
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

23.10.2020 22:56:20 formal there are существует (There are three different ayurvedic types or energies. Each of us, Keller said, has one or maybe two that prevail: Pitta-- very reactive, fire & water, focused on detail; Vata-- etheric and intuitive; Kapha-- slow, methodical, and relaxed. – Существует три типа ... • There are several theories about the population of the Moon by intelligent beings. Some researchers believe that people already live and work on the earth’s satellite. – Существует несколько теорий ... coasttocoastam.com)
23.10.2020 22:49:22 gen. modern era наше время (Dr. Scott Keller has been a Board-certified practicing chiropractor for 27 years, as well as an astrologer, medical intuitive, and ayurvedic physician. In 1995, he became the first practicing "Caycean" chiropractor using the Edgar Cayce modalities. (...) Cayce, he noted, could be considered the father of natural medicine in the modern era. – нашего времени coasttocoastam.com)
23.10.2020 7:50:27 gram. more of a скорее (It wasn't a classic hostage situation, it was more of a psychological situation. • I think this tax is more of a revenue grab than any effort to really solve our housing crisis. – это скорее была)
23.10.2020 7:47:19 fin. redeem a pledge выкупить заложенную вещь из ломбарда (обычно redeem *one's* pledge: I drove over to Santa Monica Boulevard. The hockshop was still open. The old Jew in the tall black skullcap seemed surprised that I was able to redeem my pledge so soon. I told him that was the way it was in Hollywood. (Raymond Chandler))
23.10.2020 7:18:45 econ. natural resource-reliant привязанный к добыче природных ресурсов (natural resource-reliant region – регион, зависящий от добычи / разработки природных ресурсов)
23.10.2020 7:14:58 inf. sending your way посылаю вам (Sending positive, healing thoughts your way. Hope you'll be having terrific sex again very soon.)
23.10.2020 6:58:30 gen. the hand opened рука разжалась (The hand opened and the gun thudded to the floor. (Raymond Chandler))
23.10.2020 6:55:44 formal due должен явиться (Well, actually, you were due here at 9 o'clock. – вы должны были явиться к 9 часам)
23.10.2020 6:51:26 fin. due подлежащий внесению (напр., арендная плата. *** The following illustrates the difference between DUE & PAYABLE.: "Rent is due on the second to last day of the previous month for which the rent is due, to be payable the next day. For example: the rent for the month of May would be due on April 29, and dated for April 30.")
23.10.2020 6:50:14 bank. due причитающийся (You must repay the loan, and any interest that is due on it.)
22.10.2020 8:06:45 real.est. face south выходить на юг (Long lace curtains hung across the windows, but the room faced south and there was plenty of light. (Raymond Chandler) – окна выходили на южную сторону)
22.10.2020 8:05:13 gen. have a southern exposure выходить на юг (My balcony has a southern exposure and it seemed the perfect place to hang my sunscreen. – Балкон у меня выходит на юг / на южную сторону.)
22.10.2020 7:42:40 slang make a pass приставать (at – к: "So we go in with a steno and Hench gives us the dope. Phillips made a pass at Hench's girl. That was day before yesterday, out in the hall. Hench was in the room and he saw it, but Phillips got into his apartment and shut the door before Hench could get out." (Raymond Chandler))
22.10.2020 7:37:55 slang bugs "белочка" ("Anyway in the night, bang, Hench is bugs. So they drag him over to the hospital ward and shoot him full of hop. The jail doc does. That's between you and me. No hop in the record. Get the idea?" "All too clearly," I said. (Raymond Chandler))
22.10.2020 7:33:29 gen. Get the idea? Усёк? ("Anyway in the night, bang, Hench is bugs. So they drag him over to the hospital ward and shoot him full of hop. The jail doc does. That's between you and me. No hop in the record. Get the idea?" "All too clearly," I said. (Raymond Chandler))
22.10.2020 7:26:20 gen. have a vision представить себе (of: As I tore the stamp off and threw the letter and envelope away I had a vision of a pathetic old rooster in long hair, black felt hat and black bow tie, rocking on a rickety porch in front of a lettered window, with the smell of ham hocks and cabbage coming out of the door at his elbow. (Raymond Chandler) – мне представился/я представил себе ...)
