
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

29.06.2020 9:24:10 hydrol. at the mouth of a river в устье реки (The Musqueam people lived for centuries at the mouth of the Fraser River.)
29.06.2020 9:03:37 gen. specialties фирменные блюда (Mike, we hear your wife is a very good cook. What are some of her specialties?)
29.06.2020 9:00:37 gen. show some respect уважь (Now Charlie, show some respect for your mommy! – Уважь мамочку!)
29.06.2020 8:58:15 inf. hottest популярнейший (Change your life, make more money and shake things up with America's hottest franchises! • One of the hottest investment trends is cannabis.)
29.06.2020 3:49:19 idiom. send someone away with a flea in their ear прогнать взашей ("What did you do?" the ancestor asked, all agog, and the McCorkadale gave that sniffing snort of hers. (...) "I sent him away with a flea in his ear. I pride myself on being a fair fighter, and his proposition revolted me." (P.G. Wodehouse))
29.06.2020 3:49:19 idiom. send someone away with a flea in their ear дать от ворот поворот ("What did you do?" the ancestor asked, all agog, and the McCorkadale gave that sniffing snort of hers. (...) "I sent him away with a flea in his ear. I pride myself on being a fair fighter, and his proposition revolted me." (P.G. Wodehouse))
29.06.2020 2:00:59 gen. enough and to spare хватит и ещё останется ("You are of age," he said, "and there is no law to stop you. I have money enough and to spare. (...) You shall live like a princess." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
29.06.2020 1:55:19 gen. strain upon the mind умственная нагрузка ("Not so much bodily exertion, you understand, as the strain upon the mind. You will appreciate that, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, for we are both brain-workers." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
29.06.2020 1:50:17 gen. seat oneself in the armchair усесться в кресло ('The detective seated himself in the armchair, and puffed complacently at his cigar.' • 'I seated myself in his armchair and warmed my hands before his crackling fire, for a sharp frost had set in, and the windows were thick with the ice crystals.' (both by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
29.06.2020 1:35:25 fig. wear out вымотать (This job has really worn me out. – вымотала / измотала / замучила)
29.06.2020 1:35:25 fig. wear out измотать (This job has really worn me out. – вымотала • измотала • замучила)
29.06.2020 1:35:25 fig. wear out замучить (This job has really worn me out. – вымотала / измотала / замучила)
28.06.2020 22:22:50 formal violation of regulations нарушение правил ("32 fragments of information – places, names, activities – that fell into the category of classified information. That was clearly a violation of regulations (...)" – Thomas Powers, The NY Times Magazine)
28.06.2020 22:19:49 formal non-compliance with regulations несоблюдение правил (A private helicopter that made what looked like a non-emergency landing on a Tofino beach has sparked an investigation by Transport Canada that could result in fines and suspensions for the operators. (...) "If it is determined that there has been a non-compliance with the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the department will take appropriate enforcement action, which could include fines or suspensions," Dupuis said. – нарушение / несоблюдение правил управления авиационными средствами)
28.06.2020 7:57:38 gen. off you go отправляйтесь ("Now, off you go, and come back with a better report next time." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.06.2020 7:57:38 gen. off you go ступайте ("Now, off you go, and come back with a better report next time." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.06.2020 7:50:30 gen. hop off спрыгнуть ("I hopped off before we came to the door, and strolled down the street in an easy, lounging way." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.06.2020 7:50:30 gen. hop off соскочить ("I hopped off before we came to the door, and strolled down the street in an easy, lounging way." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.06.2020 7:48:11 gen. in an easy, lounging way вразвалочку ("I hopped off before we came to the door, and strolled down the street in an easy, lounging way." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – прохаживаться вразвалочку)
28.06.2020 6:32:14 gen. wide open door настежь открытая дверь (We found the door to the cellar wide open and the wine cases gone.)
28.06.2020 5:35:33 gen. dab away промакнуть (dab away (Avoid getting water into the crevices of the leaves. If this happens, grab a towel and dab any excess moisture away to prevent rot.)
28.06.2020 5:32:30 gen. dab away промакивать (Avoid getting water into the crevices of the leaves. If this happens, grab a towel and dab any excess moisture away to prevent rot.)
28.06.2020 5:18:29 gen. boiled tap water кипячёная вода (Use distilled or recently boiled and cooled tap water for your orchids.)
27.06.2020 7:59:50 formal proceed направляться (to – в: If you do not have a propane tank, please proceed to the store. If you have a propane tank, please leave it here at the cage. Do not bring it into the store!)
27.06.2020 7:59:50 formal proceed проходить (to – в: If you do not have a propane tank, please proceed to the store. If you have a propane tank, please leave it here at the cage. Do not bring it into the store!)
