
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

4.04.2024 3:33:26 gen. go towards расходоваться на (27 residents. 90,000 kilograms of debris and material, 20 propane tanks and six generators. Ok... how can 27 people bring 90 tons of waste to anywhere? How much of our taxes is going towards these people, and the destruction of our parks in which they live? (Reddit))
4.04.2024 2:58:00 rude crap hole дерьмовое место (о грязном, неблагополучном районе или улице, которую отличают преступность, бездомные, наркоманы: East Hastings Street in the early 1970's before it became the crap hole it is now.)
4.04.2024 2:58:00 rude crap hole дыра (о грязном, неблагополучном районе или улице, которую отличают преступность, бездомные, наркоманы: East Hastings Street in the early 1970's before it became the crap hole it is now.)
3.04.2024 8:28:53 cliche. ample reason достаточные основания (a collocation in English (Cambridge Dictionary): We can deny him a visa extension. There is certainly ample reason for that. • There is ample reason for concern. • My client claims he fears for his life. I believe he has ample reason to fear. • Furthermore, the entire area was roped off and protected by armed guards 24 hours a day for several days after the incident. Officially, and understandably, this was to retrieve “most” of the 24 rockets in question. Whether that is an honest assessment or not, it certainly provided ample reason for the military to shield the activities at the crash site from the public. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 8:14:22 cliche. should на тот случай, если (For example, why was the plane carrying 24 fully armed rockets on what was essentially a training exercise? Although skeptics to the UFO claims – which we will get to in a moment – point out that this is to produce the realistic weight of a plane should it be heading into combat – this would appear to be something achievable without using fully armed weaponry. Certainly not with an inexperienced pilot, if we accept for a moment the US Air Force’s claims regarding Barlow and his error causing the crash. -- на тот случай, если ему придётся вылететь на боевое задание (ufoinsight.com) • The fact that Allan used a pen name proves that he did not feel great confidence about his novel and wanted to be able to maintain a distance from it should it be poorly received by critics.)
3.04.2024 8:10:19 cliche. in case на случай, если (Bring extra food and water and a snow shovel in case you get stuck on the road.)
3.04.2024 8:05:09 fig. niggle не давать покоя (cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety: "a suspicion niggled at the back of her mind" (Oxford Dictionary): A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. While the military chalked this up to experience or lack thereof on Barlow’s part, it was an aspect of the case, like many others, that niggled at the minds of many UFO researchers. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 8:04:01 fig. niggle не оставлять (cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety: "a suspicion niggled at the back of her mind" (Oxford Dictionary): A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. While the military chalked this up to experience or lack thereof on Barlow’s part, it was an aspect of the case, like many others, that niggled at the minds of many UFO researchers. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 7:54:26 idiom. chalk sth. up to отнести на счёт (Отнести за счет (или на счет) кого-чего — усмотреть причину чего-л. в ком-л. или чём-л.: "As one might expect, UFO enthusiasts contend that the object is not of human origin and, thus, is some kind of alien vehicle. (...) Skeptics, no doubt, will chalk the event up to a technical error or celestial misidentification." – скептики спишут на неполадки / отнесут за счёт неполадок (www.coasttocoastam.com) • A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. While the military chalked this up to experience or lack thereof on Barlow’s part, it was an aspect of the case, like many others, that niggled at the minds of many UFO researchers. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 7:50:34 cliche. not least why не в последнюю очередь из-за того, что (The cause of the crash, according to the United States Air Force, was pilot error. Barlow, they said, was seeing “radar ghosts”. This, combined with the loss of his navigation equipment, confused the pilot, who believed he was nearer to Tacoma than he actually was. A sound enough explanation. However, to some, the official explanation didn’t add up. Not least why he was traveling so fast while descending in the first place. