
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

9.01.2021 0:36:28 formal equally important не менее важно ("For miners in the Golden Triangle, filling jobs remains their biggest challenge – and partnering with area First Nations, in formal and informal ways, is part of the solution. (...) But equally important is addressing how careers in mining are being positioned for the future, according to Joel McKay, CEO of Northern Development Initiative Trust." (BC Business Magazine))
9.01.2021 0:32:00 busin. payoff отдача от инвестиции ("For Pretium, the payoff at Brucejack came almost immediately. After going into commercial production mid-2017, the company generated some 376,000 ounces of gold the following year and pumped out more than 354,000 ounces in 2019." (BC Business Magazine) – отдача наступила почти сразу же)
9.01.2021 0:21:39 idiom. scratch the surface едва затронуть ("The Brucejack mine has an expected lifespan of 14 years, carrying it to 2031, but Pretium thinks it's only scratched the surface of the area's potential." (BC Business Magazine) – едва затронули потенциал этого участка)
9.01.2021 0:14:28 rude greaseball засранец (два наиболее подходящих варианта перевода, см. ссылку на академический словарь: He didn't react at all, not even to the slap. That and being called a greaseball must have been deadly insults to him. But this time he just stood there wooden-faced, motionless. (Raymond Chandler) academic.ru; I beg to differ, since "greaseball" is defined specifically as "a foreigner, especially one of Mediterranean or Latin American origin", rather than your average, non-descript douchebag or asshole. SirReal; Кэнди и есть чилиец, Марлоу прекрасно знал, как его обозвать, чтобы унизить ART Vancouver)
9.01.2021 0:14:28 rude greaseball свинтус (два наиболее подходящих варианта перевода, см. ссылку на академический словарь: He didn't react at all, not even to the slap. That and being called a greaseball must have been deadly insults to him. But this time he just stood there wooden-faced, motionless. (Raymond Chandler) academic.ru)
8.01.2021 7:26:20 idiom. get into one's hair путаться под ногами (to annoy one, often by being in the way: A fine figure of a young fellow as far northwards as the neck, but above that solid concrete. I could not see him as a member of the Big Four. Far more likely that he would end up as one of those Scotland Yard bunglers who used, if you remember, always to be getting into Sherlock Holmes's hair. (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.01.2021 7:26:20 idiom. get into one's hair доставлять хлопоты (to annoy one, often by being in the way: A fine figure of a young fellow as far northwards as the neck, but above that solid concrete. I could not see him as a member of the Big Four. Far more likely that he would end up as one of those Scotland Yard bunglers who used, if you remember, always to be getting into Sherlock Holmes's hair. (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.01.2021 7:16:43 humor. clad облачённый (The burly frame, moreover, was clad in a policeman's uniform, and on the feet one noted the regulation official boots or beetle crushers which go to complete the panoply of the awful majesty of the Law. (P.G. Wodehouse) – могучая фигура была облачена в полицейский мундир)
8.01.2021 7:13:10 humor. go to such lengths дойти до такого (One has, of course, to make allowances for writers, all of them being more or less loony. Look at Shakespeare, for instance. Very unbalanced. Used to go about stealing ducks. Nevertheless, I couldn't help feeling that in springing Joke Goods on the guardian of the girl he loved Boko had carried an author's natural goofiness too far. Even Shakespeare might have hesitated to go to such lengths (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.01.2021 5:47:01 gen. go to such an extreme дойти до таких крайностей (Why go to such an awful extreme? – Зачем доходить до таких ужасных крайностей?)
