
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

20.09.2020 3:50:49 gen. drag уволочь (into – в: Sightings of strange creatures in Loch Ness, Scotland date back centuries ago. In times long gone, they were known as Kelpies and Water-Horses, supernatural shape-shifting creatures that would drag people into the depths of the loch, drowning them in the process. mysteriousuniverse.org)
20.09.2020 3:46:23 imitat. swoosh шум от крыльев (Mrs. Walker also recalled the following: "Immediately afterwards, we heard a loud swoosh over the house tops across the street. It was like the white flash of a torpedo-shaped object… (...) I sat there stupefied. I was amazed. mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.09.2020 9:47:33 gen. only way out единственный выход (The only way out for you that I can think of is to go to court. – Единственный выход для вас – это обратиться в суд.)
19.09.2020 9:46:48 gen. only solution единственный выход (Vancouver has too many cars. The only solution is to ban them altogether – but I doubt that will ever be done. (Online post))
19.09.2020 6:04:27 gen. there are rumours ходят слухи (that – что:: The pub has been shut down since March when COVID-19 hit. The website has been removed and phones calls just ring and ring with no voicemail. There are rumours that it is for sale, so perhaps someone will eventually take over.)
19.09.2020 5:51:26 inf. sure beats не сравнить с (A race car driving course? Wow! Sure beats the typewriting class! – Учиться на автогонщицу? Это не сравнить с курсами машинисток!)
19.09.2020 5:50:23 inf. doesn't beat не сравнится с (Honolulu is nice but doesn't beat our lovely city.)
19.09.2020 5:49:11 gen. can't match не сравнится с (As far as I know, the Green Mermaid is Fredericksville's oldest pub. It opened in 1913. It's still filled with an old school vibe that so many corporate bars and pubs just can't match. – не сравнятся)
19.09.2020 5:36:54 gen. you have no one to blame but yourself ты сам виноват (There is no one single piece of infrastructure that can be built to keep people from complaining about traffic. (...) If you feel you're always stuck in slow traffic, you have no one to blame but yourself. It's a choice you have made. (Online comment))
19.09.2020 5:25:30 meteorol. fine-tune the forecast уточнить прогноз (Comparing satellite & radar imagery, with a variety of computer models to fine-tune your air quality & weather forecast this week.)
19.09.2020 4:55:18 idiom. things are about to get rolling дело сдвинется с мёртвой точки (More than six years after it was approved by council, the largest mixed-use commercial and residential development project on the North Shore in recent decades will soon become a reality. City of North Vancouver council approved Concert Properties' request to build 800 strata and rental units and ground-level commercial space on the waterfront property along Harbourside Drive in 2014. But the land has largely be been left fallow since then. Now Concert president and CEO Brian McCauley says things are about to get rolling. nsnews.com)
19.09.2020 2:58:28 cook. homemade jam домашнее варенье (Our biscuits are light and fluffy and served with our homemade jam! A limited number baked a day so don't miss out! (Twitter))
18.09.2020 9:47:52 jarg. perv изврат
18.09.2020 7:50:29 gen. the same kind такой же (Josh got new sheets for his bed, the same kind he had before. – новые простыни, такие же, как раньше у него были)
18.09.2020 7:45:31 gen. graze зацепить (Although it is early in the investigation, it looks as though the cyclist collided or grazed a pedestrian, that caused her to lose her balance and fall into traffic, where she was struck by a transit bus. • 11-year-old girl grazed by bullet on Massachusetts Avenue: Buffalo police say the girl, who was identified as a city resident, was grazed on the leg after someone fired a shot into the air. )
18.09.2020 7:25:35 formal I felt that я счёл, что ("When evening came I felt that it would be an imprudence to leave so precious a thing in the office behind me." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.09.2020 7:19:27 gen. answering smile ответная улыбка ("How do you know that?" She smiled, but there was no answering smile in Holmes's thin, eager face. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.09.2020 6:31:20 formal fruitless labour напрасный труд ("Do not worry about my future, for that is provided for; and, above all, do not search for me, for it will be fruitless labour and an ill-service to me." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.09.2020 6:27:13 gen. in one's order of time в хронологическом порядке (You must arrange the records in their order of time: January, February and so on.)