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 7:36:03 gen. than actually чем на самом деле (+ auxiliary verb: Barlow, they said, was seeing “radar ghosts”. This, combined with the loss of his navigation equipment, confused the pilot, who believed he was nearer to Tacoma than he actually was. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 7:29:41 gen. fly into all directions разлететься во все стороны (However, at an altitude of 2,700 feet and at a speed of over 750 miles per hour, Barlow, still strapped firmly into his seat (which is how military recovery teams would find his body), slammed squarely into the mountainside. Debris would fly into all directions and travel a considerable distance. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 6:45:28 avia. grant permission to land разрешить посадку (By this time, however, the F86 was beginning to run remarkably low on fuel. Preparations were made for an emergency landing at Vancouver’s Sea Island Airport. Before permission to land was granted, though, all communications were lost. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 6:42:22 poetic dull morning хмурое утро (On the gray, dull morning of 12th February 1954, at around 10:30 am, Second Lieutenant Lamar Barlow was piloting his F86 Sabre jet over the North Shore Mountains, and specifically Grouse Mountain in British Columbia, Canada. Earlier that morning, Barlow had left the runway from McChord Air Force Base over the state border in Tacoma, Washington. (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 6:37:31 gen. purposeful attempt целенаправленная попытка (Perhaps strange, then, that the incident in question is not as well-known as we might expect given the tragic circumstances which surround it. Is this a purposeful attempt to downplay it? (ufoinsight.com))
3.04.2024 5:59:33 gen. there is nothing here to suggest здесь ничего не говорится о том ("Hopefully the end result of all of this is better protection for good tenants and making it easier to get rid of bad ones." "There is nothing here to suggest it will be any easier for landlords to get rid of genuinely bad tenants with malicious intentions." (Reddit))
3.04.2024 5:54:11 law, court make an offence ввести ответственность (за нарушение закона: Upon royal assent: prohibiting rent increases for additional occupants who are minors and making it an offence to do so (gov.bc.ca))
3.04.2024 5:48:25 real.est. rental building многоквартирный доходный дом (... prohibiting personal occupancy evictions in purpose-built rental buildings with five or more units)
3.04.2024 4:45:17 fig. rush headlong нестись сломя голову (into something) = make a rash decision)
3.04.2024 4:43:48 gen. frantically run нестись сломя голову (Wow, stunning photo, thank you for sharing! Glad someone got it as I was frantically running down Georgia St like some crazy person knowing I was missing an epic sunset. (Twitter))
3.04.2024 4:43:48 gen. frantically run нестись как угорелый (Wow, stunning photo, thank you for sharing! Glad someone got it as I was frantically running down Georgia St like some crazy person knowing I was missing an epic sunset. (Twitter))
3.04.2024 3:09:20 humor. you're living large! живёшь на широкую ногу! ("I had banana pudding and chocolate pudding too‼️ Probably shouldn’t had both. Too full." "You're living large!" (Twitter))
3.04.2024 3:09:20 humor. you're living large! хорошо живёшь! ("I had banana pudding and chocolate pudding too‼️ Probably shouldn’t had both. Too full." "You're living large!" (Twitter))
3.04.2024 2:52:26 HR gender pay gap разрыв между оплатой труда мужчин и женщин (Can negotiating tactics help close the gender pay gap? -- ликвидировать разрыв между оплатой труда мужчин и женщин)
3.04.2024 2:50:20 fig. gap разрыв между показателями (Can negotiating tactics help close the gender pay gap? -- ликвидировать разрыв между оплатой труда мужчин и женщин)
3.04.2024 2:01:28 volcan. pressure from below давление снизу (The gas and steam plumes were surging out with great violence, which indicates there's a lot of pressure from below. twitter.com)
2.04.2024 8:48:17 cliche. I can see why ясно отчего ("My favourite cherry blossom grove." "I can see why! Sensational!" (Twitter))
2.04.2024 8:33:10 inf. man was I glad как же я был рад (I was in Men's washroom at Locarno Beach in Vancouver today. The sink had two soap dispensers, empty... But man was I glad that the menstruating men persons had the tampon and pad dispenser available to them! (Twitter))
2.04.2024 8:15:11 trucks cargo van грузовой фургон
2.04.2024 8:14:49 trucks cube van грузовой фургон (А van with a cube-shaped storage compartment that is wider and taller than the front of the vehicle. Unlike cargo vans, cube vans use a box-like cargo area that sits on the frame: A cube van struck a pedestrian overpass in Stanley Park on Monday afternoon.)