8.01.2021 5:30:22 gen. just what ... need/needs именно то, что нужно ("The 1991 marriage of Jane Fonda, Hollywood's liberal activist princess, to Ted Turner, Atlanta's iconoclastic billionaire communications mogul, had all the marks of a perilous match. But it turns out that Ted has just what Jane needs – and vice versa." (Vanity Fair))
8.01.2021 5:14:36 gen. such as it is какой-никакой (You take me, for instance. I don't say I've got much of a soul, but, such as it is, I'm perfectly satisfied with the little chap. I don't want people fooling about with it. ‘Leave it alone,' I say. ‘Don't touch it. I like it the way it is.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – какая-никакая, она вполне меня устраивает)
8.01.2021 5:11:02 gen. perfectly satisfied with вполне доволен (чем-либо: You take me, for instance. I don't say I've got much of a soul, but, such as it is, I'm perfectly satisfied with the little chap. I don't want people fooling about with it. ‘Leave it alone,' I say. ‘Don't touch it. I like it the way it is.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.01.2021 5:08:26 gen. make an incorrect diagnosis поставить неправильный диагноз (I could see now what I had failed to spot before, that in thinking of him as a Romeo I had made an incorrect diagnosis. The bird whose name ought to have sprung to my mind was Othello. (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.01.2021 5:04:34 equest.sp. come galloping up прискакать (I was conscious of a growing embarrassment. A little more of this, I felt, and he would elicit the fact that his betrothed had once been very near to Bertram – a dashed sight nearer, as we have seen, than Bertram had liked: and no recently engaged bimbo cares to discover that he was not the little woman's first choice. It sort of rubs the bloom off the thing. What he wants to feel is that she spent her time gazing out of the turret window in a yearning spirit till he came galloping up on the white horse. (P.G. Wodehouse) – прискакать на белом коне)
7.01.2021 8:15:45 Canada south of the border в США ("We pride ourselves in being different than Americans. But findings from the Canadian Health Measures Survey have shown our young people are just as overweight and obese as those south of the border." (News 1130) – Мы гордимся тем, что ...)
7.01.2021 0:44:08 gen. make a living прожить (чтобы хватало на жизнь: I hope they'll pass a good deal so that our farmers can make a living. – чтобы фермеры могли прожить на эти доходы)
7.01.2021 0:15:20 parapsych. be preyed upon становиться жертвами (People can also be preyed upon by parasitic non-physical vampires who seize upon weaknesses in our energy field and defenses, or in the more vulnerable sleep state, she added. coasttocoastam.com)
6.01.2021 22:24:49 slang have guts проявить стойкость (The redhead had guts. He had managed to get into a sitting position against the wall. His eyes were still dead and his mouth was twisted into a grin. (Raymond Chandler))
6.01.2021 22:24:49 slang have guts быть стойким (The redhead had guts. He had managed to get into a sitting position against the wall. His eyes were still dead and his mouth was twisted into a grin. (Raymond Chandler))
6.01.2021 9:41:45 slang smart cookie смышлёный парень (a clever person who makes good decisions (Cambridge Dictionary): "I'm in San Diego. I've lost her. She slipped away while I was taking a nap." "I just knew I'd picked a smart cookie," he said unpleasantly. (Raymond Chandler))
6.01.2021 9:14:32 inf. humor. jalopy колымага (an old car in bad condition)
6.01.2021 8:48:19 idiom. clean as a whistle чистенький (Of course the deputies knew Los Peñasquitos Canyon. One of them went over and looked at the car. Clean as a whistle. The deputy managed to trick the trunk open. (Raymond Chandler))
6.01.2021 8:40:53 idiom. draw a lot of water быть влиятельным человеком, важной персоной ("The guy who owns that hotel draws a lot of water around here." (Raymond Chandler))
6.01.2021 8:33:18 formal certain party некое лицо ("I was hired by a Los Angeles attorney named Clyde Umney to meet the Super Chief and follow a certain party until that party came to a stop somewhere. (...) I took the job because there is nothing illegal in following a person, if you don't interfere with that person." (Raymond Chandler))
6.01.2021 8:24:33 police duty officer on the desk дежурный в отделении полиции
6.01.2021 8:19:48 gen. chance meeting случайная встреча ("And as the result of that chance meeting you could not keep yourself from coming to Steeple Bumpleigh, so that you might be near me once more. And tonight, you crept out, to stand beneath my window in the starlight..." (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.01.2021 8:17:43 gen. keep oneself from удержаться от ("And as the result of that chance meeting you could not keep yourself from coming to Steeple Bumpleigh, so that you might be near me once more. And tonight, you crept out, to stand beneath my window in the starlight..." (P.G. Wodehouse) – не мог удержаться, чтобы не приехать)
6.01.2021 8:11:23 gen. not the slightest suggestion ни малейшего намёка (на – of: "You don't think he spoke laughingly?" "No, I do not think he spoke laughingly." "With a twinkle in his eye, I mean?" "There was not the slightest suggestion of any twinkle in his eye." (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.01.2021 8:05:52 gen. shape складываться (I groaned in spirit. The way things were shaping, I was expecting her to say next that she had broken off the engagement. And that was just what she did say. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Всё складывалось так, что ...)
