
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

17.11.2020 8:21:58 social.sc. social and political problem общественно-политическая проблема (source: a UK publication)
17.11.2020 8:18:35 gen. get sb. into a trade program направить на обучение по рабочей специальности (Before the recession we had this push to get kids into trade programs because of the labour shortage in this province.)
17.11.2020 8:14:44 gen. get свалить (о болезни: The bug has got him, he's flat on his back.)
17.11.2020 8:13:58 inf. get получить срок (What do you think he would get? – Как вы думаете, сколько ему дадут?)
17.11.2020 8:13:24 gen. got попался (someone: They got him. – Он попался.)
17.11.2020 8:11:47 gen. the most important differences are as follows основные отличия состоят, заключаются в следующем (The most important differences between American and British speech are as follows: ...)
16.11.2020 0:33:14 traf.contr. driving conditions погодные условия на трассе (very poor driving conditions on those routes due to heavy snow and high winds – крайне неблагоприятные погодные условия на этих трассах)
16.11.2020 0:04:09 idiom. piece of cheese "липа" ("The American lawyer went home with the fingerprints and some kind of document which was a piece of cheese." (Raymond Chandler))
16.11.2020 0:04:09 idiom. piece of cheese липовый документ ("The American lawyer went home with the fingerprints and some kind of document which was a piece of cheese." (Raymond Chandler))
15.11.2020 8:45:06 idiom. play for a sucker оставить в дураках ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler))
15.11.2020 8:45:06 idiom. play for a sucker одурачить ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler))
15.11.2020 8:45:06 idiom. play for a sucker надуть ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler))
15.11.2020 8:45:06 idiom. play for a sucker водить за нос ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler))
15.11.2020 8:36:05 inf. make it stick оставить за собой последнее слово ("Because those boys have to make it stick. If they take the trouble to tell you to lay off, you lay off. If you don't and they let you get away with it they look weak. The hard boys that run the business, the big wheels, the board of directors, don't have any use for weak people. They're dangerous." (Raymond Chandler) – последнее слово остаётся за ними)
15.11.2020 8:30:54 inf. straight guy честный мужик ("We're pals with the Sheriff. We think he's a straight guy. We don't blame him because he can't stop guys like Menendez. Nobody can stop gambling as long as it's legal in all forms in some places and legal in some forms in all places." (Raymond Chandler))
15.11.2020 8:20:18 gen. get through the winter пережить зиму (People who are already struggling to make a living may find it a little harder to get through the winter.)
15.11.2020 8:14:30 fig. get around обойти (a law, etc.: Suddenly I'm getting gouged by the parking fee because my landlord is cooking up ways to get around the rent freeze during the pandemic!)
15.11.2020 8:04:06 gen. tightly packed плотно упакованный (= packed tight (informal))
15.11.2020 8:04:06 gen. tightly packed туго набитый (= packed tight (informal))
15.11.2020 7:59:12 idiom. stop short неожиданно остановиться (stop suddenly)
15.11.2020 7:59:12 idiom. stop short резко остановиться (stop suddenly)
15.11.2020 7:55:37 emerg.care be fatally injured получить травмы, несовместимые с жизнью (The child was fatally injured in the crash.)
15.11.2020 7:53:09 gen. not a bit tired нисколько не устал ("You want to sit down and rest?" "I'm not a bit tired. Let's keep going.")
15.11.2020 7:53:00 gen. not a bit tired совсем не устал ("You want to sit down and rest?" "I'm not a bit tired. Let's keep going.")
15.11.2020 7:52:49 gen. not a bit tired ничуть не устал ("You want to sit down and rest?" "I'm not a bit tired. Let's keep going.")
15.11.2020 7:31:19 gen. have great respect очень уважать (for: I have great respect for your father / his environmental work.)
15.11.2020 5:03:15 gen. pick up нормализоваться (Those orphans who were transferred to loving homes early in life picked up and had equal IQ's and mental health comparable to normal children's in normal families.)
15.11.2020 5:02:27 gen. pick up войти в привычное, нормальное русло ("Until airline traffic picks up, much of the non-aviation revenue that airports rely upon – especially concessions and parking – won't come back." (BC Business Magazine))
15.11.2020 4:57:17 gen. pick up почерпнуть (pick up some experience (from) – почерпнуть опыта (у кого-либо); pick up some knowledge (from) – почерпнуть знаний (у кого-либо))
15.11.2020 4:53:09 gen. have a fairly profound impact on оказать значительное воздействие на (Increased pre-departure times adopted by the ICAO are expected to have a have a fairly profound impact on the flying experience.)