2.04.2024 7:44:44 humor. popsy девица ("Seeing the popsy bathed in tears, he quivered from stem to stern." (P.G. Wodehouse))
2.04.2024 7:43:51 cliche. nine out of ten девять из десяти (Nine out of ten Aussies don't want another 20 million people here.)
2.04.2024 7:39:58 gen. girlfriend девушка (Как именно киллеры вышли на Кузьминова, пока неизвестно. Предварительно, его могли вычислить, когда он связался со своей бывшей девушкой. Она живёт в России, и Кузьминов пригласил её приехать к нему в Испанию. Это было «серьёзной ошибкой», констатировали собеседники NYT из числа высокопоставленных чиновников. (из рус. источников))
1.04.2024 9:43:23 gen. speed нестись (skiers speeding down the ski hills -- лыжники несутся вниз по лыжным трассам)
1.04.2024 9:42:27 traf.contr. speed превысить скорость (He was speeding. – Он шёл с превышением / превысил скорость.)
1.04.2024 9:42:01 traf.contr. speed пронестись на большой скорости (The officers saw a BMW and a Lexus speed past them, neck-and-neck, shortly after 7 p.m. on Tuesday.)
1.04.2024 9:35:47 traf.contr. speed идти с превышением скорости (Police say the car was speeding when it hit the hydro pole. • a speeding car)
1.04.2024 9:32:28 gen. provide privacy защищать от любопытных глаз ("Glass doors unify the indoor and outdoor spaces, with a large wooden table doubling her dining capacity when the weather allows. Privacy is provided by evergreens and shrubs, with a horizontal fountain providing a contemporary focal point." (West Coast Design Magazine))
1.04.2024 9:32:07 polit. advocate защитник прав (угнетённых, ущемлённых социальных слоёв: Other family and friends described Marcelina as a “doting grandmother”, as well as a community leader with a “gentle spirit” and “strong sense of justice” who had been an advocate for migrant workers and volunteer for the NDP. (nsnews.com))
1.04.2024 9:28:08 gen. sewn up зашитый (with sth. – чем-л.: He woke up in a cave on the hide of the polar bear that had mauled him. He took off his cariboo-hide anorak and he saw that where he was clawed by the polar bear, he had been sewn up with the sinews of the polar bear.)
1.04.2024 9:26:27 gen. coded letter зашифрованное письмо (также "шифрованное письмо": A coded letter penned by the King of Spain in the 16th century has been deciphered by a team of researchers. coasttocoastam.com)
1.04.2024 9:08:38 univer. defence of one's doctorate защита докторской диссертации (My daughter's having a big day tomorrow, she will be at the Farrell Hall for the defense of her doctorate in asthma research where it will be formally awarded.)
1.04.2024 8:47:52 cliche. when you come right down to it если разобраться (It's selfish self-interest, when you come right down to it.)
1.04.2024 8:45:01 cliche. when you come to think of it если задуматься (It's funny when you come to think of it. He never gave me a receipt, and I don't think there was any business name written on the door. – Вообще-то, если задуматься, то что-то подозрительное в этом было.)
