
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

1.01.2021 8:14:25 humor. meet the eye предстать взору (I fully expected to find her in the drawing-room with her heart bleeding freely, all ripe for an immediate reconciliation. In the drawing-room, however, when I entered, only Aunt Dahlia met the eye. (P.G. Wodehouse))
1.01.2021 8:00:58 gen. simple fare грубая пища ("The thing I admire about that man," said Tuppy reverently, "the thing that I admire so enormously about Anatole is that, though a Frenchman, he does not, like so many of these chefs, confine himself exclusively to French dishes, but is always willing and ready to weigh in with some good old simple English fare such as this steak-and-kidney pie to which I have alluded." (P.G. Wodehouse) – простая, грубая пища)
1.01.2021 7:56:55 gen. make an exhibition of oneself in public выставить себя на всеобщее посмешище ("That was not vulgar abuse. It was sound, constructive criticism, with no motive behind it but the kindly desire to keep her from making an exhibition of herself in public." (P.G. Wodehouse))
1.01.2021 7:32:59 idiom. make it up помириться (chiefly British usage: to become friendly again after being angry (Merriam-Webster): "Telling a fellow he was getting a double chin!" "Did she do that?" "She did." "Oh, well, girls will be girls. Forget it, Tuppy. Go to her and make it up." He shook his head. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Ступай к ней и помирись)
1.01.2021 0:23:42 philos. reigning viewpoint господствующая точка зрения (Postmodernism, he added, has made scientific reasoning forbidden if it challenges the reigning viewpoints, with belief trumping empirical evidence. The end result of this is globalism and a double-tier, he asserted-- a few oligarchs on the top, and everyone else corralled into a socialist system. coasttocoastam.com)
31.12.2020 10:49:22 law issue an order издать приказ (The BC Public Safety Minister issued a ministerial order March 26 under the Emergency Program Act, banning the secondary resale of medical supplies and personal protective equipment. burnabynow.com)
31.12.2020 6:36:17 inf. swank пустить пыль в глаза (display one's wealth, knowledge, or achievements in a way that is intended to impress others: "It's extraordinary how one yields to that fatal temptation to swank. It undoes the best of us." (P.G. Wodehouse))
31.12.2020 6:33:38 brit. get uppish задирать нос
31.12.2020 6:33:38 brit. get uppish зазнаваться
31.12.2020 6:25:07 formal in a respectful manner почтительно (She broke off, and stood glaring at Jeeves. During the latter portion of her address, he had been standing by in a respectful manner, endeavouring to catch the speaker's eye. (P.G. Wodehouse))
31.12.2020 6:00:21 media. rampant racism оголтелый расизм (complaints of rampant racism)
31.12.2020 5:58:33 neol. digital detox цифровая детоксикация (*временный* отказ от использования цифровых устройств / интернета: "According to a 2019 report from Ernst & Young, called 'Decoding the Digital Home 2019', the concept of "digital detox" has become more popular, with 43% of U.K. households surveyed "actively seeking time away from their smartphone and other Internet-enabled devices."" (BC Business Magazine))
31.12.2020 5:50:11 gen. furtively украдкой ("You remind me of Cyrano." "Who?" "Cyrano de Bergerac." "The chap with the nose?" "Yes." I can't say I was any too pleased. I felt the old beak furtively. It was a bit on the prominent side, perhaps, but, dash it, not in the Cyrano class. (P.G. Wodehouse) – украдкой потрогал)
31.12.2020 5:41:05 gen. keep приберечь ("Precisely, sir. My Cousin George----" "Never mind about your Cousin George, Jeeves." "Very good, sir." "Keep him for the long winter evenings, what?" "Just as you wish, sir." (P.G. Wodehouse) – Приберегите его ...)
31.12.2020 5:36:10 brit. dear old chap славный малый (That's Neil Simpkins all over. A dear old chap in a thousand ways, but when it comes to showing some business sense, a complete chump.)