15.11.2020 4:44:48 gen. push off into the future отложить на будущее (The board of directors might take a look at some of those expensive projects and push them off into the future, because the growth projections are simply not there.)
15.11.2020 4:41:27 avia. pre-departure time время перед вылетом (In early June 2020, the ICAO adopted new guidelines that are likely to add up to two hours of pre-departure time for passengers at some airports.)
15.11.2020 4:29:52 busin. skinny margins низкая рентабельность (To be frank, it's a chaotic business, and the margins are skinny.)
15.11.2020 4:29:52 busin. skinny margins низкая прибыль (To be frank, it's a chaotic business, and the margins are skinny.)
15.11.2020 4:02:04 confect. top украшать сверху (To serve, slice cake in half and fill with half the whipped cream. Top with remaining whipped cream and strawberries.)
15.11.2020 4:01:48 inf. top переплюнуть (What a bizarre story... Let's see if you can top that one.)
15.11.2020 4:01:14 media. top самый влиятельный (John Gotti was accurately called New York's top organized-crime boss.)
15.11.2020 4:00:58 fig. top вершинный (вершинные достижения – top achievements)
15.11.2020 3:58:48 fig. top перевалить за (In 2019, traffic at Victoria International Airport (YYJ) topped 1.9 million passengers. But one year later it ground to a halt.)
15.11.2020 3:45:53 fig. challenging time сложное время (COVID has forced companies to take a huge step back, and massive lay-offs are a direct result of it. It is quite a challenging time to live in. – Мы живём в сложное время.)
15.11.2020 3:11:53 idiom. took a beating досталось (The company took a beating on social media for its controversial decision.)
15.11.2020 3:04:41 idiom. take a beating пострадать (about someone's reputation, credibility, etc.: Premier's credibility took a beating last week after more wiretap revelations.)
15.11.2020 3:04:18 idiom. take a beating потерять в цене (Shares of Alcoa took a beating after this news. – акции потеряли в цене)
15.11.2020 1:00:29 arts. chalks мелки (детские, для рисования: What if...every child in West Yorkshire was given a pack of chalks ahead of the First Mayoral Elections in May. Asked to play where they live, and to draw their dreams & ideas for candidates to listen to and involve in their actions once Mayors? (Twitter))
15.11.2020 1:00:06 inf. two-bit мелкий (A day after a deadly car bombing, President Bush said Thursday that two-bit terrorists would not stop him from visiting Peru or thwart his goal of building better ties throughout Latin America.)
27.05.2024 9:53:39 inf. sock in the eye дать в глаз ("Phillips made a pass at Hench's girl. That was day before yesterday, out in the hall. Hench was in the room and he saw it, but Phillips got into his apartment and shut the door before Hench could get out. But Hench was sore. He socked the girl in the eye. But that didn't satisfy him." (Raymond Chandler))
14.11.2020 8:04:32 gen. give sb. a punch in the eye дать в глаз ("Well, a Wooster can put up with a punch in the eye for the sake of a friend." (P.G.Wodehouse))
12.11.2020 6:43:56 gen. eat well правильно питаться (You can eat well and exercise under supervision at the Scruffy Joe's Guest Ranch.)
12.11.2020 6:43:11 formal keep a proper diet правильно питаться (It is important to keep a proper diet during the pandemic.)
12.11.2020 6:42:51 inf. eat healthy правильно питаться (Is it getting too costly to eat healthy in Canada?)
12.11.2020 6:40:53 gen. bleak outlook невесёлая перспектива (также "перспективы": The outlook is bleak for BC's lucrative tourism industry.)
12.11.2020 3:40:06 gen. shop ходить за продуктами (куда-либо: I live a couple of blocks from Whole Foods in Kitsilano. I have shopped there regularly for 18yr. I won't be shopping there again until #wholefoodspoppyban is reversed. (Twitter))
11.11.2020 23:55:32 inf. snap up хватать (The stock changes constantly, so if you see something you like, snap it up! – хватайте!)
