
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

24.11.2020 11:53:21 gen. festive lights рождественская иллюминация (на фасадах домов, на деревьях)
24.11.2020 11:49:31 fig. strike отвергнуть (предложение: A motion that would have seen a curfew imposed on Christmas lights, requiring them to be turned off at 11 p.m., was met with swift backlash. At Monday night's meeting Coun. Jim Hanson welcomed the decision to strike the proposal. "There is no public support for the idea of regulating people's usage of Christmas lights," he said. citynews1130.com)
24.11.2020 8:46:57 contempt. layabout лентяй (Are we a nation of layabouts? • Folks blocking rush-hour traffic, building bonfires in the middle of the street, demanding fossil fuels be banned – the usual layabouts.)
24.11.2020 4:02:07 econ. second-fastest growing занимающий второе место по темпам роста (Vancouver is the second-fastest growing tech market in Canada and with over 10,000 cybersecurity professionals in this world class city.)
24.11.2020 3:57:42 formal look to be на вид представлять собой (The sighting was approximately 7NM to the NE of Manchester Airport (around Ashton) and looked to be a large drone probably weighing at least 10kg. It narrowly missed the nose/windscreen of the aircraft. org.uk)
24.11.2020 3:57:42 formal look to be по виду являться (The sighting was approximately 7NM to the NE of Manchester Airport (around Ashton) and looked to be a large drone probably weighing at least 10kg. It narrowly missed the nose/windscreen of the aircraft. org.uk)
24.11.2020 3:44:24 formal narrowly miss едва избежать столкновения (The sighting was approximately 7NM to the NE of Manchester Airport (around Ashton) and looked to be a large drone probably weighing at least 10kg. It narrowly missed the nose/windscreen of the aircraft. org.uk)
24.11.2020 3:41:26 formal report straight away незамедлительно доложить (The object appeared without warning and there was no time to act. The matter was reported straight away, and a normal landing conducted. – О происшествии было незамедлительно доложено. org.uk)
24.11.2020 3:26:35 gen. somehow connected with каким-то образом связанный с (Fortunately, the ten-to-12-foot tall rectangular metal object was not dangerous, though it was undoubtedly mysterious. The team observed that it did not appear to have fallen from the sky and, instead, was likely planted in the ground. As for its purpose, they initially suspected that perhaps it was somehow connected with NASA, maybe as a means of contacting satellites, but ultimately concluded that it appeared more likely to be some kind of artwork rather than a scientific instrument. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 3:21:24 gen. planted вкопанный (в отличие от "закопанный" – buried (целиком): Fortunately, the ten-to-12-foot tall rectangular metal object was not dangerous, though it was undoubtedly mysterious. The team observed that it did not appear to have fallen from the sky and, instead, was likely planted in the ground. – вкопан в землю coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 3:03:02 gen. check with выяснить (что-либо у кого-либо: Good question. Will check with the author of the report and get back to you. – выясню у автора)
24.11.2020 3:02:48 gen. became clear выяснилось (When we first approached Jean-Paul about including his collection in our annual chefs issue, it quickly became clear he wasn't interested. – быстро выяснилось)
24.11.2020 3:00:09 gen. come to be known выясниться (It remains to be seen whether or not the nature of the odd object will ever come to be known or if it will simply vanish as quickly as it appeared with the meaning behind the monolith forever a mystery. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 2:31:42 idiom. make a run for it уносить ноги (Understandably curious about the object, the team proceeded to land the helicopter and investigate it up close. "We were kind of joking around that if one of us suddenly disappears," Hutchings laughed, "then the rest of us make a run for it." Fortunately, the ten-to-12-foot tall rectangular metal object was not dangerous, though it was undoubtedly mysterious. – остальным придётся уносить ноги coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 2:29:56 humor. make a run for it смыться (The cops are keeping an eye on the furry intruder in case it tries to make a run for it.)