31.12.2020 5:20:14 lit. construct a plot выстроить сюжет романа ("The dialogue is as vividly overheated as ever, the plot is clearly constructed and surprisingly resolved, and the book is rich in many sharp glimpses of minor characters and scenes." (Anthony Boucher, New York Times, 25 April 1954))
31.12.2020 5:18:50 lit. clearly constructed plot чётко выстроенный сюжет ("The dialogue is as vividly overheated as ever, the plot is clearly constructed and surprisingly resolved, and the book is rich in many sharp glimpses of minor characters and scenes." (Anthony Boucher, New York Times, 25 April 1954))
31.12.2020 5:17:04 lit. construct a plot построить фабулу ("The dialogue is as vividly overheated as ever, the plot is clearly constructed and surprisingly resolved, and the book is rich in many sharp glimpses of minor characters and scenes." (Anthony Boucher, New York Times, 25 April 1954))
31.12.2020 2:05:28 bus.styl. multitasking выполнение нескольких задач одновременно (Dr. Willeumier dispelled a few myths about the human mind as well, such as the idea that multitasking is good for brain health. She commented that we "need to focus on a singular task" in order to do it efficiently. coasttocoastam.com)
31.12.2020 2:05:28 bus.styl. multitasking одновременная работа над несколькими задачами (Dr. Willeumier dispelled a few myths about the human mind as well, such as the idea that multitasking is good for brain health. She commented that we "need to focus on a singular task" in order to do it efficiently. coasttocoastam.com)
30.12.2020 7:22:46 media. hunker down in one's homes попрятаться по домам (A mammoth winter storm has got millions of Americans hunkering down in their homes.)
30.12.2020 7:19:41 bus.styl. comprise the bulk of составлять основную часть ("(...) heli- and cat-skiing operators who fear for their livelihoods this winter, given the potential absence of foreign travellers, who comprise the bulk of their business." (BC Business Magazine))
30.12.2020 7:19:41 bus.styl. comprise the bulk of составлять основную долю ("(...) heli- and cat-skiing operators who fear for their livelihoods this winter, given the potential absence of foreign travellers, who comprise the bulk of their business." (BC Business Magazine))
30.12.2020 7:13:41 immigr. business заведение (PERMIT CONDITIONS: Not valid for employment in businesses related to the sex trade such as strip clubs, massage parlours or escort services.)
30.12.2020 7:08:11 bus.styl. top challenges основные трудности ("In a recent national survey by PwC Canada, respondents named work-life balance, productivity and connectivity as top post-pandemic challenges. Those obstacles aside, ...." (BC Business Magazine))
30.12.2020 6:53:07 gen. mistakenly think заблуждаться (People mistakenly think current redevelopment is leading to density which is leading to affordability. Not happening. (Twitter))
29.12.2020 2:38:58 gen. raise a family вырастить детей (Umberto came to Canada in 1959. His life here proceeded and he raised a family and the decades went by.)
29.12.2020 2:36:35 bus.styl. pivot переориентироваться ("Last March, when the company's executive team saw the possibility of a long lockdown, ToD pivoted within 24 hours to allow employees to work exclusively from home." – компания успешно переориентировалась / быстро перестроилась (Telus ad, BC Business Magazine))
29.12.2020 2:36:35 bus.styl. pivot перестроиться ("Last March, when the company's executive team saw the possibility of a long lockdown, ToD pivoted within 24 hours to allow employees to work exclusively from home." – компания успешно переориентировалась / быстро перестроилась (Telus ad, BC Business Magazine))
29.12.2020 2:30:17 bus.styl. going-forward plans дальнейшие планы (We need fast, reliable internet in our community. It is part of our going-forward plans.)
29.12.2020 2:24:32 media. be acutely aware of остро осознавать (Thanks to the pandemic, the entire planet is acutely aware of the importance of connectivity.)
29.12.2020 2:16:20 fig. nestled уютно расположенный (Nestled in the Selkirk Mountains, Nelson is among the first communities to feel the benefits of an ambitious plan by Traction on Demand to bring high-tech jobs to non-urban centres. (Telus ad, BC Business Magazine))
29.12.2020 2:13:06 gen. in the sunshine на солнышке (ABC Inc. employees and their families gathered in the sunshine for a socially distanced meet-up outside their office.)
29.12.2020 2:11:30 gen. into the sunshine на солнышко (Why are you sitting here? Come out into the sunshine! – Что ты тут сидишь? Выходи на солнышко!)
29.12.2020 2:05:37 idiom. have a good look at sth разобраться (с чем-либо: "Have you had a chance to look at the report?" "Yes, I've had a good look at it.")