22.10.2020 7:21:41 gen. give a name представиться (Did he give a name? – Он как-то представился?)
22.10.2020 7:21:29 gen. make it out to be представить (в каком-либо виде: His relationship with the First Nations is not as rosy as he's trying to make it out to be.)
22.10.2020 7:21:06 gen. make it look представить (в каком-либо виде: The opposition is trying to make it look as bad as possible, naturally.)
22.10.2020 6:44:48 gen. furnished in light wood обставленная мебелью из светлого дерева (о комнате, квартире: I poked through the rest of the house, putting lights on and off. Two bedrooms, one furnished in light wood, one in red maple. The light one seemed to be a spare. (Raymond Chandler))
22.10.2020 6:38:48 gen. virtues достоинства (личные, говоря о характере: Among Elaine's many virtues is a good sense of humour.)
22.10.2020 6:38:22 gen. benefits достоинства (Browsing online or in a store doesn't always give the full picture of a product, and it's not until you've actually brought it home and had a chance to try it that the real benefits become apparent.)
22.10.2020 6:35:38 gen. didn't get along very well не сложились отношения ("It's very quiet there. Mr. Vannier has been living there three years now. Before that he lived up in the Hollywood hills, on Diamond Street. Another man lived with him there, but they didn't get along very well, Mr. Vannier said." "I feel as if I could understand that too," I said. (Raymond Chandler))
22.10.2020 6:11:35 inf. all right нормально (Transit-wise, things are currently moving along all right on all bridges. – общественный транспорт движется нормально)
22.10.2020 6:08:27 gen. thuggish-looking бандитского вида (Under the bridge, we encountered two shirtless, thuggish-looking men.)
22.10.2020 6:08:16 gen. tough-looking бандитского вида (He stood up and went to the door and called out: "Tony." He sat down again. A short tough-looking wop came into the room, looked at me and sat down against the wall in a straight chair. "Tony, thees man a Meester Marlowe. Look, take the card." (Raymond Chandler))
21.10.2020 10:52:34 brit. staff hostel общежитие для сотрудников предприятия ("Trouble In Store" (1953))
21.10.2020 9:03:48 gen. hallmark характерная особенность (Creativity is a hallmark of JKL and its more than 500-strong workforce. – характерная/отличительная особенность)
21.10.2020 8:58:59 gen. hallmark характерная черта (a shift from Victorian opulence to the blue and yellow hallmarks of the Aesthetic movement)
21.10.2020 8:56:48 gen. characteristic свойственный (кому-либо: with characteristic energy – со свойственной ему энергией • "I have always tried to find creative ways to harmonize work and play, which is characteristic of someone from a small town." (Greg Malpass))
21.10.2020 8:52:51 gen. find creative ways с выдумкой подходить (I have always tried to find creative ways to harmonize work and play.)
21.10.2020 8:48:49 fig. play a large part сыграть большую роль (Being from a small town played a large part in who I became and, ultimately, what I do in the tech sector.)
21.10.2020 8:46:29 fig. play a big role сыграть большую роль (in – в: Visitors from the countryside are thought to have played a big role in the bloody riots.)
21.10.2020 4:47:13 show.biz. heavy round of applause громкие аплодисменты (A girl was singing. She had a rich deep down around the ankles contralto that was pleasant to listen to. She was singing Dark Eyes and the band behind her seemed to be falling asleep. There was a heavy round of applause and some whistling when she ended. (Raymond Chandler))
21.10.2020 4:46:52 show.biz. heavy round of applause шумные аплодисменты (A girl was singing. She had a rich deep down around the ankles contralto that was pleasant to listen to. She was singing Dark Eyes and the band behind her seemed to be falling asleep. There was a heavy round of applause and some whistling when she ended. (Raymond Chandler))
21.10.2020 4:46:24 show.biz. heavy round of applause бурные аплодисменты (A girl was singing. She had a rich deep down around the ankles contralto that was pleasant to listen to. She was singing Dark Eyes and the band behind her seemed to be falling asleep. There was a heavy round of applause and some whistling when she ended. (Raymond Chandler))
21.10.2020 4:39:06 publ.transp. plenty of space много места (The 5:15 sailing is three-quarters booked but there's plenty of space on the 7:20 run.)
