
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

16.10.2020 5:28:09 sarcast. work around поковыряться ('He stuck his little finger in his ear and worked it around and brought it out with a little dark wax on it. He wiped it off casually on his coat.' (Raymond Chandler))
16.10.2020 5:23:09 inf. shabby dump неухоженное здание (988 Powell was a shabby dump, like so many of the buildings east of Main and north of Hastings.)
16.10.2020 5:19:39 disappr. dump сарай (о доме: "Housing on the east side is almost as expensive as the west side, only the housing isn't as nice. And don't expect to see anything priced under $900,000, and for that price you'll get a dump... a small dump!")
16.10.2020 5:01:22 inf. cup of joe чашечка кофе (Let's stop for a cup of joe.)
16.10.2020 3:20:58 gen. well-built добротный (о доме, механизме и т.п.)
16.10.2020 3:17:47 food.ind. solids твёрдые компоненты (the solids settling in the bottom of the freezing cylinders)
16.10.2020 3:17:33 commer. solid без перебоев (solid supply – бесперебойные поставки)
16.10.2020 3:13:32 gen. solid добротный
15.10.2020 9:08:55 theatre. benefit бенефис (As a benefit for the Actors Fund of Canada, the Saskatoon Shakespeare Lab is putting on Shakespeare's Henry VI play this weekend.)
15.10.2020 9:08:28 gen. benefit идти на пользу (Children from all socio-economic walks of life benefit from early education. – Детям из всех социально-экономические слоёв идёт на пользу дошкольное образование.)
15.10.2020 8:44:51 insur. file a claim with the insurance company подать заявку в страховую компанию о денежной компенсации
15.10.2020 8:44:51 insur. file a claim with the insurance company подать заявку о страховой выплате
15.10.2020 7:03:37 law is applicable to относится к (The new policy is applicable to all city employees.)
15.10.2020 7:03:24 formal is relating to относится к (пояснение смысла в предложении: The second option is relating to the client's remedies, not the first one.)
15.10.2020 7:02:55 gen. think about относиться к (It would be great if parents thought about bath time as a really special time for them with the baby. – чтобы родители относились к купанию, как)
15.10.2020 7:02:25 formal count as относиться к (The Old Age Security pension and Canada Pension Plan benefits count as income and are taxable. – относятся к статьям дохода)
15.10.2020 6:00:51 inf. Search me! Откуда мне знать? ("Why does she want Linda found?" "Search me," I said. "Who said she did?" (Raymond Chandler)) – "А я почём знаю? / Откуда мне знать? И кто тебе сказал, что она хочет?")
15.10.2020 6:00:24 gen. how would I know? Откуда мне знать? ('The man is worth a couple of million dollars.' 'How did he get it?' 'How would I know?' (Raymond Chandler) – Откуда мне знать?/Откуда я знаю?)
15.10.2020 5:56:31 gen. Cheer up! не расстраивайся!
15.10.2020 5:48:01 gen. how was it that ...? как получилось, что ...? ("How was it that no one else saw it?" "The marks were some twenty yards from the body and no one gave them a thought." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)) )
14.10.2020 21:23:27 real.est. listings выставленные на продажу дома или квартиры (на сайте агенства)
14.10.2020 21:20:20 real.est. list выставить на продажу (квартиру/дом: The owner had bought the lot 16 years earlier for $650,000 and had it on the market for about five years with various real estate agents before listing it with us for just more than $3 million. – выставил дом на продажу через наше агентство)
14.10.2020 21:19:27 real.est. listing объявление о продаже (Please select the length of additional time you wish these listings to run.)