29.12.2020 2:04:18 inf. have a real good look at sth хорошенько рассмотреть (That year, she also had her second sighting, this time of a boomerang-shaped object, which she felt was almost saying "have a real good look at what you're seeing, because it's real." coasttocoastam.com)
29.12.2020 1:33:58 fig. haunt мучить (In the first half, filmmaker Seth Breedlove joined George Knapp to discuss the terrifying, true story of the Bell family of Adams, Tennessee – a family who, for nearly five years, were haunted by an apparition bent on destroying their lives, and murdering the patriarch of the family, John Bell. – семью, которую почти пять лет мучил призрак ведьмы coasttocoastam.com)
29.12.2020 1:05:10 inf. go belly up сдуться (о разорившемся бизнесе)
28.12.2020 7:46:23 gen. help прислуга (Обязательно предшествует артикль THE ~: "I don't get called a son of a whore by the help, greaseball. I've got business here and I come around whenever I feel like it. Watch your lip from now on. You might get pistol-whipped. That pretty face of yours would never look the same again." (Raymond Chandler))
28.12.2020 7:19:56 rude Shove it! Пошёл ты знаешь куда? (used to express contempt or belligerence and to say that one will not accept or do something)
28.12.2020 7:19:35 inf. Stop bugging me! Отстань! (Stop bugging me, I'm not going to buy you a pair of sneakers for 120 bucks!)
28.12.2020 7:16:02 rude Shove it! Отстань! (used to express contempt or belligerence and to say that one will not accept or do something)
28.12.2020 7:16:02 rude Shove it! Да пошёл ты (used to express contempt or belligerence and to say that one will not accept or do something)
28.12.2020 7:15:47 rude Shove it! Отвали! (used to express contempt or belligerence and to say that one will not accept or do something)
28.12.2020 7:07:52 inf. sit back не вмешиваться ("In the past, we have sat back as parking lots were constructed all over the neighbourhood, but enough is enough," says Luisa Zanatta, a community representative on the city's transportation committee.)
28.12.2020 7:07:32 rude you keep out of this не вмешивайся (You keep out of this! – Не лезь не в своё дело! • Не вмешивайся!)
28.12.2020 7:04:02 inf. let it ride не вмешиваться (I had to assume that when she had been up against the situation often enough to know there was nothing she could do about it except to let it ride, then that would be what she would do. Just that. Let it ride. Let him lie out there on the ground until somebody came around with the physical equipment to handle him. (Raymond Chandler))
28.12.2020 7:02:44 inf. let it ride не реагировать (на фразу, комментарий: I wasn't sure what she meant so I let it ride.)
28.12.2020 7:01:06 lit. confidentially доверительно (Конечно же, ни confidently, ни in confidence, ни trustingly, ни credibly и ни secretly не являются правильными вариантами перевода: She went slowly up the stairs. Candy and I watched her. "Some doll," he said confidentially. "You stay the night?" "Hardly." (Raymond Chandler) – доверительно заметил)
28.12.2020 6:40:18 gen. do well прижиться (о животном: I don't think Pepe would do well in a home with young children or dogs at this point. He would do best if adopted with one of his siblings.)
28.12.2020 1:27:57 gen. head out выходить (из дома: We were just heading out when Caitlyn called.)