1.04.2024 8:40:11 archit. egress выход из многоквартирного здания (на случай пожара: Having seen multiple apartment building fires in my lifetime, I’m grateful two egresses are required in the US. Reminder, Grenfell Tower in London had only one stair. Six years ago, when it burst into flames, 72 people died. Shelter in place is a failed policy. (twitter.com))
1.04.2024 8:33:04 idiom. send away with a flea in one's ear выставить за дверь ("What did you do?" the ancestor asked, all agog, and the McCorkadale gave that sniffing snort of hers. (...) "I sent him away with a flea in his ear. I pride myself on being a fair fighter, and his proposition revolted me." (P.G. Wodehouse)) )
1.04.2024 8:31:01 idiom. throw one's doors open to the general public выставить на всеобщее обозрение (If Herb and Sarah have learned anything over the past six months, it's that houses aren't on the market for long after they've thrown their doors open to the general public.)
1.04.2024 8:18:01 gen. back then в те времена (Back then, there was no social security.)
1.04.2024 8:15:43 gen. wedged втиснутый (“The city has not done their due diligence,” said Stewart. “Not a single person on my block had any idea about this proposed rezoning that could allow land assemblies and six-story apartments to go up next to their homes. I don’t want my home to be wedged between two apartment blocks.” (vancouversun.com))
1.04.2024 8:13:59 law, contr. for the duration of в течение срока действия (договора, контракта, соглашения)
1.04.2024 8:11:26 inet. in-stream во время просмотра (видеоролика; about an ad served)
1.04.2024 8:10:51 gen. over the course of a year в течение одного года (Gas prices are going up, we've seen two or three hikes over the course of a year.)
1.04.2024 7:57:34 gen. tasty treat лакомство (The Nanaimo bar is my daughter's favourite tasty treat.)
1.04.2024 6:31:27 gen. the odds вероятность (What are the odds of that happening? – Какова вероятность этого?)
1.04.2024 5:34:39 gen. take on the punishment for принять наказание за (He explained the significance of Jesus being sinless and voluntarily taking on the punishment for humanity's sins. (coasttocoastam.com))
31.03.2024 9:39:24 gen. do some fishing порыбачить (That following weekend, Taro went to the riverside in order to do some fishing, as he did almost every weekend. It was a warm, clear day, that turned out to be good for fishing, as he quickly managed to catch a few to put into the bucket he had with him. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 9:37:06 gen. in an agitated state в возбуждённом состоянии (He says it started when his 10-year-old son came home from exploring down by the river one evening at around dusk. The boy seemed to be in an agitated state, and when asked what had happened, he excitedly told his father that he had seen a strange figure down by the water, but that it had been naked with green skin and a face like a frog and large “sad eyes.” (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 9:21:47 gen. take in the scenery любоваться природой (In the summer of 1998, there was another remarkable sighting when a group of people taking in the scenery from a bridge over the river was surprised to see an enormous round fish like a ray glide through the water on wings beneath them before passing out of sight. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 9:21:47 gen. take in the scenery любоваться видами (In the summer of 1998, there was another remarkable sighting when a group of people taking in the scenery from a bridge over the river was surprised to see an enormous round fish like a ray glide through the water on wings beneath them before passing out of sight. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 9:17:27 gen. fellow villagers односельчане (In 1888 there was a rather dramatic account of a local who claimed to have seen one of the Dragon Fish, said to be around 10 feet long, dark in color and with long “spines” along its back lurch out of the water to try and grab a deer that had been drinking by the riverside. The startled man called out to his fellow villagers, but the massive mystery fish was gone by the time anyone arrived. -- стал звать своих односельчан (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 9:13:43 gen. foul-tasting отвратительный на вкус (The fisherman was able to track it down and finally capture it, and it was found to be a fish very similar in appearance to an alligator but with fins instead of legs and scaly, bony armor covering it. In this case some brave villagers reportedly tried eating its flesh, but it was described as foul-tasting and pungent. