
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

28.08.2020 4:29:22 gen. pick up one's pace ускорить шаг (This incident was very scary because I was alone with my dog. We were hiking the same section of Stone Mountain but a different trail called Wolf Rock. (...) Started getting an ominous feeling so started picking up my pace to head back. When I was about a mile from my car I heard what can only be described as a super sonic boom. It shook the ground and rattled the trees. It spooked me and my dog so bad we ran most of the way back to the car. mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.08.2020 2:29:26 media. has had a career in ... spanning almost 35 years проработать в ... почти 35 лет (Global News announced today (August 27) in a news release that its B.C. regional director Jill Krop is resigning from her position, which she has held since she was promoted in 2015 to manage newsrooms at Global BC, Global Okanagan, and 980 CKNW. (...) Krop has had a career in journalism spanning almost 35 years, with 23 of those years at Global News. – проработала в журналистике почти 35 лет straight.com)
28.08.2020 2:11:37 inf. stay tuned for ждать (frequently as a suggestion: Please stay tuned for yet another translation request coming your way in a few days!)
27.08.2020 10:19:25 meteorol. arctic air арктическое вторжение ("европейскую часть страны ожидает арктическое вторжение, сообщила ведущий специалист центра погоды «Фобос»" • "в Европейской части России набирает силу арктическое вторжение")
27.08.2020 7:42:42 idiom. cut deep отличаться запутанным характером (о проблеме, расследовании: "We are dealing with a clever man, Watson. This matter cuts very deep, and though I have not finally made up my mind whether it is a benevolent or a malevolent agency which is in touch with us, I am conscious always of power and design." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • "When taken in conjunction with your uncle's death I am not sure that of all the five hundred cases of capital importance which I have handled there is one which cuts so deep." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
27.08.2020 7:14:13 idiom. he would stick at nothing он ни перед чем не остановится ("You see, it isn't like any ordinary convict. This is a man that would stick at nothing." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
27.08.2020 6:25:29 phonet. pronounce letter by letter произносить по буквам (UNESCO is an acronym because it's pronounced like a word; BBC is pronounced letter by letter.)
27.08.2020 5:31:59 idiom. come clean признаться во всём (Ben said, "We've kept it hush-hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National news outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2020 5:31:59 idiom. come clean сознаться во всём (Ben said, "We've kept it hush-hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National news outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2020 4:37:46 gen. all through the night всю ночь (All through the night, 200 searchers and canines searched that area, the searchers marching shoulder to shoulder. They were later joined by a helicopter. As of right now, the boy can't be found.)
26.08.2020 3:38:13 gen. flattened grass примятая трава (Large cats will invariably kill by biting an animal's throat, either tearing it out or asphyxiating its prey. By comparison, the animals killed during this time were slaughtered by a single deep bite to the sternum. (...) Stranger still, the animals were surrounded by circular tracks of flattened grass, as if a very large predator had circled the animal several times before killing it. These tracks led off into the distance. When followed, they led to the banks of a nearby river. This led some to speculate that it might be the work of a river monster. alienexpanse.com)
26.08.2020 2:49:01 gen. just as important не менее важный (as: That just leaves me to bring to your attention today the issue of Welsh lake monsters. Certainly, there aren't many cases from Wales, but those we do know of can be viewed as being just as important as – for example – the world's most famous lake monster, Nessie. One of the most fear-inducing beasts was the Gwrach y Rhibyn, a water-based abomination. mysteriousuniverse.org)
26.08.2020 2:45:27 gen. be comprised of состоять из (The series is comprised of four videos.)