6.01.2021 8:01:06 gen. sneering издевательский (о тоне: "Ah, he agreed with you." "He did nothing of the kind. He spoke in a most unpleasant, sneering voice." (P.G. Wodehouse))
6.01.2021 6:25:50 inf. jerk away отпрянуть ("He walked slowly across the floor towards us and the girl jerked away from me. She flashed across the room to the foot of the stairs and went up them like a deer." (Raymond Chandler))
6.01.2021 6:23:46 gen. passing fancy фантазия, пришедшая на ум ("Wasn't a firm offer, huh? Just a passing fancy, or not even that." (Raymond Chandler) )
6.01.2021 6:19:02 gen. gleam of waves мерцание волн (I walked over to the edge of the cliff and listened to the sound of the surf. I couldn't see anything but the occasional gleam of a wave breaking out beyond the cove. (Raymond Chandler))
6.01.2021 5:39:10 gen. get quite the scare не на шутку испугаться (A group of teenagers in South Carolina got quite the scare when they were exploring an allegedly haunted house and wound up discovering a dead body in a freezer. (...) Technically, that assessment was correct, although the contents of the freezer were far more gruesome than merely some pork chops that had been left behind by the former owner of the home. That's because, on closer examination, the horrified teen realized that the the 'meat' was wearing jeans and socks.(...) It is believed that the body inside the freezer had been there for months and could quite possibly be the victim of foul play. coasttocoastam.com)
6.01.2021 5:32:45 health. healing techniques методы лечения
6.01.2021 5:27:18 police inflict a huge number of wounds нанести большое число ножевых ранений (Regarding the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, Wecht suggested that O.J. worked with a second accomplice, as it would have been difficult for him to inflict the huge number of wounds by himself. coasttocoastam.com)
6.01.2021 2:41:57 police accidental homicide непреднамеренное убийство (Reporter Charlie Bosworth joined the conversation for a discussion of JonBenet Ramsey's unsolved murder. Wecht noted that the investigation was mishandled, and the Ramsey parents were never separated for initial interrogations. He added that there was no evidence for an outsider intruder, and the crime was probably a molestation turned accidental homicide. coasttocoastam.com)
6.01.2021 2:39:17 police mishandle вести небрежно (расследование преступления: Reporter Charlie Bosworth joined the conversation for a discussion of JonBenet Ramsey's unsolved murder. Wecht noted that the investigation was mishandled, and the Ramsey parents were never separated for initial interrogations. – расследование велось небрежно coasttocoastam.com)
6.01.2021 2:32:01 inf. get tossed in one's lap попасть на стол (к кому-либо; о задании: As a detective agenсy, we tend to deal with unusual cases. That case got tossed in my lap, so I started looking into it. – Это дело попало ко мне на стол, и я стал им заниматься.)
6.01.2021 2:30:15 nautic. hit наскочить на (мель, скалу, риф: The 38-foot boat got too close to the shoreline, the rudder hit something and caused some damage, and the vessel ended up sinking really close to shore.)