14.10.2020 7:03:24 gen. preordained заранее определённый (о результате: What was supposed to be a reasonable assessment of the UFO phenomenon, was (according to many researchers and numerous inside reports – including a documented memo from one of the men in charge) nothing but a hack job with the preordained outcome of delegitimizing the entire field of study and thus reducing public panic – and therefore interest – in UFOs. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.10.2020 6:50:10 gen. hubbub has fizzled шумиха стихла (In February of 1970, about month after all of the hubbub seemed to have fizzled, a farmer by the name of John Vanderhoek reported to authorities that motorists were congregating in front of his property near Vancouver Island highway in order to catch a glimpse of a "red thing in the air. mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.10.2020 6:26:39 journ. rash всплеск активности (With that in mind, Stanley-Jones was exceedingly diligent in collecting evidence regarding the rash of UFO sightings taking place in the region, but it wouldn't be until five days after the initial flap that he would have a close encounter of his own mysteriousuniverse.org)
14.10.2020 5:55:55 med. get some stress relief снять нервное напряжение (Switching to this new drug could help these students and their parents get some stress relief.)
14.10.2020 5:52:55 inf. make a mess of things устроить беспорядок (This three-car accident on the Pattullo Bridge is really making a mess of things.)
14.10.2020 5:39:55 gram. as ... as it gets не бывает (You get to travel, stay at best hotels, eat at best restaurants. And you get paid $140,000 a year doing all that. This is as cushy as it gets. – работа не бей лежачего, лучше не бывает)
14.10.2020 5:33:47 gen. there's no such thing as не бывает (There's no such thing as the perfect parent. – Идеальных родителей не бывает.)
14.10.2020 5:33:37 gen. you can't have не бывает (You can't have the good films without the bad ones. Personally, I'll take my chances. I don't want the saints on Capitol Hill to tell me what to watch.)
14.10.2020 5:30:33 gen. have a sense of character хорошо разбираться в людях (As an insurance fraud investigator, you must have a sense of character.)
13.10.2020 22:00:29 acl. homemade brandy домашняя наливка (A Burnaby man has been awarded $38,590 for injuries sustained in a 2012 altercation outside a local Starbucks over a bottle of homemade Slivovic brandy – and a rumour that it had been peed in. Welder Zvonko Basic had accepted the bottle from roofer Dragolub Barjaktarovic after fixing a broken metal gate at Barjaktarovic's house in 2010, according to a B.C. Supreme Court ruling Tuesday. burnabynow.com)
13.10.2020 21:48:38 brit. flap состояние беспокойства, нервного возбуждения (She caused a big flap when she told her husband about her parents' visit. • She's in a flap because her parents are coming to visit.)
13.10.2020 21:14:53 med. administer the shot ввести препарат (шприцем)
13.10.2020 9:48:11 subl. bathed in light залитый светом (Quaife claimed that in late 1964, he was relaxing in his home when he heard what he described as a roaring turbine-like sound. The mayor leapt to his feet, yanked back the curtain and looked out the window. What he saw would be something he would never forget. Quaife asserted that his entire backyard was bathed in brilliant white light, which emanated from an unknown source above. mysteriousuniverse.org)
13.10.2020 9:39:18 formal in attendance присутствующий (While this sighting occurred at a greater distance than either the Drummonds' or Halletts' sightings, all of the observers in attendance agreed that they saw a colossal, glowing sphere cruising over the Saanich Peninsula, about 10-miles to the east. mysteriousuniverse.org)
13.10.2020 9:34:55 gen. host a dinner party устроить званый ужин (Just moment following both the Hallett and Drummond sightings, the ubiquitous UFO made its presence known yet again on Mill Bay. This time the glowing object appeared to the attendees of yet another dinner party, which was being hosted by Arthur Gillam and his wife at the Deer Lodge restaurant just off the Island highway, south of Mill Bay. mysteriousuniverse.org)
13.10.2020 9:30:05 gen. entertain guests at dinner устроить званый ужин (Judge George Hallett and his wife were entertaining three guests at a celebratory New Year's dinner, which they were hosting at their Mill Bay home (...) mysteriousuniverse.org)
13.10.2020 9:18:07 inf. Tell him to go fly a kite Пошли его подальше
13.10.2020 8:10:25 gen. clear things up прояснить обстановку
13.10.2020 8:06:58 gen. feel bored скучать (When the TV was broken, everyone felt bored.)