26.08.2020 2:43:57 folk. shape-shift превращаться в другое существо (According to Scottish legend, the Kelpie – or the water-horse – is a wholly supernatural creature that haunts the rivers, bridges and lochs of ancient Scotland and that has the uncanny ability to shape-shift. (...) Very notably, the Kelpie was also said to be able to transform itself into both a beautiful maiden, or mermaid, and a large, hairy man that would hide in the vegetation of Scottish waterways and leap out and attack the unwary, not unlike the Man-Monkey of the Shropshire Union Canal. mysteriousuniverse.org)
26.08.2020 2:34:55 fig. frozen solid оцепеневший (от ужаса, шока: "He told me how, on one particular Saturday afternoon, he sat near the water's edge (...), when he was "literally frozen solid" by the sight of "‘what at first I thought was a big log floating down the cut, about sixty or seventy feet away." (...) As it got closer, Bell was both astonished and horrified to see a large "dark brown and black colored" eel or snake-like creature – possibly ten feet in length or a little bit more – moving slowly in the water, with its head – that "looked like a black sheep" – flicking rapidly from side to side.")
26.08.2020 2:32:25 fig. frozen solid остолбеневший (от ужаса, шока: "He told me how, on one particular Saturday afternoon, he sat near the water's edge (...), when he was "literally frozen solid" by the sight of "‘what at first I thought was a big log floating down the cut, about sixty or seventy feet away." (...) As it got closer, Bell was both astonished and horrified to see a large "dark brown and black colored" eel or snake-like creature – possibly ten feet in length or a little bit more – moving slowly in the water, with its head – that "looked like a black sheep" – flicking rapidly from side to side." mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 7:47:45 brit. mess about околачиваться ("There was a church in this village and behind the church was a small wooded area and fields, where we used to generally mess about and have a sneaky beer or two." mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 7:37:51 formal after such a long time по прошествии столь долгого времени ("That's where a legendary, supernatural creature known as the Man-Monkey of England's Shropshire was seen, just a few weeks after the article was published. An escaped gorilla or a supernatural ape? After such a long time, the answer is unlikely to be found." mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 7:33:28 formal of a similar character подобного рода ("Too frightened to shriek, she ran to her neighbors, who quickly armed themselves with pokers, iron bars, guns, and pitchforks and other instruments of a similar character, and marched in a body to capture the gorilla. mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 6:45:52 gen. dicey plan рискованный план ("In January 1940, the Northern Standard newspaper (which covered the Australian city of Darwin) made significant page space for its readers. Indeed, the headline itself was: "Seeking an 18ft Lizard." It told of the ambitious, and maybe even dicey, plans of one Fred Blakeley. It was Blakeley's plan to try and bring one of the giant creatures back alive." mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 6:41:16 gen. pick the flesh clean обглодать кости дочиста ("As they approached they saw, clinging to the horse's throat, with claws buried in the shoulders, and its jaws having a firm grip on the poor creature's throat, what appeared to be a monstrous lizard. (...) And of the horses that had been attacked, only their skeletons remained, the ferocious reptiles having picked the flesh clean." mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 6:09:19 gen. make an unwise move поступить неосмотрительно (of + gerund: "They arrived at the Dover House and spoke with one of the staff, who made the very unwise move of giving the men Coleman's address." – поступил очень неосмотрительно, сообщив адрес mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 5:57:51 gen. in an emotionless fashion не выражать никаких эмоций (There were even weirder developments to come – in the form of none other than a man and a woman in black. (...) The strange pair listened, in an emotionless fashion, to everything that he had to say, then suddenly turned on their tails and vanished into the woods, along with his machete – which they made clear they were confiscating. mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 5:50:57 formal back up one's claim обосновать своё заявление (фактами: Neither witness told anyone – outside of their immediate family – anything about their encounters, chiefly because they had nothing to back up the claims. In the first case, the witness returned to the site at daybreak, around 7:00 a.m., and the body was gone. In the second case, precisely the same thing happened: when the frightened witness told her husband what she had seen, he accompanied her back to the site, around 3 or 4 hours later, after he returned home from work. That body, too, had curiously vanished. mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 5:50:57 formal back up one's claim подкрепить своё заявление (фактами: Neither witness told anyone – outside of their immediate family – anything about their encounters, chiefly because they had nothing to back up the claims. In the first case, the witness returned to the site at daybreak, around 7:00 a.m., and the body was gone. In the second case, precisely the same thing happened: when the frightened witness told her husband what she had seen, he accompanied her back to the site, around 3 or 4 hours later, after he returned home from work. That body, too, had curiously vanished. mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 5:37:17 gen. Put it back! Верни назад!
