
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

8.09.2020 6:56:32 gen. sprawling city раскинувшийся город (situated not too far from the sprawling city of Fort Worth mysteriousuniverse.org)
8.09.2020 6:56:16 gen. sprawling city разросшийся город (situated not too far from the sprawling city of Fort Worth mysteriousuniverse.org)
8.09.2020 6:36:53 inf. have trouble ничего не выходит (with something – с чем-либо: Hi Kevin, Sending you the same file as a JPG in case you still have trouble with the PDF.)
8.09.2020 3:08:43 inf. pull off things вытворять (We're so glad we have each other because our parents have both passed away. Sometimes we sit and laugh over the things we pulled off as kids.)
8.09.2020 3:01:20 gen. notable свойственный (for something: His black-and-white portraits are notable for their humour, sincerity and deep respect for the people he captures. – Его фотопортретам свойственны ...)
7.09.2020 8:44:06 gen. in a conspiracy в сговоре ("They are both lying, and in a conspiracy." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
7.09.2020 8:44:06 gen. in a conspiracy сговорились ("They are both lying, and in a conspiracy." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
7.09.2020 7:57:52 gen. how stupid can you get! какая дурость! (How stupid can you get! Tamara and Mike were the main reason we watched CTV Vancouver. No more, goodbye CTV!!! – Какая дурость!)
7.09.2020 7:52:31 archive. registrar сотрудник ЗАГСа (Registrars are, in effect, society's witnesses to the biggest family moments in life. Whenever a new baby is born, someone dies or a couple decide to get married, the register office hoves into view. You cannot register a birth or death, or give notice of a marriage, by phone or on a computer: the only way is by visiting a register office, answering the registrar's questions and signing the resulting certificate with the special registration fountain pen charged with special ink whose high lead content is designed to ensure it will never fade. (Abridged article from a British newspaper))
7.09.2020 7:34:36 gen. feelings for each other взаимные чувства (Bob Green and Mary Brown were pretty close on the show. As the show progressed, so did their feelings for each other. Bob, however, left her for Louisa Conti, who was the new assistant producer. She was 25 years younger than Bob.)
7.09.2020 7:02:34 food.ind. unshelled в скорлупе (об орехах: unshelled walnuts)
7.09.2020 6:50:30 journ. art scene культурная жизнь (города; термин охватывает симфонические оркестры, художественные галереи, театры; т.о. жаргонизмы вроде "тусовка" являются ложным переводом: Calgary has a thriving art scene.)
6.09.2020 23:24:03 gen. overlook забывать (Marilyn and Fred adopted their 12-year-old black-and-white cat Rosie from a shelter after their other rescues – Pickle, a cheerful Chihuahua, and Henry, a peach-coloured stray. "It's important to give older animals a home," Marilyn says. "They often get overlooked." – О них часто забывают.)
6.09.2020 23:13:08 idiom. smooth sailing идти гладко (не только о делах, но и дорожном движении: Highway 1 conditions getting worse East of Port Mann bridge. Smooth sailing through Vancouver/Burnaby, then snow covered roads.)
6.09.2020 23:13:08 idiom. smooth sailing идти как по маслу (не только о делах, но и дорожном движении: Highway 1 conditions getting worse East of Port Mann bridge. Smooth sailing through Vancouver/Burnaby, then snow covered roads.)
5.09.2020 8:10:59 Russia female hitchhiker автостопщица (sevastopol.su)
5.09.2020 8:06:33 formal is of the highest importance чрезвычайно важно ("It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
5.09.2020 8:06:33 formal is of the highest importance крайне важно ("It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
5.09.2020 8:02:51 formal is of extreme importance крайне важно (Locking your car and not leaving any valuables in plain sight is of extreme importance when you are visiting this part of Vancouver.)
5.09.2020 7:58:45 gen. point-blank question вопрос в лоб (ask sb. a point-blank question – задать вопрос в лоб)
5.09.2020 7:56:24 gen. hold upon the palm of one's hand держать на ладони ("It's a woman's wedding ring." He held it out, as he spoke, upon the palm of his hand. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
5.09.2020 7:12:19 formal disclaim all responsibility снимать с себя всю ответственность (I entirely disclaim all responsibility.)