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 9:13:43 gen. foul-tasting несъедобный (The fisherman was able to track it down and finally capture it, and it was found to be a fish very similar in appearance to an alligator but with fins instead of legs and scaly, bony armor covering it. In this case some brave villagers reportedly tried eating its flesh, but it was described as foul-tasting and pungent. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 9:13:43 gen. foul-tasting в рот невозможно взять (The fisherman was able to track it down and finally capture it, and it was found to be a fish very similar in appearance to an alligator but with fins instead of legs and scaly, bony armor covering it. In this case some brave villagers reportedly tried eating its flesh, but it was described as foul-tasting and pungent. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 9:07:14 gen. exhibit выставлять напоказ ("I'm not a fan of Diana, a dim and rather witless manipulative emotional wreck, but this woman deserved, and still deserves her privacy like anyone else would as a private individual. If anyone else's private thoughts were betrayed in the same way, there would quite rightly be an outcry, so why has she been exhibited like this?" (comment on The Independent's website) • The gigantic fish was said to be 8-feet long, with a formidable, gaping maw filled with wicked fangs, and the whole of the body dotted with hard bony protrusions of some sort. The fish was exhibited until it began to rot, after which it was thrown back into the river and lost to history. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 8:40:52 fig. lean toward впадать в (the world is leaning toward chaos – мир впадает в хаос)
31.03.2024 8:40:03 gen. connect to впадать в (о реке: The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. Since the Edo River connects to Tokyo Bay it has been speculated that it could have been something that wandered in from the sea by accident and got lost, although what that could be is anyone’s guess. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 8:31:59 gen. for a brief span of time короткий промежуток времени (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 8:31:59 gen. for a brief span of time непродолжительное время (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 8:31:59 gen. for a brief span of time ненадолго (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 8:31:59 gen. for a brief span of time кратковременно (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 8:26:20 idiom. it set my hair standing on end у меня волосы встали дыбом (от чего-л.: This shape got closer and then a head, very feline in appearance, very large eyes, came up out of the water and whatever this thing was let out a strange noise like a cross between a dog’s bark and a cat’s screech. It was actually a pretty horrible noise, and set my hair standing on end. My dog and I got out of there as quick as we could. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 7:48:11 gen. dive under the water нырнуть под воду (It looked sort of like the head of a cat, with whiskers and cat-like ears perked up on its head. Its eyes were very large and expressive and it just floated there staring at me. It didn’t blink at all, just stared. Then it dove under the water and I could see it was pretty big, maybe 2 meters long. It dove under and then came up again nearby with a fish in its mouth! It gave me a look almost like “good luck with your fishing!” then swallowed the fish and dove under again to disappear. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 7:35:02 inf. news craze свистопляска в прессе (In all, eventually over 100 witnesses are said to have sighted the creature during a fairly short period in 1973. The animal became known as the Matsudodon, named after nearby Matsudo city, and it sparked a major news craze at the time. Nothing like it had ever been seen before in the river, and nothing like it has been seen since. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 7:24:22 gen. faithful servant верный слуга (his master's faithful servant – верный слуга своего хоязина)
31.03.2024 7:23:30 fig. right path forward верный путь (Our management team is increasingly confident it has found the right path forward. – на верном пути)
31.03.2024 6:34:40 gen. make innovative use of новаторски использовать (made innovative use of natural textures)
31.03.2024 6:34:12 busin. innovation новаторские идеи
31.03.2024 6:31:45 gen. paltry salary нищенская зарплата (Canadian teachers claim they have paltry salaries. At the same time, they like to spend their two months of paid vacation in Hawaii, Barbados, Florida or on the Italian Riviera.)
31.03.2024 6:29:51 gen. just as well as ничуть не хуже, чем (Plaid seems to fit in a smoke-filled pub just as well as it does on a fashion runway.)
31.03.2024 6:29:09 gen. work just as well as ничуть не хуже (A needle or an awl will work just as well as a screwpunch to punch out some holes.)