24.11.2020 2:29:45 idiom. make a run for it сбежать ("Though he tried to make a run for it, Fujiwara was suddenly whisked off his feet and levitated to an orange-colored UFO hovering over a field outside." bizarreandgrotesque.com)
24.11.2020 2:26:58 inf. I was like я говорю (при передаче прямой речи: "We just happened to fly directly over the top of it," pilot Bret Hutchings recalled, "he was like, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!' And I was like, 'what.' And he's like, 'There's this thing back there – we've got to go look at it!'" The source of all the excitement was a puzzling metal monolith standing strikingly out of place in a cove of the state's iconic red rocks. – он говорит ..... а я говорю ..... coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 2:09:26 inf. whoa, whoa, whoa стоп, стоп, стоп ("We just happened to fly directly over the top of it," pilot Bret Hutchings recalled, "he was like, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!' And I was like, 'what.' And he's like, 'There's this thing back there – we've got to go look at it!'" coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 1:43:20 avia. risk assessment оценка аварийных ситуаций (The troubling event occurred back in September and came to light this week by way of a report issued by the UK Airprox Board, which is a government organization that investigates aircraft near-miss cases. (...) Although the board conceded that they could not make a determination as to what the object could have been, they did classify the case as an 'A-level' event, which is the highest risk assessment possible. – был присвоен самый высокий разряд по шкале оценки аварийных ситуаций coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 1:35:16 media. intriguingly любопытно то, что (As luck would have it, the airliner managed to avoid colliding with the UFO, which passed the craft by a mere 10 feet. (...) Upon their arrival, air traffic controllers informed them that a police helicopter had previously reported seeing lanterns in the area. However, intriguingly, "neither of the pilots believed what they saw was a lantern.")
24.11.2020 1:30:37 formal promptly report безотлагательно сообщить (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. (...) As luck would have it, the airliner managed to avoid colliding with the UFO, which passed the craft by a mere 10 feet. The pilots promptly reported the incident and subsequently safely landed without any further weirdness. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 1:30:37 formal promptly report безотлагательно доложить (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. (...) As luck would have it, the airliner managed to avoid colliding with the UFO, which passed the craft by a mere 10 feet. The pilots promptly reported the incident and subsequently safely landed without any further weirdness. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 1:30:37 formal promptly report незамедлительно сообщить (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. (...) As luck would have it, the airliner managed to avoid colliding with the UFO, which passed the craft by a mere 10 feet. The pilots promptly reported the incident and subsequently safely landed without any further weirdness. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 1:30:37 formal promptly report незамедлительно доложить (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. (...) As luck would have it, the airliner managed to avoid colliding with the UFO, which passed the craft by a mere 10 feet. The pilots promptly reported the incident and subsequently safely landed without any further weirdness. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 0:33:40 avia. aircraft near-miss case факт опасного сближения самолётов (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. The troubling event occurred back in September and came to light this week by way of a report issued by the UK Airprox Board, which is a government organization that investigates aircraft near-miss cases. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 0:33:40 avia. aircraft near-miss case инцидент опасного сближения самолётов (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. The troubling event occurred back in September and came to light this week by way of a report issued by the UK Airprox Board, which is a government organization that investigates aircraft near-miss cases. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 0:25:28 news unfold произойти (The chilling series of incidents featuring a mysterious 'crying woman' begging to be let inside at 3 or 4 a.m. have unfolded in the town of Kirby over the last few weeks and have left those unlucky enough to be visited feeling particularly concerned. • In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. The troubling event occurred back in September and came to light this week by way of a report issued by the UK Airprox Board, which is a government organization that investigates aircraft near-miss cases. coasttocoastam.com)
24.11.2020 0:12:46 gen. conform to the norm соответствовать норме (The witch was often seen as "anyone who was not conforming to the norm," she added, or acting in way that was considered unacceptable to these societies. coasttocoastam.com)
23.11.2020 22:59:18 relig. Other Side потусторонний мир (In the first hour, multi-sensory clairvoyant Janie Boisclair talked about her contact with entities on the Other Side and her specialty of retrieving lost recipes of the departed. Food, which is associated with memories, is a way for spirits to reconnect, she explained. coasttocoastam.com)