5.09.2020 7:12:19 formal disclaim all responsibility снимать с себя всякую ответственность (I entirely disclaim all responsibility.)
5.09.2020 3:28:06 gen. stellar безупречный ("His résumé is stellar, his private life impeccably restrained (...)" (Andrew Sullivan, The NY Times Magazine) – безупречный послужной список)
5.09.2020 0:14:42 idiom. not make sense морочить голову (It's super frustrating when you're talking to a customer service person and they're not making sense! All I'm asking is why my phone bill has gone up from $134 a month to $189 and no one can explain it. They're saying the same things to me over and over again and it's gibberish! – они морочат мне голову)
5.09.2020 0:11:03 idiom. make sense ясно выражаться (It's super frustrating when you're talking to a customer service person and they're not making sense! All I'm asking is why my phone bill has gone up from $134 a month to $189 and no one can explain it. They're saying the same things to me over and over again and it's gibberish! – они морочат мне голову)
4.09.2020 21:54:59 fig. get too fat зажраться (These guys have gotten too fat, it's time we got our share.)
4.09.2020 9:30:13 gen. glance over one's notes просматривать свои записи ("On glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases in which I have during the last eight years studies the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes, I find many tragic, some comic, a large number merely strange, but none commonplace (...)" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.09.2020 9:15:39 immigr. cross the border пересечь государственную границу (I am a Canadian citizen but a medical student in the U.S. Can I still cross the border?)
4.09.2020 9:07:11 idiom. this really takes the cake ничего подобного в жизни не видел ("Well, I have been twenty-seven years in the force, but this really takes the cake." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.09.2020 8:54:27 gen. should it prove to be если окажется, что ("Should it prove to be an interesting case, you would, I am sure, wish to follow it from the outset." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.09.2020 7:46:07 idiom. pace to and fro расхаживать взад-вперёд ("You see," remarked Holmes, as we paced to and fro in front of the house, "this marriage rather simplifies matters." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
4.09.2020 7:30:03 gen. past дольше (The Lantus instructions say to discard an opened vial after 28 days. I have used some past the 28 days and have been fine. I know of others that have also done that.)
4.09.2020 6:45:07 real.est. increase rent повысить квартплату (о домовладельце: B.C. landlords can increase rent only once per year and must provide tenants with three full months' notice using the correct notice of rent increase form. nsnews.com)
4.09.2020 3:25:44 gen. take a video заснять на видео (Lovely belted kingfisher let me take a video – so kind! – позволил снять/заснять себя на видео)
4.09.2020 3:25:44 gen. take a video снять на видео (Lovely belted kingfisher let me take a video – so kind! – позволил снять/заснять себя на видео)
3.09.2020 7:53:58 gen. get a divorce from one's husband развестись со своим мужем
3.09.2020 7:52:15 gen. get a divorce развестись (Is it easy to get a divorce in Mexico?)
3.09.2020 6:48:41 gen. eyes continually fixed upon смотреть не отрываясь на ('Holmes said little more, but the picture of the old roysterer seemed to have a fascination for him, and his eyes were continually fixed upon it during supper.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
3.09.2020 6:44:23 gen. poor wretch несчастный (как существительное: "This poor wretch was dressed in your clothes. I fear your servant who gave them to him may get into trouble with the police." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
3.09.2020 6:41:16 gen. there was no getting out of it некуда было деваться ("I am sorry that he has seen you." "And so was I at first. But there was no getting out of it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
3.09.2020 6:38:54 gen. there was no retreat деваться было некуда (After parking the car behind the restaurant we had to walk up a long laneway between buildings. Up ahead near some dumpsters was a group of people who looked like drug dealers. There was no fast retreat, so we kept walking.)
3.09.2020 6:20:50 gen. do manual labour заниматься физическим трудом ("We're hard workers," says McDonnell. "Alex is a plumber doing manual labour all day here on the North Shore. I work full-time at my family's contracting firm. We make good money, and we save. But we haven't reached the point of being able to put a down payment on the type of starter home we want." nsnews.com)
3.09.2020 5:57:32 gen. get frustrated сердиться (The twin brothers get frustrated with each other when someone isn't listening. They are so funny when they are wrestling! – сердятся друг на друга)
2.09.2020 8:36:12 idiom. keep in the dark скрывать правду ("But why keep me in the dark?" "For you to know could not have helped us and might possibly have led to my discovery. You would have wished to tell me something, or in your kindness you would have brought me out some comfort or other, and so an unnecessary risk would be run." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – "Но зачем же было скрывать от меня правду?")
