
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

10.10.2020 3:02:20 gen. craft профессиональное мастерство (constantly perfecting his craft – неустанное совершенствуя своё мастерство)
10.10.2020 3:01:32 design. craft создавать искусные поделки, ткани (и т.п.)
10.10.2020 2:53:12 light. illuminate подсветить
10.10.2020 2:50:20 light. illuminated подсвеченный (The panel, which consumed almost half of the space inside the UFO and loomed up practically to the peak of the dome, was filled with small (presumably navigational) "circles" or dials of various sizes, all of which appeared to be illuminated from below. – подсвечены снизу mysteriousuniverse.org)
10.10.2020 1:34:56 immigr. panel государственная комиссия, рассматривающая ходатайство о предоставлении статуса беженца (согласно женевской конвенции)
10.10.2020 0:46:48 real.est. mews проезд или тупик (один из вариантов названия небольшой улицы или тупика в городском районе с плотной застройкой: Vista Mews, Kinghorn Mews, Smithe Mews)
9.10.2020 7:59:33 gen. lit up from inside освещённый изнутри ("The object was circular and had what I guess you would call a top and bottom. The bottom was silvery, like metal, and was shaped like a bowl. There was a string of bright lights around it like a necklace. The top was a dome made of something like glass. It was lit up from inside and I could see right into it. mysteriousuniverse.org)
9.10.2020 7:57:02 gen. part the drapes раздвинуть шторы (As soon as the nurse parted the drapes she was suddenly startled by a dazzling light, but once her eyes adjusted to the shine she spied something that would eternally adjust her perception of reality. mysteriousuniverse.org)
9.10.2020 7:51:56 scottish in the wee hours ранним утром (The event in question, which would soon become a full blown phenomenon, began in the wee hours of New Year's Day, 1970, and involved a group of Canadian nurses who would bear witness to a peculiar craft and a pair of bizarre beings that would forever alter the course of their lives. mysteriousuniverse.org)
9.10.2020 7:49:25 cinema cinematic romp кинокомедия (What sounds like a saucy, cinematic romp that would likely have played in some dingy theater on New York's 42nd Street in the 1970s, is actually one of the strangest and most fascinating events in the long history of UFO research. mysteriousuniverse.org)
9.10.2020 7:48:53 cinema comic romp кинокомедия (something that, in a noisy way, makes you feel happy and excited (Cambridge Dictionary: The best of Leonid Gaidai's films are comic romps.)
9.10.2020 7:45:52 cinema cinematic romp комедия (What sounds like a saucy, cinematic romp that would likely have played in some dingy theater on New York's 42nd Street in the 1970s, is actually one of the strangest and most fascinating events in the long history of UFO research. mysteriousuniverse.org)
9.10.2020 7:44:47 cinema comic romp комедия (something that, in a noisy way, makes you feel happy and excited (Cambridge Dictionary): The best of Leonid Gaidai's films are comic romps.)
9.10.2020 7:17:37 lit. keen look испытующий взгляд (gave her a keen look – испытующе посмотрел на неё)
9.10.2020 6:47:42 gram. the most больше всего (The thing that irritates me the most is ... – Меня больше всего раздражает то, что ... 2) What really concerns me the most about the premier's speech is that ... – В речи премьера меня больше всего беспокоит то, что ... 3) This tax cut will benefit high-income earners the most. – принесёт больше всего пользы)
9.10.2020 6:41:51 bank. save on interest сэкономить на процентах
9.10.2020 6:40:31 econ. do business with вести дела с (вёл свои тёмные дела в странах Ближнего Востока)
9.10.2020 6:37:07 gen. host a party устроить приём (hosted a garden party – устроили приём в саду для соседей)
9.10.2020 6:35:10 gen. garden party приём в саду
9.10.2020 6:29:55 gen. I am willing to bet готов побиться об заклад, что
9.10.2020 6:29:55 gen. I am willing to bet готов биться об заклад, что
9.10.2020 6:29:55 gen. I am willing to bet готов спорить, что
9.10.2020 6:26:31 gen. get home приехать домой (к себе)
9.10.2020 6:26:23 gen. come home приехать домой (к себе)
9.10.2020 6:23:55 gen. show up at one's residence приехать домой (к кому-либо: After leaving the scene of an accident, she drove home. When the officers showed up at her residence, an intoxicated and nude Bertrand answered the door.)