21.10.2020 2:06:39 gen. fully trust полностью доверять (If you adopt Max you will need to have lots of patience as he makes the transition into a new home and learns that he can fully trust the human species. – полностью доверять людям)
21.10.2020 2:06:18 inf. totally trust полностью доверять (We totally trust you on what's correct in Russian.)
21.10.2020 2:06:05 formal have complete confidence полностью доверять (in someone – кому-либо: "Miss Drew – Peggy – You know I have complete confidence in you." "And I in you, sir." ("Trouble In Store", 1953) – "Вы знаете, что я полностью вам доверяю." – "А я вам.")
21.10.2020 1:46:03 mach.mech. fasten securely надёжно закрепить (ремнями)
20.10.2020 5:32:42 gen. how in the world do you do it? как вам это удаётся? ("You boys are as cute as a couple of lost golf balls," I said. "How in the world do you do it?" (Raymond Chandler))
20.10.2020 1:21:25 st.exch. flat без изменений (Gold's flat at $1,903.)
20.10.2020 1:13:18 idiom. play ball работать сообща ("It might pay you to play ball with me. It might be a good idea. It might pay you to keep your nose clean." "How much might it pay me?" I asked. "It might pay you in time and health." (Raymond Chandler))
20.10.2020 1:12:52 idiom. play ball действовать сообща ("It might pay you to play ball with me. It might be a good idea. It might pay you to keep your nose clean." "How much might it pay me?" I asked. "It might pay you in time and health." (Raymond Chandler))
20.10.2020 1:12:35 idiom. play ball вести дела по честному, без обмана ("It might pay you to play ball with me. It might be a good idea. It might pay you to keep your nose clean." "How much might it pay me?" I asked. "It might pay you in time and health." (Raymond Chandler))
20.10.2020 0:36:16 gen. just at the moment именно сейчас (He flushed and his eyes glittered. "On the other hand," he said, "just at the moment I might have a use for you. It might pay you to play ball with me. It might be a good idea. It might pay you to keep your nose clean." (Raymond Chandler) – именно сейчас ты мог бы мне пригодиться )
19.10.2020 7:50:58 idiom. give someone a song and dance морочить голову ("I guess now we can do some business together." "Not that way," I said. "Huh?" He bent his eyebrows together. (...) "Having stray broads call me up and give me a song and dance so you can say they said they recognized my voice somewhere sometime." (Raymond Chandler))
19.10.2020 6:23:07 gen. through no fault of my own не по моей вине
19.10.2020 6:22:44 gen. through no fault of mine не по моей вине ("And as for me minding my own business and not minding yours," I said, "it might be that my business and your business would get a little mixed up together. Through no fault of mine." "It better not," Morny said. (Raymond Chandler))
19.10.2020 6:17:36 sarcast. is that so? Неужели?