6.01.2021 2:29:45 inf. hit выехать (на улицу: Go straight to the light, turn right, then go straight for two blocks, you hit Hastings, then turn left and go all the way to Nanaimo. – выедешь на Хэйстингс)
6.01.2021 2:29:24 inf. hit популярнейший (see the filming locations of the hit TV series "Game of Thrones")
6.01.2021 2:26:48 gen. hit попасть (He believes the brain was removed because it would reveal that Kennedy was hit by two bullets, each coming from different directions, thus refuting the single gunman theory. – в Кеннеди попало две пули, выпущенные из разных точек coasttocoastam.com)
6.01.2021 1:59:54 inf. heist guy налётчик (которые берут ювелирные магазины, гостиницы и т.п.)
5.01.2021 8:48:01 inf. elderly gent старичок (*** The "senior citizen" is an official term used by the government, not an informal expression***: "The elderly gent with the walking stick is interested in your reactions." He looked halfway across the lobby to where a thin, old, bloodless man sat in a very low round-backed padded chair with his chin on gloved hands and the gloved hands on the crook of a stick. He stared unblinkingly in our direction. (Raymond Chandler))
5.01.2021 8:13:13 hotels house man начальник службы охраны (informal)
5.01.2021 8:13:02 hotels security officer начальник службы охраны
5.01.2021 3:50:13 inf. snap out of it очухаться (после наркотического состояния: "You snapped out of it real nice, if you were in business at seven a.m. this morning. Looked to me as if you would be out of circulation for hours. You must have a clock in your head--like Eddie Arcaro." (Raymond Chandler) – Быстро ты очухался.)
5.01.2021 3:43:09 gen. cubicle office будочка (вахтёра, дежурного: The ramp down to the garage looked just the same as it had looked at four o'clock in the morning, but there was a swishing of water audible as I rounded the curve. The glassed-in cubicle office was empty. Somewhere somebody was washing a car, but it wouldn't be the attendant. (Raymond Chandler) – застеклённая будочка)
5.01.2021 3:40:17 imitat. swishing звук льющейся воды (The ramp down to the garage looked just the same as it had looked at four o'clock in the morning, but there was a swishing of water audible as I rounded the curve. The glassed-in cubicle office was empty. Somewhere somebody was washing a car, but it wouldn't be the attendant. (Raymond Chandler))
5.01.2021 2:17:45 gram. make out идти (phrasal verb, informal US *** used especially in questions or negative sentences to describe how well or badly someone is doing something, to continue or succeed in life or in business (Cambridge Dictionary) *** вопрос о делах; обычно переводится фразами "Как идут дела с ...?" (= with) / "Как успехи у ...?" : How's he making out in the new job? – Как у него идут дела на новой работе? • How is Fran making out in her new job? – Как успехи у Фрэн на новой работе? • "How you making out with the girl?" he asked casually. "Not getting anywhere. Why?" (Raymond Chandler) – "Как дела с этой девушкой?" "Пока никак. А что?")
5.01.2021 0:38:14 contempt. cheap пошлый (It was a light article written by a creative person with the intention of bringing some light and amusement into the hearts of the reader. The world needs more of that, there is nothing easier than to be a critic and nothing cheaper than an armchair intellectual. (Facebook post) – нет ничего пошлее, чем ...)