18.09.2020 6:12:08 gen. have no difficulty in recognizing без труда узнать ('When the light of the hall lamp fell upon our midnight visitor, I had no difficulty in recognizing him.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – без труда узнал)
18.09.2020 6:08:02 humor. virtuous folk добропорядочные граждане ("Run down, my dear fellow, and open the door, for all virtuous folk have been long in bed." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – все добропорядочные граждане давно легли спать)
18.09.2020 5:37:15 gen. clear up расчиститься (It should clear up in the afternoon. – После обеда небо должно расчиститься.)
18.09.2020 2:31:14 cinema narration голос за кадром (a commentary delivered to accompany a movie, broadcast, etc.: Narration: Stanley Jackson nfb.ca)
17.09.2020 6:07:20 formal make a statement выступить с заявлением (made a statement in connection with – выступил с заявлением по поводу • "In 1868, a Frenchman named Raud made a truly extraordinary statement regarding a monstrous, near-dragon-like snake seen in the California countryside, earlier in that very same year, and which was estimated to have an overall length of around forty feet." mysteriousuniverse.org)
17.09.2020 6:05:26 media. speak out выступить с заявлением (The Victim of Sexual Harassment Speaks Out)
17.09.2020 2:03:25 meteorol. heavy snow falling идёт сильный снег (Heavy snow falling on the Trans Canada Highway north of Boston Bar.)
17.09.2020 0:28:16 vet.med. loaded syringe шприц с дозой лекарства
15.09.2020 6:25:00 gen. for a very good reason совершенно не напрасно (In my opinion, Linda's book 'Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena' is her most ambitious and thought-provoking. Section 4 of her book is titled "Creatures of Shadows, Mists, and Lights." And it has that title for a very good reason. As Linda demonstrates on many occasions, where Dogmen are often seen, so are strange and usually small balls of light and mysterious mist. mysteriousuniverse.org)
15.09.2020 6:21:06 journ. article titled статья под названием ('How To Cook Anything' recently printed an article titled "The Art of Cooking Nude." Isn't it rather suggestive?)
15.09.2020 6:14:55 gen. enormous bang страшный грохот (NB: singular: "(...) It was difficult to know how far away from us it was as it was pitch black outside, but it looked about two or three feet wide. Then suddenly there was an enormous bang, absolutely colossal." Anne continued: "The only other person who was local to us was an old lady who was staring at it too. Well, she came up to me and said that she'd been woken by the bang. (...)" mysteriousuniverse.org)
15.09.2020 6:09:55 gen. enormous огромного размера (this pot-bellied, enormous statue)
15.09.2020 5:59:04 media. generate deep interest вызвать глубокий интерес (This specific event rapidly generated deep media interest, and was taken extremely seriously by the Fort Worth police. As prime evidence of this, no less than four police cars quickly headed to the scene of the Reichart's encounter. mysteriousuniverse.org)
15.09.2020 5:33:29 fig.of.sp. absolute chaos broke out воцарился полный хаос (Kelly was, and still is, a small, rural town which is situated just short of ten miles from Hopkinsville, Kentucky. On the night of August 21, 1955, absolute chaos broke out. It all went down at the farmhouse of the Sutton family (...) mysteriousuniverse.org)
15.09.2020 3:51:43 gen. the opportunity came up представилась возможность (George Spicer was a man with a busy job: he was a director of a well-respected tailors in London, called Messrs. Todhouse, Reynard and Co. So, when the opportunity came up for a vacation, the pair jumped at the opportunity. They chose to take a trip to Scotland, for a bit of tranquility and relaxation. What a mistake that turned out to be. mysteriousuniverse.org)
15.09.2020 3:48:28 formal history-making исторический (о дне, событии: There's no doubt that, in terms of Nessie lore, July 22, 1933 was both history-making and groundbreaking. That was the date upon which Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer had an encounter with a large and lumbering beast at Loch Ness that, clearly, as Mr. Spicer's words demonstrated, they wished had never occurred. mysteriousuniverse.org)
15.09.2020 3:41:23 gen. speak about толковать о (It's a case that is still spoken about today by the locals. – Об этом случае и поныне толкуют местные жители.)