19.10.2020 5:52:15 gen. is that it? так? ("And let me get another thing straight," I said. "You don't mind your wife playing around, but you don't want her playing with somebody named Vannier. Is that it?" (Raymond Chandler))
19.10.2020 5:49:32 euph. play around развлекаться на стороне (о замужней женщине: "And let me get another thing straight," I said. "You don't mind your wife playing around, but you don't want her playing with somebody named Vannier. Is that it?" (Raymond Chandler))
19.10.2020 5:43:48 crim.jarg. sap оглушить дубинкой (до потери сознания: to knock out with a sap: "Why was he killed and how?" "He was sapped and shot in his apartment. We don't know why he was killed. If we knew that, we would likely know who killed him. It seems to be that kind of a situation." (Raymond Chandler))
19.10.2020 5:36:25 idiom. run like a jackrabbit удирать как заяц (Sharon in Massachusetts told Richard about a time in early 1960s when she was seven years old and encountered a stranger waiting in his car near where she had emerged from the woods. Sharon described the stranger as handsome, dressed in a suit, and sitting in a Chevy bubble car. The stranger told her he had been asked to pick her up and bring her home, and when that ploy did not work to get Sharon in the car, he offered her candy. "He jumped out the driver's door, ran around the front of the car, I threw my books and I ran like a jackrabbit," Sharon recalled. Later, she discovered that man was a young Ted Bundy. coasttocoastam.com)
19.10.2020 1:19:33 house. coil burner рапидная электроконфорка (для керамических плит)
19.10.2020 0:23:11 gov. issue a fine оштрафовать (Fine issued after protected bald eagle perch cut down: An arborist and contractor have been fined $1,000 each by the District of West Vancouver after cutting down a protected bald eagle tree perch at a waterfront property overlooking Stearman Beach. The arborist ruffled the feathers of both council and community members when the Grand fir tree's branches, frequently used by two bald eagles, were pruned without approval Aug.10. castanet.net)
19.10.2020 0:21:50 news slap with a fine оштрафовать (Woman with Down syndrome slapped with $223 fine for not topping up myki card: The mother of a Melbourne woman with Down syndrome who was slapped with a $223 fine for not topping up her myki card has called the incident “despicable”. com.au)
19.10.2020 0:17:15 gov. city-wide в административных границах города (Raking or blowing leaves onto the street is a fineable offence under the Street and Traffic By-Law (up to $10K) in the city of Vancouver. Leaves that don't fit in your Green Bin are collected city-wide on a series of weekends.)
19.10.2020 0:17:05 gov. city-wide в пределах города (Raking or blowing leaves onto the street is a fineable offence under the Street and Traffic By-Law (up to $10K) in the city of Vancouver. Leaves that don't fit in your Green Bin are collected city-wide on a series of weekends.)
19.10.2020 0:14:05 law fineable offence нарушение, караемое штрафом (Raking or blowing leaves onto the street is a fineable offence under the Street and Traffic By-Law (up to $10K) in the city of Vancouver. )
19.10.2020 0:14:05 law fineable offence нарушение, за которое предусмотрен штраф (Raking or blowing leaves onto the street is a fineable offence under the Street and Traffic By-Law (up to $10K) in the city of Vancouver. )
18.10.2020 10:17:27 trav. historic city старинный город (Ув. Александр, "старый город" (старые кварталы) типа Гамла-стана или Старой Ниццы обычно переводится как Old Town/Vieille Ville или по названию города (Old Nice): Nelson is a historic West Kootenay city of about 10,000 people.)
18.10.2020 10:00:28 inf. make a racket поднять галдёж (These birds are named "Noisy Betty" birds, and man, do they deserve that title – when they get going they make an amazing racket! – как заведутся, поднимают страшный галдёж • "You don't shoot somebody and then make a lot of racket calling attention to yourself, and all the time you have the gun under your pillow." (Raymond Chandler))
18.10.2020 9:55:12 inf. be on the cagey side осторожничать ("You gave Passmore a phony card and talked about jewelry." I nodded. "With people like Passmore and apartment houses like that one, it pays to be a little on the cagey side." (Raymond Chandler))
18.10.2020 9:39:11 inf. get tough грубить (часто в контексте: "не стоит ссориться, лезть в бутылку": "Look, don't get tough." • "We didn't come here to get tough, Marlowe." "That's fine," I said. "So you prowl my apartment and handle my property without asking my permission. What do you do when you get tough – knock me down and kick me in the face?" (Raymond Chandler)))
18.10.2020 7:11:06 gen. Now's the time to Пришла пора ("Summer is here. Now's the time to get outside and enjoy that outdoor space you call your own, whether it's a balcony retreat, a backyard oasis or a deck off the dining room." (Mary Beth Roberts))
18.10.2020 7:08:52 fig. hit hard times настали трудные времена (The family recently hit hard times. Reluctantly, they decided it was time to sell their 130-year-old Queen Anne Revival mansion. Redevelopment seemed inevitable. Then serendipity knocked on the door. A local entrepreneur bought the heritage building and turned it into an upscale boutique hotel which has since attracted guests from as far as Japan, Vanuatu, Surinam and Botswana.)