2.09.2020 8:30:34 gen. dusk was settling опустились сумерки ('The sun had set and dusk was settling over the moor. The air had turned chill and we withdrew into the hut for warmth.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
2.09.2020 8:22:13 ecol. moor вересковая пустошь
2.09.2020 8:06:00 inf. other than that во всём остальном (I still have to add another layer of paint you requested, as well as weatherproofing the joints, but other than that I think it's close to the finished product.)
2.09.2020 8:05:47 inf. other than that хотя во всём остальном (When one door closes, another one opens. Other than that it's a pretty good car.)
2.09.2020 8:00:42 inf. beat справиться с (Beating the heat with popsicles and Netflix in front of the fan!)
2.09.2020 3:13:42 avia. come in for a landing заходить на посадку (In a bizarre story out of Los Angeles, the pilot of a jet coming in for a landing at LAX reported seeing a person in a jetpack flying alongside their aircraft. The very strange incident reportedly occurred on Sunday evening as an American Airlines flight was headed towards Los Angeles International Airport. coasttocoastam.com)
2.09.2020 2:06:27 traf. slow-go еле движется (It's a slow-go on the Cambie Bridge northbound due to a police incident.)
2.09.2020 2:04:07 traf. stop and go то едет, то стоит (It's stop and go past Bradner Road due to an earlier accident, the crews are still on the scene.)
1.09.2020 7:12:35 media. theme of an article тема статьи (That's the theme of today's article.)
1.09.2020 5:50:01 gen. be uptight нервничать (about – по поводу: This was a very different time. Sure kids got molested or disappeared like usual but people weren't even nearly as uptight about their children as they are now. For instance if I go to the park and sit on a bench just chilling, women will start to clutch their purses and their kids and look at me weird while whispering to each other. Not doing anything wrong. youtube.com)
1.09.2020 4:21:24 gen. small stature небольшой рост (Particularly noticeable about the Guije are their bulging stomachs and their long claws – the latter being most atypical of monkeys. Despite their small stature the Guije exhibited great strength. mysteriousuniverse.org)
1.09.2020 4:15:00 idiom. my skin crept мурашки по спине забегали ("(...) zoologist, John MacKinnon. In 1970, while on Borneo he stumbled upon a series of unusual, small, human-like footprints. He said: "I stopped dead. My skin crept and I felt a strong desire to head home…farther ahead I saw tracks and went to examine them. I found two dozen footprints in all. I was uneasy when I found them, and I didn't want to follow them and find out what was at the end of the trail. I knew that no animal we know about could make those tracks." mysteriousuniverse.org)
1.09.2020 4:13:55 idiom. my skin crept мурашки по спине побежали ("(...) zoologist, John MacKinnon. In 1970, while on Borneo he stumbled upon a series of unusual, small, human-like footprints. He said: "I stopped dead. My skin crept and I felt a strong desire to head home…farther ahead I saw tracks and went to examine them. I found two dozen footprints in all. I was uneasy when I found them, and I didn't want to follow them and find out what was at the end of the trail. I knew that no animal we know about could make those tracks." mysteriousuniverse.org)
1.09.2020 4:13:44 idiom. my skin crept мурашки по коже забегали ("(...) zoologist, John MacKinnon. In 1970, while on Borneo he stumbled upon a series of unusual, small, human-like footprints. He said: "I stopped dead. My skin crept and I felt a strong desire to head home…farther ahead I saw tracks and went to examine them. I found two dozen footprints in all. I was uneasy when I found them, and I didn't want to follow them and find out what was at the end of the trail. I knew that no animal we know about could make those tracks." mysteriousuniverse.org)
1.09.2020 2:39:18 real.est. sun-drenched солнечный (об участке: Situated on a sun-drenched, north/south oriented 50' x 162' lot with mature gardens and a lovely gently sloping lawn ideal for games, kids and pets.)