24.08.2020 5:36:34 gen. Give it back! Верни назад!
24.08.2020 5:34:42 gen. back up вернуться назад (в повествовании: I want you to back up for a second. You mentioned you had seen the victim one week before the crime. Tell me more about it.)
24.08.2020 4:50:24 humor. strut разгуливать ("It's hard not to smile when you see fuzzy goslings start to appear around Vancouver. The resident Canada goose breeding season is well underway and proud geese can be seen strutting around parks and lakes showing off their gaggle." (Vancouver Courier))
24.08.2020 4:47:14 idiom. on the loose разгуливать (о диких животных: There is a very curious sequel to Abbott's encounter: two days later, she was visited at her home by a government official who, while the pair sat and drank cups of tea, advised her, in fairly relaxed tones, not to talk about the experience. (...) If true, it suggests that elements of the British Government may wish to keep exceedingly quiet the fact that wild animals are on the loose in the heart of London's old tunnels. mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 4:20:12 gen. stifling day душный день ("It was a stifling day. I remember swigging something to drink and having a bite when there was something moving right on the bank of the pool. mysteriousuniverse.org)
24.08.2020 4:14:19 gen. munch on жевать (I was munching on my sandwiches and reading a newspaper. – жевал бутерброды)
24.08.2020 2:09:06 contempt. starlet звездулька ("цитируете каких-то эстрадных звездулек и прочих селебрити" (Галина Иванкина) )
23.08.2020 7:55:01 gen. act as butler исполнять обязанности дворецкого ("In spite of his considerable wealth he was simple in his personal tastes, and his indoor servants at Baskerville Hall consisted of a married couple named Barrymore, the husband acting as butler and the wife as housekeeper." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – супружеская чета по фамилии Бэримор)
23.08.2020 7:50:30 gen. event встреча с поклонниками (знаменитости, эстрадного исполнителя и пр.: "There's little hope members of the public will be able to attend former US First Lady Michelle Obama‘s event in Vancouver next month after tickets sold out. (...) Black admits no other event has sold out so fast." News 1130)
23.08.2020 7:21:52 idiom. do sb. good пойти на пользу ("And now I think that a few hours' sleep would do us all good, for I do not propose to leave before eleven o'clock, and it is unlikely that we shall be back before morning." – пойдут нам всем на пользу (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
23.08.2020 7:10:56 formal benefit from пойти на пользу (Cyber security stocks have benefited from the latest global hacking attack.- пошла на пользу)
23.08.2020 7:06:10 formal sole object единственная цель ("No article of value was taken, as it is probable that the criminals were men of good position, whose sole object was to prevent social exposure." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – единственной целью которых было не допустить • "Then there is the singular fact that he did not break it in the house, or immediately outside the house, if to break it was his sole object." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – было его единственной целью)
23.08.2020 7:01:43 inf. bad-ass cat хулиганистый кот (My sister had this bad-ass cat, eh, an orange tabby, and he would hide in the dark hallway, eh, and when you would turn the corner he would grab your leg with his claws! Ouch!)