23.11.2020 1:19:40 gen. reach out to установить контакт с (If you are an employer looking to reach out to our graduates, please visit the Career & Alumni Services page. • "I've reached out to real Paul and his children," Fronczak said. "I sent the real Paul my book. And I heard from my tipsters that he read the book, he liked it, and he let his friends read it. But as far as communicating with me, nothing." mysterywire.com)
23.11.2020 1:16:31 gen. equally strange story не менее странная история (The real Paul Fronczak had been kidnapped from a Chicago hospital in 1964, one day after his birth, snatched by a mystery woman dressed as a nurse. (...) Nevada's Paul Fronczak is also pursuing an equally strange mystery involving another member of his real family. After he found his birth family, he learned he had a twin sister who may have been murdered. – распутывает не менее странную таинственную историю mysterywire.com)
23.11.2020 1:12:25 gen. equally не менее (The real Paul Fronczak had been kidnapped from a Chicago hospital in 1964, one day after his birth, snatched by a mystery woman dressed as a nurse. (...) Nevada's Paul Fronczak is also pursuing an equally strange mystery involving another member of his real family. After he found his birth family, he learned he had a twin sister who may have been murdered. – распутывает не менее странную таинственную историю mysterywire.com)
23.11.2020 0:54:44 gen. keep private сохранить в тайне (имя, личную информацию: Eleven months ago, the I-Team was first to report that the Fronczak baby was alive and living in Michigan. According to WGN in Chicago, he confirmed his identity to the reporters but asked that his name be kept private. Now, in his first interview in more than a year, Nevada's Paul Fronczak, says he is keeping a promise to biological Paul and will not reveal the name. mysterywire.com)
23.11.2020 0:53:30 gen. keep sth. a secret сохранить в тайне ("I desired, as I have explained, to keep my visit to you a secret, lest my husband should think that I was intruding into his affairs." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
23.11.2020 0:46:21 gen. vowed to find поклялся разыскать (As he grew older, though, Paul suspected something wasn't quite right. In 2012, he coaxed his parents into taking home DNA tests. The results shocked them. Fronczak contacted the I-Team and vowed to find, not only the kidnapped baby, but also his own biological family. mysterywire.com)
23.11.2020 0:42:42 gen. make a lot of progress значительно продвинуться (в лечении, расследовании:: A southern Nevada man who's been trying to solve multiple mysteries surrounding his own identity says he's made a lot of progress in the eight years since his quest began. (...) The real Paul Fronczak had been kidnapped from a Chicago hospital in 1964, one day after his birth, snatched by a mystery woman dressed as a nurse. The crime prompted an intense nationwide search and generated worldwide headlines, but the crime was never solved. mysterywire.com)
23.11.2020 0:35:13 busin. work remotely работать дистанционно (Some people work remotely, some are still going to work depending on how successfully their employers have adapted or made changes to the way they do business.)
22.11.2020 7:30:39 police Drug Section отдел по борьбе с наркоторговлей (The following was seized: heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, fentanyl. A knife and two guns. Well done and thank you Drug Section for taking these dangerous drugs and offenders off of our streets.)
22.11.2020 6:26:20 gen. let in запустить в дом (My ex-wife when we were married didn't like my cat because it didn't like her very much. Cat threw up on the couch and even though I cleaned it up she threw the cat out for the night and wouldn't let me let her back in. Cat disappeared. There were coyotes in our neighborhood. Long story short, bitch killed the cat. (Bronson, Twitter) – не позволила мне впустить её обратно в дом)
21.11.2020 23:30:00 gen. mob murder убийство, совершённое членами ОПГ (Larry from Washington told a story of how he was duck hunting when he heard voice in his head say, "you're better off staying down." (...) He did as he was told and later found out that he may have avoided being a witness to a mob murder nearby. coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2020 23:30:00 gen. mob murder казнь по заказу ОПГ (Larry from Washington told a story of how he was duck hunting when he heard voice in his head say, "you're better off staying down." (...) He did as he was told and later found out that he may have avoided being a witness to a mob murder nearby. coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2020 23:18:15 mil., avia. hostile encounter воздушный бой (Retired Air Force Major George Filer III, a decorated former intelligence officer (...) stated that the armed forces knew not to shoot at UFOs, because "If we shoot at them, they respond" and the outcome was usually fatal for the pilots and crew. He said the public would "be amazed at how many we've lost" in hostile encounters with UFOs. coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2020 23:14:18 avia. refueling tanker самолёт-заправщик (Filer first described an encounter he had over England in the 1950s while flying in a refueling tanker. The crew was asked to intercept a UFO and observed "a long cigar or cylinder shape with dozens of lights on it. coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2020 23:05:50 gen. losing money убыточный (Which routes are losing the most money? – Какие из маршрутов самые убыточные?)