15.09.2020 3:33:24 gen. that does happen sometimes такое иногда случается (Sounds like the bather was struck by a hit-and-run shark which struck him but did not bite. That does happen sometimes. blogspot.com)
15.09.2020 3:30:32 gen. like this такой (в знач. "подобный этому": because of excuses like these – из-за таких отговорок)
15.09.2020 2:45:05 fig. lock one's eyes with встретиться взглядом с (As for the ABC, it was racing along a stretch of the old tunnel at a very fast speed. Not only that: as the creature passed by, on the tracks, its eyes very briefly locked with Maureen's. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 21:28:09 idiom. take for granted недостаточно ценить (You just take me for granted! You don't love me!)
14.09.2020 21:28:09 idiom. take for granted не ценить (You just take me for granted! You don't love me!)
14.09.2020 5:50:36 rude screw it! на что он мне сдался! (I figure, how am I gonna report this? They'll think I'm crazy or something, I mean, how the hell do you report this type of stuff? They wouldn't take me seriously. I said screw it, and kept driving. There wasn't any damage on the truck or anything so whatever. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 5:50:20 rude screw it! на что оно мне надо! (I figure, how am I gonna report this? They'll think I'm crazy or something, I mean, how the hell do you report this type of stuff? They wouldn't take me seriously. I said screw it, and kept driving. There wasn't any damage on the truck or anything so whatever. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 5:42:56 rude screw it! да ну его на фиг! (I figure, how am I gonna report this? They'll think I'm crazy or something, I mean, how the hell do you report this type of stuff? They wouldn't take me seriously. I said screw it, and kept driving. There wasn't any damage on the truck or anything so whatever. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 5:41:53 rude screw it! пошло оно на фиг! (I figure, how am I gonna report this? They'll think I'm crazy or something, I mean, how the hell do you report this type of stuff? They wouldn't take me seriously. I said screw it, and kept driving. There wasn't any damage on the truck or anything so whatever. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 5:41:53 rude screw it! фиг с ним! (I figure, how am I gonna report this? They'll think I'm crazy or something, I mean, how the hell do you report this type of stuff? They wouldn't take me seriously. I said screw it, and kept driving. There wasn't any damage on the truck or anything so whatever. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 5:41:29 rude screw it! да ну его! (I figure, how am I gonna report this? They'll think I'm crazy or something, I mean, how the hell do you report this type of stuff? They wouldn't take me seriously. I said screw it, and kept driving. There wasn't any damage on the truck or anything so whatever. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 4:52:27 inf. way larger гораздо крупнее (по размеру: The witness says that he had been out with his brother when they saw a massive insect they took to be a dragonfly, only way larger than any they had ever seen. The witness reports: "Me and my younger brother saw a huge dragonfly spanning well over a foot and half long in Bolton, England in 2002." mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 4:52:27 inf. way larger гораздо больше (по размеру: The witness says that he had been out with his brother when they saw a massive insect they took to be a dragonfly, only way larger than any they had ever seen. The witness reports: "Me and my younger brother saw a huge dragonfly spanning well over a foot and half long in Bolton, England in 2002." mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 4:34:25 neol. distance-friendly позволяющий соблюдать дистанцию (в условиях пандемии: When it comes to distance-friendly activities, kayakers are way ahead of the game. (BC Business Magazine))
14.09.2020 4:30:59 gen. go out back выйти через чёрный ход ("I went out back and got my convertible from the garage (...)." (R.Chandler) • At the time of his incident, he was working the night shift at a pizza restaurant and it was his break time. He went out back to smoke a cigarette, and he would have a very creepy encounter (...) mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 3:44:39 gen. gasp in surprise ахнуть от удивления (Another giant dragonfly sighting came to me from a witness who tells me that he saw something very much like this while out at the Everglades National Park, in Florida. At the time he was hiking with a friend on a clear day when something caught his attention from the corner of his eye and he heard his friend gasp in surprise. Looking to the source of the movement, he saw what he at first thought must be a bird, until he noticed that it had an elongated body and four beating wings, the whole of it measuring over a foot long. According to the witness it got so close that he could easily see its segmented eyes, and it hovered over the clearing for a moment before zipping off into the wilderness. