
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

17.12.2020 4:09:49 gen. decorate a Christmas tree украшать рождественскую ёлку (The custom of decorating Christmas trees was unknown in America, Reichblum revealed, until German immigrants brought the tradition with them in the mid-1800s. coasttocoastam.com)
17.12.2020 3:58:53 psychol. at a subconscious level на уровне подсознания (We cannot prevent things from happening, but we can be guided around the worst parts of upheavals in our lives. Wargo said that this process occurs at a subconscious level. He listed many procognitive events throughout history, such as premonitions of the Titanic disaster and 9/11, many of which were documented well beforehand. coasttocoastam.com)
17.12.2020 3:17:12 ed. be in medical school учиться на медицинском факультете (After hearing from some of his professors who had experienced their own NDEs as well as accounts from many patients while he was in medical school, Moody began to think that it wasn't simply due to "oxygen deprivation to the brain" as some skeptics have argued. coasttocoastam.com)
17.12.2020 3:15:05 gen. conventional education традиционное образование (не допускающее вольномыслия: Moody described his conventional upbringing and education, where to his surprise, he first read about NDEs in classical Greek literature. coasttocoastam.com)
17.12.2020 3:13:15 gen. conventional upbringing традиционное воспитание (не допускающее вольномыслия: Moody described his conventional upbringing and education, where to his surprise, he first read about NDEs in classical Greek literature. coasttocoastam.com)
17.12.2020 1:57:03 gen. short on space тесно (Sharon and Will are so short on space in their apartment they just couldn't set up a Christmas tree this year, just a festive shrub with lights.)
17.12.2020 1:55:38 gen. short on space не хватает места (Cindy and Ken are so short on space in their apartment they just couldn't set up a Christmas tree this year, just a festive shrub with lights.)
17.12.2020 0:29:36 media. trashing разгром ("розыск Честера Хэнкса – сына актера Тома Хэнкса, по обвинению в разгроме гостиничного номера" – from a Russian news story)
16.12.2020 10:35:51 amer. southern drawl южный акцент ("...Turner explains in his tongue-dragging southern drawl" (Vanity Fair))
16.12.2020 9:23:55 gen. long-held устоявшийся (a long-held assumption – устоявшееся мнение)
16.12.2020 9:23:44 gen. conventional устоявшийся (turn the conventional art world upside down – опрокинуть устоявшиеся каноны мира искусства)
16.12.2020 9:05:52 gen. run a household управлять домом (At first it was pretty hard to run that crazy household but I got used to it.)
16.12.2020 9:02:18 ed. get better grades улучшить успеваемость (Our tutors will help your child get better grades.)
16.12.2020 9:02:08 ed. get better grades повысить успеваемость (Our tutors will help your child get better grades.)
16.12.2020 7:59:56 gen. more accurately точнее ("Verringer is a heavily built, middle-aged man who runs, or more accurately has run, some kind of guest ranch in Sepulveda Canyon. He has a dressed up fancy boy named Earl working for him. And Verringer calls himself a doctor." (Raymond Chandler) )
16.12.2020 3:20:26 media. poll results результаты опроса (мнения читателей: Are you hoping for snow this Christmas?)
16.12.2020 1:19:58 law, court sheriff судебный пристав (Sheriffs are primarily concerned with services such as courtroom security, post-arrest prisoner transfer, serving legal processes and executing civil judgements. (Wiki))
16.12.2020 0:02:47 gen. underplay the risk преуменьшать опасность (He believes that the risk of an asteroid collision with Earth is underplayed or hidden by governmental authorities. coasttocoastam.com)
16.12.2020 0:02:47 gen. underplay the risk занижать опасность (He believes that the risk of an asteroid collision with Earth is underplayed or hidden by governmental authorities. coasttocoastam.com)
15.12.2020 23:55:30 gen. underplay преуменьшать (The company has consistently underplayed the risks of this project.)