27.06.2020 7:55:53 idiom. as black as thunder мрачнее тучи ("All day he would wander about as black as thunder, and he took to drinking a deal more than was good for him." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – бродил мрачнее тучи)
27.06.2020 7:48:27 gen. bear no grudge не держать зла (for – за: "I can see that I have you to thank that I have these bracelets upon my wrists. Still, I bear no grudge for that. It is all fair and above-board." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)-- я не держу зла за это)
27.06.2020 7:47:56 gen. bear no grudge не в обиде (for – за: "I can see that I have you to thank that I have these bracelets upon my wrists. Still, I bear no grudge for that. It is all fair and above-board." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – я за это не в обиде)
27.06.2020 6:27:58 gen. curly-haired lad кучерявый мальчуган ('a little curly-haired lad of six came running out' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
27.06.2020 6:01:39 idiom. shut up like an oyster набрать в рот воды ("The main thing with people of that sort," said Holmes as we sat in the sheets of the wherry, "is never to let them think that their information can be of the slightest importance to you. If you do they will instantly shut up like an oyster." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
26.06.2020 2:15:04 idiom. it didn't even cross anyone's mind that никому не пришло в голову, что (The meadow was nearby and an easy short hike away, so when she told the camp cook that she was headed over there no one thought anything of it. She walked off, but never came back. (...) It didn't even cross anyone's mind that something was amiss until Tom came back from his hunting trip in the late afternoon and she had still not returned. mysteriousuniverse.org)
26.06.2020 1:59:22 gen. pick up a scent взять след (о собаках: The search teams used dogs, helicopters, and infrared cameras but were unable to find a trace of Woods, with even the dogs unable to pick up a scent. A fresh sheen of snow had also fallen, yet no footprints could be found, and it was claimed by a search team member that it was "as if he had never been there at all. mysteriousuniverse.org)
26.06.2020 1:53:19 gen. educated in England получивший образование в Англии (Educated in England, he had worked on numerous TV programs and documentaries.)
25.06.2020 2:54:46 formal merit attention заслуживать внимания (Although distance of homes from power lines can be considered a crude measure of exposure, the results of this study do merit attention. bcmj.org)
25.06.2020 2:42:50 media. the debate has raged for years споры не прекращаются уже много лет (The debate of whether there are adverse effects associated with electromagnetic fields from living close to high-voltage power lines has raged for years. While research indicates that large risks are not present, the possibility of a relatively small risk cannot be conclusively excluded. bcmj.org)
23.06.2020 5:25:18 bank. request a payment deferral попросить об отсрочке платежа
23.06.2020 5:22:49 foreig.aff. request обращаться с ходатайством (request political asylum – обратиться с ходатайством о предоставлении политического убежища)
23.06.2020 5:19:48 meteorol. hot glare зной ('The afternoon was far advanced and the hot glare had softened into a mellow glow before we found ourselves at the police-station.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
23.06.2020 5:02:59 gen. singular case необычный случай ("A singular case," remarked Holmes. "I have not yet described to you the most singular part." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
23.06.2020 4:31:52 gen. make a free present преподнести в подарок ("Not only will I clear him, Mr. Jones, but I will make you a free present of the name and description of one of the two people who were in this room last night." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
23.06.2020 4:31:52 gen. make a free present преподнести в дар ("Not only will I clear him, Mr. Jones, but I will make you a free present of the name and description of one of the two people who were in this room last night." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
23.06.2020 4:16:34 gen. to_judge by the way судя по тому, как ("But it was the associate and not Jonathan who committed the crime." "Quite so. And rather to Jonathan's disgust, to judge by the way he stamped about when he got into the room." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
23.06.2020 4:10:57 gen. to_judge by если судить по (Nice mansion! And an old one too, to judge by the architecture. • To judge by her clothes and the backpack she's wearing, she was probably a student here at UBC.)
23.06.2020 2:54:04 gen. drop in one's hurry в спешке обронить (In his hurry the burglar dropped his wallet containing his photo ID. – в спешке обронил)
22.06.2020 1:35:44 brit. that's a load of rubbish! Чушь!
22.06.2020 1:33:45 euph. that's BS! Чушь!
21.06.2020 23:54:15 inf. awesomeness вкуснотища (Memories of Italian Days on The Drive: smokey salty awesomeness! I just love sardines!)
21.06.2020 23:49:09 ornit. forage выискивать (корм: This lovely little House Finch is foraging for grass seeds amongst the tiny purple wildflowers along the side of the road. (Twitter))
21.06.2020 8:19:21 gen. concerned in the matter замешанный в деле ("We may put aside this idea of Baynes's that Garcia's servants were concerned in the matter." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – слуги были замешаны в этом деле)
21.06.2020 8:15:21 textile tightly woven cotton плотная хлопчатобумажная ткань (The researchers found that a sheet of tightly woven cotton – of 600 threads per inch – plus two sheets of chiffon, made from polyester and spandex, seemed to make the most effective combination, filtering out 80–99% of the particles, depending on their size.)