21.11.2020 8:49:14 handicraft. raised design выпуклый орнамент ("The art of embossing involves decorating a pliable surface with a raised design." (Paperblanks))
21.11.2020 8:34:50 inf. snap sb. out of it вывести из оцепенения ("(...) that was when the boy, quick as a whip, snagged my jacket with his hand, and at the same time smiled. I tell you, I will never forget that smile. His teeth, they were like they were made out of metal, gleaming, and that was what I think snapped me out of it, those teeth. The weight that had been holding me down was lifted and I shoved that sucker as hard as I could." mysteriousuniverse.org)
21.11.2020 8:30:49 formal in instances in which в тех случаях, когда ("In instances in which it is determined that the donated foods were in good condition ..." The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America, Par. 250.13)
21.11.2020 8:16:13 acl. approachable wine вино, подходящее новичкам (Sorry, I have to disagree with Екатерина's suggestions here as this term has a different meaning when applied to alcoholic drinks: вино для неискушённых, вино для новичков: "It's a light and hazy wheat beer, and very approachable for people who think they hate beer.")
21.11.2020 7:55:30 ed. educate the public вести воспитательную работу
21.11.2020 7:55:14 ed. educate the public вести просветительскую работу
21.11.2020 7:55:14 ed. educate the public вести образовательную работу
21.11.2020 7:50:02 fin. cashless loan безналичный заём (For agriculture financing, the future may be cashless loans.)
21.11.2020 7:35:36 fig.of.sp. suddenly out of nowhere вдруг откуда ни возьмись (On doing so, the man parked his car and duly, and carefully, began his walk into the depths of the crop. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large, black, human-like figure appeared in the air over the field. "It reminded me a little bit of the Mothman sightings when I heard this story," said Matthew, not without a high degree of justification. mysteriousuniverse.org)
21.11.2020 7:05:55 zool. get ready to pounce изготовиться к прыжку (In the summer of 2007, I spoke with Marcus Matthews, a researcher of mysterious big-cats in the U.K., who told me that he was then currently investigating a case involving a person who had seen a "huge black cat" sitting inside the confines of a Wiltshire Crop Circle. (...) All I can say is this: if you ever find yourself deep in the heart of a huge Crop Circle, then keep a careful watch. There may be something dangerous keeping its eyes on you, getting ready to pounce. mysteriousuniverse.org)
21.11.2020 6:59:49 gen. memento сувенир на память ("An Australian man believes that his misguided desire for a memento while visiting a sacred site has unleashed an infamous curse upon his life and he's willing to travel a great distance to make amends." coasttocoastam.com)
21.11.2020 6:18:22 brit. after-luncheon sleep послеобеденный сон (Before sitting down to the well-cooked, therefore, I sent this reply: "Perplexed. Explain. Bertie." To this I received an answer during the after-luncheon sleep: "What on earth is there to be perplexed about, ass? Come at once. Travers." (Right Ho, Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse) )
21.11.2020 3:17:57 bank. deposit the funds by direct deposit into the bank account перечислить платёж на банковский счёт (The premier said he's confident data collected through taxes and worker benefits would be sufficient to deposit the funds by direct deposit into the bank accounts of eligible residents.)