18.10.2020 7:06:15 fig. serendipity knocked on the door благодаря счастливому случаю (The family recently hit hard times. Reluctantly, they decided it was time to sell their 130-year-old Queen Anne Revival mansion. Redevelopment seemed inevitable. Then serendipity knocked on the door. A local entrepreneur bought the heritage building and turned it into an upscale boutique hotel which has since attracted guests from as far as South Korea, New Zealand and Chile.)
18.10.2020 6:13:09 lit. through the years все эти годы (For almost 100 years, the stately three-storey building on Granville Street has been home to the Woodward Club. Through the years, it has been the beloved gathering place for local business people and intellectuals.)
18.10.2020 6:12:56 lit. through the years всё это время (For almost 100 years, the stately three-storey building on Granville Street has been home to the Woodward Club. Through the years, it has been the beloved gathering place for local business people and intellectuals.)
18.10.2020 6:05:32 formal untoward предосудительный (I trust nothing untoward has happened between the young people?)
18.10.2020 6:02:48 gen. home to где расположен | располагается | размещается (Nearby to Slug Cove, by way of a walking trail, is Artisan Village, which is home to numerous galleries, artistic studios, specialty boutiques, funky cafes and pot shops. • For almost 100 years, the stately three-storey building on West 10th Avenue has been home to the Collingwood Club, an elite gathering place for business people and intellectuals.)
18.10.2020 5:55:15 gen. be home to водиться (о рыбе: Deer Lake is stocked with rainbow trout and is home to some very large carp.)
18.10.2020 5:49:38 gen. stately внушительного вида (the stately three-storey building at the corner of Abbott and Powell)
18.10.2020 5:43:55 inf. get tough ссориться (часто в контексте: "не стоит ссориться": "We didn't come here to get tough, Marlowe." "That's fine," I said. "So you prowl my apartment and handle my property without asking my permission. What do you do when you get tough – knock me down and kick me in the face?" (Raymond Chandler))
18.10.2020 4:54:10 gen. I got a weird feeling мне было не по себе (Spencer in Charlotte, North Carolina, shared another haunted doll story. The dolls in question came from a trip to Goodwill, where Spencer's sister found a Mystery Machine toy with Scooby Doo characters inside. "I can't tell you why but I always got a weird feeling from it," he said. Spencer reported hearing scurrying sounds at night and finding furniture rearranged. One night his sister started screaming after seeing outlines of the characters' shadows on the hallway wall. Spencer himself witnessed a little brown dog run past his door, which he recalled was odd since his family did not have a dog. – мне всегда было не по себе coasttocoastam.com)
18.10.2020 4:47:48 electric. switch on the light включить свет (Daryl from Rio Rico, Arizona, phoned into the 'Haunted Doll' hotline. He recounted living in a duplex with his mom and siblings in San Jose in the early 1960s when his mother's boyfriend brought them a doll he had gotten from a carnival. The doll was three feet tall, with dark hair, and its eyes closed when it reclined, Daryl remembered. "It kind of freaked me and my sister out... I had to turn the doll around so its face was against the wall and my sister would put it in the closet," he said. One night the siblings were in their room when the bathroom light switched on and something started opening drawers and making noise. The doll appeared in their bedroom doorway wearing curlers in its hair, Daryl claimed. "We don't know what happened to the doll, it ended up disappearing somewhere," he admitted. – зажёгся / включился свет в ванной)
18.10.2020 4:43:52 idiom. run like a jackrabbit бежать как заяц (Sharon in Massachusetts told Richard about a time in early 1960s when she was seven years old and encountered a stranger waiting in his car near where she had emerged from the woods. Sharon described the stranger as handsome, dressed in a suit, and sitting in a Chevy bubble car. The stranger told her he had been asked to pick her up and bring her home, and when that ploy did not work to get Sharon in the car, he offered her candy. "He jumped out the driver's door, ran around the front of the car, I threw my books and I ran like a jackrabbit," Sharon recalled. Later, she discovered that man was a young Ted Bundy. coasttocoastam.com)
18.10.2020 4:38:03 gen. yell for help звать на помощь (Another curious stranger story involved a man in a brown suit who stopped to help Gail and her brother after he got his foot caught in the spokes of the bike they were riding together and tumbled over. As they were yelling for help, a grandfatherly man stopped and asked if they needed assistance. Gail did not actually see the man help her brother out of his painful situation but he got free from the bike nonetheless, Harold explained. When she went to thank the older man he was nowhere to be found. Forty years later, that same grandfatherly man stopped to help Gail out of another difficult circumstance. The man had not aged a day, Gail does not remember him helping directly but the situation was fixed, and he once again vanished before she could thank him, Harold revealed. coasttocoastam.com)
18.10.2020 4:29:22 gen. nose like a hunting dog нюх как у охотничьей собаки (Don't smoke pot in here. My mother-in-law has a nose like a hunting dog. Let's stroll down the block a bit.)