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 3:19:29 idiom. for a good five minutes добрых пять минут ("Whatever was moving beneath the surface seemed pretty large and was moving directly across the line of waves, at right angles, rather than with it." "It was long with two distinct fin-like shapes either side of it." "I stood and watched for a good five minutes before it just seemed to disappear into the depths." While he was watching it, he grabbed his mobile phone and snapped pictures of what he saw. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 3:17:10 idiom. stop dead in one's tracks остановиться как вкопанный (A Nessie skeptic was taking a long walk between Fort Augustus and Invermoriston when he witnessed something very unusual in the water. (...) "I was just enjoying the wonderful views, mind elsewhere on a lovely clear breezy day, when I stopped dead in my tracks," he explained, adding, "From where I stood, at a clear vantage point in the hills, there was a very defined dark shape beneath the water." – остановился как вкопанный mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.09.2020 2:55:10 inf. trooper молодец (is used to describe a brave, courageous person, someone who is able to make it through something difficult, one who endures adversity or hardship with an attitude of stoicism and persistence : Jeff stood in the cold rain for 40 minutes just to greet war veterans coming to his hometown. He's a real trooper!)
14.09.2020 2:54:49 gen. fine young fellow молодец (Какой молодец ... – 'He would say "Egad! A fine young fellow, this Fittleworth!" would he not?' (P.G. Wodehouse))
13.09.2020 23:33:08 contempt. smear запятнать (with something – чем-либо: The ambush of two Deputies shot in the head in Compton... Jubilant black people on the street, the cops are dying and no one is going to help them... One of the best men I know is black and his race smears him with this... This is common behavior of the North American pavement ape... (Twitter))
13.09.2020 8:56:48 gen. dash away помчаться ('He flicked the horse with his whip, and we dashed away through the endless succession of sombre and deserted streets, which widened gradually, until we were flying across a broad ballustraded bridge, with the murky river flowing sluggishly beneath us.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.09.2020 8:56:17 gen. dash away мчаться ('He flicked the horse with his whip, and we dashed away through the endless succession of sombre and deserted streets, which widened gradually, until we were flying across a broad ballustraded bridge, with the murky river flowing sluggishly beneath us.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.09.2020 8:53:43 formal be engaged in one's work заниматься работой ('All day I was engaged in my professional work, and it was late in the evening before I returned to Baker Street.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – весь день я занимался своей работой)
13.09.2020 8:51:35 formal engaged in one's work занятый работой ('All day I was engaged in my professional work, and it was late in the evening before I returned to Baker Street.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – весь день я был занят работой)
13.09.2020 7:59:46 gen. trusty comrade верный друг ("If I can be of use." "Oh, a trusty comrade is always of use (...)" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.09.2020 7:59:46 gen. trusty comrade надёжный товарищ ("If I can be of use." "Oh, a trusty comrade is always of use (...)" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.09.2020 2:28:03 context. rest задержать (взгляд: His eyes rested on her for a moment. – задержал на ней взгляд)
13.09.2020 0:03:09 real.est. private dock частный причал (Deep Cove Realtor Garry Valk (...) estimated about half of the waterfront properties in the area don't have docks. Valk said he has frequently seen prospective buyers walk away from a waterfront property after learning they wouldn't have boat access. (...) "Docks add a tremendous value to a property – if they are licensed," he said "Plus it is a tremendous cost to put a dock in. It is a couple hundred thousand dollars to do it the right way." – частный причал в огромной степени повышает / увеличивает стоимость дома nsnews.com)
12.09.2020 23:47:31 gen. of на сумму (модель "$... of ...": $250 of groceries. – Продуктов на 250 долларов.)