11.11.2020 23:53:33 inf. pretty good порядочно (Off we went, straight into 50 km an hour winds. Now I don't normally have a fear of flying, but the fact that my pilot was a young, attractive woman was the only thing that kept me from screaming like, well, a young, attractive woman. We got tossed around pretty good, but managed to circle the steaming volcano a few times before heading back to the airport. – нас порядочно потрепало)
11.11.2020 23:52:08 formal of good character порядочный (""(...) there are eight servants, and all of good character." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
11.11.2020 9:33:13 inf. blink out исчезнуть (на глазах у свидетелей: Clyde Shaw, however – who had an MIB encounter after seeing a "Flying Triangle"-type UFO late one September 1989 night in Phoenix, Arizona – had a fascinating story to tell that revolves around invisibility. Shaw swore that he saw his unwelcome visitor "become blurred" on the doorstep – kind of like in a heat haze – for a couple of seconds and then blinked out completely. (...) Does that mean the MIB have "invisibility cloaks"? Maybe they do. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.11.2020 9:28:02 gen. be gone исчезнуть (I knew when the demolition crew left that day that any tangible evidence of my family and all the other families that lived within the walls of the beautiful character house over the past 112 years would be gone. – исчезнут)
11.11.2020 8:19:19 ufol. hop into another dimension переместиться в другое измерение (There are, at the very least, a couple of dozen cases in which the MIB – after threatening their victims – vanished incredibly quickly. We might say "impossibly quickly." When the threat is delivered, and the UFO witness is in a state of terror, the MIB exit the front-door of the poor person's home and…they're gone. Some witnesses to the MIB have speculated that their dark-suited visitor(s) hopped into another dimension – hence the reason why they were never caught. mysteriousuniverse.org)
11.11.2020 7:01:40 gen. eerie жутковатый (the eerie realism of Weimar Germany's art)
11.11.2020 6:59:35 ufol. cloak one's appearance становиться невидимым (We'll begin with nothing less than the world's most famous monster: Bigfoot, what else? Yep, that's right: there are eerie stories of the Bigfoot creatures having the bizarre ability to cloak their appearances – and to the point where they literally cannot be seen. mysteriousuniverse.org)
10.11.2020 10:03:35 cinema lounge вестибюль кинотеатра (также a lounge area: an escalator taking you to a spacious lounge area where a confection bar awaits you)
10.11.2020 8:20:32 idiom. no bargain не подарок (***это не слэнг и внешность здесь не при чём, речь идёт о характере***: "I'm sorry. I'm a tired and disappointed woman. Please be kind to me. I'm no bargain to anyone." (Raymond Chandler))
10.11.2020 7:32:01 gen. struggle down to дотащиться до ("I've got a nice quiet place here. Dead-end street, no near neighbors." "The implication does not attract me--if I understand you." "Nobody understands me, Mrs. Loring. I'm enigmatic. Okay, I'll struggle down to the coop." "Thank you so much." She hung up. (Raymond Chandler) – Ладно, дотащусь как-нибудь до своей конторы.)
10.11.2020 7:23:50 idiom. talk at cross purposes говорить о разных вещах ("Excuse me, Dr. Armstrong, I think we are a little at cross-purposes," said my friend, with dignity. • A flush of vexation passed over her expressive face. "We have been talking at cross purposes," said she. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • "There's always another woman," she said quietly. "At some time or other. It's not necessarily fatal. We're talking at cross purposes, aren't we? We are not even talking about the same thing, perhaps." (Raymond Chandler))
10.11.2020 7:23:50 idiom. talk at cross purposes разговаривать, не понимая друг друга ("Excuse me, Dr. Armstrong, I think we are a little at cross-purposes," said my friend, with dignity. • A flush of vexation passed over her expressive face. "We have been talking at cross purposes," said she. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • "There's always another woman," she said quietly. "At some time or other. It's not necessarily fatal. We're talking at cross purposes, aren't we? We are not even talking about the same thing, perhaps." (Raymond Chandler))
10.11.2020 7:20:53 idiom. at cross-purposes не понимая друг друга (говорить: "Excuse me, Dr. Armstrong, I think we are a little at cross-purposes," said my friend, with dignity. • A flush of vexation passed over her expressive face. "We have been talking at cross purposes," said she. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) • "There's always another woman," she said quietly. "At some time or other. It's not necessarily fatal. We're talking at cross purposes, aren't we? We are not even talking about the same thing, perhaps." (Raymond Chandler))
10.11.2020 7:02:34 contempt. tough boy храбрец (There was a gleam in his eye. "Just don't come round any more, tough boy." "I'm leaving." (Raymond Chandler))