23.08.2020 6:55:48 idiom. sling a yarn заправлять арапа ("Maybe you don't believe what I say. Maybe you think I am just slinging you a yarn." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – я вам арапа заправляю)
23.08.2020 6:49:52 theatre. crisis of a play кульминационный момент спектакля ("Gentlemen", he cried, "let me introduce you to the famous black pearl of the Borgias." Lestrade and I sat silent for a moment, and then, with a spontaneous impulse, we both broke out clapping, as at the well-wrought crisis of a play. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
23.08.2020 6:49:52 theatre. crisis of a play кульминация пьесы ("Gentlemen", he cried, "let me introduce you to the famous black pearl of the Borgias." Lestrade and I sat silent for a moment, and then, with a spontaneous impulse, we both broke out clapping, as at the well-wrought crisis of a play. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
21.08.2020 2:29:21 fishery crabbing ловля краба (Our captain on this day is Riley Baird, who spends much of his summer fishing for Dungeness crab in this area, a typical crabbing season lasting from May to end of July. (...) He grimaces at the mention of the island being built here. "It's going to suck," he says. "This is where the best crabbing is." thetyee.ca)
21.08.2020 2:24:17 bus.styl. the forecasts are showing that согласно прогнозам (He reports year-to-date declines in shipping volume of just 7.7 per cent, which is much less than the nearly 15 per cent decline during the 2008–09 recession. "The forecasts are showing that we're already expecting some bounce back in the next couple of months, so we're expecting the volumes to come back. thetyee.ca)
20.08.2020 9:07:51 gen. when we were first married когда мы только поженились (We lived in Angleton right by the Palladium when we were first married.)
20.08.2020 8:42:19 gen. go to university пойти учиться в университет
20.08.2020 8:41:55 gen. go to university поступить в университет (My brother did military service before he went to university.)
20.08.2020 8:38:48 ed. enrol поступить на курсы (She enrolled in anthropology courses at New York University.)
20.08.2020 8:37:09 gen. do military service отслужить в армии (My brother did military service before he went to university.)
19.08.2020 8:28:43 gen. almost anything почти всё (My dog will eat almost anything.)
19.08.2020 8:17:03 gen. make a great mistake совершить большую ошибку (According to grammarian Michael Swan, both "great" and "big" are acceptable, the difference being "big" an informal word.: You are making a great / big [informal] mistake.)
19.08.2020 8:17:03 gen. make a big mistake совершить большую ошибку (According to grammarian Michael Swan, both "great" and "big" are acceptable, the difference being "big" an informal word.: You are making a great / big [informal] mistake.)
19.08.2020 8:11:30 gen. a shudder passed through me по моему телу пробежала дрожь ("Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!" I confess that at these words a shudder passed through me." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – по моему телу пробежала дрожь)
19.08.2020 8:08:12 gen. at these words при этих словах ("Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!" I confess that at these words a shudder passed through me." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
19.08.2020 8:03:34 gen. light a lantern зажечь фонарь ("At twelve o'clock Barrymore, finding the hall door still open, became alarmed, and, lighting a lantern, went in search of his master." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
19.08.2020 7:57:10 gen. become alarmed встревожиться ("At twelve o'clock Barrymore, finding the hall door still open, became alarmed, and, lighting a lantern, went in search of his master." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
19.08.2020 6:38:27 psychiat. depression подавленное психическое состояние
19.08.2020 6:35:40 jarg. blow one's cover разоблачить (The officer didn't report the assault because he didn't want his cover blown.)
19.08.2020 6:34:12 law claimant претендент на наследство
19.08.2020 6:24:55 gen. there lies our problem в этом-то всё и дело ("Running from what?" "There lies our problem." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
19.08.2020 6:13:17 gen. a great deal more гораздо больше ("What business?" asked Sir Henry sharply. "It seems to me that all you gentlemen know a great deal more than I do about my own affairs." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
19.08.2020 6:07:08 idiom. crackdown жар (в выражении "задать жару": Police teams have staged a crackdown on law-flouting motorists in Keighley. The initiative saw five warnings issued – and one vehicle seized – for anti-social driving.)
19.08.2020 5:56:08 inf. stage a crackdown объявить борьбу (применить жёсткие меры наказания: Police teams have staged a crackdown on law-flouting motorists in Keighley. The initiative saw five warnings issued – and one vehicle seized – for anti-social driving.)