12.09.2020 10:02:48 mun.plan. grant a building permit выдать разрешение на строительство (In 2017, the company announced plans to redevelop the site and build all new silos and elevators for exporting grain. The City of Greenville granted a building permits for the site in February 2018.)
12.09.2020 10:01:29 mun.plan. grant a development permit выдать разрешение на строительство ("In a petition to the court filed in B.C. Supreme Court Aug. 16, Beedie Holdings Ltd. is asking the court to set aside the November 2017 decision by Vancouver's development permit board and grant a development permit for its proposed project at 105 Keefer St." (Vancouver Courier))
12.09.2020 0:14:52 humor. sheer delight сплошное удовольствие (Since she was at work when the statue was installed, Shaw planned on reveal it to her the following morning and had "even set up my camera to capture her reaction, which I was expecting to be one of sheer delight." coasttocoastam.com)
12.09.2020 0:06:03 humor. eschew обойтись без (The proverbial prehistoric lawn ornament was reportedly the brainchild of Adrian Shaw, who conceived of the idea after a conversation with his wife Deborah. "She suggested that I clear away the weeds and maybe put a gnome on the patio," he recalled mischievously, "which got me thinking." Citing his wife's love of the Jurassic Park films and David Attenborough documentaries, Shaw decided to eschew the garden gnome and opted for something considerably bigger: a 12-foot long T. Rex statue. coasttocoastam.com)
11.09.2020 9:14:37 energ.distr. without electricity обесточенный (200,000 customers are still without electricity in the region.)
11.09.2020 9:14:20 energ.distr. without power обесточенный (There are still 28 areas remaining without power at this point. • Hundreds of homes and businesses west of Greenwich Road are without power right now.)
11.09.2020 8:53:30 gen. go over the bridge ехать по мосту (The bus was going over the Southern Bridge at the time of the incident.)
11.09.2020 8:38:32 formal conceive an explanation найти объяснение (чему-либо – for something: "And yet there should be no combination of events for which the wit of man cannot conceive an explanation." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • "I can conceive of no explanation." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
11.09.2020 8:04:51 subl. wit of man человеческий ум ("And yet there should be no combination of events for which the wit of man cannot conceive an explanation." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
11.09.2020 4:11:59 inf. get a kick out of sth получать удовольствие (от чего-либо: "You've got nice clothes and perfume and you're as elegant as a fifty-dollar whore." "That's just an act", he said almost desperately. "You get a kick out of it, don't you?" (Raymond Chandler)) – ты от этого получаешь удовольствие / тебе это доставляет удовольствие, правда?)
11.09.2020 1:54:51 idiom. flush with cash денег куры не клюют (First-time buyers are getting help from the Bank of Mom and Pop which is now flush with cash from single-family home sales.)
10.09.2020 8:27:13 mus. to the tune of на мотив (She was singing her funny poems to the tune of Frere Jacques.)