13.10.2020 8:06:41 gen. bored скучающий ('He leaned back in his chair with a smile of a bored aristocrat.' (Raymond Chandler))
13.10.2020 8:04:30 gen. tear-stained eyes заплаканные глаза ('She was sobbing. She screwed her head around and looked up at me with tear-stained eyes.' (Raymond Chandler))
13.10.2020 8:00:08 gen. isn't it? ..., правда? (soliciting agreement from a listener: Hot, isn't it?)
13.10.2020 7:59:26 gen. Isn't that ...? ..., правда? (soliciting agreement from a listener: Isn't that amazing? Isn't that awful? Isn't that great?)
13.10.2020 7:33:03 gen. street lined with trees улица, вдоль которой высажены деревья ('a street lined with immense pepper trees' (Raymond Chandler))
13.10.2020 5:48:03 road.wrk. line marking дорожная разметка (Have you checked out the new line marking? Miller Capilano paints every year & durable line products are used extensively on the Sea to Sky Highway. twitter.com)
13.10.2020 1:29:45 formal finalize одобрить окончательный вариант (finalize a strategy)
13.10.2020 1:29:29 formal finalize принять окончательное решение (Plans have been discussed. But nothing was finalized or approved.)
13.10.2020 1:24:38 idiom. make the final call принять окончательное решение (President Barack Obama indicated Tuesday he'll be making the final call on the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline. – за ним последнее слово)
13.10.2020 1:19:17 inf. make it out выбраться ("Thought I'd get out before the rainy weekend came." "Nice to see you got out for a ride. I never made it out today." – Я сегодня так и не выбрался из дома.)
13.10.2020 1:17:21 gen. work one's way выбраться (из – out of: Will the Greeks and the Spanish be able to work their way out of this finanicial morass?)
12.10.2020 22:29:35 gen. go on a fishing trip поехать на рыбалку (PASCAGOULA, Miss. (WLOX) – On this day nearly 50 years ago, two Jackson County men went on a fishing trip that would forever change their lives. On Oct. 11, 1973, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker decided to go fishing on the Pascagoula River. Both men said they heard a piercing sound and saw a large UFO hovering above them. wlox.com)
12.10.2020 7:23:37 sarcast. take one's sweet time особенно не спешить (Taking your sweet time, aren't you? • The premier is taking her sweet time implementing the recommendations on aboriginal child welfare. And why should she be in a hurry if there is only 0.3 per cent of aboriginal voters in her constitutency?)
12.10.2020 7:21:20 ed. Foundations of Design основы проектирования (название учебного курса)
12.10.2020 6:42:35 gen. strike up a conversation заговорить первым ("And then on the same night, when we came back, we were on the same SeaBus again," says Stefan, "and this time there were a lot less people so it was really easy to pick her out and, and definitely was a lot of eye contact between the two of us." Still, neither were quite ready to strike up a conversation. translink.ca)
12.10.2020 6:40:49 gen. strike up a conversation первым начать разговор ("And then on the same night, when we came back, we were on the same SeaBus again," says Stefan, "and this time there were a lot less people so it was really easy to pick her out and, and definitely was a lot of eye contact between the two of us." Still, neither were quite ready to strike up a conversation. translink.ca)
12.10.2020 6:38:29 gen. travelling companion попутчик ("hundreds – make that thousands of missing people, all vanished under strange circumstances right under the noses of their loved ones or travelling companions, disappearances that simply don't make sense" – George Knapp, Coast to Coast AM)
12.10.2020 6:36:08 gen. fellow rider попутчик (Although Stefan and Carolini had an instant attraction for each other, neither were eager to break unwritten golden rule of transit: don't talk to fellow riders. translink.ca)
12.10.2020 6:21:33 gen. get into влезть в (I can't get into my jeans after the Thanksgiving dinner and it's been two weeks, it's ridiculous!)