19.08.2020 5:53:01 inf. crackdown жёсткие меры (On Thursday, Health Minister Adrian Dix promised a crackdown on any violators this weekend, so hopefully more fines will be issued against covidiots partying like there's no tomorrow.)
19.08.2020 4:53:37 humor. flatulence пердуляция
18.08.2020 5:51:01 gram. below the horizon за горизонтом (A moment later the sun had disappeared below the horizon. (PEU by Michael Swan) – Спустя мгновение солнце скрылось за горизонтом)
17.08.2020 4:26:00 inf. wait with great anticipation с большим нетерпением ждать (I am a senior citizen and my wife and I enjoy the wonderful off-leash dog park many times a week. We both were waiting with great anticipation for the eastside roadway to reopen after the work was done to the parking lots. Last week, I was shocked to see the changes made. (...) This project was a complete waste of my tax dollars. burnabynow.com)
17.08.2020 4:18:51 inf. screw it up наломать дров (Hopefully, I don't screw it up. I've been known to do that in the past.)
17.08.2020 4:17:47 inf. make a pretty hash of it наломать дров ("Well, Watson," said he, "a very pretty hash you have made of it! I rather think you had better come back with me to London by the night express." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
17.08.2020 4:17:08 inf. mess up наломать дров (The City of Greenville really messed up with the extensive changes to the Sandy Cove Marine Park. Last week, I was shocked to see the changes made. Not only have they made it very hard on the disabled to use the park, they have also made it much more difficult for kayakers and canoers to launch their boats into the cove, which is the only ocean-water access in the city and is widely used by many people.)
17.08.2020 3:56:20 inf. wrangle an agreement с большим трудом прийти к соглашению (In the two and a half years it took to wrangle an agreement between the District of Greenville and the property owners on how to build a waterfront house overlooking Sandy Cove, several issues were stumbling blocks.)
17.08.2020 1:03:16 inf. looks like a bomb hit it как после бомбёжки (With this mega project, Oakridge Centre now looks like someone dropped a bomb on it. It looks like a bomb hit it.)
16.08.2020 6:24:57 gram. is nowhere to be found нигде нет (He is nowhere to be found. – Его нигде нет.)
16.08.2020 6:23:31 gram. was nowhere to be found нигде не было (He was nowhere to be found. – Его нигде не было.)
16.08.2020 6:21:01 gram. there was nothing to be seen ничего не было видно (I looked out of the window, but it was dark and there was nothing to be seen.)
16.08.2020 6:19:03 gram. look out of the window выглянуть в окно (Толковый словарь Ожегова выглянуть; сов. Посмотреть, высунувшись откуда-н. Выглянуть в окно (из окна).: I looked out of the window, but it was dark and there was nothing to be seen.)
16.08.2020 6:05:09 formal clear up the circumstances прояснить обстоятельства ("The circumstances connected with the death of Sir Charles cannot be said to have been entirely cleared up by the inquest, but at least enough has been done to dispose of those rumours to which local superstition has given rise." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
16.08.2020 5:59:55 idiom. in this light в таком разрезе (Look at it in this light. On what occasion would it be most probable that such a presentation would be made?)
16.08.2020 5:59:42 idiom. in this light в таком духе (Look at it in this light. On what occasion would it be most probable that such a presentation would be made?)
16.08.2020 5:59:26 idiom. in this light в таком ключе (Look at it in this light. On what occasion would it be most probable that such a presentation would be made?)