4.01.2021 10:33:48 gen. make a bad combination плохо сочетаться ("I had quite a few drinks. Alcohol and barbiturates make a bad combination. I sort of passed out. It was nothing else." (Raymond Chandler) – плохо сочетаются друг с другом)
28.05.2024 10:04:09 gram. to start with вначале (I reached in my pocket and held out her bottle of sleeping pills. "I was a little scared last night," I said. "I counted these but I didn't know how many had been there to start with. You said you took two." (Raymond Chandler) – сколько их было вначале)
4.01.2021 8:18:16 slang tail job слежка (за подозреваемым, беглецом и т.п.: It takes a bare minimum of six operatives to do a standard tail job in any sizable place, and that's just what I mean--a bare minimum. In a really big city you'd need a dozen. (Raymond Chandler))
4.01.2021 8:05:59 slang lip дерзости ("Just watch your step, Marlowe. Lay off. She's private property. She wouldn't give you the time of day. Besides being a lovely piece of female humanity, she's as smart as a whip." "You mean she can type and take dictation as well?" "As well as what?" He reddened suddenly. "I've taken enough lip from you. Just watch your step. Very carefully. (Raymond Chandler) – я наслушался достаточно дерзостей от тебя)
4.01.2021 7:58:58 gen. heave запустить (something at someone – в кого-либо чём-либо: "Bertie, old man,' said young Bingo earnestly, 'for the last two weeks I've been comforting the sick to such an extent that, if I had a brother and you brought him to me on a sick-bed at this moment, by Jove, old man, I'd heave a brick at him." – запустил бы в него кирпичом (P.G. Wodehouse))
4.01.2021 6:35:14 inf. beat it out of there fast быстро смыться (I thanked her and hung up. I beat it out of there fast in case she and Brandon should get off at the lobby. (Raymond Chandler) – быстро оттуда смылся)
4.01.2021 6:27:57 inf. eatable есть можно (After a while my club sandwich came. It was nothing to brag about, but eatable. I ate it. (Raymond Chandler))
4.01.2021 6:25:10 gen. get what one wants добиваться своего (Mr. Clark Brandon seemed to be the sort of man who got what he wanted without raising his voice. (Raymond Chandler))
4.01.2021 6:25:10 gen. get what one wants добиться своего (Mr. Clark Brandon seemed to be the sort of man who got what he wanted without raising his voice. (Raymond Chandler))
4.01.2021 3:37:26 gen. in top condition в наилучшей физической форме (He looked like a nice guy if you didn't crowd him. At that distance and in that light I couldn't tell much more, except that if you did crowd him, you had better be big, fast, tough and in top condition. (Raymond Chandler))
4.01.2021 3:35:17 gen. in that light при таком освещении (Hard to tell in that light.)
4.01.2021 3:23:08 gen. keep time танцевать в такт (One couple was not dancing cheek to cheek. The guy was too drunk to keep time and the girl was too busy not getting her pumps walked on to think of anything else. (Raymond Chandler))
4.01.2021 3:17:37 gen. go down the stairs спуститься по лестнице (went down the stairs)
4.01.2021 3:17:13 gen. take the stairs down спуститься по лестнице (to: took the stairs down to the underground garage)
4.01.2021 2:55:54 gen. grant wishes исполнять желания (обратите внимание, что в англ. желание исполняется не "чьё", а "кому": In the listing, the seller asserts that the cat can grant wishes and names the selling price at a whopping 10 million rubles, which translates to roughly $127,000. coasttocoastam.com)
3.01.2021 6:43:08 inf. old man папаша ("A five interest you? Or is that against the rules too?" "My old man owns the company. He'd be pretty sore if I was on the chisel. Not that I don't like money." (Raymond Chandler))
3.01.2021 6:36:19 inf. jangle задребезжать (A telephone jangled and the cabdriver got out of the taxi and went across the sidewalk to answer it. He talked, hung up, got in his cab and backed out of the slot. (Raymond Chandler) – задребезжал телефон)
3.01.2021 5:32:29 inf. funky за рамками нормы (We unfortunately received an error from YouTube as it connected to your channel, which means that some of your configurations on your channel are a little funky.)