17.10.2020 9:47:50 inf. rough-house хулиганство ('The carroty man said: "You heard me, Mr Hench. Dim that radio and stop the rough-house in here. And make it sudden." (Raymond Chandler) – прекратите это хулиганство)
17.10.2020 9:45:44 inf. rough-house безобразие ('The carroty man said: "You heard me, Mr Hench. Dim that radio and stop the rough-house in here. And make it sudden." (Raymond Chandler) – прекратите это безобразие)
17.10.2020 9:35:13 gen. arrange matters всё устроить ("Come back with your money. The coin may or may not be here, but if I am satisfied with your behaviour, I will arrange matters." (Raymond Chandler) – я всё устрою)
17.10.2020 6:25:29 idiom. take something with a grain of salt проявлять здоровый скептицизм (Capsaicin's effects on cancer in humans has not yet been studied, so it's wise to take this information with a grain of salt.)
17.10.2020 4:46:30 gen. medicinal properties целебные свойства (Garlic contains compounds with potent medicinal properties. It is well known for its amazing medicinal properties.)
17.10.2020 4:25:41 slang hit the hooch напиваться ('Breeze said: "Hitting the hooch like you birds been and having a gun under the pillow sooner or later somebody was going to get shot. You ought to know that." ' (Raymond Chandler))
17.10.2020 4:22:11 idiom. drink hard напиваться (He was drinking hard every day. – Он напивался каждый день.)
16.10.2020 7:34:52 fig. become conscious of danger почуять опасность ("It was some days before his death that he had become conscious of some danger, according to his widow." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
16.10.2020 7:34:38 fig. become conscious of почуять ("It was some days before his death that he had become conscious of some danger, according to his widow." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
16.10.2020 7:30:42 gen. pre-teen почти достигший подросткового возраста (Our daughter is now a pre-teen and is interested in a variety of sports, fashion, reading and cooking. – Наша дочь уже почти достигла подросткового возраста)
16.10.2020 7:25:11 gen. have a word потолковать (That Audi first speeded past a fully marked police car. When I drove by a few minutes later, it looked like the cop was having a word with the Audi driver. – о чём-то толковал с водителем)
16.10.2020 7:25:11 gen. have a word толковать (That Audi first speeded past a fully marked police car. When I drove by a few minutes later, it looked like the cop was having a word with the Audi driver. – о чём-то толковал с водителем)
16.10.2020 7:15:35 law affix one's signature поставить подпись (to something – под документом: The attorney affixed his signature to each of the documents. )
16.10.2020 7:12:20 fin. sign on the dotted line поставить подпись (on a contract or cheque: Read the fine print before you sign on that dotted line.)
16.10.2020 7:03:01 gen. we're going to see посмотрим ("Will he have a place in your administration?" "We're going to see." (Donald Trump))
16.10.2020 6:37:15 gram. got a new paint job покрасили (The 47 year old Vista Tower gets a new paint job! Looks great with the new windows! Bravo! – покрасили)
16.10.2020 6:32:57 gen. make a huge donation пожертвовать огромную сумму (The twin brothers have just make a huge donation – $1.5 million to be exact – to help build a new Children's Hospital.)
16.10.2020 5:38:01 law, ADR principal хозяин (главное лицо в сделке: How much will your principal pay for this shipment?)
16.10.2020 5:28:09 sarcast. work around ковыряться ('He stuck his little finger in his ear and worked it around and brought it out with a little dark wax on it. He wiped it off casually on his coat.' (Raymond Chandler))

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