21.06.2020 4:51:43 gen. laugh heartily от души расхохотаться ("What is this, Holmes?" I cried. "This is beyond anything which I could have imagined." He laughed heartily at my perplexity. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
21.06.2020 4:48:41 gen. what comes of it что из этого получится ("Well, as he says, we must each try our own way and see what comes of it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
21.06.2020 4:48:31 gen. what comes of it что из этого выйдет ("Well, as he says, we must each try our own way and see what comes of it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.06.2020 22:30:47 idiom. take a big hit крупно пострадать (Servers and the kitchen staff took a big hit from layoffs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
18.06.2020 22:29:28 idiom. take a big hit сильно пострадать (Retail sector took a big hit this quarter. – был нанесён значительный ущерб)
17.06.2020 6:19:56 gen. half a faint полуобморочное состояние ('It was half a sleep and half a faint, but at least it was ease from pain.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
17.06.2020 6:12:36 fig. haunt one's mind не давать покоя (That name haunted my mind, I knew that I had heard it somewhere. • "I am an omnivorous reader with a strangely retentive memory for trifles. That phrase 'the Lion's Mane' haunted my mind." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – не давала мне покоя)
17.06.2020 6:09:51 subl. behold перед вами ("Cyanea!" I cried. "Cyanea! Behold the Lion's Mane!" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
17.06.2020 6:04:00 gen. at the most самое большее (The owner had not been inside the home ащк more than two or three minutes at the most as his vehicle was left idling in the driveway. – пробыл в доме самое большее две-три минуты)
13.06.2020 1:19:43 arts. renderings изображения (moody, expressionistic renderings of boats, birds and animals)
11.06.2020 11:55:39 obs. if I may be so bold as to say so осмелюсь сказать ("Well, sir," said the guide, "it seemed, if I may be so bold as to say so, the only really clear point in the whole case." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.06.2020 9:02:51 gen. incoherent apologies бессвязные извинения ("He was white with rage, and, indeed, I felt myself in so difficult a position that I could only stammer out a few incoherent apologies (...)" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – пробормотать какие-то бессвязные извинения)
10.06.2020 9:00:04 gen. be white with rage побелеть от гнева ("He was white with rage, and, indeed, I felt myself in so difficult a position that I could only stammer out a few incoherent apologies (...)" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – побелел от гнева)
10.06.2020 8:54:59 gen. wages of sin расплата за грехи ('Apart from his injuries, even his iron nerves had been shocked by the events of the evening, and he listened with horror to my account of the Baron's transformation. "The wages of sin, Watson – the wages of sin!" said he. "Sooner or later it will always come." '(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – расплата за грехи обязательно наступит)
10.06.2020 8:39:22 gen. say a word замолвить словечко (о грядущих планах: "Well, I happen to be clear tomorrow afternoon. If you would say a word to Mrs. Saunders it would be quite in order." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.06.2020 8:39:22 gen. say a word предупредить (о грядущих планах: "Well, I happen to be clear tomorrow afternoon. If you would say a word to Mrs. Saunders it would be quite in order." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.06.2020 8:30:40 gen. it would perhaps be as well that пожалуй, не помешает ("But this danger, Holmes?" "Ah, yes, in case it should come off, it would perhaps be as well that you should burden your memory with the name and address of the murderer." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.06.2020 8:05:35 gen. acknowledged authority on the subject of признанный авторитет в вопросах (On the subject of Chinese cuisine he is an acknowledged authority.)
10.06.2020 8:05:35 gen. acknowledged authority on the subject of признанный авторитет в области (On the subject of Chinese cuisine he is an acknowledged authority.)
10.06.2020 7:56:27 gen. keep up a conversation поддерживать беседу (Do you know anything about entomology? Can you keep up an intelligent conversation on the subject?)
10.06.2020 4:40:32 gen. be aware of известно о (кому-либо: This was the last skating lesson of her batch, Sienna is aware of this and will contact us if she wishes to book more. • We've called the RCMP regarding this and were told by the person answering the phone that they're aware of it; get a licence plate and call back with it when it happens. Obviously, it's difficult to get the plate number of someone racing down the street in excess of 90 km/h. – им об этом известно, они в курсе)
10.06.2020 4:38:16 formal be aware of не забывать о (In negotiating a business relationship, your firm should be aware of so-called "red flags," i.e., unusual payment patterns or financial arrangements. – должна помнить о / не стоит забывать о)
10.06.2020 4:31:45 gen. be stretched не хватать (With over 500 wildfires burning across B.C., firefighting resources are stretched.)
10.06.2020 4:31:02 inf. short не хватает ("So how many are you short?" "Well, they came in boxes of 50 so we're missing 200." – Сколько штук вам не хватает?)