3.01.2021 4:31:39 hydrol. rage клокотать (о воде в реке, водопаде: The waterfalls and streams are raging today. Just came back from checking out Shannon Falls and Lynn Headwaters. We could feel the ground shaking. Felt and sounded like a train roaring by, you could feel it in the ground. That's what a hundred millimetres of rain with freezing levels below 1500m does to the local creeks. (Twitter))
3.01.2021 3:31:23 idiom. pack a punch являться мощным средством (It's no secret that blueberries are packed with antioxidants, but did you know they pack a punch for overall eye health and wellness, too? vsp.com)
3.01.2021 3:31:23 idiom. pack a punch приносить огромную пользу (It's no secret that blueberries are packed with antioxidants, but did you know they pack a punch for overall eye health and wellness, too? vsp.com)
3.01.2021 2:50:58 gen. lift one's spirits поднять настроение (Today this little hummingbird lifted my spirits as I watched it take a drink. (Twitter))
3.01.2021 1:40:37 gen. give birth to a daughter родить дочку (Debbie told me that Jennie had given birth to a daughter just a couple of months before her murder and kindly put me in touch with her. Jennie was unmarried and Mary was adopted by a Chilliwack family. She married, raised five boys and now lives in New Zealand. – родила дочку evelazarus.com)
3.01.2021 1:37:48 formal place into contact with вывести на (нужного человека: A second person, who was identified as a ‘bank fraud investigator,' placed the victim into contact with a third scammer, claiming to be deputy chief of the Vancouver Police.)
3.01.2021 0:12:28 gen. come out with the truth раскрыть правду (Bill in Connecticut said that the new Mars Rover, set to land on the Red Planet on February 18th, would be looking for microbial life, and if found, that NASA "will come out with the truth about aliens and UFOs." coasttocoastam.com)
3.01.2021 0:07:30 gen. fall through не состояться (phrasal verb; напр., о сделке: The sale of the house fell through. (Cambridge Dictionary))
3.01.2021 0:06:14 gen. fall through не сбыться (phrasal verb; о предсказании, догадке: Mimi from Texas told George that she predicted last year that "2020 was going to be a great year." Although that guess fell through, she added that "for me, it has been." coasttocoastam.com)
2.01.2021 9:30:01 gen. after a while через какое-то время (Somehow, after a while, a place just starts to seem like a splinter in my foot, you know? So I've got to move.)
2.01.2021 7:04:28 slang cinch нет ничего легче ("Pass him and get there ahead, if you can. That's five more on the top." "A cinch. He won't even see me. I can rib him later on over a bottle of Tecate." (Raymond Chandler) – "Обгони его, чтобы приехать первым, если можешь. Накину ещё пятёрку сверху." "Нет ничего легче. Он меня даже не увидит.")
2.01.2021 6:50:12 gen. is that clear? Вам ясно? ("You'll get paid, shamus--if you do a job. Not otherwise. Is that clear?" (Raymond Chandler) – Тебе ясно?)
2.01.2021 6:50:12 gen. is that clear? Тебе ясно? ("You'll get paid, shamus--if you do a job. Not otherwise. Is that clear?" (Raymond Chandler) – Тебе ясно?)
2.01.2021 6:50:12 gen. is that clear? Ясно? ("You'll get paid, shamus--if you do a job. Not otherwise. Is that clear?" (Raymond Chandler) – Тебе ясно?)
2.01.2021 6:39:20 amer. redcap носильщик на вокзале
2.01.2021 4:38:32 fin. against fees в счёт гонорара (for – за: I opened the envelope. It contained another sealed envelope and two checks made out to me. One, for $250, was marked "Retainer, as an advance against fees for professional services." (Raymond Chandler))
2.01.2021 4:30:44 gen. grudgingly недовольно (I gave him the address of my place on Yucca Avenue, and told him how she would find it. "Very well," he said grudgingly, "but I want one thing very clear." (Raymond Chandler))
2.01.2021 4:27:18 gram. have someone + verb пусть (Have him call my secretary tomorrow morning to make an appointment. – Пусть завтра утром позвонит моей секретарше и запишется ко мне на приём. • "My secretary, Miss Vermilyea, will be at your office in half an hour. She will have the necessary information for you. She is very efficient. I hope you are." "I'm more efficient when I've had breakfast. Have her come here, would you?" (Raymond Chandler) – Пусть приезжает прямо сюда.)