31.03.2024 6:21:20 cliche. there's no substitute for ничто не заменит (There's also no substitute for conducting her own field research— going to the places she writes about, and talking to the people involved in UFO incidents, she explained. (coasttocoastam.com))
31.03.2024 6:20:32 law, contr. nothing herein ничто из содержащегося в настоящем документе (Nothing herein shall prevent the Parties from making any truthful statement ...)
31.03.2024 6:19:17 fig. free-flowing ничем не стеснённый (The students' free-flowing creativity brought surprising results.)
31.03.2024 6:16:37 idiom. gets you nowhere ничего не добьётесь (Screaming gets you nowhere, ma'am. I want you to stop being so evasive and answer my questions directly. – Криком вы ничего не добьётесь.)
31.03.2024 6:14:23 gen. nothing good came from this ничего хорошего из этого не вышло
31.03.2024 6:13:53 inf. you won't make it ничего у тебя не выйдет (You won't make it, Randy, don't bother trying.)
31.03.2024 5:59:02 gen. that's okay ничего страшного (реакция на извинения: "Sir! Excuse me! Where are you going?" "I was just looking for your restroom." "I'm sorry but we don't have a public restroom here." "That's okay." (Straight Time, 1978))
31.03.2024 4:33:28 gen. lurk in таиться в (Although the exact type of fish could not be determined, these curious sonar images seemed to confirm that something very large and mysterious was indeed lurking in the depths. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 4:31:26 gen. dwell in обитать в (This sighting was a sensation all over Japan and was plastered over most major newspapers. The tale of giant fish dwelling in this picturesque mountain lake fired up the public imagination. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 3:20:33 angl. drop a line in забросить удочку (If you are ever in the area, keep your eyes open and perhaps you will see the Namitaro for yourself. Or you may want to drop a line in. You never know what you might catch. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 3:17:39 gen. common first name распространённое имя (... Taro, a common Japanese first name, sort of like “John” for Westerners. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 3:12:16 gen. similarly sized сходного размера (A fisherman on the same lake reported actually hooking and reeling in an eel that was reported to be around 8 feet in length. In this case, the eel was kept and eaten. Another fisherman on the lake reported seeing a similarly sized eel rooting through mud in shallow water near the shore. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 3:09:13 angl. reel in выудить (A fisherman on the same lake reported actually hooking and reeling in an eel that was reported to be around 8 feet in length. In this case, the eel was kept and eaten. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 3:09:13 angl. reel in выловить (A fisherman on the same lake reported actually hooking and reeling in an eel that was reported to be around 8 feet in length. In this case, the eel was kept and eaten. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
31.03.2024 3:01:30 cliche. be less than impressive не впечатлять (A Mr. Yoneyama was out with three others taking pictures of the lake and its surroundings when they saw a surge of water out on the otherwise calm lake. They were able to capture the animal on film, but the results are less than impressive, showing merely a dark shape and thus proving to be inconclusive. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- результаты не впечатляют)
31.03.2024 2:48:58 fig.of.sp. capture sb.'s imagination овладеть воображением кого-л. (Mt. Fuji's lake monster first became widely known in the 1970s, when there was a rash of sightings of something large and unexplainable lurking in the depths of the lakes. The idea of a water monster roaming the waters at the foot of the famous Mt. Fuji captured the public imagination and drew a lot of media attention at the time. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
30.03.2024 10:01:22 gen. a man of magnificent physique великолепно сложённый мужчина (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
30.03.2024 9:58:02 formal of the utmost importance величайшей важности ("That is a State secret of the utmost importance." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
30.03.2024 9:48:53 disappr. without substance бессодержательный
30.03.2024 9:14:58 gen. fairly commonplace вполне заурядный (Japanese fishermen accepted them as a part of everyday life and were well acquainted with them, with sightings being fairly commonplace. Throughout the 16th to 19th centuries, it was not considered particularly unusual for fishermen to tell of seeing these enigmatic beings swimming alongside their boats or attempting to steal fish from their nets. (mysteriousuniverse.org))

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