15.12.2020 7:44:04 formal present someone with a certificate of appreciation вручить почётную грамоту ("Janus, a former firefighter in his native Poland, pulled Mochev from his burning apartment last week after a pot of cooking oil caught fire after he had collapsed. The Burnaby Fire Department presented Janus with a certificate of appreciation during their visit on Wednesday." burnabynewsleader.com)
15.12.2020 3:45:14 real.est. affordability доступные цены на недвижимость (My own family moved here from NYC for affordability as well as community lifestyle. – ради доступных цен на недвижимость • Since wages across Metro Vancouver are low compared to other Canadian cities, families with children cannot afford the west-side properties older people are selling. Even though some of the west-side housing is not that different elsewhere in the city, Yan said the homes are "outside the affordability range of local income earners." Even an empty lot can go for between $2 million and $3 million. vancouversun.com)
15.12.2020 3:18:43 gen. at the right angle под нужным углом (The cave, which doesn't yet have an official name, has an entrance in a pit that's the size of a football field and descends an estimated 600 feet (183 meters) down into the Earth. (...) Canadian wildlife researchers had flown over the site before, but somehow hadn't seen the enormous pit. Pollack speculated that it may have been obscured until recently by the area's typically heavy snow cover, which has been gradually dissipating because of climate change. "It could be that the snow camouflaged enough, until maybe you had a low snow year, or a low avalanche year, and you flew over it at the right angle to see it," he says. howstuffworks.com)
15.12.2020 2:13:47 gen. pay in cash заплатить наличными (for something – за что-либо: The suspect paid for his ticket in cash. – заплатил за билет наличными)
15.12.2020 2:07:18 idiom. pay in cold hard cash заплатить наличными (Still, at the end of the day, he got paid – in cold, hard cash. "He paid pretty well. He actually paid over what I normally ask." cbc.ca)
15.12.2020 1:56:29 idiom. say a few choice words осыпать ругательствами ("He got pretty irate and sent a few choice words my way. And I thought at first it was a prank," Hawkins said. "And then as the phone conversation went on, he had threatened to call the police and press charges on me. Then that's when I kind of realized, OK, maybe he's not pranking then. I offered to paint over it for him and he told me he didn't believe a word of my lies, then said a few more choice words and hung up the phone on me." cbc.ca)
15.12.2020 1:44:08 gen. pass out business cards раздавать визитные карточки (магазина, ресторана, подрядчика на услуги и т.п.)
15.12.2020 1:42:02 gen. fake name вымышленное имя (Joshua Hawkins still has no idea who hired him to paint a mural of the Cookie Monster on a commercial building in Peoria, Ill. – but it sure wasn't the owner. (...) "The guy, he contacted me, and we met twice. So I'd know him if I saw him, but apparently he gave me a fake name, as I found out. And so I still have no idea who he is." cbc.ca)
15.12.2020 1:37:29 paint. realize an artistic vision воплотить в жизнь художественный замысел (Joshua Hawkins still has no idea who hired him to paint a mural of the Cookie Monster on a commercial building in Peoria, Ill. – but it sure wasn't the owner. The Illinois artist says a man purporting to be the property owner commissioned him to realize a very specific artistic vision, reminiscent of a Soviet-era propaganda poster, of the beloved Sesame Street character holding up a cookie shooting a rainbow over a cityscape with the Russian words, "Peace. Land. Cookies." cbc.ca)
15.12.2020 1:27:37 idiom. have a blast получить огромное удовольствие (Take the kids to the water park and wading pool at Confederation Park – they'll have a blast, and so will you. • Artist Joshua Hawkins says he and a few buddies had 'a blast' painting the mysterious Cookie Monster mural in Peoria, Ill. (...) The Illinois artist says a man purporting to be the property owner commissioned him to realize a very specific artistic vision, reminiscent of a Soviet-era propaganda poster, of the beloved Sesame Street character holding up a cookie shooting a rainbow over a cityscape with the Russian words, "Peace. Land. Cookies." cbc.ca)
15.12.2020 1:02:23 poetic hold secrets хранить тайны (The deep oceans still hold secrets even in an age when we have explored much of the planet. Scientists exploring the deep waters off Baja California have announced that they have discovered what they believe to be a new species of beaked whale. coasttocoastam.com)