28.12.2020 1:27:41 gen. head out уходить (из дома: Hi Jim, it's Samantha calling. I'm just heading out, it's about 3:30. I'll try phoning you back again later, probably just after 5 sometime. – Я сейчас ухожу)
28.12.2020 1:26:23 hobby go hiking пойти в поход
28.12.2020 1:26:00 hobby head out into the backcountry пойти в поход (обычно в горы: Coronado had advice for those heading out into the backcountry or even on a simple day hike. The first is to carry a GPS locator; second, tell someone what your plans are; and finally, if you're stranded with your car, stay with the vehicle, since searchers "have a better chance of finding your vehicle than of finding you." coasttocoastam.com)
28.12.2020 1:20:27 gen. family emergency несчастный случай или непредвиденное происшествие с одним из членов семьи (His boss refused to let him take care of a family emergency, saying "you're going to have to handle your personal problems outside of work." coasttocoastam.com)
27.12.2020 23:06:53 gen. one-time payment единовременная выплата (Individuals making less than $62,000 a year will be eligible for a one-time $500 payment, with those earning up to $87,000 eligible for a payment along a sliding scale. )
27.12.2020 4:55:49 polit. party machine партаппарат (We live in what is called a democracy, rule by the majority of the people. A fine ideal if it could be made to work. The people elect, but the party machines nominate, and the party machines to be effective must spend a great deal of money. (Raymond Chandler))
27.12.2020 4:55:49 polit. party machine партийный аппарат (We live in what is called a democracy, rule by the majority of the people. A fine ideal if it could be made to work. The people elect, but the party machines nominate, and the party machines to be effective must spend a great deal of money. (Raymond Chandler))
27.12.2020 4:53:06 crim. the bullet went completely through sth пуля прошла навылет (It was a small but powerful gun, 7.65 m/m caliber, a model called P.P.K. The bullet went completely through her head and lodged in the wall behind a chintz curtain. It was not found immediately and the fact was not published at all. (Raymond Chandler))
27.12.2020 4:45:18 idiom. as crazy as a crumpet сумасбродный (... and the whole thing was as crazy as a crumpet, but funny in an off-beat sort of way. (Raymond Chandler))
27.12.2020 4:38:14 fig. spick and span ослепительный (When I looked up Candy was standing in the doorway, spick and span in his white coat, his hair brushed back and shining black, his eyes bitter. "You want some coffee?" "Thanks." (Raymond Chandler) – в ослепительно белой куртке)
27.12.2020 4:28:16 gen. bitter eyes злые глаза (When I looked up Candy was standing in the doorway, spick and span in his white coat, his hair brushed back and shining black, his eyes bitter. "You want some coffee?" "Thanks." (Raymond Chandler) – у него были злые глаза)
27.12.2020 3:43:19 gen. Keep your voice down Говорите тише
27.12.2020 3:41:30 gen. on occasion при случае (There's a big difference. A man who drinks too much on occasion is still the same man as he was sober. An alcoholic, a real alcoholic, is not the same man at all. You can't predict anything about him for sure except that he will be someone you never met before. (Raymond Chandler))
27.12.2020 3:38:29 formal I am well aware of it мне это хорошо известно
27.12.2020 0:46:35 idiom. give sb. goosebumps мурашки по коже побежали (Kolbaba related stories of incredible coincidences, such as a doctor who specialized in microsurgery in order to attach severed limbs. He arrived by chance at a hospital just in time to save the hands of a woman who was the granddaughter of a man who had coincidentally and unknowingly kept the surgeon from possibly committing suicide. The woman was later able to pursue her dream of becoming a concert pianist. (...) When writing his book, Kolbaba said he chose "the stories that gave me goosebumps or made me cry." coasttocoastam.com)
27.12.2020 0:41:49 gen. unknowingly по незнанию (He became addicted to heroin and unknowingly took what turned out be fentanyl in his bathroom, where he was found dead on the floor. • Staff at a Value Village in Vancouver found $85,000 in a donated bag and with the help of police tracked down its rightful owner and returned it. The woman is elderly and recently moved into a care home, Const. Tania Visintin told Daily Hive via email. "Her family was cleaning out an old storage locker and decided to donate some items to the thrift store when they unknowingly donated a bag containing the cash," Visintin said. dailyhive.com)
27.12.2020 0:41:25 gen. unknowingly сам того не желая (Helpful family members and friends may unknowingly summarize or eliminate information and present their own opinions or incorrect interpretation of unfamiliar terms.)
27.12.2020 0:40:30 gen. tell in minute detail рассказать в мельчайших подробностях (One of the first stories Kolbaba heard was from an orthopedic surgeon who saved a woman's life who later told the surgeon "in minute detail about what was going on in the room" as doctors and nurses worked over her. The surgeon said he "couldn't come up with a scientific explanation" for the incident. coasttocoastam.com)
26.12.2020 8:28:43 soc.med. connect on a social network общаться в соцсети (Jeff and his buddies also connect on the social network DangBang, which lets users record their athletic achievements and encourage one another to accomplish their goals.)
26.12.2020 8:23:27 bus.styl. accomplish one's goals достигать поставленных целей
26.12.2020 8:21:46 bus.styl. hit one's targets and goals выполнять поставленные цели (I always track mileage to make sure I'm hitting my targets and goals.)