12.10.2020 6:21:20 gen. get into разобраться (We're going to get into this but first tell me about your background, like where you were born. – Мы ещё разберёмся с этим ...)
12.10.2020 6:21:02 gen. get into залезть в (машину, дом: Whoa, big fella! Just passing through. Nothing to get into so he moved on. (о медведе, который не смог залезть в машину))
12.10.2020 0:13:07 humor. Scatter, scatter! Спасайся, кто может! (The electrician walked into the living room and the cat dashed into his hiding-place under the couch. "Scatter, scatter!" the guy quipped.)
11.10.2020 23:42:44 ufol. light светящийся объект (a strange white light in the sky • "I looked up and saw this light coming in from the north, just about in line with our boat. It was skimming right under the overcast, which was about 900-feet. I ran into the cabin and grabbed my telescope and camera, and my wife came out with me to look. We were really excited. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 7:35:46 gen. get a better look получше рассмотреть (at – что-либо: The group first saw the silently spinning, apparently ring-shaped UFO through the window of the grammar School. According to Beiling: "We saw it through a window from inside the school at first, then we rushed outside to get a better look. We were all pretty excited, and I think there was one who was even quite frightened.(...) The ring definitely looked as if it was made of some solid substance.)
11.10.2020 6:45:57 gen. consider принимать в расчёт (Parents who choose to bring a child into this world have to consider these factors.)
11.10.2020 6:40:58 gen. medical professional медработник (As mind boggling as it is to have so many medical professionals observe an estimated 50-foot flying saucer gyrating over a hospital, there are some UFO skeptics who have pondered as to why ... mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 6:34:14 gen. all-time master талантливейший художник (один из талантливейших художников – one of the all-time masters)
11.10.2020 6:19:35 gen. by this point к этому времени (описание событий: At this point Kendall and Wilson sprinted down to the Nurses' Station to corral their fellow nurses. Two of their understandably skeptical cohorts – Mrs. Appleby and Mrs. Clarkson – quickly followed them back into the room. The quartet of nurses rushed to the window, but by this point the hovering vehicle had moved far enough away from the hospital so that the allegedly extraterrestrial pilots were no longer visible, but the abnormal, self-illuminated object was still in plain sight. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 6:06:49 idiom. like a streak в мгновение ока (At this point one of the nurses – whose identity is surprisingly difficult to discern considering how well documented this case is – raced down the corridor and into a lavatory on the other side of the building and watched as the UFO rotated five times, then shot off "like a streak. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 5:59:26 idiom. like a streak как ветром сдуло (When he heard the news, he was out of the room like a streak.)
11.10.2020 1:34:10 ufol. disc-shaped дискообразной формы (The nurses watched as the disc-shaped craft slowly drifted off on a southeasterly course, disappearing behind the grove of trees bordering the facility just as two additional nurses arrived, missing the entire show. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 1:22:05 gen. tremendously bright чрезвычайно яркий (" (...) It looked circular in shape and the far side seemed to be higher than the side near us. It was moving around slowly and then it started to move away. I didn't really see any top or bottom to it. It was all just tremendously bright. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 1:19:49 gen. tremendously в огромной степени (Your dictionary is a tremendously helpful thing!)