15.12.2020 0:59:17 gen. stalk преследовать (с агрессивной целью: Cook emphasized the aggressive nature of these entities, saying "every encounter people have has been very terrifying," and "like a harassment that is going on," since many witnesses later see the creatures apparently stalking them at home. One particularly grisly and horrific case involved a man who bred German Shepherds, with eight of 12 of the animals killed by what he believes was a Dogman which followed him back from a sighting in the woods. coasttocoastam.com)
15.12.2020 0:55:54 gen. coin a name придумать название (In the second half, he described the tradition of dog-headed humans as ubiquitous throughout history, appearing in such diverse cultures as the Vikings, the ancient Greeks, and Native American tribes. The name "dogman," he said, was coined by researcher Linda Godfrey to "get people's minds away from the werewolf image." coasttocoastam.com)
15.12.2020 0:55:54 gen. coin a name предложить название (In the second half, he described the tradition of dog-headed humans as ubiquitous throughout history, appearing in such diverse cultures as the Vikings, the ancient Greeks, and Native American tribes. The name "dogman," he said, was coined by researcher Linda Godfrey to "get people's minds away from the werewolf image." coasttocoastam.com)
15.12.2020 0:43:54 comp.sec. log-in вход в учётную запись
15.12.2020 0:42:52 inet. log in войти с помощью своей учётной записи
15.12.2020 0:42:52 inet. log in зайти в свою учётную запись
15.12.2020 0:42:52 inet. log in войти в аккаунт
15.12.2020 0:37:18 gen. show a genuine interest in проявлять неподдельный интерес к (Jennings never attended any sort of film school, but learned on the job, saying "if you show a genuine interest in someone and who they are and what they do, they are more than willing to teach you what they do." coasttocoastam.com)
14.12.2020 8:24:18 idiom. have the time of one's life получить огромное удовольствие (We had the time of our lives! – Мы получили огромное удовольствие!)
14.12.2020 8:20:24 O&G, oilfield. pores поровые каналы ("(...) paraffin, asphaltum, and the like, which fill and choke the pores of the formation, and greatly reduce production (...)" freepatentsonline.com)
14.12.2020 8:17:40 law order for seizure постановление о наложении ареста (The balance would go to the Creditor who obtained the order for seizure and sale. thelawcentre.ca)
14.12.2020 8:10:58 formal engage third parties привлекать третьих лиц ("Client organizations that are new to cloud computing may engage third parties for assistance in making the complex transition to the cloud and integrating with existing infrastructure." computerworld.com)
14.12.2020 8:09:49 formal upon resumption при возобновлении ("Benefits upon resumption of gainful employment" wa.gov)
14.12.2020 8:07:22 law essential elements of an offence признаки состава преступления (cjc-ccm.gc.ca)
14.12.2020 8:06:20 O&G, oilfield. near well-bore area прискважинная зона (reduce the permeability in the near well-bore area wikipedia.org)
14.12.2020 8:05:05 law accede to the agreement присоединиться к соглашению ("Most parties have been bound by the Agreement since its entry into force. Some acceded to the Agreement at a later date (...)" wto.org)
14.12.2020 8:04:45 law accede to the agreement присоединиться к договору ("Most parties have been bound by the Agreement since its entry into force. Some acceded to the Agreement at a later date (...)" wto.org)
14.12.2020 8:02:54 trav. natural surroundings природа (Hawaii's vibrant natural surroundings and cultural heritage – живописная природа)
14.12.2020 8:02:33 gen. natural surroundings окружающая природа (beautiful natural surroundings)
14.12.2020 8:01:31 HR unauthorized leave прогул ("An unauthorized leave is grounds for corrective action up to and including dismissal." unl.edu)
14.12.2020 7:58:19 HR unauthorised absence прогул ("Unauthorised absence, often referred to a absence without leave or AWOL, occurs when an employee fails to attend work without either (i) the absence being authorised or (ii) the absence being genuine sickness absence (and in compliance with any requirements for reporting and evidence under a Sickness Absence Policy)." esphr.co.uk)
14.12.2020 7:53:54 formal employed применяемый ("We are certainly due for a re-evaluation of the procedures employed by the Office of the Children's Lawyer in the resolution of custody and access disputes." oba.org)
14.12.2020 5:14:08 gen. have one's back against the wall сидеть спиной к стене (At eleven o'clock I was sitting in the third booth on the right-hand side as you go in from the dining-room annex. I had my back against the wall and I could see anyone who came in or went out. (Raymond Chandler))
14.12.2020 5:11:20 busin. brief business trip краткосрочная командировка
14.12.2020 5:09:41 inf. give sb. the plug порекомендовать (He thanked me and hung up. I wondered who could have given me the plug. I thought it might be Sewell Endicott and called him to find out. (Raymond Chandler) – Интересно, кто меня ему порекомендовал.)