1.09.2020 2:38:03 gen. dark-haired woman темноволосая женщина (a vivacious, dark-haired woman of about twenty-five)
1.09.2020 2:32:13 sarcast. as if как будто бы ("... as if weather balloons or swamp gas could explain sightings with multiple witnesses in the military or coast guard." • The production company knew the case was valid, they said, because they had found a brief story about it on the Internet. As if that somehow legitimized it with 100 percent certainty! mysteriousuniverse.org)
1.09.2020 2:24:31 gen. just a few days ago на днях (Just a few days ago I was chatting with a friend in Kelowna about this heat wave, and he said it was 38C in the shade and he couldn't take it anymore.)
31.08.2020 4:19:46 gen. view through one's binoculars наблюдать в бинокль (In 1960, while staying in a caravan near Glen Fintaig, Eric Robinson, his family, and nine other witnesses, spotted what looked to be a standing wave in the center of the loch. Much to everyone's amazement, Mr. Robinson claimed that the wave was actually a moving creature. Viewing the animal through his binoculars Robinson estimated that the animal was between 30 and 40-feet in length, with a dark spine and a paler underbelly. Robinson and the other witnesses claimed the creature began to roll in the water exposing a huge flipper before disappearing into the loch. mysteriousuniverse.org)
31.08.2020 4:16:57 geogr. have the distinction of отличительной особенностью является то, что (At just over eleven and a half miles in length, Loch Morar has the distinction of being the deepest body of freshwater in the British Isles, with a depth of just over 1,000 feet. Unlike Loch Ness, the water of which is almost black, Loch Morar can boast of having practically clear water. mysteriousuniverse.org)
31.08.2020 4:13:03 geogr. stretch in length протянуться на (напр., о размере озера, длине реки: Loch Arkaig lies 140 feet above sea level, stretches 12 miles in length and has a maximum depth of roughly 300 feet.)
31.08.2020 4:09:53 inf. belly-flop прыгнуть в воду животом вниз (An astonishing sighting occurred in 1948, when a man named Alexander MacDonnell sighted one of the Morags actually on the bank of the shore, at Bracorina Point. In a few moments it practically belly-flopped back into the water and vanished. It was a beast described as the size of an elephant. mysteriousuniverse.org)
31.08.2020 4:07:05 gen. hard to come by трудно достать (The book is now hard to come by because its is now out of print. If you want a full account of the Loch Morar phenomena, then this is it.)
30.08.2020 21:46:26 idiom. take for granted с лёгкостью подходить (к какому-либо вопросу, без учёта обстоятельств)
30.08.2020 14:41:45 gen. do наделать (натворить: Do you realize what you have done? – Ты понимаешь, что ты наделала?)
30.08.2020 7:59:43 formal make an enormous contribution to внести огромный вклад в ('I am no less grateful to the other scholars (...) who have made an enormous contribution to the clarity, accuracy and completeness of the finished text.' (Michael Swan, 'Practical English Usage'))
30.08.2020 7:55:02 ling. correct usage правильное употребление (Each entry contains examples of correct usage and typical mistakes.)
30.08.2020 7:46:35 scient. practical reference guide практическое пособие
30.08.2020 7:43:39 formal deeply indebted глубоко признателен (I am deeply indebted to Colin Small and Sylvia Wilkins who were kind enough to read and comment on the entire book.)
30.08.2020 7:37:12 gen. be kind enough to give любезно предоставить (Ray Hill and Sharon McCarthy were kind enough to give me access to the National Census data for the past decade. – любезно предоставили мне возможность пользоваться данными)
30.08.2020 7:33:56 gen. give meticulous attention досконально изучить (The editor gave the typescript meticulous attention.)
30.08.2020 7:28:36 gen. give meticulous attention тщательнейшим образом проработать (The editor gave the typescript meticulous attention.)
30.08.2020 7:28:36 gen. give meticulous attention досконально проработать (The editor gave the typescript meticulous attention.)
30.08.2020 7:28:36 gen. give meticulous attention разобраться до последней мелочи (The editor gave the typescript meticulous attention.)