10.11.2020 6:58:02 idiom. in no time at all почти сразу же (He turned and went out. In no time at all he was back with a silver tray and a small silver pot of coffee on it and sugar and cream and a neat triangular napkin. (Raymond Chandler))
10.11.2020 6:50:13 med. knee injury травма колена (In 2012, a knee injury which required x-rays revealed mysterious implants in his leg that he described as looking like a computer chip with two wires attached to it (related images). It was buried 2.5 inches deep into his thigh with no sign of a corresponding scar where it had entered his leg. coasttocoastam.com)
10.11.2020 6:41:29 ufol. sit motionless неподвижно застыть (He reported watching what appeared to be a triangular constellation of lights which sat motionless in the sky some distance away. "Then it moves, and it turns about almost a full rotation... it moves up into the sky," Lovelace recalled. The forest fell eerily silent, and the two men experienced a feeling of calm mixed with apathy, he explained. coasttocoastam.com)
10.11.2020 6:32:45 ufol. constellation of lights скопление светящихся объектов (в небе: According to Lovelace, he and his friend Tobias were wilderness camping in a restricted area of Devil's Den State Park where they had hoped to photograph eagles when their nightmare unfolded. He reported watching what appeared to be a triangular constellation of lights which sat motionless in the sky some distance away. "Then it moves, and it turns about almost a full rotation... it moves up into the sky," Lovelace recalled. coasttocoastam.com)
10.11.2020 6:27:50 ufol. alien abduction experience похищение инопланетянами (Retired lawyer and former assistant attorney general, Terry Lovelace, shared details of his 1977 alien abduction experience. According to Lovelace, he and his friend Tobias were wilderness camping in a restricted area of Devil's Den State Park where they had hoped to photograph eagles when their nightmare unfolded. coasttocoastam.com)
9.11.2020 8:48:57 inf. brass начальство (обязательно с the: "I'll call you. I have to check with the brass." (Raymond Chandler) – Я тебе позвоню. Я должен связаться с начальством по этому вопросу.)
9.11.2020 8:44:19 inf. brass верхушка (руководство организации: the RCMP brass)
9.11.2020 8:42:02 inf. ease up on the brake отпустить тормоз (He struggled with the batch of yellow paper under his arm, got it straightened out, and nodded to me. I watched him heave open the door and go on in. I eased up on the brake and the Olds slid out from the white curb, and that was the last I saw of Howard Spencer. (Raymond Chandler))
9.11.2020 6:28:19 gen. say on the stand показать под присягой (выступление в суде: "What I'm talking about is a situation. Nobody to answer the door but you, and she said on the stand she didn't know you were there." (Raymond Chandler))
9.11.2020 1:42:05 gen. cart around возить на тележке (грузы: Yikes. Looks like an open air bike chop shop in Vancouver City Hall parking lot on 10th. Guy carting around bike frames, tools, etc. (Twitter) )
8.11.2020 10:30:40 ammo cartridge патрон (I put my shirt and tie back on and reached for my jacket and the gun in the pocket banged against the wall. I took it out and swung the cylinder away from the frame and tipped the cartridges into my hand, five full, one just a blackened shell. (Raymond Chandler))
8.11.2020 10:23:12 gen. pour a glass of water from a thermos jug налить стакан воды из термоса ("In the drawer. Night table." I opened it and found a plastic bottle with red capsules in it. Seconal, 1½ grains. Prescription by Dr. Loring. That nice Dr. Loring. Mrs. Roger Wade's prescription. I shook two of them loose and put the bottle back and poured a glass of water from a thermos jug on the night table. He said one capsule would be enough. (Raymond Chandler))
8.11.2020 10:17:43 gen. not have a lot of flavour безвкусный (Supermarket vegetables don't have a lot of flavour, so we grow our own tomatoes and cukes.)
8.11.2020 10:11:52 idiom. get out of line забываться ("What's your name, cholo?" "Take your hand off me," he snapped. "And don't call me a cholo. I'm no wetback. My name is Juan Garcia de Soto yo Soto-mayor. I am Chileno." "Okay, Don Juan. Just don't get out of line around here. Keep your nose and mouth clean when you talk about the people you work for." (Raymond Chandler) – Не забывайся / Не позволяй себе лишнего)
8.11.2020 8:27:37 idiom. be out of line далеко зайти (в своём поведении: Roger Wade seemed to have enough control to handle himself if he really wanted to. He had done all right with Loring. I wouldn't have been too surprised if he had hung one on Loring's sharp little chin. He would have been out of line by the rules, but Loring was much farther out of line. (Raymond Chandler))
8.11.2020 8:27:15 idiom. be out of line позволить себе лишнее (в своём поведении: Sorry, I was out of line. – Извини, я позволил себе сказать лишнее / сболтнул лишнее.)