14.12.2020 5:00:37 idiom. get into a jam влипнуть в историю (также be in a/the jam: "You don't seem much impressed by the jam you're in." "I don't figure I'm in any jam." "We'll see about that." (Raymond Chandler) – "Я смотрю, тебя не особенно беспокоит, что ты влип." "По-моему, я ни во что не влип." "Это мы ещё посмотрим.")
14.12.2020 1:22:45 show.biz. house band студийная группа (используемая при записи музыки в студии: Rusty from Florida wondered what drove bands to record at the Mussel Shoals studio in Alabama. Ian responded that studios that produce hit records get a reputation, especially those with great house bands. coasttocoastam.com)
14.12.2020 1:02:04 show.biz. get a break получить шанс на успех (Kubernik interviewed the Bee Gees three times in the studio during the recording of some of their most iconic albums. Kubernik recalled that the band got a break in 1966 when their musician father wrote to Brian Epstein (the Beatles manager) and were signed on with a junior agent named Robert Stigwood, who went on to run a fantastically successful music management business. coasttocoastam.com)
14.12.2020 0:55:22 gen. solve a mystery разгадать тайну (A 51-year-old mystery surrounding a message from a notorious serial killer may have finally been solved. – возможно, тайна наконец разгадана coasttocoastam.com)
14.12.2020 0:50:29 mil. follow orders выполнять приказы (Jesse Marcel III says his grandfather's memories of the time are unequivocal in their description of the debris as "not made by human hands." (...) Echoing the findings of earlier researchers such as Stanton Friedman, William Moore, Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, Marcel III agrees with the idea that Major Marcel was made to follow orders and cover up the matter in the interests of national security. coasttocoastam.com)
14.12.2020 0:05:17 inf. coverup операция прикрытия (информационная: The grandchildren of Major Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer for the local U.S. Army airfield at the time of the Roswell incident, have plans to release Marcel's personal diary. Marcel's relatives have agreed to release details of the original personal account of the drama and coverup surrounding the mysterious crash. coasttocoastam.com)
13.12.2020 6:14:28 transp. room for passing место для обгона (The bike lane looks really narrow. No room for passing. Would have been better if they placed the trees in the same place as the planters. Would have created more clear space.)
13.12.2020 5:52:13 idiom. keep your eyes open проявляйте бдительность (for someone, something: Notice to Blueridge residents: During the holiday season, keep your eyes open for parcel thieves stealing packages left at your door by couriers. Two cases have already been reported to the police.)
13.12.2020 5:52:03 idiom. keep your eyes open будьте бдительны (for someone, something: Notice to Blueridge residents: During the holiday season, keep your eyes open for parcel thieves stealing packages left at your door by couriers. Two cases have already been reported to the police.)
13.12.2020 5:44:26 gen. frantically в суматохе (...so you don't have to be frantically looking for things)
13.12.2020 0:54:14 affect. little pudgy hands пухленькие ручки (о ребёнке)
12.12.2020 2:39:26 bus.styl. confirmation letter письменное подтверждение ("A confirmation letter is correspondence that is sent to confirm an oral agreement. It can be business or personally related. The letter can also confirm a reservation, a response to an invitation, receipt of a various items or services, or meeting and conference arrangements." wikihow.com)
12.12.2020 2:36:33 cook. pasties пирожки (com.au)
12.12.2020 2:35:34 cook. pasty пирожок (com.au)
11.12.2020 22:02:03 gen. in one's excitement увлёкшись (in her excitement she poured wine onto her napkin beside her glass – увлёкшись, она пролила вино на салфетку мимо бокала)
11.12.2020 9:33:59 busin. be in business существовать (How long has the company been in business? – Как давно существует ваша компания?)