21.11.2020 3:17:57 bank. deposit the funds by direct deposit into the bank account перевести деньги на банковский счёт (The premier said he's confident data collected through taxes and worker benefits would be sufficient to deposit the funds by direct deposit into the bank accounts of eligible residents.)
21.11.2020 3:13:13 gov. one-time payment единовременное пособие (Individuals making less than $62,000 a year were said to be eligible for a one-time $500 payment, with those earning up to $87,000 eligible for a payment along a sliding scale.)
21.11.2020 3:12:02 gov. one-time benefit единовременное пособие (British Columbian families could receive $1,000 cheque in the mail before Christmas, part of a one-time recovery benefit promised by the BC NDP during its election campaign.)
21.11.2020 3:10:03 gov. benefit выплата (The $1,000 benefit applies to families with a combined household income of less than $125,000 per year.)
21.11.2020 2:57:27 inf. a whopping здоровенный (a whopping fish – здоровенная рыба)
21.11.2020 1:29:36 gen. cut down a tree спилить дерево (For example, many Burnaby Heights residents were upset about heritage cherry trees being cut down on Boundary Road two years ago, but it was part of upgrades to the water mains, something that is necessary to do due to age. burnabynow.com)
21.11.2020 1:21:08 gram. the most чаще всего (Lower property taxes – the granddaddy of them all. Lower speed zones. New sidewalks. (...) That last one about sidewalks is something I've heard the most about from readers. I've spoken to dozens of residents just begging for the city to add sidewalks to their Burnaby streets because of concerns about safety. burnabynow.com)
20.11.2020 23:31:17 polit. broaden the base увеличить число сторонников (The rule of thumb, according to Gronbach, is that younger voters tend to be more liberal, and older ones more conservative. The Trump campaign, he noted, didn't really broaden its base and court younger citizens. coasttocoastam.com)
20.11.2020 23:31:17 polit. broaden the base расширить свою избирательную опору (The rule of thumb, according to Gronbach, is that younger voters tend to be more liberal, and older ones more conservative. The Trump campaign, he noted, didn't really broaden its base and court younger citizens. coasttocoastam.com)
20.11.2020 22:38:29 cloth. canad. toque вязаная шапочка (a close-fitting knitted winter hat; this usage is most common in Canada, where the word "tuque," a French-Canadian variant of "toque," is also used: It's Canada Day and, because you're a Canuck just like any other hoser in a toque with a toonie, you can nab a double-double and chill out, or kick back with a brewski and Buffalo wings for some R & R, eh? That is, if you know what it means. Because it's one thing to become Canadian; it's another thing to speak Canadian.)
20.11.2020 22:36:10 cloth. canad. toque вязаная шапочка с помпоном (spca.bc.ca)
20.11.2020 4:33:38 gen. enjoy a lavish lifestyle жить в роскоши (Hermann Goering's first wife, Carin von Kantzow, came from a family with anti-Semitic views and Aryan ideology. "Carin fell much harder for Hitler than Goering did, and she was definitely the one who really pushed him to get involved in the Nazi movement," he explained. After Carin died Goering married his second wife, Emmy Sonnemann, a well-known actress who enjoyed the lavish lifestyle afforded her by Goering's position. She was never a fanatic but willfully blocked out the reality of what her husband was doing for Hitler, Wyllie noted. coasttocoastam.com)
20.11.2020 4:30:32 idiom. live the high life жить на широкую ногу ("The agency suspected it had a mole in its midst, yet ignored the fact that Ames and his wife Rosario, 42, were living the high life on his $69,000 salary. In 1989, they paid cash for a $540,000 Arlington, Va., home and filled it with expensive art." (The People Magazine))
20.11.2020 4:29:28 gen. enjoy a lavish lifestyle шикарно жить (Hermann Goering's first wife, Carin von Kantzow, came from a family with anti-Semitic views and Aryan ideology. "Carin fell much harder for Hitler than Goering did, and she was definitely the one who really pushed him to get involved in the Nazi movement," he explained. After Carin died Goering married his second wife, Emmy Sonnemann, a well-known actress who enjoyed the lavish lifestyle afforded her by Goering's position. She was never a fanatic but willfully blocked out the reality of what her husband was doing for Hitler, Wyllie noted. coasttocoastam.com)
20.11.2020 4:29:28 gen. enjoy a lavish lifestyle купаться в роскоши (Hermann Goering's first wife, Carin von Kantzow, came from a family with anti-Semitic views and Aryan ideology. "Carin fell much harder for Hitler than Goering did, and she was definitely the one who really pushed him to get involved in the Nazi movement," he explained. After Carin died Goering married his second wife, Emmy Sonnemann, a well-known actress who enjoyed the lavish lifestyle afforded her by Goering's position. She was never a fanatic but willfully blocked out the reality of what her husband was doing for Hitler, Wyllie noted. coasttocoastam.com)
20.11.2020 3:19:23 gen. flip a coin подбросить монетку (в споре: Let's flip a coin – heads, I'm yours, tails, you're mine.)