9.10.2020 6:20:51 gen. show up приехать (Many diners are now showing up without reservations, and the problem is the restaurants don't know how much food to cook and keep on hand. – приезжают, не заказав заранее столик, и персонал не знает, сколько блюд нужно готовить и держать наготове)
9.10.2020 6:10:52 inf. pretty lousy не ахти какой
9.10.2020 6:09:05 idiom. push to the back burner отодвинуть на задний план (также put on the back burner : Their complaints have definitely been pushed to the back burner. • We've all had to put our plans on the back burner for a while. (Cambridge Dictionary))
9.10.2020 6:05:33 idiom. move to the back burner отойти на задний план (Telecom Issues May Move to Back Burner in 2010, Experts Say Jan. 25, 2010, 9:00 PM Telecommunications issues will be consigned to the back burner in 2010 if the economy continues to limp along and the Obama administration and the Democratic leadership refocus their agenda on middle-class job creation in the wake of a dramatic loss in the Massachusetts Senate race, experts predict. bloomberglaw.com)
9.10.2020 5:43:43 idiom. put at the forefront ставить на первое место (As much as we want the economy to reopen and things to get back to normal, we need to put the safety and security of all Canadians at the forefront of everything we do. (Transcript of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Wednesday, May 20, 2020 coronavirus press conference))
9.10.2020 5:39:51 gen. put first ставить на первое место (We understand your frustration but are simply putting safety first.)
9.10.2020 5:38:00 gen. demurely чопорно ("опустив чопорно огненные свои глаза" (А.С. Пушкин))
9.10.2020 5:34:58 gen. make things worse к умножению досады (IN FULL: To make things worse, ...: "К умножению досады, бричка моя сломалась." (А.С. Пушкин))
9.10.2020 5:31:49 gen. without an obvious cause без всякой видимой причины (Macmillan Dictionary)
9.10.2020 5:31:16 gen. for no apparent reason без всякой видимой причины (Sometimes the dog would bark for no apparent reason. (Macmillan Dictionary))
9.10.2020 1:28:31 agric. organic food экологически чистые продукты
9.10.2020 1:27:15 agric. organic foods экологически чистые продукты
9.10.2020 1:27:15 agric. organic produce экологически чистые продукты
8.10.2020 9:15:20 gen. blighter негодяй
8.10.2020 9:13:43 gen. hang on to не выбрасывать (Hang on to your ticket till the end of your trip.)
8.10.2020 6:47:22 gen. hold on to оставить у себя (Several months had gone by, and I suggested to my wife that we sell the 18th-century portrait. Malindi was not at all in favour of this idea, so we continued to hold on to it. – оставили его у себя)
8.10.2020 6:46:54 gen. hold on to не выбрасывать (Hold on to your receipt in case you want to exchange this item.)
7.10.2020 23:39:14 meteorol. fog banks туман (Clear over the peaks, but fog banks have worked their way into every nook and cranny adjacent to the Strait of Georgia. Sun comes out inland and over higher terrain, but fog lingers longer near the coastline today. (Twitter))
7.10.2020 23:31:30 media. highly anticipated долго и с нетерпением ожидаемый (Highly anticipated pastry shop opening in Greenwood tomorrow.)
7.10.2020 21:39:40 construct. engaged задействованный (Water, electricity and other resources are certain to be engaged in the project. – будут задействованы)
7.10.2020 21:08:34 media. promoted content рекламный материал (в журнале, в форме статьи)
7.10.2020 5:33:39 Canada knitted toque вязаная шапочка (also "touque, tuque" – a close-fitting knitted hat, often with a tassel or pompom on the crown)
6.10.2020 21:30:59 gen. for whatever reason непонятно почему (For whatever reason my in-laws don't like my cooking.)
6.10.2020 8:28:46 econ. team up объединить усилия (FPG Capital is one of five partners teaming up to form this global innovation force.)
6.10.2020 8:25:46 econ. brought on by вызванный (limited log supply brought on by the pine beetle and forest fires)
6.10.2020 8:18:02 gen. I won't interrupt не буду вам мешать (Well then, I won't interrupt. – Ну, не буду вам мешать.)