26.12.2020 8:15:06 gen. understand the risk you're about to take on осознавать риск, на который ты идёшь ("Left to go start a company, had some resources available, a lot of ambitious ideas – in your mid-30s, you're just young enough to make something of yourself but not old enough to understand the risk you're about to take on." (BC Business Magazine))
26.12.2020 8:09:49 ed. commerce graduate выпускник коммерческого факультета (Erin is a UBC commerce graduate.)
26.12.2020 8:06:52 gen. take up a sport заняться спортом (took up cycling – занялся велосипедным спортом)
26.12.2020 6:33:38 inf. off выходной (be off – не работать: "Cold cuts or sandwiches and beer will do," Wade said. "The cook's off today, Candy. I've got a friend to lunch." (Raymond Chandler) – У кухарки сегодня выходной. • Кухарка сегодня выходная.)
26.12.2020 6:27:24 gen. -plus с лишним (The Old Admiral Pub has been in this neighbourhood for 60-plus years. – 60 с лишним лет)
26.12.2020 6:26:23 gen. more than с лишним (Michelangelo outlived his peers Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael by more than forty years. – на сорок с лишним лет)
26.12.2020 6:20:26 commer. off 1 шт (одна штука, при заказе запчастей: It is an old English way of saying "1 of"; means "off the shelf" for the number of repair parts required for the particular item.)
26.12.2020 6:19:28 inf. off не работает (согласно графику работы, дежурства: Jim is off today. How can I help you?)
26.12.2020 6:16:08 slang soft хорошо устроился ("You think he is your friend?" Candy sneered. "Better ask your wife." Wade leaned back in his chair and smiled at him. "Watch your lip, little man. You've got it soft here. I don't often ask a favor of you, do I?" (Raymond Chandler) – Ты здесь хорошо устроился.)
26.12.2020 5:06:46 idiom. tell a yarn рассказывать байки (по-русски обычно во множ. числе: "If you say so," I said. "But I don't see why Menendez would bother to come up here and tell me a yarn and warn me to keep my nose clean on account of Lennox was a pal of him and Randy Starr in Vegas and they didn't want anybody fooling around." (Raymond Chandler))
26.12.2020 5:04:55 idiom. give someone a song and dance рассказывать байки ("Having stray broads call me up and give me a song and dance so you can say they said they recognized my voice somewhere sometime." "The girl's name is Gladys Crane," Breeze said. "So she told me. I never heard of her." (Raymond Chandler))
26.12.2020 5:02:21 idiom. spin yarns рассказывать байки
26.12.2020 4:57:51 inf. hoodlum бандюга ("Who knows what a hoodlum figures?" Green asked bitterly. (Raymond Chandler))
26.12.2020 4:43:51 gen. strange voice незнакомый голос ("I had another call in a little while, a strange voice." (Raymond Chandler))
26.12.2020 4:40:53 inf. a little bit later чуть погодя
26.12.2020 4:40:09 inf. in a bit чуть погодя (Okay, I'll see you in a bit!)
26.12.2020 4:39:16 inf. a little bit later чуть позднее
26.12.2020 4:39:16 inf. in a bit чуть позднее
26.12.2020 4:38:17 inf. a bit later чуть позже
26.12.2020 4:38:17 inf. a bit later чуть позднее
26.12.2020 4:35:26 inf. in a little while чуть погодя (I'll call you back in a little while. Bye!)
26.12.2020 4:34:48 inf. a little bit later чуть позже
26.12.2020 4:33:12 inf. in a little while чуть позднее
26.12.2020 4:33:12 inf. in a little while чуть позже
26.12.2020 3:32:17 gen. work as a cashier at a store работать кассиром в магазине (Lila worked as a cashier at the Safeway store at Broadway and Main. evelazarus.com)
26.12.2020 3:29:13 gen. while working работая (While working on Aldourie Castle gardens on the banks of the Loch Ness, Richard Preston, a 27-year-old landscape designer, spotted four humps on the loch's surface and was able to capture a series of clear images on his cellphone camera.)
26.12.2020 3:28:55 busin. be in some business работать в какой-либо сфере (или области: We've been in the business for 27 years. – Мы работаем в этой сфере деле 27 лет.)
25.12.2020 22:30:04 formal in an unexpected fashion неожиданным образом (Employ a combination of physical and metaphysical efforts to attain the goal, including prayer, spell work, visualization, and affirmations, and then, he advised, be watchful for the arrival of your aim, which may come in an unexpected fashion. coasttocoastam.com)

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