не слышно (usually as in "has/have been quiet": I call the cops again and they send four detectives, they review the video and bang on his door for what seems like an hour until he answers. The video is too blurry to haul him away, but those guys put the fear into that a**hole." Since then, the "neighbour from hell" has been quiet, but who knows what could come next. – С тех пор его пока не слышно burnabynow.com)
19.05.2020 1:03:02 inf. be off the radar не слышно (Until this arrest, he had been off the radar ever since 2009 when he was among seven victims injured in a late-night gang shooting at a Vietnamese eatery on East Broadway. – О нём не было слышно с тех пор, как ...)
19.05.2020 1:00:36 inf. haul away забрать в полицию (подозреваемого: After calling the police and getting no action, this resident bought some webcams with motion-activated software. "A day or two later, he comes down again, smashes out our peep hole. This time, I'm elated. I've got it on camera. I call the cops again and they send four detectives, they review the video and bang on his door for what seems like an hour until he answers. The video is too blurry to haul him away, but those guys put the fear into that a**hole. burnabynow.com)
19.05.2020 0:54:59 psychol. non-confrontational стремящийся избегать конфликтов (One day their upstairs neighbour hosed down his patio and all of his cigarette butts ran down to their patio, creating a disgusting mess. "My 105-pound wife, who is very non-confrontational, courageously knocked on his door while I was at work and asked him to not do this," this resident told me. "He went into an expletive-ridden tirade while pointing a finger in her face." – старается избегать конфликтов burnabynow.com)
19.05.2020 0:48:10 gen. upstairs neighbour сосед сверху (A couple in the Burquitlam area (...) put out some planters on their condo patio. One day their upstairs neighbour hosed down his patio and all of his cigarette butts ran down to their patio, creating a disgusting mess. burnabynow.com)
19.05.2020 0:06:27 inf. roll in the stuff денег куры не клюют (He's rolling in the stuff! – У него денег куры не клюют.)
18.05.2020 23:59:56 idiom. I couldn't stick it any longer больше не мог терпеть
18.05.2020 23:55:08 idiom. think of the hereafter подумать о душе ('It was one of the most disgusting spectacles I've ever seen – this white-haired old man, who should have been thinking of the hereafter, standing there lying like an actor.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – которому уже пора задуматься/подумать о душе)
18.05.2020 23:55:08 idiom. think of the hereafter задуматься о душе ('It was one of the most disgusting spectacles I've ever seen – this white-haired old man, who should have been thinking of the hereafter, standing there lying like an actor.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – которому уже пора задуматься/подумать о душе)
18.05.2020 23:55:08 idiom. think of the hereafter думать о душе ('It was one of the most disgusting spectacles I've ever seen – this white-haired old man, who should have been thinking of the hereafter, standing there lying like an actor.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – которому уже пора задуматься/подумать о душе)
18.05.2020 23:40:42 brit. it's all right всё хорошо (успокаивая)
18.05.2020 23:37:48 gen. so far до этого места (при указании точки на пути: (' "(...) We know at least that he came so far in safety." But more than that we were never destined to know, though there was much which we might surmise.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)) – до этого места он благополучно добрался)
18.05.2020 9:51:46 gen. designs виды (на – upon: "A study of family portraits is enough to convert a man to the doctrine of reincarnation. The fellow is a Baskerville – that is evident." "With designs upon the succession." "Exactly." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.05.2020 9:42:09 gen. it all fits together всё сходится ("And my uncle! There was the footprint of the hound beside him as he lay. It all fits together." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Всё сходится.)
18.05.2020 9:39:07 idiom. give sb. one's own way in everything потакать во всём ("We humored him too much when he was a lad and gave him his own way in everything until he came to think that the world was made for his pleasure, and that he could do what he liked in it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.05.2020 9:27:33 gen. tear-stained face of Mrs. Barrymore заплаканное лицо миссис Бэрримор ('And now I pass on to another thread which I have extricated out of the tangled skein, the mystery of the sobs in the night, of the tear-stained face of Mrs. Barrymore, of the secret journey of the butler to the western lattice window.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.05.2020 1:49:40 gen. spare an hour уделить час времени ("A moderate walk along this moor-path brings us to Merripit House," said he. "Perhaps you will spare an hour that I may have the pleasure of introducing you to my sister." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.05.2020 1:44:52 gen. expressly say особо отметить ('And Holmes had expressly said that I should study the neighbours upon the moor.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) )
18.05.2020 1:42:31 gen. you are perfectly right вы совершенно правы ("Excellent!" said Stapleton. "You are perfectly right to be wary and discreet." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.05.2020 1:38:13 inf. something along those lines что-то в этом роде (She said, "You lied to me!" or something along those lines. • She sued him for defamation or something along those lines. • I want to buy an SUV or something along those lines. • Is there any sort of group chat or something along those lines for the class of 2021?)
18.05.2020 1:28:10 gen. something of the kind нечто в этом роде ('I fancy that he really did see something of the kind upon that last night in the yew valley." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.05.2020 1:28:10 gen. something of the kind что-то в этом роде ('I fancy that he really did see something of the kind upon that last night in the yew valley." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.05.2020 1:28:10 gen. something of the kind нечто подобное ('I fancy that he really did see something of the kind upon that last night in the yew valley." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
17.05.2020 9:12:20 inf. anyways всё-таки (в знач. "все равно": I realize you don't read in Czech, but was asked to send this to you anyways, with the chance that you might be able to figure out what it says.)