6.10.2020 8:05:41 fig. over-the-top выходящий за рамки обыденного
6.10.2020 8:05:16 disappr. over the top за гранью (здравого смысла: That kind of pay is over the top.)
6.10.2020 7:56:47 real.est. land scarcity нехватка земли под застройку (Foreign investment, land scarcity and population growth are all to blame for our sky-high real estate prices.)
6.10.2020 7:51:37 gen. make a point отметить (It is an important point to be made. – Это важный момент, его нужно отметить.)
6.10.2020 7:49:19 gen. celebrate the occasion отпраздновать
6.10.2020 7:47:32 formal carry out some changes осуществить изменения
6.10.2020 7:45:40 gen. respected magazine авторитетный журнал (the respected international affairs magazine 'The Economist')
6.10.2020 7:40:51 gen. without much thought бездумно ("The public, which consumes antibiotics without much thought, has been led to believe that they are not only safe but also good for the body and even necessary for recovery from most illnesses." (The Epoch Times))
6.10.2020 7:40:51 gen. without much thought не задумываясь ("The public, which consumes antibiotics without much thought, has been led to believe that they are not only safe but also good for the body and even necessary for recovery from most illnesses." (The Epoch Times))
6.10.2020 7:36:37 media. subject of an article тема статьи
6.10.2020 7:27:13 idiom. take a hands-on approach взяться, засучив рукава (to – за (дело))
6.10.2020 7:24:37 gen. give someone a pat похлопать
6.10.2020 7:22:52 idiom. fall completely flat не произвести никакого впечатления (The premier's speech fell completely flat.)
6.10.2020 7:17:07 ecol. face extinction грозит исчезновение (Today, largely because of three unnecessary dams, Sxhwaa'xawat River salmon are facing extinction and people in the fishing industry are losing jobs.)
5.10.2020 9:13:39 gen. big fire сильный пожар (Big fire in Yaletown tonight. Appears to be either Elissa restaurant or the Scotiabank. Stay safe! (A Twitter post))
5.10.2020 8:57:36 gen. only drawback единственный недостаток (That is the only drawback which he has found to his bride.)
5.10.2020 8:57:20 gen. only downside единственный недостаток (This is a good vaccine. The only downside is, it's very pricey. – Единственный недостаток заключается в том, что она очень дорогостоящая.)
5.10.2020 8:18:52 formal of one's own will добровольно ("The owner of an open-top convertible called Vancouver police about 6 p.m. on Sunday to say he had returned to his parked Chevrolet Corvette supercar in the Sunset Beach parking lot to find a stranger had climbed inside the vehicle through the open roof and was sitting in the driver's seat without his consent. (...) When it became clear the man would not leave the car of his own will, officers used a bean bag shotgun on the man's legs, which allowed officers to move in and arrest the 36-year-old Vancouver man." The Province)
5.10.2020 8:18:01 econ. self-imposed добровольный (a self-imposed carbon tax)
5.10.2020 8:09:26 gov. benefit денежное пособие (ежемесячная сумма, выплачиваемая государством инвалидам, пожилым и малообеспеченным гражданам, также в рамках национального пенсионного плана; часто во множ. числе, имея в виду сумму выплат по разным категориям: receive a Canada Pension Plan benefit • the Allowance for Survivor benefit)
5.10.2020 7:36:07 polit. honour the pledge выполнить обещание (напр., предвыборное: The opposition critic says the public shouldn't expect that the government it's going to honour that pledge.)
5.10.2020 6:44:37 gen. take care of all the arrangements всё организовать (We'll take care of all the arrangements. – Мы всё организуем.)
5.10.2020 6:43:41 gen. take care of all the arrangements позаботиться обо всём (We'll take care of all the arrangements. – Мы обо всём позаботимся.)
5.10.2020 6:25:42 inf. freak out пугаться (We were freaking out. – Нам было страшно.)
5.10.2020 6:25:42 inf. freak out испытывать страх (We were freaking out. – Нам было страшно.)
5.10.2020 6:23:14 inf. freak out психовать (Stop freaking out! – Не психуй!)