8.11.2020 8:24:09 fin. cut into one's profits отразиться на прибыли ("Maybe the head man thinks his hands are clean but somewhere along the line guys got pushed to the wall, nice little businesses got the ground cut from under them and had to sell out for nickels, decent people lost their jobs, stocks got rigged on the market, proxies got bought up like a pennyweight of old gold, and the five per centers and the big law firms got paid hundred-grand fees for beating some law the people wanted but the rich guys didn't, on account of it cut into their profits. Big money is big power and big power gets used wrong. It's the system." (Raymond Chandler))
8.11.2020 8:18:53 sarcast. polished service культурное обслуживание (в ресторане, магазине: I went over to a corn-beef joint on Flower. It suited my mood. A rude sign over the entrance said: "Men Only. Dogs and Women Not Admitted." The service inside was equally polished. The waiter who tossed your food at you needed a shave and deducted his tip without being invited. The food was simple but very good and they had a brown Swedish beer which could hit as hard as a martini. (Raymond Chandler))
8.11.2020 7:56:37 inf. skip around объехать (место аварии: Highway 17 is closed between Green Hills and Beaverbrook Road due to an accident, you can take the Hazelton exit to skip around the crash.)
8.11.2020 7:55:05 auto. swerve around объезжать (препятствие на дороге: There's a giant puddle at Gilmore and Dawson, people are swerving around that.)
8.11.2020 7:54:54 auto. swerve around объехать (препятствие на дороге: There's a giant puddle at Gilmore and Dawson, people are swerving around that.)
8.11.2020 7:51:21 gen. growl урчание (the growl in your stomach – урчание в животе)
8.11.2020 0:52:53 gen. growl at зарычать на (Gary in British Columbia recounted a Bigfoot encounter his friend had when they were in Grade 5. According to Gary, his friend Mark asked to borrow his baseball mitt for PE class but it was lunch time and Mark lived close, so Gary told him to run home and get his own glove. (...) When Mark arrived back to school he was as white as a ghost, Gary remembered. Mark described smelling rotten meat, seeing something big washing his hands in the creek, then standing (8-ft tall) and growling at him, Gary reported. coasttocoastam.com)
7.11.2020 23:05:41 gen. surviving дошедший до нас (the earliest surviving examples of this art)
7.11.2020 0:43:21 empl. day job основная работа (в течение дня – *НЕ специальность и НЕ профессия, Евгений, а именно та работа, которая приносит основной доход: a person's regular job and main source of income, typically as contrasted with a more enjoyable occupation or hobby: Forensic psychologist by day, novelist by night, Ellery Kane has been writing stories often inspired by her day job – interviewing and evaluating murderers behind prison walls. In the latter half, she revealed what drives people to commit murder, and what happens to them while incarcerated. coasttocoastam.com)
7.11.2020 0:42:59 empl. regular job основная работа (Note to Anglophile: A regular job (9 to 5 as opposed to after-hours self-employment activities) is not the same as a steady job.)
7.11.2020 0:38:49 empl. day job основной источник дохода (в течение дня – *НЕ специальность и НЕ профессия, а именно та работа, которая приносит основной доход: a person's regular job and main source of income, typically as contrasted with a more enjoyable occupation or hobby)
6.11.2020 7:06:48 gen. set a Guinness World Record установить рекорд, зарегистрированный в "Книге рекордов Гиннесса" ("Following his time in the service, his love of radio led him to working as a disc jockey for an English-language station in Japan where he set a Guinness World Record for broadcasting an astounding 116 hours straight." (Coast to Coast AM))
6.11.2020 7:05:04 intell. rig установить (To field test the operation, the pub was rigged with hidden cameras and microphones were planted in all tables. – в зале были установлены скрытые видеокамеры)
6.11.2020 6:45:19 construct. raise установить (нечто высокое: A 30-metre-high Kwakiutl totem-pole was raised in front of the new Maritime Museum in 1958 in honour of the centennial of the founding of the colony of British Columbia. – был установлен)
6.11.2020 6:41:03 seism. rock раскачиваться (Buildings rocked and pictures swung but no damage was reported. – Здания раскачивались)
6.11.2020 6:37:25 market. plenty of ... to choose from большой выбор (There are plenty of great homes to choose from.)
6.11.2020 6:32:15 idiom. hold a grudge обижаться (He doesn't appear to hold any grudges. – Похоже, он не обижается.)

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