11.12.2020 9:00:36 USA county court окружной суд первой ступени (vs. a circuit court: "There are 67 county courts in Florida, one in each county. They have jurisdiction over civil cases of less than $15,000, traffic disputes and misdemeanors." ehow.com)
11.12.2020 8:59:27 USA circuit court окружной суд второй ступени (vs. a county court: "In Florida, circuit courts have jurisdiction in civil cases above $15,000, tax disputes, cases involving juveniles and criminal prosecutions for felonies. Florida has 20 judicial circuits with one court in each." ehow.com)
11.12.2020 8:57:39 fig. swarm наводнить (But by the early 1970s, sightings of the Warminster "Thing" began to decline, and with them the number of curious visitors that had once swarmed the town. – наводнили город mentalfloss.com)
11.12.2020 8:48:55 gen. new-generation нового поколения ("This new-generation passport has an electronic chip embedded in the book to provide greater protection against fraud and tampering, and contribute to domestic and international travel security." ppt.gc.ca)
11.12.2020 8:43:00 fig. garner publicity придать известности (Over the August Bank holiday of 1965, an estimated 8000 people descended on the small town. The following month, when resident Gordon Faulkner claimed to have captured a photo of the UFO, The Daily Mirror published the picture, garnering even more publicity for Warminster. By that time, the news had even made its way stateside, with newspapers as far as California reporting on the eerie events in the sleepy market town. – придала ещё больше известности Уорминстеру mentalfloss.com)
11.12.2020 8:42:19 fig. garner publicity привлечь внимание (Over the August Bank holiday of 1965, an estimated 8000 people descended on the small town. The following month, when resident Gordon Faulkner claimed to have captured a photo of the UFO, The Daily Mirror published the picture, garnering even more publicity for Warminster. – привлекла ещё больше внимания к Уорминстеру mentalfloss.com)
11.12.2020 8:09:25 law shall come into effect вступает в силу ("EFFECTIVE DATE: This agreement shall come into effect upon signature by the signatory governments." state.gov)
11.12.2020 8:03:36 fig. stirred встревоженный (A few hours later, the soldiers at the nearby Knook Camp army base were awoken by what sounded like "a huge chimney stack from the main block ... ripped from the rooftop, then scattered ... across the whole camp." At 6:30 a.m., Roger Rump and his wife were stirred by a similar noise. They described it as sounding like "the 5000 tiles on our roof being ripped off and then put back on again with an enormous clatter." – были встревожены mentalfloss.com)
10.12.2020 22:50:45 diet. eliminate out of the body выводить из организма (шлаки, токсины и пр.: The lymph system has to circulate for poisons to be eliminated out of the body, so if we have a sedentary lifestyle, explained Fuchs, that system doesn't work as intended because it needs to be activated by movement. coasttocoastam.com)
10.12.2020 8:15:37 idiom. quick as a whip мгновенно ("... that was when the boy, quick as a whip, snagged my jacket with his hand, and at the same time smiled. I tell you, I will never forget that smile. His teeth, they were like they were made out of metal, gleaming (...)." mysteriousuniverse.org)
10.12.2020 8:03:40 formal non-commercial nature некоммерческий характер (носит некоммерческий характер – is of a non-commercial nature: "This section confirms that the movement is of a non-commercial nature." Instructions for filling the Health Certificate for the non-commercial movement into the EU from Canada of dogs, cats and ferrets inspection.gc.ca)
10.12.2020 8:02:23 gen. in some perplexity немного озадаченно ("I took the precious case into my hands and looked in some perplexity from it to my illustrious client." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
10.12.2020 7:01:19 media. toil упорно работать
10.12.2020 6:54:56 formal focus сосредоточить внимание (на: These changes will allow us to focus on our core business. • The service provider helped us develop speech and language goals to focus on. – Она помогла нам разработать цели по развитию языка и речи у моего ребёнка, на которых мы сосредоточили наше внимание.)
10.12.2020 6:15:28 gen. tell the authorities сообщить властям ("Anne told Graham that she was dead. William hadn't moved her to Durham; he'd actually hired a man named Mark Sharp to kill her. Sharp murdered Anne with a pickax, and then he dumped her body into a pool of water in a coal mine. Before vanishing into thin air, Anne asked that Graham tell the authorities about what happened to her." toptenfacts.net)
10.12.2020 6:12:50 immigr. cut one's intake сократить приём (иммигрантов: This country should cut its skilled migrant intake, he says.)