5.10.2020 5:59:36 gov. age of retirement пенсионный возраст (raised the age of retirement by two years – подняли персионный возраст на два года)
3.10.2020 7:29:44 gen. get a haircut подстричься (***Выражение cut one's hair дезинформирует, т.к. это не возвратный глагол, соотв-щий русскому*** женщины беседуют: "Just got a haircut. I like it quite short." – я подстриглась)
2.10.2020 23:00:40 formal record регистрационная ведомость (Please provide a marriage record issued in the State of Florida, such as an application to marry.)
2.10.2020 23:00:29 formal record задокументировать (any such payments must be completely and accurately recorded in the Company's books and records – задокументированы)
2.10.2020 10:30:37 psychiat. diminished mental capacity пониженное умственное развитие (Greenwood Police are requesting the public's help in locating a 63-year-old man who has diminished mental capacity.)
1.10.2020 9:54:41 fin. eliminate the tax отменить налог (The new party leader promised to eliminate the unpopular tax for one year.)
1.10.2020 9:48:30 fin. lack of funds нехватка денежных средств (The library was closed for most of the year for lack of funds. – в связи с нехваткой денежных средств)
1.10.2020 9:36:00 real.est. prices remain strong цены не снижаются (Despite earlier forecasts, home prices remain strong during the pandemic.)
1.10.2020 9:36:00 real.est. prices remain strong цены не падают (Despite earlier forecasts, home prices remain strong during the pandemic.)
1.10.2020 9:32:00 police use clubs and tear gas применить дубинки и слезоточивый газ (Police evicted the squatters using clubs and tear gas.)
1.10.2020 9:30:14 gen. without ceremony без торжественной церемонии (The Lions Gate was opened to traffic without ceremony on November 12, 1938. It was officially opened on May 26, 1939 by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.)
1.10.2020 9:26:17 disappr. go on a rampage крушить всё вокруг себя / на своём пути в своём раже (Collins Dictionary: If people go on a rampage, they rush around in a wild or violent way, ***causing damage or destruction*** <<<-– в этом суть, e.g., "The prisoners went on a rampage destroying everything in their way." – т.o. выражения "устраивать шумиху", "носиться как угорелый", "поднимать гвалт", "стоять на ушах" могут отражать шум, но не разрушения: Convicts in the Mannington Penitentiary went on a rampage destroying prison property.)
1.10.2020 9:23:12 real.est. squat on land захватить землю (без документов о купле-продаже: "Farmers from the drought-stricken prairies load their families into old vehicles and come west. Many squat on land in Surrey and some of those eventually buy land and become established." (Chuck Davis) – захватывают землю)
1.10.2020 9:10:14 real.est. squat on one's property поселиться самовольно на чужом земельном участке (Our next-door neighbour is a guy who says he works for the movie industry. He squats on his sister's property with his two pitbulls, three trucks, a boat, and a truck camper, which he has someone living in.)
1.10.2020 9:08:15 gen. use up the sum израсходовать сумму (The work continued until the sum of $100,000 had been used up. – пока не была израсходована сумма)
1.10.2020 9:00:52 gen. force out of business доводить до разорения или закрытия (The approach taken by our health authority is forcing too many pubs and bars out of business.)
1.10.2020 9:00:52 gen. force out of business довести до разорения или закрытия (The approach taken by our health authority is forcing too many pubs and bars out of business.)
1.10.2020 8:57:16 formal exempt from conscription освобождённый от призыва в армию (The fishing industry was declared an essential service during WWII and workers were exempt from conscription.)
1.10.2020 8:03:03 gen. with mental health issues психически больной (a man with mental health issues – психически больной человек; человек с психическим заболеванием)
1.10.2020 8:02:40 gen. mentally ill man психически больной (A police inquiry was launched after a mentally ill man had been shot and killed in his home in Maple Grove.)
1.10.2020 8:00:31 gen. hold a banquet устроить банкет (A banquet was held to commemorate the completion of work on the first passenger vessel built at Crown Shipyards.)
1.10.2020 7:59:18 gen. hold a banquet to commemorate устроить банкет в честь (A banquet was held to commemorate the completion of work on the first passenger vessel built at Wallace Shipyards.)

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