11.10.2020 0:36:05 gen. in an anti-clockwise direction против часовой стрелки (Kendall described what she speculated to be the ufonauts' effort to beat a hasty retreat: "When he did this, the man in front reached down and took hold of something like a lever beside him. (...) He pushed it back and forth and the saucer, or whatever you'd call it, started to circle slowly, still close to the building, in an anti-clockwise direction. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 0:33:23 gen. circle описывать круги (Kendall described what she speculated to be the ufonauts' effort to beat a hasty retreat: "When he did this, the man in front reached down and took hold of something like a lever beside him. (...) He pushed it back and forth and the saucer, or whatever you'd call it, started to circle slowly, still close to the building, in an anti-clockwise direction. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 0:28:50 idiom. beat a hasty retreat поскорее убраться (The entity reached down and grabbed what Kendall described as a "lever" with a ball on the top – which she would later compare to the "joy stick" of an airplane – that stuck out of the floor of the craft. Kendall described what she speculated to be the ufonauts effort to beat a hasty retreat. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 0:20:25 parapsych. by psychic connection телепатически ("I was completely oblivious to anything else and felt no fear. In fact I would have loved to have gone for a ride and, if the men had spoken to me, I would have answered quite naturally." As if on cue – or perhaps by psychic connection – the smaller entity raised its head and slowly turned towards Kendall. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.10.2020 0:06:24 lit. enthralled поглощённый (зрелищем: Interestingly, as this middle-aged nurse stood enthralled by this strange vessel floating before her, she would later claim that she had no sense of "fear" during her unusual encounter, only one of curiosity and calmness mysteriousuniverse.org)
10.10.2020 22:05:15 hockey. up and coming team перспективная команда (The Vancouver Canucks are a total mess. Thanks Jim Benning, we went from an up and coming team to basement dwellers. (Twitter))
10.10.2020 21:23:24 humor. scatter разбегаться от страха (The electrician walked into the living room and the cat dashed into his hiding-place under the couch. "Scatter, scatter!" the guy quipped. – Спасайся, кто может!)
10.10.2020 7:44:48 inf. skip обойтись без (This Father's Day, skip the tie, skip the new shirt – get your Dad a new barbecue grill from Roaring Rory's on 128th Street!)
10.10.2020 7:32:23 inf. deal! по рукам!
10.10.2020 7:28:40 gen. deal состоять в деловых отношениях (with – с)
10.10.2020 7:24:24 formal have a business relationship находиться в деловых отношениях (с – with)
10.10.2020 7:20:20 gen. come around изменить свою точку зрения (Graham was reluctant to report the murder, but he finally came around after Anne appeared again, swearing to haunt him for the rest of his life. The authorities searched the coal mine, finding Anne's corpse exactly where her ghost said it would be. toptenfacts.net)
10.10.2020 7:10:29 immigr. detention centre центр временного содержания иностранных граждан (задержанных за нарушение иммиграционного законодательства; обычно находится при аэропорте)
10.10.2020 6:36:07 inf. big chunk of dollars крупная сумма денег (So this is another big chunk of dollars that will stimulate economic activity in the region.)
10.10.2020 6:26:41 econ. job gain рост занятости (The job gain was widespread in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.)
10.10.2020 6:26:41 econ. job gain увеличение числа рабочих мест (The job gain was widespread in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.)
10.10.2020 6:19:11 gen. have an experience сталкиваться с (Have you had an experience with distracted driving or road rage incidents?)
10.10.2020 6:13:39 gen. start over from the beginning начать всё с самого начала
10.10.2020 6:13:39 gen. start over from the beginning начать всё заново
10.10.2020 6:11:45 gen. break into залезть (в помещение, о воре: The thief broke into the Dairy Queen because he had a craving for ice-cream bars at 2 a.m. • We got broken into last night.)
10.10.2020 3:25:28 light. lighted подсвеченный (a lighted makeup mirror in every bathroom)
10.10.2020 3:02:20 gen. craft профессиональное мастерство (constantly perfecting his craft – неустанное совершенствуя своё мастерство)
10.10.2020 3:01:32 design. craft создавать искусные поделки, ткани (и т.п.)
10.10.2020 2:53:12 light. illuminate подсветить
10.10.2020 2:50:20 light. illuminated подсвеченный (The panel, which consumed almost half of the space inside the UFO and loomed up practically to the peak of the dome, was filled with small (presumably navigational) "circles" or dials of various sizes, all of which appeared to be illuminated from below. – подсвечены снизу mysteriousuniverse.org)

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