10.06.2020 4:27:25 idiom. stretched thin не хватает (ресурсов, сил: I realize police are always stretched thin, especially when it comes to enforcing traffic issues in a city as big as Bay City, but it would be nice to see some interest in policing our neighbourhood.)
9.06.2020 22:59:45 auto. busted axle полетела ось (Truck with a busted axle on the Boundary Rd off-ramp from HWY1 east. The ramp is partially blocked.)
7.06.2020 19:08:13 gen. penetration проницательность (As an investigative journalist, you're supposed to have far more penetration than this.)
7.06.2020 9:01:38 gram. cannot possibly + verb никак не могу (I cannot possibly leave her at a time like this. • "You know that I cannot possibly leave London while old Abrahams is in such mortal terror of his life." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
7.06.2020 2:01:43 gen. inspire confidence внушать уверенность (Our plan should inspire confidence in investors.)
7.06.2020 2:00:24 gen. inspire confidence вызывать доверие ("Would you go in, Watson? Your appearance inspires confidence." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – вызывать доверие у людей / внушает людям доверие)
7.06.2020 2:00:24 gen. inspire confidence внушать доверие ("Would you go in, Watson? Your appearance inspires confidence." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – вызывать доверие у людей / внушает людям доверие)
7.06.2020 1:56:59 brit. excellently well превосходно (You did excellently well. What happened next? – Вы поступили превосходно.)
7.06.2020 1:38:54 gen. capable hands умелые руки ("I don't think there is anything more for me to do now that the case is in such capable hands." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
7.06.2020 1:34:41 gen. by a circuitous route окольным путём ('Otherwise why should not her luggage have been openly labelled for Baden? Both she and it reached the Rhenish spa by some circuitous route.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
7.06.2020 0:59:52 gen. from the general to the particular от общего к частному ("I was relieved at this sudden descent from the general to the particular." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – переход от общего к частному)
7.06.2020 0:43:05 fig. surprise неожиданным ходом добиться своей цели ("It was clear to me, however, that by pretending that he had really succeeded in his design I might surprise a confession." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
7.06.2020 0:42:40 fig. surprise применить неожиданный манёвр ("It was clear to me, however, that by pretending that he had really succeeded in his design I might surprise a confession." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.06.2020 8:45:20 gen. succeed in one's design преуспеть в своих замыслах ("It was clear to me, however, that by pretending that he had really succeeded in his design I might surprise a confession." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.06.2020 8:45:20 gen. succeed in one's design добиться своей цели ("It was clear to me, however, that by pretending that he had really succeeded in his design I might surprise a confession." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
6.06.2020 8:40:48 gen. have respect for с уважением относиться к ("Do you imagine that I have no respect for your medical talents?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 10:14:24 gen. without hesitation без запинки ("Would you go in, Watson? Your appearance inspires confidence. Ask what hour the Poultney Square funeral takes place to-morrow." The woman in the shop answered me without hesitation that it was to be at eight o'clock in the morning.' – не задумываясь ответила / ответила без запинки (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 10:14:24 gen. without hesitation не задумываясь ("Would you go in, Watson? Your appearance inspires confidence. Ask what hour the Poultney Square funeral takes place to-morrow." The woman in the shop answered me without hesitation that it was to be at eight o'clock in the morning.' – не задумываясь ответила / ответила без запинки (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 8:25:44 gen. seemingly irrelevant казалось бы не имеющий отношения к делу ("You may remember my seemingly irrelevant question as to this clerical gentleman's left ear. You did not answer it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 6:24:08 gen. can hardly be matched не сыскать равных ('A remarkable man this Von Bork – a man who could hardly be matched among all the devoted agents of the Kaiser.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 6:24:08 gen. can hardly be matched не найдётся равных ('A remarkable man this Von Bork – a man who could hardly be matched among all the devoted agents of the Kaiser.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 6:18:33 gen. we will pass that не будем касаться этой темы
4.06.2020 6:15:17 transp. pull up at остановиться у ("I was shaving at my window in the morning when heard the rattle of hoofs and, looking up, saw a dog-cart coming at a gallop down the road. It pulled up at our door, and our friend, the vicar, sprang from it and rushed up our garden path." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 6:15:17 transp. pull up at подъехать к ("I was shaving at my window in the morning when heard the rattle of hoofs and, looking up, saw a dog-cart coming at a gallop down the road. It pulled up at our door, and our friend, the vicar, sprang from it and rushed up our garden path." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 6:06:41 gen. skirt the cliff идти вдоль обрыва ("Now, let us calmly define our position, Watson," he continued as we skirted the cliffs together. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.06.2020 5:56:26 idiom. put it on thick сгустить краски ("The first thing is to exaggerate my injuries. They'll come to you for news. Put it on thick, Watson. Lucky if I live the week out – concussion – delirium – what you like! You can't overdo it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Сгустите краски, Ватсон.)

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