20.11.2020 3:17:35 gen. pick up the kids from school забрать детей после школы (The rule doesn't apply to activities like helping a family member fix a furnace or picking up a relative's kids from school.)
19.11.2020 4:48:26 ethnogr. menial work чёрная работа (Slaves, captured in intertribal warfare, became the property of high-ranking chiefs. They did menial work – dug up clams, cleaned pots, cut firewood.)
19.11.2020 4:48:12 ethnogr. menial work тяжёлая работа (Slaves, captured in intertribal warfare, became the property of high-ranking chiefs. They did menial work – dug up clams, cleaned pots, cut firewood.)
19.11.2020 4:48:00 ethnogr. menial work грязная работа (Slaves, captured in intertribal warfare, became the property of high-ranking chiefs. They did menial work – dug up clams, cleaned pots, cut firewood.)
19.11.2020 4:39:44 ethnogr. perform menial tasks выполнять грязную, тяжёлую работу (Slaves, captured in intertribal warfare, became the property of high-ranking chiefs. They performed menial tasks.)
19.11.2020 4:39:44 ethnogr. perform menial tasks заниматься чёрной работой (Slaves, captured in intertribal warfare, became the property of high-ranking chiefs. They performed menial tasks.)
19.11.2020 4:30:43 ethnogr. intertribal warfare межплеменная война (Slaves, captured in intertribal warfare, became the property of high-ranking chiefs. They performed menial tasks.)
19.11.2020 4:27:45 gen. lose one's livelihood потерять средства к существованию (Thanks to the pandemic, many people have lost their livelihood.)
19.11.2020 4:25:03 gen. provide a fair amount of detail предоставить подробные сведения (Aboriginal oral traditions, combined with the reports of early explorers, provide a fair amount of detail about Canada's first inhabitants and their rich, complex way of life.)
19.11.2020 4:18:27 ethnogr. oral traditions устные традиции (Aboriginal oral traditions, combined with the reports of early explorers, provide a fair amount of detail about Canada's first inhabitants and their rich, complex way of life.)
19.11.2020 4:11:38 gram. all wet совсем промок ("You're all wet." (Michael Swan, "Practical English Usage") – Ты совсем промок.)