30.08.2020 7:18:39 lit. line-by-line comments построчные комментарии
30.08.2020 7:08:55 formal acknowledge отметить (заслуги: "Did you correspond with Sir Charles?" "I certainly wrote to him once or twice to acknowledge his delicacy and his generosity." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
30.08.2020 7:01:46 folk. shoot вырываться (from – из: '(...) if I have one quality upon earth it is common sense, and nothing will persuade me to believe in such a thing. To do so would be to descend to the level of these poor peasants, who are not content with a mere fiend dog but must needs describe him with hell-fire shooting from his mouth and eyes.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – у него из пасти и глаз вырывается адский огонь)
30.08.2020 6:55:05 inf. shoot! валяй! ('I have a question for you.' – 'Shoot!' – Валяй! / Задавай! / Давай!)
30.08.2020 6:52:16 bot. shoots побеги (the first green shoots upon the hedges)
30.08.2020 6:23:14 fig. be discouraged пасть духом ('It was a most melancholy vigil and ended by each of us falling asleep in our chairs. Fortunately we were not discouraged, and we determined to try again.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – не пали духом)
30.08.2020 5:57:39 fig. reproach мучить (о совести: 'But when I came to think the matter over my conscience reproached me bitterly for having on any pretext allowed him to go out of my sight.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
30.08.2020 5:36:53 gen. cluster round сгрудиться вокруг ('Our coming was evidently a great event, for station-master and porters clustered round us to carry out our luggage.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
30.08.2020 5:28:43 gen. great event важное событие ('Our coming was evidently a great event, for station-master and porters clustered round us to carry out our luggage.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
30.08.2020 0:27:14 gen. get along well уживаться (They don't get along. – не уживаются)
30.08.2020 0:25:07 inf. jibe уживаться (with – с: What's really important for me as a property manager is that any new tenants jibe with their neighbours.)
29.08.2020 8:20:07 fig. leery настороженно относящийся (about – к: сначала настороженно отнеслись к идее – Most business owners were initially leery about moving to a new neighbourhood. Some had been downtown 20, 30, even 35 years, and the Riverside District seemed a bit out there. Was it going to take off? Would it be a success? Now I'd say we definitely have an amazing shopping district full of interior designers, antique shops, cafes, bake and cake shops.)
29.08.2020 7:52:51 folk. has had a spell cast on заколдованный (заколдовали/заколдован: Prince Ludwig has had a spell cast on him and been turned into a bear. – Принца заколдовали и превратили в медведя. )
28.08.2020 9:56:47 humor. little fella мальчуган ("The little fella in front is incredible." – Ed Sullivan talking about Michael Jackson, Dec 14, 1969)
28.08.2020 9:55:52 gen. little chap мальчуган ("I brought Cartwright down with me – you remember the little chap at the express office – and he has seen after my simple wants: a loaf of bread and a clean collar." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.08.2020 9:52:41 gen. at a critical moment в решающий момент ("(...) and I remain an unknown factor in the business, ready to throw in all my weight at a critical moment." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.08.2020 9:49:41 gen. has it never struck you that ...? вам никогда не приходило в голову, что ...? ("Has it never struck you that the way to catch that man was to find out where he got his food and so trace it to him?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.08.2020 9:46:01 saying. law is law закон есть закон ("I mean to teach them in these parts that law is law, and that there is a man here who does not fear to invoke it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
28.08.2020 5:08:07 fig.of.sp. open-mouthed разинув рот (One of those who encountered Bownessie was Steve Burnip. He saw the creature in 2006. Steve said of his close encounter of the monstrous type: "I saw a straight line of broken water with three humps. It was about twenty feet long and it went in a straight line up the lake. I nudged my wife and watched open-mouthed as it gradually faded from sight. The water was not choppy, so I know it wasn't the wind, and I know what the wake from motor boats looks like and it wasn't that either. mysteriousuniverse.org)
28.08.2020 4:36:42 trav. camp out встать лагерем (We spent three days in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario. We were out canoeing with two friends at a place called Rock Lake, then we decided to camp out on the shore.)
28.08.2020 4:36:42 trav. camp out поставить палатку (в знач. "встать лагерем": We spent three days in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario. We were out canoeing with two friends at a place called Rock Lake, then we decided to camp out on the shore.)

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