17.05.2020 9:11:03 gen. pull one's overcoat more closely around sb поплотнее запахнуть пальто ('A cold wind swept down from it and set us shivering. (...) Even Baskerville fell silent and pulled his overcoat more closely around him.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – и поплотнее запахнул пальто)
17.05.2020 8:56:47 gen. gaze after смотреть вслед ('I looked back at the platform when we had left it far behind and saw the tall, austere figure of Holmes standing motionless and gazing after us.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – смотрел нам вслед)
17.05.2020 3:17:11 gen. as to you что касается вас (As to you, sir, you will be called to testify next week. = Что касается вас, ...)
17.05.2020 2:26:17 gen. restore to the rightful owner вернуть законному владельцу (restored the jewels to their rightful owner)
17.05.2020 0:17:25 scient. fellow with an institute научный сотрудник НИИ (who is a fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute)
16.05.2020 2:53:10 gen. deal with the incident разобраться с ЧП ("Police put an abrupt end to some ill-advised target practice at a busy public park in Burnaby Friday afternoon. (...) "This call came in as a high priority firearms call," he said. "Thanks to their training and ability to be at the scene quickly, our bike officers dealt with the incident in a matter of minutes."" burnabynow.com)
16.05.2020 2:49:14 context. deal with навести порядок (They pointed out, in one location in one parcel, that there was a temporary piece of insulation that had been put on a piece of pipe that we dealt with immediately.)
15.05.2020 22:30:37 gen. capital mistake грубейшая ошибка ('It is a capital mistake to theorize in advance of the facts.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
15.05.2020 21:39:20 gen. during the second half of the day во второй половине дня (Sunday's rain tapers to spotty showers during the second half of the day.)
11.05.2020 8:55:29 formal stipulate conditions оговорить условия ('stipulate' means 'demand or specify a requirement as part of a bargain or agreement': "Harry stipulated certain conditions before their marriage.")
11.05.2020 8:35:05 gen. astonish ошеломить ('My friend has so often astonished me in the course of our adventures that it was with a sense of exultation that I realized how completely I had astonished him'. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – совершенно ошеломил его)
11.05.2020 5:27:35 formal circumstances under which обстоятельства, при которых (I would be much obliged if you would tell me exactly the circumstances under which the document disappeared.)
11.05.2020 5:27:02 formal circumstances by which обстоятельства, при которых (Since the circumstances by which aircraft and ships go missing there remains a mystery by virtue of their very disappearance, it's impossible to truly say if this couple's disappearance is a bonafide Bermuda Triangle event or merely the result of inclement weather.)
10.05.2020 7:59:54 formal immensely important чрезвычайно важный (this immensely important document)
10.05.2020 7:48:49 gen. straighten out расправить (что-либо смятое: straighten out the rumpled carpet)
10.05.2020 7:32:02 idiom. see sth. in one's mind's eye мысленно представить себе ("What about the wineglasses?" "Can you see them in your mind's eye?" "I see them clearly." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.05.2020 7:23:05 gen. Let it pass Оставим это ('What? You see nothing remarkable? Well, well, let it pass.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.05.2020 4:17:15 gen. late into the evening до позднего вечера ('All afternoon and late into the evening he sat lost in tobacco and thought.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.05.2020 4:13:03 formal make a provision поставить условие ('Well, Sir Henry, I am of one mind with you as to the advisability of your going down to Devonshire without delay. There is only one provision which I must make. You certainly must not go alone.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.05.2020 3:01:35 gen. opportunity presented itself представилась возможность (I walked into the store purely by chance to discover it was for sale. The opportunity just seemed to present itself at just the right time. It really seemed just meant to be.)
10.05.2020 2:59:46 fig. opportunity came knocking представилась возможность (As a freelance writer, "I never got myself a pension," he said. So when opportunity came knocking recently, he answered it. Their house sold in 48 hours, without ever going to multiple listing. Real estate documents show the property, which the family bought for $870,000 in 2003, sold for $3.75 million – $750,000 over the list price and $1.28 million over the assessed value. vancourier.com)
10.05.2020 2:58:31 gen. had the opportunity представилась возможность (Had the opportunity to play at the Cargill Golf and Country Club. Very nice course but I forgot how to swing the club that day. There goes my chance for membership...)
10.05.2020 2:51:26 gen. put money away for retirement копить на старость (John and Alix bought the property for $870,000 in 2003, then sold for $3.75 million last month – $750,000 over the list price and $1.28 million over the assessed value. They are putting money away for retirement and moving to Deep Cove, where they bought a house after being outbid on three other properties.)
10.05.2020 2:47:23 gen. put money away for retirement откладывать деньги на старость (John and Alix bought the property for $870,000 in 2003, then sold for $3.75 million last month – $750,000 over the list price and $1.28 million over the assessed value. They are putting money away for retirement and moving to Deep Cove, where they bought a house after being outbid on three other properties.)
10.05.2020 2:36:59 bank. make out the cheque выписать чек (Was the cheque made out to you or Ron? = На кого был выписан чек – на тебя или на Рона?)
10.05.2020 2:32:06 real.est. list one's home выставить дом на продажу

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