19.11.2020 4:07:15 gram. alike in looks внешне похожий ("The two boys are alike in looks, but not in personality." (Michael Swan, "Practical English Usage") – внешне похожи)
19.11.2020 4:05:24 gram. alike in looks схожий наружностью ("The two boys are alike in looks, but not in personality." (Michael Swan, "Practical English Usage") – схожи наружностью)
19.11.2020 3:59:29 gram. years before годами ранее ("I met that woman in Scotland three years ago. When we got talking I found out that I had been at school with her husband ten years before." (Michael Swan, "Practical English Usage"))
19.11.2020 3:54:43 gen. give sb. a friendly smile дружески улыбнуться ("She gave me a friendly smile." (Michael Swan, "Practical English Usage"))
19.11.2020 3:54:20 gen. smile in a friendly way дружески улыбнуться ("She smiled in a friendly way." (Michael Swan, "Practical English Usage"))
19.11.2020 3:49:28 inf. cash grab узаконенный грабёж (граждан/домовладельцев/налогоплательщиков государственными чиновниками любого уровня; обычно выражает возмущение)
19.11.2020 2:35:29 inf. money grab узаконенный грабёж (граждан/домовладельцев/налогоплательщиков государственными чиновниками любого уровня; обычно выражает возмущение: So let's get this right: During a global pandemic, when people are dying, are at their financial worst and worried about their futures Kennedy Stewart and his clown council think it's a good idea to charge people to park in front of their own home. Sounds like a money grab! First, you guys approve laneway houses; this immediately reduced garage parking for many homes, forcing them to park along residential streets. Now this!!! As a Vancouver resident, I don't approve! (Twitter))
19.11.2020 2:24:20 gen. go to jail сесть в тюрьму (He should have gone to jail for that. – Его надо было посадить. • Jamie was a young man when he went to jail. When he came out, he was middle-aged. That's the hard part. • Nobody has gone to jail for simple possession of illegal drugs in Vancouver for a very long time. Prosecution of possession offences are rare, usually accompanied by charges for other more serious offences that resulted in an arrest. Drugs are usually just seized and destroyed. (Twitter))
18.11.2020 2:59:20 gen. needs a lot of repairs нужен большой ремонт (Well, I went and looked at her house. It was built in 1934, so it needs a lot of repairs.)
18.11.2020 2:40:31 pharma. refill a prescription получить повторно лекарство по рецепту (If you stop taking a medicine that keeps your heart rhythm stable or prevents blood clots, you could suffer a heart attack. For the same reasons, never delay refilling a prescription.)
17.11.2020 11:56:16 real.est. teardown home дом под снос (Vancouver real estate: 32-foot lot with empty, teardown home sold under $1 million after 12 days on market. The 2607 Turner Street property sold for $900,000 just 12 days after it was listed on the market. The 2,112-square-foot lot was marketed mainly for its land value. The now empty home was built in 1912, and it is considered a teardown. canadanewsmedia.ca)
17.11.2020 8:39:09 folk. tricksters нечистая сила (Through his research, he concluded that voices like this could be tied to cases where people vanish without a trace. Supernatural entities or "tricksters" inhabiting forested areas may seek to lull a person by calling out their name and are setting up a kind of trap, he posited. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2020 8:36:45 parapsych. supernatural entities нечистая сила (His interest in this subject began as a 12-year-old, when out in the woods, he heard a voice calling him by name along with strange digital beeps. The voice seemed to mimic his father's, yet he could tell it was not him. "Come here, I found something," the voice beckoned, but Marczenko resisted going to it. Through his research, he concluded that voices like this could be tied to cases where people vanish without a trace. Supernatural entities or "tricksters" inhabiting forested areas may seek to lull a person by calling out their name and are setting up a kind of trap, he posited. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2020 8:33:16 gen. out in the woods в лесу (Kevin and I were out in the woods near Harrison Hot Springs when we saw a female Sasquatch with two babies sitting under a tree.)
17.11.2020 8:30:38 parapsych. disembodied voice бестелесный голос (странные голоса, раздающиеся из неизвестного, неопределимого источника: Voices are calling us – voices without an attached form and encounters with these disembodied voices warn, haunt, confuse, inspire, and scare us. In the latter half, author Tim Marczenko shared true stories from his investigations, as well as occurrences throughout history that expose disembodied voices, shining light on possible reasons and agendas for these odd communications. coasttocoastam.com)
17.11.2020 8:26:47 gen. interest in this subject интерес к этой теме (In the latter half, author Tim Marczenko shared true stories from his investigations, as well as occurrences throughout history that expose disembodied voices, shining light on possible reasons and agendas for these odd communications. His interest in this subject began as a 12-year-old, when out in the woods, he heard a voice calling him by name along with strange digital beeps. coasttocoastam.com)

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