10.09.2020 8:05:56 obs. brain fever нервическая горячка ("занемог нервическою горячкою" (А.С.Пушкин))
10.09.2020 8:03:46 lit. master hand рука мастера (чувствуется рука мастера: "No, no, my good sir", said Holmes. "There is a master hand here. (...) You can tell an old master by the sweep of his brush. I can tell a Moriarty when I see one." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.09.2020 2:30:59 polit. leadership race борьба за пост лидера партии (Erin O'Toole will lay out a mission statement for the Conservative party today at his first official caucus meeting since he won the leadership race last month. (report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 8, 2020))
10.09.2020 2:02:20 gen. work out получиться (Everything has worked out well. – Всё получилось. Всё прошло хорошо.)
10.09.2020 2:02:07 gen. work out well получиться (That worked out well. – Всё получилось. ; Всё вышло, как надо.)
10.09.2020 2:01:25 inf. play out сложиться (о ситуации: It's hard to say how the whole season plays out. – как сложится сезон • In testimony to the finance committee in July, the Kielburgers said they agreed to run the grant program to help Canadian students, adding that if they'd known how things would have played out, they wouldn't have answered the government's phone call. (report by The Canadian Press, Sept. 9, 2020) – если бы они знали, что всё так повернётся / сложится)
10.09.2020 1:55:45 inf. play out повернуться (о неприятной ситуации: In testimony to the finance committee in July, the Kielburgers said they agreed to run the grant program to help Canadian students, adding that if they'd known how things would have played out, they wouldn't have answered the government's phone call. – если бы они знали, как всё повернётся / сложится (report by The Canadian Press, Sept. 9, 2020))
10.09.2020 1:54:06 inf. play out получиться (Поглядим, что из этого получится. – We'll see how that plays out.)
9.09.2020 8:43:57 formal comply with a policy соблюдать правила (соблюдать все правила и процедуры – comply with all policies and procedures)
9.09.2020 8:36:48 law be incorporated получить официальный статус (о населённом пункте: Greenville was never incorporated as a town or village but has always been a part of Richmond. It has never had a government of its own and has no official boundaries.)
9.09.2020 8:03:26 idiom. be on the same page хорошо понимать друг друга (The new guys feel part of the team. We're all on the same page, the chemistry continues to grow.)
9.09.2020 8:01:06 inf. sunny streak солнечная погода (The sunny streak is set to continue throughout next week.)
9.09.2020 7:57:14 industr. ensure a continuous supply обеспечивать бесперебойную подачу (A three-kilometre tunnel through Elk Mountain from Cold Lake to Eagle Lake ensures a continuous supply of water for the hydro plant.)
9.09.2020 7:51:40 gen. be seriously hurt получить серьёзные травмы (Three workers were seriously hurt in an underground explosion.)
9.09.2020 7:51:22 gen. get seriously hurt получить серьёзные травмы (The chase ended up with a crash and someone getting seriously hurt.)
9.09.2020 7:33:14 gen. perfect opportunity идеальная возможность (Make no mistake: this is the perfect opportunity for you to promote yourself as a Dublin Fog retailer and connect with customers in your area.)
9.09.2020 7:32:16 gen. perfect opportunity прекрасная возможность (A rainy long weekend is a perfect opportunity to get things in order.)
9.09.2020 7:30:38 idiom. and in the same breath и тут же (You're whining about the pay and in the same breath you're telling me your qualifications won't get you hired by anyone else.)
9.09.2020 7:23:39 idiom. and next thing you know и тут же (You download this app, right? And [the] next thing you know you've got all your money sucked out of your account!)
8.09.2020 7:58:42 trav. stained glass витражи (Bowness has a fine 15th-century church with some good stained glass.)
8.09.2020 7:19:08 trav. pleasant to drink приятный на вкус (The water of Buxton's springs is known from Roman times and, unlike most spa water, is pleasant to drink.)
8.09.2020 7:03:48 formal have a very direct bearing upon иметь самое непосредственное отношение к ('By thus renewing the custom of the old feudal days the Manor House was converted into an island during the night – a fact which had a very direct bearing upon the mystery which was soon to engage the attention of all England.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))

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