2.01.2021 4:24:37 gen. send along прислать (по эл. почте: 1) Please send along your new requirements. 2) Sure, send it along. = Конечно, присылай.)
2.01.2021 3:16:58 police designated driver водитель, ответственный за развоз по домам (лиц в нетрезвом виде с празднования Нового года, дня рождения и т.п.: "With so many options available for transportation, there really is no excuse to drive impaired," Cpl. Daniela Panesar said in an RCMP press release in 2019. "Plan for a safe ride home by arranging a designated driver, call a taxi or take transit." burnabynow.com)
2.01.2021 3:12:55 police arrange a designated driver договориться о развозе по домам (лиц в нетрезвом виде с празднования Нового года, дня рождения и т.п.: "Plan for a safe ride home by arranging a designated driver, call a taxi or take transit. burnabynow.com)
2.01.2021 2:41:35 gen. fade away растаять (в воздухе: Teleportation differs from an OBE (out-of-body experience), he said, explaining that in an OBE, the soul leaves the physical body and goes to the astral plane. But in teleportation, "you're going to see the body actually fade away and disappear slowly; nothing else in the environment will be altered," he said. coasttocoastam.com)
2.01.2021 2:39:04 poetic fade away догореть ('The last red streaks had faded away in the west and night had settled upon the moor. A few faint stars were gleaming in a violet sky.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – на западе догорели последние красные штрихи, и на поросшую вереском пустошь опустилась ночь)
2.01.2021 2:31:19 folk. Shadow People люди-тени (In the latter half, C2C investigative reporter Cheryll Jones interviewed Robert Goerman, a scholar and analyst of unknown and unexplained phenomena. Their conversation delved into the "global nightmare" of Shadow People, non-human intruders, and sleep paralysis. (...) A virtual menagerie of paranormal prowlers have been observed, he told Cheryll. These include hooded beings, gnome-like creatures, Greys, Reptilians, and Shadow People, who, rather than being wispy and ethereal, have been able to move objects and cause pain or injury. coasttocoastam.com)
2.01.2021 2:13:05 folk. folkloric account быличка (жанр устного народного творчества: рассказ очевидца о встрече с нечистой силой: With ASP ("Aware Sleep Paralysis"), people awaken and are unable to move, but in more than 70% of the nocturnal encounters he studied, the witnesses did not report any type of paralysis. The chest pressure associated with ASP and folkloric accounts such as 'Old Hag,' is also not found in most accounts he analyzed. coasttocoastam.com)
2.01.2021 1:54:31 inf. fluke дело случая (Cambridge Dictionary: something good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning: "The first goal was just a fluke.": In the first half, authority on Nostradamus and the occult, John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm. He shared predictions for the political landscape, 2021, and the new decade ahead. 2020 was not a fluke, he declared, and we can expect to see massive changes throughout this decade. coasttocoastam.com)
2.01.2021 1:54:31 inf. fluke случайное явление (Cambridge Dictionary: something good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning: "The first goal was just a fluke.": In the first half, authority on Nostradamus and the occult, John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm. He shared predictions for the political landscape, 2021, and the new decade ahead. 2020 was not a fluke, he declared, and we can expect to see massive changes throughout this decade. coasttocoastam.com)
1.01.2021 8:19:18 humor. get a sniff of вдохнуть ((...) Uncle Tom has had a marked complex about burglars. I can still recall my emotions when, paying my first visit after he had bars put on all the windows and attempting to thrust the head out in order to get a sniff of country air, I nearly fractured my skull on a sort of iron grille, as worn by the tougher kinds of mediaeval prison. (P.G. Wodehouse) – вдохнуть сельского воздуха)
1.01.2021 8:17:12 fig. get a sniff of унюхать ("(...) perhaps the scent is not so cold but that two old hounds like Watson and myself may get a sniff of it." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – смогут унюхать)

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