10.12.2020 6:07:11 gov. cut funding уменьшить ассигнования (на содержание: David considers the collapse of the Arecibo space telescope in Puerto Rico to be unfortunate and wonders if it might have been saved had it been better maintained over the years. Yet, the island had undergone hurricanes and earthquakes in recent times, and some of Arecibo's funding had been cut. coasttocoastam.com)
10.12.2020 6:07:11 gov. cut funding сократить финансирование (на содержание: David considers the collapse of the Arecibo space telescope in Puerto Rico to be unfortunate and wonders if it might have been saved had it been better maintained over the years. Yet, the island had undergone hurricanes and earthquakes in recent times, and some of Arecibo's funding had been cut. coasttocoastam.com)
10.12.2020 2:12:46 space launch a mission запустить космический аппарат (While astronaut Aldrin had not spoken much to David about UFOs, he did say he was fascinated by a "monolith"-like feature on the surface of the Martian moon, Phobos. Japan is planning to launch a mission to Phobos in the next few years, David reported, and he is hopeful they will get a clear picture of this mysterious object. coasttocoastam.com)
10.12.2020 2:09:08 fig. be fascinated живо интересоваться (by – чем-либо: Award-winning space journalist Leonard David has been reporting on space activities for over 50 years and is the co-author of Buzz Aldrin's "Mission to Mars." (...) While astronaut Aldrin had not spoken much to David about UFOs, he did say he was fascinated by a "monolith"-like feature on the surface of the Martian moon, Phobos. Japan is planning to launch a mission to Phobos in the next few years, David reported, and he is hopeful they will get a clear picture of this mysterious object. coasttocoastam.com)
10.12.2020 1:57:24 gen. fascinated проявляющий живой интерес (by – к: She is fascinated by all things paranormal.)
10.12.2020 1:53:35 gen. adhere to rules выполнять правила ((...) an episode from 2/2/99 in which Art spoke with private investigator Edmund Pankau, who revealed how one can successfully disappear without a trace. Explaining that only about 1 in 5 people attempting such a feat are successful, he shared some of the important steps and rules which must be adhered to if you truly wish to vanish from society. coasttocoastam.com)
10.12.2020 1:49:33 gen. come forward отозваться ("(...) there was enough in the papers to make the owner come forward, if it had been stolen. And the owner never did." (R. Chandler) • To that end, the organization hopes that the individual behind the parcel will come forward so that they can learn the full backstory behind the key, since they are baffled by the circumstances by which it went missing in the first place. coasttocoastam.com)
10.12.2020 1:45:17 gen. apologetic note записка с извинениями (A key that was taken from a tower in England nearly 50 years ago along with an apologetic note was recently received by the organization which oversees historic monuments and sites in Britain. The odd pilfered object, which was reportedly sent to English Heritage this week, was used to open the doors at St Leonard's Tower in the town of West Malling. coasttocoastam.com)
9.12.2020 7:49:33 legal.th. protect from liability защищать от ответственности (по суду: Companies manufacturing vaccines (such as the new ones for COVID) may be less concerned about adverse effects because they're protected from liability through US law, he pointed out. – защищены от ответственности на основании ам. законодательства coasttocoastam.com)
9.12.2020 7:39:07 inf. wind up заканчиваться (As we look back on the year that's winding up, ... – Подводя итоги уходящего года, ...)
9.12.2020 7:33:36 inf. jolted ошарашенный (после электрошока: As part of a study of the location, a specialist conducted a test known as electrofishing, wherein all of the creatures living the lake were stunned by brief burst of electricity which does not harm them, but briefly sends them floating to the surface of the water. As the expert was documenting the fish population in Oak Grove Lake, he was stunned to see one particular creature standing out among the other jolted denizens of the site: a huge goldfish. Upon closer examining, it was found that the animal weighed a whopping nine pounds. coasttocoastam.com)
9.12.2020 6:31:48 gen. at the moment пока (в значении "на данный момент": At the moment this feels like the right fit for our family, but we will continue to re-evaluate as we go along.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267