16.08.2020 5:40:50 crim.law. foul play преступный умысел ('There is no reason whatever to suspect foul play, or to imagine that death could be from any but natural causes.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
16.08.2020 5:37:11 folk. fairy tales сказки ("Do you not find it interesting?" "To a collector of fairy tales." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
16.08.2020 5:34:21 gen. in the days of old в старину́ ('(...) a broad space in which stood two of those great stones, still to be seen there, which were set by certain forgotten peoples in the days of old.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
14.08.2020 22:30:06 media. verbal fight словесная перепалка (A verbal argument / fight broke out between college students and local political activists. – между ними завязалась словесная перепалка)
14.08.2020 22:24:39 Russia female driver автоледи
14.08.2020 5:24:35 traf.contr. step out onto the street выйти на проезжую часть (Some cars are speeding up to 25 or 30 km/h over the speed limit. My biggest concern? Several places along the road people must cross the street to get to and from buses. Because the road has bends, inclines and obscuring foliage, there is no way a speeding driver is going to see someone who has stepped out onto the street to cross. burnabynow.com)
14.08.2020 4:27:59 formal issue involving проблема, связанная с (Many of the emails we received pointed out there is an issue involving buskers around Metrotown Station making too much noise for too many hours of the day.)
13.08.2020 8:49:07 fig. use as leverage опираться на (Higginbottom instructed his publishers to generate advance publicity for "The Bloody Nun" by using the success of "The Bloody Priest" as leverage. – опираясь на успех)
13.08.2020 8:48:43 fig. by using sth. as leverage опираясь на (Higginbottom instructed his publishers to generate advance publicity for "The Bloody Nun" by using the success of "The Bloody Priest" as leverage. Needless to say, that resulted in a total disaster. – опираясь на успех)
13.08.2020 8:47:28 formal warp one's mind сформировать ложное представление ("But if I had not taken things for granted, if I had examined everything with care which I should have shown had we approached the case de novo and had no cut-and-dried story to warp my mind, should I not then have found something more definite to go upon?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.08.2020 8:47:28 formal warp one's mind сформировать неверное представление ("But if I had not taken things for granted, if I had examined everything with care which I should have shown had we approached the case de novo and had no cut-and-dried story to warp my mind, should I not then have found something more definite to go upon?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.08.2020 8:40:57 formal warp one's judgement сформировать ложное представление ("The lady's charming personality must not be permitted to warp our judgment." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.08.2020 8:40:57 formal warp one's judgement сформировать неверное представление ("The lady's charming personality must not be permitted to warp our judgment." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.08.2020 8:40:57 formal warp one's judgement привести к неверным выводам ("The lady's charming personality must not be permitted to warp our judgment." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.08.2020 8:31:50 gen. settle down охватывать (о сомнениях, думах: 'Every now and then, by an effort, he would throw off the impression, and talk as if the matter were clear, but then his doubts would settle down upon him again, and his knitted brows and abstracted eyes would show that his thoughts had gone back once more to the great dining-room of the Abbey Grange, in which this midnight tragedy had been enacted.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – его вновь охватывали сомнения)
13.08.2020 8:31:34 gen. settle down одолевать (о сомнениях, думах: 'Every now and then, by an effort, he would throw off the impression, and talk as if the matter were clear, but then his doubts would settle down upon him again, and his knitted brows and abstracted eyes would show that his thoughts had gone back once more to the great dining-room of the Abbey Grange, in which this midnight tragedy had been enacted.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – его вновь одолевали сомнения)
13.08.2020 8:27:49 gen. be enacted разыграться ('Every now and then, by an effort, he would throw off the impression, and talk as if the matter were clear, but then his doubts would settle down upon him again, and his knitted brows and abstracted eyes would show that his thoughts had gone back once more to the great dining-room of the Abbey Grange, in which this midnight tragedy had been enacted.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – где разыгралась эта трагедия)
13.08.2020 8:15:24 gen. excite one's suspicion вызвать подозрение (у кого-либо: "Surely there are details in her story which, if we looked at it in cold blood, would excite our suspicion." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.08.2020 8:11:43 gen. in cold blood бесстрастно ("Surely there are details in her story which, if we looked at it in cold blood, would excite our suspicion." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.08.2020 8:03:33 gen. strike sb. as suspicious вызвать подозрение (у кого-либо: Nothing in the house struck me as suspicious when I searched it.)

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